
Our Results

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Congratulations to AdmissionSight Students and their Acceptances!
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Our Results

75% of AdmissionSight Students are accepted to an Ivy League or Top 10 University, one of the highest track records in the industry

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A Message From the CEO

Thank you for your interest in AdmissionSight.

Every year, we work with a limited number of  students guiding them to gain acceptance into the top universities in the world, including the Ivy League, Stanford, UChicago, MIT, and Caltech. Our track record of placing students into the most competitive institutions is unprecedented and perhaps one of the highest in the country.

Roughly 75% of AdmissionSight students are accepted into Ivy League and Top 10 universities.

The average acceptance rate at the Ivy League or top 10 university is remarkably low. Given the competitive admissions climate and acceptance rates hovering anywhere from 4-7% for the Ivy League or top 10 universities, AdmissionSight students continue perform incredibly well.

Despite the lowest acceptance rate in history, AdmissionSight students have a 75% acceptance rate to at least one of the Ivy League or top 10 universities, which is truly an incredible feat and more than 10x the regular acceptance rate at the creme of the crop colleges.

How are we able to pull this off?

Through our rigorous and comprehensive programs, our students have scored 1550+ on their SAT’s, aced their AP exams, won regional and national competitions such as the Intel Science and Engineering Fair or Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, founded nationally recognized nonprofit organizations, attended the most prestigious summer programs in the country, and sealed the deal with incredible college applications and essays.

Our comprehensive programs include but are not limited to:

We perform remarkably well because of our comprehensive and state of the art programs that push our students to perform at their very best and the powerful applications that we submitted to these universities. While we may have made it “look easy” in the most competitive application cycle in history, we pour a tremendous amount of time and energy into building an incredible academic and extracurricular profile and crafted spellbinding personal statements to garner these results.

We are incredibly proud of our students, their achievements, and the spellbinding applications that resulted in an impressive outcome  in perhaps the most competitive admissions environment to date. AdmissionSight has and will continue its excellence of success and high track record of placing students into the most competitive colleges in the country.


Eric Eng, Founder & CEO of AdmissionSight

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