
Wake Forest University Diversity Statistics: An Overview

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Group of students smiling at the camera.

Wake Forest University Diversity Statistics: An In-Depth Overview

Let’s explore Wake Forest University’s diversity statistics! Wake Forest University is a private research university located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. It was founded in 1834 and is known for its strong academic programs and vibrant campus community.

At Wake Forest, students can choose from a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, including arts and sciences, business, law, medicine, and more.

Beyond academics, Wake Forest offers numerous opportunities for extracurricular involvement, including student organizations, athletics, and community service initiatives.

How many students attend Wake Forest University?

According to diversity statistics, Wake Forest University has a total enrollment of 8,963 students. 

In the 2022-23 academic year, the university received 17,496 applications from students applying for their first year. Among these applicants, 3,601 were accepted, and 1,379 students enrolled, representing a 20% acceptance rate.

At Wake Forest University, undergraduate students have the opportunity to engage in mentored research right from the start of their academic journey. Since 2018, over half of the faculty, specifically 52%, have participated in this program, guiding students through research projects that enhance their learning and experience.

Wake Forest University boasts a remarkable success rate when it comes to the future paths of its graduates. An impressive 97% of students who graduate from Wake Forest University secure a job or gain admission to graduate programs within just six months after completing their degrees.

Wake Forest University Undergraduate Population

Wake Forest University has a vibrant undergraduate population, with a total enrollment of 5,447 students. 

With over 50 majors and 60 minors available, students have a wide range of academic interests to explore. The university maintains a favorable student-to-faculty ratio of 10 to 1, ensuring personalized attention and support from professors. Impressively, 94% of the faculty hold the highest degree in their field, bringing expertise and dedication to the classroom.

Small class sizes are a hallmark of the Wake Forest experience, with 99% of classes having fewer than 50 students, as reported by its diversity statistics. This creates an environment conducive to meaningful engagement and collaboration among peers and faculty.

In terms of popular majors, Communication stands out, with 150 graduates in the fall of 2022 diversity statistics of Wake Forest University. Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, as well as Social Sciences and Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, are also among the top choices for students.

Students walking on the streets.

Wake Forest University Graduate Population

Wake Forest University has a diverse graduate population, with a total of 3,516 students enrolled in graduate and professional programs as reflected in its diversity statistics

In 2021, the most sought-after Master’s degree concentrations included General Business Administration & Management, Management Science, and School Counseling & Guidance Services.

Graduate students make up around 23% of the university’s total student body, providing a significant presence on campus. It’s important to note that these figures might slightly vary over time as enrollment numbers shift.

Wake Forest University International Student Population

According to the recent diversity statistics, Wake Forest University, there are about 803 international students. Most of these students come from countries like China, India, and Saudi Arabia, with Chinese students making up a significant portion, possibly around 70.1% of the international student community.

The university boasts a diverse international community, with students from 48 different countries represented. Additionally, students from 47 out of the 50 states in the US are also part of the campus community.

In terms of ethnic diversity, Wake Forest University is committed to inclusivity, with historically underrepresented groups accounting for about 33% of the student population.

Wake Forest University Gender Distribution

Wake Forest University has a student body of approximately 8,789 students, with females making up about 55.58% and males about 44.42%. Among undergraduates, females account for around 54%, while males make up roughly 46%. In the graduate student population, females represent approximately 53% of full-time students, with males constituting about 47%.

These figures show that Wake Forest University is more popular among women than men.

Wake Forest Student Population




54.33% 52.59%
Male 45.67%


Group of students walking in the school.

Wake Forest University Age Distribution

The typical age of students enrolled in Wake Forest University’s graduate programs is 26 years old, according to Wake Forest University’s diversity statistics. This average specifically applies to graduate students.

Age Range


Under 18















Over 64



Typically, undergraduate students at Wake Forest University range between 18 and 24 years old, with the largest number falling into the 20-21 age group.

Wake Forest University Diversity Statistics and Racial/Ethnic Demographics

Wake Forest University has also made significant strides in increasing ethnic diversity over the past twelve years, with a remarkable 63% rise observed from Fall 2009 to Fall 2021 diversity statistics. Currently, the student population exhibits a racial and ethnic diversity of 28%, with 25% of undergraduates identifying as minorities or people of color (BIPOC). These efforts underscore the university’s commitment to creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students.

Faculty Race/Ethnicity





Black or African American







Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


Wake Forest University is dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion across its campus. For instance, the Wake Forest School of Business is committed to embracing diversity in various forms, including race, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities, sexual orientation, age, religion, and socioeconomic status.

This commitment creates a learning environment that mirrors the rich diversity found in the professional world. The School of Business collaborates with various organizations, such as Management Leadership for Tomorrow, the National Association of Black Accountants, and the National Society of Hispanic MBAs, among others, to promote diversity within its student body.

The university has a dedicated Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and a Chief Diversity Officer who oversees the Office of Diversity & Inclusion. This office plays a pivotal role in developing and communicating the university’s approach to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus community.

Wake Forest provides extensive support services and centers to guide students throughout their academic journey while offering spaces for individual expression and shared experiences within a diverse environment. Notable centers include the LGBTQ+ Center, Women’s Center, and Intercultural Center.

Nurse Discussing Records With Senior Female Patient During Home Visit

Wake Forest University Racial/Ethnic Diversity Among Faculty

Wake Forest University is dedicated to enhancing diversity among its faculty, recognizing the importance of representation from various backgrounds. The university’s faculty composition primarily includes individuals of White, Black or African American, Hispanic, Asian, and Multi-Ethnic backgrounds. However, compared to the student body, the overall racial/ethnic diversity among faculty is lower.

Faculty Race/Ethnicity





Black or African American



Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


To address this, Wake Forest University has implemented several initiatives aimed at increasing diversity statistics within its faculty ranks. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) plays a central role in these efforts, providing resources and support for inclusive recruitment and hiring practices. The ODI website offers valuable tools and guidance, such as “Tips for Inclusive Recruitment,” to facilitate a more equitable hiring process.

One notable program is the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows Program, which aids in targeted recruitment of candidates from underrepresented groups across various disciplines. This program helps diversify the faculty by attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Furthermore, the university emphasizes the significance of supporting recruitment efforts for new colleagues from underrepresented groups through various offices, including the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of the Dean of the College.

To ensure the effectiveness of these initiatives, Wake Forest provides training modules and encourages transparency in the recruitment process. By tracking demographic data and evaluating referral pipelines, the university continuously assesses the success of its diversity hiring efforts.

Wake Forest has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion, as evidenced by initiatives like Diversity 2009 and the Strategic Plan to Foster Diversity and Inclusion. These efforts aim to embed diversity and inclusion in the university’s mission and create an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive.

In the School of Business, diversity and inclusion are also prioritized, with initiatives such as Inclusion Weekend and partnerships with organizations like Management Leadership for Tomorrow and the Forté Foundation for Women.

Group of women smiling at the camera.

Wake Forest University Geographic Diversity

Wake Forest University stands out for its geographical diversity, ranking 68th out of 2,183 institutions according to diversity statistics. A significant majority of its students, 77.96%, come from states other than North Carolina, and 11.41% are international students. The university’s campus is a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, with students hailing from 47 states across the U.S. and 48 different countries worldwide.

Interestingly, the top five states that students come from are North Carolina, Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia. Despite this geographical diversity, 74% of the student body comes from outside North Carolina, emphasizing the university’s appeal across state lines and borders.

Wake Forest University also prides itself on a student location diversity score of 96 out of 100.

However, when it comes to racial and ethnic diversity statistics, the university has more room for improvement, with 28% of its students being minorities or people of color (BIPOC). Recognizing the importance of supporting all students, Wake Forest University has implemented various initiatives and resources aimed at promoting inclusivity and equity on campus.

Some of these supportive initiatives include the Intercultural Center, which focuses on enhancing the experiences of domestic and international students from underrepresented groups through various programs. The LGBTQ Center and the Women’s Center are dedicated to providing education, advocacy, and support, promoting a safe and equitable environment for all students.

For students with disabilities, the Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success (CLASS) offers academic support and advocacy. The Center for Immigration Services & Support also caters to the needs of international students and scholars.

Other resources aimed at fostering diversity and inclusion include the First in the Forest program for first-generation college students, the Technology Accessibility Program (TAP) for enhancing technology accessibility, and the Race, Inequality, and Policy Initiative (RIPI), which organizes speaker series, faculty research seminars, and mentoring programs focusing on race and policy.

Wake Forest University Financial Diversity

Wake Forest University is deeply committed to promoting diversity across its campus. This commitment is about building a community that values racial and ethnic variety, gender balance, and international perspectives. The university understands that diversity enriches the educational experience for all students, encouraging a broader understanding of the world and promoting inclusivity.

To support this goal, Wake Forest University doesn’t stop at attracting a diverse student body. It also focuses on creating a nurturing environment for students from historically underrepresented groups. This means providing resources and support systems that address the unique challenges these students may face, ensuring they feel valued and included in all aspects of campus life.

A key part of making higher education accessible to a diverse range of students is financial aid. Recognizing the financial challenges many families face, Wake Forest University offers a variety of need-based financial aid options. These include scholarships, grants, and other forms of assistance designed to make college more affordable. The university carefully considers each family’s financial situation, including income, assets, and any special circumstances, to provide the most appropriate aid package.

View of a student smiling at the camera.

Among the financial aid opportunities available, several are specifically targeted at underrepresented students, aiming to lessen the financial burden and make a Wake Forest education attainable for all. These include:

  • Gordon Scholarships and Wake Forest Cultural Diversity Scholarship, which recognize outstanding students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Berczuk Family Fund for Wake Forest Scholars and Bobby Carlyle & Margaret Ferguson Raynor Fund for Wake Forest Scholars, offer financial support with a focus on reducing loan dependency.
  • Speas-Hartman Scholarship and Weaver-Hartman Scholarship Fund, are designed to assist students with academic and special talents from middle-class families in the United States.
  • Walkey Family College Endowment targets students from middle-income families to make education more accessible.

Wake Forest University commits to meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need for eligible undergraduates, combining grants, scholarships, work-study opportunities, and subsidized loans. This comprehensive approach to financial aid ensures that students from various economic backgrounds can pursue their educational goals without undue financial strain.

In addition to need-based aid, Wake Forest University offers merit-based scholarships for students who demonstrate exceptional academic abilities, special talents, or significant potential to contribute to the university’s diverse community. The Financial Aid Portal at Wake Forest simplifies the process for students to view and manage their financial aid resources, ensuring transparency and ease of access.

For the academic year 2023-24 diversity statistics, the expenses for attending Wake Forest University as an undergraduate student are broken down as follows: Tuition costs amount to $64,758, which covers the educational services provided by the university. Accommodation expenses, which include housing on campus, are priced at $11,214.

The cost for meals, or the food plan, is set at $6,634. The university also estimates that students will need approximately $4,950 for books, supplies, and other miscellaneous fees associated with attending college. Combining all these expenses, the total estimated cost for a year at Wake Forest University comes to $87,556.

Through these financial aid programs and scholarships, Wake Forest University is making strides toward a more inclusive and accessible higher education landscape, reflecting its deep commitment to diversity and support for underrepresented students.

How diverse and inclusive is Wake Forest University?

Wake Forest University has undertaken significant strides to cultivate diversity and inclusiveness within its community. The university’s dedication to this cause is reflected through a range of initiatives and supports aimed at uplifting underrepresented groups. Below are some highlights of Wake Forest University’s efforts toward diversity and inclusion:

Historical Progress

The university has a legacy of making historic strides in diversity and inclusion, including the integration of women into its student body in 1942 and the enrollment of its first African American student, Ed Reynolds, in 1962. This history showcases the university’s long-standing commitment to expanding its inclusivity.

Strategic Initiatives

The launch of Diversity 2009 by then Provost Jill Tiefenthaler and the subsequent development of a comprehensive Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion under Dr. Barbee Oakes, the institution’s inaugural Chief Diversity Officer, underscore the university’s systematic approach to embedding diversity and inclusion into its core mission.

Cultivating a Diverse Community

With students hailing from 47 states and 48 countries, Wake Forest University boasts a richly diverse student population according to diversity statistics. Over the last twelve years, the university has witnessed a notable 63% increase in ethnic diversity, emphasizing its success in creating a more inclusive campus environment.

Support Systems

The university has established several centers, including the Intercultural Center, LGBTQ+ Center, and Women’s Center, alongside the Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success (CLASS) and the Center for Immigration Services & Support. These centers are dedicated to providing resources and support to underrepresented groups, ensuring that all students have the support they need to thrive.

Financial Accessibility

Understanding the role of financial barriers in accessing higher education, Wake Forest University offers need-based scholarships and grants. This financial aid is crucial in making education at Wake Forest accessible to students from a wide range of economic backgrounds.

Inclusion as a Core Value

Embracing diversity, inclusion, and respect as fundamental values, the university is committed to preparing its students for a diverse world. This commitment involves promoting open-mindedness and a deep understanding of different perspectives, essential for navigating and contributing to a global society.

Through these dedicated efforts, Wake Forest University demonstrates its unwavering commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community. These measures not only reflect the institution’s values but also actively contribute to creating an equitable, respectful, and supportive environment for all members of its community.

Students talking in a library.

Is diversity important at Wake Forest University?

Diversity is highly important at Wake Forest University. The university has demonstrated a strong commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion throughout its campus community. This commitment is evident in various initiatives and resources aimed at supporting underrepresented groups, enhancing the educational experience, and preparing students for a diverse world.

Wake Forest University has implemented several strategic plans and initiatives, such as Diversity 2009 and the development of a Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion, to embed diversity and inclusion into its mission. The university’s history includes significant milestones, such as admitting women in 1942 and welcoming its first African American student in 1962, highlighting its longstanding commitment to expanding inclusivity.

The university’s diverse student body, with students from 47 states and 48 countries, and a significant increase in ethnic diversity over the years, reflects its successful efforts in creating a more inclusive campus environment. Furthermore, Wake Forest University has established numerous support centers like the Intercultural Center, LGBTQ+ Center, Women’s Center, and others, which provide resources and support for underrepresented groups, emphasizing its dedication to ensuring all students feel valued and included.

Financial aid initiatives aimed at making education accessible to students from diverse economic backgrounds further showcase the university’s commitment to diversity. Wake Forest University emphasizes diversity, inclusion, and respect as foundational elements within its educational environment, preparing students for a global society through open-mindedness and understanding of differences.

Clubs at Wake Forest University that promote diversity

At Wake Forest University, there are several clubs and organizations dedicated to advancing diversity and inclusion, such as:

Intercultural Center

Wake Forest University’s Intercultural Center plays a vital role in enriching the campus experience for both domestic and international students from underrepresented backgrounds. Through a wide range of co-curricular programs, advisory services, and advocacy efforts, the center aims to boost intercultural understanding, competency, and leadership skills.

It acts as a welcoming space for students to participate in activities that foster cultural appreciation and comprehension, while also providing essential resources and support for underrepresented communities on campus.

Alongside the Intercultural Center, Wake Forest University is home to several other student-led groups dedicated to enhancing diversity and inclusion, such as the Black Student Alliance (BSA). The BSA is particularly focused on elevating the presence of the Black community and fostering cultural awareness.

The university supports a diverse array of student organizations including the Asian Student Interest Association, the Hispanic Student Association, and the LGBTQ+ Center, all contributing to a rich tapestry of cultural representation and inclusion.

LGBTQ+ Center

The LGBTQ+ Center at Wake Forest University plays a crucial role in offering support, advocacy, education, leadership development, and services focused on gender identity and sexual orientation for the university’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

This center is dedicated to minimizing inequality and fostering a welcoming environment for people of all genders and sexual orientations, with a comprehensive approach that includes education, advocacy, support, community engagement, and both personal and professional growth.

Throughout the year, the LGBTQ+ Center organizes a variety of programs, educational initiatives, and events designed to promote discussions around gender identity and sexual orientation, actively involving the campus community. The center features a welcoming lounge area located in the Benson Student Union, providing a space for individuals to meet, find resources, and engage in conversations about LGBTQ+ topics.

The center’s team is made up of committed professionals, including Kayla Lisenby-Denson as Director, Antayzha Wiseman as Assistant Director, and Em Cheramie as Program Coordinator. These staff members are devoted to enhancing the center’s impact in its key areas of focus, bringing their valuable experience in organizational culture, diversity, equity, inclusion, and change management to support the LGBTQ+ community at Wake Forest University.

Students talking about something in a room.

Women’s Center

The Women’s Center at Wake Forest University is committed to establishing a supportive academic and professional setting that uplifts women and advances gender equity. Within the framework of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the center caters to the university’s students, faculty, and staff, aiming for a universally inclusive campus atmosphere.

It actively provides spaces for deep reflection on both personal and collective experiences and identities, crafts programs addressing women’s and gender matters, enhances professional and leadership skills, and champions policy changes to better the gender environment and inclusivity at the institution.

Serving as a nurturing community for women and those for whom womanhood is an integral part of their identity or experience, the Women’s Center is a vital source of resources, programming, and advocacy. These efforts are dedicated to fostering gender equity and ensuring a welcoming environment for everyone on campus. The center is pivotal in promoting gender equity, bolstering the development of women, and pushing for practices that enhance inclusivity across Wake Forest University.

Black Student Alliance (BSA)

At Wake Forest University, the Black Student Alliance (BSA) is a pivotal student-led group dedicated to enhancing the Black community’s visibility and fostering cultural understanding across the campus. This organization aims to create a sense of unity and provide support for minority students at the university. The BSA Lounge is a key hub where members of the Black Student Alliance come together to collaborate and participate in activities that honor Black culture and history.

Throughout Black History Month, the Black Student Alliance is at the forefront of organizing events and initiatives that recognize and celebrate the significant contributions of the Black community. The BSA is instrumental in nurturing a community atmosphere, offering support, and enhancing cultural pride among Black students at Wake Forest University.

Asian Student Interest Association (ASIA)

The Asian Student Interest Association (ASIA) at Wake Forest University is a dynamic student organization accessible to all students, irrespective of their ethnic background, who are keen on exploring and celebrating Asian traditions, cultures, and experiences.

This group is dedicated to enhancing awareness and appreciation of Asian cultures in the campus community by organizing a variety of events and activities. These include cultural festivals, food tastings, and educational workshops, all aimed at fostering a deeper understanding and connection with Asian cultures.

Student Association for the Advancement of Refugees (SAFAR) 

Founded in Fall 2016, the Student Association for the Advancement of Refugees (SAFAR) at Wake Forest University is dedicated to supporting the aspirations and projects of refugees in the Winston-Salem area. SAFAR’s mission includes advocating for refugee rights, offering resources, and creating a supportive atmosphere for refugees both on the university campus and in the wider community.

This initiative aligns with Wake Forest University’s broader goals of diversity and inclusion, as championed by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Intercultural Center. Specifically, the Intercultural Center focuses on improving the experiences of both domestic and international students from underrepresented groups through diverse programming, counseling, and advocacy, all aimed at fostering intercultural understanding, skills, and leadership.

The establishment of SAFAR reinforces Wake Forest University’s commitment to cultivating a diverse and inclusive academic environment that welcomes and supports every member of its community, including refugees.

Minority Association for Pre-Health Students (MAPS)

At Wake Forest University, the Minority Association for Pre-Health Students (MAPS) is a pivotal student-led group that equips underrepresented pre-med students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences for a successful career in the medical field.

This organization is dedicated to improving the recruitment of underrepresented minorities into medicine, fostering their academic and professional growth, and preparing them to be strong candidates for medical-related professional programs with a thorough understanding of the admissions process.

Beyond MAPS, Wake Forest University hosts a range of student organizations committed to diversity and inclusion. This includes the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Chapter, which focuses on aiding current and prospective underrepresented minority medical students, serving the needs of underserved populations, and increasing the number of physicians who are not only clinically excellent but also culturally aware and socially responsible.

The university also supports various other groups such as the Asian Student Interest Association, the Hispanic Student Association, and the LGBTQ+ Center, all contributing to the vibrant tapestry of diversity and inclusivity on campus.

view of students lounging in the bench

Is Wake Forest University The Right Fit For You?

Determining whether Wake Forest University is the right fit for you involves considering several factors that align with your personal, academic, and professional goals. Here’s a brief overview to help you evaluate:

Academic Programs

Wake Forest is renowned for its strong liberal arts foundation, which is evident in programs like the Interdisciplinary Humanities Pathway. This approach encourages students to draw connections across disciplines, such as combining studies in psychology with philosophy or integrating biology with ethics. For instance, the university’s undergraduate business program is highly ranked and emphasizes liberal arts as a critical component of business education, preparing students for leadership roles in a diverse global market.

Campus Culture and Student Life

Wake Forest has established several centers and initiatives aimed at enhancing diversity and inclusion, such as the Intercultural Center, the LGBTQ+ Center, and the Women’s Center. These centers offer programs, support services, and events that celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive community. The annual “Diversity and Inclusion Symposium” is one example where students, faculty, and staff come together to discuss and learn about diversity-related topics.

The university hosts more than 200 student organizations, including the Student Association for the Advancement of Refugees (SAFAR) and the Minority Association for Pre-Health Students (MAPS), which not only contribute to a vibrant campus life but also allow students to engage deeply with their interests and causes they’re passionate about.

Support Services

Wake Forest provides a wide array of support services, including the Learning Assistance Center and Disability Services, which offer tutoring, study skills workshops, and accommodations for students with disabilities. The University Counseling Center also supports student well-being with mental health services and programs like stress management workshops.

Financial Considerations

The university meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need for admitted students. A notable example is the Magnolia Scholars program for first-generation college students, which offers not only financial assistance but also mentoring and academic support.

Location and Campus Environment

Situated in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest’s campus is known for its beautiful blend of traditional and modern architecture set within a landscape of natural beauty. The university’s Reynolda Campus is adjacent to the Reynolda House Museum of American Art and Reynolda Gardens, offering students a unique blend of cultural and recreational activities.

Career Opportunities

The university’s Office of Personal and Career Development provides comprehensive career services, including career counseling, internships, and job placement support. Wake Forest boasts a strong alumni network, with alumni actively involved in mentoring current students and providing internships and job opportunities. For example, the Wake Forest Connects events are networking opportunities where students can meet alumni in various industries, from finance to technology and the arts.

By considering these insights and examples, you can gauge whether Wake Forest University aligns with your personal, academic, and professional aspirations. The best way to make an informed decision is by visiting the campus, engaging with current students and faculty, and exploring the programs and opportunities firsthand.

Group of students laughing together in the campus.

Final Thoughts

Wake Forest University’s dedication to diversity and inclusion transcends mere numbers, embedding itself deeply within the university’s culture and foundational principles. This commitment is reflected not just in demographic data but also in the very fabric of campus life and the university’s core operations.

Through a variety of student-led organizations, comprehensive support services, and strategic initiatives, Wake Forest has created an environment that celebrates diversity in all its forms. With a notable mix of students from various states and countries, along with proactive efforts to create a welcoming space for underrepresented communities, Wake Forest University shines as a model of diversity and inclusiveness in the realm of higher education.

The university’s efforts to increase the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and staff, alongside its array of programs aimed at enhancing cultural competency and understanding across the campus, further underscore its dedication to building a community where every member feels valued and included.


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