
Passion Project Program

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Passion Project Program
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Passion Project

A passion project is that “WOW” factor that will help you stand out from all the students across the country and impress the admissions officers. It’s an extracurricular activity that is both unique and differentiated and set yourself apart. Our society is fraught with challenges – and your passion project will be the launchpad and your first entrepreneurial endeavor tackle these challenges head on to create social impact.

During the program, we will guide you through building your unique passion project to help you demonstrate both leadership and initiative in a particular social cause and mission. How do you establish a nonprofit organization? How do you market your organization? How do you create lasting impact through your extracurricular pursuits? In our Passion Project Program, we’ll teach you time-tested entrepreneurship and leadership principles so that you can breathe life into your passion project and make an indelible mark in our society.

This will take place over seven 1-hour sessions where we’ll walk you through creating and establishing your own non-profit organization, provide guidance on specific tasks to make your passion project stand out to admissions officers, and dive deep into how to carry out your passion project. Dreams are dreams until you turn them into a reality – we’ll walk you through leadership fundamentals on how to effectively build and execute on your vision to see your idea through to fruition. It’s more than just college admissions – it’s about creating lifelong impact.

Students Accepted to Ivy League/Top 10 Universities
Years of Experience
Passion Projects
Boost To Your Application

Passion Project Program

students on a campus

Transforming Students to Leaders and Social Impact Entrepreneurs

Admissions offers seek students who exhibit leadership to present a strong case for admission. Through passion projects and forming a nonprofit organization, students can display their commitment to their community and desire for social impact through their efforts. The Passion Project Program helps students stand out through unique extracurricular activities to improve their candidacy.

Many of our students have been featured on national publications for their work, including Forbes, AP Press, and the New York Times. During our Passion Project Program, we teach students leadership skills and fundamental entrepreneurial principles to become game-changers of tomorrow.

private school students in campus

Interested in learning about examples of our student’s passion projects?


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