
How to Get into Johns Hopkins: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Johns Hopkins: Admission Requirements and Tips

Known for its rigorous academic environment and its status as a research powerhouse, Johns Hopkins University is a coveted college for students worldwide. But admission to Johns Hopkins is highly competitive, and understanding this landscape is your first step.

In this article, we’ll dive into what Johns Hopkins specifically looks for in candidates, how to make your application stand out, and how to prepare for the unique aspects of their admission process. Let’s embark on this journey together, turning your vision of attending Johns Hopkins into an achievable goal.

Overview of Johns Hopkins

Founded in 1876, Johns Hopkins University holds the distinction of being America’s first research university. Located in Baltimore, Maryland, the university is situated in a city rich with history and culture, offering students a vibrant and diverse urban experience. Its proximity to Washington D.C. also provides unique opportunities for internships and research.

Johns Hopkins consistently ranks among the top universities in the US. As per the 2024 edition of Best Colleges, Johns Hopkins holds the impressive rank of #9 among National Universities. Globally, the Center for World University Rankings listed Johns Hopkins University as the 16th best university in the world for 2022-2023.

The legacy of Johns Hopkins is further illuminated by its illustrious alumni and faculty. Among them are 29 Nobel laureates. The university has also produced leaders in various fields such as medicine, science, public policy, and the arts, who have made significant contributions to society.

So, choosing Johns Hopkins means being part of an institution that drives real-world change. Whether it’s through innovative research, hands-on learning, or community engagement, Johns Hopkins empowers its students to leave their mark on the world.

Johns Hopkins’ Acceptance Rate

Johns Hopkins University has an acceptance rate that reflects its status as a premier institution. In recent years, the acceptance rate at Johns Hopkins has been decreasing:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 9.2%
Class of 2024 8.8%
Class of 2025 6%
Class of 2026 6.5%
Class of 2027 6.3%

These figures indicate the high number of applications received each year and the rigorous standards upheld by the admissions committee. For the Class of 2027, for instance, Johns Hopkins University received a total of 38,294 applicants and admitted 2,411 students, resulting in an acceptance rate of 6.3%.

A lower acceptance rate means that Johns Hopkins takes a holistic approach to admissions, evaluating each applicant thoroughly beyond just grades and test scores. This rigorous selection process ensures that those who are admitted are not only academically capable but also align with the university’s values and culture.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

Here are key factors that contribute to Johns Hopkins’ low acceptance rate:

  • Academic Excellence: Johns Hopkins prioritizes applicants who have demonstrated exceptional academic abilities. High GPAs, challenging course loads, and strong standardized test scores are common among accepted students.
  • Extracurricular Engagement: Active participation in extracurricular activities, especially those showing leadership and initiative, is highly valued. This involvement should reflect a student’s passions and interests.
  • Personal Essays and Recommendations: Well-crafted personal essays that offer insight into an applicant’s character and recommendations that attest to their potential play a significant role in admissions decisions.
  • Research and Innovation Potential: Given its reputation as a leading research institution, Johns Hopkins looks for students who show promise in contributing to its culture of innovation and research.

Johns Hopkins GPA and SAT Requirements

Your GPA is a reflection of your academic performance over an extended period. It shows Johns Hopkins how consistently you have performed in your studies and how well you have grasped the material.

On the other hand, SAT scores are used to assess your readiness for college-level work. They provide a common measure for comparing the qualifications of applicants and offer insight into your critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills.

Together, GPA and SAT scores are essential for Johns Hopkins to gauge your academic abilities and readiness for the challenging curriculum that the university is known for. However, it’s important to remember that these are just parts of a holistic admissions process that also considers your essays, extracurricular activities, and recommendations.

Johns Hopkins GPA Requirements

While Johns Hopkins does not officially have a minimum GPA requirement, it’s evident that successful applicants typically have GPAs that are well above average. A significant portion of admitted students have a GPA of 3.9, indicating that they have mostly A grades in their courses.

As a prospective student, interpreting these GPA statistics requires understanding the competitiveness of the applicant pool. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the university adopts a holistic admissions process. This means your GPA is considered in the context of other factors like course rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.

GPA recommendations

Here are key recommendations to ensure your GPA aligns with the university’s high academic standards:

  • Aim for a GPA of 3.9 or higher. Excelling in advanced placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses can further strengthen your academic profile.
  • The rigor of your coursework also matters. Challenge yourself with advanced courses available in your school to demonstrate your readiness for a demanding college curriculum.
  • Johns Hopkins looks for consistency in your academic performance. If your GPA isn’t near the top, showing an upward trend in your grades can also be a positive indicator of your growth and potential.
  • While focusing on maintaining a high GPA, don’t neglect other aspects of your application. Balance your academic efforts with meaningful extracurricular involvement and personal development.

Johns Hopkins SAT Requirements

Johns Hopkins University’s admitted students showcase strong SAT scores, reflecting the university’s emphasis on academic excellence:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1540 1520 1560

These figures demonstrate that the majority of students admitted to Johns Hopkins score very highly on the SAT. While they are high, it’s important to understand that they also reflect a student’s readiness for the challenging academic environment at Johns Hopkins.

However, similar to the GPA, SAT scores are part of a holistic admissions process. They should be viewed as one component of your application, complementing your academic records, extracurricular achievements, and personal essays.

SAT recommendations

To maximize your chances of admission to Johns Hopkins University, consider these strategic recommendations for your SAT preparation and performance:

  • Target an SAT score of 1560 or higher.
  • Regular and thorough preparation for the SAT is key. Utilize practice tests, study guides, and, if necessary, tutoring to improve your performance.
  • Focus on excelling in both the Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing sections of the SAT. Consistent scores across both sections are advantageous.
  • If your initial SAT score isn’t within the desired range, consider retaking the test. Many students improve their scores on a second attempt.

Johns Hopkins ACT Requirements

Johns Hopkins University’s commitment to academic excellence is also evident in the ACT scores of its admitted students:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
34 33 35

This data indicates that the majority of students accepted into Johns Hopkins have achieved exceptionally high ACT scores. For prospective students, these ACT statistics should be viewed as both a benchmark and a source of insight into the university’s admissions standards.

High ACT scores are indicative of an applicant’s ability to handle the rigorous academic environment at Johns Hopkins. However, it’s important to remember that, like the SAT, ACT scores are considered as part of a holistic review process that includes other factors like your GPA, extracurricular activities, and personal statements.

ACT recommendations

Here are four tips for achieving an ACT score that aligns with the competitive standards of Johns Hopkins:

  • Aim for an ACT score of 35 or higher to position yourself competitively in the applicant pool.
  • Invest time in targeted preparation, utilizing practice tests and study resources to familiarize yourself with the ACT format and question types.
  • Strive for high and balanced scores across all sections of the ACT—English, Math, Reading, and Science.
  • If your initial ACT score falls short of your target, consider retaking the test. Many students see an improvement in their scores upon retesting.

Is Johns Hopkins Test-Optional?

Johns Hopkins University is test-optional through the 2025-2026 application year. This means that you are not required to submit your SAT or ACT scores for consideration in the admissions process.

This test-optional policy means more flexibility in how you present your academic abilities to Johns Hopkins. If you believe your SAT or ACT scores accurately reflect your academic potential, you can include them in your application.

However, if you feel that these scores do not represent your true capabilities, or if you were unable to take the tests due to extenuating circumstances, you can choose not to submit them. This policy allows your other qualifications, such as GPA, coursework, extracurricular achievements, and personal essays, to take on greater significance in the admissions decision process.

This test-optional approach acknowledges that a student’s potential cannot be fully measured by standardized tests alone.

What Does Johns Hopkins Look for in Students?

Johns Hopkins University is looking for students who embody specific core values that align with its academic and research ethos. Understanding these values is crucial for you as a prospective student to ensure your application resonates with what Johns Hopkins prioritizes.

Johns Hopkins is looking for individuals who are academically excellent, research-driven, and eager to make an impact both within and beyond the university community.

In particular, here are the key values that Johns Hopkins considers:

1. Academic character

At Johns Hopkins, your engagement with academics, especially with a focus on research and innovation, is highly valued. This includes how you contribute to the learning environment and pursue interests beyond the classroom, particularly in research or inquiry-based activities.

Your academic character will be assessed through your transcripts, activities list, recommendations, and, if you choose to submit them, test scores. The university is looking for students who are academically strong and eager to explore new academic frontiers.

2. Impact and initiative

The roles and impact you’ve had in clubs, organizations, jobs, internships, or research projects are of significant interest to Johns Hopkins. The university values your initiative, especially in areas involving research or contributions to community and societal advancement.

This aspect of your application, evaluated through your activities list, recommendations, and essays, should highlight how you’ve used your skills in practical and impactful ways.

3. Overall match

How your values, goals, and potential contributions align with Johns Hopkins’ research-oriented community is a critical aspect of your application. The university seeks individuals who are passionate about contributing to its research and intellectual community.

Your application should illustrate how you envision yourself contributing to and growing within this dynamic and innovative environment. Your fit with the university is discerned from your supplemental essay, personal statement, and the overall application.

In essence, it’s essential for you to tailor your application to reflect these values. Your application should showcase your academic strengths, research interests, and your alignment with the university’s mission as a leading research institution.

How to Boost Your Johns Hopkins Application

Every aspect of your application to Johns Hopkins University counts. Here are six pivotal tips to enhance your application, ensuring it aligns with the qualities and expectations of this prestigious institution. Let’s dive into these tips to help you present the most compelling application possible.

1. Achieve academic excellence.

Academic excellence is a cornerstone of what Johns Hopkins University looks for in its prospective students. Johns Hopkins prides itself on a student body that is not only capable of handling challenging coursework but also excelling in it. Demonstrating academic excellence in your application is crucial to standing out in a pool of highly qualified candidates.

Specific tips:

  • Highlight your strong GPA. Make sure to emphasize a high GPA in your application. If your school offers advanced courses like AP or IB, highlight your performance in these as they showcase your ability to handle college-level work.
  • Include your test scores. If you have taken the SAT or ACT and achieved a high score, include these scores in your application. Remember, while Johns Hopkins is test-optional, impressive test scores can still enhance your application.
  • Show the rigor of your coursework. Detail the challenging courses you’ve taken during high school. Include any honors, AP, IB, or college-level courses, especially in areas related to your intended field of study.
  • Discuss academic achievements and awards. If you’ve received any academic honors or awards, be sure to include them. This can include subject-specific awards, honor roll mentions, or recognition in academic competitions.

2. Showcase research interest and experience.

Johns Hopkins University is renowned for its emphasis on research and innovation. Showcasing any involvement in research projects highlights your ability to engage in the kind of scholarly work that is central to the Johns Hopkins experience. It also demonstrates your initiative, intellectual curiosity, and potential to contribute to the university’s vibrant research community.

Specific tips:

  • Detail participation in research. Discuss any research projects you have been involved in, whether at school, in a summer program, or in collaboration with a local university or research institution. Explain the nature of the research, your role, and any outcomes or findings.
  • Highlight involvement in science fairs or contests. If you have participated in science fairs, Math Olympiads, or other academic competitions, make sure to include these in your application. Describe your projects or the problems you solved, emphasizing any recognition or awards you received.
  • Discuss independent research. If you have undertaken any independent research or projects, even those not part of a formal program, describe these experiences. Explain how you pursued these projects, what drove your interest, and any conclusions or learning outcomes you reached.
  • Reflect on how research has shaped your academic goals. Use your essays to reflect on how your research experiences have influenced your academic interests and future goals. Link these experiences to why Johns Hopkins, as a research-intensive university, is the right fit for you.

3. Highlight leadership roles and community impact.

Leadership and community impact are highly valued at Johns Hopkins University. These qualities showcase your ability to influence, inspire, and contribute positively to your environment. Leadership roles and community involvement illustrate your initiative, responsibility, and commitment to making a difference, aligning with the university’s ethos of fostering leaders and change-makers.

Specific tips:

  • Describe leadership roles in school and extracurricular activities. Mention any leadership positions you’ve held, such as club president, team captain, or student government officer. Detail the responsibilities you held, initiatives you led, and any achievements under your leadership.
  • Illustrate impact in community service or volunteer work. Share your experiences with community service or volunteer projects. Focus on the impact of your work, the skills you developed, and how it benefited the community.
  • Discuss leadership in work or internship experiences. If you’ve had a job or internship, describe any leadership roles or responsibilities you assumed. Highlight how these experiences have helped you grow professionally and personally.
  • Reflect on personal projects or initiatives. Talk about any personal projects or initiatives you’ve started or significantly contributed to, such as organizing a community event, founding a club, or leading a campaign. Describe the motivation behind these projects, the challenges you faced, and the outcomes achieved.

4. Crafting compelling application essays.

Your essays are a vital part of your Johns Hopkins application. They provide a platform for you to share your story, express your personality, and demonstrate how you align with the university’s values. Compelling essays can set you apart from other applicants by giving the admissions committee a glimpse into who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

Specific tips:

  • Showcase your unique personality. Write in a way that is authentic to you. Let your personality shine through your words, giving the admissions committee a sense of who you are. Avoid clichés and generic statements. Be specific and personal in your storytelling.
  • Connect your experiences to Johns Hopkins. Tie your experiences, goals, and aspirations to what Johns Hopkins stands for. Make clear connections between your personal journey and the university’s ethos, particularly its focus on research and innovation. Explain why Johns Hopkins is the right place for you and how you can contribute to its community.
  • Reflect on your academic and personal growth. Discuss experiences that have shaped your academic interests and personal development. Share challenges you’ve overcome, lessons you’ve learned, and how these experiences have prepared you for a university like Johns Hopkins.
  • Proofread and revise thoroughly. Ensure your essays are well-written and free of grammatical errors. This shows attention to detail and a commitment to presenting your best self. Get feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers. A fresh perspective can help refine your essays and ensure they effectively communicate your message.

5. Secure strong letters of recommendation.

Letters of recommendation play a crucial role in your Johns Hopkins application. They provide an external perspective on your academic abilities, character, and potential. Strong, insightful recommendations can greatly enhance your application, offering the admissions committee a more rounded view of who you are as a student and a person.

Specific tips:

  • Choose recommenders who know you well. Select teachers, counselors, or mentors who have a deep understanding of your academic abilities and personal qualities. Ideally, these should be individuals who have observed you in a capacity where you’ve demonstrated skills and traits valued by Johns Hopkins.
  • Provide context to your recommenders. Give your recommenders a brief on Johns Hopkins University’s values and the specific attributes the university looks for in its students. Share your resume or a list of your accomplishments and experiences with them, so they have a comprehensive understanding of your background.
  • Request recommendations early. Approach your recommenders well in advance of the application deadline. This gives them ample time to write a thoughtful and detailed letter. A rushed recommendation is often less effective, so providing your recommenders with enough time is key.
  • Follow up and express gratitude. Gently remind your recommenders of the deadline as it approaches, if necessary. After they have submitted your recommendation, make sure to thank them. Expressing your appreciation is not just courteous but helps maintain positive relationships.

6. Demonstrate interest and fit.

Conveying your genuine interest in and fit for Johns Hopkins University is a critical aspect of your application. Johns Hopkins seeks students who are not only academically capable but also enthusiastic about becoming part of its unique community. This shows the admissions committee that you are a thoughtful applicant who is likely to thrive in their campus.

Specific tips:

  • Research thoroughly about the university. Dive deep into understanding Johns Hopkins’ programs, culture, and values. Familiarize yourself with its courses, faculty, research opportunities, student organizations, and campus traditions.
  • Articulate why Johns Hopkins is the right fit for you. In your application essays, clearly express why you are drawn to Johns Hopkins. Be specific about programs, opportunities, or aspects of the university culture that resonate with you. Discuss how you see yourself contributing to and benefiting from the Johns Hopkins community.
  • Engage with the university. Participate in virtual tours, webinars, or information sessions to demonstrate your interest. Mention these experiences in your application, reflecting on what you learned and how it affirmed your decision to apply.
  • Connect your goals with Johns Hopkins. In your application, link your academic and career goals with what Johns Hopkins offers. Show how the university’s resources, programs, and environment align with your aspirations. Highlight how being a part of the Johns Hopkins community will help you achieve your long-term goals.

In summary, following the tips above will help you present a compelling and well-rounded profile that aligns with the university’s values and expectations. Remember, each element of your application is an opportunity to showcase your strengths, passions, and fit for this esteemed institution, setting the stage for a successful and enriching Johns Hopkins journey.

Specific Areas that Can Bolster Your Johns Hopkins Application

Your application to Johns Hopkins University can be greatly enhanced by your involvement in specific activities and programs. Here are some specific activities and programs in various areas that can give your application an advantage:


  • Arts Programs: Engage in intensive arts programs like Interlochen Center for the Arts or The Juilliard School’s pre-college programs.
  • Science Enrichment: Participate in prestigious science programs such as the Research Science Institute (RSI) or the Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC).


  • Student Government: Hold a position in student government or a leadership role in Model United Nations.
  • Youth Organizations: Lead initiatives in organizations like Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout rank) or Girl Scouts of the USA (Gold Award).

Academic research

  • Science Fairs: Present original research at prestigious science fairs like the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) or the Siemens Competition.
  • Independent Research Projects: Conduct research under mentorship programs at local universities or through programs like the Simons Summer Research Program.

School clubs and organizations

  • Debate Club: Actively participate in debate or forensics teams, particularly those competing at national levels.
  • Academic Clubs: Lead or participate in clubs like Math Club, Science Olympiad, or Robotics Team.

Community service

  • Volunteering Programs: Get involved in established community service organizations like Habitat for Humanity or local community food banks.
  • Service Clubs: Lead or participate in service clubs such as Key Club or Rotary Interact at the high school level.

Regional and national academic competitions

  • Math Competitions: Compete in the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) or the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO).
  • Science Olympiads: Participate in events like the National Science Bowl or the Science Olympiad at regional and national levels.

Summer programs

  • University-Sponsored Programs: Attend summer programs at prestigious institutions like the Harvard Summer School or Johns Hopkins’ own summer programs.
  • Specialized Academic Programs: Participate in specialized programs like the Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) program or the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP).


  • Youth Orchestras: Play in well-known youth orchestras like the New York Youth Symphony or the Los Angeles Philharmonic Youth Orchestra.
  • Music Competitions: Participate in national or international music competitions such as the YoungArts Foundation competitions, the Cooper International Piano and Violin Competition, or the Menuhin Competition.

Sports and athletics

  • Varsity Teams: Play on varsity sports teams. Achieve significant milestones like breaking school records or leading your team to championships.
  • National Tournaments: Compete in national sports tournaments or championships in sports like tennis, swimming, or track and field.


  • Research Internships: Secure internships at renowned research institutions like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or at local universities.
  • Corporate Internships: Gain experience through internships at well-known companies, particularly those related to your field of interest.

These specific programs and activities can showcase your dedication, leadership, and talents in a variety of areas. Remember, it’s not just about participation but also about how these experiences have shaped you and how you’ve contributed to them.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Johns Hopkins Application

When applying to a prestigious institution like Johns Hopkins University, it’s crucial to present a flawless application. However, applicants often make some common mistakes that can hinder their chances. Here are the top five mistakes to avoid:

1. Overlooking the holistic nature of the application

Johns Hopkins University employs a holistic review process, considering various aspects of your application. Focusing too much on one aspect, like test scores or GPA, while neglecting others like essays, extracurricular activities, or letters of recommendation, can be detrimental.

Each component of your application offers a unique opportunity to showcase different facets of your personality, skills, and potential. Ensure that you give adequate attention to each part of the application to present a well-rounded profile.

2. Submitting a generic application

Tailoring your application specifically to Johns Hopkins is key. Generic applications that could apply to any university fail to address why you are a good fit for Johns Hopkins specifically.

Make sure to highlight how your goals, interests, and values align with what the university offers. Reference specific programs, research opportunities, or aspects of the university culture that resonate with you to demonstrate that you have researched and are genuinely interested in Johns Hopkins.

3. Underestimating the impact of extracurricular activities

Johns Hopkins looks for students who are likely to be active and contributing members of their community. Therefore, your involvement in extracurricular activities is crucial.

However, it’s not just about the quantity of activities but the quality and depth of your involvement. Avoid listing numerous activities without demonstrating significant involvement or impact in a few. Focus on activities where you have shown leadership, initiative, and sustained commitment, and articulate the impact these experiences have had on you and others.

4. Neglecting the importance of essays

Your essays are not just a formality; they are a crucial component of your application. They provide a platform for you to communicate directly with the admissions committee and showcase your personality, thought processes, and writing skills.

Common mistakes in essays include failing to answer the prompt directly, using clichés, or not personalizing the content to reflect your unique experiences and perspectives. Your essays should be well-written, thoughtful, and reflective of who you are.

5. Failing to proofread and review the application

Submitting an application with errors, whether they are grammatical mistakes or incorrect information, can leave a negative impression. It might suggest a lack of attention to detail or a lack of seriousness about your application.

Thoroughly proofread your application, check all facts, and ensure that it is complete. It can be beneficial to have a teacher, counselor, or another trusted person review your application for errors and provide feedback.

In summary, avoiding these common mistakes can greatly enhance your application to Johns Hopkins University, ensuring that it accurately reflects your abilities, interests, and fit for the university.

Johns Hopkins Admission Requirements

When preparing your application for Johns Hopkins University, it’s essential to understand and meticulously adhere to the specific admission requirements. Here, we’ll outline the mandatory and optional components of the application.

Mandatory requirements

  • Completed Application: A comprehensive application through Common Application or Coalition on Scoir is required. Ensure each section is thoroughly and accurately completed, particularly the activities list and achievements, to present a well-rounded profile of your academic and personal journey.
  • Hopkins Supplement: The application includes a supplemental essay, an integral part of the process. Use this essay to provide a unique and personal insight, connecting your identity or experiences to your aspirations and how they align with what Hopkins offers.
  • Application Fee or Fee Waiver: The application requires a $70 fee, but a fee waiver can be requested under certain circumstances. If the application fee poses a financial burden, do request a waiver. This will not negatively affect the evaluation of your application.
  • Secondary School Report: Submitted by your school counselor or another school official, this report includes your counselor recommendation, transcript, and high school profile. Keep in regular contact with your counselor to ensure this report is submitted in a timely and complete manner.
  • Two Teacher Evaluations: These are letters of recommendation from teachers of two different academic subjects who can provide insights into you and your work. Select teachers who know you well and can effectively highlight your academic and personal strengths.
  • Mid-Year Report: This report, usually submitted by your school counselor, includes your current transcript with senior year course grades. Strive for strong performance in your senior year, as these grades offer valuable insights into your academic dedication and consistency.

Optional requirements

  • Standardized Test Scores: Submission of SAT, ACT, AP, IB, or English language proficiency exams is optional. If your scores are strong and you believe they reflect your academic abilities well, consider including them. Remember, official score reports will be required upon admission and choosing to enroll.

How to Apply to Johns Hopkins

Applying to Johns Hopkins University involves a series of well-planned steps. Breaking down the application process into five major phases can help you manage it more efficiently:

1. Prepare

Start by thoroughly researching Johns Hopkins University’s programs, culture, and values. Focus on achieving strong grades, particularly in challenging courses relevant to your desired field of study.

2. Gather materials

Identify and approach teachers for your recommendations. Begin brainstorming and drafting your personal statement and Hopkins supplemental essay. Decide if you will submit SAT, ACT, or other scores based on your strengths.

3. Complete the application

Use Common Application or Coalition on Scoir to complete your application, ensuring all sections are accurately filled out. Include your activities list, achievements, and any optional materials like standardized test scores.

4. Submit and confirm

Thoroughly review your application for completeness and accuracy. Submit your application before the deadline, along with the application fee or a fee waiver request. Ensure that all parts of your application, including recommendations and transcripts, have been received by Johns Hopkins.

5. Await results

Lastly, use the applicant portal to track your application status. Ensure your school sends your mid-year report. Wait for the decision while continuing to excel academically and engage in your extracurricular activities.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Johns Hopkins

Submitting supplemental materials to Johns Hopkins University can be a key component of your application, providing additional context about your academic and personal achievements. Understanding the official policy and the correct process for submission can enhance the quality of your application.

Johns Hopkins University accepts supplemental materials for undergraduate applications. These materials can include additional standardized test results, senior-year semester grades, additional letters of recommendation, an updated resume, or another written statement of your interest in Hopkins.

It’s important to ensure that these supplemental materials genuinely contribute to your application, as they allow you to share more about your identity, experiences, and qualifications that align with the institution’s values​​​​.

Submission methods

For undergraduate applicants, supplemental materials should be submitted via email. You can send them to [email protected]. Make sure to include your full name, date of birth, high school, and Common Application or Coalition on Scoir ID in your email.

Hard copy items should not be mailed. For materials like music recordings, artwork, and course work or research samples, ensure they are labeled with your full name, birth date, and high school​​​​.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Determine which supplemental materials will enhance your application. This could include academic work, artistic portfolios, or other evidence of your skills and experiences.
  2. Ensure that your materials are well-organized and clearly labeled with your personal information.
  3. Send your supplemental materials to [email protected]. Include your personal details like name, date of birth, high school, and application ID for identification purposes.
  4. Do not mail hard copies of your materials unless specifically requested.
  5. After submitting, you may check your application status through the JHU applicant portal to confirm receipt of your materials.
  6. Make sure to submit any supplemental materials in a timely manner, preferably before the application deadline.

By following these steps and adhering to Johns Hopkins University’s guidelines for supplemental material submission, your application will provide a more comprehensive picture of your academic and personal background.

Other Johns Hopkins Application Matters

Two key aspects of your application to Johns Hopkins University are understanding the financial aid and scholarship opportunities available to you and making an informed decision between applying for Regular Decision or Early Decision. This section provides a compact overview of these critical areas, helping you to make decisions that align with your financial needs and college aspirations.

Scholarships and financial aid

Johns Hopkins University offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to support students. Financial aid at Hopkins is need-based, and the university is committed to meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need of admitted students.

To apply for financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile. Investigate scholarships that may be available based on academic, artistic, or athletic talent, as well as community service and leadership.

Regular Decision vs Early Decision

When applying to Johns Hopkins, you have the choice between Regular Decision and Early Decision (I and II). Early Decision is binding, meaning if you are accepted, you are committed to attending Hopkins. It’s suitable if Johns Hopkins is your first-choice university. Regular Decision offers more flexibility and time to make your college decision.

Consider Early Decision if you are certain about wanting to attend Hopkins. Otherwise, Regular Decision is a prudent choice, giving you the opportunity to compare offers and financial aid packages from multiple universities.

How hard is it to get into Johns Hopkins?

Securing a spot at Johns Hopkins University is a significant challenge, mirroring the institution’s global repute. Understanding this competitiveness requires delving into the university’s admissions statistics.

For the Class of 2027, Johns Hopkins admitted 2,411 students out of 38,294 applicants and an acceptance rate of 6.3%, signifying a highly selective admission process.

This intense competition is attributed to various factors. Johns Hopkins’ reputation as a leader in research and innovation plays a key role in attracting a diverse pool of applicants.

The adoption of test-optional policies, a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, likely broadened applicant demographics. These factors contribute to an ever-increasing pool of candidates while available spots remain relatively constant, thus lowering acceptance rates over time.

The university’s applicant pool is not just large but also remarkably accomplished. For instance, the average unweighted GPA of admitted students stands at an impressive 3.9, and 99% were among the top 10% in their high school class.

Such statistics underscore the university’s emphasis on academic excellence. Prospective students must exhibit stellar grades and a robust profile in extracurricular activities and community engagement.

Johns Hopkins seeks individuals who demonstrate a balance of academic achievements and impactful contributions beyond academia.

Benefits of Attending Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins University, a name often associated with academic distinction and innovative research, offers many opportunities for students seeking excellence in higher education. Let’s look at the key advantages of being a part of this esteemed institution.

Academic Excellence and Groundbreaking Research

Johns Hopkins University is synonymous with academic rigor and pioneering research, especially renowned in areas like medicine, public health, and international relations. The university offers a rich educational experience, marked by learning from and collaborating with top-tier faculty and engaging in significant research initiatives.

This environment is conducive to students who aspire to contribute meaningfully to their fields of study.

Vibrant and Diverse Community

Diversity is a cornerstone of the Johns Hopkins experience. Students from varied backgrounds enrich the campus culture, bringing unique perspectives and fostering an inclusive environment.

The university’s commitment to diversity extends to supporting many first-generation college students, adding to the campus’s dynamic and inclusive atmosphere.

Global Exposure and Networking Opportunities

Through global study and research opportunities, Johns Hopkins extends its educational reach beyond the classroom. These programs enable students to gain international perspectives and enhance their professional networks.

Moreover, the robust alumni network is a valuable resource, offering students access to internships, career opportunities, and mentorship, which is critical for professional growth and development.

How can an international student get into Johns Hopkins?

Johns Hopkins University is a renowned institution that eagerly welcomes students from across the globe. Understanding the application process is essential if you’re an international student aiming to join this diverse community. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you get started.

Who qualifies as an international student at Johns Hopkins? If you are not a U.S. citizen, don’t hold a Green Card or similar U.S. status, and are currently studying or have studied at a school outside the U.S., you fall into this category.

The application process at Johns Hopkins is identical for all applicants, regardless of nationality. However, international students should pay special attention to the financial aspects.

You must submit the Certification of Finances form with your application if you require financial assistance. This step is critical because Johns Hopkins assesses your financial need and its impact on your admission.

If admitted, the university commits to fulfilling 100% of your demonstrated financial need through scholarships that don’t require repayment or work-study opportunities.

Johns Hopkins prides itself on its international community, with over 800 international undergraduates from about 80 countries. The university’s proximity to BWI Airport, just a 30-minute drive, is convenient for international arrivals.

Furthermore, the vibrant campus life offers more than 450 student-led organizations, providing a rich cultural exchange and personal growth environment.

How to Get into Johns Hopkins as a Transfer Student

Are you considering transferring to Johns Hopkins University? Here’s a straightforward guide to help you navigate the application process and increase your chances of being admitted as a transfer student.

Understanding the Deadlines and Basic Requirements

First, pay close attention to the application deadlines. To avoid any last-minute rush, start early and follow the instructions on the Common Application website, where you’ll create an account and submit your transfer application.

Johns Hopkins welcomes transfer students mainly into their sophomore and junior classes and only for the fall semester. This path isn’t for you if you have already completed a bachelor’s degree or equivalent at another institution.

However, Johns Hopkins has a variety of graduate programs you can explore. You must have graduated high school and accumulated more than 12 semester-based credits at another college or university for transfer eligibility.

If your college credits are fewer than 12 or you’re enrolled in a dual enrollment program, you should apply as a first-year student instead.

Application Fee or Waiver

There is a $70 non-refundable application fee. If this fee is a financial burden, you can request a waiver directly in the Common Application.

Transcript Submission

Make sure your high school and college transcripts are sent directly to Johns Hopkins. These can be submitted through the Common Application, mailed to the undergraduate office, or emailed to [email protected].

Instructor Recommendation

An important aspect of your application is a recommendation from a current instructor or professor. This recommendation provides valuable insights into your academic capabilities. Your instructor can submit their recommendation through the Common Application or email it directly to Johns Hopkins.

Financial Aid Considerations

For domestic transfer students, financial aid is an option. However, if you’re an international transfer student needing financial support, you should look into private loans. Most lenders require a U.S. citizen co-signer. You can find more details on the Financial Aid page of Johns Hopkins University.

Can an Average Student Get into Johns Hopkins?

Gaining admission to a prestigious university like Johns Hopkins is challenging, and it often raises the question: Can an average student get accepted? Here’s an analysis of what it takes:

  • Holistic Admissions: Johns Hopkins employs a holistic admissions process, meaning they consider more than just grades. This includes extracurricular activities, personal essays, and letters of recommendation.
  • Unique Personal Qualities: If you have unique skills, experiences, or perspectives, these can significantly strengthen your application.
  • Demonstrated Interest: Showing genuine interest in Johns Hopkins through campus visits, interactions with admissions, and specific references in your application can make a difference.
  • Extracurricular Involvement: Active participation in extracurricular activities, especially leadership roles, can offset average academic performance.
  • Strong Essays: Well-crafted essays that genuinely reflect your personality, goals, and reasons for choosing Johns Hopkins are crucial.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from teachers or counselors who can speak to your strengths and potential can help balance an average GPA.
  • Overcoming Challenges: If there are reasons for your average performance, such as personal or family challenges, explain these in your application can provide important context.
  • Improvement and Growth: Showing an upward trajectory in your academic performance can demonstrate your potential and resilience.
  • Special Talents: If you have special talents or achievements in sports, arts, or community service, these can add significant value to your application.
  • Alignment with University Values: Showing how your values and goals align with what Johns Hopkins offers is key. This demonstrates that you’re a good fit for the university, regardless of being an “average” student academically.

How to Get into Johns Hopkins with a Low GPA

Entering Johns Hopkins University with a low GPA requires a strategic approach to your application. Here’s how to maximize your chances:

  • Emphasize Other Strengths: If your GPA is low, other parts of your application need to shine. This includes strong standardized test scores, compelling essays, and impressive extracurricular achievements.
  • Outstanding Essays: Your essays should be meticulously crafted, offering a window into your personality, experiences, and why Johns Hopkins is the right fit for you.
  • Strong Recommendations: Obtain recommendation letters from teachers or mentors who can vouch for your abilities and character, highlighting aspects that grades don’t show.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Engage in meaningful extracurricular activities, particularly those demonstrating leadership, commitment, and a passion for your field.
  • Demonstrate Improvement: If your GPA improves over time, ensure this upward trajectory is evident. It shows resilience and a growing commitment to academic excellence.
  • Highlight Unique Talents: If you have unique skills or experiences, make sure these are prominently featured in your application. They can provide a compelling narrative that goes beyond grades.
  • Standardized Test Scores: While not the only factor, strong SAT or ACT scores can help offset a lower GPA.
  • Explain Circumstances: If extenuating circumstances contributed to a low GPA, explain them succinctly in your application, providing context to your academic record.
  • Show Passion and Curiosity: Convey your intellectual curiosity and passion for learning. Johns Hopkins values students who are enthusiastic about their fields of study.
  • Articulate Your Fit for Johns Hopkins: Clearly articulate why Johns Hopkins is the right place for you and how you can contribute to the university community.

While a low GPA is certainly a hurdle, it’s not insurmountable. By focusing on the other elements of your application and demonstrating your unique strengths and fit for Johns Hopkins, you can create a compelling case for admission.

What Makes Johns Hopkins Unique?

With its distinct blend of tradition, innovation, and diversity, Johns Hopkins University offers a unique educational experience. Here’s what makes it stand out:

Emphasis on Diversity and Global Reach

Johns Hopkins boasts an incredibly diverse student body. The Class of 2027 includes students from 47 U.S. states and 39 countries, creating a melting pot of cultures and perspectives.

This diversity extends beyond geography, encompassing varied academic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. Johns Hopkins values this diversity as it enriches the learning environment, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of different worldviews among students.

The university’s commitment to creating a globally inclusive community is evident in its admissions policies and campus initiatives, aiming to provide a truly international educational experience.

Pioneering in Research and Innovation

At the heart of Johns Hopkins’ uniqueness is its pioneering role in research and innovation. The university is a leader in groundbreaking research across various disciplines, notably medicine, public health, and engineering.

Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in research, often working alongside top faculty in state-of-the-art facilities. This focus on research is not just about contributing to academic knowledge; it’s about solving real-world problems.

Johns Hopkins’ commitment to research impacts the world beyond its campus, making it an ideal place for students eager to be at the forefront of scientific and academic exploration.

Selective and Holistic Admissions

The selective and holistic admissions process at Johns Hopkins seeks more than just academic excellence. With an acceptance rate of 6.3% for the class of 2027, the university carefully evaluates each applicant’s potential for impact, creativity, and initiative.

Johns Hopkins looks for students who exhibit intellectual curiosity, a passion for learning, and a desire to contribute positively to their communities. This approach ensures a student body that is diverse not just in their academic pursuits but in their journeys and aspirations, contributing to a dynamic and enriching academic environment.

What Does the Johns Hopkins Application Look Like?

The application process at Johns Hopkins University is comprehensive and designed to understand the applicant holistically. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Application Platform: Applicants can use either the Coalition for College application or the Common Application. This flexibility allows students to choose the platform they are most comfortable with.
  • Supplemental Essay: A key component of the application is the supplemental essay. This essay asks students to discuss an aspect of their identity or a life experience that has shaped them. This requirement highlights the university’s interest in understanding the applicant’s personal journey and character.
  • Academic Transcripts: Transcripts are crucial as they provide a detailed record of the student’s academic performance over the years. Johns Hopkins reviews these transcripts to assess the applicant’s academic rigor and consistency.
  • Standardized Test Scores: While Johns Hopkins has adopted a test-optional policy through the 2025-2026 application year, students who believe their SAT or ACT scores reflect their academic abilities are encouraged to submit them. This policy illustrates the university’s understanding of the varied circumstances students face.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Recommendations offer insights into the student’s character, achievements, and potential from teachers or counselors who know them well.
  • Extracurricular Activities: This application section helps demonstrate a student’s interests, leadership skills, and engagement in community or school activities.
  • Interviews: Some applicants may have the opportunity for an interview, providing a personal touch to the application process.
  • Financial Aid Documents: Submitting financial aid documents is essential for those seeking financial assistance.
  • English Proficiency Tests: International students must provide proof of English proficiency, ensuring they can thrive in the university’s academic environment.

Is Johns Hopkins a Good School for You?

Deciding if Johns Hopkins is the right fit for you involves considering various factors:

Academic Environment and Opportunities

Johns Hopkins is renowned for its rigorous academic environment and extensive research opportunities. It’s a place where intellectual curiosity is not just encouraged but required.

The university’s emphasis on research allows students to work on real-world problems, making significant contributions even at the undergraduate level. This environment is ideal for self-motivated students who enjoy challenging themselves academically and wish to be at the forefront of their field.

Community and Campus Life

The vibrant community at Johns Hopkins is a significant draw. The university’s diverse student body ensures a dynamic campus full of social and cultural engagement opportunities.

With a wide range of student organizations, clubs, and activities, there’s a place for every interest. This lively campus atmosphere is perfect for students who value a diverse and engaging college experience where learning extends beyond the classroom.

Aligning Your Goals with JHU’s Offerings

Finally, consider how your personal and academic goals align with what Johns Hopkins offers. Suppose you are looking for an institution that balances academic rigor with opportunities for research and innovation and values a diverse and inclusive community. In that case, Johns Hopkins might be the right choice.

Reflect on what you seek in your college experience and evaluate how Johns Hopkins can help you achieve your academic and personal aspirations. Johns Hopkins is an excellent choice for those who desire to be part of an intellectually stimulating and globally connected community.

How Selective is Johns Hopkins?

Johns Hopkins University’s selectivity is critical for prospective students to consider. The university’s rigorous admission standards and the competitive nature of its application process highlight its status as a leading academic institution.

Application Numbers and Acceptance Rates

Johns Hopkins has seen an increasing number of applicants over the years, indicating its growing appeal. For instance, the university received 38,294 applications for the Class of 2027 but admitted only 2,411 students.

This reflects an extremely selective admission process, characteristic of Johns Hopkins’ high academic and holistic standards. The acceptance rate for recent years has been notably low, such as 6.3% for the Class of 2027, demonstrating the intense competition for admission​​​​​.

Academic Profile of Admitted Students

The caliber of students admitted to Johns Hopkins is exceptional. Admitted students typically have an average unweighted GPA of around 3.9, with 99% ranked in the top 10% of their high school class.

For those who submitted standardized test scores, the SAT 50% Middle Range was between 1530 and 1560, and the ACT 50% Middle Range was between 34 and 35. These statistics underline the academic excellence that Johns Hopkins seeks and the need for applicants to showcase a strong and well-rounded profile​.

Implications for Prospective Students

Given the university’s selectivity, students aspiring to join Johns Hopkins must present a compelling application. This includes outstanding academic achievements, demonstrated leadership, community engagement, and extracurricular excellence.

Prospective students should be aware of the high level of competition and prepare to highlight their unique qualities and experiences.

Should You Apply to Johns Hopkins?

Determining whether Johns Hopkins University is the right choice involves carefully assessing various factors. Here’s a comprehensive list to guide prospective students:

  • Academic Rigor and Interests: Johns Hopkins is known for its challenging academic environment. If your interests align with the university’s strengths, such as in medicine, engineering, or international studies, it could be a suitable choice.
  • Research Opportunities: The university is a hub for research, particularly in the sciences. Students passionate about research will find Johns Hopkins’ facilities and opportunities advantageous.
  • Campus Culture and Location: The campus life at Johns Hopkins and its Baltimore location offers a unique experience. Evaluate if this environment aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.
  • Financial Considerations: Understand the financial implications of attending Johns Hopkins. Although the university offers financial aid and scholarships, assessing your financial readiness is essential.
  • Career Aspirations: Consider how Johns Hopkins’ reputation and alumni network can support your future career goals, especially in fields like research, academia, and healthcare.
  • Personal Growth: The diverse community at Johns Hopkins provides opportunities for personal development, cultural exchanges, and global perspective enhancement.
  • Competitive Spirit: Given the university’s selectivity, a competitive spirit and resilience are vital. If you’re ready to engage in a rigorous academic journey, applying to Johns Hopkins might be the right step.

How Does Johns Hopkins Review Applications?

Understanding how Johns Hopkins University reviews applications is crucial for prospective students. The university employs a holistic approach, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation beyond academic metrics.

Holistic Review Process

Johns Hopkins looks beyond grades and test scores. The university aims to understand how applicants have excelled academically, contributed to their school environment, engaged in extracurricular activities, and served their communities.

Key Areas of Consideration

The admissions team focuses on several crucial areas:

  • Academic Character: This includes academic pursuits, contribution to learning environments, and engagement beyond the classroom.
  • Impact and Initiative: The university values the roles and impact applicants have in clubs, organizations, internships, or within their community.
  • Overall Fit: Johns Hopkins assesses how an applicant’s values and goals align with the university’s offerings.

Test-Optional Policy

In response to COVID-19, Johns Hopkins has adopted a test-optional policy through the 2025-2026 application year.

This policy allows students to decide whether to submit SAT or ACT scores based on whether they believe these scores accurately reflect their academic abilities​.

Comprehensive Evaluation

The admissions process at Johns Hopkins is inclusive, considering various aspects of a candidate’s profile. This ensures that applicants are academically qualified and embody the university’s values.

Does Johns Hopkins Require Interviews?

Johns Hopkins University’s interview policy for undergraduate admissions is quite specific. Generally, interviews are not a part of their admissions process. This means that for most applicants, an interview will not be a factor in the decision-making process.

However, there’s an exception for those applying to the Biomedical Engineering (BME) program. Applicants to this program must undergo an interview as part of their application, which plays a crucial role in their evaluation.

During the interview, candidates can demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities and how their unique experiences and achievements make them suitable for Johns Hopkins.

The interview serves as a platform to discuss personal stories and achievements that the application might not fully capture, allowing students to showcase their resilience, adaptability, and intellectual curiosity.

It’s an opportunity to express your passion for learning and how you can contribute to the Hopkins community.

For BME applicants, the interview is a chance to discuss their interest in the field, any relevant experiences, and how they align with the program’s offerings.

It’s important to be well-prepared, as the interview assesses academic prowess, communication skills, and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Johns Hopkins?

When applying to Johns Hopkins University, the extracurricular activities you engage in can significantly influence your application. Johns Hopkins looks for students who demonstrate a love for learning, leadership qualities, and engagement in their communities.

Here are some extracurricular activities that can strengthen your application:

  • Leadership Roles: Holding leadership positions in clubs, sports teams, or other organizations shows your ability to lead and work with a team.
  • Community Service and Volunteering: Involvement in community service projects or volunteering activities indicates a commitment to helping others and contributing to society.
  • Arts and Creative Pursuits: Participation in the arts, whether in visual arts, music, drama, or writing, showcases your creativity and ability to express ideas.
  • Academic Competitions and Clubs: Engaging in academic clubs or competitions, like science fairs or debate teams, highlights your academic interests and dedication.
  • Research Projects: If you have had the opportunity to participate in research projects, especially those relevant to your intended field of study, it demonstrates your ability to engage in advanced, independent work.
  • Internships and Work Experience: Professional experiences, internships, or part-time jobs can provide real-world skills and show your readiness for college-level responsibilities.
  • Sports and Physical Activities: Active participation in sports can display your teamwork and perseverance.
  • Cultural Activities: Involvement in cultural clubs or activities can show your appreciation for diversity and multicultural understanding.

Remember, it’s not just about the number of activities but the depth of your involvement and what these experiences say about you as a potential member of the Johns Hopkins community.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Johns Hopkins?

Writing a compelling personal statement for Johns Hopkins University requires thoughtful reflection and clear articulation of your experiences and aspirations.

This guide aims to help you understand what to include in your statement to stand out and authentically represent yourself.

Expressing Your Unique Identity

When writing your personal statement for Johns Hopkins, focus on aspects of your identity or life experiences that have shaped you. Discuss how these experiences have influenced your character, values, perspectives, or skills.

It’s important to reflect on how your background has contributed to your personal story and how it may shape your approach to college life.

Demonstrating Alignment with Your Goals

Your personal statement should also address how your experiences align with what you’d like to pursue at Hopkins.

Whether it’s a specific academic goal, an extracurricular interest, or a social aspiration, your statement should connect your past experiences to your future ambitions at Johns Hopkins.

Showcasing Intellectual Curiosity and Passion

Johns Hopkins values intellectual curiosity and a passion for learning. Use your personal statement to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the field you wish to study.

Discuss any relevant experiences, projects, or explorations that have solidified your interest in your chosen field.

Highlighting Leadership and Community Engagement

Include instances where you have taken on leadership roles or engaged in community service. Johns Hopkins looks for proactive students who contribute positively to their surroundings.

Reflecting on Challenges and Growth

Discuss any challenges you have faced and how you overcame them. Reflect on what these experiences taught you and how they have prepared you for the rigors of a Johns Hopkins education.

How do you write a Johns Hopkins supplemental essay?

Writing a Johns Hopkins supplemental essay can be an exciting opportunity to showcase your individuality and academic interests to the admissions committee. Here’s a concise guide to help you craft a compelling essay:

1. Understand the Prompt

First, carefully read the essay prompt provided by Johns Hopkins. It’s crucial to understand what they are asking. Typically, they want to know how you engage with a subject or community and what makes you curious. Reflect on how your experiences align with this theme.

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Think about experiences or moments in your life that sparked your intellectual curiosity or your involvement in a community. This could be a class that changed your perspective, a personal project, or an extracurricular activity. The key is to select a topic that genuinely interests you and reflects your enthusiasm for learning.

3. Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and ideas into a structured outline. Your essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, the body should elaborate on your experiences and reflections, and the conclusion should tie your story back to your desire to attend Johns Hopkins.

4. Be Authentic and Reflective

Write in your own voice and be honest. Admissions officers want to hear your unique perspective. Reflect on how your chosen experience has shaped your approach to learning and how it relates to your future goals, especially as they pertain to your potential experience at Johns Hopkins.

5. Use Specific Examples

Instead of general statements, use specific anecdotes and examples to illustrate your points. This makes your essay more engaging and personal.

6. Revise and Edit

After writing your first draft, take time to revise and refine your essay. Check for clarity, grammar, and flow. Make sure your essay answers the prompt fully and showcases your best qualities.

7. Seek Feedback

Finally, consider getting feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers. They can provide valuable insights and help you polish your essay.

Remember, the Johns Hopkins supplemental essay is a chance to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and how you could contribute to the academic community. Let your passion for learning and your personal experiences shine through in your writing.

What enrichment opportunities will help you get into Johns Hopkins?

Enrichment activities should align with your interests and goals. They should showcase your initiative, leadership, and commitment to personal growth. Consider activities that resonate with your academic interests and personal passions.

  • Leadership Experiences: Take leadership roles in clubs, teams, or community groups. Leadership skills are highly valued and demonstrate your ability to contribute positively to the campus community.
  • Community Service: Engage in volunteer work or community service projects. This shows your dedication to societal betterment and your ability to work for causes bigger than yourself.
  • Academic Competitions: Participate in academic competitions related to your intended field of study. This demonstrates your passion and expertise in your area of interest.
  • Research Opportunities: Engage in research projects or independent studies, especially if you are interested in fields like science or engineering.
  • Internships: Gain practical experience through internships or job shadowing in your field of interest. This provides a hands-on understanding of your chosen field.
  • Cultural Exposure: Involve yourself in activities that give you exposure to different cultures and global perspectives. This is particularly important if you’re interested in fields like international relations or global studies.
  • Creative Pursuits: If you have artistic talents, showcase them through exhibitions, performances, or competitions. Creativity is a valuable asset.

Do you need to take AP courses to get into Johns Hopkins?

When aiming for a prestigious institution like Johns Hopkins University, students often wonder if taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses is a necessary step. The short answer? While AP classes are not a strict requirement, they can significantly enhance your application.

Johns Hopkins, known for its rigorous academic standards, looks for students who challenge themselves. AP courses, recognized for their college-level curriculum, are a solid way to demonstrate this.

They show your readiness to tackle college-level work and your commitment to academic excellence. Importantly, AP classes can also boost your GPA since they are often weighted more heavily than regular classes.

However, it’s vital to balance ambition with reality. Not all high schools offer a wide range of AP courses. Johns Hopkins understands this and evaluates applicants within the context of their school’s offerings.

If your school offers limited AP courses, don’t worry. Focus on excelling in the most challenging courses available to you.

Moreover, the quality of your performance in these courses matters. It’s better to have a few AP courses with strong grades than a multitude with mediocre results.

Johns Hopkins values depth and mastery in subjects that interest you, not just a long list of AP classes.

Does Johns Hopkins Accept AP Credit?

Johns Hopkins University recognizes the value of Advanced Placement (AP) exams and offers college credit to students who achieve high scores, which can significantly impact their academic journey.

The policy is tailored to encourage students who have excelled in AP subjects by granting them credits that can be applied toward their degree requirements.

This acknowledges their hard work and mastery in these subjects and allows them the flexibility to advance to higher-level courses or to broaden their academic horizons by exploring other areas of interest.

Each AP subject is treated differently in terms of credit allocation, and the amount of credit granted varies based on the score achieved. For example, a high score in AP Physics may result in college credits and possibly even waiving of certain introductory courses.

However, it’s important to note that while these credits can contribute to fulfilling certain degree requirements, they might not count toward the total number of courses required for a major or minor.

Moreover, some departments at Johns Hopkins may conduct their placement exams to ascertain the right course level for students, especially in subjects such as Mathematics and foreign languages.

This ensures that students are placed in classes that match their proficiency and academic background, providing them with the most suitable learning environment.

Students considering Johns Hopkins should thoroughly review the university’s External Credit Policies to understand how their AP achievements can be integrated into their undergraduate studies.

Being well-informed about these policies is crucial for effective academic planning and maximizing the benefits of AP credits in their university education.

Will Johns Hopkins Look at Your Social Media?

While Johns Hopkins University has not officially stated that social media profiles are a part of their admissions evaluation, the increasing relevance of digital footprints in today’s world cannot be ignored. Therefore, it’s wise for students to be conscious of their online presence.

Maintaining a positive online image is important, as publicly available information on social media platforms can potentially be viewed by admissions committees or other university personnel.

However, it’s important to emphasize that the core focus of Johns Hopkins University in the admissions process is on academic qualifications, standardized test scores, personal essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities.

Prospective students should treat their social media profiles as an extension of their personal portfolio, ensuring that their online conduct and content reflect their best selves.

Although a review of social media profiles is not a standard, acknowledged component of the admissions process at Johns Hopkins, prudence and mindfulness in online behavior are always beneficial. This approach prepares students for professional scrutiny in the future and helps them develop responsible digital citizenship from an early age.

Will Visiting Johns Hopkins Help You Get In?

Officially, the university does not list campus visits as a criterion in the admissions decision-making process. Their approach to admissions is holistic, taking into account various aspects of a student’s profile including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal essays.

However, a campus visit can offer significant benefits to students beyond the scope of the admissions decision. It provides an opportunity for prospective students to experience the university’s environment firsthand, understand its academic offerings, and get a feel for student life.

This immersive experience can be invaluable in helping students decide whether Johns Hopkins is the right fit for them.

Moreover, a visit can influence other aspects of the application indirectly. For instance, insights gained during the visit can be incorporated into application essays, demonstrating a well-informed and genuine interest in the university.

Engaging with the campus community, attending information sessions, and interacting with faculty and students can also enrich a student’s understanding of Johns Hopkins and potentially strengthen their application.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the essential aspects of applying to Johns Hopkins University. We started with understanding the university’s standards, and admission requirements, and then moved through a step-by-step guide on the application process.

The competition for a place at Johns Hopkins is intense, reflecting its reputation as one of the premier institutions in the world. Success in your application requires not only academic excellence but also a demonstration of your unique qualities and a deep understanding of what Johns Hopkins values in its students.

We can help you figure out how to get into Johns Hopkins

Because Johns Hopkins is such a selective school, you may have more questions about the application process. Don’t worry. You’re in the right place.

At AdmissionSight, we specialize in guiding students through the competitive admissions process of top-tier universities like Johns Hopkins. Our expertise and personalized approach can help you in presenting a compelling application that showcases your strengths, aligns with the university’s expectations, and stands out in the competitive pool.

You’ve already done the hard work of excelling in your studies. Contact us today for a free consultation, and we will help you get across the finish line.


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