
College Application Tips: Best Hobbies to Put in Your Application

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

college application tips

The college application process is much more than just GPA and standardized test scores. One component of the application process, which is often unseen but holds the power to make or break a student’s chance of getting into a college, is the extracurricular activities or hobbies for college application. These may present an insight into the personality of the student, demonstrate commitment and dedication, show other skill sets other than academic ones, and set one apart from many applicants. Now, let’s dive into some good hobbies for college applications with some college application tips.

Before getting into specific hobbies, it is important to understand why certain hobbies that look good on college application are essential. Most colleges are looking for well-rounded students who could seamlessly contribute a gamut of skills to their student body. Following these college application tips can help you showcase your hobbies effectively.

Not only do the grades and test scores matter when applying to college. The college would like to get to know the applicant as a person, and understand their interests, and passions outside of the classroom. This is where hobbies come in, and knowing the right college application tips can make all the difference.

Hobbies Reflect Your Personality

Even amidst a very hectic academic schedule, carving out time for hobbies reflects time management, a very positive feature in a student. Moreover, diversity in hobbies also reflects the diversity of interests and temperaments of a person. These college application tips can help you highlight these aspects effectively.

For example, if a student participates in playing a musical instrument, they would reflect the attributes of being dedicated, disciplined, and a lover of the fine arts. At the same time, another student who shows great interest in community service and has a record of voluntary service would prove that they are compassionate, has empathy and has the zeal to make a difference in society. Using college application tips can guide you in presenting these qualities.

Are hobbies extracurricular activities? Definitely! It is because of these highly valued qualities in colleges that they tend to look for proof that a student is not only knowledgeable but has a well-rounded personality that will make a welcome contribution to the college community. Sharing your hobbies for college application can be crucial in showcasing your well-rounded personality.

Hobbies Demonstrate Your Skills

Hobbies often reflect transferable student skills that might not be realized otherwise if they were to function purely within an academic setting. They might include things like teambuilding and leadership in sporting activities, and problem-solving and analysis in technology-driven hobbies. They are concrete manifestations of a range of abilities that the student possesses. College application tips can help you highlight these skills effectively.

Students preparing and learning college application tips

For example, a student engaged in competitive debate tournaments will exhibit great public speaking skills and manifest critical thinking, skillful research abilities, and the ease with which arguments can be put forth. College application tips can guide you in presenting these strengths.

Similarly, a student who codes as a hobby shows passion for technology and develops skills in logical thinking, problem-solving, and attention to detail—some of those very highly translatable skills in the field of computer science and engineering. Following college application tips can make these skills stand out.

Finally, through hobbies, students can underscore those skills and give admissions officers a fuller view of their skills and what they can offer within a college setting. College application tips can be crucial in showcasing this fuller picture.

Hobbies are very important in college applications. Not only do they represent the personality and interests of the student, but they also define some of the valuable skills developed outside the classroom. So, as you fill out your college application, do not forget to list your hobbies and consider what unique qualities those hobbies can bring to the table. College application tips will ensure you present these qualities in the best possible light.

Hobbies for College Application

The following are hobbies that look good on college applications:

1. Engaging in Volunteering

One of the hobbies admissions officers look for in your college application is volunteering. It means that a student is committed to community service and it shows empathy and responsibility. College application tips often emphasize the importance of highlighting such activities.

Not only does volunteering build character, but it also builds interpersonal skills when working with people from different walks of life. This also fills the students with a sense of gratitude and civic responsibility. Following college application tips can help you present these aspects effectively.

Volunteering has many benefits beyond personal growth. For instance, one gets the opportunity to give back to society. One makes a difference in various issues in society, whether volunteering at a local shelter, taking part in the conservation of the environment, or participating in any education. College application tips suggest focusing on these benefits to showcase your community involvement.

Moreover, it provides an opportunity to get a better understanding of various communities’ challenges. You can learn about people’s lives, cultures, and perspectives if you are involved with them actively. With this kind of exposure, one can become more empathetic and broad-minded, hence fitting well into society. College application tips recommend sharing these insights to highlight your well-rounded personality.

Avoid the listing of places and organizations one has offered services to; rather, try to bring out projects or roles you have done and what you learned from those experiences. Share in detail these experiences to demonstrate the skills and qualities obtained.

students volunteering and learning the best college application tips

In highlighting such volunteering experiences, one has to develop the skills and qualities obtained from the involvement. For instance, if you had volunteered at a local hospital, then explain how you developed your communication skills by interacting with patients and medical staff. Mention how you acquired leadership skills from organizing fundraising events or activities for volunteers.

You can also talk about how your volunteering has impacted others in the community or the people whom you have served. Describe stories of your contributions to making a difference: whether it be mentoring a student who is falling behind, organizing a food drive for homeless people, or participating in cleanup activities geared toward saving the environment. By describing the practical effects of your volunteer work, you will show that you are capable of effecting change and of making a difference in society. College application tips can guide you in narrating these impactful stories.

2. Participating in Sports

Sports are an integral part of so many college applications today, keeping in mind the balance between physical fitness and the challenge of balancing time between extensive routines and schoolwork. College application tips often highlight the importance of showcasing your involvement in sports.

One can remain healthy physically and grow through sports. Different sporting activities will nurture various skills and attributes whose utility holds good value beyond playing the game. College application tips suggest emphasizing these transferable skills in your application.

In particular, team sports demonstrate one’s ability to work in a group, carry peers along, and resolve conflicts—very important skills in higher education. College application tips can guide you in presenting these experiences effectively.

They learn how to work together through team sports and how to communicate with each other properly. They understand how to work together in pursuit of a common objective and how one can support and rely on teammates. This experience develops esprit de corps and builds unity, much to contribute toward a very positive and inclusive campus environment.

In addition to this, team sports can also aid in the individual’s ability to develop leadership qualities. Then, the person will be able to get the chance to acquire leadership roles like team captain or coach, since he will have to guide and motivate colleagues on the team. Such roles may be regarded as some of the prominent examples of a take-charge personality and illustrate the level at which one can empower and inspire other people. College application tips emphasize the importance of mentioning any leadership roles held in sports. If you held any type of captainship or coaching position, be sure to include that. These are examples of leadership skills, valued at most campuses.

The leadership in sports does not stop at the part where one is just out there on the field playing. It means making critical decisions, managing conflicts, or building a team culture. Any person who has assumed leadership roles in sports shows one leading by example, inspiring teammates, and moving with resilience and determination through troubled waters. College application tips can help you articulate these qualities.

college students in campus listening to their teacher

Colleges and graduate schools now recognize that the type of leadership skills learned on the playing field translates very well into the classroom and campus activities. Students who have been successful in their sport and who have demonstrated leadership on their teams are going to apply the same commitment, dedication, and teamwork to their academic and co-curricular activities. College application tips can ensure you convey this effectively in your application.

3. Creating Art and Music

Now, if you are one of those artsy types, your artistic or musical works really can be that difference-maker in your college application.  College application tips can help you highlight these creative achievements effectively.

Making music and art as a hobby helps one to build up core competencies relevant to many other aspects of life. Whether painting, music, or dancing, all art forms require discipline, preciseness, and rigorous practice. All of these values are not only essential in the field of art but very easily transmitted into academics. College application tips suggest emphasizing these transferable skills in your application.

In the world of arts, one certainly cannot negate creativity. However, on the other hand, one must also be aware that creativity is not everything in the field of art. It is the discipline involved in practicing and polishing your skills over and over that makes some artists stand out. College application tips recommend detailing your practice and dedication to showcase your commitment.

It is only upon participation in the arts that one realizes that time cannot be defeated by perseverance and diligence. Be it hours to perfect a musical passage, trying out different strokes with the brush to capture an entity, or rehearsals until each move is flawless with a dance, the arts will demand commitment and dedication in equal measure.

Furthermore, arts will teach you about the importance of details. A musician has to become aware of each note, rhythm, and dynamic; a visual artist has to become aware of every stroke, color, and composition. These skills improve your artistic abilities and develop a keen approach toward problem-solving, which is so much looked for in academic and professional settings. College application tips highlight the importance of showcasing your attention to detail and problem-solving abilities.

Knowing your creative process inside out is important in effectively highlighting your artistic accomplishments throughout your college application. Describe what inspired you, the techniques used, and the feelings and emotions you can evoke. It shows that you have artistic ability by stating the extent of your journey in the arts and the fact that you are capable of reflection and articulation of thought.

Further, do not be afraid to share your challenges. Whether struggling to find the right melody, fighting self-doubt, or facing criticism, these are obstacles that show what you are made of. A lot of admissions committees like people who can get through the rough and come out much stronger on the other side. College application tips advise sharing these personal challenges to demonstrate resilience.

college students in university

Consider discussing the materials and mediums with which you create your art. Whether you try different paint types, instrumental options in music, or test the limits of digital art, it is this kind of versatility and readiness to explore different paths of creativity that could make an application stand out.

Ultimately, engaging in music and arts as a hobby will enable you to demonstrate your creativity while also creating discipline, precision, and resilience in your person. Artistic achievements and sharing lessons learned about your creative process allow you to showcase critical thinking, perseverance over obstacles, and other hallmarks of artistic expression that will continue to grow on campus. College application tips will help you present these qualities effectively.

4. Learning Coding and Technology

In this digitalization upsurge, anybody possessing coding skills or having a passion for technology should be in a better position to offer your application more weight. College application tips often emphasize the importance of showcasing your technical skills effectively.

The relevance of these skills goes beyond the tech industry, for every sector, from education to health, depends more on technology. College application tips suggest highlighting how your tech skills are applicable across various fields.

It has evolved so that it forms an integral part of life and living in an interconnected society that is fast-moving today. Technology encases one right from the time of waking in the morning and checking what’s up and about on smartphones and goes all the way into the night, with alarms set before bed. Relevantly, it has redefined communication, work, and entertainment. With this regard, a strong base in coding and technology is a plus and also a necessity for one to excel in this digital world of ours.

What is more, coders and technology literates alike are experiencing an increase in demand. Companies in the majority of sectors require specialists, those who can bring out the solutions for process optimization and things that would make them efficient with the use of technologies, from big data analysis and development of websites to the development of mobile applications. Therefore, the demand to be technology literate is at a record high in the present labor market for either website, mobile applications development, or big data analysis.

List your coding languages and projects, but above all, describe the problems that you’ve solved thanks to your technical acumen. This signifies analytical as well as problem-solving skills. College application tips recommend focusing on the impact of your projects and the problems you have solved rather than just listing technical skills.

And then, beyond just the ability to code, technology and coding provide for immense personal learning and growth. The field is, after all, always moving with new programming languages, frameworks, and tools coming up day in and day out. So, as a coder, you will keep yourself abreast of all the latest trends and keep on learning more. This kind of commitment is very valuable for employers and educational institutions.

students studying coding

Remember, the best activities you put in are those in which you shine and show what transferable skills you have. It is being authentic and passionate about your activities that most impresses the admissions committee and differentiates a student. What will lead to a successful college application is how you describe that these activities make you fit perfectly with their institution.


Hobbies and extracurricular activities are so much more than checkmarks one puts on an application. They add depth to your character, values, and aspirations. College application tips suggest picking your passions wisely, pursuing them vigorously, and letting them light up the way toward your dream college. Ultimately, good hobbies for college applications are a mirror of the real you and your urge to make a difference in the world. Now, go out there and let your passions shine!

Now, if you need some last-minute help polishing off those college applications, at AdmissionSight, we have more than ten years of experience guiding students through the very competitive admissions process.

AdmissionSight’s college application tips can help you put your best foot forward in your applications this fall. Do not hesitate to reach out to learn more about our services!


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