
Best Classes at Brown

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Brown University in daylight

Best Classes at Brown

Brown University is renowned for offering a world-class education that prepares students for successful careers in their chosen fields. Among the many opportunities available to students, some of the best classes at Brown stand out as particularly exceptional.

These classes cover a wide range of subjects, from the humanities to the sciences, and provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to succeed both academically and professionally.

Whether you’re interested in exploring new topics or deepening your understanding of a familiar subject, Brown’s best classes are sure to inspire and challenge you.

two college students looking happy and reading through a book inside a library

How do Brown’s classes prepare students for the future?

Brown University, renowned for its distinct pedagogical approach, firmly believes in placing students at the center of the learning experience.

This commitment is evident in the multiple ways the institution prepares its students for the challenges and opportunities of the future:

Student-Centered Learning

At the heart of Brown’s teaching philosophy is the belief that education should be tailored to individual needs and interests.

This student-centric model ensures that each student not only masters the requisite academic content but also grows intrinsically motivated to learn.

By giving students autonomy and allowing them to take charge of their education, Brown ensures that its graduates leave with not just knowledge, but also a lifelong passion for exploration and discovery.

Fostering Essential Life Skills

Brown’s educational approach goes beyond traditional rote learning. Its unique teaching methodologies are designed to nurture skills such as creative thinking, adaptability, and resilience.

In a world that is increasingly unpredictable and dynamic, these competencies are invaluable. They empower students to innovate, navigate challenges, and adapt to evolving circumstances with agility and confidence.

Interdisciplinary Learning

The world today demands problem-solvers who can think across disciplines and collaborate effectively with professionals from varied fields.

Brown’s commitment to interdisciplinary studies equips students with a piece of broad-based knowledge and the ability to draw connections across different subjects.

This holistic understanding prepares them to tackle complex challenges by viewing them from multiple perspectives.

Emphasis on Independent Research

One of the cornerstones of Brown’s educational experience is its emphasis on research. The university encourages students to dive deep into subjects, ask probing questions, and seek out answers through rigorous inquiry.

This approach not only deepens students’ understanding of their chosen fields but also instills in them the skills of critical analysis, research methodology, and evidence-based argumentation.

Preparation for Professional Excellence

Brown’s focus isn’t limited to just academic prowess; it extends to preparing students for leadership and excellence in their professional fields.

The curriculum, coupled with opportunities like internships, workshops, and global exposure, ensures that students are well-equipped to lead, innovate, and make meaningful contributions to their industries.

In essence, Brown University’s classes are meticulously designed to mold students into informed, resilient, and proactive individuals. These graduates are not just ready to face the future – they are prepared to shape it.

What are the best classes to take at Brown?

What are some of the most beneficial courses offered at Brown? Brown University’s education is not without its challenges for students.

However, to distinguish itself as a unique center for education, Brown University provides students with enjoyable interdisciplinary classes. Here is a list of the top ten most interesting courses offered at Brown University.

Group of students sitting on their table.

1. ANTH 1030 – Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture: A World That Matters

You will get an overview of the ancient art and architecture of ancient America in this lesson, with a particular emphasis on Mexico, Central America, and the Andes.

In addition to this, you will investigate topics such as the universe and monarchy, stories and symbols, empires, and regal courts. You will also have the opportunity to examine and discuss artifacts from various institutions.

2. ARCH 0310 – Interactions with the Dead: Past and Present

Confront the reality: everyone passes away in the end. It is unavoidable, and there is no way to avoid it. However, there are instances when the living is closer to the deceased than they would like to be.

This proximity will be investigated by examining the relationships between the living and the dead in various settings, including religion, culture, business, law, and ethics.

As one of the best classes at Brown, you will examine the variety of responses people have had to mortality and the presence of dead bodies in this course by looking at instances from both the ancient world and the contemporary world.

3. BIOL 1920D – Race, Difference and Biomedical Research: Historical Considerations

Have you ever given any consideration to how history, culture, and racial issues intersect with breakthroughs in biomedical research? This class will be a real delight for you if you’re looking for some observations on the subject matter.

What kinds of scientific inquiries do people ask? How do they organize research studies? How do they understand the results of those studies?

In what ways throughout history have the practices and theories of biological science and technology contributed to people’s understanding of “race” and the differences between races?

How does racial identity intersect with gender and social class? What are the consequences of this argument for understanding the health disparities that exist?

This class will cover a range of topics, including the history of science and technology and biological science.

4. CLAS 0400 – Ancient Comedy and its Influence

This course investigates the beginnings of comedy, its development in ancient Greece, Rome, and England, and the continuing influence of these countries’ comedic traditions.

5. GEOL 2920C – The Sedimentary Rock Cycle of Mars and Earth

This course arrives in your life just when you believe you can’t possibly be any more clueless about living on Mars, and it proves you wrong. The sedimentary rock cycle on Mars will be the topic of conversation in this course.

How can the account of changes in Mars’ sedimentary rocks help people better comprehend the planet’s history? You will get to look at some really interesting satellite photographs of Mars, and by the end of the semester, you will have a significant amount of knowledge regarding rocks.

6. AFRI 1100B – The Caribbean: Cultures, Politics, Histories, and Literature

The islands that make up the Caribbean are not only connected by geography, but they also have a history that is intertwined with that of enslavement and colonization.

As one of the best classes at Brown, students will have the opportunity to delve into substantial interdisciplinary (social science and literary) works that seek to evaluate, reveal, and deconstruct forces that continue to influence the Caribbean region in this course.

7. SOC 2360 – Fertility

This course will serve as an introduction to the field of research focusing on the societal factors that influence human reproduction.

In this course, you will investigate various historical and social theories that attempt to explain reproduction’s role in decision-making concerning gender, the workplace, and public policy.

8. INTL 1803K – Media Wars: The Middle East

Compared to other regions of the globe in this day and age, the Middle East has garnered a disproportionate amount of attention in the news and on social media in both the United States and Europe over the past fourteen years.

Some of those forms of media shed light on particular facets of the societies and cultures of the Middle East; however, other forms of media have further simplified the region by reducing it to clichés and generalizations.

In this class, you will explore these topics through various media: ISIS, the generation of news in the United States, television, digital media, cyberterrorism, religion, and music.

9. SCSO 1700P – Neuroethics

You will investigate the ethical, social, and psychological implications of recent advancements in the neurosciences through the course of this study.

You will also learn about strategies and technologies for enhancing human traits; technologies that can “read” people’s minds, agency, and autonomy, and neuroscientific and evolutionary models of religious belief and moral judgment.

10. CHEM 0090 – Kitchen Chemistry

Have you ever wondered how your very own kitchen can also serve as a laboratory? You will investigate a variety of subjects, some of which include artificial sweeteners, trans fats, baking soda as a leavening agent in baking, the chemical foundation for the ripening of produce, pectin as a cellular glue, and more.

In addition to that, you will take part in “edible experimentation.” You will learn in this class that cooking is both an art and a science.

Brown University is a hub for exceptionally bright students and faculty members, and it provides a variety of educational opportunities that delve into fascinating discoveries. Enroll in some of the best classes at Brown if you want to force yourself out of your comfort zone and investigate topics from other fields of study.

Are classes at Brown hard?

Brown University, one of the prestigious Ivy League institutions, is well-regarded for the academic rigor of its programs. But, are courses at Brown demanding?

a teacher demonstrating something on the computer

Challenging Curriculum

Brown University is distinguished not just for its storied legacy but also for its academically rigorous programs. The coursework is carefully curated to challenge students, pushing them to their intellectual limits.

The expectation isn’t merely to absorb information, but to engage in independent research, hone critical thinking skills, and navigate a comprehensive and diverse curriculum.

Diverse Fields of Study

Brown doesn’t confine its students to a narrow path. Instead, it emphasizes a holistic educational approach, urging students to explore classes across various fields.

This interdisciplinary approach ensures that students not only specialize in their major but also gain insights from complementary fields.

High Standards

Courses at Brown often operate at an advanced level. The faculty, renowned in their respective disciplines, maintain elevated standards, expecting students to match their commitment to excellence.

Meeting these standards doesn’t just require hard work; it demands passion, dedication, and an unwavering curiosity.

Support Mechanisms

Understanding the intensity of its programs, Brown provides an extensive support network to ensure students aren’t left floundering.

Academic counseling, dedicated teaching services, and study groups are just some of the resources available. These facilities aim to provide students with the tools they need to navigate the academic challenges they encounter.

Individual Experience

While the overarching narrative points to a demanding academic culture, individual experiences vary.

Factors such as a student’s background, interests, and personal work ethic play a crucial role in determining the perceived difficulty of courses.

Selective Admissions

The exclusivity of the institution is highlighted by its stringent selection process. For every set of hopefuls, only a handful are granted admission to Brown.

Such rigorous selection criteria further underscore the university’s commitment to maintaining a student body of the highest academic caliber.

Admission Prerequisites

However, getting past the university’s gates isn’t just about high GPAs and SAT/ACT scores, though they form an essential initial filter.

The admissions team seeks candidates who display academic prowess, extracurricular achievements, leadership qualities, and a genuine passion for learning. Falling short of these parameters can drastically reduce an applicant’s chances.

a female student checking her smart phone

What is Brown known for academically?

What does Brown University specialize in academically? There are 80 different disciplines, or “concentrations,” as they are called, at Brown University, which students can choose to study at the Ivy League school.

An education at Brown is built on the Open Curriculum, which serves as its foundation. Students who follow this flexible educational philosophy are not required to study any particular basic curriculum or distribution of subjects. The only things necessary for them to graduate are if they:

  • Complete a concentration and its associated requirements
  • Complete at least 30 courses
  • Be enrolled for at least eight semesters
  • Demonstrate competence in writing

Students are allowed to investigate a wide variety of topics and experiences in some of the best classes at Brown, including those that may not appear directly connected to their area of specialization.

Students can pursue an independent concentration, which they create with the direction of the teachers and with their approval, rather than selecting one already established in the program.

In addition to this, Brown is well-known for its illustrious and extremely competitive Department of Liberal Medicine Education (PLME).

Students participating in this eight-year undergraduate education program and professional studies in medicine spend the first four years of the program working toward either an AB or ScB degree. The remaining four years of the program are spent working toward an MD.

The Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program is another noteworthy program that is offered. Students attend both Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) concurrently over the course of five years, investigating their academic and creative interests along the way, and eventually graduating from both institutions with an AB or ScB from Brown and a BFA from RISD.

Students must submit an application to both Brown University and RISD, as well as a distinct applications committee for the Brown|RISD Dual Degree program, in order to be considered for participation.

In conclusion, Brown’s best classes offer students an unparalleled educational experience that challenges and inspires them to grow academically, personally, and professionally.

These classes are taught by world-renowned faculty members who are experts in their fields and provide students with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Whether students are interested in exploring new subjects, honing their critical thinking skills, or preparing for a career, Brown’s best classes offer something for everyone.

As a leading Ivy League institution, Brown University is committed to providing its students with an education that is both rigorous and rewarding, and the best classes at Brown are a testament to this commitment.

With diverse courses and an emphasis on independent research and intellectual exploration, these classes provide students with an exceptional learning experience that prepares them for success in all aspects of their lives.

three students in the walkway

If you are considering attending Brown University and exploring its exceptional classes, booking an initial consultation with AdmissionSight is a smart step.

Our admissions experts can guide you in selecting the best Brown classes and creating an academic plan that aligns with your interests and goals.

Don’t hesitate to book your initial consultation today and take the first step toward achieving your dreams!


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