
IvyCollegeAdmit is now AdmissionSight

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng


When IvyCollegeAdmit was first founded, our goal was to help students navigate the complex and often exclusive, mysterious Ivy League admissions process.

Over the years, we’ve worked with students across the globe from a diverse array of backgrounds and reviewed thousands of applications to help them get admitted into the world’s most prestigious universities. Needless to say, we’re remarkably proud of our achievements.

Today, while we are still very much focused on Ivy League admissions, our mission has become significantly deeper and broader than that.

From academic preparation to extracurricular involvement to science research programs, we now offer a full suite of services helping students gain admission to the universities across the world, including the Ivy League, Oxbridge, UC’s, Top 50 schools, international, transfer, and graduate school (MBA/JD/PhD/MD) admissions.

Thus, AdmissionSight is born.

At AdmissionSight, we help students with all aspects of the admissions process, including SAT and AP preparation, regional and national academic competitions, extracurricular involvement, personal statements, transfer applications, graduate school applications, international admissions, and much more.

Our goal is to guide driven, motivated students with the desire to succeed and propel their education forward to get into the schools of their dreams and fulfill their future aspirations.

We gain tremendous joy and satisfaction from the sweat and hard work that goes into crafting together a rock solid, executable game plan and guiding students through their academic and extracurricular involvement to ultimately formulate a powerful, compelling application.

We’re incredibly proud of our track record and we continue to uphold our standards of excellence  in helping students in their academic journey. Most importantly, as educators, we nurture individuals and future gamechangers who will one day make their mark in the world in which we live.

AdmissionSight is your one-stop shop for all of your admissions needs, and we help students’ dreams become a reality. We hope you will join us in guiding you through the most fruitful stage of your academic journey.

Warmest Regards,

Eric Eng, CEO and Founder of AdmissionSight


College Admissions

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