
How to Get into Brown University: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Brown University: Admission Requirements and Tips

Renowned for its unique curriculum and prestigious standing among the Ivy League schools, Brown University attracts thousands of bright students worldwide each year. The admission process can seem daunting, but don’t let this discourage you. Instead, view it as an opportunity to highlight your unique strengths and experiences.

In this article, we’ll explore each aspect of the application process in detail, providing a comprehensive understanding of what Brown looks for in its prospective students. We’ll also delve into specific strategies and tips to enhance your application. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the door to your future at Brown University.

Overview of Brown University

Brown University stands out for its rich history as an Ivy League university. Established in 1764, it was the first college in the United States to accept students regardless of their religious affiliation, showcasing a spirit of inclusivity and openness from its inception. This spirit continues to define the university’s approach to education and community.

Brown offers a scenic campus that blends historic architecture with modern facilities. Located in Providence, a city known for its vibrant arts scene and rich history, it provides an ideal backdrop for a university deeply rooted in tradition yet committed to innovation.

Brown is consistently ranked among the top universities in both national and global rankings. According to the US News Best Colleges ranking for 2024, Brown is ranked #9 out of 439 National Universities. Moreover, the QS World University Rankings places Brown at #64 out of 1,300 universities.

Notably, Brown boasts Nobel Laureates such as Jerry White, co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for his humanitarian efforts. Another one is Craig Mello, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2006 for his groundbreaking work in biology.

So, choosing Brown is a decision to embrace a challenging yet nurturing academic environment. Brown’s commitment to developing critical thinkers and engaged citizens is evident in every aspect of its community. Brown is ideal for students seeking a comprehensive, transformative educational experience.

Brown University’s Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate at Brown University is a clear indicator of its selectivity and prestige. In recent years, the rate has become increasingly competitive, reflecting the university’s standing as a top-tier academic institution:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 5.2%
Class of 2024 5.4%
Class of 2025 5.5%
Class of 2026 5.06%
Class of 2027 5%

For instance, Brown admitted 2,686 students to the undergraduate Class of 2027 out of 51,316 applications, resulting in an acceptance rate of 5%, one of the lowest in its history. This trend aligns with the growing number of applications and the university’s commitment to maintaining a small, close-knit student body.

Understanding Brown’s acceptance rate is crucial. Viewing this figure not as a deterrent but as a realistic gauge of the admissions landscape is essential. A low acceptance rate means that preparation and strategy are key. You should focus on creating a well-rounded application that highlights your strengths, character, and fit for Brown.

It’s also vital not to be disheartened by the numbers. Each application is reviewed thoroughly, and every student has a unique story. Remember, the acceptance rate is just one aspect of the admissions process, and it does not define your potential or worth as a candidate.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

Several factors contribute to Brown’s overall acceptance rate:

  • Academic Excellence: High GPAs and standardized test scores are common among applicants, making academic achievement a significant factor in admissions decisions.
  • Extracurricular Involvement: Brown values applicants who demonstrate passion and leadership in extracurricular activities, be it in arts, sports, community service, or other areas.
  • Personal Essays: The essays are a critical component, offering a window into an applicant’s personality, aspirations, and fit for Brown’s community.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from teachers and mentors can significantly bolster an application, providing insight into a student’s character and potential.

Brown University GPA and SAT Requirements

When applying to an elite institution like Brown University, your GPA and SAT scores are crucial to your application. These metrics are among the first indicators of your academic readiness and ability to handle the rigorous curriculum at Brown.

Your GPA reflects your academic performance throughout high school and indicates your work ethic, consistency, and intellectual capacity. Brown typically looks for students who have excelled in their coursework.

A high GPA, especially in a curriculum filled with Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, suggests that you’re capable of succeeding in high school and poised to thrive in a college setting.

Similarly, SAT scores are a critical component of your application. They provide a standardized measure of your academic abilities, particularly in critical reading, mathematics, and writing.

Like many Ivy League schools, Brown tends to admit students with SAT scores in the higher percentiles. High SAT scores can complement your GPA and strengthen your application, especially if your high school is less known or has a varying grading system.

However, it’s important to remember that while GPA and SAT scores are important, they are not the sole determinants of your admission. Brown values diverse perspectives and experiences and seeks students who can contribute uniquely to their community.

In summary, a strong GPA and high SAT scores are important in showcasing your academic abilities and readiness for Brown’s challenging environment. However, they should be viewed as parts of a broader, holistic application process that considers your experiences and potential contributions to the Brown community.

Brown University GPA Requirements

At Brown University, the academic standards are exceptionally high, and this is reflected in the GPAs of its admitted students.

While Brown has no minimum GPA requirement, most accepted students boast impressive GPAs. The average GPA of students admitted to Brown is typically around 4.0, especially when weighted for advanced courses.

This high average GPA gives insight into the competitive nature of the admissions process. Students admitted to Brown often rank at the top of their high school classes, excelling in the most challenging courses, such as AP, IB, and honors.

Nationally, a 4.0 GPA or higher, especially in a rigorous academic program, ranks a student among the elite in academic performance. It suggests intelligence, a strong work ethic, and the ability to succeed in a demanding academic environment.

Prospective students should view these GPA statistics as a benchmark. While a high GPA is important, it’s also essential to understand that Brown looks beyond just numbers. The university values intellectual curiosity, diversity, and the ability to contribute uniquely to its community.

GPA recommendations

If you’re aspiring to attend Brown, take note of these GPA-related tips:

  • Aim for a 4.0 or higher. While there’s no official cutoff, a GPA of 4.0 or higher is a strong indicator of academic excellence.
  • Take advanced courses that demonstrate your readiness for college-level work.
  • Maintain consistency. A consistent academic record shows your ability to perform well over time.
  • Engage in activities demonstrating leadership, creativity, and other qualities Brown values.
  • If your GPA is lower than you’d like, use your essays to explain any extenuating circumstances or to highlight other strengths.

Brown University SAT Requirements

Brown University does not explicitly state an absolute minimum SAT score requirement. However, the SAT scores of admitted students often fall within the upper percentiles of national statistics:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1530 1500 1560

These scores indicate a solid overall performance on the exam. The 25th percentile score, 1500, reveals that a quarter of admitted students scored at or below this level, representing the lower end of Brown’s typical score range but still showing notable academic ability.

On the other hand, a 75th percentile score of 1560 signifies that 75% of admitted students scored at or below this level, placing students who achieve this score in the top quartile of Brown’s applicant pool.

Moreover, scoring them places you well above the national average and demonstrates exceptional proficiency, particularly in critical reading, writing, and mathematics. These scores indicated your ability to handle the academic rigor of a top-tier university like Brown.

Prospective students should view these statistics as a goalpost. High SAT scores can bolster an application, especially in demonstrating your readiness for the academic challenges at Brown.

But while achieving a high SAT score is advantageous, it’s essential to remember that Brown evaluates applications holistically. Your SAT scores are part of a larger picture, including your essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation.

SAT recommendations

For students targeting Brown University, here are some SAT recommendations:

  • Aim for a score of 1560 or higher.
  • Invest time preparing for the SAT, focusing on areas where you can improve the most.
  • Don’t hesitate to take the SAT more than once. Brown considers the highest score from each section across all test dates.
  • While aiming for high SAT scores, also focus on other aspects of your application, like essays and extracurriculars.

Brown University ACT Requirements

With its competitive admission process, Brown University attracts students with strong ACT scores. While the university does not enforce an absolute minimum ACT score requirement, the typical range of ACT scores for admitted students provides insight into what is considered competitive:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
34 32 35

These scores reflect a high proficiency across all ACT sections. The 25th percentile score, 32, indicates that a quarter of admitted students scored at this level or lower. While on the lower end for Brown, it still denotes strong academic performance.

Conversely, a 75th percentile score of 35 suggests that three-quarters of admitted students scored at or below this level, positioning those who achieve this score in the top quartile of Brown’s applicant pool.

Scoring within this range places you significantly above the national average and suggests strong proficiency in the areas tested by the ACT, including English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. These scores reflect your potential to succeed in Brown’s academically rigorous environment.

These statistics should serve as a benchmark. Achieving a score within or above this range can be advantageous, but it’s crucial to remember that Brown’s admissions process is holistic.

This means that while high ACT scores are beneficial, they are part of a larger picture that includes other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.

ACT recommendations

If you’re aiming for admission to Brown University, here are some ACT recommendations:

  • Aim for a score at or above 35.
  • Dedicate time to studying for all sections of the ACT, emphasizing areas where you can improve.
  • Brown considers your highest ACT score, so taking the test more than once can be beneficial.
  • While striving for a high ACT score, also focus on other essential aspects of your application, including your essays and involvement in extracurricular activities.

Is Brown University Test-Optional?

Brown University is test-optional in the 2023-2024 admission cycle. This means that you have the choice to submit your SAT or ACT scores, but it is not mandatory for your application to be complete.

For you as a prospective student, Brown’s test-optional policy offers greater flexibility and understanding of your unique circumstances. If you have strong SAT or ACT scores, you’re encouraged to submit them as they can enhance your application. However, if you have yet to be able to take these tests or prefer not to include your scores, you won’t be at a disadvantage.

This change emphasizes Brown’s holistic approach to admissions. You must focus on other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, coursework, essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation. These elements will be instrumental in showcasing your strengths, passions, and the unique qualities you can bring to Brown.

Brown’s move to a test-optional policy was primarily influenced by the widespread disruptions of the pandemic, including the cancellations of standardized test dates and limited access to testing facilities. Brown has ensured that your application can be evaluated fairly, regardless of your access to standardized testing.

What Does Brown University Look for in Students?

As a prospective Brown University student, you must understand the core values and programs that define this esteemed institution. Brown prides itself on fostering a community that values intellectual freedom, interdisciplinary learning, and an innovative spirit.

The university’s unique Open Curriculum encourages you to explore various disciplines and tailor your education to your interests and goals. Although you might still run into some specified classes within certain disciplines, you have more freedom to choose your schedule than many other colleges offer.

Understanding these core values and the flexibility offered by programs like the Open Curriculum is key, as they shape the kind of students Brown is looking for—independent thinkers, passionate learners, and those eager to take charge of their educational journey.

In particular, these are the qualities Brown values in students:

1. Intellectual curiosity

At the heart of Brown University’s ethos is a deep appreciation for intellectual curiosity. Make no mistake: this trait is not just about academic excellence. It’s about a genuine thirst for knowledge and a desire to explore beyond the boundaries of traditional learning.

As a prospective student, demonstrating intellectual curiosity means showing a passion for learning that goes beyond just achieving top grades. It involves engaging with subjects out of genuine interest, asking thoughtful questions, and seeking to understand the world in a broader context.

You can demonstrate intellectual curiosity through your choice of subjects, the depth of your essays, and your extracurricular activities. It could be reflected in your participation in debate clubs, science fairs, or personal projects like independent research or creative writing.

2. Collaborative spirit

A collaborative spirit is highly valued at Brown University. It reflects a commitment to teamwork and shared success. In the diverse and interactive environment at Brown, you are expected to work alongside peers from varied backgrounds and disciplines, contributing to and benefiting from the community.

Embracing a collaborative spirit means that you excel independently and thrive in group settings, respecting and valuing the contributions of others.

In your application, emphasize any teamwork experiences, group projects, or collaborative efforts you’ve been involved in. This could include participation in sports teams, clubs, volunteer groups, or collaborative research projects. Highlighting situations where you’ve worked effectively with others will showcase your ability to thrive in Brown’s collaborative environment.

3. Community involvement

Community involvement is a fundamental aspect of the Brown University experience. Brown values students who are academically inclined and actively engaged in their communities, demonstrating leadership and a commitment to making a positive impact.

This quality extends beyond the confines of the campus, emphasizing the importance of civic responsibility and contributing to the betterment of society.

This means highlighting your involvement in community service, volunteer work, or leadership roles in extracurricular activities. Discuss how your actions have positively influenced your local or broader community. Demonstrating your commitment to social causes, activism, or initiatives to create positive change showcases your dedication to community involvement.

4. Creative and innovative thinking

Brown University places a premium on creative and innovative thinking. It’s about acquiring knowledge and applying it in novel and inventive ways to address complex challenges.

The university seeks students who can think beyond the conventional and bring fresh perspectives to their studies and problem-solving. As a prospective student, showcasing your capacity for creative and innovative thinking sets you apart as someone who can make a transformative impact.

In your application, highlight instances where you’ve demonstrated creativity and innovation. This could involve creative projects, entrepreneurial endeavors, research initiatives, or solutions to real-world problems. Your essays can also provide a platform to showcase your unique approaches to challenges and your ability to think outside the box.

5. Global awareness and responsibility

Lastly, at Brown University, global awareness and responsibility are highly regarded qualities. The university values students who are academically accomplished and deeply conscious of the world’s interconnectedness and their role in it.

This includes a commitment to addressing global challenges, advocating for social justice, and embracing a sense of responsibility toward creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

How do you demonstrate this trait? Discuss your involvement in international initiatives, volunteer work with global organizations, or coursework that explores global issues. Highlight how you have taken action to make a positive impact or advocate for change on a broader scale.

In summary, understanding and aligning with these qualities will help you in your application process and ensure that you thrive in the dynamic and collaborative environment that Brown University offers.

How to Boost Your Brown University Application

Now that you know what you’re up against, we’ll outline some strategies you can use to help increase your chances of getting into Brown University. Keep in mind that even the highest GPA and most impressive test scores don’t make you a shoo-in. You still need to master the art of completing an application.

1. Excel academically.

Academic excellence is a fundamental aspect of your Brown University application. It reflects your commitment to intellectual growth and aligns with Brown’s core values of intellectual curiosity, interdisciplinary learning, and creative thinking.

Brown seeks students who meet the academic requirements and demonstrate a genuine passion for learning and the ability to excel in a challenging and diverse academic environment.

Specific tips:

  • Pursue intellectual curiosity. Actively seek out challenging courses that align with your interests and passions. Go beyond the standard curriculum to engage in advanced coursework, independent research, or projects that reflect your curiosity about the world.
  • Embrace interdisciplinary learning. Explore connections between different academic disciplines and demonstrate your ability to synthesize knowledge from various fields. Enroll in courses or participate in projects that blend multiple subjects, showcasing your readiness for interdisciplinary learning.
  • Foster creative and innovative thinking. Approach academic tasks with creativity and originality, whether it’s through unique research projects, innovative problem-solving, or creative presentations. Showcase your ability to think beyond conventional boundaries and contribute fresh perspectives to academic discussions.
  • Consistently excel in your studies. Maintain a solid academic record throughout your high school years. Aim for top grades in challenging courses, demonstrating your dedication to academic excellence.

2. Participate in extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in your Brown University application. They provide a platform to demonstrate your commitment to collaboration, community involvement, and a sense of global awareness and responsibility.

Brown seeks students who are active contributors to their communities, both locally and globally, and who show a spirit of engagement and responsibility beyond academics.

Specific tips:

  • Engage in collaborative extracurriculars. Participate in group activities that require teamwork and cooperation, such as team sports, debate clubs, or group projects. Showcase your ability to work effectively with peers from diverse backgrounds, reflecting a collaborative spirit.
  • Contribute to your community. Volunteer for community service projects, nonprofit organizations, or initiatives that address local issues. Highlight how your involvement has positively impacted your community and your sense of responsibility toward making a difference.
  • Think globally. Seek extracurricular opportunities with a global perspective, such as participating in international clubs, Model United Nations, or global awareness initiatives. Discuss your experiences that have broadened your global awareness and commitment to addressing global challenges.
  • Demonstrate leadership and responsibility. Take on leadership roles within your extracurricular activities, showing your ability to lead and inspire others. Emphasize how your leadership positions have allowed you to exercise responsibility and make a meaningful impact on your activities and community.

3. Write stellar essays.

Your application essays provide a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, values, and alignment with Brown University’s core qualities. Well-crafted essays can demonstrate your ability to think creatively, express your commitment to community and global engagement, and reflect a collaborative spirit.

Brown seeks students who can articulate their experiences, beliefs, and aspirations effectively through their essays.

Specific tips:

  • Get personal. Share personal anecdotes that highlight your experiences related to global awareness, community involvement, or collaborative endeavors. Connect these stories to your aspirations and how they align with Brown’s values.
  • Showcase your creativity. Approach your essays creatively and innovatively, using unique storytelling techniques or perspectives. Emphasize your ability to think creatively and express ideas beyond conventional boundaries.
  • Follow instructions. Carefully read and adhere to the essay prompts provided by Brown University. Ensure that your essays directly address the questions asked.
  • Proofread and edit. Proofread your essays for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Edit for clarity and conciseness. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, peers, or professional essay-editing services.

4. Seek top-tier teacher recommendations.

Teacher recommendations provide valuable insights into your academic abilities and character. A strong recommendation from a teacher who can vouch for your collaborative spirit, community involvement, or global awareness and responsibility can reinforce your application.

Brown University values recommendations that speak to your dedication to learning and your contributions to your academic community.

Specific tips:

  • Choose teachers who know you well. Select teachers who have witnessed your collaborative abilities, involvement in community service, or global engagement. Ensure that they can provide specific examples of your contributions and character.
  • Discuss your aspirations with recommenders. Have candid conversations with your chosen teachers about your goals and how they relate to Brown’s values. Provide context on why their recommendation is vital for highlighting your alignment with these qualities.
  • Share your experiences. Provide your recommenders with a summary of your experiences related to collaboration, community involvement, or global awareness. Share personal anecdotes that illustrate your commitment to these areas.
  • Request early. Ask for recommendations well in advance of application deadlines to give your teachers ample time to write thoughtful and impactful letters. Ensure that they understand your academic and personal journey.

5. Get started early.

Starting your college application process early is essential for several reasons. It allows you to plan, gather necessary materials, and avoid the stress of last-minute submissions.

Brown University values proactive applicants who demonstrate a commitment to their education and future goals.

Specific tips:

  • Plan your timeline. Create a detailed timeline with deadlines for standardized tests, essay drafts, recommendation requests, and application submissions. Staying organized is critical.
  • Research thoroughly. Research Brown University early to understand its values, programs, and application requirements. This knowledge will help you tailor your application effectively.
  • Prepare for standardized tests. If you include your SAT or ACT scores in your application, prepare well. Consider taking practice tests and seeking test preparation resources.
  • Draft essays early. Begin drafting your application essays early in the process. This allows ample time for revisions, proofreading, and seeking feedback.

6. Speak with alumni.

Engaging with alumni of Brown University can provide valuable insights into the university’s culture, academic programs, and what it means to be a part of the Brown community. It demonstrates your proactive approach to understanding the institution and aligns with Brown’s value of curiosity and engagement.

Specific tips:

  • Prepare questions. Before reaching out to alumni, prepare thoughtful questions about their experiences at Brown, their career paths, and any advice they have for prospective students.
  • Be respectful and professional. When contacting alumni, respect their time and be professional in your communication. Introduce yourself and explain your interest in learning more about Brown.
  • Seek a variety of perspectives. Try to connect with alumni from diverse backgrounds and fields of study to gain a well-rounded understanding of Brown University.
  • Express your genuine interest. Alumni are more likely to engage with prospective students who demonstrate a sincere interest in Brown and a desire to contribute positively to the university community.

In conclusion, these practical tips offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing your Brown University application. By following these, you can present a well-rounded application that aligns with Brown’s values and qualities, increasing your chances of becoming a part of this vibrant academic community.

Subjects to Take to Get into Brown University

Before delving into the specific subjects you should take in high school to enhance your chances of admission to Brown University, it’s essential to understand the significance of the university’s core curriculum.

Brown University’s core curriculum

Brown University has an Open Curriculum. It is designed to provide students with a broad and interdisciplinary education. While Brown offers students considerable freedom to explore their academic interests through its curriculum, there are specific requirements that students must fulfill to ensure a comprehensive education.

Here are some of its key components:

  • Writing Requirement: Brown places a strong emphasis on writing proficiency. Students must complete at least two writing-designated courses during their undergraduate studies.
  • Distribution Requirements: To ensure a breadth of knowledge, students must fulfill distribution requirements in various academic areas, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics. These requirements encourage students to explore different fields of study.
  • Language Requirement: Brown expects students to demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English. This requirement underscores the university’s commitment to global awareness.
  • First-Year Seminar: Brown offers first-year seminars introducing students to small, discussion-based classes. These seminars foster close interactions with faculty and fellow students.
  • Concentration: While Brown allows for a flexible and individualized academic path, students are encouraged to choose a concentration (major) that aligns with their interests and goals.

Brown University’s Open Curriculum reflects its commitment to a well-rounded education that encourages intellectual exploration and interdisciplinary learning. By familiarizing yourself with these core requirements, you’ll gain valuable insights into the university’s academic values and how your high school course choices can align with them.

Subject recommendations

To prepare for admission to Brown and align with its core curriculum, consider taking the following subjects in high school:

  • English/Literature: Brown’s emphasis on writing proficiency makes a strong foundation in English and literature essential. Take honors or advanced placement (AP) courses in literature and composition to hone your writing skills.
  • Mathematics: Brown values quantitative reasoning. Take advanced math courses, including calculus, statistics, or other higher-level mathematics, to demonstrate your analytical abilities.
  • Science: Brown’s distribution requirements encompass the natural sciences. Take biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science courses to fulfill these requirements and showcase your scientific knowledge.
  • Social Sciences: Explore social sciences like history, psychology, sociology, or economics. These subjects align with Brown’s distribution requirements and demonstrate your understanding of human behavior and societal dynamics.
  • Foreign Language: Brown’s language requirement underscores global awareness. Study a foreign language throughout high school to demonstrate your commitment to cross-cultural communication.
  • Interdisciplinary Courses: Look for opportunities to take interdisciplinary courses that bridge multiple subjects. These courses align with Brown’s approach to holistic learning.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: If available, consider enrolling in AP courses in subjects that align with your interests and Brown’s core curriculum. Scoring well on AP exams can strengthen your application.

While these subject recommendations align with Brown University’s core curriculum and academic values, remember that Brown also values individuality and intellectual exploration. Pursue subjects and activities that genuinely interest you and align with your future goals.

Additionally, maintain a strong academic record, engage in meaningful extracurriculars, and craft compelling essays to present a well-rounded application that reflects your unique qualities and alignment with Brown’s academic ethos.

Specific Areas that Can Bolster Your Brown University Application

At Brown University, a holistic approach to admissions considers academic achievements and engagement with various activities and programs. This section highlights specific areas where your passion, leadership, and commitment can shine, enhancing your application to Brown.


  • Passion Projects: Embark on a personal passion project or hobby, such as participating in the Google Science Fair, where you can showcase your dedication and creativity.
  • Volunteer for a Cause: Engage in volunteer work related to your passion through organizations like UNICEF’s Youth Advocate Program, demonstrating your commitment to a specific cause.


  • Student Government: Join your school’s student government or leadership council, and aim to become a member of organizations like the National Association of Student Councils (NASC) to hone your leadership skills.
  • Leadership Camps: Attend prestigious leadership development programs such as the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC), which offers academic enrichment and leadership development.

Academic research

  • Science Fair Projects: Showcase your original research findings in renowned competitions like the Regeneron Science Talent Search (formerly known as the Intel Science Talent Search).
  • Research Internships: Secure research internships at esteemed institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to work on cutting-edge research projects.

School clubs and organizations

  • Model United Nations (MUN): Participate in MUN conferences like the Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN) to engage in high-level debates on global issues.
  • Debate Club: Excel in debate competitions organized by the National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA), demonstrating your critical thinking and communication prowess.

Community service

  • Habitat for Humanity: Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village Program, where you can actively contribute to international community service projects.
  • Youth Mentorship: Become a mentor through organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, showcasing your dedication to mentoring younger individuals.

Academic competitions

  • Math Olympiad: Excel in prestigious math competitions like the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) or the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
  • Science Olympiad: Compete in the Science Olympiad National Tournament, demonstrating your excellence in science-related challenges.

Summer programs

  • Brown University Summer Programs: Attend Brown’s own summer programs to explore your academic interests and experience the university’s culture and community.
  • Summer Research Internships: Participate in research internships with institutions like the Research Science Institute (RSI), offering advanced research experiences.


  • All-State Band/Orchestra: Audition for All-State Band or Orchestra programs and perform at prestigious events such as the All-National Honor Ensembles organized by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).
  • Music Compositions: Compose original music pieces and submit them to competitions like the National Young Composers Challenge.

Sports and athletics

  • Varsity Sports: Achieve excellence in varsity-level sports and aim for leadership roles while considering sports programs affiliated with organizations like the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU).
  • Club Sports: Join competitive sports teams or leagues, such as those recognized by USA Club Volleyball, to showcase your athletic dedication.


  • STEM Internships: Pursue STEM internships with renowned organizations like NASA’s Internships and Fellowships program to gain invaluable hands-on experience.
  • Nonprofit Internships: Intern with respected nonprofit organizations like Teach For America, demonstrating your commitment to addressing educational inequities.

Engaging in these specific and reputable programs and activities can demonstrate your passion, leadership, academic excellence, and commitment to various fields, ultimately strengthening your application to Brown University.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Brown University Application

When applying to Brown University, steering clear of common pitfalls in your application is crucial to stand out among applicants. In this section, we’ll explore the top five mistakes to avoid, providing valuable insights to help you craft an application that reflects your best self and maximizes your chances of gaining admission to Brown.

1. Neglecting your personal statement

Your personal statement is a pivotal component of your application to Brown. Neglecting it by providing a generic or uninspiring essay can be a significant mistake. Admissions committees seek applicants who clearly articulate their passions, experiences, and motivations.

How to Avoid this Mistake: Take the time to craft a thoughtful personal statement. Reflect on your experiences, values, and aspirations. Share a compelling story that highlights your uniqueness and why you are an ideal fit for Brown.

2. Lack of specificity in your essays

Being too vague or general in your essays can weaken your application. Admissions officers seek evidence of your accomplishments and experiences. Without specifics, it’s challenging for them to gauge your suitability for Brown.

How to Avoid this Mistake: Use concrete examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Share specific instances where you demonstrated leadership, problem-solving skills, or resilience. Specificity adds depth and credibility to your essays.

3. Not demonstrating fit with Brown’s values

Brown University has distinct values and qualities, including intellectual curiosity, interdisciplinary learning, and community engagement. Failing to align your application with these values can be a mistake. Admissions committees want to see how you can contribute to and thrive in Brown’s academic environment.

How to Avoid this Mistake: Research Brown’s mission and values. Show how your experiences and goals align with these principles in your essays and application. Highlight instances where you have pursued interdisciplinary interests or actively engaged with your community.

4. Rushing the application process

Applying to Brown is a significant undertaking; rushing through the process can lead to errors or incomplete applications. Hurrying may result in overlooked details that can negatively impact your chances of admission.

How to Avoid this Mistake: Plan your application well in advance. Start early to allow time for thoughtful essay writing, revising, and proofreading. Review all application components carefully before submission to ensure accuracy and completeness.

5. Overloading your application

While extracurricular involvement is essential, attempting to include an excessive number of activities in your application without showcasing depth or leadership in any of them can be counterproductive. Admissions committees value meaningful engagement over a long list of activities.

How to Avoid this Mistake: Focus on quality over quantity. Highlight activities that genuinely matter to you and where you have made a significant impact. Emphasize leadership roles, achievements, and your personal growth within these activities.

By avoiding these common mistakes and crafting a well-thought-out application that aligns with Brown’s values and qualities, you can increase your chances of making a strong impression on the admissions committee.

Brown University Admission Requirements

Embarking on your journey to Brown University involves understanding its admission requirements. Let’s dive into what you need to ensure a complete application.

Mandatory requirements

  • Common Application: Brown University uses the Common Application for all applicants, streamlining the process of applying to multiple institutions. Start early and familiarize yourself with the Common App interface to manage your time effectively.
  • Supplemental Essays: These essays are Brown-specific and provide a platform to showcase your individuality and fit for Brown. Reflect your personality and how your values align with Brown’s ethos in your essays.
  • Application Fee or Fee Waiver: A $75 fee is required with your application, though fee waivers are available. Check if you’re eligible for a fee waiver early to alleviate financial stress.
  • Transcripts: Official high school transcripts must be sent to Brown as part of your application. Request your transcript well in advance to avoid last-minute issues.
  • School and Midyear Reports: These reports provide information about your academic performance, including GPA and class rank. Ensure your counselor is aware of the deadlines for these reports.
  • Recommendation Letters: You need one recommendation from your counselor and two from teachers, preferably in major academic subjects. Choose teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths and potential.
  • Final School Report and Transcript: This is required for students who decide to enroll at Brown. Keep track of your academic performance and address any discrepancies before submission.
  • Early Decision Agreement (If Applicable): This is a binding agreement for Early Decision applicants, indicating a commitment to enroll if admitted. Understand the binding nature of this agreement before opting for Early Decision.

Optional requirements

  • Standardized Tests: For the 2023-2024 admission cycle, Brown University maintains a test-optional policy for SAT or ACT scores. If your standardized test scores are strong and you feel they enhance your application, consider submitting them. Otherwise, focus on strengthening other parts of your application.
  • Supplementary Materials: Applicants with exceptional music or visual arts skills can submit additional materials via SlideRoom. Use this opportunity to showcase your unique talents and how they contribute to your overall profile. Ensure your materials are well-prepared and reflect your highest level of skill.

How to Apply to Brown University

Applying to Brown University can be a detailed process. Let’s break it down into five major phases:

1. Preparation

Start by gathering all the necessary information and materials. Research Brown’s course offerings, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities to ensure they align with your goals.

Begin preparing for any standardized tests if you choose to take them, and start thinking about your essay topics.

This is also the time to engage in activities that align with your interests, as these will form a significant part of your application.

2. Application initiation

As the application season begins, create your Common Application account. Pay close attention to Brown’s specific requirements, such as supplemental essays and additional materials for special programs.

Request your high school transcript and letters of recommendation early, giving your teachers and counselor ample time to prepare these documents.

3. Submission

Carefully fill out your Common Application, ensuring all information is accurate and complete. Craft and refine your supplemental essays, ensuring they reflect your personality and interest in Brown.

Submit your application before the deadline, keeping in mind that Early Decision has a different timeline than Regular Decision.

4. Post-submission

After submitting your application, follow up with your school to ensure that all supplementary documents, like your midyear report and final transcript, are sent to Brown promptly.

If you applied for Early Decision, ensure your Agreement is completed and submitted.

5. Awaiting results

This stage can be nerve-wracking, but staying positive and patient is essential. Keep yourself busy with schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and pursuing your interests.

Also, keep an eye on any emails or communications from Brown, as they might require additional information or offer interviews.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Brown University

When applying to Brown University, applicants have the option to submit supplemental materials to enhance their application. While these materials are not required or expected, they offer an opportunity for candidates to share additional aspects of their background or achievements.

Brown University allows applicants to submit supplemental materials. Applicants may submit various types of materials, such as academic papers or research abstracts, visual art or music portfolios, and other relevant documents or links showcasing their talents or achievements.

It’s important to focus on quality over quantity, ensuring the materials are relevant and add significant value to your application.

Submission methods

Supplemental materials can be submitted in several ways:

  • SlideRoom: For music or visual art submissions, applicants can use SlideRoom. Deadlines for submission vary based on the application type (Early Decision, Regular Decision, or QuestBridge Match).
  • Brown Applicant Portal: For academic papers or research abstracts, and other supplemental materials, use the Brown Applicant Portal. This portal becomes available after submitting your application.
  • Email: Additional letters of recommendation beyond what is submitted through the Common Application can be emailed to [email protected].
  • Common Application: One optional letter of recommendation may be requested and submitted through the Common Application.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select and prepare the materials you wish to submit. Focus on items that showcase your strengths and align with your application.
  2. Choose submission method. For art and music portfolios, submit through SlideRoom by the appropriate deadline. For academic work and other supplements, upload them to your Brown Applicant Portal. For additional letters of recommendation, have your recommender send them via email.
  3. Ensure that you meet all deadlines and follow the specific instructions for each type of submission.
  4. After submission, monitor your application status via the Brown Applicant Portal or check for email confirmations.

Remember, it’s better to submit a few meaningful and high-quality items than a large quantity of less significant materials.

By carefully selecting and submitting supplemental materials, you can provide Brown University’s admissions committee with a fuller picture of your abilities, interests, and achievements.

Other Brown University Application Matters

In this section, we’ll explore essential aspects of the Brown University application process, including financial aid, decision plans, and key deadlines. This guide will help you navigate these crucial steps with ease.

Scholarships and financial aid

Applying for financial aid at Brown University involves a few steps. The university is committed to meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need for admitted undergraduates.

The financial aid application process is separate from the admission application, and paying attention to the deadlines and required documents is critical. You should start by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the CSS Profile. Brown uses these forms to assess your family’s financial situation and determine your aid package.

Remember, applying for financial aid does not impact your chances of admission, as Brown practices need-blind admissions for domestic students. This means your financial need will not be considered in the admission decision.

Regular Decision vs Early Decision

When applying to Brown, you can choose Regular Decision or Early Decision.

Regular Decision (RD) is the standard application route, allowing you to apply to multiple colleges and universities without a binding commitment.  On the other hand, Early Decision (ED) is a binding agreement, meaning if you’re accepted under ED, you’re committed to attending Brown. ED is suitable if Brown is your top-choice school.

However, it’s crucial to consider this decision carefully, as you’re committing to attend if accepted.

Application deadlines

For the 2023-2024 admission cycle, the application deadlines for Brown University are:

  • Early Decision: November 1 (11:59 p.m. applicant’s local time)​​.
  • Regular Decision: January 3 (11:59 p.m. applicant’s local time)​​​​.

Be sure to have all components of your application, including any supplemental materials, completed and submitted by these dates. The early decision process is quicker, with decisions typically announced by mid-December, while regular decision applicants can expect to hear back by early April.

How Hard Is It to Get into Brown University?

Gaining admission to Brown University is a significant challenge due to its prestigious standing and high competition. As an Ivy League institution, Brown is known for its rigorous academic standards and selective admissions process. The acceptance rate, which is the percentage of applicants who are offered admission, is a key indicator of this difficulty. Historically, Brown’s acceptance rate has hovered around 5-6%, making it one of the most competitive universities in the United States.

The difficulty in gaining admission also stems from the high caliber of the applicant pool. Students who apply to Brown typically have strong academic records, including high grade point averages (GPAs), and impressive standardized test scores such as the SAT or ACT. Beyond academics, Brown looks for candidates who demonstrate unique talents, leadership qualities, and a commitment to community service. The university seeks students who will contribute to the campus community in diverse and meaningful ways.

Additionally, Brown’s holistic admissions process means that each aspect of an application is carefully reviewed. This includes letters of recommendation, personal essays, and extracurricular activities. The admissions committee looks for students who not only excel academically but also show passion, creativity, and a desire to learn and grow in a collaborative environment.

Benefits of Attending Brown University

Attending Brown University offers numerous benefits that contribute to both personal and professional growth. One of the most notable advantages is the academic flexibility afforded by the Open Curriculum. This unique approach allows students to shape their educational journey, choosing courses that align with their interests and career goals without the constraint of general education requirements. This freedom encourages a more engaged and self-directed learning experience.

Another benefit of Brown is the quality of its faculty and the emphasis on undergraduate teaching. Students have the opportunity to learn from and work alongside professors who are leaders in their fields. This access to expert knowledge and mentorship is invaluable in fostering intellectual growth and career preparedness.

The university’s diverse and vibrant campus community is another significant advantage. Students from all over the world and from various backgrounds contribute to an enriching cultural and social experience. This diversity promotes a deeper understanding and appreciation of different perspectives, which is essential in today’s globalized world.

Moreover, Brown’s strong alumni network and career services provide students with a platform for professional success. Graduates of Brown have access to a wide range of resources and connections that can open doors to numerous career opportunities.

How Can an International Student Get into Brown University?

For international students, gaining admission to Brown University involves meeting the same high standards as domestic applicants, with some additional considerations. International students must demonstrate strong academic achievements, typically evidenced by transcripts and standardized test scores. Additionally, proficiency in English is essential, usually verified through tests like the TOEFL or IELTS.

Beyond academics, international students should showcase their unique backgrounds and perspectives in their applications. Brown values diversity and looks for students who can contribute different viewpoints and experiences to the campus community. Involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service can also strengthen an application.

It’s also important for international students to be aware of the financial aspect. While Brown meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need for all admitted undergraduates, including international students, the process of applying for financial aid may vary. International applicants should research and understand the financial aid process and ensure they meet all deadlines and requirements.

Lastly, obtaining a student visa is a critical step for international students. Once admitted, students will need to secure an F-1 or J-1 student visa. The university provides resources and support to help navigate this process.

How to Get into Brown University as a Transfer Student?

Applying to Brown University as a transfer student is a unique process with its own set of criteria. Transfer applicants are expected to have completed at least one year of full-time college study before entering Brown. The university looks for students who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement at their current institution.

Like first-year applicants, transfer students must submit transcripts, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation. However, the focus for transfer students is more on their college experience than their high school record. The admissions committee looks for evidence of academic growth and success at the college level.

A compelling reason for wanting to transfer to Brown is also an important part of the application. Transfer applicants should clearly articulate why Brown is the right fit for them and how they will contribute to and benefit from the Brown community. This can include specific academic interests, research opportunities, or career goals that align with what Brown offers.

Transfer applications also require essays that allow applicants to share their story and their academic and personal aspirations. These essays are a crucial opportunity to convey one’s character, motivations, and how their experiences have prepared them for success at Brown.

Lastly, transfer applicants should be mindful of the deadlines and specific requirements for their application. They should also be prepared for a competitive process, as the number of transfer students accepted each year is typically small, making the process as competitive, if not more so, than first-year admissions.

Can an Average Student Get into Brown University?

Gaining admission to Brown University, a prestigious institution known for its academic rigor and selectivity, is a challenging feat. Many students wonder if an “average” student can be admitted. The term “average” can be subjective, but typically it refers to students whose academic achievements may not be at the top of their class or who have GPAs and standardized test scores that are good, but not exceptional.

Brown University, like many Ivy League schools, has a holistic admissions process. This means they evaluate applicants based on a variety of factors, not just grades and test scores. They consider your essays, recommendations, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities.

However, it’s important to be realistic. Brown’s admission statistics reveal that it has a very low acceptance rate – only 5%. The majority of those accepted have outstanding academic records. For the Class of 2027, 95% of admitted students were in the top 10% of their high school class.

So, while an average student can get into Brown, it’s certainly challenging. Such students need to have other strong aspects in their application, like exceptional talent in arts or sports, significant community service, or a unique personal story that sets them apart.

How to Get into Brown University with a Low GPA?

Getting into Brown University with a low GPA is challenging, but not entirely out of reach. If your GPA is lower than the average admitted student’s at Brown, you’ll need to compensate in other areas of your application.

  • Strong Standardized Test Scores: A high score on the SAT or ACT can help balance a lower GPA. It demonstrates your academic potential and readiness for college-level work.
  • Compelling Essays: Your essays are a crucial part of your application. They are your opportunity to show your personality, motivations, and how you think. Write essays that are thoughtful, well-crafted, and reveal something unique about you.
  • Extraordinary Extracurriculars: Involvement in extracurricular activities, especially those where you have demonstrated leadership or significant achievement, can greatly enhance your application.
  • Outstanding Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from teachers or other individuals who know you well can provide insight into your character, work ethic, and potential.
  • Highlight Personal Qualities: Brown values diversity, creativity, and initiative. Show how you embody these qualities in your application.
  • Explain Your GPA: If there were extenuating circumstances that contributed to a lower GPA, such as personal or family issues, you can explain this in your application.

Remember, Brown’s holistic review process means they are looking at the entire picture, not just one aspect of your application.

What Makes Brown University Unique?

Brown University stands out for several reasons, making it a unique and sought-after institution for higher education:

  • Open Curriculum: Unlike many universities, Brown doesn’t have a core curriculum. Students have the freedom to design their educational path. This approach encourages independence and self-direction in learning.
  • Undergraduate Teaching Focus: Brown is known for its strong emphasis on undergraduate teaching. Professors, including those who are leading researchers, are accessible and deeply involved in undergraduate education.
  • Research Opportunities: Even as undergraduates, students at Brown have opportunities to engage in significant research, often working alongside top professors in their fields.
  • Collaborative Culture: Brown fosters a collaborative and non-competitive environment. Students are encouraged to work together and learn from each other, rather than compete against their peers.
  • Commitment to Social Justice: Brown has a strong commitment to social justice and community engagement, encouraging students to be not only scholars but also active contributors to society.

What Does the Brown University Application Look Like?

The application process for Brown University is comprehensive and designed to understand you as a whole person, not just as a student. Here’s what the application includes:

  • Common Application or Coalition Application: Brown accepts either of these applications, which include your personal information, education history, and activities.
  • Brown Supplemental Essays: Brown requires additional essays as part of their supplement. These essays are your chance to speak directly to the admissions committee about why you’re interested in Brown and what you can contribute to their community.
  • Letters of Recommendation: You’ll need to submit letters from teachers who can speak to your academic abilities and character.
  • High School Transcript: Your transcript provides a picture of your academic performance over time.
  • Standardized Test Scores (Optional): Brown has adopted a test-optional policy, meaning SAT or ACT scores are not required but can be submitted.
  • Interviews: Interviews are optional and not guaranteed for every applicant. They are conducted by Brown alumni and offer an opportunity for a personal connection in the process.

Each part of the application is an opportunity to showcase different facets of your personality, interests, and abilities. Brown’s admissions committee looks for students who will contribute to and benefit from the university’s vibrant academic and social community.

Is Brown University a Good School for You?

When considering whether Brown University is a suitable choice for your higher education, it’s crucial to reflect on your academic preferences and career aspirations. Brown, located in Providence, Rhode Island, is renowned for its unique curriculum and vibrant campus culture. Here’s what makes Brown stand out:

  • Open Curriculum: Brown’s distinctive Open Curriculum allows students remarkable freedom in course selection. You won’t find the traditional core requirements here. Instead, students have the flexibility to explore various subjects before declaring a major. This approach is ideal if you favor a self-directed learning style and wish to tailor your education to your interests.
  • Research Opportunities: As a leading research university, Brown offers extensive opportunities for undergraduate research. If you are keen on delving into research projects, Brown could be an excellent choice, offering resources across diverse disciplines.
  • Community Engagement: Brown’s emphasis on community involvement and social responsibility is evident in its various programs and initiatives. This is a critical factor if you are passionate about making a positive impact in your community.
  • Diverse Student Body: The university boasts a diverse and inclusive community. If a multicultural environment is important to you, Brown’s campus life will be enriching.

How Selective is Brown University?

Brown University is among the most selective institutions in the United States. The admission process at Brown is highly competitive, with a low acceptance rate. Key factors contributing to its selectivity include:

  • Academic Excellence: Brown looks for students who have excelled academically in high school. High grades, rigorous coursework, and strong standardized test scores are typical among applicants.
  • Holistic Admissions: The university employs a holistic review process. This means they consider not just your academic achievements but also your personal qualities, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.
  • Diversity and Balance: Brown seeks to create a balanced and diverse student body. This includes a mix of students from different geographical, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Should You Apply to Brown University?

Deciding to apply to Brown University should be based on a careful consideration of both the university’s attributes and your personal and academic goals. Here are some reasons you might choose to apply:

  • If You Thrive in a Flexible Academic Environment: Brown’s Open Curriculum could be a significant draw if you prefer a more autonomous and individualized approach to your studies.
  • Desire for a Diverse and Inclusive Community: If you value being part of a diverse student body and engaging in a variety of cultural experiences, Brown would be a great fit.
  • Interest in Research and Innovation: Aspiring researchers and innovators can find Brown’s resources and opportunities particularly appealing.

However, it’s important to be realistic about the competitive nature of Brown’s admissions process. Ensure that you align your application to showcase not only your academic strengths but also your unique personality and extracurricular engagements.

How Does Brown University Review Applications?

Brown University’s application review process is thorough and holistic. Here’s how the university evaluates applicants:

  • Academic Record: Your high school transcript is critically assessed. Brown looks for strong performance in a challenging curriculum.
  • Standardized Test Scores: While test scores are not the sole factor in admission decisions, they are considered as part of your overall academic profile.
  • Essays: Your application essays are vital. They offer insight into your personality, interests, and how you might contribute to the Brown community.
  • Recommendations: Letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors provide a view of your academic and personal attributes.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Brown values students who have demonstrated leadership, commitment, and involvement in activities outside the classroom.
  • Personal Qualities: Qualities such as creativity, resilience, and passion are essential. The admissions committee looks for students who will enrich the university community.

In conclusion, understanding Brown University’s unique features, selectivity, and application review process will help you make an informed decision about applying. Remember, choosing the right university is a personal decision that should align with your academic and career goals.

Does Brown University Require Interviews?

When considering applying to Brown University, a prestigious Ivy League institution, it’s important to understand all aspects of the application process. A common question among applicants is whether Brown University requires interviews as part of its admissions procedure.

Brown University offers optional alumni interviews. These interviews are not a mandatory component of the application process, but they can be a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their personalities and interests beyond what’s visible in the application documents. It’s essential to note that these interviews are subject to availability and are not guaranteed for all applicants.

During these interviews, alumni of Brown University meet with prospective students. The conversations are typically informal and are more like a two-way dialogue than a formal interview. The main objective is for the interviewer to get to know the applicant better and for the applicant to learn more about the university from someone who has experienced it firsthand.

If you’re offered an interview, it’s a good idea to accept it. This is your chance to express your enthusiasm for Brown and to discuss aspects of your application that might not be evident on paper. Remember, though, that not receiving an interview will not adversely affect your application, as Brown considers them supplementary.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Brown University?

When considering extracurricular activities for an application to Brown University, it’s important to focus on depth and passion in your involvement. Brown, like many Ivy League schools, values students who demonstrate commitment and leadership in a few select areas.

Here’s a list of potential extracurricular activities that can enhance your application, particularly when they align with your academic interests and personal passions:

  1. Academic Clubs and Competitions: Participating in academic clubs such as the Math Club, Science Olympiad, or Model United Nations demonstrates intellectual curiosity and dedication. Excelling in competitions like the National Science Bowl or the American Mathematics Competitions can be particularly impressive.
  2. Athletics: Involvement in sports, either through school teams or outside leagues, shows teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. Leadership roles like team captaincy are notable.
  3. Artistic Pursuits: Engaging in the arts, whether it’s in visual arts, music, theater, or dance, can showcase creativity and dedication. Participation in art shows, performances, or competitions can further highlight your talents.
  4. Community Service and Volunteering: Long-term commitment to community service projects or organizations indicates a sense of social responsibility and empathy. Leadership roles in these activities can strengthen your application.
  5. Leadership Positions: Holding leadership positions in any club or organization, such as student government, demonstrates your ability to lead and work collaboratively with others.
  6. Internships and Research Opportunities: Pursuing internships or research, especially in a field related to your intended major, shows initiative and a deep interest in your area of study.
  7. Entrepreneurial Projects: Starting a business or a community project can highlight your initiative, creativity, and business acumen.
  8. Cultural Organizations: Active participation in cultural clubs or organizations can reflect your ability to appreciate and contribute to diverse communities.
  9. Debate or Public Speaking Clubs: Involvement in debate club or public speaking activities can showcase your analytical and communication skills.
  10. School Newspaper or Literary Magazine: Writing for, or editing, a school publication can demonstrate your writing skills and interest in journalism or literature.
  11. Music and Performing Arts: Participating in band, orchestra, choir, or drama club can illustrate your artistic talents and ability to work as part of a team.
  12. Science and Technology Clubs: Involvement in clubs like robotics or coding demonstrates interest and aptitude in STEM fields.
  13. Environmental Clubs: Participation in environmental clubs or initiatives shows a commitment to sustainability and awareness of global issues.
  14. Peer Tutoring or Mentoring: Engaging in tutoring or mentoring programs highlights your dedication to helping others and your mastery of certain subjects.
  15. Personal Projects or Hobbies: Unique personal projects or hobbies that you are deeply involved in can also be a compelling part of your application.

When selecting extracurriculars, it’s crucial to choose activities that resonate with your genuine interests and goals. Brown University, and other selective institutions, favor applicants who show authentic engagement and leadership in their pursuits over those who participate in a wide range of activities without much depth. Remember, the quality of your involvement is more important than the quantity of activities you list.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Brown University?

Your statement is a critical component of your application to Brown University. It’s your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee and give them insight into who you are beyond grades and test scores. The key is to be authentic and introspective.

When writing your statement for Brown, focus on experiences or topics that are truly meaningful to you. This could be a personal challenge you’ve overcome, a significant accomplishment, or an experience that has shaped your perspective and goals. Brown values diversity in its student body, so discussing how your unique experiences have shaped your worldview can be particularly effective.

It’s also important to reflect on how your experiences have prepared you for Brown. Connect your past experiences with your future ambitions and explain how Brown’s unique educational environment and resources will help you achieve your goals.

Remember to be clear, concise, and engaging. Your statement should not only demonstrate your writing ability but also your ability to think critically about yourself and your place in the world.

How Do You Write a Brown University Supplemental Essay?

In addition to the personal statement, Brown University requires applicants to complete supplemental essays. These essays are an opportunity for you to showcase different facets of your personality, interests, and how you align with Brown’s community and values.

Here are some tips for writing compelling Brown supplemental essays:

  1. Understand Brown’s Values: Before you start writing, it’s crucial to understand what Brown values. Brown is known for its open curriculum, student activism, and collaborative learning environment. Reflect on how these aspects resonate with your learning style and goals.
  2. Be Specific: When answering the supplemental essay prompts, be specific about why you want to attend Brown and how it aligns with your academic and personal goals. Generic statements that could apply to any university will not stand out.
  3. Showcase Your Individuality: Use these essays to present aspects of your personality and experiences that aren’t covered in your statement or other parts of your application.
  4. Reflect on Your Learning Style: Since Brown is known for its open curriculum, discussing your approach to learning and how you plan to take advantage of this unique educational model can be beneficial.
  5. Proofread and Edit: Like all parts of your application, your supplemental essays should be well-written and free of errors. Take the time to proofread and consider getting feedback from teachers or mentors.

In conclusion, writing Brown University’s supplemental essays is about demonstrating fit – both how you will benefit from what Brown offers and how you will contribute to the Brown community. By being specific, reflective, and authentic, you can craft essays that strengthen your overall application.

What Enrichment Opportunities will help you get into Brown University?

When aiming for admission into a prestigious institution like Brown University, engaging in enrichment opportunities can significantly enhance your application. These opportunities are not just about excelling academically; they encompass a broad spectrum of activities that demonstrate your passion, leadership, and commitment to personal growth.

  1. Academic Competitions and Research: Participating in academic competitions like the Math Olympiad or Science Fairs showcases your expertise and interest in a subject. If you’re inclined towards research, seeking opportunities at local universities or through programs like the Research Science Institute can be highly beneficial.
  2. Leadership Roles: Holding leadership positions in school clubs or community organizations reflects your ability to lead and work within a team. Whether it’s being the captain of a sports team or the president of the debate club, these roles highlight your leadership skills and initiative.
  3. Community Service: Volunteering at local organizations or initiating a community service project shows your commitment to making a positive impact. Brown values students who are not only academically adept but also socially responsible.
  4. Arts and Creativity: If you have a talent in the arts, nurturing it through performances, exhibitions, or local projects can add a unique dimension to your profile. Brown appreciates diverse talents and creative pursuits.
  5. Summer Programs: Engaging in summer programs, especially those related to your field of interest, can enhance your knowledge and skills. Programs like Brown’s own pre-college summer courses can provide insight into college-level work and show your dedication to learning.

Remember, the key is not just to participate in these activities but to excel and demonstrate a genuine passion for them. Brown looks for students who are not only achievers but also innovators and thinkers.

Do you Need to Take AP Courses to get into Brown University?

While Brown University does not have a strict requirement for AP (Advanced Placement) courses, taking them can be beneficial for your application. AP courses are college-level classes offered in high schools. They demonstrate your ability to handle challenging coursework, which is a trait that highly selective universities like Brown value.

Showcasing Academic Rigor

Enrolling in AP courses indicates that you are challenging yourself with the most rigorous curriculum available to you. This is a positive sign to admissions officers that you are prepared for college-level work.

Highlighting Specific Interests

Choosing AP courses in areas that align with your academic interests can strengthen your application. For instance, if you’re interested in engineering, taking AP Calculus and AP Physics can underscore your commitment to this field.

Potential College Credit

Performing well in AP exams may also earn you college credit, allowing you to potentially skip introductory courses at Brown.

However, it’s important to balance your course load. Excelling in a few AP courses is better than struggling with many. Brown looks for students who perform well academically while also engaging in extracurricular activities and personal interests.

Does Brown University Accept AP Credit?

Brown University does accept AP (Advanced Placement) credit, but its policies are distinct and serve a different purpose compared to many other universities. Instead of using AP credits to skip introductory courses, Brown uses them to enhance your academic flexibility.

Concentration Requirements

At Brown, AP credits can be used to satisfy certain concentration (major) requirements. This means they can free up your schedule to take more advanced courses in your field of interest or to explore other disciplines.

Open Curriculum

Given Brown’s open curriculum, AP credits allow you to dive deeper into your areas of interest sooner. It’s less about skipping courses and more about advancing to higher-level classes early in your academic journey.

Individual Evaluation

Brown evaluates AP credits on an individual basis, considering the score and the relevance to your chosen field of study. Generally, scores of 4 or 5 are considered for credit.

To fully understand how your AP credits can be used at Brown, it’s recommended to consult their specific policies or speak with an admissions advisor.

Will Brown University Look at your Social Media?

Brown University, like many other institutions, does not have a standard policy of reviewing applicants’ social media profiles as part of the admissions process. However, it’s important to maintain a positive online presence, as there’s always a possibility that your social media could be seen by admissions officers.

  • Positive Digital Footprint: Ensure that your social media profiles reflect a positive image. Posts that showcase your interests, achievements, and community involvement can be beneficial.
  • Privacy Settings: Be mindful of your privacy settings. Adjust them so that you have control over who can see your content.
  • Professionalism and Etiquette: Always exhibit professionalism and good etiquette online. Inappropriate or offensive content can be detrimental if seen by admissions officers.

While it’s unlikely that your social media will be a deciding factor in your application, it’s wise to be cautious and maintain a profile that you would be proud to show to an admissions committee.

Will Visiting Brown University Help you get in?

Visiting Brown University in itself is not a factor that will directly enhance your chances of admission. However, it can be beneficial for a few reasons:

  • Demonstrating Interest: While Brown does not track demonstrated interest as a formal part of the admissions process, showing that you have made an effort to visit can be a subtle indicator of your genuine interest in the university.
  • Personal Insight: Visiting the campus can provide you with a deeper understanding of Brown’s culture, academic environment, and community. This insight can be valuable in writing a more personalized and compelling application essay.
  • Questions and Interactions: A visit allows you to ask specific questions and interact with faculty and current students. This can provide valuable information to reference in your application, showing a deeper understanding of what Brown offers.

Remember, a campus visit is more about enhancing your understanding of the university and seeing if it’s the right fit for you. It should be viewed as a part of your overall research process, rather than a strategy to increase your chances of admission.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve provided invaluable insights into the intricate process of gaining admission to Brown University. We began by exploring Brown’s unique qualities and what distinguishes it as an exceptional institution.

You’ve gained insights into specific areas where you can excel and make your application stand out. Furthermore, we delved into the other critical application requirements, ensuring you clearly understand what’s needed for a compelling application.

Navigating the admissions process can be challenging, especially given the fierce competition for a coveted spot at Brown University. The reality is that Brown attracts a diverse and highly talented pool of applicants from around the world.

However, armed with the knowledge, guidance, and determination provided in this guide, you can confidently pursue your dream of becoming a Brown student.

We can help you figure out how to get into Brown University

Many students and parents fail to realize that there are college admission specialists who can help high schoolers drastically increase their chances of getting accepted into some of the best colleges in the country, including Brown University.

As one of the preeminent specialists in this field, AdmissionSight gives applicants a leg up on their competitors by supporting them through each step of the application process.

Whether you need advice on choosing summer programs, help editing your essays, or guidance on where to apply, we can help. With years of experience and a track record of proven success, we have the insider knowledge, expertise, and insights needed to guide you toward acceptance.

Feel free to contact us to learn more about our services and how you can benefit from working with AdmissionSight.


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