
Hobbies to Try for Busy College Students

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Multiracial students sitting on a bench.

Hobbies to Try for Busy College Students

What Are Some Easy Hobbies to Do in College?

College life can be one of the most exciting and transformative periods of one’s life, but it can also be incredibly hectic and overwhelming. With academic demands and often part-time jobs, it’s easy for college students to feel stretched thin and exhausted. The pressure to perform academically, find a career path, and manage personal responsibilities can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety.

As college students navigate the challenges and demands of academic life, it’s important to prioritize activities outside of the classroom that bring joy and relaxation. Engaging in hobbies is an excellent way to relieve stress, improve mental health, and cultivate personal interests for busy college students.

Intelligent international students preparing for final exams at public park, using laptop and notebooks

Hobbies can be anything from creative pursuits to physical activities, or even learning a new skill. Hobbies not only provide a much-needed break from academic pressures but can also help in personal growth, social connections, and a sense of accomplishment.

You may wonder, “What are some easy hobbies to do in college?” Here are some easy hobbies to try in college that can fit into even the busiest schedules and enhance your overall college experience.

  1. Reading: This may seem obvious, but reading can be a great way to unwind and learn something new. Whether it’s a classic novel or a current bestseller, reading is a low-cost hobby that can be done almost anywhere.
  2. Coloring: Coloring books for adults have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Coloring can be a soothing and meditative activity, and it does not require any special equipment.
  3. Writing: Journaling, creative writing, or blogging can be a therapeutic way to express oneself and develop one’s writing skills. Writing can also be a useful tool for reflecting on personal growth and processing difficult emotions.
  4. Photography: With the prevalence of smartphones, it is easier than ever to take and edit photos. Photography can be a fun way to capture memories and explore one’s creativity, and there are plenty of free resources available online for learning the basics.
  5. Listening to Podcasts: Podcasts are perfect for busy college students because you can listen to them while you are walking to class or to pass the time for commuter students. With a wide range of topics to choose from, there is something for everyone. You can learn new things, hear interesting stories, or just enjoy some comedic relief.
  6. Crafting: From knitting to woodworking to jewelry making, there are countless crafting hobbies to choose from. Many college campuses also offer crafting clubs or classes, providing an opportunity to socialize and learn from others.
  7. Cooking: Cooking is a great hobby for college students who want to improve their culinary skills. Cooking allows you to be creative and experiment with different ingredients and recipes. It can also be a fun way to bond with friends or roommates. With many easy and quick recipes available online, cooking can be a stress-free hobby that fits into a busy schedule.
  8. Gardening: Indoor or outdoor, gardening can be a rewarding hobby that promotes mindfulness and environmental awareness. Even if you do not have access to a garden plot, potted plants or an indoor herb garden can be a great way to bring a little bit of nature into your living space.
  9. Exercise: Physical activity is not only good for your health, but it can also be a fun and stress-relieving hobby. Whether it is swimming, running, dancing, biking, or something else, there are plenty of ways to get moving and stay active.
  10. Yoga & Meditation: Yoga and meditation are excellent hobbies for college students looking to relieve stress and improve mental focus. These ancient practices help cultivate mindfulness, enhance flexibility, and promote overall well-being. Moreover, you can practice yoga and meditation in your dorm room using online resources and apps.

While it may seem challenging to add another activity to an already busy schedule, incorporating a hobby into a routine can aid in having a more fulfilling and balanced college experience.

When exploring new hobbies, take note that the most important aspect is that it brings joy and relaxation to your life. So do not be afraid to experiment and try new things until you find a hobby that feels right for you.

What Is the Importance of Having a Hobby in College?

What is the importance of having a hobby in college? College students lead a busy life with endless assignments, projects, and exams. While it is essential to prioritize academics, it is equally vital to have a well-rounded life. One way to achieve this is by having a hobby one can enjoy doing during their free time.

Let’s explore some significant benefits of having hobbies for college students.

Stress Relief

College life can be stressful, with the pressure to excel academically and maintain social relationships. Hobbies provide a way to unwind and take a break from the pressures of college life. Engaging in an enjoyable activity can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, leading to improved mental health.

Female student looking stressed out.

Improved Time Management Skills

Having a hobby requires time management skills to balance academic work and leisure activities. Students can learn to manage their time effectively and improve their organizational skills by doing things they are interested in. This skill is valuable in college and beyond, as it helps one to juggle multiple responsibilities.

Personal Growth

Hobbies can provide an avenue for personal growth and development. By learning new skills or improving on existing ones, students can boost their confidence, increase their creativity, and expand their knowledge. This personal growth can positively impact their academic performance, social relationships, and future careers.

Female student glancing behind at the camera.

Networking Opportunities

Participating in a hobby can provide networking opportunities that can be beneficial in a student’s future career. Joining a club or organization related to one’s hobby can allow students to meet like-minded individuals, make connections, and gain valuable experiences.

Enhanced Academic Performance

Engaging in a hobby can help improve academic performance. Studies have shown that participating in leisure activities can increase cognitive abilities, such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. These skills can translate to better academic performance.

Improved Physical Health

Hobbies that involve physical activity, such as sports or dancing, can improve physical health. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It can also improve mood and overall well-being.

In conclusion, having a hobby in college is essential for a well-rounded and fulfilling college experience. Engaging in leisure activities can provide stress relief, improve time management skills, promote personal growth, provide networking opportunities, enhance academic performance, and improve physical health. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder why having a hobby is so important for college students.

How Do You Balance Studies with Hobbies in College?

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, college students are under constant pressure to excel academically and secure a promising future. With academic obligations, extracurricular activities,  and social events all vying for attention, students often choose to give up on their hobbies.

Striking the perfect equilibrium between studies and hobbies can be difficult, but it is essential for personal growth, stress relief, and overall well-being.  Students often ask, “How do you balance studies with hobbies in college?”

Here’s a quick guide on how to efficiently manage your time, and get the best balance between your studies and co-curricular activities.

Plan Your Schedule

The first step in balancing studies and hobbies is to plan your schedule. Make a list of all the activities you need to complete each day and prioritize them based on their importance. Allocate time slots for studying, attending classes, completing assignments, and participating in extracurricular activities. This will help you stay organized and focused, and ensure that you have enough time for your hobbies.

Students walking in the school campus.

Set Realistic Goals

It’s essential to set realistic goals for both your studies and hobbies. Be honest with yourself about how much time you can devote to each activity and what you hope to achieve. Avoid taking on too much, as this can lead to burnout and stress. Instead, focus on a few hobbies that you enjoy and set achievable goals for each.

Be Disciplined

Discipline is key when it comes to balancing studies and hobbies. Set aside specific times for studying and stick to them, even if it means saying no to social events or other activities. Similarly, make sure you allocate time for your hobbies and commit to them. This may mean giving up some free time, but it will pay off in the long run.

Combine Your Hobbies with Studying

One way to balance studies and hobbies is to combine them. For example, suppose you enjoy listening to music, create a playlist of instrumental music to help you focus while studying. Alternatively, if you enjoy writing, consider starting a blog or journal to document your college experience. This way, you can pursue your hobbies while still staying on top of your studies.

Take Breaks

Finally, it’s important to take breaks. Studying for hours on end without a break can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Dr. Charlotte Fritz, an Associate Professor in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Portland State University, coined the term “Microbreak” to describe the best type of break for getting your tasks done efficiently.

Microbreaks are brief, informal breaks that are taken during the workday to engage in non-work-related activities. Just as these breaks provide benefits in the workplace, microbreaks can help students improve their overall productivity.

By taking advantage of these brief moments to indulge in their hobbies, students can foster a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, ultimately leading to better academic performance and a more fulfilling college experience.

Balancing studies and hobbies in college can require great effort, but it is possible with proper planning, discipline, and realistic goal-setting. By prioritizing your time, staying focused, and taking breaks when needed, you can enjoy your hobbies while still achieving academic success. Remember, college is a time to learn, grow, and explore, so make sure you make the most of it!

Can Hobbies Help in Your Future Career?

The importance of developing a diverse skill set cannot be overstated at the present time. One often overlooked avenue for personal and professional growth lies in the pursuit of hobbies.

Hobbies, the activities we engage in outside of our work or school lives, can be instrumental in shaping our future careers. This intriguing relationship between hobbies and career advancement raises the question: Can hobbies truly help in your future career?

Let’s examine the various ways hobbies can contribute to professional development, enhance transferable skills, and ultimately provide a competitive edge in the job market.

Develop New Skills

Many hobbies require you to develop new skills that can be transferable to your future career. For example, if you enjoy painting or drawing, you may develop skills such as attention to detail, patience, and creativity, which are highly valued in many professions, including graphic design and marketing.

Group of students walking in the campus.

Widen Your Network

Hobbies can also provide networking opportunities that can be beneficial for your future career. For instance, if you enjoy playing basketball, you may meet people who work in the sports industry, and they can offer valuable insights into potential job opportunities. Networking can also lead to mentorship and career guidance.

Showcasing Your Personality

Your hobbies can give potential employers a glimpse of your personality and what you can bring to the table. For instance, if you enjoy volunteering, it can demonstrate that you are a compassionate and socially responsible person who is committed to making a positive impact on society. Employers often look for candidates who can bring unique perspectives and experiences to their organizations.

Stress Management

Hobbies can help manage stress and prevent burnout. Stress management is critical for your future career as it can help you maintain focus, motivation, and productivity. Engaging in hobbies you enjoy can reduce stress levels, improve your mental health, and increase your overall well-being.

Building Confidence

Hobbies can also help build confidence and self-esteem, which are crucial for success in any career. Engaging in activities that you enjoy and excel at can boost your self-confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment. This confidence can translate into your professional life and help you tackle challenges more easily.

Individuals enrich their lives and improve their career prospects by investing time and effort in hobbies, paving the way for a more successful and fulfilling professional journey.

Furthermore, for busy college students, trying different hobbies can be a game-changer for personal and academic growth. By exposing themselves to new experiences, college students can discover hidden talents and passions that may influence their career choices.

Ultimately, trying different hobbies enables college students to develop a well-rounded skill set and create a richer, more balanced life that will serve them well beyond their academic years.

Now, if you are a prospective college student, you can continue doing your interests or explore new passions in college. However, the thing that you should be prioritizing now is the college admissions process.

College admissions have become increasingly competitive over the years, particularly at prestigious institutions. If you aim to study at the top-ranked universities in the US, it’s best to consult college admissions experts like AdmissionSight.

AdmissionSight comprises a team of experts, guiding students through the tough admissions process for more than ten years. If you would like to know more about us, feel free to set up an appointment today for an initial consultation.


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