
Top 50 Test-Optional Colleges

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female high school student looking at the camera

Choosing the right college can be a real headache, especially with the pressure of standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. But good thing, there are test-optional colleges now. This means you get to choose if you want to include your test scores in your application. It’s a great way to take some of the stress out of the whole process. Now, let’s break down what test-optional colleges are, why they’ve become a thing, and how they can actually work in your favor.

What Are Test-Optional Colleges?

Test-optional colleges give you the choice to submit SAT or ACT scores with your application. If you think your scores show off your abilities and make your application stronger, go ahead and include them. But if you feel like they don’t really represent your academic potential, you can skip submitting them without any penalty.

Young woman standing next to a wall.

Test-optional colleges focus more on other parts of your application to see if you’re a good fit for their programs. Here’s what they look at:

  • GPA and coursework: Your high school GPA and the difficulty of your classes are super important. Admissions officers want to see strong academic performance and challenging courses to know you’re ready for college-level work.
  • Essays: Your personal statement and supplemental essays give a peek into your personality, experiences, and writing skills. Well-written essays can explain your academic journey and highlight your unique voice.
  • Recommendations: Letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or mentors can shed light on your character, work ethic, and potential. Strong recommendations can back up the qualities and achievements you mention in your application.
  • Extracurricular activities: Your involvement in extracurriculars shows your interests, skills, and leadership abilities. Colleges like students who are well-rounded and have shown commitment and passion outside the classroom.
  • Interviews (if applicable): Some test-optional colleges offer or require interviews. This is a chance for you to talk about your goals and interests and for the college to get to know you better.

By looking at these different elements, test-optional colleges try to evaluate you as a whole person, not just a test score. This approach can be especially helpful if you’re strong in areas that aren’t reflected in standardized tests. Plus, it promotes a more inclusive and fair admissions process, allowing students from various backgrounds and strengths to shine.

Why Do Test-Optional Colleges Exist?

The test-optional movement started because people were worried about how fair standardized tests really are. Critics have pointed out that these tests might not truly show a student’s abilities. Things like socioeconomic status, access to test prep, and test anxiety can really affect scores. So, by going test-optional, colleges are trying to make the admissions process more fair.

Bowdoin College was the first to go test-optional way back in 1969. They wanted to focus more on the whole person rather than just test scores. Since then, many other schools have joined in, realizing that standardized tests have their flaws and biases.

Studies have shown that going test-optional can boost application numbers and diversity. For example, the University of Chicago saw a 20% increase in first-generation and low-income students after they went test-optional.

The COVID-19 pandemic sped up this trend even more. With test centers closed and test dates canceled, many colleges temporarily dropped test requirements. This led to a bigger rethinking of whether standardized tests are really necessary. Some schools, like Columbia, decided to stick with test-optional policies for good.

List of Top 50 Test-Optional Colleges

These schools have discovered that going test-optional can actually improve the admissions process and attract a more diverse group of students:

College Acceptance Rate
Princeton University 4.5%
Columbia University 3.9%
Stanford University 3.9%
University of Chicago 4.8%
University of Pennsylvania 5.8%
Northwestern University 7.2%
Duke University 5.2%
Johns Hopkins University 7.6%
University of Notre Dame 11.1%
Vanderbilt University 5.1%
Cornell University 7.9%
Rice University 7.5%
Washington University in St. Louis 11.6%
University of California, Los Angeles (Test-Free) 8.7%
Emory University 14.5%
University of California, Berkeley (Test-Free) 11.7%
University of Southern California 9.2%
Carnegie Mellon University 11.4%
University of Michigan 17.9%
Wake Forest University 22.3%
University of Virginia 16.3%
New York University 8%
Tufts University 10%
Harvey Mudd College 13.1%
Barnard College 7%
Williams College 7.5%
Amherst College 9%
Swarthmore College 7.5%
Wellesley College 13.9%
Pomona College 6.7%
Wesleyan University 17.1%
University of California, San Diego (Test-Free) 24.8%
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 43.7%
Boston College 14.7%
Case Western Reserve University 28.7%
Northeastern University 5.7%
Boston University 10.9%
Claremont McKenna College 11.1%
Brandeis University 35.3%
Bowdoin College 7%
University of Rochester 35.9%
Carleton College 17.9%
Lehigh University 25.4%
Villanova University 23.5%
Grinnell College 12.7%
Tulane University 13%
Middlebury College 10.4%
College of William & Mary 33%
Mount Holyoke College 38%
Davidson College 14.5%

Benefits of Test-Optional Colleges

Test-optional colleges bring a lot of perks to the table, shaking up the traditional admissions process. By letting you decide whether to submit your standardized test scores, these schools aim to create a fairer and more thorough evaluation system.

Group of students laughing together.

Here are the key benefits of test-optional colleges:

1. Reduced stress

One of the biggest advantages is less stress. Standardized tests like the SAT and ACT can cause a ton of anxiety. The pressure to get high scores can take away from other important parts of your high school experience.

By giving you the option to apply without test scores, test-optional colleges help ease some of that stress. This makes the application process more balanced and less nerve-wracking, allowing you to highlight your strengths in other areas.

2. Focus on holistic review

Test-optional colleges put a spotlight on holistic review. This means they look at your entire application, not just your test scores. Your GPA, coursework, essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities all play a big role in the admissions decision.

This approach lets colleges see you as a whole person, appreciating your unique experiences, talents, and potential. By focusing on a more complete evaluation, test-optional colleges can better find students who are a great fit for their community and values.

3. Increased diversity

Test-optional policies can lead to a more diverse student body. Standardized tests have been criticized for reinforcing socioeconomic and racial inequalities. Students from underrepresented backgrounds or those with limited access to test prep resources may struggle to get high scores.

By removing the requirement to submit test scores, test-optional colleges can attract a wider range of applicants. This results in a richer, more varied campus community, enhancing the educational experience for everyone.

Common Misconceptions About Test-Optional Colleges

There are a lot of myths about test-optional colleges that can be pretty confusing. Knowing the real deal can help you make better choices for your college applications. Let’s debunk some of these common misconceptions:

1. “Test-optional” means “test-blind.”

A big misconception is that test-optional means test-blind. But these are not the same. Test-blind colleges don’t look at test scores at all, even if you submit them. Test-optional colleges, however, will check out your scores if you decide to include them.

So, if you think your test scores make your application stronger, go ahead and submit them. If not, you can skip them without hurting your chances.

2. Test-optional colleges are less competitive.

Another myth is that test-optional colleges are less competitive. This isn’t true. Many test-optional colleges are still highly competitive and have strict admissions standards. They just offer a different way to evaluate applicants.

Schools like the University of Chicago, Wake Forest University, and Bowdoin College are top-notch institutions with test-optional policies. They attract high-achieving students and have selective admissions processes.

3. Only weak students apply to test-optional colleges.

Some people think that only weak students apply to test-optional colleges. This ignores the many reasons students might choose not to submit test scores. Test-optional policies benefit everyone, not just those with low scores.

Many strong students opt out of submitting scores because of personal preference, test anxiety, or a belief that other parts of their application better showcase their abilities. Test-optional policies give all students the flexibility to present their best selves in their applications.

How to Prepare Your Application for Test-Optional Colleges

Applying to test-optional colleges means you need to focus on showcasing your strengths beyond standardized test scores. Here are some key strategies to prepare a strong application:

a female student checking her smart phone

1. Strengthen your essays.

Your personal statement and supplemental essays are even more crucial for test-optional applications. These essays let you highlight your personality, achievements, and experiences. Take the time to write thoughtful, well-crafted essays that tell your unique story. Be sure to address any challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them. Strong essays can make a big difference in how admissions officers view your application.

2. Highlight extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities give a comprehensive view of your interests and skills. They show your involvement and leadership outside the classroom. Include any leadership roles, volunteer work, clubs, sports, or special projects you’ve been a part of. Highlighting your extracurricular activities shows that you’re a well-rounded individual who can contribute to the campus community in various ways.

3. Obtain strong recommendations.

Recommendations from teachers, counselors, or mentors can add significant weight to your application. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your strengths and potential. Strong recommendations provide valuable insights into your character, work ethic, and academic abilities. They can also back up the information you provide in your essays and other application materials.

4. Showcase your GPA and coursework.

Your academic performance in high school is important, especially when applying to test-optional colleges. Maintain a strong GPA and take challenging courses to show your readiness for college-level work. Admissions officers will look at your coursework to assess your academic rigor and consistency. Highlight any advanced placement (AP) or honors classes you’ve taken, as well as any academic achievements or awards.

The Future of Test-Optional Policies

Lately, some top schools have decided to bring back their standardized test requirements. Harvard, Yale, and Brown are now asking for SAT or ACT scores again. They made this move because research suggests that these tests can help spot talented students from under-resourced backgrounds, leveling the playing field more than subjective measures like essays and recommendations.

For instance, Yale found that standardized tests are key for predicting academic success and boosting campus diversity. Their research showed that test scores are better at predicting future grades than high school GPA alone, even when considering socioeconomic differences.

Similarly, Harvard reinstated test requirements after studies revealed that standardized tests help identify promising students from less privileged backgrounds, making the admissions process more fair and merit-based.


Test-optional colleges offer a flexible and fair approach to college admissions. They let you showcase your strengths without the stress of standardized tests. By understanding what test-optional colleges are and how to navigate the application process, you can make smart choices that fit your academic goals. As more colleges go test-optional, the higher education landscape is changing, creating new opportunities for students like you.


Are test-optional colleges less competitive?

No, test-optional colleges are definitely not less competitive. Many top-notch schools have adopted test-optional policies while keeping their tough admissions standards. They still look at everything—GPA, coursework, essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities. The competition is fierce because these schools attract a lot of high-achieving students.

a female student thinking intently

Should I submit my test scores to a test-optional college?

Deciding whether to submit your test scores depends on a few things:

  • Strength of scores: If your SAT or ACT scores are above the average for admitted students at your target college, submitting them can boost your application.
  • Other application components: Think about your GPA, coursework, essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities. If these are strong, you might choose not to submit test scores.
  • College-specific policies: Check out the specific policies of the colleges you’re applying to. Some test-optional schools might still recommend submitting scores if you have them, while others focus more on other parts of your application.
  • Personal circumstances: Consider your personal situation, like test anxiety or lack of access to test prep resources, which might have affected your scores.

Talk to a school counselor or admissions advisor to get advice tailored to your situation.

Which Ivy League colleges are test-optional?

For the 2024-2025 admissions cycle, the test-optional Ivy League schools are Columbia University, Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Princeton University. Harvard, Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth have brought back their test requirements.

Is Harvard a test-optional college?

No, Harvard isn’t test-optional anymore. They reinstated mandatory test scores starting with applicants for the Class of 2029. They found that standardized tests help predict college success, especially for students from less-resourced backgrounds. However, Harvard ensures that lack of access to testing shouldn’t stop anyone from applying, offering alternative test options and tutoring resources.

Is Yale a test-optional college?

No, Yale reinstated its requirement for standardized test scores for applicants starting with the Class of 2029. They discovered that their test-optional policy was affecting disadvantaged students. Applicants without test scores, especially those from lower-income backgrounds, were less likely to be admitted. This change aims to provide a better view of applicants’ academic readiness, ensuring a diverse and well-prepared student body.


College Admissions

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