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The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

April 16, 2023
By AdmissionSight
Young woman typing in a table next to a window.

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

What is the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards?

What is the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards? The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is a nationally recognized program that was created to celebrate and promote creativity in students in grades 7-12. The program has been in existence for nearly 100 years, making it the longest-running program of its kind in the United States.

The program is divided into two categories: Art and Writing. The Art category includes 17 different art forms, including painting, sculpture, digital art, and photography, among others. The Writing category includes 27 different genres, including poetry, fiction, journalism, and memoir, among others.

Students are encouraged to submit their creative works to the program for a chance to receive recognition and awards. The awards are given out on the national, regional, and local levels, with thousands of students participating every year.

The program is judged by a panel of experts in the fields of art and writing. Judges are looking for entries that demonstrate originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. Winning entries are showcased in exhibitions and publications and can lead to future opportunities for the student.

View of a student writing in his journal.

In addition to recognition and awards, participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards provides students with valuable feedback on their creative work. Judges critique each entry, which can help students improve their technical skills and develop their personal voice or vision.

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is open to students in all 50 states, as well as American schools abroad. The program is free to enter, and students can submit as many entries as they wish.

Overall, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is a valuable program that provides students with a platform to showcase their creative talents and receive recognition for their hard work. The program celebrates and promotes creativity in students and encourages them to continue to explore their artistic and literary interests.

What are the benefits of participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards?

What are the advantages of joining the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards? Participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards provides students with a wide range of benefits, both personal and professional. Here are some of the key benefits of participating in the program:

Recognition and Prestige

Winning a Scholastic Art & Writing Award is a significant achievement and provides recognition and prestige for the student’s creative work. Winning entries are showcased in exhibitions and publications, providing exposure and recognition for the student’s talents.

College and Career Opportunities

Winning a Scholastic Art & Writing Award can also open up doors to college and career opportunities for students. Many colleges and universities offer scholarships to Scholastic winners, and winning entries can also lead to internship and job opportunities in the creative industries. For example, winners of the program have gone on to work for well-known media companies, such as The New Yorker, Vogue, and Pixar.

Close up face of school girl looking at camera while studying on computer.

Feedback and Growth

Participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards provides students with valuable feedback on their creative work. Judges provide critiques on each entry, which can help students improve their technical skills and develop their personal voice or vision. This feedback can be instrumental in helping students refine their work and grow as artists or writers.

Community and Networking

Participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards connects students with a community of other creative students and professionals. Winners are invited to attend events and exhibitions where they can meet other artists and writers, as well as industry professionals. This can be a valuable networking opportunity for students interested in pursuing careers in the creative industries.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards can also boost students’ confidence and self-esteem. Winning an award can provide a sense of accomplishment and validation for students who may have previously doubted their creative abilities. This confidence can translate into other areas of their lives, helping them to take risks and pursue their passions with greater conviction.

Exposure to New Ideas and Techniques

Participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards exposes students to new ideas and techniques in their respective fields. By seeing the work of other students and professionals, students can gain inspiration and learn new skills that they can incorporate into their own work.

Creativity and Self-Expression

Ultimately, participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is about fostering creativity and self-expression in students. By providing a platform for students to showcase their talents, the program encourages students to explore their creative interests and express themselves in new and exciting ways.

a female student studying

Overall, the benefits of participating in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are numerous and far-reaching. From recognition and career opportunities to personal growth and self-expression, the program provides students with a wealth of opportunities to develop their creative talents and achieve their goals.

How to prepare a winning entry for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

How do you prepare a winning Scholastic Art & Writing Awards entry? Preparing a winning entry for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards requires time, effort, and creativity. Here are some tips to help you create a winning entry:

Start Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to start your entry. Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, gather inspiration, and create your work. This will give you the opportunity to revise and refine your work before the deadline.

Follow the Guidelines

Be sure to carefully read and follow the guidelines for your category and genre. The guidelines will provide you with important information on formatting, length, and other requirements. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in disqualification.

Be Original

The judges are looking for entries that demonstrate originality and a unique perspective. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new. Choose a topic or subject matter that excites you and showcases your individual voice or vision.

Pay Attention to Technical Skills

While originality is important, technical skills are also crucial. Pay attention to details such as composition, lighting, color, and grammar. Take the time to refine your skills and create a polished final product.

Develop Your Voice or Vision

The judges are looking for entries that demonstrate the emergence of a personal voice or vision. Take the time to think about what makes your work unique and what you want to communicate through your art or writing. Create something that reflects your individual perspective and showcases your talents and abilities.

Get Feedback

Show your work to others and ask for feedback. This can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your work. Seek feedback from people with diverse perspectives and backgrounds, as this can help you gain a better understanding of how your work is perceived by others.

Submit Your Best Work

When you submit your entry, make sure it is your best work. Review it carefully for errors and make sure it meets all the guidelines. Don’t rush to submit your work if you are not completely satisfied with it. Take the time to refine and polish it until it meets your standards.

Keep Creating

Even if you don’t win a Scholastic Art & Writing Award, keep creating! The process of creating and sharing your work is valuable in and of itself. Use the feedback you receive to continue to grow and develop your skills.

Tips for Writing a Winning Entry

Submitting an entry in the Writing category of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards requires strong writing skills and a unique perspective. Here are some tips to help you create a winning entry:

Choose a Strong Topic

Choosing a topic that you are passionate about and that is meaningful to you is key to writing a winning entry. This will help you write with authenticity and emotional depth, and it will also help you stay motivated throughout the writing process.

A close up of a student taking an exam.

Use Vivid Details

Using vivid sensory details is a great way to bring your writing to life and make it more engaging for the reader. Describe what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in a way that engages the reader’s senses. This will help the reader to visualize the story in their mind and become more invested in the narrative.

Create Compelling Characters

Creating characters that are complex and interesting is essential to writing a winning entry. Give your characters strengths and weaknesses, hopes and fears, and a unique perspective on the world. This will help to make your story more engaging and memorable for the reader.

Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of telling the reader how your character feels or what is happening in the story, show it through their actions, thoughts, and dialogue. This will make your writing more engaging and immersive, and it will also help the reader to feel more connected to the story and the characters.

Edit, Edit, Edit

Taking the time to revise and edit your work is crucial to creating a winning entry. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Cut out unnecessary words and phrases to make your writing more concise and impactful. It is also important to have someone else read your work and provide feedback to help you improve your writing.

Read and Learn from Other Writers

Reading and learning from other writers is a great way to improve your writing skills and gain inspiration for your own work. Reading a variety of genres and styles can also help you to expand your vocabulary and develop your own unique writing voice.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, writing takes practice to master. Take the time to write every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. Set writing goals for yourself and try to meet them. The more you write, the more you will improve and the more confident you will become in your abilities.

In summary, creating a winning entry in the Writing category of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards requires strong writing skills, a unique perspective, and attention to detail. Following these tips can help you to create a memorable and engaging story that showcases your talents and sets you apart from other entrants.

Tips for Creating a Winning Art Entry

Submitting an entry in the Art category of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards requires creativity, technical skill, and a unique perspective. Here are some tips to help you create a winning art entry:

Experiment with Different Mediums

Try experimenting with different mediums to find the one that best fits your style and vision. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different mediums to create unique effects. For example, you could combine acrylic paint with oil pastels or use charcoal to add texture to a graphite drawing.

Focus on Composition

Pay attention to composition when creating your art. Consider the placement of objects, the use of negative space, and the overall balance of the piece. A well-composed artwork is visually appealing and draws the viewer’s eye to the most important parts of the piece.

Use Color to Create Mood

Color can be a powerful tool in creating mood and atmosphere in your art. Experiment with different color palettes to create different emotions and tones. For example, warm colors like red and orange can create a feeling of excitement or energy, while cool colors like blue and green can create a feeling of calm or serenity.

Consider the Viewer’s Perspective

Think about how your art will be viewed by the viewer. Consider the angle and distance from which it will be seen and how it will be displayed. If your artwork is meant to be hung on a wall, for example, consider the height at which it will be displayed and the lighting in the room.

Be Original

Don’t be afraid to take risks and create something that is truly original. Your unique vision and perspective can set your work apart and make it stand out to the judges. Try to incorporate your personal interests and experiences into your artwork to make it more authentic and meaningful.

Pay Attention to Technical Skills

While originality is important, technical skills are also crucial in creating a winning art entry. Pay attention to details such as shading, proportion, and texture. Practice your technical skills through sketching and studying the work of other artists.

Following these tips can help you create a visually appealing and unique piece that showcases your talents and sets you apart from other entrants.

In conclusion, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is a fantastic opportunity for creative students in grades 7-12 to showcase their talents and receive recognition for their hard work. If you are a college-bound student with a passion for the arts or writing, participating in the program can also provide you with valuable college and career opportunities.

At Admission Sight, we encourage students to explore their interests and pursue their passions, and the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is just one of many ways to do so. Contact us to book your initial appointment.


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