
How to Get into Amherst: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Amherst: Admission Requirements and Tips

Amherst College is known for its academic excellence and highly selective admission process. The path to admission is challenging, marked by intense competition and stringent academic standards.

This article simplifies the application process to Amherst. It provides essential tips and insights specifically for incoming college students, offering a comprehensive guide to navigate Amherst’s requirements and increase your chances of acceptance.

Overview of Amherst

Established in 1821, Amherst College is located in the picturesque town of Amherst, Massachusetts. The college boasts a rich history intertwined with the development of liberal arts education in the United States.

Amherst is celebrated for its rigorous liberal arts programs, fostering a culture of deep intellectual engagement and critical thinking. The college offers a broad spectrum of majors, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to education.

Ranked #2 in National Liberal Arts Colleges by U.S. News & World Report and similarly placed by Forbes in Liberal Arts Universities, Amherst’s reputation is formidable both nationally and globally.

Moreover, the college’s alumni network includes notable figures such as former President Calvin Coolidge and legendary writer David Foster Wallace, who also served as a faculty member.

Understanding Amherst’s historical context, its prestigious standing, and its academic focus is crucial in tailoring your application. Highlight your alignment with the college’s values, such as intellectual curiosity and a commitment to liberal arts, to resonate with the ethos of Amherst.

How Hard Is It to Get into Amherst?

With an acceptance rate of just 9%, Amherst College’s selectivity is among the highest in the nation. This figure reflects not only the competition but also the caliber of applicants vying for a place in this prestigious institution.

This low acceptance rate is a clear indicator of Amherst’s rigorous selection process. It underscores the necessity for applicants to stand out through exceptional academic achievements, unique personal qualities, and a clear alignment with the college’s values and educational philosophy.

Amherst’s acceptance rate

In recent years, Amherst College’s acceptance rate has generally decreased, reflecting heightened selectivity. On average, rates have hovered around 11.7% and below, illustrating the increasing difficulty of gaining admission:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 10.8%
Class of 2024 11.7%
Class of 2025 8.7%
Class of 2026 7.3
Class of 2027 9%

For the Class of 2027, Amherst received 12,700 applications, admitting 1,143 of these candidates. This resulted in an overall acceptance rate of 9%, reinforcing the college’s status as one of the most selective liberal arts institutions.

Compared to other colleges nationwide, Amherst’s acceptance rate positions it among the most selective institutions. This rate is significantly lower than the national average for four-year colleges, indicating the exceptional level of competition for admission.

Prospective students should view this acceptance rate as a measure of Amherst’s competitive admissions landscape. It emphasizes the need for applicants to showcase distinct qualities and achievements in their applications.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

Several institutional-level factors contribute to shaping Amherst’s overall acceptance rate:

  • Increasing Applicant Pool: The growing number of applicants each year intensifies competition.
  • Emphasis on Holistic Review: Amherst’s comprehensive evaluation of candidates beyond just academic metrics.
  • Institutional Priorities: Factors such as diversity, legacy considerations, and specific talents or skills.
  • National Trends in Higher Education: Wider trends impacting college admissions, like demographic shifts and changes in educational policy.

Amherst Admission Requirements

As you explore the path to Amherst College, understanding its admission requirements is essential. These criteria reflect the college’s academic rigor and its commitment to a holistic evaluation process. Here’s an overview of the key components of your Amherst application:

  • GPA: Your academic performance is crucial. Amherst seeks students with high GPAs, particularly those who have pursued challenging coursework.
  • High School Preparation: The courses you’ve taken in high school matter. Amherst values a strong foundation in core subjects and a demonstrated willingness to tackle advanced subjects.
  • Standardized Test Scores: While SAT and ACT scores are considered, Amherst currently operates a test-optional policy. Your decision to submit scores should align with your strengths.
  • Essays: You’ll need to write a personal statement and an Amherst-specific supplemental essay. These essays are your opportunity to express your unique voice and perspectives.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two letters from core subject teachers are required. These recommendations should provide insights into your academic abilities and personal qualities.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Your involvement in extracurriculars should showcase your leadership, interests, and commitment, highlighting how you could contribute to the Amherst community.

The admission process at Amherst is both comprehensive and competitive. It involves a careful review of all parts of your application, assessing your academic abilities, personal characteristics, and potential contributions to the college community.

This process ensures that Amherst selects students who are not just academically adept but also align with the college’s principles and values.

What Does Amherst Look for in Students?

Amherst College seeks students who not only excel academically but also resonate with the institution’s core values. Knowing these values is crucial for you, as it guides how you present yourself in your application, ensuring a good fit with the college’s community.

1. Intellectual promise

Amherst College highly values intellectual promise, seeking students eager to thrive in its dynamic academic environment. As a prospective student, you’re encouraged to demonstrate your readiness to embrace the academic freedom offered by Amherst’s open curriculum.

This means showing your ability to engage independently with a diverse range of subjects and ideas.

To stand out, you should illustrate your curiosity, critical thinking skills, and a genuine love for learning. Highlight experiences where you’ve explored topics beyond your comfort zone or engaged in self-directed learning. This shows your potential to make the most of Amherst’s diverse academic offerings.

2. Engagement with faculty

At Amherst, the relationship between students and faculty is central to the educational experience. The college values students who are keen to engage with its talented and accomplished professors.

In your application, it’s important to convey your enthusiasm for collaborative learning and your intent to actively participate in intellectual discourse with faculty members. Discuss instances where you’ve worked closely with teachers or mentors, undertaken research projects, or participated in discussions that reflect your eagerness to learn from and contribute to the academic community.

This engagement demonstrates your readiness to be an active participant in Amherst’s intellectually stimulating environment.

3. Contribution to student diversity

Amherst College places a high importance on enriching its student population with diverse perspectives. You are encouraged to highlight how your unique background and viewpoint will contribute to and benefit from the mutual education that occurs within and beyond the classroom.

This includes showing respect for differing viewpoints and a willingness to learn from others. Share your experiences and insights that illustrate your understanding and appreciation of diversity. This could be through community involvement, cultural experiences, or personal reflections.

Your ability to add to the college’s diverse perspectives not only enriches your own educational experience but also that of your peers.

Amherst GPA and SAT Requirements

At Amherst College, your GPA and SAT scores play a significant role in the admissions process, although they are considered within the context of a holistic review. These metrics are important as they provide a quantifiable measure of your academic abilities and readiness for college-level work.

Your GPA is a critical indicator of your academic performance over time. It reflects your ability to handle challenging coursework, maintain consistency in your studies, and demonstrates your commitment to academic excellence. A high GPA, particularly in rigorous courses, suggests that you are well-prepared for the demanding academic environment at Amherst.

The SAT, while optional in recent admission cycles, can still be a valuable component of your application if you choose to submit your scores. High SAT scores can complement your GPA by providing additional evidence of your academic strengths, particularly in areas such as critical reading, mathematics, and writing.

For students who excel in standardized testing, submitting SAT scores can enhance the overall competitiveness of their application.

In sum, both your GPA and, if applicable, your SAT scores are crucial in showcasing your academic preparedness and potential to succeed at Amherst College. However, remember that these are just parts of a broader application that includes essays, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and other personal achievements.

Amherst GPA Requirements

At Amherst College, there is no official minimum GPA requirement, but the academic caliber of admitted students is exceptionally high. The average GPA of incoming students is around 4.1, indicating a strong preference for top academic performers.

An average GPA of 4.1 at Amherst signifies a student body that consistently excels in challenging academic environments. This level of academic achievement places Amherst students among the elite in the country, reflecting their ability to handle rigorous coursework and maintain high academic standards.

When you consider these GPA statistics, it’s important to understand that they represent more than just grades. They reflect a commitment to academic excellence and the ability to thrive in a competitive environment. While Amherst does not set a minimum GPA, these figures indicate the level of academic performance typically found in their student body.

GPA recommendations

Given the high average GPA of admitted students, you should aim for a GPA that is comparable or exceeds this benchmark. Ideally, aim for a GPA of 4.1 or above, particularly in challenging courses, to be competitive in your application to Amherst.

To align your GPA with the high standards of Amherst College, consider these strategies:

  • Challenge yourself with AP, IB, or honors courses. Amherst values students who take the most challenging curriculum available to them.
  • Aim for steady academic performance throughout high school. Consistent grades, especially in core subjects, are crucial.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek extra help if you’re struggling in a subject. Tutoring, study groups, or additional practice can make a significant difference.
  • Go beyond memorization. Engage with the material critically and analytically to deepen your understanding and excel in your classes.
  • Good time management skills can greatly improve your academic performance. Prioritize your studies and stay organized to keep up with coursework.
  • Engaging deeply in subjects you are passionate about can naturally boost your GPA. Passion often leads to better performance.
  • While challenging yourself is important, balance is key. Don’t overload yourself to the point of diminishing returns. A well-balanced schedule can lead to better academic outcomes.

Amherst Course Requirements

Understanding the recommended high school courses for Amherst College application is crucial. It not only demonstrates your preparedness for the college’s rigorous academic environment but also shows your commitment to a well-rounded education.

While Amherst College does not mandate specific high school courses for admission, they do recommend a comprehensive set of subjects. These recommendations reflect the minimum preparation most successful applicants have undertaken, with many exceeding these guidelines.

  • English (4 Years): This includes literature and composition courses, focusing on developing your critical reading, writing, and analytical skills.
  • Mathematics (Through Pre-Calculus): A solid foundation in math, culminating in pre-calculus, showcases your quantitative and problem-solving abilities.
  • Foreign Language (3-4 Years): Continuous study of a foreign language demonstrates your dedication to understanding diverse cultures and enhances cognitive skills.
  • History and Social Science (2 Years): These courses are important for developing a broad understanding of society, historical events, and civic responsibility.
  • Natural Science (At Least 3 Years, Including One Year of Lab): A strong background in science, particularly with laboratory experience, is crucial for developing your analytical and empirical investigation skills.

These subjects represent the minimum preparation undertaken by most successful Amherst applicants. They are designed to prepare you for the academic challenges you will face in college and show your readiness to engage in a diverse and comprehensive curriculum.

Course selection tips

When choosing your high school courses with an eye toward applying to Amherst College, consider these key factors:

  • First and foremost, align your course selection with Amherst’s recommendations. This includes four years of English, mathematics through pre-calculus, three or four years of a foreign language, two years of history and social science, and at least three years of natural science.
  • Opt for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or honors courses whenever possible. These challenging courses demonstrate your willingness to engage with rigorous academic material.
  • While it’s important to challenge yourself, also ensure that your course load is manageable. A balanced schedule allows you to perform well across all subjects without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Choose electives or advanced courses in areas that genuinely interest you. Demonstrating depth in a subject area can highlight your passion and dedication.
  • Consult with your high school counselors to tailor a course plan that fits your academic goals and strengths. They can provide valuable guidance on course selection and college preparation.
  • If you have a specific major in mind, take courses relevant to that field. This can show your commitment and preparedness for that particular area of study.
  • Focus on courses that develop essential skills such as writing, research, and critical thinking. These skills are valuable across all disciplines and will benefit you in college.

Amherst SAT Requirements

The SAT assesses critical reading, writing, and mathematical skills. It’s designed to gauge how well students can analyze and solve problems—skills essential for academic success in college.

At Amherst College, the SAT scores of admitted students are impressively high. Amherst does not have an absolute minimum SAT score requirement, but these statistics show the competitive nature of the applicant pool:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1520 1480 1550

An average SAT score of 1520 at Amherst is significantly higher than the national average, reflecting the college’s academic rigor and the high caliber of its student body. These scores demonstrate that Amherst students typically possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

Scoring at or above the 75th percentile (1550) indicates that your SAT score aligns with the top quartile of admitted students, potentially strengthening your application.

Conversely, scoring at the 25th percentile (1480) means you’re at the lower end of the scores of admitted students. If your SAT score falls in this range, it’s important to complement it with strong components in other areas of your application.

When interpreting these SAT statistics, understand that while they are indicative of the academic proficiency of Amherst’s student body, they are part of a holistic admissions process. Your SAT score is one piece of your overall application and should be viewed in conjunction with your other achievements and qualifications.

SAT recommendations

Aim for an SAT score at or above the 75th percentile (1550) to be competitive for Amherst.

To reach this goal, consider these strategies:

  • Begin your SAT preparation well in advance of the test date. This allows ample time to familiarize yourself with the test format and question types.
  • Regular practice tests help identify your strengths and weaknesses. They also acclimate you to the timing and pressure of the actual test.
  • After identifying your weak areas through practice tests, dedicate extra time to improving in these sections.
  • Invest in reputable SAT prep books, online resources, and if possible, consider tutoring or SAT prep courses.
  • Learn effective test-taking strategies, such as time management, educated guessing, and how to approach difficult questions.
  • Ensure you have a strong grasp of the fundamental concepts in math, critical reading, and writing.
  • Consistency is key. Set a regular study schedule and stick to it.
  • Simulate test conditions during practice sessions to improve your stamina and concentration for the actual test.
  • Ensure you’re well-rested and relaxed on the test day. A clear mind and healthy body contribute significantly to your performance.

Amherst ACT Requirements

The ACT assesses your readiness for college-level work across four areas: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. It also tests your problem-solving skills and ability to analyze and interpret data.

For Amherst College, the typical ACT scores are:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
33 31 35

These scores are indicative of the high academic standards at Amherst, although there is no absolute minimum ACT score requirement for admission.

An average ACT score of 33 at Amherst College is significantly higher than the national average, reflecting the college’s commitment to enrolling students with strong academic capabilities. This level of achievement underscores the intellectual vigor and problem-solving abilities of Amherst students.

Scoring at or above the 75th percentile (35) places you among the top applicants, potentially giving your application a significant advantage.

Meanwhile, if your ACT score is at the 25th percentile (31), it means your score is lower than the majority of admitted students. In this case, it’s vital to strengthen other parts of your application.

When evaluating these ACT statistics, remember they are part of Amherst’s holistic admission process. Your ACT score, while important, is just one factor among many in your application. It should be considered alongside your academic record, extracurricular achievements, and personal essays.

ACT recommendations

Aim for an ACT score in the 75th percentile (35 or higher) to be competitive for Amherst College.

Consider the following tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the ACT’s structure, including the types of questions and the timing for each section.
  • Regularly taking full-length practice exams helps in identifying areas of strength and those needing improvement. It also helps you get used to the test’s timing and format.
  • Dedicate extra study time to sections where your performance is weaker. This could mean brushing up on math concepts, practicing science reasoning, or improving reading comprehension.
  • Invest in reputable study guides and consider online resources, classes, or tutoring if needed.
  • Develop strategies for time management, guessing on questions you’re unsure about, and tackling difficult sections.
  • Ensure a strong grasp of fundamental concepts in English, math, and science. This includes grammar rules, math formulas, and scientific data interpretation.
  • Set a regular study schedule and stick to it, ensuring consistent progress and preparation.
  • Practice under conditions similar to the actual test environment to build stamina and focus.
  • Get enough sleep, eat healthily, and manage stress in the days leading up to the test. A healthy body and mind contribute significantly to your performance.

Is Amherst Test-Optional?

Amherst College has implemented a test-optional policy in its recent admission cycles. This policy allows you the choice of whether to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of your application.

This policy provides flexibility. If your SAT or ACT scores are strong and you feel they enhance your application, you can include them. Otherwise, you can choose to omit them, focusing instead on other elements of your application like your GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities.

This approach allows you to present the strongest and most authentic version of your academic and personal achievements.

It’s important to note that for application purposes, self-reported scores are accepted. However, if you are admitted and decide to enroll, you will be required to submit official test scores. Any discrepancies between self-reported and official scores could be grounds for disqualification from the admissions process.

Amherst College’s move to a test-optional policy is driven by a commitment to equitable and inclusive admissions practices. The college recognizes that standardized test scores may not always be a fair reflection of all students’ abilities, considering the varying access to test preparation resources among applicants.

This policy aims to ensure that all aspects of an applicant’s profile are considered in the admissions process, allowing for a more comprehensive evaluation of your potential as a student at Amherst.

Does Amherst College Superscore SAT and ACT?

Amherst College does superscore both the SAT and ACT. This means that if you choose to submit your test scores, the college will consider your highest section scores across multiple test dates to create a composite superscore.

As an applicant, the superscoring policy is advantageous. It allows you to focus on improving specific sections of the SAT or ACT in subsequent tests without worrying about your overall score each time. This can lead to a higher composite score, potentially making your application more competitive.

If your superscored results reflect your academic abilities well, submitting these scores can be a strategic addition to your application. However, remember that as part of Amherst’s test-optional policy, the decision to submit scores remains at your discretion, based on whether you believe they strengthen your overall application.

Amherst Application Essays

Application essays are a vital component of your application to Amherst College. They provide an opportunity to showcase your writing skills, analytical abilities, and personal insights.

Essays allow you to convey aspects of your personality, experiences, and values that aren’t apparent in other parts of your application. They give the admissions committee a glimpse into who you are beyond grades and test scores, making them integral to your application’s success.

Amherst College requires two essays as part of your application: a personal statement and a supplemental essay.

Personal statement

Your personal statement is the main essay submitted via the Common, Coalition, or QuestBridge Application. It’s your chance to share your story and give the admissions committee a sense of your unique identity and experiences.

Supplemental essay

Amherst offers three options for the supplemental essay.

Option A

Respond to one of these three prompts, with a maximum of 350 words.

Prompt 1

“Amherst College is committed to learning through close colloquy and to expanding the realm of knowledge through scholarly research and artistic creation at the highest level. Its graduates link learning with leadership—in service to the College, to their communities, and to the world beyond.” — from the Mission of Amherst College

Question: What do you see as the benefits of linking learning with leadership and/or service? In your response, please share with us a time where you have seen that benefit through your own experience.

Prompt 2

“We seek an Amherst made stronger because it includes those whose experiences can enhance our understanding of our nation and our world. We do so in the faith that our humanity is an identity forged from diversity, and that our different perspectives enrich our inquiry, deepen our knowledge, strengthen our community, and prepare students to engage with an ever-changing world.” — from the Trustee Statement on Diversity and Community

Question: In what ways could your unique experiences enhance our understanding of our nation and our world?

Prompt 3

“Strong commitment to the freedom of inquiry lies at the heart of Amherst College’s mission to create a home in which the liberal arts may flourish. As a small residential liberal arts college that prides itself on the ability, curiosity, and diversity of its students, Amherst seeks to create a respectful environment in which members of its community feel emboldened to pursue their intellectual and creative passions.” — from the Amherst College Statement of Academic and Expressive Freedom

Question: Tell us about an intellectual or creative passion you have pursued; what did you learn about yourself through that pursuit?

These prompts are designed to elicit your thoughts on linking learning with leadership or service, enhancing understanding through diverse experiences, and pursuing intellectual or creative passions.

Option B

Submit a graded paper from your junior or senior year that showcases your writing abilities. The paper should be an analytical essay—not a laboratory report, journal entry, creative writing sample, or in-class essay.

Take note, though: if your personal statement is an analytical essay, you must not choose this option. Select Option A or C instead.

Option B is particularly suited if you have a strong academic paper that demonstrates your ability to argue persuasively and use evidence effectively.

Option C

This is available only to applicants to Amherst’s Access to Amherst (A2A) program. You can use your A2A application essay or choose a different writing supplement if you prefer.

Each option is designed to assess different aspects of your academic and personal profile. Whether you choose to respond to a prompt or submit a graded paper, ensure that your submission reflects your best writing, critical thinking, and gives insight into your personality and potential as an Amherst student.

Essay tips

Crafting compelling essays for your Amherst College application is key to standing out. Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Read each essay prompt carefully and choose the one that resonates most with your experiences and thoughts. Your response should reflect a deep understanding of the question.
  • Your essay should be a true reflection of who you are. Authenticity resonates more than trying to fit an ideal profile you think the college is seeking.
  • Use clear, concise language and ensure your essay is well-structured. Good grammar and punctuation are essential.
  • Whether responding to a prompt or submitting a graded paper, your essay should demonstrate critical thinking and the ability to engage with complex ideas.
  • Share personal stories or insights that provide a unique perspective. This helps in creating a connection with the reader.
  • Your essay should convey what you can bring to the Amherst community. Discuss your ambitions, passions, and how they align with what Amherst offers.
  • Revise your essay multiple times. Consider feedback from teachers, counselors, or mentors who understand the college admissions process.
  • Adhering to the word limit is crucial. It demonstrates your ability to express ideas concisely and effectively.

Amherst Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters play a crucial role in your Amherst College application. They offer insight into your academic performance, character, and potential from the perspective of those who have taught and known you in an academic setting.

These letters can highlight your strengths, work ethic, intellectual curiosity, and contributions to the classroom and school community. They provide the admissions committee with a more holistic view of you as a student and person, complementing the quantitative data like grades and test scores.

Amherst College requires two teacher recommendations from core subject teachers. These subjects include English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Foreign Language.

Selecting teachers who know you well and can speak to your abilities and character is important. Ideally, choose teachers in subjects that align with your intended area of study or where you have demonstrated particular interest and achievement.

The recommendations should provide a detailed and personalized account of your academic and personal qualities, offering insights that are not evident from the rest of your application.

Tips for requesting recommendation letters

Securing effective recommendation letters requires thoughtful consideration. Here are some tips to ensure your letters strengthen your application:

  • Select teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths. Ideally, they should be from core subjects and have taught you recently.
  • Give your recommenders context about Amherst College and what it seeks in its students. Share your reasons for applying and how you think you fit.
  • Remind your recommenders of specific achievements or projects in their class that showcase your abilities and character.
  • Ask for recommendations well in advance of deadlines to give your teachers ample time to write thorough letters.
  • Provide a resume or a list of your extracurricular activities and achievements to help your recommenders include a broader picture of you.
  • Remember to thank your teachers for their time and effort in supporting your college aspirations.

Tips for recommenders

If you’re writing a recommendation letter for a student applying to Amherst College, consider these pointers:

  • Share specific anecdotes and examples that illustrate the student’s intellectual curiosity, character, and contributions in the classroom.
  • Discuss the student’s academic growth and potential for future success, especially in areas relevant to their intended field of study.
  • Include observations about the student’s work ethic, ability to collaborate with peers, and contributions to class discussions or group projects.
  • Comment on personal qualities like resilience, leadership, empathy, or creativity that you have observed in the student.
  • If possible, compare the student to peers to provide context for their achievements and capabilities.
  • While focusing on strengths, a balanced perspective that includes areas for growth can add credibility to your recommendation.

Extracurricular Activities for Amherst Application

Extracurricular activities are a vital component of your application to Amherst College. They offer a window into your interests, passions, and character beyond the classroom.

These activities demonstrate your ability to balance academic responsibilities with other pursuits and can highlight leadership skills, community involvement, and personal initiatives. They provide a fuller picture of who you are and how you might contribute to the Amherst College community.

Amherst College values a diverse range of extracurricular engagements that align with its core values and academic programs. They look for activities that demonstrate intellectual curiosity, leadership, social responsibility, and a commitment to community service. This includes:

  • Academic Clubs and Competitions: Participation in debate clubs, science fairs, or math Olympiads can showcase your intellectual engagement and passion for learning.
  • Leadership Roles: Holding leadership positions in clubs, sports teams, or student government indicates your ability to lead, organize, and work collaboratively.
  • Community Service and Social Advocacy: Involvement in community service projects or social advocacy work reflects your commitment to social responsibility and making a positive impact.
  • Creative Pursuits: Engaging in the arts, music, writing, or theater can demonstrate creativity and a willingness to explore and develop new skills.
  • Athletics: Participation in sports can showcase qualities like teamwork, discipline, and resilience.
  • Unique Hobbies or Interests: Unique or unusual hobbies can make your application stand out and show your individuality and diversity of interests.

Extracurricular activities tips

Effectively presenting your extracurricular activities can significantly enhance your application to Amherst College. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Emphasize activities where you have deep involvement and leadership rather than listing numerous superficial engagements. Depth of commitment is more impactful than quantity.
  • Choose activities that align with your personal interests, future goals, or intended field of study. This coherence shows a clear sense of purpose.
  • Highlight how your involvement in these activities has led to personal growth or made a positive impact on others or your community.
  • Don’t hesitate to include unique or non-traditional activities. These can showcase your diverse interests and set you apart from other applicants.
  • Long-term involvement in activities is more impressive than short-term participation. It demonstrates commitment and dedication.
  • Where possible, quantify your achievements in your activities (e.g., funds raised, people impacted) to provide a clearer picture of your contribution.
  • Highlight any leadership roles or instances where you initiated projects or activities. This reflects your ability to lead and take action.
  • If there are legitimate reasons (like family responsibilities or work) that limited your ability to participate in extracurriculars, explain this context in your application.

Amherst Application Requirements

Applying to Amherst College involves submitting various components that collectively paint a picture of your academic and personal achievements. Understanding each requirement and how to effectively approach them is crucial for a successful application.

Mandatory requirements

  • Common or Coalition or QuestBridge Application: This is your primary application form, including personal details, extracurricular activities, and a personal essay. Ensure each section is thoroughly and accurately completed, reflecting all aspects of your profile.
  • Amherst Writing Supplement: This is an additional essay where you can exhibit your writing skills and intellectual curiosity. Select the option that allows you to share unique insights and aligns with your personal experiences.
  • Application Fee or Fee Waiver: The non-refundable $75 application fee is part of the submission process, though fee waivers are available for those who qualify. Don’t hesitate to request a fee waiver if needed, as it won’t impact your application review.
  • School Report: A report from your counselor, providing a broader perspective on your academic standing. Inform your counselor about significant academic and extracurricular achievements for a comprehensive report.
  • Secondary School Transcript: This document offers an overview of your academic performance throughout high school. Verify that your transcript is complete and up-to-date before submission.
  • Teacher Recommendations: Recommendations from two core subject teachers offer insights into your academic abilities and personality. Choose teachers who can provide detailed examples of your academic contributions and personal growth.
  • Mid-Year School Report Form and Transcript: Submit these as soon as your first trimester/semester grades are available. These documents can be particularly important if they show an improvement in your grades or new achievements.

Optional requirements

  • Standardized Test Scores: SAT or ACT scores are optional and should be submitted if they enhance your application. Consider submitting these scores only if they are strong and reflective of your academic potential.
  • Arts Supplement: This is suited for students with significant talents and achievements in music, theater, dance, or visual arts. Submit this supplement if your artistic talents are a major part of your profile and you have substantial accomplishments or a portfolio.
  • Optional Research Questions: For students who have engaged in significant independent research, you have the option to include a brief description of your research project. Utilize this section to highlight any unique research projects that have contributed to your intellectual development.

Other requirements

  • First Marking Period Grades (for ED applicants): This provides an updated academic performance in your senior year. Strong grades in this period can strengthen your Early Decision application.
  • Early Decision Agreement (for ED applicants): This indicates your commitment to attend Amherst if accepted. Opt for Early Decision only if Amherst is your unequivocal first choice.
  • TOEFL or IELTS Results (for International Students): Submitting official English proficiency test scores are necessary if English is not your first language. Prepare for and complete these tests well in advance to ensure timely submission.

How to Apply to Amherst

Applying to Amherst College is a journey that requires careful planning and attention to detail. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process, from initial preparation to the moment you await your results.

1. Early preparation

Start by researching Amherst College thoroughly, understanding its culture, values, and programs. Identify your reasons for applying and how they align with what Amherst offers. Begin to gather information about application deadlines, required materials, and financial aid options.

Create a timeline for your application process, including key dates for standardized tests, application submission, and other deadlines.

2. Academic and extracurricular focus

Concentrate on maintaining strong academic performance and deepening your involvement in extracurricular activities. Choose courses and activities that align with your interests and demonstrate your strengths.

Seek opportunities for leadership, community service, and other experiences that resonate with Amherst’s values and your personal interests.

3. Gathering application materials

This phase involves drafting your essays, requesting recommendation letters, and preparing your application materials. Work on your personal statement, Amherst writing supplement, and any optional materials like an arts supplement or research descriptions.

Start writing your essays early, allowing plenty of time for revisions and feedback. Choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your abilities and character.

4. Application submission

Double-check all components of your application for completeness and accuracy. Ensure that your essays are polished, recommendations are submitted, and all required information is accurately presented.

Submit your application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical issues or oversights.

5. Awaiting results

Once your application is submitted, focus on maintaining your academic performance and staying engaged in your activities. If applying for financial aid, ensure all necessary documents are submitted.

Stay patient and positive while awaiting the decision. Use this time to explore other college options and backup plans.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Amherst

Submitting supplemental materials to Amherst College can enhance your application by showcasing additional talents and achievements. Understanding the official policy and the correct method for submission is crucial for ensuring these materials are reviewed as part of your application.

Amherst College accepts these supplemental materials:

  • Arts Supplement: If you have talents or accomplishments in the arts, you can submit related materials for review. Submit them through your Application Status Portal (ASP), which becomes accessible after you’ve submitted your application for admission. Remember not to send original materials, as Amherst cannot return them.
  • Research Questions: If you’ve engaged in significant research in various fields, including natural sciences, mathematics, or humanities, outside of your high school curriculum, you can describe your project in the “Optional Research Questions” section of Amherst’s Writing Supplement.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Complete your main application through the Common, Coalition, or QuestBridge platform.
  2. Prepare your materials. For the Arts Supplement, prepare digital formats of your artwork or performances. For Research Questions, draft a concise summary of your research project.
  3. For Research Questions, include your research description in the designated section of the Writing Supplement while completing your main application.
  4. For Arts Supplement, after submitting your main application, you’ll gain access to the ASP, where you can upload your arts-related materials. Follow the instructions on the ASP to upload your arts materials.
  5. Double-check your uploads for completeness and accuracy. Submit before the deadline.
  6. You should receive a notification confirming the successful upload of your supplemental materials.

Remember, while supplemental materials can enhance your application, they should be submitted thoughtfully and only if they significantly contribute to showcasing your talents or achievements.

Amherst Scholarships and Financial Aid

Amherst College is committed to making education affordable and accessible for all its students, regardless of their financial background.

The college was one of the first in the country to adopt a no-loan policy, replacing loans with scholarships. This initiative allows students to graduate with little or no debt.

Additionally, Amherst’s admission process is need-blind for all students, meaning your financial situation does not impact your chances of admission. Once admitted, the college meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need of every student, ensuring that all can afford to attend and benefit from the college’s offerings.

Amherst’s financial aid packages consist of:

  • Scholarships and Grants: This form of aid doesn’t need to be repaid and forms the core of Amherst’s financial aid packages. Scholarships and grants are provided based on the demonstrated financial need of the student.
  • Student Employment: Amherst offers opportunities for paid employment on or off-campus. These jobs, typically requiring 4–5 hours of work per week, are designed to help students cover their personal expenses. This is part of the college’s work-study program and complements scholarships and grants.

Scholarship tips

To maximize your chances of getting a scholarship at Amherst, take note of the following tips:

  • Ensure you fill out all required financial aid forms, such as the FAFSA and CSS Profile, accurately and submit them by the deadline.
  • Familiarize yourself with the components of your financial aid package. It’s important to know what portion is scholarship (which doesn’t need to be repaid) and what is work-study.
  • If your financial situation changes or if you have questions about your financial aid, don’t hesitate to contact Amherst’s financial aid office. They can provide guidance and potential adjustments to your aid package.
  • While Amherst provides substantial aid, looking for external scholarships can further reduce any financial burden.

Amherst College’s robust financial aid program ensures that finances are not a barrier to receiving a top-tier education. The college’s commitment to meeting the full demonstrated need of its students reflects its dedication to accessibility and equity in higher education.

Amherst Regular Decision vs Early Decision

Choosing between Regular Decision and Early Decision when applying to Amherst College is a significant decision that can shape your college application strategy. Understanding the differences between these two options is crucial for making an informed choice.

Regular Decision is the standard admissions process. This option gives you more time to complete your application, consider various college options, and compare financial aid offers.

Early Decision, on the other hand, is a binding agreement. If you apply through Early Decision and are accepted, you are committed to attending Amherst College and must withdraw applications to other schools. It allows for an earlier application and decision, but it also requires a higher level of certainty about your college preference.

As an applicant, your choice between Regular Decision and Early Decision should align with your level of certainty about attending Amherst College.

If Amherst is your top choice and you are confident that it is the best fit for you academically, socially, and financially, Early Decision can be a good option. However, if you are still exploring your options, Regular Decision might be more suitable.

Making the right choice depends on your individual circumstances, preferences, and goals. It’s important to weigh the benefits and commitments associated with each option before deciding.

Amherst Application Deadlines

When planning your application to Amherst College, it’s crucial to be aware of the specific deadlines for both Early Decision and Regular Decision. These are as follows:

Application Option Deadline Notification Date
Early Decision November 1 Early to mid-December
Regular Decision January 3 Late March

Adhering to these deadlines is essential for ensuring that your application is reviewed and considered by the admissions committee.

How Hard is It to Get into Amherst?

Gaining admission to Amherst College is undeniably challenging. The college’s acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 stood at a mere 9%, reflecting its status as one of the most selective liberal arts colleges in the United States. Out of 12,700 applicants, only a small fraction were admitted. This competitive landscape is a testament to Amherst’s rigorous academic standards and its appeal among top students nationwide.

The college’s holistic admissions process assesses various aspects of a candidate’s profile. While there is no official minimum GPA requirement, the average GPA of current students hovers around 4.1, suggesting the need for outstanding academic performance.

Furthermore, Amherst’s emphasis on comprehensive evaluation extends beyond grades, scrutinizing applicants’ extracurricular involvements, leadership qualities, and recommendations. This approach means that academic excellence alone might not suffice; candidates must also exhibit a well-rounded and impressive portfolio of achievements and personal qualities.

Prospective transfer students face similar rigor. Amherst requires transfer applicants to have completed 32 semester hours of transferable liberal arts coursework, with a strong recommendation for an A- average. The college does not accept applications from individuals who have already earned a bachelor’s degree or completed college coursework as part of any dual enrollment program.

In conclusion, the path to Amherst is steep, demanding academic brilliance and a distinctive profile showcasing leadership, talents, and a deep commitment to one’s field of interest.

Benefits of Attending Amherst

Amherst College prides itself on its diverse and inclusive environment. Approximately 15% of its student body consists of international students from over 70 countries, fostering a global perspective within the campus community. This diversity is further enriched by students holding dual citizenship and those who have lived or studied outside the U.S., creating a melting pot of cultures and ideas.

A key benefit of attending Amherst is its need-blind admission policy. This approach ensures that all students, domestic and international, are admitted without regard to their financial situation. Moreover, Amherst commits to meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need for students who require aid. This policy underscores the college’s dedication to providing access to quality education for all, regardless of their economic background.

At Amherst, students can expect a rigorous academic environment coupled with personalized attention. The college’s emphasis on a liberal arts education encourages intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. Small class sizes mean students receive individualized attention from faculty, enhancing their learning experience and academic growth.

How Can an International Student Get into Amherst?

Amherst College, renowned for its commitment to diversity and inclusion, offers a welcoming environment for international students. With about 15% of the student body hailing from secondary schools outside the United States, Amherst is home to a vibrant community of scholars from over 70 countries.

This diversity is enriched by the college’s need-blind admission policy for international students, ensuring equal opportunities for all, regardless of their financial background.

Understanding Amherst’s International Admissions

Amherst’s Admission Committee is well-versed in various global education systems, ensuring a fair and comprehensive evaluation of international applications. The admissions process involves a holistic review of several elements:

  • Academic records, including grades and standardized test scores
  • Predictions or results of comprehensive exams
  • Quality and rigor of the applicant’s academic program
  • Extracurricular achievements and leadership roles
  • Insightful essays and strong letters of recommendation
  • Demonstration of independent work and critical thinking skills

This multifaceted approach ensures that no single factor dominates the admission decision, but rather a combination of academic excellence and personal achievements.

Application Requirements for International Students

International students must follow the same application process as other students, with one additional requirement: demonstrating English proficiency. This is crucial, given Amherst’s rigorous academic environment.

English Proficiency Requirements

International applicants, whose first language is not English, are required to submit scores from the TOEFL or IELTS tests. Amherst accepts various versions of these tests, including the TOEFL iBT Home Edition and IELTS Indicator. The minimum recommended scores are:

  • TOEFL internet-based (iBT): 100 (with at least 25 in each section)
  • TOEFL ITP for China: 627 (with specific sectional scores)
  • Revised TOEFL Paper-delivered test: 25 or above in each section
  • IELTS Academic or Indicator: 7.5 overall band score (with 7.5 or above in each component)

Waivers for the TOEFL/IELTS requirement are available only for those who have completed four years of secondary education in an English-language institution.

Financial Aid for International Students

In line with its need-blind admission policy, Amherst offers substantial financial aid to international students based on demonstrated need. The college commits to meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need for admitted international students who apply for aid.

How to Get into Amherst as a Transfer Student

Amherst College, known for its exceptional academic environment and commitment to fostering intellectual growth, offers unique opportunities for transfer students. Aspiring to be part of this vibrant community requires understanding the nuances of Amherst’s transfer admission process.

Embracing Amherst’s Intellectual Promise

At its core, Amherst seeks students who are academically outstanding and eager to engage deeply with an open curriculum. The college values individuals ready to leverage their intellectual freedom, connect with accomplished professors, and contribute to a diverse student body. This blend of academic rigor and community engagement forms the cornerstone of what it means to be a successful student at Amherst.

Navigating Eligibility and Guidelines

Transfer applicants should note the specific eligibility criteria. Amherst requires the completion of at least 32 semester hours of transferable liberal arts coursework. A competitive applicant typically boasts an A- average in their college courses. It’s important to remember that Amherst does not accept applications from those who have already earned a bachelor’s degree or completed college coursework under programs of dual enrollment or early graduation.

Understanding Admission Options and Deadlines

Amherst provides two windows for transfer applications – for either fall or spring enrollment. Applications for spring enrollment are due by November 1, with decisions by mid-December, while those for fall enrollment must be submitted by March 1, with decisions by mid-April. It’s crucial to note that Amherst does not allow accepted transfer candidates to defer their enrollment.

Comprehensive Transfer Application Requirements

The application process is meticulous, requiring several key materials by the relevant deadlines:

  • Common Application for Transfer Students or Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir.
  • A non-refundable $75 application fee or a fee waiver.
  • College Report and Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.
  • Two College Instructor Evaluations (strictly from instructors who have taught the applicant).
  • Secondary School Transcript.
  • TOEFL or IELTS Results for International Students.
  • Optional Standardized Testing Results (SAT/ACT).

Optional Application Materials for Standout Talents

Amherst encourages students with exceptional accomplishments in arts or athletics to submit additional materials. These supplements, whether they are art portfolios or athletic achievements, are reviewed by respective faculty and may add significant value to the application.

Special Circumstances

Amherst College acknowledges diverse educational backgrounds and offers special information pages for community college students, American veterans, international students, undocumented and DACA-designated applicants, and homeschooled students. These resources provide tailored guidance, ensuring that every applicant has the information they need for a successful application.

Rigorous Application Review and Evaluation Process

Every application at Amherst undergoes a thorough review by multiple admission deans. The primary focus is on academic transcripts, both from college and secondary school, to gauge the applicant’s academic consistency and rigor. Besides academic performance, instructor recommendations, quality of writing, and extracurricular involvements play a significant role in the evaluation process.

Gaining admission as a transfer student to Amherst is a journey that demands academic excellence, a strong character, and a genuine desire to contribute to a diverse and dynamic community. Prospective transfer students must navigate the application process with care, showcasing not only their intellectual capabilities but also their unique personalities and backgrounds.

With the right preparation and understanding of Amherst’s values and requirements, this challenging yet rewarding path can lead to an enriching educational experience at one of America’s most prestigious liberal arts colleges.

Can an Average Student Get into Amherst?

Gaining admission to Amherst College is undeniably challenging, with an acceptance rate of just 9% for the Class of 2027. While the college maintains high standards, it’s important to understand that admission isn’t solely based on academic metrics. Amherst looks at a variety of factors:

  • Academic Rigor and Performance: While the average GPA of current students is 4.1, Amherst considers the difficulty of your courses and your overall academic trajectory.
  • Holistic Review Process: The admissions team evaluates each application thoroughly, including essays, recommendations, and extracurricular activities.
  • Leadership and Community Involvement: Demonstrating leadership skills and community involvement can significantly strengthen your application.

For an “average” student, it’s crucial to focus on areas where you excel outside of academics. Unique talents, personal experiences, and a strong personal essay can help offset a GPA that might not be at the top of the scale. Remember, Amherst is looking for well-rounded individuals who can contribute to the campus community in diverse ways.

How to Get into Amherst with a Low GPA

A low GPA doesn’t automatically disqualify you from being admitted to Amherst College. Here are strategies to bolster your application:

Emphasize Other Academic Strengths

  • Challenging Coursework: Demonstrate your ability to handle challenging subjects, such as AP or IB courses.
  • Improvement Over Time: Show how your grades have improved, indicating a growing dedication to academics.

Showcase Extracurricular Achievements

  • Leadership Roles: Highlight any leadership positions held in clubs, sports, or community organizations.
  • Unique Talents: If you excel in areas like the arts, sports, or community service, make sure to include these in your application.

Strong Application Essays

  • Personal Narratives: Use your essays to tell your story, focusing on your journey, challenges overcome, and personal growth.
  • Authenticity and Depth: Ensure that your essays reflect who you are and how you think, adding depth and personality to your application.

Solid Recommendations

  • Insightful Recommendations: Obtain letters from teachers or mentors who can vouch for your academic potential and character.

It’s important to remember that Amherst employs a holistic review process, where your story, potential, and individual qualities are considered alongside academic metrics. If your GPA is not as high as you’d like, compensating with strong essays, recommendations, and a record of personal growth can improve your chances of admission.

What Makes Amherst Unique?

Here, we’ll explore what makes Amherst College unique, focusing on its legacy of selectivity and excellence, its embrace of global diversity, and its need-blind approach to education.

A Legacy of Selectivity and Excellence

Amherst College stands out due to its highly selective admissions process. With only 9% of applicants admitted to the Class of 2027, the college maintains an environment of academic rigor and excellence. This selectivity underlines Amherst’s commitment to fostering a community of dedicated and capable students.

Embracing Diversity: A Global Campus

Approximately 15% of Amherst’s student body comes from over 70 countries, highlighting its diverse and global campus. This diversity enriches the educational experience, allowing students to gain a broadened perspective from classmates with varied backgrounds and experiences.

A Need-Blind Approach to Education

Amherst’s need-blind admission policy for all students, including international applicants, is a significant feature. This policy ensures that financial constraints do not hinder talented students worldwide from accessing quality education. Amherst meets 100% of its demonstrated financial need, demonstrating its commitment to equity and accessibility in higher education.

What Does the Amherst Application Look Like?

The application process at Amherst College is comprehensive and requires several components:

  1. Application Submission: Applicants can choose between the Common Application and the Apply Coalition, with deadlines set for November 1 (spring enrollment) and March 1 (fall enrollment).
  2. Application Fee: A non-refundable fee of $75, or a fee waiver for those who qualify.
  3. Transcripts: Submission of college transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended, along with the secondary school transcript.
  4. Recommendations: Two college instructor evaluations are mandatory.
  5. Standardized Test Scores: Submission of SAT/ACT scores is optional but considered if provided.
  6. English Proficiency for International Students: TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for students whose first language is not English, with recommended minimum scores for admission.
  7. Additional Materials for Arts and Athletics: Optional submissions for students with exceptional accomplishments in arts or athletics.

Is Amherst a Good School for You?

Among the numerous esteemed institutions in the United States, Amherst College stands out as a top choice for many students. But is Amherst the right school for you? Let’s look at the aspects that make Amherst unique, including its academic rigor, holistic review process, and alignment with the college’s values.

Academic Rigor and Excellence

Amherst’s average GPA of 4.1 for current students indicates its high academic standards. Prospective students should have a strong academic record, with a preference for those who have pursued challenging courses such as AP or IB classes.

A Holistic Review Process

Amherst College employs a comprehensive review process, evaluating academic transcripts, instructor recommendations, quality of writing, and extracurricular involvements. This holistic approach ensures that each applicant is assessed on their unique strengths and potential contributions to the college community.

Aligning with Amherst’s Values

Since demonstrated interest is not a factor in admission decisions, applicants must align their application with Amherst’s values. A deep understanding of what the college stands for, along with a genuine interest in its academic offerings and community life, can be a deciding factor in the admissions process.

How Selective is Amherst?

Amherst College’s selectivity is a crucial aspect for prospective students to understand. In the admissions cycle for the Class of 2027, the college exhibited a highly competitive landscape, accepting only 9% of its applicants. This figure translates to roughly 1,143 admissions from a pool of 12,700 applicants. Compared to previous years, this reflects a slight increase in acceptance rate, yet the competition remains intense.

Amherst’s rigorous selection process isn’t just about numbers. The college seeks students who demonstrate exceptional academic prowess, diverse talents, and a strong alignment with its values. This selectivity ensures that those admitted are among the best prepared to thrive in Amherst’s academically challenging environment. Applicants are evaluated holistically, considering not only academic achievements but also extracurricular involvements and personal attributes.

Understanding this high selectivity is essential for applicants. It sets the tone for the level of preparation needed for a successful application. Prospective students must be mindful of the competitive nature and ensure their applications showcase their strongest attributes, aligning with the college’s expectations.

Should You Apply to Amherst?

Deciding to apply to Amherst requires careful consideration of several factors:

  • Academic Excellence: If your academic record is strong, particularly if you have a GPA close to the average of 4.1, Amherst might be a good fit. The college values academic rigor and high achievement.
  • Programs of Interest: Research Amherst’s academic programs. If they align with your academic and career goals, this could be a significant reason to apply.
  • Holistic Admissions Approach: Amherst reviews applications holistically. Consider how your extracurriculars, essays, and recommendations can strengthen your application.
  • Financial Aid: Amherst’s need-blind admission policy and commitment to meeting 100% of demonstrated need make it an attractive option for those concerned about college affordability.
  • Campus Culture: Reflect on whether Amherst’s campus culture and community values resonate with you. A visit to the campus, virtual tours, or connecting with current students can provide valuable insights.
  • Career Opportunities: Consider the college’s connections, alumni network, and career support services. These can play a significant role in your professional development.

Applying to Amherst should be a decision based on a comprehensive evaluation of these factors and a deep understanding of what the college offers and expects.

How Does Amherst Review Applications?

The application review process at Amherst is thorough and multifaceted. Every application undergoes evaluation by at least two admission deans before presentation to the Admission Committee. The process is highly selective, focusing on various key aspects:

  • Academic Transcripts: The primary focus is on the applicant’s academic performance. The rigor of courses taken, the grades earned, and the consistency of academic achievements are critically assessed.
  • Instructor Recommendations: Recommendations from college instructors provide insights into the applicant’s academic abilities and character.
  • Quality of Writing: Essays, writing supplements, and recommendations are evaluated for their writing quality. This includes clarity of expression, coherence, and the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively.
  • Extracurricular Involvements: Amherst values well-rounded individuals. Participation in extracurricular activities, talents, and leadership roles are important factors in the holistic review process.

This comprehensive approach ensures that Amherst not only assesses academic capabilities but also considers the overall contribution a student could make to the campus community. Prospective students should ensure that each component of their application reflects their strengths and aligns with the values and expectations of Amherst College.

Does Amherst Require Interviews?

Amherst College’s approach to the admission process is distinctive, particularly in its stance on interviews. Unlike many other colleges where interviews are a staple, Amherst does not conduct them as part of its admissions procedure. This policy aligns with the college’s philosophy of assessing candidates based on their application materials, emphasizing the importance of the documents submitted.

This means that for prospective students, the written application holds paramount importance. The absence of interviews shifts the focus entirely to the application’s components — the essays, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and the rundown of extracurricular activities. Each of these elements becomes a crucial medium through which students must convey their personalities, achievements, and suitability for the college.

Instead of interviews, applicants are encouraged to visit the campus to glean a sense of what Amherst offers. However, these visits are purely informational and not evaluative. It’s crucial to understand that without the interactive platform an interview offers, the written application must be comprehensive and compelling.

It should effectively communicate the applicant’s story, intellectual capabilities, and the potential contributions they can make to the Amherst community. Prospective students must ensure that their application holistically presents their academic prowess, personal achievements, and the qualities that make them a good fit for Amherst College.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Amherst?

When applying to Amherst College, extracurricular activities play a significant role in your application. They provide a window into your interests, commitments, and character. Here are key areas to focus on:

  • Leadership Roles: Positions of responsibility in clubs or organizations showcase your ability to lead and collaborate.
  • Community Service: Volunteering efforts reflect a commitment to community and empathy.
  • Arts and Culture: Participation in music, art, theater, or dance demonstrates creative talents and dedication.
  • Athletics: Involvement in sports can illustrate teamwork, discipline, and resilience.
  • Academic Clubs: Participation in debate, science clubs, or academic competitions indicates a passion for learning and intellectual curiosity.
  • Innovative Projects: Initiatives like starting a club or a community project show innovation and initiative.
  • Work Experience: Part-time jobs or internships provide insights into your work ethic and real-world skills.

These activities should align with your interests and values, offering a genuine portrayal of who you are.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Amherst?

Crafting a compelling personal statement for Amherst College is a vital step in your application process. This essay is more than just a formality; it’s a window into your personality, your aspirations, and how you envision your future at Amherst. To make your personal statement stand out, consider the following key elements:

  • Crafting a Compelling Narrative: Your personal statement for Amherst College is your chance to tell your unique story. It should encapsulate who you are, your aspirations, and how Amherst fits into your future goals.
  • Emphasizing Individuality: Focus on experiences or aspects of your life that shaped your personality. This could be a significant challenge you overcame, a unique family background, or a passion that drives you.
  • Connecting to Amherst’s Values: Research Amherst’s values and align your statement with their values. Demonstrate how your experiences and goals resonate with the culture and academic environment at Amherst.
  • Showcasing Intellectual Curiosity: Amherst values intellectual curiosity. Illustrate your love for learning, whether through academic achievements, personal projects, or self-directed study.
  • Reflecting on Growth and Learning: Discuss how your experiences have contributed to your personal and academic growth. Reflect on what you’ve learned from your experiences and how they’ve prepared you for college.

Each of these elements should combine to create a narrative that is not only authentic and engaging but also aligns with what Amherst College looks for in its students.

How Do You Write an Amherst Supplemental Essay?

To craft a compelling Amherst supplemental essay, understanding and aligning with the college’s principles is crucial. Here’s a guide on how to approach this critical component of your application:

  1. Choose Your Prompt Wisely: Each prompt begins with a quote followed by a question. It’s essential to read the quote carefully and select a prompt that resonates with your experiences and aspirations.
  2. Annotate Key Elements: Highlight important elements in the prompt such as ‘leadership’, ‘diversity’, or ‘intellectual pursuit’. Ensure your response addresses these key points.
  3. Narrative Consistency: Your essay should complement the narrative of your overall application. Choose a prompt that allows you to share a unique aspect of your personality or background not covered in other parts of your application.
  4. Freewriting Approach: Start by freewriting to generate ideas. This can help in identifying strong points or experiences you wish to highlight in your essay.
  5. Telling a Story: Use personal anecdotes to demonstrate, rather than tell, your experiences. Reflect on these experiences to reveal critical thinking and self-awareness.
  6. Demonstrate Passion for Amherst: While responding, subtly indicate your understanding of Amherst’s values and educational approach.
  7. Proofread Thoroughly: Ensure your essay is grammatically sound and well-articulated. Strong writing indicates readiness for Amherst’s academic rigor.

What Enrichment Opportunities Will Help You Get into Amherst?

When considering admission to prestigious institutions like Amherst College, it’s essential to think beyond grades and test scores. Amherst, known for its rigorous academic environment and diverse community, looks for students who demonstrate passion, leadership, and a commitment to personal growth.

Enrichment opportunities play a crucial role in showcasing these qualities. Let’s explore some key activities that can strengthen your application to Amherst.

  • Academic Enrichment Programs: Participating in summer programs or online courses that challenge you academically can be beneficial. Look for subjects that interest you deeply or extend beyond your high school curriculum.
  • Community Service and Leadership: Amherst values students who contribute positively to their communities. Engage in community service projects or take up leadership roles in school clubs or local organizations. Whether it’s leading a fundraising campaign for a local charity or organizing community events, these experiences reflect your ability to lead and make a difference.
  • Arts and Creative Pursuits: If you have a passion for the arts, nurturing this talent can add a unique dimension to your application. Whether it’s painting, music, drama, or creative writing, showcasing your creativity and dedication to an art form can be compelling.
  • Athletics and Team Sports: Amherst has a vibrant athletic community. Participation in sports, especially at competitive levels, can be an advantage. It demonstrates teamwork, discipline, and a commitment to personal and physical development.
  • Research and Internships: Gaining real-world experience through internships or participating in research projects, especially in fields you wish to pursue, shows initiative and a desire to learn and grow in your chosen field.

Remember, the key is to engage in activities that align with your interests and demonstrate your commitment to personal growth and contribution to society. These experiences enrich your high school years and significantly enhance your application to Amherst College.

Do You Need to Take AP Courses to Get into Amherst?

Gaining admission to Amherst College, a prestigious and highly selective liberal arts college, is a goal for many high-achieving students. A common question that arises in this context is: “Do you need to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses to get into Amherst?” Understanding the role of AP courses in the admissions process is crucial for aspiring applicants.

Firstly, it’s important to know that Amherst College does not have a strict requirement for AP courses in its admissions criteria. The college adopts a holistic approach to evaluating applicants. This means they consider many different aspects of your application, including your academic record, extracurricular activities, essays, recommendations, and personal background.

However, excelling in challenging courses, like AP classes, can be beneficial. AP courses are college-level classes offered in high schools. Doing well in these classes demonstrates your readiness for college-level work. Amherst values students who challenge themselves and succeed in rigorous academic environments. Therefore, if your school offers AP courses, and you are capable of performing well in them, it might strengthen your application.

That said, it’s essential to balance your course load. Taking too many AP classes and becoming overwhelmed can negatively impact your grades and well-being. Amherst College, like many selective institutions, looks for students who perform well academically while also engaging in activities they are passionate about outside of the classroom.

Does Amherst Accept AP Credit?

Amherst College views Advanced Placement (AP) courses as a significant indicator of academic ambition and preparation. However, it’s crucial to understand the college’s policy regarding AP credit. Amherst does not accept AP courses for credit or advanced standing. This means that while your AP courses demonstrate your readiness for college-level work, they will not directly translate into college credits at Amherst.

Nevertheless, Amherst recognizes the rigor of AP coursework. Some academic departments at the college may allow students to skip introductory-level courses in areas where they have already completed AP courses. This flexibility acknowledges the level of knowledge and skill students gain through AP classes, even though it does not result in credit accumulation.

Prospective students should view AP courses as more than just a means to earn college credits. These classes represent an opportunity to delve deeper into subjects of interest, develop critical thinking skills, and prepare for the academic challenges of college. AP courses can also strengthen a college application by showcasing a student’s commitment to academic excellence.

Will Amherst Look at Your Social Media?

In today’s digital age, the question of whether colleges scrutinize applicants’ social media profiles is a pertinent one. For Amherst College, specific policies regarding the evaluation of social media profiles in the admissions process are not explicitly stated. However, applicants need to be mindful of their online presence.

Generally, some colleges and universities do review applicants’ social media accounts as part of their holistic review process. This step can provide insights into an applicant’s character, interests, and behavior outside of the academic setting. It’s an opportunity for institutions to see a more personal side of applicants, beyond grades and test scores.

Applicants should consider their social media profiles as an extension of their application. It’s advisable to maintain a positive and respectful online presence. Content that reflects well on an applicant’s character, such as involvement in community service, artistic pursuits, or leadership experiences, can be beneficial. Conversely, inappropriate or offensive content can potentially harm an applicant’s chances.

In the absence of a clear policy from Amherst College, the safest approach for applicants is to assume that their social media profiles could be reviewed. Maintaining a clean and positive online presence is not just beneficial for college applications but also for future professional opportunities.

Will Visiting Amherst Help You Get In?

Visiting Amherst College can be a valuable experience for prospective students, but it’s important to understand how it factors into the admissions process. While Amherst encourages campus visits and offers various options for potential students to explore the college, these visits do not directly influence admission decisions.

Campus visits at Amherst typically include an information session and a campus tour. These experiences allow prospective students to gain insights into the college’s environment, academic offerings, and student life. Interacting with current students, faculty, and staff during these visits can provide a deeper understanding of the college’s culture and values.

However, Amherst College does not consider campus visits as a metric in their admissions process. The decision to admit a student is based on a comprehensive evaluation of their academic record, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations. Therefore, while visiting the campus can help students make an informed decision about applying to Amherst, it does not increase their chances of admission.

Prospective students should view campus visits as an opportunity to assess whether Amherst is the right fit for them. It’s a chance to ask questions, observe the campus atmosphere, and envision oneself as part of the community. Ultimately, the decision to visit should be based on the desire to learn more about the college rather than as a strategy to influence the admissions outcome.


Applying to Amherst College involves careful consideration of several key factors. You must understand the different admission components and consider various application options.

While the competition to get into Amherst College is undoubtedly high, it’s important to approach the process with optimism and a strategic mindset. Focus on presenting a well-rounded application that showcases your unique strengths, intellectual curiosity, and alignment with Amherst’s values.

Remember, each part of the application is an opportunity to illustrate different facets of your personality and achievements. Stay true to yourself, highlight your passions, and don’t hesitate to showcase any special talents or experiences.

We can help you figure out how to get into Amherst

At AdmissionSight, we understand the nuances and challenges of applying to elite institutions like Amherst College.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you navigate the application process. We offer personalized guidance on every aspect of your application, from essay writing to interview preparation. Our aim is to help you put forward the strongest application possible.

Interested in learning more about how we can assist you in achieving your goals? Contact us for a free consultation and take the first step towards realizing your dream of attending Amherst College.


College Admissions

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