
Our Philosophy

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Our Philosophy

We get it. College admissions is more competitive than ever before. 

Back when I applied to Princeton, the acceptance rate was roughly 12%. UCLA’s acceptance rate is lower than that today – in other words, UCLA is more difficult than it was to get into Princeton over 15 years ago!

That’s why at AdmissionSight, we take a rigorous and unique approach to college admissions. We’ve been in your shoes and walked your path – and we know exactly what it takes to crack the code of college admissions today.

The first step begins your academics. Let’s face it – you need more than just a strong GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and a horde of AP’s to get your foot in the door. In this day and age, you need to be at top of your game academically – whether that means qualifying for the Intel Science and Engineering Fair, winning an award at the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, or getting your research paper published in a prestigious journal.

Next, you need to stand out in terms of your extracurricular activities. Participating in Model United Nations or Science Olympiad aren’t necessarily activities that will help you stand out from the rest of the pack. Admissions officers can find hundreds of thousands of students who have participated in those same activities across the country. You need a unique strategy and exceptional activities that will set yourself apart and help you stand out and ultimately impress the admissions committee.

Lastly, the college applications, essays, and personal statements are vitally important. The personal statements have always been our bread and butter – and we help you craft the most powerful and thought-provoking essays that will make admissions officers regret if they didn’t take a chance on you. Writing stellar application essays can get a weaker student in the door, and it could also keep a strong student out. We’re experts in this regard – crafting the most compelling essays and applications to ensure your success. Nothing short of perfection is expected. In short, we’ve mastered the college applications.

Our comprehensive programs include but are not limited to:

At AdmissionSight, we’ll work closely with you to build an Ivy League/Stanford/UChicago/Caltech caliber academic and extracurricular profile, and present a powerful application to get that acceptance letter. We’re surgical in our approach and extremely detail-oriented in our process. There is no fluff involved. With admission rates dropping to all time lows, that’s the only way we can succeed.

We love to work with students who are driven and desire success. When it comes to the college admissions process, we’re confident that our students can compete against the country’s best and brightest. Our only criteria to work with us: hard work and motivation.

Learn about our philosophy on college admissions here:

  1. How Early Should You Prepare?
  2. The Modern Day 4.0 and 1600 SAT Score Student Is No Longer Impressive 
  3. AdmissionSight’s Comprehensive Approach to College Admissions
  4. The College Application: The Key to Admissions
  5. The Personal Statement: Holy Grail of Admissions
  6. How to Get into College with a Low GPA
  7. Why College Admissions Isn’t Perfect
Feel free to browse around and check out our blogs. We also answer any questions through our initial consultation as well as our FAQ.
Warmest regards,
Eric Eng
BA, Princeton University
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