
How to Get into Washington University in St. Louis: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Washington University in St. Louis: Admission Requirements and Tips

Getting into a prestigious university like Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) is a goal many students aspire to achieve. Given the competition, you need a well-rounded application that showcases your unique strengths and talents.

In this guide, we’ll delve into the specifics of what it takes to get accepted into Washington University in St. Louis. This article will not only explain the academic and extracurricular expectations but also offer tips on making your application stand out.

Overview of Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University in St. Louis, commonly referred to as WashU or WUSTL, has a rich history that dates back to its founding in 1853. Located in the heart of St. Louis, Missouri, the university has grown from its humble beginnings to become a leading institution in higher education.

The campus, renowned for its collegiate Gothic architecture, is a blend of traditional charm and modern facilities, providing an ideal environment for learning and research. Positioned in a city known for its cultural diversity and historical significance, WashU offers students a unique blend of academic rigor and urban experiences.

WashU is not just known for its impressive campus but also for its standing in the academic world. It holds the #32 spot in the Best Global Universities rankings and #24 in National Universities, according to U.S. News. This recognition is a testament to its commitment to excellence in education, research, and community service.

The university’s prestige extends beyond rankings. Its notable alumni and faculty include Nobel laureates, highlighting the university’s strength in research and innovation. In 2022, Philip Dybvig, a Professor of Banking and Finance at the Olin School of Business, received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on understanding the vulnerability of banks during financial crises.

So, when you apply to WashU, you’re not just seeking admission to a university. You’re aspiring to join a community that has been at the forefront of intellectual and scientific advancement.

This understanding should shape how you approach your application, aiming to align your ambitions and interests with the university’s rich history and its ongoing mission to contribute to the global community.

How Hard Is It to Get into Washington University in St. Louis?

Gaining admission to Washington University in St. Louis is a challenging endeavor. In recent years, the acceptance rate has consistently been 15% or lower, demonstrating the university’s highly selective admissions process.

This statistic is crucial for you as a prospective student. It means that for every 100 applications, only around 15 are accepted.

Understanding WashU’s decreasing acceptance rate is key to grasping the competitive nature of its admissions process. As you prepare your application, bear in mind that the declining acceptance rate at WashU signifies the importance of showcasing your unique strengths and how they align with WashU’s values.

Washington University in St. Louis’s acceptance rate

Washington University in St. Louis’s acceptance rate has been a critical metric for gauging the difficulty of gaining admission. Over recent years, the rate has trended downwards:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 14%
Class of 2024 15%
Class of 2025 13%
Class of 2026 11%
Class of 2027 12%

This decline in acceptance rate is a testament to the university’s growing prestige and the increasing number of applicants each year. The competitive nature of WashU’s admissions process is reflected in these numbers, indicating that only a select few of the many applicants are admitted.

For example, for the Class of 2027, WashU received 32,240 applications and admitted around 3,855 students, resulting in an acceptance rate of around 12% overall.

A low acceptance rate implies that each application needs to be exceptionally well-crafted, showcasing not only academic prowess but also unique personal qualities and extracurricular achievements. Your application must holistically reflect your abilities, ambitions, and fit for WashU’s vibrant community.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

Several key factors contribute to the acceptance rate at Washington University in St. Louis:

  • Increasing Applicant Pool: Each year, WashU attracts a larger number of applicants, which naturally lowers the acceptance rate as the number of available spots remains relatively constant.
  • Rising Academic Standards: As WashU continues to enhance its academic programs and research opportunities, it attracts higher caliber students, leading to a more competitive applicant pool.
  • Brand Prestige and Global Recognition: The university’s growing reputation both nationally and internationally leads to increased interest from top students worldwide, contributing to a more selective admissions process.
  • Holistic Admissions Process: WashU’s comprehensive review of applications, which includes assessing students’ essays, recommendations, and extracurricular involvement, beyond just grades and test scores, also plays a role in shaping the acceptance rate.

Washington University in St. Louis Admission Requirements

When applying to Washington University in St. Louis, several key components are considered in the admissions process. Each element plays a crucial role in how your application is evaluated:

  • GPA: While there’s no minimum GPA requirement, a strong academic record is essential. High GPAs are common among admitted students, reflecting rigorous coursework and consistent academic achievement.
  • Standardized Test Scores (Test-Optional): WashU has adopted a test-optional policy, allowing students to decide whether to submit SAT or ACT scores. This approach recognizes the varied strengths and experiences of applicants, emphasizing that a test score is just one of many factors considered.
  • Extracurricular Involvement: Active participation in extracurricular activities demonstrates qualities like leadership, commitment, and a well-rounded character. WashU values students who contribute to their communities and pursue passions outside the classroom.
  • Essays: Personal essays provide insight into your personality, goals, and fit for WashU. They are a critical component, offering a platform to express your unique voice and story.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Recommendations from teachers and counselors provide a third-party perspective on your academic abilities and personal qualities. These letters should highlight your strengths and potential for success at WashU.
  • Interview (Optional): Interviews are not a mandatory part of the application process but can be a valuable opportunity for personal interaction and to demonstrate your interest in the university.

The admission process at Washington University in St. Louis is comprehensive and holistic. Each application is thoroughly reviewed with the aim of understanding the whole person behind it. This process ensures that the university not only selects students with strong academic backgrounds but also those who will contribute to the WashU community in diverse and meaningful ways.

The university’s commitment to a holistic review means that every part of your application—from your academic record to your personal essays—plays a significant role in the decision-making process.

Washington University in St. Louis GPA and SAT Requirements

Although Washington University in St. Louis has adopted a test-optional policy for standardized tests like the SAT, academic performance, as reflected in a student’s GPA, remains a cornerstone of the admissions process. Understanding why these components are significant can help you better prepare your application.

Your GPA is a key indicator of your academic ability and consistency over time. WashU looks for students who have not only maintained high grades but also challenged themselves with rigorous coursework. A strong GPA suggests that you are well-prepared for the demanding academic environment at WashU.

While WashU is test-optional, submitting SAT scores can be beneficial, especially if they strengthen your application. The SAT tests specific skills like critical reading, math, and writing. High SAT scores can complement your GPA and provide additional evidence of your academic abilities.

In summary, while your GPA is a critical component of your application to WashU, the option to submit SAT scores allows you to further showcase your academic strengths. Both elements play a role in illustrating your preparedness and fit for the rigorous academic environment at Washington University in St. Louis.

Washington University in St. Louis GPA Requirements

Washington University in St. Louis does not enforce an absolute minimum GPA requirement. However, the average GPA provides insight into the competitive nature of the admissions process. Admitted students at WashU typically have an impressive GPA of 4.22.

This average GPA indicates the high academic standards at WashU and across top universities in the United States. It suggests that successful applicants often take challenging courses, such as Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes, which can result in GPAs above the standard 4.0 scale.

As a prospective student, it’s important to view these GPA statistics in perspective. While they represent the high academic achievements of current WashU students, they are not absolute barriers to admission. WashU’s holistic admissions process means that your GPA is just one factor among many. However, it does underscore the importance of strong academic performance.

GPA recommendations

For your GPA to be competitive at WashU:

  • Strive for a GPA that is close to or exceeds the 4.22 average.
  • Enroll in challenging courses that demonstrate your ability to handle college-level work. Success in these courses can significantly strengthen your academic profile.
  • Consistency matters. Aim to maintain a strong GPA throughout your high school years.
  • Be well-rounded. Remember, your GPA is part of a broader application. Excelling in other areas can also positively impact your application, especially if your GPA is slightly below the average.

Washington University in St. Louis SAT Requirements

Washington University in St. Louis does not have an absolute minimum SAT score requirement, reflecting their holistic admissions approach. However, the SAT scores of admitted students are notably high:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1530 1500 1570

These figures emphasize the university’s emphasis on strong academic potential. These scores are indicative of students who perform exceptionally well in standardized testing, a criterion valued by many top-tier universities in the U.S.

Scoring at or above the 75th percentile (1570) places you among the higher scoring applicants. A score in this range is a strong testament to your academic prowess, especially in standardized testing, and can bolster your application considerably.

On the other hand, an SAT score at the 25th percentile (1500) is around the lower end of what admitted students typically score. It indicates that you are within the range of competitiveness, but only just. If your SAT score is around the 25th percentile, it’s crucial to ensure that other parts of your application are exceptionally strong to compensate.

While the university’s test-optional policy means that SAT scores are not mandatory, high scores can be a significant advantage in your application, especially if they align with or exceed the average and percentile ranges.

SAT recommendations

To align with WashU’s SAT expectations, follow these tips:

  • Aim for an SAT score of 1570 or higher.
  • Invest time in preparing for the SAT to maximize your scoring potential.
  • Remember that SAT scores are part of a holistic application. A slightly lower score can be offset by strengths in other areas of your application.
  • If your SAT score is significantly below the 25th percentile, consider the benefits of WashU’s test-optional policy in deciding whether to submit your scores.

Washington University in St. Louis ACT Requirements

Take note that Washington University in St. Louis does not have a minimum ACT score requirement, as part of its holistic admissions approach. Still, the typical ACT scores of students admitted to WashU are indicative of the university’s high academic standards:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
34 33 35

These ACT scores are quite high when compared to national averages and reflects the university’s competitive admission process. This score is indicative of applicants who excel in academic areas tested by the ACT, such as English, math, reading, and science reasoning.

Now, achieving a score at or above the 75th percentile (35) places you among the higher-scoring applicants. This can be a significant advantage, showcasing your strong academic capabilities in the context of WashU’s applicant pool.

Meanwhile, scoring within the 25th Percentile (33) means you are at the lower end of the range for admitted students. It suggests that other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities, should be particularly strong to enhance your overall candidacy.

Prospective students should view these ACT statistics as a guide to understanding the caliber of students WashU typically admits. While the university’s holistic approach to admissions means that ACT scores are not the sole determinant of admission, a high score can certainly strengthen your application.

ACT recommendations

Consider the following ACT tips:

  • Aim for an ACT score at or above the 75th percentile (35) to be very competitive in the WashU applicant pool.
  • Invest time in preparing for the ACT to maximize your potential score.
  • Remember that a strong ACT score should be one part of a comprehensive application, including solid essays, GPA, and extracurriculars.
  • If your ACT score is significantly lower than the 25th percentile, consider the advantages of WashU’s test-optional policy in your application decision.

Is Washington University in St. Louis Test-Optional?

Washington University in St. Louis is test-optional for all applicants will enter in Fall 2023 and Fall 2024. This means that you are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of your application. The decision to submit these scores is entirely up to you and should be based on whether you feel they accurately represent your academic abilities.

As an applicant, the test-optional policy gives you more control over how you present your academic strengths to WashU. If you have strong SAT or ACT scores, you can choose to include them to bolster your application. If not, you can focus on highlighting other aspects of your profile.

Without standardized test scores, other components of your application, like your GPA, essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation, become more significant. This shift allows you to showcase your unique strengths and experiences more fully.

WashU’s decision to adopt a test-optional policy stems from a commitment to a holistic review of applications. The university recognizes that standardized test scores are not the only indicator of academic potential. It’s an effort to create a more inclusive admissions process that evaluates students based on the full spectrum of their experiences, talents, and potential.

Is Washington University in St. Louis as Good as an Ivy?

When assessing the caliber of universities, Ivy League institutions often serve as a benchmark for academic excellence. With its rigorous academics, esteemed reputation, selective acceptance rates, and stringent admissions criteria, Washington University in St. Louis invites comparisons with these prestigious schools.

Academic rigor and excellence

WashU is known for its challenging and comprehensive academic programs. The university offers a wide range of courses across various disciplines, demanding intellectual rigor and critical thinking from its students, akin to what is expected at Ivy League institutions.

WashU boasts a distinguished faculty and numerous research opportunities, paralleling the scholarly environment found at Ivy League schools. This emphasis on research and academic inquiry fosters a stimulating educational experience.

Prestige and reputation

While not an Ivy League school, WashU has established a reputation for excellence both nationally and internationally. Its standing in various academic rankings, often close to those of Ivy League universities, underscores its prestige.

In terms of alumni success, WashU has a robust network of successful graduates who have made significant contributions in various fields. The university’s alumni include leaders in business, government, academia, and the arts, a testament to the quality of education and opportunities provided.

Acceptance rates and admissions requirements

WashU’s acceptance rate, which has been around or below 15% in recent years, is indicative of its highly selective admissions process. This level of selectivity is comparable to that of several Ivy League universities, reflecting a similar level of competition among applicants.

Moreover, the average GPA and test scores of admitted students at WashU are on par with those required by Ivy League schools. With an average GPA around 4.15 and high SAT/ACT scores, WashU maintains stringent criteria for academic performance, mirroring the expectations of Ivy League admissions.

Like many Ivies, WashU employs a holistic review process, evaluating applicants based on a variety of factors beyond just GPA and test scores. This approach ensures a diverse and well-rounded student body.

Therefore, while WashU is not part of the Ivy League, it competes closely in terms of academic rigor, prestige, selectivity, and admissions criteria. WashU has established itself as a prestigious institution, often regarded as an “Ivy-equivalent” by students and educators alike.

What Does Washington University in St. Louis Look for in Students?

At the heart of Washington University in St. Louis’s admissions process lies a quest to find students who not only demonstrate academic prowess but also resonate with the university’s core ethos.

For you as an applicant, a deep understanding of WashU’s values is more than informative—it’s strategic, guiding you to align your application with the institution’s expectations, thereby enhancing your chances of admission.

1. Academic potential

WashU places a significant emphasis on intellectual curiosity and academic excellence. The ideal candidate is one who has not only excelled in their academic pursuits but has also embraced the challenge of rigorous coursework. This reflects a readiness to thrive in WashU’s demanding academic environment.

To demonstrate this, focus on highlighting your academic achievements. Emphasize any advanced or specialized courses you’ve taken and don’t hesitate to showcase your involvement in independent research or academic competitions. These elements of your application can vividly illustrate your academic drive and potential.

2. Personal qualities

But academic achievements alone don’t paint the full picture. WashU values personal characteristics such as resilience, leadership, empathy, and creativity. These traits are pivotal in enriching the university community and driving positive change.

Your essays, recommendations, and interviews are crucial platforms to highlight these personal attributes. Narrate experiences that display your personal growth, leadership experiences, creative endeavors, or community engagement. These narratives provide a window into your character, complementing your academic record.

3. Accomplishments and involvement

Active participation in your school and community is highly regarded by WashU. The university seeks students who bring a well-rounded portfolio of accomplishments and involvement. This speaks not just to your abilities, but to your character as well.

In detailing your extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and recognitions, be sure to articulate the impact of these experiences. How have they shaped you? What have you contributed to these activities? Answers to these questions will provide depth to your application.

4. Fit and engagement

Lastly, WashU looks for students who will not just benefit from but also contribute to its unique community. Demonstrating a strong fit involves aligning your goals and interests with the opportunities and values that WashU offers.

Thoroughly research WashU’s programs, ethos, and culture. In your application, make it a point to connect your aspirations with specific aspects of the university that resonate with you. Whether it’s a particular program that excites you or aspects of WashU’s ethos that align with your values, these connections can be compelling in your application.

In summary, WashU seeks students who are academically outstanding, personally reflective of the university’s values, actively involved in their communities, and a good fit for its unique environment. Crafting your application with these aspects in mind can significantly increase your chances of admission.

Washington University in St. Louis Application Tips

Navigating the application process for Washington University in St. Louis can be a journey filled with both excitement and challenges. Given WashU’s selective nature and emphasis on diverse qualities in its applicants, it’s crucial to approach your application with a strategic mindset.

The tips outlined here are designed to enhance your application, aligning it closely with WashU’s core values and what they seek in students. They will help you present a compelling case for why you are an ideal fit for this prestigious university.

1. Excel academically.

Your academic performance is a cornerstone of your application to Washington University in St. Louis. It not only reflects your intellectual abilities but also demonstrates your readiness to tackle the rigorous curriculum at WashU.

Excelling academically assures the admissions committee that you possess the foundational knowledge and study habits necessary for success in a challenging academic environment.

Specific tips:

  • Challenge yourself with advanced courses. Enroll in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), honors, or other advanced-level courses if available. These courses show your willingness to push beyond comfort zones and tackle complex material, a quality highly valued by WashU.
  • Maintain consistency in your grades. Aim for consistent high performance throughout your high school years. A steady upward trend in your grades or sustained excellence demonstrates your academic commitment and resilience.
  • Seek help when needed. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you struggle with certain subjects. Utilizing resources like tutoring or study groups can not only improve your understanding but also shows your proactive approach to overcoming academic challenges.
  • Engage actively in class. Participate in class discussions, take on leadership roles in group projects, and engage with your teachers. Active engagement demonstrates your intellectual curiosity and willingness to contribute to the learning environment, traits that WashU values.

2. Showcase your achievements.

Highlighting your achievements in your application to Washington University in St. Louis is vital. It allows the admissions committee to see the breadth and depth of your accomplishments, both inside and outside the classroom.

These achievements provide tangible evidence of your dedication, skills, and potential to contribute to the WashU community.

Specific tips:

  • Detail academic honors and awards. Include any honors or awards you’ve received that reflect academic excellence or subject-specific achievements. These recognitions are a testament to your scholarly abilities and commitment to your studies.
  • Highlight leadership roles. Whether you were the captain of a sports team, president of a club, or lead organizer of an event, emphasize these leadership experiences. They demonstrate your ability to take initiative, manage responsibilities, and positively influence others.
  • Showcase community and volunteer work. If you have engaged in community service or volunteer work, describe these experiences. They illustrate your willingness to contribute to society and can highlight qualities like empathy, teamwork, and civic-mindedness.
  • Include creative or technical projects. If you have pursued any creative or technical projects, such as art exhibitions, musical performances, coding projects, or scientific research, make sure to include them. These endeavors show your diverse talents and capacity for innovative thinking.

3. Pursue meaningful extracurricular activities.

Engaging in extracurricular activities is crucial when applying to Washington University in St. Louis. These pursuits demonstrate your interests outside the academic sphere and offer insight into your character, values, and passions.

Meaningful extracurricular involvement can set you apart in a competitive applicant pool by showcasing your well-roundedness, leadership, and ability to contribute to the WashU community.

Specific tips:

  • Pursue your interests. Engage in extracurriculars that genuinely interest you, rather than those you think will simply look good on a resume. Authentic passion is more impactful and meaningful, both for your personal development and your application.
  • Seek leadership roles. Actively seek leadership positions or initiate projects within your extracurricular activities. These roles demonstrate your ability to lead, organize, and influence, qualities that are highly valued at WashU.
  • Commit and show dedication. Instead of spreading yourself thin across many activities, choose a few that you are truly passionate about and commit to them. Depth of involvement is often more impressive than breadth.
  • Communicate the impact. In your application, reflect on how these activities have shaped you. Discuss the skills you’ve developed, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the impact you’ve made. This reflection shows a level of maturity and self-awareness that WashU looks for.

4. Craft compelling essays.

Your essays are a vital component of your application to Washington University in St. Louis. They provide a unique opportunity for you to share your voice, perspectives, and experiences directly with the admissions committee.

A well-crafted essay can create a vivid and personal connection, giving life to the facts and figures in other parts of your application. It’s your chance to demonstrate how you think, what you value, and why you would be a great fit for WashU.

Specific tips:

  • Be authentic. Write in a voice that is genuinely yours. Authenticity resonates more than trying to fit a perceived ideal. Share real experiences, reflections, and aspirations that capture your true self.
  • Tell a compelling story. Choose essay topics that allow you to tell a story, ideally one that reveals something meaningful about you. Use narrative techniques to engage the reader and make your essay memorable.
  • Reflect deep insight. Your essay should go beyond surface-level descriptions. Reflect on your experiences and articulate the lessons learned or how they have shaped your perspective and character.
  • Connect to WashU. Whenever relevant, tie your experiences or goals to specific aspects of Washington University in St. Louis. Show how your story aligns with the values, programs, or opportunities at WashU.

5. Seek strong recommendation letters.

Recommendation letters provide Washington University in St. Louis’s admissions committee with an external perspective on your academic abilities, character, and potential. They offer insights that grades and test scores cannot, highlighting your personal qualities, classroom contributions, and impact on your school or community.

Strong letters can significantly bolster your application by providing a third-party endorsement of your suitability for WashU.

Specific tips:

  • Choose recommenders wisely. Select teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths, achievements, and growth. Ideally, these should be individuals who have witnessed your development over time and can provide specific examples of your contributions and character.
  • Provide context to your recommenders. Help your recommenders by providing them with a brief summary of your academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as your goals for college. This information can guide them in highlighting aspects of your personality and achievements that align with WashU’s values.
  • Request recommendations early. Give your recommenders plenty of time to write a thoughtful and detailed letter. Rushed letters are rarely as compelling as those for which the writer had sufficient time to reflect and write.
  • Follow up and express gratitude. After your recommenders agree to write a letter, follow up with a thank you note. Expressing gratitude is not only polite but also helps maintain a positive relationship, which can reflect in the quality of their recommendation.

6. Prepare early.

Starting your application process early for Washington University in St. Louis can have a significant impact on the quality of your submission.

Early preparation allows you ample time to thoughtfully compile and refine all components of your application, from essays to test scores. It also reduces stress, ensuring that you can present the best possible version of yourself to the admissions committee.

Specific tips:

  • Research WashU thoroughly. Begin by thoroughly researching WashU’s programs, culture, and values. Understanding what the university offers and seeks in its students can help tailor your application to align with its ethos.
  • Plan your application timeline. Create a detailed timeline for your application process, including deadlines for tests, essays, recommendation letters, and application submission. Sticking to a schedule helps ensure you don’t miss important deadlines and have enough time for revisions.
  • Draft and refine essays well in advance. Start drafting your essays early. This gives you time to revise and get feedback, ensuring that your essays are compelling and error-free. Remember, great writing often involves multiple drafts and edits.
  • Prepare for standardized tests ahead of time. If you choose to submit standardized test scores, start preparing for them well in advance. Adequate preparation can improve your performance and reduce test-day anxiety.

7. Prepare for a possible interview.

While interviews may not be a mandatory part of the application process at Washington University in St. Louis, being prepared for a potential interview is important.

An interview offers a unique opportunity to make a personal impression and reinforce your interest in WashU. It allows you to articulate your aspirations, experiences, and fit for WashU in a more personal and direct manner than the written application.

Specific tips:

  • Research WashU extensively. Understanding WashU’s programs, values, and campus culture is essential. Being well-informed enables you to discuss how you align with the university and why it’s your preferred choice.
  • Practice common interview questions. Familiarize yourself with common college interview questions and practice your responses. Focus on articulating clear, concise, and thoughtful answers that reflect your personality and interests.
  • Prepare specific examples. Be ready to discuss specific experiences or achievements that highlight your skills and qualities. Concrete examples can make your responses more compelling and memorable.
  • Ask insightful questions. Prepare a few thoughtful questions about WashU that demonstrate your genuine interest and engagement. Asking questions can also help you learn more about the university and show that you’re seriously considering how you would fit into the WashU community.

Subjects to Take to Get into Washington University in St. Louis

When applying to Washington University in St. Louis, selecting the right high school courses is crucial. The university favors applicants who have embraced a challenging college-preparatory curriculum, demonstrating both academic rigor and breadth.

Typically, successful candidates have completed:

  • 4 Years of English: This foundation develops essential skills in critical reading, analytical writing, and effective communication.
  • 4 Years of Mathematics: Especially for architecture, business, and engineering applicants, taking calculus is highly recommended, showcasing advanced quantitative skills.
  • 3-4 Years of Laboratory Science: Prospective engineering students should focus on chemistry and physics to demonstrate their aptitude for technical and scientific concepts.
  • 3-4 Years of History or Social Science: These subjects enhance your understanding of societal dynamics, critical thinking, and historical perspectives.
  • At Least 2 Years of the Same Foreign Language: Consistency in foreign language study indicates your ability to engage with global cultures and shows linguistic commitment.
  • Specialized Subjects for Certain Majors: For those interested in pre-medicine or natural sciences within the College of Arts & Sciences, a strong foundation in both chemistry and physics is advisable.

Subject recommendations

Adhering to these recommendations will help strengthen your application and show Washington University in St. Louis that you’re prepared for the academic challenges ahead:

  • Pursue advanced courses. Actively seek out honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. These challenging courses signal your readiness for the academic rigor of university studies.
  • Maintain academic rigor in senior year. Your final year’s transcript should reflect a continued commitment to challenging coursework. It demonstrates to the admissions committee your sustained dedication to academic excellence.
  • Tailor courses to your prospective major. Align your course choices with your intended field of study. This shows a deliberate preparation for your future academic endeavors.
  • Balance academics with other interests. Complement your academic pursuits with diverse extracurriculars, community service, and relevant work experiences. This balanced approach highlights your well-rounded character and readiness for the holistic environment at WashU.

Washington University in St. Louis Application Requirements

When applying to Washington University in St. Louis, understanding and meeting the application requirements is crucial. These requirements are designed to give the admissions committee a comprehensive view of your academic abilities, personal qualities, and overall readiness for university studies.

Mandatory requirements

  • Common Application or Coalition Application: Submission through either of these platforms is required. Choose the application platform that you find most user-friendly and ensure all sections are completed accurately and thoroughly.
  • Grades and Class Rank: Your academic performance, as indicated by grades and class rank, is a critical component of your application​​. Aim for a strong GPA and, if your school provides class ranks, strive to be in the top percentile.
  • Counselor Recommendation and Teacher Evaluation: One recommendation each from a counselor and a teacher are required​​. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your strengths and growth as a student.
  • Personal Essay: A 200-word response about your academic interests and a personal essay through the Common or Coalition Application are required​​. Use these essays to express your genuine interests and give insights into your personality and aspirations.

Optional requirements

  • Writing Supplement: An optional question in the application allows you to add another dimension to your profile​​. Consider using this supplement to highlight unique experiences or perspectives that aren’t covered elsewhere in your application.
  • Standardized Test Scores (SAT or ACT): Submission of these scores is optional. The university considers only the highest individual scores from any high school year​​. If your test scores are strong, submitting them can be beneficial. However, if they aren’t as high as you’d like, focus on strengthening other areas of your application.
  • 90-Second Video: You have the option to submit a brief video talking about something important to you​​. Use this video to showcase your personality and passion in a way that transcripts and essays cannot.
  • Interviews: Optional interviews with a current student or alumnus are available​​. Treat the interview as a chance to make a personal connection and share aspects of your story not fully captured in your application.
  • Schoolhouse.world Certifications: These are welcomed as an optional supplement​​. If you have relevant certifications, include them to showcase additional skills or knowledge.

Other requirements

  • Portfolio: This is required for applicants to the College of Art and strongly encouraged for the College of Architecture​​. For prospective art and architecture students, a well-curated portfolio can significantly enhance your application. Ensure it showcases your best work and reflects your skills and creativity.

How to Apply to Washington University in St. Louis

Applying to Washington University in St. Louis is a journey that requires careful planning and attention to detail. From initial preparation to the anticipation of results, each phase of the application process plays a crucial role in showcasing your potential as a candidate.

1. Initial preparation

Begin by researching WashU’s programs, culture, and values. Understand the application requirements, including necessary high school courses, standardized test options, and extracurricular activities.

Start preparing for any standardized tests if you choose to submit scores and plan your high school courses accordingly.

2. Compiling application materials

Gather all necessary documents, such as your high school transcript, test scores (if submitting), recommendation letters, and a list of extracurricular activities.

Begin drafting your personal essays and any supplemental materials, ensuring they align with WashU’s ethos and highlight your strengths.

3. Submission process

Complete your application via the Common Application or Coalition Application. Carefully review all sections, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

Submit your application along with all required materials before the deadline.

4. Post-submission activities

If WashU offers interviews, consider participating as it can add a personal dimension to your application.

Continue to engage in your high school coursework and extracurricular activities, maintaining the level of excellence shown in your application.

5. Awaiting results

After submitting your application, stay informed about any additional steps or information required.

Be patient and use this time to reflect on your academic journey and future aspirations while awaiting the admission decision.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Washington University in St. Louis

Submitting supplemental materials to Washington University in St. Louis can enhance your application, allowing you to present additional dimensions of your profile to the admissions committee.

Washington University in St. Louis considers supplemental materials as optional. You can choose to respond to a writing supplement question or submit a 90-second video. These materials can help the admissions committee understand more about who you are. They are not required but offer a way to add another dimension to your application.

Submission methods

Supplemental materials can be submitted via the WashU Pathway after completing the Common Application or Coalition Application. The writing supplement and the 90-second video are both optional and can be found in the respective application portals.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Complete the main application. Submit your Common Application or Coalition Application.
  2. Choose whether to respond to the writing supplement question or submit a 90-second video.
  3. If writing, craft a response to one of the provided prompts; if recording a video, create a brief introduction to something important to you.
  4. Access the WashU Pathway through your application portal and upload your supplemental materials.
  5. Ensure your materials have been successfully submitted and are part of your application file.

Washington University in St. Louis Scholarships and Financial Aid

At Washington University in St. Louis, you have the opportunity to explore both merit-based and need-based scholarships tailored to your academic and financial circumstances.

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on your academic achievements and promise for excellence at WashU, with each undergraduate academic division offering a range of scholarships that can cover the full cost of tuition.

For example, WashU’s Signature Scholar Programs present multiple full-tuition and half-tuition scholarship opportunities, and these awards vary in amount based on available funds and your personal and academic accomplishments.

For those in need of financial assistance, WashU offers need-based scholarships determined by the details of your financial assistance application. If you’re awarded this scholarship, it will be reflected in your financial assistance offer, reducing your overall financial obligation to the university.

WashU is dedicated to meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for admitted students, and you can indicate your intent to apply for need-based financial assistance when submitting your application for admission. These initiatives underline WashU’s commitment to making higher education accessible and affordable for students from diverse backgrounds.

Washington University in St. Louis Regular Decision vs Early Decision

If you’re considering Washington University, you’ll find three decision plans for first-year applicants: Early Decision I, Early Decision II, and Regular Decision.

The Early Decision Plans are binding, meaning you’ll need to commit to attending WashU if you’re admitted. This gives you the advantage of receiving decisions and financial aid offers earlier than Regular Decision candidates, but keep in mind that you’ll have to withdraw applications from other colleges and universities.

On the other hand, if you’re uncertain about making WashU your top choice, the Regular Decision Plan might be more suitable for you. This option provides you with extra time to make your college decision and allows you to apply to multiple schools for comparison before making a commitment

Whether you opt for the binding Early Decision plan or the more flexible Regular Decision plan, Washington University ensures that you have the opportunity to select the admission approach that best suits your individual preferences and circumstances.

Washington University in St. Louis Application Deadlines

Here are the important deadlines for Washington University in St. Louis’s application process:

  • Early Decision I: November 1​​.
  • Early Decision II: January 3​​.
  • Regular Decision: January 3​​.

These deadlines are crucial for a timely and successful application to Washington University in St. Louis.

How Hard is It to Get into Washington University in St. Louis?

Gaining admission to Washington University in St. Louis (often referred to as WashU) is a highly competitive process. As one of the top-ranked universities in the United States, it attracts a large number of applications from highly qualified students every year. The acceptance rate, which is the percentage of applicants who are offered admission, can give us a general idea of the competitiveness. For the Class of 2027, WashU’s acceptance rate is 12%. This means that out of every 100 applicants, only about 12 are admitted.

However, it’s important to understand that the acceptance rate is just one part of the story. The admissions committee at WashU looks for students who are not only academically excellent but also bring unique qualities and perspectives to their campus. This includes a strong academic record, high standardized test scores (if submitted), and a well-rounded profile showcasing leadership, community service, extracurricular activities, and personal talents.

In summary, while it is challenging to get into Washington University in St. Louis due to its low acceptance rate and high standards, a well-prepared application highlighting academic strengths and personal qualities can improve your chances.

Benefits of Attending Washington University in St. Louis

Attending Washington University in St. Louis comes with a plethora of benefits that make it an attractive choice for students. Here are some key advantages:

  • Academic Excellence: Known for its rigorous academic programs, WashU offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses. The faculty includes renowned scholars and researchers, providing students with a high-quality education.
  • Research Opportunities: As a leading research university, WashU offers abundant opportunities for students to engage in research projects, even at the undergraduate level. This is particularly beneficial for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.
  • Diverse Campus Community: WashU has a vibrant and diverse campus community, with students from all over the world. This diversity enriches the learning environment and offers students a chance to learn about different cultures and perspectives.
  • Career Preparation and Networking: The university has strong ties with industries and alumni networks, providing students with excellent internship and job opportunities. The Career Center at WashU also offers career counseling, workshops, and recruitment events.
  • Quality of Life on Campus: With state-of-the-art facilities, a beautiful campus, and a range of extracurricular activities, WashU ensures a balanced and enjoyable college experience for its students.

How Can an International Student Get into Washington University in St. Louis?

International students aspiring to join Washington University in St. Louis must navigate a few additional steps in the admissions process. Here’s a brief guide:

  • Academic Records: International students need to demonstrate strong academic performance comparable to U.S. standards. This includes transcripts and, where applicable, standardized test scores.
  • English Language Proficiency: Non-native English speakers must prove their English proficiency through tests like TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test.
  • Standardized Test Scores: While not always mandatory, submitting SAT or ACT scores can strengthen your application if they are competitive.
  • Essays and Letters of Recommendation: These are crucial for showcasing your personality, achievements, and potential. They should reflect your readiness to adapt to a new educational and cultural environment.
  • Financial Documentation: International students must provide proof of financial support to cover tuition and living expenses. This is also important for obtaining a student visa.
  • Interviews: Some applicants might be asked for an interview, which is an excellent opportunity to show your enthusiasm and readiness for university life in the U.S.

How to Get into Washington University in St. Louis as a Transfer Student?

Transfer students are an important part of the student community at WashU. If you’re considering transferring, here are some steps to enhance your application:

  • Strong College Record: Focus on maintaining a high GPA at your current institution. WashU looks for transfer students who have excelled in their college-level coursework.
  • Clear Reasons for Transferring: Your application should clearly articulate why you want to transfer to WashU. Whether it’s specific academic programs or research opportunities, make sure to explain your motivations.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Include recommendations from professors at your current college who can speak to your academic abilities and character.
  • Complete Application Requirements: Ensure that you fulfill all the specific application requirements for transfer students, including transcripts from your current institution and any standardized test scores.
  • Application Essays: Use your essays to provide insight into who you are, your academic interests, and what you hope to achieve at WashU. This is your chance to make a strong personal impression on the admissions committee.

Transfer applications are evaluated holistically, considering your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and reasons for transferring. Demonstrating a good fit with WashU’s academic environment and community can significantly strengthen your application.

Can an Average Student Get into Washington University in St. Louis?

Gaining admission to Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) is a significant achievement due to its reputation as a highly selective institution. For students who consider themselves average in academic or extracurricular achievements, it’s essential to understand what this means in the context of WashU’s admissions process.

WashU, like many elite universities, evaluates applicants holistically. This means they look beyond just grades and test scores. They consider your personal essays, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and demonstrated interest in the university. An average student, in terms of GPA and test scores, may still have a chance if they exhibit exceptional talents, leadership qualities, or unique perspectives that align with WashU’s values.

However, it’s important to be realistic. The average GPA and SAT/ACT scores of admitted students are typically high. For an average student, it is crucial to focus on strengthening other application areas. This could include taking challenging courses, being actively involved in community service or extracurricular activities, and crafting a compelling personal statement.

How to Get into Washington University in St. Louis with a Low GPA?

Getting admitted to WashU with a low GPA is challenging, but not impossible. Here are some strategies that might improve your chances:


  • Show an Upward Trend: If your GPA improved over the years, this could demonstrate your growing commitment and ability to handle academic challenges.
  • Highlight Strengths Elsewhere: Excel in areas like standardized tests, essays, and extracurricular activities. Exceptional achievements or talents can sometimes offset a lower GPA.
  • Get Strong Recommendations: Letters from teachers or mentors who can speak to your abilities, work ethic, and improvements can be influential.
  • Write a Compelling Personal Statement: Use your essay to explain any extenuating circumstances that affected your GPA and showcase your strengths, character, and ambitions.
  • Consider Explaining Your GPA: If there were specific reasons for a low GPA, such as personal or family issues, consider explaining this in your application, but focus on how you’ve overcome these challenges.
  • Demonstrate Interest: Visiting the campus, attending WashU events, or interacting with admissions officers can show your genuine interest in the university.

What Makes Washington University in St. Louis Unique?

Washington University in St. Louis stands out for several reasons:

  • Academic Flexibility: WashU is known for its flexible curriculum, allowing students to explore various disciplines before declaring a major.
  • Collaborative Culture: The university fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment, rather than a competitive one, which is highly valued by students.
  • Research Opportunities: WashU provides abundant research opportunities, even for undergraduates, across various fields.
  • Campus and Community Life: The beautiful campus and vibrant community life offer a balance of academic rigor and social activities.
  • Strong Alumni Network: WashU has a robust network of alumni who are influential in various fields, providing valuable networking opportunities for students.
  • Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion: The university is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community, with numerous programs and initiatives to support this goal.

What Does the Washington University in St. Louis Application Look Like?

The WashU application is comprehensive and designed to get a holistic view of each applicant. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Academic Records: Your high school transcript and standardized test scores (if you choose to submit them).
  • Extracurricular Activities: A detailed list of your extracurricular involvements, leadership roles, and other non-academic interests.
  • Essays: Personal statements and supplemental essays that reveal your personality, interests, and how you might contribute to the WashU community.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Usually, one from a counselor and one or two from teachers who can speak to your academic and personal qualities.
  • Interviews: Optional, but can be a way to demonstrate interest and add a personal touch to your application.
  • Demonstrated Interest: While not a formal part of the application, showing your interest through campus visits, interactions with admissions, and attending WashU events can be beneficial.
  • Portfolio or Audition: Required for certain programs, especially in the arts.

Remember, each component of the application offers an opportunity to showcase different facets of your personality and abilities. Paying attention to detail and presenting a well-rounded, authentic picture of yourself is key to making a strong application to Washington University in St. Louis.

Is Washington University in St. Louis a Good School for You?

Determining whether Washington University in St. Louis (often referred to as WashU) is a good fit for you requires a careful consideration of several factors. This prestigious university, located in St. Louis, Missouri, is known for its strong academic programs, vibrant campus life, and significant research opportunities.

Academic Excellence

WashU is renowned for its high academic standards and diverse range of programs. It offers a plethora of courses across various disciplines, including arts and sciences, business, engineering, and medicine. If you’re seeking a challenging academic environment with a wide array of subjects, WashU could be an excellent choice.

Campus and Community

The university boasts a beautiful campus and a supportive community atmosphere. It provides ample opportunities for student engagement through clubs, organizations, and events. If a collaborative and vibrant campus culture is important to you, WashU might be a great fit.


Located in St. Louis, WashU is situated in a city known for its culture, history, and accessibility to various professional opportunities. The city’s resources can be beneficial for internships and research projects. If you prefer a college experience that includes easy access to a metropolitan area, WashU should be on your list.

How Selective is Washington University in St. Louis?

Washington University in St. Louis is known for its selective admissions process. The university consistently ranks among the most competitive schools in the United States.

Admission Statistics

The concept of selectivity in universities revolves around how many students they accept compared to how many apply. At WashU, the acceptance rate is notably low. A low acceptance rate is a clear indicator of a competitive admissions environment. For example, if WashU receives thousands of applications but only accepts a small percentage of those applicants, it’s considered very selective.

This selective nature is not just about academic scores. While good grades and high test scores are important, WashU looks for more. They are interested in students who bring something special to their campus – whether that’s unique talents, strong leadership skills, or a distinctive character that stands out.

Holistic Review

WashU employs a holistic review process. This means that while academic achievements are crucial, the admissions committee also closely considers other aspects of an application, such as extracurricular activities, essays, letters of recommendation, and personal qualities.

Why Does Selectivity Matter?

Understanding the selectivity of a university like WashU is important for a few reasons:

  • Setting Realistic Expectations: Knowing how selective a university is can help you gauge your chances of getting in. It helps you set realistic expectations and plan accordingly.
  • Preparing a Strong Application: Understanding that WashU values more than just academic achievements can guide you in preparing a well-rounded application that showcases all your strengths.
  • Choosing the Right Fit: Selectivity can also indicate the kind of student body and campus environment you can expect. A highly selective university often has a student body that’s academically driven and diverse in talents and backgrounds.

Should You Apply to Washington University in St. Louis?

Deciding to apply to WashU should be based on a thorough evaluation of how well the university aligns with your academic and personal goals.

  • Academic Fit: Consider if WashU offers programs that match your academic interests and career aspirations. Its reputation for rigorous academics should be a key factor if you’re seeking an intellectually challenging environment.
  • Personal Preferences: Reflect on your preferences for campus culture, location, and the type of student community you want to be part of. WashU’s collaborative environment and urban setting might align well with your expectations.
  • Admission Realities: Be realistic about your chances of admission. Evaluate your academic credentials and extracurricular achievements in the context of WashU’s selectivity. It’s important to have a balanced list of reach, match, and safety schools.

How Does Washington University in St. Louis Review Applications?

Washington University in St. Louis reviews applications holistically. This comprehensive approach means that the admissions committee looks beyond just grades and test scores.

  • Academic Record: Your academic performance in high school is a crucial factor. The committee looks at the rigor of your coursework, GPA, and standardized test scores (if submitted).
  • Extracurricular Activities: WashU values applicants who have demonstrated commitment and leadership in extracurricular activities. They look for students who will contribute to the campus community in meaningful ways.
  • Essays and Recommendations: Your application essays and letters of recommendation offer insights into your personality, goals, and potential. They provide the committee with a more complete picture of who you are beyond numbers and lists of achievements.
  • Interviews: While not always required, interviews can be another way for the admissions committee to get to know you. They are an opportunity to discuss your interests and show your enthusiasm for the university.

In conclusion, applying to Washington University in St. Louis requires a thoughtful consideration of your academic goals, personal preferences, and a realistic assessment of your qualifications. Understanding the university’s approach to reviewing applications can also help you better prepare your application to align with their criteria.

Does Washington University in St. Louis Require Interviews?

Washington University in St. Louis, known for its rigorous academic environment and selective admissions process, does not generally require interviews for undergraduate admissions. However, it’s important to understand the role interviews can play in college admissions and how they might still be relevant for prospective students of Washington University.

The absence of a mandatory interview policy means that the university places greater emphasis on other aspects of the application, such as academic records, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and extracurricular activities. Nonetheless, in some cases, interviews might be offered or recommended, particularly for certain programs or scholarships. When available, these interviews can provide an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their personality, interests, and fit for the university.

For those seeking an interview, it’s beneficial to prepare by researching the university, understanding its values and ethos, and reflecting on how their personal goals align with Washington University’s offerings. Even though not required, an interview can be a valuable platform to make a personal impression and strengthen one’s application.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Washington University in St. Louis?

When considering extracurricular activities for admission to Washington University in St. Louis, the key is not in the specific activity but rather the level of engagement and achievement within it. Washington University values applicants who demonstrate passion, leadership, and a commitment to their interests, whether in sports, arts, community service, or any other area.

The university does not prescribe a particular set of extracurriculars. Instead, they look for students who have made a meaningful impact in their activities and have pursued their interests to a significant depth. This could be demonstrated through leadership roles, awards, sustained involvement, or unique contributions to their activity or community.

Applicants should focus on presenting their extracurriculars effectively, illustrating their role, impact, and the skills they have developed. Quality is more important than quantity; a few well-chosen activities where a student has made a substantial contribution are more impressive than a long list of superficial involvements.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Washington University in St. Louis?

Crafting a personal statement for Washington University in St. Louis is an opportunity to showcase individuality, aspirations, and fit for the university. The personal statement should reflect the applicant’s unique experiences, perspectives, and motivations for pursuing higher education.

A successful personal statement will typically:

  • Highlight Personal Growth: Discuss experiences that have shaped your character, values, and goals. This could include challenges you’ve overcome, significant achievements, or moments of personal insight.
  • Demonstrate Intellectual Curiosity: Illustrate your love for learning, whether through academic achievements, personal projects, or intellectual pursuits outside of school.
  • Align with University Values: Research Washington University’s ethos and academic culture. Tailor your statement to demonstrate how your goals and values align with the university’s.
  • Be Authentic and Reflective: Authenticity is key. Admissions officers are adept at distinguishing genuine passion from hyperbole. Reflect on your experiences and articulate your thoughts and feelings sincerely.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all topic. The best personal statements are those that are well-written, deeply personal, and clearly convey the applicant’s voice and vision.

How Do You Write a Washington University in St. Louis Supplemental Essay?

Writing a supplemental essay for Washington University in St. Louis involves responding to specific prompts provided by the university. These essays are an opportunity to provide more detailed insights into your personality, interests, and how you would contribute to the university community.

Here are some tips for writing an effective supplemental essay:

  1. Understand the Prompt: Carefully read and understand what each prompt is asking. Each prompt is an opportunity to reveal a different aspect of your personality or experiences.
  2. Be Specific and Detailed: Use specific examples and experiences to illustrate your points. Avoid general statements. Detailed anecdotes and reflections will make your essay more engaging and memorable.
  3. Connect to Washington University: Show how your experiences, interests, and goals are aligned with what Washington University in St. Louis offers. Research specific programs, clubs, or opportunities at this university that excite you and explain why.
  4. Keep it Structured and Clear: Organize your essay with a clear structure – introduction, body, and conclusion. Make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly and supports your overall response to the prompt.
  5. Edit and Revise: Proofread your essay for grammar and clarity. It can be helpful to have someone else read your essay to provide feedback.

Remember, supplemental essays are a critical component of your application, offering a more nuanced picture of who you are beyond grades and test scores. Make sure your essays are reflective, insightful, and, above all, authentically you.

What Enrichment Opportunities Will Help You Get Into Washington University in St. Louis?

Gaining admission to Washington University in St. Louis, a prestigious and competitive institution, requires more than just strong academic performance. Engaging in enrichment opportunities can significantly enhance your application. These opportunities demonstrate your commitment to learning, personal growth, and community involvement. Here are some enrichment activities that can bolster your application:

  1. Research Projects: Participating in research, especially in areas related to your intended major, shows a deep engagement with your field of study. This can be through school, summer programs, or independent studies.
  2. Leadership Roles: Taking on leadership positions in clubs, sports teams, or community organizations exhibits your ability to manage responsibilities and work collaboratively.
  3. Community Service: Volunteering in your community, especially in a consistent and meaningful way, indicates a strong character and a commitment to helping others.
  4. Internships: Gaining real-world experience in your field of interest through internships can set you apart. It demonstrates practical skills and a clear direction in your academic and career goals.
  5. Summer Programs: Participating in academic summer programs, particularly those offering advanced study in your intended major, can show your dedication to academic excellence.

Do You Need to Take AP Courses to Get into Washington University in St. Louis?

When considering applying to a prestigious university like Washington University in St. Louis (WashU), one of the common questions students have is about the role of Advanced Placement (AP) courses in the admissions process. The straightforward answer is that while AP courses are not a strict requirement for admission to WashU, they can play a significant role in strengthening your application.

AP courses are known for their rigor and challenge, mirroring the intensity of college-level studies. By taking AP courses, you demonstrate to the admissions committee at WashU your readiness for the academic demands of college. These courses also offer an opportunity to explore subjects in depth, which is appealing to a university that values intellectual curiosity and commitment to learning.

However, it’s important to balance your course load. Admission officers at WashU look for students who have taken challenging courses but also have maintained strong academic performance. So, while taking AP courses can be beneficial, it is crucial to ensure that you can handle the workload and still achieve high grades.

In summary, while AP courses are not mandatory for admission to WashU, they are a valuable addition to your high school record. They show that you’re capable of handling challenging material, which is a quality that WashU, like many other top universities, values highly.

Does Washington University in St. Louis Accept AP Credit?

The acceptance of AP credit is an important consideration for many students applying to Washington University in St. Louis. The good news is that WashU does recognize the effort and achievement of students who have taken AP courses and exams. AP credit can be used to satisfy certain degree requirements, which can be advantageous in allowing students more flexibility in their college coursework.

The policy for AP credit at WashU involves specific criteria. Generally, a score of 4 or 5 on an AP exam is required for credit to be granted. However, the amount of credit and the specific course requirements that can be satisfied vary depending on the subject area of the AP exam. For example, credit for AP Calculus may count towards a math requirement, while AP History might fulfill a humanities credit.

Prospective students need to check the latest AP credit policies on the WashU website or contact the admissions office for the most current information. Understanding how your AP credits can be applied can help in planning your academic journey at WashU.

Will Washington University in St. Louis Look at Your Social Media?

In this modern world, where the internet and social media are a big part of our lives, it’s important to think about how social media affects getting into college. Students who want to go to Washington University in St. Louis might wonder if the people who decide on admissions will look at their social media profiles.

Washington University in St. Louis usually does not check the social media profiles of people who apply to the university. When they decide who gets in, they mainly look at the student’s grades, the essays they write for their application, letters from people who recommend them, and the activities they do outside of school. However, students should know that what they post online can show a lot about who they are.

Sometimes, if there is a special reason or a warning sign, someone from the admissions team might check a student’s social media to understand more about them. This means it’s a good idea for students to keep their online profiles clean and respectful. Think about it this way: don’t post anything online that you wouldn’t want the people deciding on your college admission to see. Being careful with what you post online is not just good for getting into college. It also helps you look professional on the internet, which is important for many other reasons.

Will Visiting Washington University in St. Louis Help You Get In?

Visiting a college campus can be an enlightening part of the college selection process. It provides an opportunity to experience the campus culture, meet current students, and get a feel for whether the school is a good fit for you. But does visiting Washington University in St. Louis specifically increase your chances of getting admitted?

While visiting WashU is an excellent way to demonstrate interest and get a firsthand look at the university, it does not directly impact your chances of admission. WashU’s admissions decisions are primarily based on your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations. The visit itself is not a factor that is formally considered in the admissions process.

However, visiting can indirectly benefit your application. Through a campus visit, you can gain insights and experiences that could strengthen your application essays or interviews. It shows a genuine interest in the university and can provide you with specific details about WashU that can make your application more personalized and compelling.

In conclusion, while a campus visit to WashU is not a requirement and does not guarantee admission, it can be an invaluable experience for gaining a deeper understanding of the university and enriching your application.


The journey to gaining admission to Washington University in St. Louis is undoubtedly competitive. With a selective acceptance rate and high academic standards, the process can seem daunting.

However, understanding this reality is the first step towards crafting a successful application. As an applicant, focus on highlighting your unique strengths, aligning your interests with WashU’s values, and demonstrating a commitment to academic and personal growth.

Remember, the goal is not just to meet the basic requirements, but to stand out in a pool of highly qualified candidates.

We can help you figure out how to get into Washington University in St. Louis

At AdmissionSight, we specialize in guiding students through the complexities of the college admissions process. Our expertise and personalized approach can be invaluable in helping you navigate the application process for Washington University in St. Louis.

We offer assistance in everything from selecting the right courses and extracurricular activities to crafting compelling essays and preparing for interviews. Our goal is to highlight your unique talents and achievements, ensuring that your application resonates with the admissions committee at WashU.

If you’re aiming for a spot at Washington University in St. Louis, don’t navigate this journey alone. Let AdmissionSight be your partner in success.

Learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your academic aspirations. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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