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The Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago

January 15, 2024
By AdmissionSight
students looking out into the university

The Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago

Are you a high school student with a passion for writing? Imagine your stories or poems catching the eye of an esteemed panel at one of Chicago’s top arts and media colleges. The Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago offers just that opportunity.

This competition isn’t just about winning; it’s a chance to share your unique voice, grow as a writer, and maybe even take a significant step toward your dream college. In this blog, we’ll explore how this competition can be a stepping stone in your academic journey.

What is the Young Authors Writing Competition?

The Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago is an inspiring opportunity for high school students who have a passion for writing. This competition, hosted by the English and Creative Writing Department of the college, has evolved from a local contest into an annual international event that attracts high school writers from around the globe.

The winners of the competition receive cash prizes and recognition, which can be a great boost for your writing portfolio and college applications. Winning this competition or even participating can highlight your dedication and skill in writing, which can be advantageous for college admissions.

This competition represents an excellent opportunity for you to challenge yourself, improve your writing skills, and possibly get recognized on an international stage. Whether you win a prize or not, the experience of participating in such a prestigious competition is invaluable and can be a stepping stone in your journey towards achieving your academic and career goals.

The Competition Guideleines

In this competition, you can showcase your talents in three main categories: poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Each category offers you the chance to express your unique voice and storytelling abilities. The competition is open to students in grades 9-12 worldwide, giving you an international platform to present your work.

The Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago has specific guidelines for participation. You can submit up to two works in each category of Creative Nonfiction and Fiction, and in the Poetry category, you can submit up to two files, each containing 1-5 poems. This allows a maximum of six submissions across categories. Each entry should not exceed ten pages, and you should ensure your work is formatted correctly, using either .doc, .docx, or .pdf formats.

For Creative Nonfiction and Fiction, your submissions should be double-spaced in a 12-point font, preferably in Courier New or Times New Roman. Poetry entries should follow the same formatting rules.

When titling your document, include the category, your last name, and the title of your piece. For example, “Fiction_Smith_A Very Good Story.” It’s important to note that previously published works or those that have won other contests are not accepted. If you’re submitting a piece to multiple contests, you should inform the Young Authors Writing Competition if your work is accepted elsewhere.

As for the competition’s format, it has transitioned to a completely online and digital format. This means that all submissions and communications regarding the competition are handled through digital channels. 

Keep in mind that deadlines and specific rules might vary slightly each year, so it’s important to check the latest information on the competition’s website or contact the organizers for the most up-to-date details.

Group of three students

How Do I Join the Young Authors Writing Competition?

Joining the Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago involves a specific and well-structured process. Here’s a detailed guide to help you participate effectively:

1. Understanding Submission Categories and Limits: You can submit up to two works in each of the three categories: Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, and Poetry. In total, you’re allowed up to six files – two for each category. Each Poetry file can contain 1-5 poems. Remember, if you’re making multiple submissions, you must submit them all on the same date​​​​.

2. Preparing Your Work: Each entry you submit must not exceed 10 pages. Make sure your work is double-spaced and in a 12-point font, preferably in Courier New or Times New Roman. There’s no fixed word count, but the 10-page limit per entry is strict. If changing to the required font makes your work exceed 10 pages, you’ll need to edit it down​​​​.

3. Titling Your Work: Title your document in the following format: Category, your last name, piece title (e.g., Fiction_Smith_A Very Good Story). Including your name and title on the first page of your work is optional, but even if you don’t, your work will still be identifiable​​.

4. Submission Format and Restrictions: Submit your work in .doc, .docx, or .pdf formats. Avoid using formats like .rtf, .txt, and avoid submitting through shared cloud services like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Note that previously published works, including those in literary journals, school magazines, or other contests, are not accepted. If you find an error in your submitted work, do not resubmit it. Instead, contact the competition via email to make corrections​​​​.

5. Submitting Your Work: Submissions are accepted only through the form on the Columbia College Chicago website. Fill out the necessary personal and educational details, choose the categories for your submissions, and upload your work as per the guidelines. The form will also ask for your teacher’s contact information, so have that ready​​.

6. Simultaneous Submissions and Notification: You’re allowed to submit your work to other competitions simultaneously. However, if your piece is accepted elsewhere, especially if it receives national publication or wins another contest, you must notify the Young Authors Writing Competition promptly.

7. International Participation: This competition is open to students from around the world. If you’re an international student, use your best judgment when entering your address and school information, as the submission form is the same for both domestic and international participants.

8. Opportunity for Multiple Awards: While you can submit entries in multiple categories, it’s important to note that you can only win a prize in one category. This unique feature allows you to showcase your talent across different writing styles and formats, enhancing your chances of recognition.

What are the Benefits of Joining?

Joining a prestigious competition like the Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago can be a transformative experience for you as a student. This isn’t just about a chance to win a prize; it’s about the journey, the learning, and the doors it can open for your future. Let’s delve into the many benefits you can reap from participating in this competition.

1. Development of Writing Skills: The most immediate benefit is the improvement of your writing skills. Crafting a piece for a competition encourages you to push your creative boundaries and refine your writing. You’ll have to think critically about your choice of words, the structure of your narrative, and how effectively you’re communicating your ideas. 

This process is invaluable, as the skills you develop aren’t just for this competition; they’re for life. Whether you’re planning to pursue writing professionally or just want to excel in your academic pursuits, these skills will serve you well.

2. Feedback and Recognition: Participating in a competition like this provides an opportunity for your work to be reviewed by a panel of experts. This feedback can be incredibly insightful, helping you understand your strengths and areas for improvement. 

If your work is recognized or awarded, it serves as a significant morale booster and adds to your achievements. Recognition in such a competition can also be a notable addition to your college applications, distinguishing you from other applicants.

3. Exploring and Finding Your Voice: Writing for a competition encourages you to explore different themes and styles. It’s an opportunity to experiment with your voice and discover what truly resonates with you as a writer. This exploration is crucial for your growth as a writer and as a person, helping you understand more about yourself and how you perceive the world.

4. Exposure to New Perspectives and Ideas: Reading other participants’ work exposes you to new ideas and perspectives, which is an enriching experience. It broadens your understanding and appreciation of different writing styles and themes, and this exposure can be incredibly inspiring.

5. Building Confidence: Submitting your work for a competition requires courage. It’s a big step to put your work out there for others to judge. But doing so can significantly boost your confidence, especially if you receive positive feedback or recognition. This confidence isn’t limited to your writing; it spills over into other aspects of your life, empowering you to take risks and chase your dreams.

6. The Joy of Writing: Perhaps the most profound benefit is the joy and satisfaction you get from the act of writing itself. It’s a chance to express your thoughts, emotions, and imagination in a creative and structured way. This can be a therapeutic and highly rewarding experience, providing you with a sense of accomplishment.

7. Preparation for Future Endeavors: If you plan to pursue writing or any form of creative arts in your future studies, participating in this competition is a great preparatory step. It gives you a taste of what it’s like to write for an audience and to deadlines, both of which are common in higher education and professional writing careers.

8. Networking and Community Building: Competitions often bring together a community of like-minded individuals. This is an excellent opportunity for you to network and build relationships with other young writers, as well as professionals in the field. These connections can be beneficial for future collaborations, mentorship, and even career opportunities.

9. Scholarship Opportunities: Winning or being recognized in the competition might come with scholarship opportunities, which can be a significant financial aid if you’re planning to pursue higher education.

10. Stress Management and Discipline: Writing for a competition like this teaches you to manage your time and stress effectively. Working towards a deadline helps you develop discipline and time management skills. You’ll learn to balance your writing with other responsibilities, a skill that’s incredibly valuable in both academic and professional settings.

11. Encouragement of Academic Excellence: Engaging in literary competitions demonstrates your commitment to academic excellence. It shows that you’re willing to go beyond the classroom to challenge yourself and excel. This commitment is highly regarded by colleges and universities, as it reflects a student’s dedication to learning and personal development.

12. Enhancing College Applications: Participating in the Young Authors Writing Competition is an excellent addition to your college applications. It shows colleges that you’re proactive, dedicated, and passionate about your interests. Such extracurricular activities make your application stand out, showcasing your talents and commitment to personal growth.

13. Long-Term Career Benefits: If you’re considering a career in writing, journalism, or any field where communication skills are vital, this competition provides a fantastic platform to start building your portfolio. The skills and recognition you gain can be a stepping stone to internships, job opportunities, and other career advancements.

14. Learning from Success and Failure: Whether you win or not, there’s immense learning in the process. Success teaches you about what works, while not winning provides insights into areas for improvement. This learning process is crucial for your personal and professional development.

15. A Sense of Community and Belonging: Writing can often be a solitary activity. By participating in this competition, you become part of a community of young writers. This sense of belonging can be incredibly motivating and supportive, especially when you’re surrounded by others who share the same passion.

In conclusion, participating in the Young Authors Writing Competition offers a plethora of benefits that extend far beyond the competition itself. It’s an opportunity for personal growth, skill development, and opening up future academic and professional opportunities. 

The experience gained from such competitions is invaluable, helping you to grow not just as a writer but as a well-rounded individual. So, take this chance to showcase your talent, learn, and possibly open doors to the future you’re dreaming of.

three students in the walkway

How Do I Prepare for the Competition?

Preparing for the Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago is an exciting journey that can greatly enhance your writing skills and creativity. Here’s a detailed guide on how you can prepare for this competition:

1. Understand the Competition: First, get familiar with the competition’s format, categories, and rules. There are three categories: Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, and Poetry. Knowing the specifics of what is expected in each category will help you decide where your writing style and interests fit best.

2. Read Widely and Critically: To develop your writing style, read a variety of genres and authors. Pay attention to how different writers approach their narratives, characters, and themes. This will not only inspire you but also help you understand different writing techniques and styles.

3. Practice Regular Writing: Write regularly to improve your skills. Experiment with different genres and styles. This practice will help you find your unique voice and improve your storytelling abilities.

4. Seek Feedback: Share your writing with teachers, peers, or a writing group. Constructive feedback is invaluable for improvement. Listen to the critiques carefully and use them to refine your work.

5. Revise and Edit: Don’t rush your submissions. Spend time revising and editing your work. Look for grammatical errors, awkward sentences, and unclear expressions. Ensure that your story or poem flows well and that your ideas are clearly communicated.

6. Focus on Originality and Authenticity: Your submission should be unique and original. Write about what you know, what interests you, or what you are passionate about. Authenticity in your writing will make it stand out.

7. Understand the Submission Guidelines: Pay close attention to the submission guidelines. Adhere to the specified formats (.doc, .docx, or .pdf), and ensure your work is within the 10-page limit. Use the preferred fonts and double-space your entries.

8. Titling Your Work: Title your work effectively. It should be intriguing and reflective of your piece. Follow the required format for titling your document, including the category, your last name, and the title of the piece.

9. Avoid Plagiarism: Your work must be entirely your own. Plagiarized content is not only unethical but also disqualifies you from the competition.

10. Handle Rejection Positively: If your work is not selected, don’t be disheartened. Competitions are subjective, and what matters most is that you take the chance and put in the effort. Use it as a learning experience to improve further.

11. Stay Informed and Deadline-Oriented: Keep track of the competition’s deadlines and any updates. Submit your work well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical issues.

12. Use the Competition as a Learning Opportunity: Regardless of the outcome, participating in such a competition is a valuable experience. It exposes you to new ideas and styles and improves your writing skills.

Remember, the journey of preparing for this competition is as important as the competition itself. It’s a chance for you to grow as a writer and an individual. Embrace the process, learn from it, and enjoy the experience of creating something uniquely yours.

Portrait of happy students walking with bag and mobile phone

How Can This Help With My College Admissions Experience?

Participating in the Young Authors Writing Competition can significantly enhance your college admissions experience. This competition offers you an opportunity to not only showcase your writing talent but also to demonstrate your dedication and ability to engage in activities outside your regular school curriculum.

Engaging in this competition allows you to develop and showcase key skills that colleges look for in applicants. These include creative thinking, effective communication, and the ability to express complex ideas and emotions through writing. Such skills are highly valued in various academic disciplines, not just in literature or creative writing. They signify a well-rounded, intellectually curious applicant, which is what many colleges aim to find.

In the process of preparing for the competition, you’ll likely encounter challenges and learning experiences that contribute to your personal growth. This journey can provide rich material for your college essays, where you can reflect on what you learned from the experience, how it shaped you, and what it says about your interests and character. Such personal insights can make your application stand out.

Furthermore, if your work is recognized in the competition, it can be a significant achievement to include in your college applications. Winning or being a finalist in a competition of this scale demonstrates excellence and commitment to your craft. It’s a tangible testament to your skills and dedication, which can make a strong impression on admissions committees.

Colleges are increasingly looking for students who not only excel academically but also bring unique perspectives and experiences to their campus communities. Participating in the Young Authors Writing Competition shows that you are willing to take initiative and challenge yourself, qualities that colleges admire in prospective students.

Moreover, the experience you gain from this competition – from learning how to accept feedback to dealing with the pressures of deadlines – are skills that will be invaluable in your college life. The ability to handle constructive criticism, for instance, is crucial in a college setting, where you’ll often work with peers and professors to refine your ideas and work.

In addition, the networking opportunities that might arise from participating in such competitions shouldn’t be overlooked. You may get the chance to connect with other young writers, educators, and professionals in the field of writing and literature. These connections can be useful not just for your college applications but for your future career as well.

Finally, even if you don’t win, the process of preparing for and participating in the competition is in itself a valuable experience. It prepares you for the kind of self-directed learning and perseverance that is essential for success in college. It also shows that you are someone who seeks opportunities for self-improvement and isn’t afraid to step out of your comfort zone – qualities that can set you apart in the college admissions process.

What are the Societal and Industry Relevance of this Competition?

The Young Authors Writing Competition at Columbia College Chicago holds significant societal and industry relevance, especially for you as a student. When considering its impact, it’s important to view this competition not just as an event but as a reflection of broader cultural and professional trends in writing and education.

Firstly, let’s consider the societal importance. In an age where digital media reigns supreme, fostering a love for writing and reading is more crucial than ever. This competition encourages you to engage deeply with literature and composition, countering the often superficial engagement promoted by social media and online content. By participating, you’re not just entering a contest; you’re actively contributing to a culture that values deep thinking, creativity, and literacy. These are essential skills in today’s world, where effective communication and critical thinking are highly valued.

Moreover, the competition showcases the diversity of thought and expression among young people. You are living in a time of immense social and cultural change, and your unique perspectives can influence societal discourse. By providing a platform for diverse voices, this competition helps broaden the societal understanding of youth experiences and concerns. It’s a celebration of young talent and a reminder of the importance of listening to and valuing diverse perspectives.

From an industry standpoint, the Young Authors Writing Competition is a microcosm of the broader literary and publishing world. The industry is always on the lookout for fresh voices and new perspectives, and competitions like this serve as a scouting ground for young talent. Participating in this competition can be your first step towards a career in writing, publishing, or any field that values creative and analytical thinking. It’s an opportunity for you to get a taste of the industry standards and expectations, which is invaluable for your professional development.

Additionally, the competition can be a stepping stone to networking opportunities within the literary community. The connections you make here, whether with peers, mentors, or industry professionals, can open doors for future collaborations and career opportunities. The literary industry is built on relationships, and starting to build those relationships while you’re still a student is incredibly beneficial.

Furthermore, this competition holds relevance in terms of real-world skills development. The process of preparing and submitting your work mirrors the real-world process of manuscript preparation and submission to publishers. You learn not just to write, but to edit, format, and present your work professionally. These are valuable skills that will serve you well in any career path you choose, especially in industries that value clear communication and attention to detail.

The competition also highlights the importance of intellectual property and original thought in the literary and creative industries. By requiring original work, it emphasizes the value of your unique ideas and creativity, underscoring the broader industry’s focus on innovation and originality. This understanding of intellectual property rights is crucial for any creative professional.

In the educational context, the Young Authors Writing Competition complements traditional academic learning. It provides you with a practical application of the skills learned in the classroom, bridging the gap between theory and practice. This real-world application is essential for a well-rounded education, preparing you for both higher education and the workforce.

The societal and industry relevance of the Young Authors Writing Competition cannot be overstated. It’s a platform that not only celebrates young literary talent but also plays a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of writers, thinkers, and leaders.

By participating, you’re not only developing your skills and potentially launching your career, but you’re also contributing to a vibrant, literate, and thoughtful society. This competition is more than just a contest; it’s a vital part of the cultural and professional landscape that values and encourages the written word.

Leveraging My School’s Resources for Success in the Competition

To succeed in the Young Authors Writing Competition, leveraging the resources available at your school can be incredibly beneficial. Your school is a hub of knowledge and support, equipped with various tools and individuals who can guide and assist you in your writing journey.

Firstly, consider approaching your English or literature teachers. They can offer invaluable insights into your writing, helping you refine your narrative, grammar, and style. They can also provide feedback on your drafts and suggest improvements. Teachers usually have experience in guiding students in similar competitions and can offer specific advice on how to approach the competition’s requirements.

Your school’s library is another resource you should utilize. Libraries often have a wealth of books, literary journals, and other resources that can inspire and inform your writing. Spend time reading works from various genres and authors to understand different writing styles and techniques. This exposure can spark new ideas and approaches for your own writing.

Additionally, if your school has a writing or literary club, joining it can be beneficial. Being part of such a group gives you access to peer feedback, writing exercises, and discussions that can enhance your skills. Collaborating with fellow student writers can also provide moral support and motivation.

Many schools also offer workshops or seminars on creative writing, storytelling, and other relevant topics. Attending these sessions can provide you with new skills and perspectives on writing. These workshops are often led by experienced writers or educators who can provide specialized knowledge and advice.

Furthermore, consider leveraging technology available at your school. Computers with writing software, online literary databases, and other digital resources can aid your research and writing process. Some schools might also have subscriptions to literary websites or online workshops, which can be an excellent aid.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of mentorship. Seek out a teacher, librarian, or older student who has experience in writing or competitions. A mentor can offer personalized guidance, help you stay on track, and provide encouragement throughout your preparation for the competition.

Remember, the key to leveraging your school’s resources effectively is to be proactive. Ask for help, seek out resources, and take advantage of the opportunities available to you. By combining these resources with your hard work and creativity, you can significantly enhance your chances of success in the competition.

college students taking an exam

Effective Time Management Strategies for Participating Students

Effective time management is crucial when you’re participating in a competition like the Young Authors Writing Competition. Balancing your writing with schoolwork and other commitments can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can make the most of your time. Here are some key points to help you manage your time effectively:

1. Set Clear Goals and Deadlines: Begin by setting clear goals for your participation in the competition. Define what you want to achieve, whether it’s completing a certain number of pages each week or finishing a draft by a specific date. Break down these goals into smaller, manageable tasks with their own deadlines. This approach helps you stay focused and makes the task less overwhelming. Remember, writing a piece for a competition isn’t just about the final submission; it’s about the process of developing your ideas, drafting, and revising.

2. Create a Writing Schedule: Allocate specific times for writing in your weekly schedule. Treat these writing sessions as fixed appointments, just like your classes or extracurricular activities. Consistency is key. Even if it’s just 30 minutes a day, dedicated writing time ensures steady progress. Make sure to choose times when you’re least likely to be disturbed and when your energy levels are high. Early mornings or evenings might work best for you, depending on when you feel most creative and focused.

3. Minimize Distractions: Identify what typically distracts you during your writing time and find ways to minimize these distractions. This might mean turning off your phone, using apps that block social media, or finding a quiet place to work. Remember, the quality of your writing time matters just as much as the quantity. Even an hour of focused writing can be more productive than several hours with constant interruptions.

4. Balance Writing with Other Responsibilities: It’s important to maintain a balance between your writing and other responsibilities like schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal time. Use a planner or digital calendar to keep track of all your commitments. This helps you visualize how much time you can realistically dedicate to writing without neglecting other important aspects of your life.

5. Seek Feedback Early: Don’t wait until you have a final draft to seek feedback. Share your work-in-progress with teachers, mentors, or peers. This can provide you with valuable insights and suggestions that might change the direction of your work. Incorporating feedback as you go can save you time in the long run, as it prevents you from spending too much time on a piece that might need significant changes.

6. Practice Self-Care and Stress Management: Writing can be a stressful process, especially when working towards a competition deadline. Make sure to take care of your physical and mental health. This includes getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking breaks when needed. Engaging in physical activities or hobbies can also help manage stress and rejuvenate your mind, making your writing sessions more effective. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a waste of time but an investment in your overall productivity and well-being.

By implementing these time management strategies, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of participating in a writing competition while balancing other aspects of your life. Effective time management not only helps you work towards your writing goals but also ensures a more enjoyable and less stressful creative process.

The Role of Mentorship in Enhancing Your Experience

​​Mentorship plays a pivotal role in enhancing your experience and success in the Young Authors Writing Competition. Engaging with a mentor can transform your journey from a solitary endeavor into a collaborative, enriching learning process.

When you participate in a competition like this, it’s not just about winning; it’s about growing as a writer. A mentor can guide you through this growth process. They offer expertise and insights that can help shape your writing, offering suggestions on style, structure, and content. This guidance is invaluable, especially when you’re trying to navigate the complexities of creative writing. A mentor can help you see your work from a new perspective, offering constructive criticism that pushes you to refine and improve your writing.

Moreover, a mentor serves as a source of motivation and inspiration. Writing, especially for a competition, can sometimes feel overwhelming. You might face writer’s block, or feel unsure about the direction of your work. In these moments, a mentor can be a source of encouragement. They can help you overcome challenges, offering strategies and advice based on their own experiences. This support can be the difference between giving up and pushing through to create a piece of work you’re truly proud of.

The process of preparing for the Young Authors Writing Competition involves more than just writing; it requires planning, research, and revisions. A mentor can assist you in setting realistic goals and timelines, which is crucial for effective time management. They can help you break down the writing process into manageable steps, ensuring that you stay on track and don’t feel overwhelmed as the competition deadline approaches.

Feedback is a critical component of writing, and here, a mentor’s role becomes even more significant. They can provide you with timely and honest feedback, helping you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your work. This feedback is not just about correcting grammar or spelling errors. It’s about delving into the nuances of your writing, such as your narrative voice, character development, and emotional impact. This kind of detailed feedback is essential for improving your writing skills.

Additionally, a mentor can also help you understand the expectations and standards of the competition. They can offer insights into what judges might be looking for and how to make your work stand out. Their experience and knowledge of the literary world can be immensely helpful in navigating the competition’s requirements and expectations.

Another important aspect of mentorship is the development of your critical thinking and self-reflection skills. A good mentor doesn’t just tell you what to do; they encourage you to think critically about your writing. They can pose questions that prompt you to reflect on your writing choices and the themes of your work. This kind of reflective practice is crucial for developing a deeper understanding of your own writing and for growing as a writer.

Networking is an often-overlooked benefit of mentorship. Your mentor can introduce you to a network of writers, publishers, and literary enthusiasts. This network can be invaluable for your future writing endeavors, whether it’s finding future writing opportunities, gaining insights into the publishing process, or simply having a community to share your writing journey with. This kind of networking is crucial for building a career in writing or any field related to literature.

Finally, the mentorship experience in the context of the Young Authors Writing Competition is not just about enhancing your current project. It’s about your long-term development as a writer. The skills, knowledge, and insights you gain from a mentor have a lasting impact. They can shape your writing style, influence your future projects, and even guide your career choices.

Students gathering during the University of Iowa Secondary Student Training Program (SSTP).

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up, remember that The Young Authors Writing Competition isn’t just another contest; it’s a doorway to new opportunities. Whether you gain recognition, receive feedback, or simply experience the joy of writing, your participation is a step forward in your writing journey and toward your higher education goals.

Keep writing, keep dreaming, and who knows? This competition might just be the start of something big for you. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on making your college dreams a reality.

AdmissionSight, a college consulting firm, offers personalized assistance to students in their college admissions journey. We help you create a strategic plan for your application process, identify suitable schools aligned with your academic and personal goals, and prioritize your application strategy. 

Our experts review your application, providing constructive feedback to enhance its quality and uniqueness. We also assist in crafting compelling essays that reflect your personality and achievements, guide you through the writing process, and offer feedback on drafts. In addition, we provide interview coaching to boost your confidence and readiness for college interviews, offering tips on professional presentation and answering common questions. 

We aid in optimizing your extracurricular activities to align with your interests and goals, emphasizing leadership and initiative. Overall, AdmissionSight offers valuable guidance and support to increase your chances of college acceptance. With a strong network and a success rate exceeding 75% in the past decade, book a free initial consultation today!

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