
How to Get into Emory University: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Emory University: Admission Requirements and Tips

Emory University is a prestigious institution known for its strong academic programs and research opportunities, particularly in fields like public health, business, and liberal arts. With a low acceptance rate, admission to Emory is highly competitive, making it essential for prospective students to develop a strategic approach.

This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the Emory University admissions process, providing insights and tips to help you navigate the competitive landscape. We’ll cover what Emory seeks in applicants, including academic achievements and extracurricular involvement, and offer practical advice for crafting a compelling application.

Overview of Emory University

Founded in 1836, Emory University has a rich history that contributes to its prestigious reputation today. Located in Atlanta, Georgia, Emory’s campus blends historical architecture with modern facilities, providing an environment conducive to learning and innovation.

Emory University stands out with its rankings. The US News & World Report’s 2024 Best Colleges report places Emory at 24th nationally and 72nd globally. These accolades reflect Emory’s commitment to academic excellence and its impactful contributions in various fields.

Among Emory’s notable alumni is Ellen Gabler, an investigative reporter and winner of 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Emory also boasts two Nobel Peace Prize laureates as honorary faculty members: former President Jimmy Carter, who won the prize in 2002, and Muhammad Yunus, who was awarded in 2006.

Emory is widely recognized for its strong programs across various disciplines. The university excels in fields such as public health, business, nursing, and liberal arts, attracting students globally. Its research facilities and connections, especially in healthcare and public policy, set Emory apart as a leader in academia and innovation.

Understanding Emory’s history, location, prestige, and academic strengths is crucial when crafting your application. This knowledge not only informs you about the university’s culture and expectations but also helps you align your application to showcase how you fit into this esteemed institution.

Highlighting your interests and achievements in areas where Emory is known to excel can significantly strengthen your application and demonstrate your potential to contribute to the university’s legacy of excellence.

How Hard Is It to Get into Emory University?

Gaining admission to Emory University is a highly competitive endeavor, as reflected by its acceptance rate hovering between 15-20%. This statistic represents the rigorous selection process that Emory employs to choose its student body.

An acceptance rate in this range places Emory among the more selective universities in the nation, indicating that the university is seeking candidates who not only excel academically but also bring unique qualities and experiences to their campus.

Emory University’s acceptance rate

In recent years, Emory University has maintained a competitive acceptance rate:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 15%
Class of 2024 20.7%
Class of 2025 20.4%
Class of 2026 15.8%
Class of 2027 16.2%

These rates indicate a highly selective admissions process, where a significant number of applicants compete for a relatively limited number of spots. The trend towards lower acceptance rates in recent years reflects an increase in the number of applicants and Emory’s rising prestige and desirability as a top-tier educational institution.

Most recently, for the Class of 2027, Emory received 33,534 undergraduate applications and admitted a total of 5,445 students, resulting in an acceptance rate of 16.2%.

Emory’s acceptance rate should be viewed as a measure of the competitiveness of the admissions process rather than a deterrent. This rate underscores the importance of a well-rounded and compelling application. Emory seeks students who demonstrate unique talents, diverse experiences, and a clear alignment with the university’s values and academic culture.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

Several key factors play a role in shaping Emory’s overall acceptance rate:

  • Application Volume: An increasing number of applications each year naturally leads to a more selective process.
  • Academic Standards: Emory’s high academic standards mean that a significant proportion of applicants are filtered based on their academic performance and test scores.
  • Holistic Review Process: Emory evaluates applicants based on a range of factors beyond academics, including extracurricular involvement, essays, and recommendations.
  • Institutional Priorities: The university’s specific goals, such as maintaining a diverse student body and fulfilling departmental needs, also influence the acceptance decisions.

Emory University’s Admission Requirements

As you prepare to apply to Emory University, it’s crucial to understand the various components of the application. Each element plays a distinct role in showcasing your abilities and fit for the university:

  • GPA: A strong academic record is essential. Your GPA not only reflects your academic achievements but also your commitment and discipline. Emory looks for students who have excelled in a challenging curriculum.
  • Standardized Test Scores: While Emory has adopted a test-optional policy for the 2023 and 2024 admission cycles, submitting SAT or ACT scores can be beneficial if they strengthen your application.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Your involvement in extracurricular activities demonstrates your interests and character. Emory values students who show leadership, initiative, and a commitment to their communities.
  • Essays: The essays are your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee. Use them to highlight your unique experiences, perspectives, and motivations.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from teachers or counselors can provide insight into your academic and personal qualities.

The admission process at Emory is comprehensive and holistic. Each application is reviewed in its entirety, with a focus on understanding who you are as a whole person, not just as a student. This process ensures that Emory selects a diverse and dynamic group of students who will thrive in and contribute to the university community.

As you embark on this journey, remember that each part of your application offers an opportunity to showcase a different aspect of your abilities and personality. Strive to present a balanced and authentic representation of who you are and what you hope to achieve at Emory University.

Emory University’s GPA and SAT Requirements

When applying to Emory University, your GPA and SAT scores play a pivotal role in your application. These components are critical indicators of your academic preparedness and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic environment.

Your GPA is a reflection of your academic performance over several years. It provides the admissions committee with an understanding of how you handle challenging coursework and manage your academic responsibilities. A high GPA can significantly strengthen your application.

Though Emory has a test-optional policy for some admission cycles, strong SAT scores can complement your GPA. These scores help the admissions committee assess your readiness for college-level work, particularly in quantitative and verbal reasoning. High SAT scores can be particularly beneficial if you feel your GPA does not fully reflect your academic potential.

It’s important to remember that Emory University employs a holistic review process, so while GPA and SAT scores are important, they are just parts of a larger picture. Balancing academic excellence with a well-rounded profile is key to making a strong impression on the admissions committee.

Emory University GPA Requirements

While not officially stating a minimum GPA requirement, Emory University typically sees an average GPA of around 3.89 among its admitted students. This statistic reflects the high academic standards expected at Emory and indicates the caliber of students the university attracts and selects.

A GPA of 3.89, which is quite high, places Emory University students among some of the most academically accomplished in the country. This figure suggests that successful applicants tend to excel in their high school coursework, often taking challenging classes and achieving top grades.

As you consider these GPA statistics, it’s important to understand what they represent. While a high GPA is common among Emory students, the university employs a holistic admissions process. This means your GPA is not the sole factor in your application’s success.

GPA recommendations

To meet Emory’s academic requirements, consider the following:

  • Strive for a GPA that is close to or exceeds Emory’s average of 3.89. Achieving this is your primary goal.
  • Excel in a challenging curriculum, including AP or IB courses, to enhance your academic profile and prove your readiness for demanding college-level work.
  • Maintain consistent grades throughout your high school years. A steady or upward trend in your GPA can positively impact your application, showing commitment and improvement over time.
  • While focusing on your GPA, don’t neglect other aspects of your application.

Emory University SAT Requirements

Emory does not enforce an absolute minimum SAT score requirement, but its SAT statistics provide a clear picture of the competitive nature of the applicant pool:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1500 1450 1530

These scores reflect a high level of proficiency and preparedness for college-level coursework, aligning with Emory’s rigorous academic standards. Nationally, these scores place Emory students among the top achievers, highlighting the university’s status as a destination for academically gifted students.

A score at or above the 75th percentile (1530) places you in a highly competitive position. It indicates that your academic capabilities align well with those of the top quarter of Emory’s incoming class.

Meanwhile, scoring at or above the 25th percentile (1450) means you are within the lower range of the scores typically accepted by Emory. It suggests that other aspects of your application, like your essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation, should be particularly strong to compensate.

As you review these SAT statistics, it’s important to understand their role in your application. They provide a benchmark against which to measure your own scores. However, remember that Emory’s admissions process is holistic; your SAT scores are just one aspect of your application.

SAT recommendations

If you’re submitting SAT scores, follow these tips:

  • Strive to achieve an SAT score around or above the 75th percentile (1530) to place yourself in a competitive position.
  • While focusing on achieving a high SAT score, ensure that you’re also dedicating time to other application components like essays and extracurricular activities.
  • If your score is significantly below Emory’s 25th percentile, consider retaking the SAT, especially if you believe you can improve.
  • If your SAT score is a strong point, use it to bolster your application. Conversely, if it’s not as high as you’d like, focus on other areas where you can shine, such as your essays or extracurricular achievements.

Emory University ACT Requirements

There isn’t a minimum ACT score required by Emory, but its ACT statistics highlight the level of academic excellence expected from applicants:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
33 32 34

The typical ACT scores of Emory’s students indicate high academic potential, both within the context of the university and across the nation. These scores place Emory students among some of the most academically prepared and capable, reflecting the university’s rigorous academic environment and its standing as a destination for top-tier students.

Achieving an ACT score at or above the 75th percentile (34) puts you in a strong competitive position. This score demonstrates that you’re among the top applicants in terms of academic readiness and capability.

Scoring at the 25th percentile (32), on the other hand, indicates you are at the lower end of the spectrum of students typically admitted to Emory. It suggests that other areas of your application, such as leadership roles, community involvement, or exceptional talents, should be particularly robust to strengthen your application.

See these figures as a guidepost for your application. They offer a benchmark for your own scores. However, Emory’s holistic admissions approach means your ACT score is just one piece of the puzzle, and your overall application should present a well-rounded and compelling narrative of your capabilities and aspirations.

ACT recommendations

Here are some ACT strategies:

  • Aim for an ACT score around or above the 75th percentile (34) to position yourself competitively.
  • While aiming for a high ACT score, remember to balance your efforts across all aspects of your application, including essays, extracurriculars, and recommendations.
  • If your score is below Emory’s 25th percentile, retaking the ACT could be beneficial, especially if you feel you can improve.
  • Use a strong ACT score to enhance your application. If your score isn’t as high as you’d like, focus on areas where you excel, such as your personal essays or unique accomplishments.

Is Emory University Test-Optional?

Emory University is currently test-optional. This means that submitting SAT or ACT scores as part of your application is not mandatory.

Emory’s test-optional policy offers you more flexibility in how you present your academic abilities. If you have strong SAT or ACT scores, you can still submit them to potentially strengthen your application.

If you choose not to submit test scores, or if your scores do not reflect your true potential, you can place greater emphasis on other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation.

Remember, the absence of test scores does not put you at a disadvantage. Emory’s holistic review process ensures that every part of your application is considered in the context of your unique experiences and achievements. This approach aligns with Emory’s commitment to building a diverse and dynamic student body.

Emory University’s decision to go test-optional reflects a commitment to a more holistic admissions process. This shift acknowledges that standardized test scores are not the only indicator of a student’s potential for success.

Does Emory University Superscore SAT and ACT?

Emory University superscores both the SAT and ACT, a policy that remains in effect alongside their test-optional admissions approach. Superscoring means that if you have taken the SAT or ACT multiple times, Emory will consider the highest score you achieved in each section across all the dates you took the test.

As an applicant to Emory University, the superscoring policy can be advantageous for several reasons. If you have taken the SAT or ACT multiple times, Emory’s policy allows you to present the highest possible composite score. This can enhance your application if you choose to submit test scores.

Knowing that Emory superscores can inform your test-taking strategy. If you excel in one section but not another on your first attempt, you can focus on improving the weaker section in subsequent tests.

If you opt not to submit test scores, or if your superscored results aren’t as high as you hoped, remember that Emory’s holistic admissions process means your test scores are just one part of your application. Emphasizing other strong aspects of your application, such as your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation, is crucial.

In summary, Emory’s policy of superscoring the SAT and ACT offers you the opportunity to present your best academic capabilities, contributing positively to your application within the broader context of their holistic admissions process.

Is Emory University a “New Ivy”?

The term “New Ivy” refers to a selection of colleges and universities in the United States that are known for providing an educational experience comparable to the Ivy League in terms of academic rigor, quality of faculty, and resources available to students. This designation is not official but rather a colloquial way to acknowledge the rising prestige of certain institutions.

Emory University is often considered part of this group of “New Ivy” institutions. This categorization highlights Emory’s status as a top-tier university that offers an exceptional educational experience, distinguished by the following:

  • Academic Excellence: Emory’s rigorous academic programs and commitment to research excellence place it on par with traditional Ivy League schools. It is renowned for its strong programs in public health, business, nursing, and liberal arts.
  • Selective Admissions: With a low acceptance rate, Emory’s admissions process is highly competitive, attracting some of the brightest students from around the globe.
  • Distinguished Faculty and Resources: Emory boasts a faculty of leading experts in various fields and offers state-of-the-art resources and facilities for research and learning.
  • Campus Life and Opportunities: Located in Atlanta, Emory provides a vibrant campus life and numerous opportunities for internships, research, and cultural engagement, enhancing the overall educational experience.

In essence, while Emory University is not an Ivy League school by the traditional definition, its inclusion in the “New Ivy” category reflects its standing as a premier institution of higher learning, offering an Ivy League-caliber education and experience to its students.

What Does Emory University Look for in Students?

Emory University is renowned for its strong programs in public health, business, nursing, and liberal arts. Understanding these core programs is crucial for prospective students because it gives insight into the university’s academic environment and priorities. By aligning your interests and strengths with these key areas, you can demonstrate a clear and genuine interest in what Emory excels in, making your application more compelling.

Furthermore, Emory seeks students who embody certain values that align with its mission and culture. Knowing these values is vital as it helps you tailor your application to reflect what Emory cherishes in its student body.

When reviewing applications, Emory University looks for several specific traits:

1. Academic excellence

Emory prioritizes academic achievement, seeking students who have consistently performed at a high level. This includes not only maintaining an impressive GPA but also engaging in advanced coursework.

Success in AP, IB, or honors courses demonstrates your readiness for Emory’s academically rigorous environment. Your academic record should reflect a commitment to excellence and a capacity to thrive under academic pressure.

2. Intellectual curiosity

As a leading research institution, Emory values intellectual curiosity, particularly in fields where the university has established strengths. Showcasing your engagement in research projects, science fairs, or any intellectual pursuits that go beyond classroom learning can be a significant advantage.

Your application should communicate a passion for discovery and an eagerness to contribute to Emory’s vibrant intellectual community.

3. Interest in liberal arts

Emory’s commitment to a comprehensive liberal arts education seeks students with a broad range of interests and a willingness to explore diverse disciplines. Expressing a keen interest in understanding different perspectives and engaging in interdisciplinary learning can set you apart.

Emory looks for students who are not just specialists in their chosen field but also informed, well-rounded individuals ready to contribute to a diverse academic community.

4. Character

Personal integrity, resilience in the face of challenges, and a compassionate worldview are qualities Emory values highly. Your application should reflect not just who you are as a student, but who you are as a person.

Narratives in your essays that showcase personal growth, ethical decision-making, and a commitment to positively impacting others can be particularly powerful.

5. Extracurricular engagement

A vibrant campus life is a hallmark of the Emory experience. The university values students who show potential to contribute to this energy. Leadership roles, community service, sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities are important aspects of your application.

Emory is interested in students who will not only benefit from but also enrich the campus and community. Demonstrating how you have been involved and made an impact in your current community can suggest how you might do the same at Emory.

In summary, incorporating these values into your application can significantly increase your chances of admission. Emory seeks students who are not only academically capable but also poised to contribute meaningfully to their university community. Demonstrating how you embody these qualities in your application is key to standing out in a competitive applicant pool.

Emory University Application Tips

Crafting a successful application to Emory University requires a strategic approach that aligns with the university’s expectations and values. In this section, we provide you with targeted tips to enhance your application, drawing upon the qualities and criteria Emory looks for in its students.

These suggestions are designed to help you present a well-rounded, compelling application that resonates with Emory’s admissions committee.

1. Get stellar grades.

Achieving stellar grades is paramount in your application to Emory University. Your GPA not only reflects your academic abilities but also your dedication and consistency in handling a rigorous curriculum.

Emory uses your GPA as a key indicator of your readiness to thrive in a challenging educational environment. Excelling academically can set a solid foundation for your application and significantly increase your chances of admission.

Specific tips:

  • Focus on core subjects. Prioritize excelling in core academic subjects. Emory values strength in the basics—mathematics, science, English, social studies, and foreign languages. Show that you have a strong foundation in these essential areas.
  • Challenge yourself with advanced courses. Enroll in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors courses if available. Excelling in these challenging courses demonstrates your ability to handle college-level work and your commitment to academic excellence.
  • Seek help when needed. Don’t hesitate to seek extra help if you find certain subjects challenging. Utilizing tutors, study groups, or additional resources shows initiative and a commitment to maintaining high academic standards.
  • Stay consistent. Aim for a consistent or upward trend in your grades throughout high school. Consistency is key—it shows sustained effort and growth, qualities that Emory looks favorably upon.

2. Demonstrate intellectual curiosity and creativity.

Intellectual curiosity and creativity are highly valued at Emory University, a renowned research institution. Showing a genuine love for learning and an eagerness to explore beyond the classroom demonstrates that you’re not just a passive recipient of knowledge, but an active and engaged thinker.

This trait is essential at Emory, where education extends beyond textbooks and lectures into research, innovation, and real-world problem-solving.

Specific tips:

  • Engage in research projects. If possible, get involved in research projects, either at your school, through local programs, or by collaborating with local colleges or universities. Highlight any research work in your application, especially if it aligns with Emory’s strengths.
  • Pursue independent learning. Show how you have pursued learning independently. This could be through online courses, reading extensively in a field of interest, or undertaking personal projects that demonstrate your intellectual passions.
  • Participate in competitions and academic clubs. Involvement in academic competitions (like science fairs, math leagues, debate clubs) can be a strong indicator of your intellectual curiosity. These activities show your willingness to challenge yourself and engage deeply with your interests.

3. Engage in meaningful extracurricular activities.

Engagement in extracurricular activities is a critical aspect of your application to Emory University. These activities showcase your interests beyond academics and reflect your personality, leadership skills, and commitment to community.

Emory values students who are well-rounded and have the potential to contribute to campus life in diverse ways. Meaningful involvement in extracurriculars can distinguish your application by demonstrating your passion, dedication, and the unique perspectives you would bring to the university.

Specific tips:

  • Choose quality over quantity. Rather than participating in numerous activities, focus on a few that genuinely interest you and where you can make a significant impact. Deep involvement and leadership in a few activities are more valuable than minimal participation in many.
  • Showcase leadership and initiative. Take on leadership roles in your extracurricular activities. Whether it’s being the captain of a sports team, president of a club, or founder of a new initiative, leadership roles demonstrate your ability to manage responsibilities, work with others, and drive positive outcomes.
  • Align activities with your interests. Choose activities that align with your personal interests and career goals. This congruence shows authenticity in your pursuits and can provide a more cohesive narrative in your application.
  • Highlight community service. Emory values community engagement. Involve yourself in community service projects or volunteer work that speaks to your values and compassion. Showing a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others can significantly strengthen your application.

4. Write compelling essays.

Your essays are a vital component of your application to Emory University. They are your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee, offering a glimpse into your personality, thought processes, and priorities.

Well-crafted essays can set you apart by demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively, reflect on your experiences, and articulate your aspirations. They provide context to your achievements and give life to your application, making you more than just a collection of grades and test scores.

Specific tips:

  • Personalize your narrative. Use your essays to tell your unique story. Share experiences that have shaped you, challenges you’ve overcome, or moments that have defined your goals and values. Authenticity in your narrative will make your application memorable.
  • Align with Emory’s values. Reflect on how your experiences and aspirations align with Emory’s values and academic culture. Whether it’s a commitment to service, a passion for research, or an affinity for liberal arts, make clear connections between what you value and what Emory offers.
  • Demonstrate intellectual curiosity. Use your essays to show your love for learning and your enthusiasm for intellectual exploration. Discuss how you engage with new ideas, solve problems, or pursue academic and personal growth.
  • Proofread and revise. Ensure your essays are well-written and free of errors. Thoughtful organization, clear language, and attention to grammar and spelling are crucial. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, counselors, or others who can provide constructive insights.

5. Secure strong letters of recommendation.

Letters of recommendation are a crucial aspect of your application to Emory University. They provide an external perspective on your academic abilities, character, and potential to contribute to the university community.

Strong, personalized letters from individuals who know you well can substantiate your application and give the admissions committee insights into your personality and capabilities that grades and test scores cannot convey.

Specific tips:

  • Choose recommenders wisely. Select individuals who know you well and can speak to your strengths and accomplishments. This could be teachers, counselors, or supervisors who have observed you in an academic, extracurricular, or professional context.
  • Provide context to your recommenders. Help your recommenders write effective letters by providing them with context. Share your academic and career goals, highlights of your achievements, and reasons for applying to Emory. This information can guide them in tailoring their letters to support your application effectively.
  • Ask early. Give your recommenders ample time to write your letters. Asking early shows respect for their time and ensures they can provide thoughtful, well-crafted recommendations.
  • Follow up and show gratitude. Politely follow up as deadlines approach to ensure your letters are submitted on time. Afterward, thank your recommenders for their support. Maintaining positive relationships is important, as you never know when you might need their guidance or support again.

6. Prepare early.

Early preparation is key to submitting a strong application to Emory University. The admissions process involves several components, each requiring thoughtful consideration and time.

Starting early allows you to carefully craft each part of your application, from academic records to essays, ensuring that you present the best possible version of yourself. It also helps alleviate the stress often associated with tight deadlines, giving you the space to reflect on and articulate your experiences and aspirations effectively.

Specific tips:

  • Plan your high school courses strategically. Think ahead about the courses you will take throughout high school. Opt for a challenging curriculum that aligns with your interests and academic goals, and that demonstrates your readiness for college-level work.
  • Develop a timeline for standardized tests. If you plan to submit SAT or ACT scores, create a testing timeline. This includes time for preparation, initial testing, and potential retakes. Remember, good scores can complement your application, even in a test-optional scenario.
  • Start drafting essays early. Begin brainstorming and drafting your essays well in advance. This gives you ample time to refine your ideas, seek feedback, and revise your work to ensure your essays are compelling and polished.
  • Build and review your application components. Keep track of all the components of your application, including extracurricular activities, awards, and any other accomplishments. Review these components regularly to ensure they align with Emory’s values and what you want to convey to the admissions committee.

Specific Areas that Can Boost Your Emory University Application

To enhance your application to Emory University, it’s essential to engage in activities and programs that bolster both your academic and extracurricular profiles. This section outlines specific, reputable programs and activities in various domains that can significantly elevate your application.


Engaging in research activities showcases your ability to inquire, investigate, and contribute new knowledge, qualities valued by Emory.

  • Research Science Institute (RSI): Hosted by MIT, this program combines on-campus coursework in scientific theory with hands-on research experience. Participating in RSI can demonstrate your commitment to scientific inquiry, a valuable trait for Emory applicants.
  • Simons Summer Research Program: This program offers high school students the chance to engage in hands-on research under the mentorship of faculty members. It’s an excellent way to showcase your enthusiasm for research, aligning with Emory’s focus on academic exploration.


Success in academic competitions demonstrates your expertise and dedication in specific subject areas.

  • Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): As the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, participation in ISEF can significantly enhance your application by showcasing your scientific acumen and problem-solving skills.
  • American Mathematics Competitions (AMC): Excelling in these competitions demonstrates strong analytical and quantitative skills, appealing qualities for Emory’s rigorous academic environment.

Summer programs

Participating in summer programs indicates your eagerness for academic challenge and growth.

  • Emory Pre-College Program: This program offer high school students the opportunity to engage in college-level coursework and experience life on Emory campus. Participation shows your readiness for higher education and your initiative in pursuing academic growth.
  • Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes: These academic enrichment programs cover a range of subjects and offer a taste of college academics and life, an excellent way to prepare for a university like Emory.


Gaining practical experience through internships reflects your initiative and readiness for real-world applications of your studies.

  • NASA High School Internship: Gaining experience at NASA as a high school student can demonstrate your capabilities in research and your interest in STEM fields, aligning well with Emory’s academic strengths.
  • Smithsonian Institution Internships: These internships offer a unique opportunity to engage in research and educational activities, showcasing your commitment to intellectual growth and discovery.


Involvement in arts-related activities can demonstrate your creativity and commitment to cultural enrichment.

  • National YoungArts Foundation: This program recognizes artistic excellence in young artists and can showcase your creativity and dedication to the arts.
  • Interlochen Arts Camp: Participating in this renowned arts program demonstrates your commitment to artistic development and can add a unique dimension to your application.


Participation in sports showcases teamwork, discipline, and resilience.

  • AAU Sports Programs: Achievements in Amateur Athletic Union sports can highlight your teamwork, discipline, and dedication.
  • Junior Olympics: Participation in or excelling at the Junior Olympics can demonstrate your commitment to sports at a competitive level, showing qualities like perseverance and resilience.

School clubs

Active membership in school clubs indicates leadership skills and engagement in your school community.

  • Model United Nations (MUN): Leadership or active participation in MUN can show your interest in global issues and develop skills in public speaking and diplomacy.
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): Involvement in FBLA can illustrate your leadership skills and interest in business and economics, aligning well with Emory’s strong business programs.

Community service

Community service activities highlight your commitment to social responsibility and empathy.

  • Key Club International: Participation in this student-led service organization demonstrates your commitment to community service and leadership.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity can show your dedication to community development and willingness to engage in hands-on, meaningful work.

Participating in these programs and activities can significantly enhance both your academic and extracurricular profile, making your application to Emory University more robust and compelling.

Emory University Application Requirements

Navigating the application process for Emory University involves understanding and fulfilling a specific set of requirements. In this section, we will detail the mandatory and optional components of the application, offering tips to help you effectively showcase your strengths and align with Emory’s expectations.

Mandatory requirements

  • The Common Application: This platform gathers comprehensive information about your academic and extracurricular background. Ensure every section is filled out meticulously, and your essays reflect your personality and goals.
  • Application Fee or Fee Waiver: A $75 fee is required, with waivers available for financial hardship. Check if you qualify for a waiver early in the process to avoid delays.
  • Official High School Transcripts: Submit transcripts from your high school (and college, if applicable). Request these documents well in advance to ensure timely submission.
  • Secondary School Report and Counselor’s Recommendation: This report provides context about your academic environment. Discuss your academic performance and aspirations with your counselor so they can provide a thorough recommendation.
  • Teacher Letters of Recommendation: These letters are required from two core academic teachers. Choose teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths and growth.
  • Midyear Report and Transcript: These are needed for both Early Decision and Regular Decision applicants. Maintain strong grades throughout the year, as this report can influence final decisions​​.

Optional requirements

  • SAT or ACT Scores: Emory is test-optional, but scores can be submitted. Submit your scores if they are strong and reflect your academic abilities well.

Other requirements

  • TOEFL or IELTS Results: These are recommended for students whose second language is English. These scores can demonstrate your proficiency in English, an important factor for success in college.

How to Apply to Emory University

Embarking on the journey to apply to Emory University requires careful planning and attention to detail. This guide provides a step-by-step breakdown of the application process, from initial preparation to the anticipation of results, ensuring you navigate each phase with clarity and confidence.

1. Preparation

Begin by researching Emory’s programs, values, and culture. Focus on achieving strong grades and engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities.

Gather information about application deadlines, required documents, and recommendation letter processes. Prepare for standardized tests if you plan to submit scores.

2. Application compilation

Start filling out the Common Application, ensuring all sections are completed accurately. Write and refine your personal essays, tailoring them to reflect your fit with Emory.

Request and compile all necessary documents, including transcripts and letters of recommendation, well before the deadline.

3. Submission

Review your application thoroughly for completeness and accuracy. Pay the application fee or submit a fee waiver request.

Submit your application before the deadline, keeping track of all components to ensure nothing is missed.

4. Post-submission

After submitting your application, focus on maintaining strong academic performance. Submit any additional required documents, like the midyear report.

Keep an eye on your email for any communication from Emory regarding your application status or additional steps.

5. Awaiting results

While waiting for admission decisions, continue to engage in your academic and extracurricular pursuits. Use this time to explore financial aid options and scholarships.

Stay informed about the decision release dates and prepare for the next steps based on the outcome of your application.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Emory University

Submitting supplemental materials to Emory University is a straightforward process, but it’s important to understand the specific requirements and procedures involved.

Emory University’s policy for supplemental materials varies depending on the specific program and type of application. For undergraduate admissions, the university typically requires certain standard documents as part of the application process. However, it’s crucial to check for any additional program-specific requirements.

Submission methods

For undergraduate applications, Emory University primarily uses the Common Application platform. This online system allows applicants to submit most of the required documents electronically. It’s a unified application process, which means if you’re applying to multiple colleges, you can use the same platform for all your applications.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Before beginning your application, identify the specific supplemental materials required for your desired program. This information can typically be found on Emory University’s program pages or the admissions section of their website.
  2. Gather and prepare all necessary documents, such as personal statements, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and any program-specific materials like portfolios or research papers.
  3. Register and complete your application on the Common Application website. This will include filling out your personal information, academic history, and uploading the required documents.
  4. Ensure that you submit your application and all supplemental materials by the specified deadlines. Emory University sets clear deadlines for different application types (e.g., Early Decision, Regular Decision).
  5. If English is not your first language, you may need to submit TOEFL or IELTS results.
  6. After submission, you will receive a confirmation. Keep track of your application status through the portal and be prepared to provide any additional information if requested.

Remember, each program at Emory University might have its unique set of requirements, so it’s important to review the specific guidelines for the program you’re applying to.

Emory University Scholarships and Financial Aid

Emory University offers a comprehensive financial aid program to support its students. Here’s an overview of the types of aid available.

Grants and scholarships

These are types of funding that don’t need to be repaid. Emory provides both need-based and merit-based grants and scholarships, making higher education accessible to a diverse range of students.

Merit scholarships may be offered through specific Emory programs, school partners, or external programs. These financial aids are crucial for students who demonstrate financial need or academic excellence​​.

Student employment

Emory also offers student employment opportunities. These positions not only provide valuable work experience but also help cover educational costs. Engaging in part-time work on campus can be a practical way to finance your studies while gaining professional experience​​.


Student loans are another component of financial aid. These are funds borrowed to help pay for university expenses like tuition, books, and living costs. Loans need to be repaid, but they can be a viable option to finance your education at Emory​​.

Aid for international students

Emory offers need-based aid to a select number of international students each year. This initiative ensures that students from across the globe have access to the resources needed to study at Emory​​.

Emory University Regular Decision vs Early Decision

Emory University offers two distinct application options: Early Decision and Regular Decision.

Early Decision (ED) is a binding application plan, meaning if you are admitted under ED, and if Emory makes the education affordable for you, you are committed to enrolling. ED is a great choice if Emory is your first-choice school, as it allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the university.

There are two ED plans available, and you can apply ED to Emory, Oxford, or both. Alternatively, you can apply ED to one and Regular Decision to the other​​.

Regular Decision is the traditional, nonbinding application plan. It allows you more time to make your college choice and provides flexibility as you can apply to Emory College, Oxford College, or both with one application.

The majority of Emory applicants choose the Regular Decision route. This option is ideal if you are still considering multiple college options and want to keep your choices open until the spring of your senior year​​.

Emory University Application Deadlines

The deadlines for submitting your application to Emory University vary depending on the application plan you choose:

  • Early Decision I: Application deadline is November 1, with decision notifications by December 15.
  • Early Decision II: The deadline is January 1, with notifications by February 15.
  • Regular Decision: Applications are due by January 1, with decision notifications by April 1​​.

These deadlines are critical in planning your application process, so make sure to mark them in your calendar and prepare your application materials accordingly.

How Hard is it to Get into Emory University?

Gaining admission to Emory University is a challenging task, reflecting its status as a highly respected institution. Emory, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is known for its rigorous academic standards and competitive selection process. The difficulty in securing a place at Emory can be understood through its acceptance rate and the quality of its applicant pool.

Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate is a crucial indicator of the competitiveness of the admissions process. Emory’s acceptance rate has fluctuated over the years but generally remains low, signifying that only a small percentage of applicants are admitted. This rate can vary between the different programs and schools within the university.

Applicant Quality

Emory attracts students with strong academic backgrounds. Typically, successful applicants have high-grade point averages (GPAs) and strong standardized test scores, such as the SAT or ACT. In addition to academic prowess, Emory values students who show leadership, community involvement, and other extracurricular achievements.

Holistic Review Process

Emory employs a holistic review process, meaning they consider the entire profile of an applicant rather than focusing solely on grades and test scores. This approach includes evaluating personal essays, letters of recommendation, and the overall fit of the student with Emory’s values and goals.

Benefits of Attending Emory University

Attending Emory University offers numerous benefits, contributing to both personal and professional growth. Emory is not just a place for academic learning; it’s an environment that fosters overall development.

Academic Excellence

Emory is renowned for its strong academic programs, particularly in areas like public health, business, nursing, and law. The university is home to a diverse faculty, many of whom are leaders in their respective fields, offering students an opportunity to learn from the best.

Research Opportunities

As a research-intensive university, Emory provides ample opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge research. This aspect is crucial for students interested in pursuing careers in science, medicine, or academia.

Global Perspective

Emory’s diverse student body and its emphasis on global awareness prepare students for the interconnected world. The university offers various programs that encourage international understanding, including study abroad opportunities and courses with a global focus.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Emory University are highly sought after, which is a testament to the quality of education and the reputation of the institution. The university’s career services and alumni network play a pivotal role in helping students find employment and internships in their chosen fields.

How Can an International Student Get into Emory University?

For international students aspiring to join Emory University, the admission process involves several steps that are both challenging and rewarding. Understanding and navigating this process is crucial for a successful application.

1. Meeting Academic Standards

International students must meet the same high academic standards as domestic applicants. This includes having a strong GPA, competitive test scores (SAT/ACT for undergraduates, GRE/GMAT for certain graduate programs), and proficiency in English (TOEFL or IELTS scores may be required).

2. Understanding the Application Process

The application process for international students is similar to that for U.S. students but with additional requirements. This might include a more detailed academic record (transcripts), financial documentation, and visa application procedures.

3. Financial Planning

Understanding the financial requirements is crucial. International students should research scholarship opportunities, financial aid, and the overall cost of studying and living in the United States.

4. Cultural Integration

Emory values cultural diversity and inclusivity. Demonstrating an ability to contribute to this environment can be an asset. International students should highlight their unique cultural backgrounds and perspectives in their applications.

5. Utilizing Resources

Prospective international students should take advantage of resources offered by Emory’s admissions office, including guidance on the application process, financial aid, and adapting to life in the U.S.

In conclusion, while the journey to getting admitted to Emory University, particularly for international students, is demanding, it is also filled with opportunities for personal growth and academic excellence. Understanding the nuances of the application process and the benefits of attending Emory can help students make informed decisions about their educational future.

How to Get into Emory University as a Transfer Student?

Transferring to Emory University, a prestigious institution known for its strong academic programs, is a goal for many students. However, achieving this requires careful planning and understanding of Emory’s specific requirements for transfer students.

Emory University, like many elite institutions, has specific criteria for transfer students. These often include a minimum college GPA, a certain number of credit hours completed, and prerequisite courses. It’s crucial to check Emory’s website or contact the admissions office to get the most current and detailed requirements.

  • Academic Excellence: Emory seeks students who have demonstrated strong academic performance in their current college courses. This means maintaining a high GPA and taking challenging courses relevant to your intended major. If your current college offers honors courses or other advanced options, consider enrolling in them to showcase your academic abilities.
  • Extracurricular Involvement: Emory values well-rounded students. Involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, or work experience can strengthen your application. It’s not just about the number of activities, but the depth of your involvement and the impact you’ve made.
  • Compelling Essays: Your application essays are a critical component. They should reflect your personality, academic interests, and reasons for transferring to Emory. Be authentic and articulate how Emory’s programs align with your educational and career goals.
  • Recommendation Letters: Strong letters of recommendation from professors or employers who can speak to your academic abilities and character are important. These letters should provide insight into your suitability for Emory’s rigorous academic environment.
  • Application Timing: Pay attention to application deadlines and plan accordingly. Preparing your application materials well in advance will give you ample time to review and ensure everything is in order.

Can an Average Student Get into Emory University?

Gaining admission to Emory University is competitive, and many applicants wonder if an ‘average’ student has a chance. Here, it’s essential to understand what ‘average’ means in the context of Emory’s applicant pool.

Emory’s Admission Statistics

Emory University typically attracts high-achieving students. The average GPA and standardized test scores of admitted students are often well above the national average. However, these statistics are just one part of the story.

Holistic Admissions Process

Emory employs a holistic review process, considering more than just grades and test scores. They look at your essays, extracurricular activities, life experiences, and personal background. This approach offers an opportunity for students who may not have top-tier academic credentials but excel in other areas.

Highlighting Unique Qualities

If your academic record is average, it’s crucial to highlight other aspects of your application. This could be exceptional talent in arts or athletics, significant community service, unique life experiences, or outstanding leadership qualities.

Improving Your Profile

If you’re still in high school, focus on improving your GPA, engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities, and preparing for standardized tests. If you’re a transfer or college student, concentrate on excelling in your college courses and being involved in your college community.

How to Get into Emory University with a Low GPA?

Admission to Emory University with a low GPA is challenging, but not impossible. Here are strategies that can help bolster your application:

  • Strong Standardized Test Scores: If your GPA is on the lower side, achieving high scores on the SAT or ACT can help balance your academic profile. Emory considers these scores as part of their holistic review process.
  • Highlighting Strengths in Other Areas: Emphasize other components of your application. This includes leadership roles, community service, extracurricular activities, and any special talents or achievements.
  • Compelling Essays: Your essays offer a chance to tell your story and explain circumstances that may have impacted your academic performance. Use this opportunity to showcase your resilience, determination, and how you’ve grown from your experiences.
  • Course Rigor: If your overall GPA is low, demonstrating that you’ve taken challenging courses and improved over time can work in your favor. Show that you’re not afraid to push yourself academically.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from teachers or counselors who can vouch for your academic potential and character are important. They can provide context to your GPA and speak to your readiness for college-level work.
  • Explaining Your GPA: If there are specific reasons for a lower GPA (such as personal hardships or health issues), it might be appropriate to explain these in your application. However, this should be done thoughtfully, focusing on how you’ve overcome these challenges and learned from them.

In conclusion, while Emory University’s admissions are competitive, there are ways to strengthen your application, whether you are a transfer student, an average student, or a student with a lower GPA. It’s about highlighting your unique strengths, being authentic in your application, and demonstrating your potential to contribute to and benefit from Emory’s academic community.

What Makes Emory University Unique?

Emory University, nestled in the vibrant city of Atlanta, Georgia, stands out as a distinguished institution for several reasons. Firstly, its commitment to research is exemplary. Emory is known for its strong focus on research activities, particularly in areas like public health, business, and the sciences. The university’s link with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located adjacent to its campus, provides unparalleled opportunities for students interested in public health and epidemiology.

Another unique aspect of Emory is its liberal arts focus within a research university setting. This combination allows students to enjoy the benefits of a broad, humanities-based education along with the advantages of attending a major research institution. This structure encourages a well-rounded educational experience, fostering critical thinking and a wider perspective on various subjects.

Emory’s division into nine different schools and colleges, each with its own specific focus, is also noteworthy. This structure allows for specialized education within a larger university environment. Notably, the c and the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing are highly regarded in their respective fields.

Moreover, Emory’s campus life is rich and diverse. The university boasts a wide range of student organizations, and its location in Atlanta provides students with numerous cultural, social, and professional opportunities. The university’s emphasis on community service and social justice also encourages students to engage with the broader Atlanta community and beyond, aligning with Emory’s principles of creating ethically engaged leaders.

What Does the Emory University Application Look Like?

Applying to Emory University involves several key components. The application process is designed to evaluate not only academic achievements but also personal qualities and potential contributions to the Emory community.

Firstly, students need to choose an application platform. Emory accepts the Common Application, the Coalition Application, and the QuestBridge Application. This flexibility allows students to select the platform that best suits their needs and experiences.

Academic transcripts are a crucial part of the application. Emory looks at an applicant’s grades and the rigor of their high school curriculum. The university seeks students who have challenged themselves with advanced courses like AP, IB, or honors classes, when available.

Standardized test scores, such as the SAT or ACT, are also considered. However, Emory practices a test-optional policy, meaning students can choose whether or not to submit these scores. This policy acknowledges that standardized tests are not the only indicator of a student’s potential.

Letters of recommendation are another essential element. Emory requires recommendations from a counselor and a teacher. These letters provide insight into the student’s academic abilities and character.

The personal essay is a vital component, offering students the opportunity to showcase their personality, experiences, and motivations. Emory values essays that are thoughtful and reflective, giving a sense of who the student is beyond their academic record.

Additionally, Emory may consider extracurricular activities, community service, leadership experiences, and employment history. These aspects help Emory understand a student’s interests, commitments, and how they might contribute to the university community.

Is Emory University a Good School for You?

Determining if Emory University is the right fit for you depends on several factors. Emory is an excellent choice for students seeking a strong liberal arts education combined with the resources of a large research university. If you’re interested in engaging in significant research, particularly in areas like public health, business, or the sciences, Emory could be an ideal environment for you.

The university’s emphasis on ethical leadership and community service might appeal to students who are passionate about making a positive impact in society. Emory’s diverse student body and wide range of student organizations provide a vibrant campus life and numerous opportunities for personal growth and networking.

However, the competitive academic environment at Emory might not suit everyone. Prospective students should consider whether they thrive in a challenging academic setting and are prepared for the rigors of a research-focused education.

The location in Atlanta is also a crucial consideration. If you are looking for a university experience that includes access to a large, culturally rich city with numerous professional opportunities, Emory could be a great choice. However, if you prefer a smaller, more contained campus environment, you might want to consider other options.

Ultimately, whether Emory University is a good fit for you depends on your academic interests, career goals, and personal preferences. Researching the university, visiting the campus, and connecting with current students and alumni can provide valuable insights into whether Emory aligns with your aspirations and expectations.

How Selective is Emory University?

Emory University is known for its high academic standards and selective admissions process. Understanding the level of selectivity at Emory can help prospective students gauge their chances of admission and prepare accordingly.

Admission Statistics

To quantify Emory’s selectivity, one can look at its acceptance rate, which is the percentage of applicants who are offered admission. Historically, Emory’s acceptance rate has hovered around 15-20%, categorizing it as a highly selective institution. This means that out of every 100 applicants, only about 15 to 20 students are admitted. It’s important to note that these figures can vary each year based on the applicant pool and the university’s enrollment goals.

Academic Profile of Admitted Student

Emory University typically admits students with strong academic backgrounds. The average GPA and standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) of admitted students are usually well above the national average. Emory looks for students who have excelled in a rigorous high school curriculum, including Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors courses.

Beyond Numbers

While academic excellence is crucial, Emory also places a significant emphasis on other aspects of an applicant’s profile. This includes extracurricular involvement, leadership experiences, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. The university seeks students who not only excel academically but also contribute to the campus community in diverse ways.

Should You Apply to Emory University?

Deciding whether to apply to Emory University involves considering several factors:

  • Match Your Academic Profile: If your GPA and test scores align with or exceed the averages of admitted students, you may be a competitive candidate. However, remember that Emory’s holistic review process means that high academic achievements alone do not guarantee admission.
  • Consider Your Interests and Goals: Emory offers a wide range of undergraduate programs, with notable strengths in areas like public health, business, and the liberal arts. If these programs align with your academic interests and career goals, Emory could be a good fit for you.
  • Evaluate the Campus Culture: Emory is known for its diverse and inclusive community, strong emphasis on research, and commitment to service. Visiting the campus, interacting with current students, and exploring the university’s resources can help you determine if Emory’s environment matches your preferences.
  • Financial Considerations: Understand the cost of attendance and financial aid options. Emory provides generous financial aid packages to students who qualify, which can significantly reduce the financial burden.

How Does Emory University Review Applications?

Emory University employs a holistic review process in evaluating applications. This approach considers multiple factors beyond academic metrics:

  • Academic Achievement: Emory reviews your high school transcript, standardized test scores, the rigor of your coursework, and any academic honors or awards. Consistent academic performance in challenging courses is a key factor.
  • Extracurricular Activities: The admissions committee looks at your involvement outside the classroom. Leadership roles, community service, employment, and other activities can demonstrate your skills and potential contributions to the campus community.
  • Personal Essays: Your essays provide insight into your personality, experiences, and perspectives. They allow the admissions team to understand your motivations, critical thinking skills, and writing ability. A compelling, well-written essay can significantly impact your application.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Recommendations from teachers and counselors provide a third-party perspective on your academic and personal qualities. They should ideally highlight your intellectual curiosity, character, and impact in your school community.
  • Interviews: While not required, an interview can be an opportunity to further express your interest in Emory and add a personal dimension to your application.
  • Contextual Factors: Emory considers your background, including any challenges you may have faced, your school and community context, and other personal circumstances.

Emory University’s admissions process is highly selective, focusing on a wide range of factors to identify students who will thrive in its dynamic and challenging academic environment. Prospective students should carefully assess their compatibility with the university’s academic standards and campus culture while preparing a strong, well-rounded application.

Does Emory University Require Interviews?

When considering applying to Emory University, a key question that often arises for prospective students is whether the university requires interviews as part of its admissions process. It’s important to understand the role of interviews in college admissions and how they may impact your application to Emory.

Emory, known for its rigorous academic environment and vibrant campus life, has a specific stance on interviews. The university does not require interviews for all applicants. However, there may be certain programs or scholarships within Emory that suggest or require an interview. It’s essential for applicants to verify this information directly from Emory’s admissions website or through their admissions office, as policies can change.

While interviews are not a mandatory component of the general admissions process, voluntary alumni interviews are offered in some areas. These interviews are not evaluative but are informational. They provide a platform for prospective students to learn more about the university from the perspective of its alumni. Participating in such interviews can be beneficial for students who wish to gain deeper insights into the Emory experience but are not directly considered in the admissions decision.

For students applying to programs where interviews are required or recommended, it’s advisable to prepare thoroughly. This includes researching the program, reflecting on your academic and personal experiences, and thinking about how you can contribute to the Emory community. Remember, though, for the majority of applicants, the interview is not a part of the process, and admissions decisions are made based on the submitted application materials.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Emory University?

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in college admissions, including at Emory University. These activities showcase your interests, skills, and commitment beyond the classroom. Emory, like many selective institutions, looks for students who bring diverse talents and perspectives to their campus.

There isn’t a specific set of extracurriculars that you “need” for Emory University. Rather, Emory values quality over quantity. The admissions committee seeks students who demonstrate passion, leadership, commitment, and impact in their activities, whether in sports, arts, community service, leadership roles, or other areas.

Instead of focusing on a particular list of activities, consider what you are genuinely interested in and passionate about. Depth of involvement and progression in leadership or responsibility in one or a few areas can be more impactful than minimal participation in a large number of activities. Emory looks for how you have made a meaningful impact in your activities and how you have grown personally and professionally through them.

Remember, extracurricular involvement is just one part of your application. Emory considers the entire application, including academic records, essays, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores (if submitted), to gain a holistic understanding of each applicant. So, while extracurricular activities are important, they are part of a larger picture of who you are as a student and individual.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Emory University?

The personal statement is a crucial part of your application to Emory University. It is your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee and provide insights into who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Writing an effective personal statement requires thoughtful reflection on what makes you unique and how you would contribute to the Emory community.

When considering what to write about in your personal statement for Emory, focus on authenticity and self-reflection. Choose topics that genuinely resonate with you and that can showcase your personality, experiences, and aspirations. This could be a personal challenge you’ve overcome, a significant accomplishment, a unique family or cultural background, or a passion that drives you.

Here are a few tips for writing your personal statement:

  • Be Yourself: Write in your own voice and stay true to yourself. Admissions officers are looking to get to know the real you.
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Use specific examples and stories to illustrate your points. This makes your essay more engaging and memorable.
  • Reflect on Your Experiences: Don’t just describe what happened. Explain what you learned, how you grew, or how the experience influenced your goals and aspirations.
  • Connect to Emory: While the focus should be on you, it’s also helpful to connect your experiences or goals to what Emory University offers. This could include academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, or the campus community.
  • Proofread and Edit: Make sure your essay is well-written and free of grammatical errors. A well-polished personal statement shows attention to detail and a commitment to your application.

Your personal statement for Emory should provide a window into your life and leave the admissions committee feeling like they know you better. It’s an opportunity to stand out and make a case for why you would be a great fit for Emory University. Remember, there is no one “right” topic; the best topic is one that allows you to authentically and effectively communicate your story.

How to Write an Emory University Supplemental Essay

When applying to Emory University, crafting a compelling supplemental essay is a critical part of your application. This essay is your opportunity to showcase your personality, experiences, and aspirations, making you stand out as a candidate. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

  1. Understand the Prompt: Begin by reading the essay prompt carefully. Emory University’s prompts are designed to understand more about you as an individual. The prompt might ask about your interests, challenges you’ve faced, or a community you belong to. Your task is to reflect on these questions thoughtfully and honestly.
  2. Brainstorm Ideas: Take some time to brainstorm ideas. Think about experiences and aspects of your life that are unique to you and align with the prompt. It could be a significant event, a particular passion, or a unique perspective you hold.
  3. Create an Outline: Once you have your ideas, create an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a coherent flow of ideas in your essay.
  4. Be Authentic: In your writing, be genuine. Admissions officers are looking for authenticity and sincerity. Share your true self, your genuine thoughts, and your feelings.
  5. Showcase Your Qualities: Think about what qualities you want to convey through your essay. Do you want to highlight your leadership skills, empathy, creativity, or resilience? Make sure these qualities shine through in your storytelling.
  6. Be Specific and Detailed: Use specific examples and details to illustrate your points. This will make your essay more engaging and memorable.
  7. Proofread and Edit: Finally, proofread your essay multiple times. Check for grammatical errors, clarity, and flow. It can also be helpful to have someone else read your essay to provide feedback.

Remember, your supplemental essay is a chance to add depth to your application and show Emory why you would be a great addition to their community.

Enrichment Opportunities to Help Get into Emory University

Emory University, like many selective institutions, looks for well-rounded applicants who have engaged in meaningful enrichment opportunities. Here are some activities that could strengthen your application:

  • Academic Enrichment Programs: Participate in summer programs, online courses, or workshops that relate to your academic interests. These programs demonstrate your commitment to learning and exploring your field of interest.
  • Community Service: Involvement in community service shows empathy, commitment, and leadership. Whether it’s volunteering at a local charity, organizing community events, or participating in service trips, these experiences can have a significant impact on your application.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Engage in clubs, sports, arts, or other extracurricular activities. Leadership roles in these areas can particularly stand out.
  • Research Projects: If you’re interested in a particular academic field, consider participating in research projects. This can be especially beneficial for students looking to pursue science or social science majors.
  • Internships and Work Experience: Gaining practical experience through internships or part-time jobs related to your field of interest can be valuable. It demonstrates the real-world application of your skills and knowledge.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: If possible, participating in exchange programs or international travel can broaden your perspective and show your adaptability and cultural awareness.

Remember, quality is more important than quantity. It’s better to be deeply involved and committed to a few activities than to have a long list of superficial engagements.

Do You Need to Take AP Courses to Get into Emory University?

Taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses can be an important aspect of your high school curriculum, especially when applying to a prestigious institution like Emory University. Here’s what you need to know:

  • AP Courses Show Academic Rigor: AP courses are considered rigorous and challenging. They demonstrate to Emory admissions officers that you’re capable of handling college-level work.
  • Balance is Key: It’s important to balance AP courses with your overall high school experience. You should only take as many AP courses as you can manage without overwhelming yourself.
  • Not a Requirement, But Beneficial: While Emory University does not explicitly require AP courses for admission, taking them can strengthen your application. They are a way to show your academic strength, especially in areas related to your intended major.
  • Consider Your School’s Offerings: Keep in mind that Emory reviews applications in the context of what is available at your high school. If your school offers a limited number of AP courses, you won’t be penalized for not taking more than what’s available.
  • Focus on Grades and Scores: If you do take AP courses, aim for strong grades and AP exam scores. High performance in these courses can positively impact your application.
  • Alternative Advanced Courses: If AP courses are not available, consider other advanced options like International Baccalaureate (IB) or honors courses.

While AP courses are not mandatory for admission to Emory University, they can play a significant role in demonstrating your academic preparedness and commitment to learning. Remember, it’s about finding the right balance that allows you to excel and still enjoy your high school experience.

Does Emory University Accept AP Credit?

Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams offer high school students the opportunity to engage in college-level studies and potentially earn college credit before even stepping onto a university campus. Emory University recognizes the value of this advanced preparation.

At Emory University, students who have taken AP courses and excelled in AP exams can indeed earn college credit. This practice aligns with Emory’s commitment to acknowledging the hard work and high level of knowledge that students achieve in their high school years. However, it’s essential to understand that the acceptance of AP credits at Emory comes with specific criteria.

Firstly, the score you achieve on an AP exam plays a crucial role. Generally, Emory University requires students to have scored a 4 or 5 on their AP exams to be considered for college credit. This requirement underlines the university’s high academic standards and ensures that only students who have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the subject matter are awarded credit.

Secondly, the particular AP courses you have taken also matter. Emory University evaluates AP credits based on how they align with its curriculum. Some AP subjects may directly correspond to courses offered at Emory, making them more likely to be accepted for credit. Students are encouraged to consult Emory’s AP credit policy, which is available on their official website, to get detailed information about which AP courses are accepted and how they translate into college credits.

In conclusion, Emory University does accept AP credit, but with specific stipulations regarding exam scores and relevant course subjects. This policy reflects Emory’s commitment to maintaining high academic standards while also acknowledging the achievements of incoming students.

Will Emory University Look at Your Social Media?

In today’s digital age, social media is a significant part of many students’ lives. It serves as a platform for expression, networking, and sharing experiences. However, when it comes to college admissions, many students wonder if their social media profiles could impact their chances of acceptance.

Regarding Emory University, there is no official policy that suggests admissions officers systematically review applicants’ social media profiles as part of the admissions process. The primary focus of Emory’s admissions team is on the academic qualifications, extracurricular involvements, essays, letters of recommendation, and other formal components of the application.

However, it’s important to exercise caution and discretion on social media. In certain situations, if something on a student’s social media becomes a matter of public concern or is brought to the university’s attention, it could potentially impact an admission decision. This is especially true if the content contradicts the values and ethics that Emory University upholds.

Therefore, while Emory University does not actively seek out applicant’s social media profiles, it is advisable for students to maintain a positive and respectful online presence. This approach not only aligns with general digital citizenship principles but also ensures that in the rare case, that an admissions officer does encounter an applicant’s social media, it reflects positively on the student.


Will Visiting Emory University Help You Get In?

Visiting a university campus can be a transformative experience for prospective students. It offers a tangible feel of the campus culture, academic environment, and student life. For many students considering Emory University, the question arises: Will visiting the campus increase my chances of getting admitted?

The straightforward answer is that visiting Emory University, in itself, does not directly influence admission decisions. Emory, like many other universities, asserts that admissions are based on the applicant’s academic achievements, personal qualities, and potential contributions to the university community, rather than on whether they have visited the campus.

However, there are indirect benefits to visiting Emory University that can play a role in the admissions process. A campus visit can provide deeper insights into what the university offers, helping students tailor their application essays in a way that shows genuine interest and fits Emory’s unique environment. It also allows students to gather specific details about programs, facilities, and campus life, which can be used to demonstrate a well-informed and thoughtful application.

Furthermore, interacting with admissions staff, faculty, or current students during a visit can provide valuable advice and perspective that might strengthen an application. While these interactions are not formally evaluated in the admissions process, the insights gained can help applicants present a more compelling and personalized application.

In summary, while visiting Emory University does not directly affect your chances of admission, it can equip you with valuable knowledge and experiences that enhance your application. The visit can serve as a means to demonstrate your interest and fit for the university, albeit indirectly influencing the admissions decision.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored various facets of the application process to Emory University. Key aspects include understanding Emory’s unique academic culture, its rigorous admission standards, and the holistic review process.

The journey to gaining admission into Emory University is competitive, with numerous applicants vying for a limited number of spots. To stand out, it’s essential to not only meet but exceed the university’s expectations in academics and extracurriculars.

Focus on building a robust profile that reflects your unique strengths and aligns with Emory’s values. Seek opportunities that showcase your intellectual curiosity, leadership, and commitment to community service.

Remember, being authentic and thoughtful in your application can significantly enhance your chances of success.

We can help you figure out how to get into Emory University

At AdmissionSight, we specialize in guiding students through the complex admissions landscape. Our expert team can help you navigate the Emory University application process, from optimizing your academic and extracurricular profile to crafting compelling essays and preparing for interviews.

We provide personalized strategies and insights tailored to your unique strengths and aspirations, increasing your chances of being admitted to this prestigious institution.

Ready to take the next step towards your dream of attending Emory University? Contact us today for a free consultation. Let’s embark on a successful application journey together.


College Admissions

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