
How to Get into Notre Dame: Admission Requirements and Tips

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

How to Get into Notre Dame: Admission Requirements and Tips

Renowned for its academic excellence, vibrant campus life, and rich traditions, the University of Notre Dame is a dream destination for many college-bound students. But what does it take to be part of the Notre Dame community?

In this guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know before you apply to Notre Dame in order to give yourself the best possible chance of getting in.

Overview of Notre Dame

The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842 by Reverend Edward F. Sorin, C.S.C. Located in Notre Dame, Indiana, near the city of South Bend, the university has grown from a small college to a leading Catholic research institution.

Central to Notre Dame’s identity is its deep-rooted Catholic tradition. This is not just evident in its mission and educational approach, but also physically manifested by the iconic Golden Dome and the revered Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Both structures echo the university’s rich religious legacy and its commitment to faith.

Beyond its spiritual framework, Notre Dame boasts an impeccable reputation for academic excellence. Nationally, it is ranked #20 in the 2024 Best Colleges by U.S. News. On the global stage, the university maintains a strong presence, recognized for its research output, teaching quality, and extensive alumni network.

Speaking of alumni, Notre Dame’s include former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, best-selling author Nicholas Sparks, and legendary NFL quarterback Joe Montana. Their success in fields such as politics, literature, and sports underlines the university’s impact on shaping influential figures in various disciplines.

Choosing this university means becoming part of a legacy that values academic rigor, ethical leadership, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world. Notre Dame offers a unique blend of a strong liberal arts education, a deep sense of community, and an enduring commitment to personal and professional growth.

It’s a place where tradition meets innovation, and where students are prepared not just for a career, but for a meaningful, well-rounded life.

How Hard Is It to Get into Notre Dame?

Gaining a spot at the University of Notre Dame is an aspiration for many but achieved by a select few. With an acceptance rate that often falls between 11-15%, Notre Dame is among the more selective universities in the country. This figure sets the stage for understanding the competitive nature of Notre Dame’s admission process.

Notre Dame’s acceptance rate

The University of Notre Dame’s acceptance rate has been a clear indicator of its selectivity and prestige in recent years:

Class Acceptance Rate
Class of 2023 15%
Class of 2024 15%
Class of 2025 15%
Class of 2026 13%
Class of 2027 11.9%

Most recently, Notre Dame admitted only 3,399 students out of 28,351 applicants for the Class of 2027, resulting in an acceptance rate of 11.9%, the lowest in the university’s history. This trend reflects not only the high demand for a Notre Dame education but also the rigorous standards upheld by the admissions committee.

It’s essential to view these numbers in context. They should motivate you to present the strongest application possible. Don’t let the selectivity overshadow your unique strengths and potential. Remember, each application is reviewed holistically, so your individual qualities and experiences are crucial.

Factors influencing the acceptance rate

Several key factors play into Notre Dame’s overall acceptance rate:

  • Applicant Pool Size: The number of students applying each year has a direct impact. More applicants typically mean a lower acceptance rate, as the number of available spots doesn’t change significantly.
  • Academic Standards: Your GPA and standardized test scores are crucial. Notre Dame’s high academic standards mean these factors significantly influence whether you make the cut.
  • Holistic Review Process: Your extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation matter. Notre Dame looks for well-rounded individuals, not just academic achievers.
  • Institutional Priorities: The university’s yearly objectives, like enhancing diversity or focusing on certain academic disciplines, can affect which applicants are accepted.

Understanding these aspects will help you gauge where you stand in the competitive landscape of Notre Dame’s admissions and how to tailor your application effectively.

Notre Dame Admission Requirements

When preparing your application for Notre Dame, you’ll need to meet various requirements that reflect both your academic prowess and personal qualities:

  • GPA: While Notre Dame does not have a stated minimum GPA requirement, successful applicants often have a GPA above 4.0 (unweighted), indicating strong academic performance.
  • SAT/ACT Scores: Notre Dame has adopted a test-optional policy, allowing students to decide whether to submit SAT or ACT scores. If submitted, high scores are generally expected. However, in the absence of test scores, greater emphasis is placed on other application components.
  • Essays: Personal and supplemental essays play a critical role in your application. They should convey your personality, values, and how you align with Notre Dame’s ethos.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Demonstrated leadership and involvement in activities outside the classroom are highly valued, showcasing your broader interests and commitments.
  • Recommendations: Insightful letters of recommendation from teachers or counselors can significantly impact your application, highlighting your academic and personal qualities.

Notre Dame’s admissions process is comprehensive and holistic. Every component of your application is scrutinized to gauge not only your academic qualifications but also your personal attributes and fit with Notre Dame’s ethos.

This process ensures that those selected to join the Notre Dame community are not only academically gifted but also well-rounded individuals ready to contribute to and benefit from the unique Notre Dame experience.

Notre Dame GPA and SAT Requirements

When you’re applying to the University of Notre Dame, your academic performance, as measured by your GPA and SAT scores, plays a pivotal role. Notre Dame uses these metrics as key indicators of your readiness to handle its challenging curriculum.

Your GPA is crucial as it reflects your academic consistency and ability to excel over time in various subjects. A high GPA indicates to Notre Dame that you have the discipline, intellectual curiosity, and work ethic necessary for success at a top-tier university.

Similarly, your SAT scores are significant. They provide a standardized measure of your academic abilities, particularly in critical reading, mathematics, and writing. For Notre Dame, these scores are a way to gauge how well you’re likely to perform in a rigorous academic environment and how prepared you are for college-level coursework.

In summary, both your GPA and SAT scores are crucial components of your Notre Dame application. They not only showcase your academic strengths but also signal to the admissions committee your potential for success in a demanding academic environment. Excelling in these areas can make a significant difference in how your application is perceived.

Notre Dame GPA Requirements

Notre Dame does not officially state an absolute minimum GPA requirement. However, most students accepted into Notre Dame have high GPAs, typically in the 4.0 range, or are at the top of their class.

In the broader context of U.S. college admissions, a GPA in this range places you among the most academically accomplished students nationwide. It indicates that you’re capable of handling the rigorous coursework and intellectual challenges that Notre Dame offers.

As a prospective Notre Dame student, it’s important to view these GPA statistics as benchmarks rather than barriers. They give you a realistic picture of the academic standards at Notre Dame. Remember, while a high GPA is a significant factor, it’s part of a holistic review process that also considers other aspects of your application.

GPA recommendations

For your Notre Dame application to be competitive, follow these tips:

  •  Aim for a GPA of 4.0 or higher.
  • Take advanced courses, such as Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) classes, to push your GPA above 4.0.
  • Balance your academic profile with strong SAT/ACT scores, impressive extracurricular achievements, and compelling essays.

Can you get into Notre Dame with a low GPA?

It is possible to get into the University of Notre Dame with a GPA that might be considered low compared to the typical admitted student. However, it’s important to approach this situation with realistic expectations and a strategic plan.

Consider these strategies:

  • Achieving high scores on standardized tests can help balance a lower GPA. These scores can demonstrate your academic abilities and readiness for college-level coursework.
  • Show that you’ve challenged yourself with advanced or honors courses. Success in these courses can indicate your ability to handle challenging academic material.
  • If your GPA improved over time, this growth can work in your favor. It shows resilience and a commitment to academic improvement.
  • If there were extenuating circumstances contributing to your lower GPA (like personal or family issues), explain these in your application. This context can be important for admissions officers when reviewing your academic record.
  • Remember that Notre Dame’s admissions process is holistic. Highlight your involvement in extracurricular activities. Submit compelling essays and strong recommendations.

Demonstrating your strengths in other areas of your application can help offset a lower GPA. Still, keep a realistic perspective and consider a range of college options to ensure the best fit for your academic and personal goals.

Notre Dame SAT Requirements

While Notre Dame does not enforce an absolute minimum SAT score requirement, especially considering its test-optional policy, the average SAT scores for Notre Dame students typically fall in the higher ranges:

Average SAT Score 25th Percentile SAT Score 75th Percentile SAT Score
1475 1400 1550

SAT scores in these ranges are considerably high. They position you well not just for Notre Dame, but also for other top-tier universities. These scores are indicative of strong critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills, which are highly valued in the college environment.

A score around the 75th percentile (1550) places you above many other applicants, suggesting a higher likelihood of being viewed favorably in terms of academic readiness.

On the other hand, if your SAT score is near the 25th percentile (1400), you’re below the average range of students admitted to Notre Dame. Your application can still be considered, though, especially if other aspects are strong.

Use these statistics as a benchmark. They help you understand the level of academic performance that Notre Dame typically expects from its students. However, given the holistic review process, your SAT score is just one part of your application.

SAT recommendations

For students targeting Notre Dame, here are some SAT recommendations:

  • Aim for a score of 1550 or higher.
  • Invest time in preparing for the SAT, focusing on areas where you can make significant improvements.
  • Taking the SAT more than once can help improve your score, as Notre Dame will consider your highest scores.
  • If your SAT score is not as high as you’d like, strengthen other parts of your application, such as your GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities, to showcase a well-rounded profile.

Notre Dame ACT Requirements

Adhering to its test-optional admissions policy, Notre Dame does not set a strict minimum ACT score. However, the scores of admitted students can offer you a benchmark:

Average ACT Score 25th Percentile ACT Score 75th Percentile ACT Score
34 32 35

ACT scores in this range are exceptional and place you well not just for Notre Dame but also among the top applicants for other prestigious universities in the U.S. These scores reflect strong academic capabilities, particularly in the areas of reasoning, problem-solving, and knowledge application.

Scoring around 35 (75th percentile) positions you above many other applicants and indicates a strong likelihood of meeting Notre Dame’s academic standards.

Meanwhile, scoring around 32 (25th percentile) places you at the lower end of scores typically seen among admitted students but still within a competitive range, especially if other parts of your application are strong.

These statistics serve as a guide to understanding what the university typically looks for in terms of standardized testing. However, it’s important to remember that these scores are just one part of your application due to the holistic review process.

ACT recommendations

If you’re aiming for admission to Notre Dame, follow these ACT tips:

  • Aim for a score of 35 or higher.
  • Focus on a thorough preparation plan that covers all sections of the ACT, identifying and improving in areas where you can gain the most.
  • If your initial score isn’t what you hoped for, consider retaking the ACT. Notre Dame will consider your highest scores.
  • If your ACT score isn’t as high as you’d like, compensate by enhancing other areas of your application, like your GPA, essays, and extracurricular achievements, to build a well-rounded profile.

Is Notre Dame Test-Optional?

The University of Notre Dame is test-optional for the 2024 and 2025 application cycles. This means that submitting SAT or ACT scores is no longer a mandatory requirement for applicants.

The policy offers you two options:

  • If you feel that your SAT or ACT scores represent your academic ability, you can submit them for consideration.
  • Otherwise, you can choose not to. Without test scores, other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation, will carry more weight.

Notre Dame’s decision to go test-optional is part of a growing trend among universities to make college admissions more accessible and to evaluate students more holistically. Notre Dame aims to ensure that all students, regardless of their background or access to testing, have an equitable chance of admission.

Does Notre Dame Superscore SAT and ACT?

Notre Dame superscores both the SAT and ACT. Meaning, if you choose to submit multiple test scores, the university will consider the highest score from each section across all test dates.

This approach is maintained even with Notre Dame’s test-optional policy, ensuring that students who submit scores are evaluated in the most favorable light.

Knowing that Notre Dame superscores should inform your test-taking strategy:

  • If you decide to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of your application, you can take the tests multiple times and focus on improving specific sections. Notre Dame’s superscoring policy means that your highest scores in each section will be combined to create your best possible composite score.
  • If you excel in certain sections on one test date but not others, you have the opportunity to retake the test with a focus on improving the weaker sections.
  • If your scores are strong and reflect well on your application, superscoring can enhance your candidacy. However, if you believe your scores do not adequately represent your academic abilities, you may choose not to submit them.

What Does Notre Dame Look for in Students?

The University of Notre Dame looks for individuals who resonate with its core values and can contribute meaningfully to its diverse programs.

In particular, Notre Dame prides itself on its commitment to academic excellence, community, and holistic education. Understanding these values is crucial as it informs what Notre Dame expects from its students and how you can align your application accordingly.

Here’s a closer look at the qualities Notre Dame seeks:

1. Strong academic performance

At Notre Dame, academic prowess is about demonstrating a zeal for learning and intellectual exploration. The university prides itself on fostering an environment where scholarly inquiry and academic challenges are the norm. Here, students are encouraged to think critically and pursue knowledge with vigor.

To showcase this quality in your application, focus on presenting a solid academic record. This includes strong performance in challenging courses like AP or IB classes, which indicate your ability to handle rigorous academic material.

If you have been involved in research projects or academic competitions, these experiences can also underscore your intellectual curiosity and dedication to academic excellence.

While Notre Dame has adopted a test-optional policy, if you have strong SAT or ACT scores, including them can bolster your application. These scores can serve as an additional testament to your academic capabilities, especially in a competitive applicant pool.

However, remember that in the absence of test scores, your course choices and grades will speak volumes about your academic readiness.

2. Passionate engagement in extracurricular activities

Notre Dame seeks students who bring passion and leadership to their extracurricular pursuits. It’s about how deeply you engage with these activities and the impact you make. Whether you’re a captain of a sports team, a leader in student government, or an active volunteer in community service, your dedication and impact in these areas matter.

When discussing your extracurriculars, it’s important to narrate not just what you did, but also why you did it and what you learned from it. This could be about a challenge you overcame, a significant achievement, or how these experiences shaped your character and values.

Highlighting the depth of your commitment and the breadth of your impact in these activities can set your application apart.

Your extracurricular involvement is a window into who you are beyond academics. It shows your interests, skills, and values. Notre Dame values this because it’s looking for students who will contribute to the campus community in diverse and meaningful ways.

Therefore, ensure your activities reflect genuine interests and passions, and convey how they align with the values Notre Dame holds dear.

3. Commitment to holistic education

Notre Dame’s approach to education extends beyond the classroom walls. It emphasizes the formation of the whole person—intellectually, morally, spiritually, and socially. The university values students who understand and embrace this holistic educational philosophy, recognizing that true education is about personal development in all aspects of life.

In your application, articulate how your experiences have contributed to your personal growth. This could include reflections on how overcoming challenges has shaped your resilience, how engaging with diverse perspectives has broadened your worldview, or how your involvement in community service has developed your sense of social responsibility.

Ultimately, Notre Dame is preparing students not just for a career, but for a life of purpose and impact. Showcasing your commitment to holistic education means demonstrating how you are preparing yourself to be an informed, ethical, and active citizen in a complex world.

It’s about showing your readiness to contribute positively to Notre Dame and beyond, in line with the university’s mission to cultivate leaders who make a difference.

In summary, by focusing on these qualities and articulating them effectively in your application, you can demonstrate your alignment with what Notre Dame values in its students, thus enhancing your chances of being part of this esteemed institution.

Notre Dame Application Tips

Crafting a compelling application for the University of Notre Dame involves more than just meeting the basic requirements. It’s about strategically showcasing your strengths and aligning them with what the university values most in its students.

In this section, we’ll explore practical tips that can enhance your application, reflecting the key qualities Notre Dame looks for.

1. Excel academically.

Academic excellence is a critical component of a successful application to Notre Dame. The university seeks students who not only have strong academic records but also exhibit intellectual curiosity and a commitment to scholarly pursuits.

Excelling academically indicates to the admissions committee that you are prepared for the rigorous academic environment at Notre Dame and are likely to succeed and contribute positively to their academic community.

Specific tips:

  • Pursue rigorous coursework. Engage in advanced courses such as AP, IB, or honors classes. This demonstrates your willingness to challenge yourself and handle college-level work, a quality highly valued at Notre Dame.
  • Maintain a high GPA. Your GPA reflects your overall academic performance. Strive for excellence in your grades, showing consistency and dedication in your academic endeavors. A high GPA is a strong indicator of your ability to meet Notre Dame’s academic standards.
  • Show growth and improvement. If your academic journey includes challenges or initial setbacks, illustrate how you have grown from these experiences. An upward trend in grades or a strong performance in your later high school years can showcase your resilience and determination.
  • Consider standardized tests. While Notre Dame has a test-optional policy, strong SAT or ACT scores can still be beneficial. If you have high test scores, they can serve as an additional testament to your academic preparedness. However, in the absence of test scores, emphasize the other aspects of your academic profile.

Moreover, you can effectively demonstrate your academic strength by exploring the following activities:


Engaging in academic research showcases your dedication to scholarly inquiry and your ability to contribute to your field of interest.

  • Research Science Institute (RSI): Conducted at MIT, RSI is a prestigious summer research program for high school students, offering opportunities in science, mathematics, and engineering research.
  • Simons Summer Research Program: Hosted by Stony Brook University, this program allows high school students to participate in hands-on research under the guidance of faculty mentors in STEM fields.


Participating in academic competitions can highlight your subject mastery and problem-solving skills.

  • Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): This global science competition provides a platform for students to present independent research.
  • American Mathematics Competitions (AMC): This is a series of examinations leading to the International Mathematical Olympiad, challenging students with complex mathematical problems.

Summer programs

Attending academic summer programs allows you to explore subjects in depth and demonstrates your commitment to learning beyond the regular school year.

  • Notre Dame Leadership Seminars: These seminars offer high school students the chance to participate in academic explorations and leadership training at Notre Dame.
  • Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC): This summer camp provides an immersive experience in advanced mathematics, including research and problem-solving.


Participation in academic internships can provide practical experience and show your ability to apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings.

  • NASA High School Internship: This internship provides students with opportunities to work on research projects under the guidance of NASA scientists, ideal for those interested in STEM fields.
  • Library of Congress Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program: This program offers high school students the chance to work on various projects at the Library of Congress.

2. Showcase passion in extracurricular activities.

Notre Dame seeks students who are not just academically accomplished but also actively engaged in their interests and communities. Your extracurricular activities reflect your personality, passions, and potential to contribute to Notre Dame’s vibrant community.

Demonstrating deep involvement and leadership in these activities indicates that you are a well-rounded individual with diverse interests.

Specific tips:

  • Highlight depth of involvement. Rather than a long list of activities, Notre Dame values depth and commitment. Focus on activities where you have shown significant involvement and leadership. This could include roles in student organizations, sports teams, community service, or other interests that are important to you.
  • Show impact and leadership. It’s important to demonstrate how you have made a tangible impact in your activities. Highlight any leadership roles, initiatives you’ve spearheaded, or significant contributions you’ve made to your school or community through these activities.
  • Connect activities to personal growth. Discuss how your extracurricular experiences have contributed to your personal development. Reflect on the skills you’ve gained, the challenges you’ve overcome, and how these experiences have shaped your character and goals.
  • Align with Notre Dame’s values. Illustrate how your extracurricular involvement aligns with Notre Dame’s core values. Whether it’s through service, leadership, or other forms of engagement, show how your activities reflect the qualities Notre Dame values in its students.

Furthermore, you can emphasize your extracurricular involvement by pursuing the following areas:


Engaging in art-focused programs demonstrates creativity, dedication, and a deep appreciation for cultural and artistic expression, highlighting a student’s ability to think innovatively and emotionally.

  • National YoungArts Foundation: This program recognizes and supports young artists in various disciplines, offering opportunities for artistic development and scholarships.
  • All-State Music Competitions: Participating in these competitions demonstrates musical talent and dedication, as they involve rigorous selection at state-level events.


Active participation in sports, especially in competitive or leadership roles, showcases teamwork, discipline, and resilience, reflecting a student’s ability to balance physical prowess with academic commitments.

  • National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS): Engaging in NFHS-sanctioned sports allows students to exhibit athletic skills and leadership, particularly if they achieve recognition or captain their teams.
  • AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) Sports: Participating in AAU sports, known for competitive youth athletics, showcases a high level of commitment and potential leadership in a chosen sport.

School clubs

Involvement in school clubs, particularly in leadership roles, displays a commitment to intellectual pursuits or special interests outside of standard academics, indicating a well-rounded and engaged student profile.

  • DECA: An international association for high school and college students interested in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management, DECA provides opportunities to develop business skills and leadership.
  • Model United Nations: Involvement in Model UN fosters skills in diplomacy, international relations, and public speaking, offering leadership roles in organizing and participating in conferences.

Community service

Participation in community service activities highlights a student’s empathy, social responsibility, and willingness to contribute positively to society, aligning well with Notre Dame’s values of service and community engagement.

  • Key Club International: As the oldest and largest service program for high school students, Key Club offers numerous opportunities for leadership in community service projects.
  • Habitat for Humanity Youth Programs: Engaging with Habitat for Humanity allows students to participate in and lead meaningful projects focused on building homes and communities.

3. Craft compelling essays.

Your essays are a vital component of your Notre Dame application, offering a unique opportunity to present your personal narrative. They allow you to express your individuality, showcase your writing skills, and articulate how your experiences and values align with Notre Dame’s ethos.

Compelling essays can distinguish your application by giving the admissions committee insights into who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

Specific tips:

  • Showcase your unique voice. Your essays should reflect your authentic voice and personality. Write about experiences and perspectives that are uniquely yours, avoiding generic topics or responses.
  • Tell a story. Engage the reader by telling a story. Whether it’s a significant experience, a challenge you’ve overcome, or an insight you’ve gained, a well-told narrative can make your essay memorable.
  • Reflect and connect. Use your essays to reflect on your experiences and demonstrate how they have shaped you. Make connections to how these experiences align with your future goals and with Notre Dame’s values and community.
  • Edit and refine. Pay close attention to the clarity and flow of your essays. Proofread for grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. Consider getting feedback from teachers, counselors, or mentors to polish your essays.

4. Gather strong letters of recommendation.

Letters of recommendation provide the Notre Dame admissions committee with a third-party perspective on your academic and personal qualities. They offer insights into your character, work ethic, and potential that grades and test scores cannot convey.

Strong letters can significantly elevate your application by validating your accomplishments and suitability for Notre Dame.

Specific tips:

  • Select appropriate recommenders. Choose teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths, achievements, and character. Ideally, these should be individuals who have observed you in a setting relevant to your academic and personal growth.
  • Provide your recommenders with context. Help your recommenders by providing them with information about your goals, why you’re applying to Notre Dame, and key points you’d like them to emphasize. This ensures that their letters are aligned with your overall application narrative.
  • Request early and follow up politely. Ask for recommendations well in advance of the deadline to give your recommenders sufficient time to write thoughtful letters. A gentle reminder as the deadline approaches can be helpful.
  • Express gratitude. After your recommenders have submitted their letters, be sure to thank them for their time and effort. This not only is a courteous gesture but also helps maintain a positive relationship.

5. Research and demonstrate interest in Notre Dame.

Demonstrating genuine interest in Notre Dame is a key component of a strong application. Notre Dame, like many universities, looks for students who are not only academically qualified but also a good fit for their unique community and values.

Showing that you have taken the time to understand what Notre Dame stands for and how it aligns with your own goals and values can make your application stand out.

Specific tips:

  • Conduct thorough research. Start by diving deep into Notre Dame’s website, exploring academic programs, student life, extracurricular activities, and the university’s mission and history. Understanding the specifics of what Notre Dame offers helps you tailor your application to reflect a well-informed interest.
  • Engage with the Notre Dame community. If possible, visit the campus, attend information sessions (virtual or in-person), and connect with current students or alumni. This engagement provides valuable insights into the Notre Dame experience and shows a proactive effort to understand the university beyond its website.
  • Reflect your interest in your application. In your essays, specifically reference aspects of Notre Dame that resonate with you. Whether it’s a particular academic program, the university’s values, or campus traditions, make it clear why Notre Dame is the right fit for you.
  • Stay updated and involved. Keep up-to-date with Notre Dame’s latest news and developments, and mention any recent events or changes at the university that have furthered your interest. This demonstrates that your interest is ongoing and well-informed.

6. Prepare early for your Notre Dame application.

Starting your Notre Dame application process early is crucial. It allows you ample time to thoughtfully prepare each component of your application, from academic records to essays, and ensures you can meet all deadlines without undue stress.

Early preparation also provides you the opportunity to refine your application, making it as strong as possible.

Specific tips:

  • Understand application components and deadlines. Familiarize yourself with all the components of the Notre Dame application and the deadlines for submission. This includes academic transcripts, test scores (if submitting), essays, recommendation letters, and any additional requirements specific to Notre Dame.
  • Plan your coursework and extracurriculars. Plan your high school coursework and extracurricular activities with your Notre Dame application in mind. Engage in courses and activities that align with Notre Dame’s values and showcase your strengths and interests.
  • Start drafting essays early. Begin working on your essays well in advance. This gives you time to brainstorm, draft, receive feedback, and revise, ensuring that your essays effectively communicate your voice and story.
  • Request recommendations in advance. Approach your recommenders early, providing them with sufficient time to write detailed and supportive letters. Share your goals and reasons for applying to Notre Dame, so they can tailor their recommendations to your application.

Subjects to Take to Get into Notre Dame

Understanding Notre Dame’s specific high school academic requirements is crucial in selecting your high school subjects. Aligning your coursework with these requirements demonstrates your preparedness for the university’s academic rigors and your ability to meet its expectations.

Notre Dame’s core requirements

Notre Dame requires students to complete certain high school courses for admission consideration. These requirements ensure that you have a strong foundational knowledge base across key academic areas.

The university specifies a total of 16 units across various subjects, with particular emphasis on the student’s intended area of study:

  • English: 4 units.
  • Mathematics: 3 units (4 units preferred) including Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. Students interested in the College of Science, College of Engineering, School of Architecture, or certain majors within the College of Arts & Letters should complete 4 units, including advanced courses like Pre-Calculus or Calculus.
  • Foreign Language: 2 units (3-4 units preferred) in the same language, which should be one offered by Notre Dame.
  • Science: 2 units (4 units preferred). Specific majors within the College of Science or College of Engineering require a unit of Chemistry, and several majors recommend or require a unit of Physics.
  • History/Social Science: 2 units (3-4 units preferred).

Additional considerations:

  • Advanced Coursework: The most competitive applicants often have four units in each major academic area and take the most rigorous courses available at their high school.
  • Early Credits: Notre Dame counts algebra and foreign language courses completed during the eighth grade towards admission requirements, assuming you progress to the next level of those subjects in high school.

Subject recommendations

In light of Notre Dame’s requirements, consider the following:

  • Focus on core areas. Prioritize English, Mathematics, Foreign Language, Science, and History/Social Science, ensuring you meet or exceed the required units.
  • Take advanced courses. Enroll in AP, IB, honors, or dual-enrollment courses, especially in areas related to your intended major, to demonstrate academic rigor.
  • Plan for major-specific requirements. If you have a specific major in mind, align your courses with the additional requirements or recommendations for that major, such as taking advanced math for STEM fields or additional science courses for majors requiring Chemistry or Physics.

By strategically planning your high school curriculum in accordance with Notre Dame’s academic requirements, you can demonstrate your readiness for the university’s challenging academic environment and improve your chances of admission.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Notre Dame Application

Navigating the college application process can be complex, and it’s easy to overlook certain aspects. Here are the top five mistakes to avoid in your Notre Dame application, along with tips on how to sidestep them.

1. Neglecting Notre Dame’s core values

Many applicants overlook integrating Notre Dame’s core values into their application. This oversight can lead to a generic application that fails to resonate with the university’s unique ethos, making it difficult for the admissions committee to see how you would fit into their community.

How to avoid this mistake:

  • Deeply research Notre Dame’s mission, ethos, and culture. Integrate your understanding of these elements into your application, especially in your essays.
  • Discuss how your values, experiences, and goals resonate with what Notre Dame stands for. This alignment shows the admissions committee that you are not only a good academic fit but also a cultural fit for the university community.

2. Overlooking the importance of essays

Treating essays as a secondary component is a common error. Essays are your opportunity to communicate directly with the admissions committee and provide insights into your personality, making them crucial for setting your application apart.

How to avoid this mistake:

  • Approach your essays as a critical component of your application. Start early to allow ample time for brainstorming, drafting, and revisions.
  • Ensure that your essays are reflective, insightful, and authentic. They should narrate your unique story, shed light on your personality, and explicitly articulate why Notre Dame is the right place for you.
  • Seek feedback from teachers or mentors to refine your essays further.

3. Failing to demonstrate interest

Not actively showing your interest in Notre Dame can be detrimental. Without this, your application might lack the depth and personal touch that indicates you are earnest about becoming part of the Notre Dame community.

How to avoid this mistake:

  • Actively demonstrate your interest in Notre Dame by engaging with the university through campus visits, virtual tours, webinars, and interaction with admissions officers.
  • In your application, especially in supplemental essays, mention specific programs, resources, or aspects of Notre Dame that excite you and how they align with your academic and personal goals. This shows that your interest in Notre Dame is well-researched and genuine.

4. Ignoring application details

Overlooking key components of the application or missing deadlines can lead to an incomplete application or missed opportunities. Such errors can give the impression of a lack of seriousness or poor organizational skills.

How to avoid this mistake:

  • Organize and track all parts of the Notre Dame application process meticulously.
  • Create a detailed checklist of requirements, including course prerequisites, essays, recommendation letters, and standardized test scores (if submitting).
  • Pay close attention to deadlines, and plan to submit your application well in advance to avoid last-minute issues.

5. Mismanaging recommendations

Choosing inappropriate recommenders or failing to guide them effectively can result in recommendations that are generic or don’t fully capture your strengths and potential, diminishing the impact of this crucial component.

How to avoid this mistake:

  • Carefully choose recommenders, such as teachers or mentors, who have a deep understanding of your academic performance, character, and extracurricular involvement.
  • Provide them with a brief of your Notre Dame aspirations, highlights of your high school journey, and any specific points you would like them to address. This guidance helps them craft more personalized and impactful recommendations.

By avoiding these mistakes and approaching each component of your application thoughtfully, you can enhance your chances of being admitted to Notre Dame.

How to Apply to Notre Dame

Applying to the University of Notre Dame begins with understanding and preparing each component of the application:

Mandatory requirements

  • Common Application or Coalition Application: These platforms allow you to apply to multiple colleges, including Notre Dame, with one application. They include sections for personal information, academic history, and extracurricular activities. Start your application early and thoroughly review all sections to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Notre Dame Writing Supplement: This supplement requires additional essays and short responses that are specific to Notre Dame, allowing you to demonstrate your fit with the university. Tailor your responses to reflect Notre Dame’s values and how they align with your goals.
  • Official High School Transcripts: A transcript provides a comprehensive record of your academic performance throughout high school. Check with your high school counselor to ensure your transcript is complete and sent to Notre Dame by the application deadline.
  • Letter of Evaluation: A recommendation from a teacher who can speak to your academic abilities and character. Choose a teacher who knows you well and can provide specific examples of your academic and personal strengths.
  • Application Fee or Waiver: A $75 fee required when submitting your application. If the fee poses a financial burden, consider requesting a fee waiver through the application platforms.

Optional requirements

  • SAT/ACT Scores: Notre Dame is test-optional for the 2024 and 2025 application cycles, meaning submitting SAT or ACT scores is your choice. If your scores are strong, submitting them can enhance your application. If you feel they don’t represent your abilities well, focus on strengthening other areas of your application.
  • Counselor Evaluation: An optional evaluation from your school counselor can provide additional context about your academic and personal background. If you choose to include a counselor evaluation, which is highly recommended, make sure it’s from someone familiar with your academic journey and extracurricular commitments.

Step-by-step process

Now, we will walk you through the entire application journey, breaking it down into key phases for a clear and manageable approach:

1. Preparation

Begin by researching Notre Dame thoroughly to understand its ethos, programs, and what it offers. Start planning your high school courses and extracurricular activities to align with Notre Dame’s requirements and values. This phase also involves identifying potential recommenders for your letters of evaluation.

2. Application compilation

Start filling out your Common Application or Coalition Application, ensuring all personal and academic information is accurate and complete. Simultaneously, work on your Notre Dame Writing Supplement, crafting essays that reflect your personality and alignment with the university. Request your high school transcripts and letters of evaluation during this phase.

3. Review and submission

Review all components of your application thoroughly. This includes proofreading essays, checking the completeness of all sections, and confirming that your transcripts and letters of recommendation are in order. Pay the application fee (or request a fee waiver if applicable) and submit your application before the deadline.

4. Post-submission

After submitting your application, stay engaged with Notre Dame. This can involve participating in alumni interviews if offered, attending virtual events, and keeping an eye on your application status via the university’s portal. Ensure any additional or missing documents are submitted promptly.

5. Awaiting results

While waiting for the admission decision, focus on maintaining strong academic performance and staying involved in your extracurricular activities. Prepare for other college applications if you are applying to multiple universities. Lastly, check your email and application portal regularly for updates from Notre Dame.

How to Submit Supplemental Materials to Notre Dame

Submitting supplemental materials to the University of Notre Dame can enrich your application. These materials can provide the admissions committee with a deeper understanding of your talents and passions.

The University of Notre Dame encourages the submission of supplementary materials for students interested in studying art, music, or architecture. These materials will be reviewed by the specific department related to your area of interest.

However, it’s important to note that the university does not accept physical submissions of these materials.

Submission methods

Supplementary materials at Notre Dame should be submitted through the SlideRoom application, which is accessible via the Common Application or the Coalition Application. This is a streamlined way to ensure your materials are reviewed by the appropriate department.

Remember, you must have submitted your main application (Common Application or Coalition Application) before you can upload media through SlideRoom.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Gather the supplementary materials that best showcase your skills in art, music, or architecture.
  2. Complete and submit the Common Application or Coalition Application.
  3. Access the SlideRoom application through your Common Application or Coalition Application.
  4. Carefully upload your supplementary materials to SlideRoom by the relevant deadlines.
  5. Be mindful of the submission deadlines, which vary depending on whether you are a QuestBridge Match applicant, an Early Decision applicant, or a Regular Decision applicant.
  6. Ensure that your materials have been successfully uploaded and submitted.

By following these steps, you can effectively submit your supplementary materials to the University of Notre Dame, highlighting your special talents and interests in specific academic areas.

Other Notre Dame Application Matters

Navigating the application process for Notre Dame involves not only preparing your application but also understanding the various options and resources available to you. This includes comprehending the financial aid opportunities, different application pathways, and application deadlines.

Scholarships and financial aid

Notre Dame provides an array of financial support options, encompassing both need-based and merit-based scholarships.

Need-based aid includes university scholarships, club scholarships, private scholarships, as well as federal and state grants. Merit-based awards recognize exceptional achievement and potential, irrespective of financial need.

The university’s participation in Questbridge highlights its commitment to supporting high-achieving, low-income students.

Notre Dame’s pledge to meet 100% of demonstrated financial need underscores its commitment to making education accessible, encouraging students to apply for financial aid if needed.

Regular Decision vs Early Action

Understanding the differences between Notre Dame’s Restrictive Early Action (REA) and Regular Decision pathways is vital.

REA is a non-binding option that allows applicants to receive an early response from the university, whereas Regular Decision provides more time to complete applications but typically offers later admission notifications.

Both pathways allow students the flexibility to consider their options fully before making a final decision. The choice between REA and Regular Decision should be based on your preparedness, application strength, and readiness to commit to Notre Dame.

Application deadlines

For prospective students of the University of Notre Dame, being aware of the specific application deadlines is crucial for timely submission:

  • Restrictive Early Action: November 1
  • Regular Decision: January 1

It’s important to note that both the REA and Regular Decision processes are non-binding, allowing students ample time to make their final decision about attending Notre Dame.

How Hard is It to Get into Notre Dame?

Gaining admission to the University of Notre Dame is a challenging endeavor, reflecting the institution’s high academic and holistic standards. This prestigious university, located in Indiana, USA, is known for its rigorous selection process. Notre Dame’s acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 is 12%, making it one of the more competitive universities in the United States.

The university evaluates applicants based on various criteria, including academic achievements, standardized test scores (like the SAT or ACT), extracurricular involvement, leadership qualities, and personal essays. Strong academic performance is a must, with most admitted students being at the top of their high school classes. However, Notre Dame also places significant emphasis on character, community involvement, and the potential for future leadership, aligning with its values.

Benefits of Attending Notre Dame

Attending the University of Notre Dame comes with a lot of benefits that extend beyond the realm of academics. Firstly, the university is renowned for its rigorous academic programs across various disciplines, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.

Notre Dame also boasts a strong sense of community and tradition. This community spirit fosters personal growth and lasting friendships among students. Additionally, the university’s extensive alumni network provides valuable connections and opportunities in various professional fields post-graduation.

The campus itself is a blend of historic and modern facilities, offering state-of-the-art resources for research, learning, and extracurricular activities. Moreover, Notre Dame’s commitment to service and ethical leadership aligns with its mission to develop not just academically proficient graduates, but also socially responsible and empathetic individuals.

How Can an International Student Get into Notre Dame?

International students aspiring to join Notre Dame face a competitive admission process, akin to that of U.S. students, with some additional steps. To start with, strong academic records and standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) are fundamental. Additionally, proficiency in English is a must, often demonstrated through TOEFL or IELTS scores, unless the student’s primary language of instruction has been English.

The application process also involves submitting a personal essay, recommendation letters, and a list of extracurricular activities. International students must also be mindful of additional financial documentation required to demonstrate the ability to afford education and living expenses in the U.S.

Furthermore, cultural diversity and international perspectives are highly valued at Notre Dame, so showcasing one’s unique background and global outlook in the application can be advantageous.

How to Get into Notre Dame as a Transfer Student?

Transfer students interested in Notre Dame must navigate a distinct application process, with a focus on their college-level achievements. Notre Dame evaluates transfer applicants based on college transcripts, high school records, SAT or ACT scores, and recommendations. A competitive GPA at the college level is crucial, along with a demonstrated commitment to extracurricular activities and community service.

The application also includes essays where transfer students should articulate their reasons for transferring and how Notre Dame aligns with their academic and personal goals. Transfer applicants need to showcase how they have grown and what they can contribute to the Notre Dame community.

Notre Dame’s transfer acceptance rate is typically lower than its first-year acceptance rate, indicating an even more selective process. Therefore, transfer applicants must ensure their application holistically reflects their academic prowess, character, and alignment with Notre Dame’s values.

Can an Average Student Get Into Notre Dame?

Gaining admission to the University of Notre Dame is a challenging yet attainable goal, even for an average student. Notre Dame is known for its rigorous academic standards and competitive admission process, but it’s important to remember that the university evaluates candidates on various criteria beyond just academic performance.

To understand your chances as an average student, consider Notre Dame’s holistic admission process. This approach means the admissions committee looks at your entire profile — including extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, community service, essays, and letters of recommendation — in addition to your grades and test scores. These aspects of your application can significantly enhance your appeal as a candidate, especially if they align with Notre Dame’s principles.

It’s also beneficial to showcase your unique talents, passions, or experiences that can contribute to the diverse Notre Dame community. Remember, the definition of an ‘average student’ can vary, and what might be average in one context could be exceptional in another.

How to Get into Notre Dame with a Low GPA?

Securing admission to Notre Dame with a low GPA requires a strategic approach, focusing on strengthening other parts of your application. Here are some tips:

  • Excellent Standardized Test Scores: Achieving high scores on the SAT or ACT can compensate for a lower GPA, indicating your academic potential.
  • Compelling Essays: Your application essays are a crucial opportunity to tell your unique story. Discuss your passions, the challenges you’ve overcome, and how these experiences have prepared you for a university like Notre Dame.
  • Strong Letters of Recommendation: Seek recommendations from teachers or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths, character, and potential.
  • Demonstrate Interest and Fit: Show your genuine interest in Notre Dame and how you align with its values. This can be through campus visits, interactions with the admissions office, and your application essays.
  • Highlight Extracurricular Achievements: If your GPA is low, your achievements outside the classroom can play a significant role. Leadership roles, community service, or unique talents can make your application stand out.

What Makes Notre Dame Unique?

Notre Dame stands out for several reasons, making it a unique and sought-after institution for higher education:

  • Academic Excellence: Known for its rigorous academic programs, Notre Dame offers a rich educational experience with a strong emphasis on undergraduate teaching.
  • Catholic Identity: As a Catholic university, Notre Dame is deeply rooted in its religious principles, which influences its educational approach and community life.
  • Global Perspective: Notre Dame emphasizes a global outlook, offering numerous study abroad programs and fostering a diverse international community on campus.
  • Commitment to Service: The university has a strong tradition of community service and social responsibility, encouraging students to engage in meaningful service projects.
  • Vibrant Campus Life: Notre Dame is renowned for its spirited campus culture, including its athletic programs, particularly football, and a wide range of student activities and organizations.

What Does the Notre Dame Application Look Like?

The Notre Dame application process is designed to give a comprehensive view of each applicant. Here’s what to expect:

  • Application Form: Notre Dame accepts the Common Application, which includes standard information about your academic background, extracurricular activities, and personal details.
  • Essays: You will need to write several essays. These include responses to prompts in the Common Application and supplementary essays specifically for Notre Dame. These essays are your chance to showcase your personality, motivations, and fit with the university.
  • Academic Records: Your high school transcripts and standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) are required to assess your academic readiness.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Notre Dame requires letters of recommendation, typically from your high school teachers and a counselor, to provide insights into your character and academic abilities.
  • Interview: While not mandatory, an interview can be a beneficial component of your application, offering a personal interaction with the admissions committee or alumni.
  • Application Fee or Waiver: There is a fee for submitting your application, though waivers are available for eligible students.

Each component of the Notre Dame application is an opportunity to present a well-rounded and authentic picture of yourself. It’s important to approach each part thoughtfully and thoroughly, aligning your presentation with Notre Dame’s values and what they seek in their students.

Is Notre Dame a Good School for You?

Deciding if the University of Notre Dame is the right fit for you requires a thoughtful assessment of your academic goals, personal values, and career aspirations. Known for its strong sense of community and commitment to academic excellence, Notre Dame offers a unique blend of rigorous academic programs and a rich tradition rooted in its Catholic identity.

Academic Environment

Notre Dame is renowned for its high academic standards. It offers a wide range of undergraduate programs, with notable strengths in business, engineering, and the liberal arts. If you thrive in an environment that challenges you intellectually while offering support and resources to succeed, Notre Dame could be a great choice.

Campus Life

The university prides itself on a vibrant campus life. With a variety of clubs, organizations, and athletic events, there is always something happening. The sense of community at Notre Dame is palpable, with a strong emphasis on service and leadership.

Values and Tradition

As a Catholic institution, Notre Dame places a significant emphasis on faith, ethics, and service. While it welcomes students from all backgrounds, it’s important to consider how this aspect of the university aligns with your personal beliefs and values.

How Selective is Notre Dame?

Admission to Notre Dame is highly competitive. The university is known for its selective admissions process, looking for students who not only excel academically but also embody the values and spirit of the school.

Admission Statistics

Notre Dame’s acceptance rate has been historically low, hovering around 12-15%. This means that out of every 100 applicants, only about 12 to 15 students are admitted. Such selectivity indicates the high caliber of students Notre Dame seeks.

Holistic Review

Notre Dame employs a holistic review process. This means that while test scores and grades are important, the admissions committee also heavily weighs personal essays, recommendation letters, extracurricular involvement, and demonstrated interest in the university.

Should You Apply to Notre Dame?

Deciding to apply to Notre Dame should be based on a careful consideration of how well the school aligns with your academic and personal goals. Consider the following factors:

  • Fit with Academic Programs: If Notre Dame offers strong programs in your area of interest, it could be an excellent choice. Research the courses and opportunities available in your intended major.
  • Cost and Financial Aid: Understand the cost of attendance and explore the financial aid options. Notre Dame offers need-based financial aid and scholarships, which can make it more accessible if cost is a concern.
  • Personal Values: Reflect on how Notre Dame’s values and campus culture align with your own. If you value a community-oriented, faith-based educational environment, Notre Dame could be a good fit.

How Does Notre Dame Review Applications?

Notre Dame’s application review process is comprehensive and student-focused. The admissions committee looks at each applicant holistically, considering all aspects of their application.

  • Academic Performance: High school grades, course rigor, and standardized test scores (if submitted) are critically assessed to ensure that applicants can meet the academic challenges at Notre Dame.
  • Extracurricular Involvement: The university values well-rounded students. Involvement in clubs, sports, community service, or other activities is a key part of the application.
  • Essays and Recommendations: Personal essays and letters of recommendation provide insight into a student’s character, motivations, and potential contributions to the Notre Dame community. These components allow the admissions team to see beyond grades and test scores.
  • Interviews: While not required, interviews can offer an additional dimension to your application, giving you a chance to personally express your interest in Notre Dame and discuss your achievements and aspirations.

Applying to Notre Dame requires not only academic excellence but also a deep consideration of how the university’s ethos and offerings align with your personal and academic goals. As a prestigious and highly selective institution, Notre Dame seeks students who are not only academically talented but also eager to contribute to and benefit from its unique community and values.

Does Notre Dame Require Interviews?

When considering applying to the University of Notre Dame, a prestigious and well-respected institution, applicants often wonder about the role of interviews in the admissions process. It’s essential to understand that Notre Dame does not typically require interviews as a part of their undergraduate admissions process. Unlike some other universities, where an interview might be a critical component of the application, Notre Dame focuses more on other aspects of an applicant’s profile.

However, it’s important to note that while interviews are not a mandatory requirement, there might be opportunities for prospective students to engage with alumni or admissions representatives in other settings. These interactions, though not formal interviews, can still be valuable for gaining insights into the university and demonstrating interest. Rest assured, not participating in these events will not negatively impact your application.

What Extracurriculars Do You Need for Notre Dame?

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in the admissions process at Notre Dame. The university seeks well-rounded individuals who have demonstrated commitment and leadership in various areas outside the classroom. However, there’s no specific “checklist” of extracurriculars that you need to participate in to get accepted.

Notre Dame values diversity in experiences and interests, so it’s more about the quality and depth of your involvement than the number of activities. Leadership roles, consistent involvement, and activities that showcase your passions and skills are highly regarded.

Whether it’s sports, community service, arts, or academic clubs, what matters most is how you’ve contributed and grown through these experiences. Authenticity and passion in your extracurricular pursuits can make a strong impression.

What Should You Write About in Your Personal Statement to Get into Notre Dame?

The personal statement for Notre Dame is your opportunity to present who you are beyond your grades and test scores. This essay should reflect your unique personality, experiences, and aspirations. While there’s no one-size-fits-all topic, it’s crucial to choose a subject that is genuinely meaningful to you.

Your essay could focus on a significant challenge you’ve overcome, a moment of personal growth, or an experience that has shaped your worldview. The key is to be authentic and introspective. Notre Dame values students who can reflect on their experiences and demonstrate how they’ve been shaped by them. Your statement should also align with the values and ethos of Notre Dame, showcasing attributes like community involvement, leadership, and a commitment to personal excellence.

How Do You Write a Notre Dame Supplemental Essay?

Writing a compelling supplemental essay for Notre Dame requires a deep understanding of the university’s principles and how you align with them. Notre Dame’s supplemental essays usually ask applicants to address specific aspects of their identity, experiences, or interests about the university’s community and values.

To write an effective supplemental essay, start by thoroughly researching Notre Dame – its mission, values, traditions, and academic programs. Reflect on how these aspects resonate with your own experiences and goals. Be specific about why Notre Dame is the right fit for you and how you can contribute to its community.

Your essay should be concise, clear, and focused. Use specific examples to illustrate your points and avoid general statements. Show your enthusiasm for the university and communicate your vision for how you would engage with the Notre Dame community. Remember, the supplemental essay is a chance to showcase aspects of yourself that aren’t evident in other parts of your application.

What Enrichment Opportunities Will Help You Get Into Notre Dame?

Gaining admission to the University of Notre Dame, a prestigious and highly competitive institution, requires more than just good grades and test scores. To stand out, students should engage in enrichment opportunities that showcase their unique talents, interests, and commitment to personal growth.

Leadership and Community Service

Notre Dame values leadership and service. Taking on leadership roles in school clubs, sports teams, or community organizations demonstrates your ability to lead and make positive changes. Similarly, consistent community service shows a commitment to helping others, a key aspect of Notre Dame’s mission.

Academic Competitions and Research

Participation in academic competitions (like Science Olympiads or Math Leagues) or involvement in research projects (especially those leading to publications or presentations) can significantly strengthen your application. Such activities exhibit intellectual curiosity and a dedication to academic excellence.

Arts and Cultural Activities

If you have a talent in the arts, whether it be in music, theater, visual arts, or dance, developing and showcasing these skills can be beneficial. Notre Dame appreciates students who contribute to the cultural and artistic diversity of their community.

Summer Programs and Workshops

Enrolling in summer programs, especially those with academic focuses, can be a great way to deepen your knowledge in areas of interest. These programs often offer college-level experiences and can provide a glimpse into university life.

Internships and Job Experience

Part-time jobs or internships, particularly those related to your intended field of study, demonstrate responsibility and real-world experience. They can also provide valuable insights into your career aspirations.

Remember, the key is not just to participate in these activities but to excel in them and show a genuine passion. Notre Dame looks for well-rounded individuals who have made significant contributions to their schools and communities.

Do You Need to Take AP Courses to Get into Notre Dame?

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are often seen as a means to strengthen a college application. Notre Dame, like many selective universities, views these courses favorably as they indicate a student’s ability to handle college-level work.

The Importance of Rigor

Notre Dame admissions officers look for students who have challenged themselves academically. Taking AP courses can demonstrate your willingness and ability to take on rigorous coursework. However, it’s crucial to balance course load with your ability to maintain high grades.

Context Matters

Admissions officers also consider the context of your high school experience. If your school offers a limited number of AP courses, you won’t be penalized for not taking more than what’s available. In such cases, Honors courses or dual-enrollment classes at a local college can also be beneficial.

Focus on Your Strengths

It’s advisable to take AP courses in subjects where you are strong and interested. Excelling in these courses can highlight your academic strengths and interests, which is something Notre Dame values.

In summary, while AP courses can strengthen your application, they are not the only factor Notre Dame considers. Demonstrating academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and a commitment to learning within your high school’s context is what truly matters

Does Notre Dame Accept AP Credit?

Yes, the University of Notre Dame does accept Advanced Placement (AP) credit, which can be beneficial for incoming students.

Earning College Credit

Students can earn college credit at Notre Dame for high scores on AP exams, typically a score of 4 or 5. This can allow students to place out of introductory courses, pursue advanced coursework earlier, or even graduate early.

Department-Specific Policies

It’s important to note that AP credit acceptance varies by department. Some departments may have specific requirements or limitations on the use of AP credits. It’s advisable to check Notre Dame’s official policies or consult with academic advisors for detailed information.

Strategic Planning

Using AP credits effectively requires strategic academic planning. While they can offer flexibility in your college schedule, it’s important to ensure that you still meet all graduation requirements and take full advantage of the Notre Dame educational experience.

Will Notre Dame Look at Your Social Media?

In today’s digital age, it’s natural to wonder if universities like Notre Dame check applicants’ social media profiles. While there’s no official policy stating that Notre Dame routinely checks applicants’ social media, it’s important to maintain a positive online presence.

Digital Footprint Matters

Your digital footprint can sometimes come to the attention of admissions officers. Inappropriate or offensive content can negatively impact your application. It’s wise to ensure that your online behavior reflects the same maturity and responsibility you demonstrate in your application.

Positive Online Presence

Instead of worrying about negative impacts, consider how a positive online presence can be an asset. Showcasing your hobbies, volunteer work, or any positive community engagement can strengthen your brand.

Privacy Settings

Be mindful of your privacy settings and the content you share online. It’s always a good practice to keep your profiles clean and respectful, regardless of college admissions.

Will Visiting Notre Dame Help You Get In?

Visiting Notre Dame does not directly influence your chances of admission. However, it can be beneficial for several reasons.

While Notre Dame doesn’t officially track “demonstrated interest” as part of its admissions process, showing that you have taken the time to visit can reflect your genuine interest in the university.

Visiting the campus can provide valuable insights into student life, academic programs, and the overall atmosphere at Notre Dame. This understanding can help you write a more informed and compelling application.

Campus visits also offer opportunities to meet faculty, staff, and current students. These interactions can provide additional perspectives and sometimes valuable advice for your application.

While a campus visit to Notre Dame is not a requirement and doesn’t guarantee admission, it can enrich your understanding of the university and help you in crafting a more personalized application.


In conclusion, applying to the University of Notre Dame requires meticulous preparation across various aspects.

Key elements include understanding and meeting the university’s academic requirements, aligning your application with Notre Dame’s core values, and navigating the application process including financial aid options, application pathways, and deadlines.

Equally crucial is crafting compelling essays, securing strong recommendations, and ensuring all application components are thoroughly and thoughtfully addressed.

The competition for admission to Notre Dame is intense. The university seeks students who not only excel academically but also embody a diverse range of talents, leadership qualities, and alignment with its ethos. Prospective students must approach the application process with both ambition and strategic planning.

We can help you figure out how to get into Notre Dame

At AdmissionSight, we specialize in guiding students through the competitive college admissions landscape.

Our expertise in application strategy, essay writing, and holistic preparation can significantly enhance your chances of admission to Notre Dame. We offer personalized counseling to highlight your unique strengths and align your application with Notre Dame’s expectations.

Contact us for a free consultation and take the first step towards realizing your Notre Dame aspirations.


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