

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Unidentified person holding a replica of Earth.


Earthwatch is a global nonprofit organization that engages people in scientific research and education to promote a sustainable environment. The organization was founded in 1971 by Robert A. Citron and Clarence Truesdale, who was motivated by a desire to bridge the gap between scientists and the public.

Since then, Earthwatch has grown to become one of the world’s largest and most respected environmental organizations, with a presence in more than 50 countries.

Earthwatch’s mission is to empower people to take action to create a sustainable future. To achieve this, the organization provides opportunities for people to participate in scientific research alongside leading scientists and experts.

Volunteers can learn about environmental issues by participating in research expeditions and help contribute to important research that will inform policy and management decisions.

What are the key strengths of Earthwatch?

What are Earthwatch’s primary strengths? The organization has been instrumental in promoting environmental awareness and research and has had a significant impact on both the environment and the people involved. Here are some of the key strengths of Earthwatch:

Citizen Science

Earthwatch’s approach to environmental research is unique in that it is based on the concept of citizen science. Citizen science is a collaborative approach that involves the public in scientific research, allowing individuals to participate in projects that contribute to scientific knowledge.

two african american students talking

Earthwatch’s citizen science approach has enabled the organization to engage thousands of volunteers in environmental research and contribute to critical scientific discoveries.

Scientific Rigor

Earthwatch’s research is thorough and scientific, despite the fact that it utilizes a citizen science technique. The organization collaborates with eminent researchers to design research initiatives characterized by specific aims, stringent methodology, and the generation of high-quality data.

Two people having a discussion.

Earthwatch programs have resulted in a substantial number of scientific papers, which have contributed to the progression of environmental knowledge and understanding.

Global Reach

Earthwatch is an international organization with a presence in over 50 countries around the world. Its global reach has enabled the organization to engage with diverse communities and ecosystems and to address a range of environmental issues.

Earthwatch’s global presence has also allowed the organization to build partnerships with local organizations and communities, promoting cross-cultural understanding and knowledge-sharing.

Capacity Building

Earthwatch’s work not only helps scientists learn more, but it also makes the places where it works stronger. Earthwatch promotes local knowledge and expertise by working with local communities. This helps to build the skills and capacity needed to deal with environmental problems.

Earthwatch’s projects have helped local environmental groups and conservation efforts grow, which is suitable for long-term environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

Education and Outreach

Earthwatch’s citizen science approach provides an opportunity for volunteers to learn about the environment, scientific research, and conservation. The organization’s educational programs are designed to promote environmental awareness and inspire action.

Young woman standing in the middle of the school ground with her classmates.

Earthwatch’s outreach efforts have reached millions worldwide, raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting positive environmental action.


Earthwatch is committed to promoting sustainability in all aspects of its work. The organization has a comprehensive sustainability policy that includes reducing its carbon footprint, working with local communities to promote sustainable development, and promoting environmentally responsible practices.

Earthwatch’s commitment to sustainability ensures that its work contributes to long-term environmental protection and stewardship.

How did Earthwatch come to be?

How did the organization Earthwatch come to be? The story of how Earthwatch came to be is one of passion, vision, and a deep commitment to the environment. The organization was founded in 1971 by two individuals, Robert A. Citron and Clarence Truesdale, who saw a need for a new approach to environmental research.

At the time, there was a growing concern about environmental issues, but the public’s understanding of these issues was limited. Citron and Truesdale recognized that the key to addressing environmental challenges was to engage the public in scientific research. By doing so, they believed that people would develop a greater understanding of environmental issues and become more motivated to take action.

Citron and Truesdale were both scientists, but they also had a passion for education and outreach. They saw the potential for citizen science to bridge the gap between scientists and the public, and they wanted to create an organization that would facilitate this type of collaboration.

In 1971, Citron and Truesdale launched the first Earthwatch expedition. The expedition was a three-week journey to study bird migration in the mountains of Colorado. The team included both scientists and volunteers, who worked together to collect data and analyze the results. The expedition was a success, and it inspired Citron and Truesdale to continue their work.

Over the next few years, Earthwatch grew rapidly, with new expeditions and research projects taking place around the world. The organization’s model was simple but effective: it brought together scientists and volunteers to work on important environmental research projects, with the aim of educating the public about environmental issues and inspiring action.

Today, Earthwatch is one of the world’s largest and most respected environmental organizations, with a presence in more than 50 countries. Its model of citizen science has inspired countless individuals to get involved in environmental research, and its educational programs have helped to raise awareness about important environmental issues.

How can you join Earthwatch?

How can you become a member of Earthwatch? If you are interested in getting involved with environmental research and making a positive impact on the world, joining Earthwatch is a great way to do it. Earthwatch is an international organization that connects volunteers with scientists to work on environmental research projects around the world. Here’s a guide on how to join Earthwatch:

Research Earthwatch Projects

Examining the many initiatives that are available is the initial step in becoming a member of Earthwatch. Exploring animals and ecosystems is only one of the many topics that may be covered on an expedition with Earthwatch. Other topics include archaeology and cultural studies.

You may learn more about the projects that Earthwatch is working on by exploring the projects available on the website or by searching through the project database.

Choose a Project

After looking at the various projects, you should select one that fits your interests, availability, and financial constraints the best. For each project, there is a comprehensive description that includes information about the study, location, and logistics.

You are able to evaluate and contrast the projects using criteria such as length, expense, location, and intensity of activity.

Register for a Project

The subsequent action, which is to register, is taken after the selection of a project. You may register for a project online, or if you need assistance, you can get in touch with Earthwatch personally.

In order to complete the registration process, you will be required to provide your personal and contact information, as well as data on any dietary restrictions or medical issues you may have.


There is a charge associated with participating in an Earthwatch expedition, the amount of which varies according to the project and the duration. You are able to pay the cost directly, however, the majority of participants in the initiative are raising money for it.

Earthwatch offers services to help organizations raise money, such as customized fundraising pages and advice on how to keep supporters interested.

Prepare for the Expedition

When you have registered for the trip and paid the cost, you should immediately begin getting ready for the journey. Earthwatch gives in-depth advice on what to carry, how to dress, and whether or not the project has any specific attire or equipment needs.

Also, in order to guarantee that you are appropriately prepared, you should do a study about the region’s culture as well as the climatic conditions.

Participate in the Expedition

The very last thing you need to do is sign up for the expedition. Earthwatch trips are directed by seasoned scientists who offer instruction, direction, and support during the entirety of the mission.

You and the other volunteers will work together to gather data, carry out tests, and assist with other research-related tasks. You will also get the chance to learn about the local communities, as well as the ecology, culture, and history of the area.

How is Earthwatch operating in the US?

How does Earthwatch function here in the US? Earthwatch is a global environmental nonprofit organization that operates in the United States, among other countries. With its headquarters in Massachusetts, the organization offers a range of environmental programs and initiatives that aim to inspire and empower people to take action towards a sustainable future.

Earthwatch in the US Today

Today, Earthwatch has a presence in the US through its various programs and partnerships. These programs engage volunteers in scientific research and conservation efforts that span a wide range of environmental issues.

For instance, Earthwatch’s Climate Action Program focuses on measuring and reducing carbon emissions, while the Coastal Communities Program addresses coastal ecosystems’ health and resilience. Additionally, the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Program supports regenerative farming practices to create healthier and more sustainable food systems.

One of the key strengths of Earthwatch’s programs in the US is their ability to mobilize citizen scientists, and people from all walks of life who want to contribute to scientific research and conservation efforts.

Through these programs, participants gain hands-on experience and learn from scientists and experts while making a tangible impact on the environment. This approach creates a sense of community and collective responsibility, inspiring volunteers to take action towards a sustainable future.

Impact of Earthwatch in the US

Over the years, Earthwatch has made a significant impact on the environment and local communities through its programs and partnerships. For example, through its Climate Action Program, Earthwatch has supported carbon sequestration efforts in forests and reduced carbon emissions in urban areas.

The Coastal Communities Program has improved the health of coastal ecosystems, benefiting both marine life and local communities. Additionally, the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Program has supported regenerative farming practices, creating healthier and more sustainable food systems.

Beyond these environmental impacts, Earthwatch’s programs have also contributed to social and economic benefits. For example, Earthwatch’s community engagement initiatives have created opportunities for local communities to participate in conservation efforts and benefit from environmental programs.

Additionally, Earthwatch’s programs have contributed to job creation and economic development in communities where the programs operate.

Bonus topic: Why should young people have an interest in a sustainable environment?

Why should young people be interested in preserving the environment for future generations? A sustainable environment is a critical issue for our planet and the younger generation will be the ones who will inherit the environmental challenges and impacts of our actions today.

Group of diverse students working as a team.

Young people have a significant role to play in building a more sustainable world, and there are several reasons why they should have an interest in a sustainable environment:

Environmental Challenges

Young people are facing unprecedented environmental challenges, such as climate change, deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. These issues have significant impacts on the planet and future generations, and young people are in a unique position to help address these challenges.

By learning about the environment and sustainability, young people can take action to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Future Opportunities

Young individuals who have an interest in sustainability will have a substantial edge in the labor market since the sustainable economy is expanding at a rapid rate.

a female student sitting and appears to be thinking

Careers in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, green infrastructure, and environmental activism are just a few of the interesting and lucrative options available to those interested in the sustainability industry.

Young people have the opportunity to position themselves for future success while also making a contribution to a world that is more sustainable if they pursue an interest in sustainability.

Health and Wellbeing

Our physical and mental well-being are both significantly influenced by the environment in which we live. For instance, being subjected to pollution might result in breathing difficulties, but having access to green places can boost mental health and lower levels of stress.

Young people who are interested in sustainability may help build a healthier and more habitable environment by lobbying for environmental regulations and taking steps to lessen the influence that they personally have on the environment.

Social Justice

Young people who are interested in sustainability and who want to contribute to social justice and equality can do so by working to solve environmental inequities. This is where Earthwatch and other NGOs come in as they ultimately stress how environmental problems have a disproportionately negative impact on communities that are already at a disadvantage.

This involves supporting sustainable practices in low-income regions, pushing for regulations that protect vulnerable populations, and increasing knowledge of environmental justice concerns.

Global Citizenship

Sustainability is a global issue that needs everyone to work together and take a global view. Young people who are interested in sustainability can become global citizens by learning about and taking action on environmental issues that affect communities all over the world.

By taking part in international efforts to solve environmental problems, young people can learn more about the world and feel more responsible for it as a whole.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why young people should have an interest in a sustainable environment. Young people are facing unprecedented environmental challenges, and they have a unique role to play in addressing these challenges.

Pursuing an interest in sustainability can also provide future opportunities, promote health and well-being, contribute to social justice, and foster a sense of global citizenship. By taking action today, young people can help build a more sustainable world for future generations.

AdmissionSight is willing to help

Earthwatch is a global nonprofit organization that is making a significant contribution to environmental research and education. Through its focus on citizen science, sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion, Earthwatch is empowering people of all ages and backgrounds to become environmental leaders.

Individuals may make a difference in their local communities and contribute to a more sustainable future for everyone by taking part in research expeditions, engaging in educational and outreach activities, and making connections with others.

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