
The Top 10 Most Difficult Engineering Majors in College

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

A student in one of the most difficult engineering majors in college.

Engineering students can expect a real payoff for all the hard work they do at college. Engineers with bachelor’s degrees receive median annual salaries between about $80,000 and as much as $130,000. Add to this the fact that 140,000 of these jobs are expected to be created each year through 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But while high-paying, it is definitely a lot of applied and theoretical work while at college. If you were thinking like a true engineer, you might be thinking of ways to optimize that difficulty against your chance of landing a full-time job and beefed-up paycheck. Engineering majors in college often consider these factors when choosing their career paths.

Now, are some engineering majors in college more difficult than others? Truthfully, the answer to this is relative—and we’re sure many of our more obsessive-compulsive readers will be disappointed. Rigor actually varies between universities, and what seems like an astrophysics nightmare to one student is another student’s treasure. Nonetheless, while one can still assert that some disciplines are more demanding than others, one could reverse this impression by taking the time to come to a definition of just what ‘demanding’ might mean for engineering majors in college.

Vitaliy Novik, economics doctoral candidate and research statistician at the U.S. Census Bureau, has done just that in his study written. He asked students to tell him the fields of study they thought were the most difficult at universities as a whole, then compared this to the facts found out from crunching the numbers for engineering majors in college. As a result of his survey work, he has come to some data-based conclusions about the varying levels of difficulty among different engineering majors in college.

The Most Difficult Engineering Majors in College

Do note that there is no definitive ranking in this list. These different types of engineering majors are each exceptionally challenging. They demand unwavering dedication and commitment.

Electrical Engineering

It is a sub-field of the so-called discipline of engineering where studies, designs, and applications are focused on equipment, devices, and systems that use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Engineering majors in college often choose this path due to the high demand for skilled professionals in this field.

This major is considered to be one of the hardest engineering majors in college, simply because of the large amount of abstract thinking it requires. A lot of the work an electrical engineer does is behind the scenes. Currents, wireless signals, electric fields, and magnetic fields are all invisible to everyone except the electrical engineers.

For being a successful electrical engineer, you must have a good grasp over mathematics and physics. To get a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, you have to put in time of four to five years. Many engineering majors in college find this to be a challenging yet rewarding commitment.

Electrical engineer- one of the most difficult engineering majors in college

Chemical Engineering

The field of Chemical Engineering deals with the process of changing raw materials into beneficial products—foods, medicines, fertilizers, sources of energy, and fuel. Engineering majors in college who choose this path are often interested in the practical applications of science and technology.

Since it is based on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, without a doubt, this branch of engineering is very tough. Even when taken separately, each of them is difficult, which is why many engineering majors in college find chemical engineering one of the most difficult engineering majors.

It normally takes an undergraduate three to five years to be awarded a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. One must have a good understanding of mathematics, chemistry, and physics to become a chemical engineer. Engineering majors in college pursuing this degree must be prepared for a rigorous academic journey.

Computer Engineering

This subfield of engineering largely borrows from the disciplines of computer science and electrical engineering in developing hardware components and software for computers. Engineering majors in college who focus on this area are often at the forefront of technological innovation.

Since it is considered closely related to electrical engineering, computer engineering may be viewed as one of the most difficult engineering majors. If you feel electrical engineering is challenging to you, then most probably, you will find it hard to do computer engineering. Many engineering majors in college find the transition between these closely related fields to be particularly demanding.

This course also tends to be tricky to undertake and excel in as far as computer engineering is concerned, especially to students who do not have an interest in coding and programming. Engineering majors in college pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering must commit to a four- to five-year course. To start in this field, a good foundation in computer science, mathematics, and physics is needed. Background information concerning programming or coding also comes in very handy.

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is a branch of mechanical engineering concerned with the design, development, test, and production of aircraft, spacecraft, and related equipment. Engineering majors in college who choose this field often focus on one of the two major divisions of specialization: aeronautical and astronautical engineering. Astronautical engineering is considered one of the most difficult fields of engineering because it requires so much mathematics and physics, all combined with a number of strong analysis capabilities and extensive knowledge in techniques. This will therefore be tough for students uninspired by mathematics or those who hate doing calculations.

Is Aerospace engineering hard? This will be easier for you if you have experience in mechanical engineering already. However, we will suggest you first take a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering, with emphasis on aerospace engineering, then do graduate work in aerospace engineering. Many engineering majors in college follow this pathway to build a solid foundation before specializing further.

Some of these degrees in aerospace engineering could be completed in as few as three to five years. Engineering majors in college undertaking this coursework may include differential equations, aircraft design, fluid mechanics, calculus, electrical circuits, thermodynamics, and aircraft aerodynamics.

two engineers working in front of the computer

Biomedical Engineering

A discipline that collaborates with the field of engineering on medical and biological topics, biomedical engineering is striving to advance human health and meet the needs in the health care area. Engineering majors in college who choose this field often aim to bridge the gap between engineering and medicine.

This branch of engineering is considered one of the hardest engineering majors because it demands immense knowledge. To be more specific, students who major in biomedical engineering need to study almost all the subjects connected with biology, medicine, and engineering. The practical application of biomedical engineering is far tougher when compared to the academic or theoretical study of the same subject.

The biomedical engineers are engaged with the design and development of artificial organs in order to develop human health. Engineering majors in college pursuing this field need to be prepared for both theoretical and practical challenges. A degree in biomedical engineering is usually achieved after approximately four to five years of study.

Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear engineering is a sub-division of engineering that primarily deals with the study of nuclear processes and their applications in practical fields. Engineering majors in college who choose this path must be prepared for a great deal of mental mathematics. Furthermore, it is one of the most challenging kinds of engineering. Mental mathematics, together with good physics and math, is the requirement for nuclear engineering.

These are courses in reactor engineering, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermal hydraulics, plasma physics, reactor physics, radiation detection and measurement, materials science, and many more in nuclear engineering. Engineering majors in college often find these subjects particularly demanding but essential for a successful career in this field.

In addition to many other roles, nuclear engineers could serve in the military, in medical fields to enable the use of radiations in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, or in energy industries to supervise the construction, maintenance, and operation of power plants. Engineering majors in college aiming for a bachelor of nuclear engineering can achieve this degree in four years, with some programs offering the degree within five years, just like the master’s degree, online.

Robotics Engineering

It is a field of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of robots—artificially created machines that imitate human activities. Engineering majors in college often choose this sub-division of Mechanical Engineering.

It is not an easy branch of engineering to study, and practicing it is even more challenging. Designing and building a robot is tiring. The field needs in-depth knowledge of subjects such as mathematics, electronics, mechanics, programming, and computer science. Engineering majors in college pursuing robotics engineering normally cover such themes as pneumatics and hydraulics; computer programming; robotics designing; artificial intelligence; mechatronics; electronic systems; machine kinematics.

Quantum Engineering

Quantum engineering is an effort to address modern issues with the knowledge of both conventional engineering and that of basic Physics. Engineering majors in college interested in cutting-edge technology and theoretical applications often explore this field.

Given the fact that application involves quantum mechanics, such type of engineering is regarded as one of the most difficult engineering majors. One of the most challenging fields of Physics is quantum mechanics. At any level, it is a difficult course to pursue, let alone at the secondary level. Engineering majors in college who are not passionate about mathematics and physics will find the study of quantum engineering very difficult. Moreover, it requires analytical and critical thinking.

Quantum engineering is not taught at the undergraduate level very often. To be a quantum engineer, one needs to attain either a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or physics. Further study on quantum engineering is then attained at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Engineering majors in college typically attain a degree in quantum engineering within four to five years.

engineers working on a machine

Nanotechnology Engineering or Nanoengineering

It is one sub-branch of mechanical engineering that deals with research, developing, and enhancement of materials at a nanoscale level. Engineering majors in college who choose this path often refer to the study of engineering at a nanoscale as nanoengineering.

The nanotechnology engineering discipline is complex in a way because it pulls upon a wide range of disciplines like material science, mechanics, electronics, biology, physics, medicine, etc. Engineering majors in college pursuing this field must be prepared to integrate knowledge from these various areas.

Mechatronics Engineering

This is an engineering major that deals with the integration of mechanical, computer, and electrical systems in working with intelligent technologies such as robots, automated guidance systems, and computer-integrated manufacturing equipment. Engineering majors in college who are interested in diverse and interdisciplinary fields often choose mechatronics engineering.

Coursework of mechatronics engineering may be covering electronic materials, electromagnetic fields, computer programming, measurements and analytical software, digital system design, electronic circuit design, applied mechanics, and industrial robotics. Engineering majors in college find this coursework comprehensive and challenging.

Since Mechatronics is so huge and draws from a variety of disciplines, such as robotics, electronics, and mechanics, it makes it one of the most difficult types of engineering. This major can be pursued in roughly four years of getting a bachelor’s in mechatronics engineering. Engineering majors in college require a good education in mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, and computer science to succeed in this field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs regarding most difficult engineering majors and the study of engineering in general:

Should You Major in Engineering?

If you are asking this, then ask yourself the following questions related to your interests, skills, and goals to decide whether you should major in engineering or not.

Are You Interested in Math and Science?

The real core subjects of any engineering course, of course, are mathematics and science. Most undergraduate programs are likely to include topics like calculus, algebra, statistics, physics, chemistry, and biology. You should also expect to be required to attend multiple lab courses.

Are You Fond of Solving Issues?

Problem-solving plays a large part in all of the most difficult types of engineering. Quite simply, your main quest is to find feasible solutions so that you will be able to leave the world in a more improved, safer, and more efficient place than when you entered it. If you really think you possess bright critical thinking, you need to pursue a major in engineering since this field will always be in demand.

Are You Ready to Put in Long Hours of Work?

Many people are aware that studying engineering is considered to be very tough. Be aware of the demands that an engineering degree is going to require from a student. Engineering programs may require that you keep a specific grade point average in addition to the several hours of homework per week.

What is the Hardest Engineering Major?

There is no definitive ranking for what is the hardest engineering major in college. It’s difficult to come up with a list of engineering majors ranked by difficulty. It all depends on the student’s level of interest and knowledge. However, there is a consensus that the most difficult engineering majors are those that combine the fields of medicine, mathematics, and science– particularly physics.

Computer engineers who study one of the most difficult engineering majors in college

What Types of Engineers Make the Most Money?

Considerations for the 10 highest-paying engineering jobs are provided below, ranked both by median pay and potential for growth in the field.

  1. Environmental Engineer
  2. Biomedical Engineer
  3. Systems Engineer
  4. Electrical Engineer
  5. Chemical Engineer
  6. Big Data Engineer
  7. Nuclear Engineer
  8. Aerospace Engineer
  9. Computer Hardware Engineer
  10. Petroleum Engineer


Engineering is not for everyone, but if you have the skills and determination, you will be able to make it. Learn as much math and science as possible, since most of your engineering classes are based on those two subjects. Always go to your lectures and study hard—study is the key word. That is how one does well in the hardest engineering majors.

One should have all information at hand before settling for any particular option. If you have any questions or concerns, AdmissionSight will be here to guide you. With over ten years of experience and knowledge in assisting students to go through the complex admission process with success, we have built credible profiles. Contact AdmissionSight today and learn what we can do to help you get into the school of your dreams.


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