
100 Research Topic Ideas for High School Students

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a student writing on her notebook and looking at the camera

100 Research Topic Ideas for High School Students

Searching for high school research topics? Finding the perfect subject can unlock a world of knowledge and opportunity. This initial step is crucial for students who aim to stand out in their academic pursuits.

Don’t worry if you’re unsure where to start. We’ll guide you through top subject domains and offer specific topics you can pursue. We’ll also give tips on tackling these topics, ensuring your research is both meaningful and impactful.


Mathematics is a universal language that underpins the logical and structural foundation of the world and various phenomena within it.

Mathematical research allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems, from technology to natural sciences. This not only sharpens your analytical skills but also prepares you for a wide range of career paths that require rigorous problem-solving capabilities.

Hands using laptop with mathematical formulas.

Here are five specific high school mathematics research topics and how you can approach them:

1. Investigate the applications of graph theory in analyzing social networks and online communities.

Graph theory offers insights into complex network structures. You can apply it to understand the dynamics and connectivity of social networks, which is valuable for data analysis and internet technology.

2. Study the mathematical principles behind cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Cryptocurrency relies on complex mathematics for security and functionality. Your research could delve into the cryptographic algorithms that underpin blockchain, contributing to a deeper understanding of digital currencies.

3. Analyze the patterns and trends in stock market data using mathematical modeling and algorithms.

The stock market is influenced by numerous variables. By employing mathematical models, you can predict market trends, aiding in finance and economic analysis.

4. Investigate the mathematical properties of chaos theory and its applications in various fields.

Chaos theory explains how small changes can lead to significant effects. Researching this can illuminate its applications in weather forecasting, engineering, and beyond, showcasing the unpredictability of complex systems.

5. Explore the mathematics of climate modeling and predicting extreme weather events.

Climate modeling is crucial for understanding future environmental changes. You can study how mathematical equations and simulations are used to predict weather patterns, contributing to efforts in climate research and policy-making.


Physics, a cornerstone of natural sciences, unlocks the mysteries of the universe, from the smallest particles to the vastness of space.

If you’re considering a major in physics or engineering, engaging in research within this domain can significantly enhance your understanding of fundamental principles and their applications in technology and innovation. This experience not only prepares you for advanced studies but also positions you to contribute to cutting-edge developments in science and industry.

Here are five specific high school physics research topics and how you can approach them:

6. Investigate the properties and applications of quantum computing in modern technology.

Quantum computing promises to revolutionize computing power. You can explore its theoretical foundations or practical applications, highlighting its potential to solve complex problems faster than traditional computers.

7. Study the behavior of materials under extreme conditions, such as high pressure and temperature.

Understanding materials under extreme conditions can lead to breakthroughs in manufacturing and space exploration. Your research could focus on how these conditions alter material properties and potential industrial applications.

8. Analyze the dynamics of gravitational waves and their detection methods.

The study of gravitational waves opens new windows into observing cosmic events. You can research how these waves are detected and what they tell us about the universe, contributing to the field of astrophysics.

9. Investigate the physics of renewable energy technologies like solar panels and wind turbines.

As the world moves towards renewable energy, understanding the physics behind these technologies is crucial. Your research can delve into how they work, their efficiency, and ways to improve them, supporting the transition to sustainable energy.

10. Explore the principles behind the emerging field of topological physics and its potential applications.

Topological physics, a frontier in theoretical physics, offers insights into matter states and conductivity. By studying its principles, you could uncover new materials or technologies, impacting electronics and quantum computing.


Chemistry is at the heart of understanding the physical world, from the molecular level to complex chemical reactions that affect our daily lives.

Chemist/Engineer holding a test tube inside a lab

Diving into research on chemical reactions and their applications can pave the way for innovations in health, industry, and environmental conservation. Engaging in such research not only deepens your understanding of chemistry but also enhances your problem-solving and analytical skills, crucial for a successful career in science.

Here are five specific high school chemistry research topics and how you can approach them:

11. Develop eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastics through chemical synthesis.

This topic addresses the urgent need for sustainable materials. You can explore the creation of biodegradable polymers, potentially making a significant environmental impact.

12. Study the chemical composition and health effects of vaping products

With the rising use of vaping, understanding its implications is vital. Your research could involve analyzing the chemicals in vape liquids and their effects on health.

13. Analyze the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and potential solutions.

Antibiotic resistance is a growing threat to public health. You can investigate how bacteria develop resistance and explore new strategies to combat it, such as novel antibiotics or treatment methods.

14. Investigate the synthesis and properties of novel materials for energy storage applications.

Advancements in energy storage are key to renewable energy success. Your work could focus on creating or improving materials used in batteries and supercapacitors, contributing to cleaner energy solutions.

15. Explore the chemistry behind the taste and aroma of fermented foods and beverages.

This topic combines chemistry with food science. You can study the fermentation process and how it affects flavor profiles, which is relevant for both culinary arts and food industry innovations.


Biology covers the essential study of life and the interactions within ecosystems, highlighting the importance of conservation, health, and sustainability.

Choosing a research topic in this domain is strategic if you’re planning to major in related fields in college, as it provides a solid foundation for future studies and research opportunities. It not only prepares you for advanced coursework but also equips you with a deep understanding of critical global issues, enhancing your ability to contribute to solutions in your future career.

Here are five specific high school biology research topics and how you can approach them:

16. Investigate the impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems and wildlife.

This topic is crucial due to increasing pollution levels. You can collect samples from water bodies to analyze microplastic concentration and study its effects on marine life.

17. Study the role of gut microbiota in human health and disease.

Relevant because of the microbiota’s significant influence on human wellness. Your research can involve reviewing existing literature on gut flora and its relationship with diseases.

18. Analyze the effects of climate change on species distribution and biodiversity.

With climate change altering habitats, this research is vital. You can use climate models to predict changes in species distributions and biodiversity.

19. Explore the potential of gene editing technologies like CRISPR for agricultural improvement.

Gene editing holds promise for solving food security issues. You can research CRISPR applications in crops to enhance yield, resilience, and nutritional value.

20. Investigate the ecological consequences of urbanization on local flora and fauna.

Urbanization poses threats to ecosystems. Your research can focus on how urban expansion impacts local wildlife and plant life, possibly through field observations or spatial analysis.

Earth Sciences

Earth sciences are critical for comprehending the planet’s physical processes and their implications for life and the environment.

A student holding a model of the earth

Research in this field not only deepens your understanding of Earth’s dynamics but also equips you with the knowledge to address environmental challenges and contribute to sustainable resource management. This academic foundation is essential for careers in geoscience, energy, and disaster mitigation, where you can make significant contributions to understanding and protecting our planet.

Here are five specific high school earth science research topics and how you can approach them:

21. Investigate the relationship between climate change and glacial retreat in polar regions.

Glacial retreat has global impacts. You can study this phenomenon to understand how climate change affects polar ice, contributing to sea level rise and ecosystem changes.

22. Study the impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and coral reef degradation.

Ocean health is vital. By analyzing acidification effects, you can reveal its impact on marine life and coral reefs, informing conservation and mitigation strategies.

23. Analyze the effects of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on seismic activity and groundwater contamination.

Fracking raises environmental concerns. Your research could examine its link to earthquakes and water pollution, contributing to debates on energy practices and environmental safety.

24. Explore the potential of geothermal energy as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

Geothermal energy is a clean resource. You can investigate its viability and impact as a renewable energy source, highlighting its role in the transition to sustainable energy.

25. Study the geological processes and hazards associated with volcanic eruptions in volcanic regions.

Volcanoes pose risks and opportunities. Researching volcanic activity and hazards can provide insights into disaster preparedness and the benefits of volcanic soils for agriculture.


Astronomy opens a window to the universe, allowing us to explore celestial phenomena and seek answers to fundamental questions about our place in the cosmos.

If you’re planning to major in astronomy or astrophysics, researching celestial bodies and cosmic events not only enhances your understanding of the universe’s workings but also prepares you for a career in scientific research, space exploration, and education. This field of study is crucial for developing critical thinking and analytical skills as you investigate the mysteries of the universe.

Here are five specific high school astronomy research topics and how you can approach them:

26. Investigate the potential habitability of exoplanets discovered by space telescopes like Kepler and TESS.

The search for habitable worlds is thrilling. You can analyze data from telescopes to study exoplanets’ atmospheres and conditions, contributing to our understanding of life’s potential in the universe.

27. Study the formation and evolution of black holes and their role in galactic dynamics.

Black holes are cosmic enigmas. By examining their formation and impact on galaxies, you can explore fundamental aspects of the universe’s structure and evolution.

28. Analyze the properties and composition of interstellar dust clouds and molecular clouds.

Star formation begins in these clouds. Researching their properties can provide insights into the birth of stars and planetary systems, shedding light on the cycle of cosmic matter.

29. Explore the physics of cosmic phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts and supernovae explosions.

These events are among the universe’s most energetic. Studying them enhances our knowledge of stellar life cycles and the universe’s chemical evolution.

30. Study the characteristics and behavior of asteroids and comets in our solar system.

Small bodies offer clues to the solar system’s history. Investigating asteroids and comets can reveal information about the early solar system and the potential threat they pose to Earth.

Environmental Science

Environmental science is pivotal in addressing the planet’s pressing issues, such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.

Pretty young girls having outdoor science lesson exploring nature

Researching environmental science topics offers invaluable insights into the complexities of ecosystems and human impacts on the environment. This knowledge is not only critical for your academic growth but also empowers you to contribute to sustainable solutions and conservation efforts in your future career.

Here are five specific high school environmental science research topics and how you can approach them:

31. Assess the effectiveness of reforestation efforts in mitigating climate change impacts.

Reforestation is key to carbon sequestration. You can evaluate existing reforestation projects to determine their success in reducing carbon dioxide levels, offering insights into future climate mitigation strategies.

32. Study the ecological benefits and risks of reintroducing apex predators into ecosystems.

Apex predators play crucial roles in maintaining ecological balance. Your research can explore the outcomes of predator reintroduction on biodiversity and ecosystem health, addressing both the benefits and potential challenges.

33. Analyze the impact of plastic pollution on freshwater sources and aquatic life.

Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to water quality and aquatic organisms. You can investigate the extent of pollution in specific freshwater environments and its effects on the ecosystem, contributing to awareness and solutions for plastic waste management.

34. Investigate the potential of sustainable agriculture practices to reduce environmental degradation.

Sustainable agriculture is essential for food security and environmental health. Your research could focus on comparing traditional and sustainable farming methods, highlighting the environmental and economic benefits of sustainable practices.

35. Explore the role of indigenous knowledge and practices in conservation and ecosystem management.

Indigenous communities hold valuable knowledge on sustainable living and conservation. By studying these practices, you can uncover traditional wisdom that contributes to contemporary conservation strategies, emphasizing the importance of integrating indigenous perspectives in environmental management.

Health Sciences

Health sciences play a pivotal role in improving public health, advancing medical knowledge, and developing innovative treatments.

Research in health sciences allows you to contribute to crucial advancements in healthcare and public health policy. This academic and practical foundation not only prepares you for a rewarding career in the medical and health sectors but also positions you to make a significant impact on individual and community health outcomes.

Here are five specific high school health science research topics and how you can approach them:

36. Investigate the effectiveness of telemedicine in improving access to healthcare services in rural communities.

Telemedicine can bridge healthcare gaps. You can study its implementation in rural areas, evaluating its impact on accessibility and patient outcomes, which is crucial for health equity.

37. Study the impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases and public health preparedness.

Climate change affects disease patterns. By analyzing how it influences the spread of vector-borne diseases, you can contribute to strategies for public health adaptation and preparedness.

38. Analyze the genetic basis of rare diseases and potential targeted therapies.

Rare diseases present unique research challenges. Investigating their genetic underpinnings can lead to breakthroughs in targeted treatments, offering hope to affected individuals.

39. Explore the psychological impacts of long-term isolation and quarantine measures during pandemics.

Pandemics have mental health repercussions. Your research could examine the effects of isolation on mental well-being, informing strategies to support psychological health during crises.

40. Study the role of cultural competence in healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

Cultural competence is vital for effective healthcare. By exploring its impact on healthcare delivery and outcomes, you can highlight the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences in medical settings.


Engineering is a critical field that combines creativity with technical skills to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions that improve lives and shape the future.

an civil engineering student

Research and projects within engineering and design allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. This experience is invaluable, preparing you for a career that not only demands a high level of technical expertise but also a commitment to ethical considerations and sustainability.

Here are five specific high school engineering research topics and how you can approach them:

41. Develop sustainable solutions for water purification and wastewater treatment in urban environments.

Clean water is essential for life. You can explore innovative methods for purifying and recycling water in cities, contributing to sustainability and public health.

42. Study the design and optimization of renewable energy systems for off-grid communities.

Renewable energy can transform lives, especially in remote areas. Your research could focus on designing efficient systems that harness solar, wind, or hydro power, offering sustainable energy solutions.

43. Analyze the structural integrity and resilience of buildings and infrastructure in earthquake-prone regions.

Earthquake resilience saves lives and property. You can investigate construction materials and techniques that enhance the durability of structures against seismic activity, aiming to improve safety standards.

44. Investigate the applications of 3D printing technology in prosthetics and medical device manufacturing.

3D printing is revolutionizing medical treatments. By studying its use in creating customized prosthetics, you can contribute to advances in affordable and accessible healthcare solutions.

45. Explore the design principles and challenges of autonomous vehicles in urban transportation systems.

Autonomous vehicles promise to change how we travel. Your research can delve into the technical and ethical challenges of integrating self-driving cars into city infrastructure, paving the way for safer and more efficient transportation.

Computer Science and Programming

Computer science and programming stand at the forefront of technological innovation, shaping the future of industries, healthcare, and education.

If you’re planning to major in computer science or related fields, research within this domain equips you with advanced skills in problem-solving, coding, and ethical considerations in technology. This foundation is crucial not only for academic success but also for driving forward innovations that can address complex societal challenges.

Here are five specific high school computer science and programming research topics and how you can approach them:

46. Develop machine learning algorithms for early detection and diagnosis of diseases.

Early disease detection can save lives. You can work on creating or improving machine learning models that analyze medical data, aiming to identify diseases at their onset.

47. Study the ethical implications of facial recognition technology and privacy concerns.

As facial recognition technology spreads, so do privacy concerns. Your research could involve analyzing ethical dilemmas, privacy issues, and proposing guidelines for responsible use.

48. Analyze the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures in protecting against ransomware attacks.

Ransomware attacks are a growing threat to data security. You can examine current cybersecurity strategies and their success in thwarting these attacks, suggesting improvements or new solutions.

49. Investigate the use of blockchain technology for secure and transparent voting systems.

Blockchain could revolutionize voting, ensuring security and transparency. Your research can explore blockchain applications in electoral systems, assessing feasibility and integrity.

50. Explore the applications of artificial intelligence in personalized education and tutoring systems.

AI has the potential to tailor education to individual learning styles. You can investigate AI-driven educational tools, evaluating their effectiveness in enhancing learning outcomes and engagement.

Language Studies

Language is a fundamental aspect of human culture, shaping communication, thought, and social identity.

Notes with different French words.

Researching language offers insights into cognitive processes, social interactions, and cultural diversity. This study prepares you for careers in education, translation, computational linguistics, and cultural preservation, equipping you with the analytical skills needed to understand and influence how language impacts individuals and societies.

Here are five specific high school linguistic research topics and how you can approach them:

51. Investigate the effects of bilingualism on cognitive development and executive functioning.

Bilingualism enriches the mind. You can study how managing two languages affects brain structure and function, providing evidence of cognitive benefits and enhanced problem-solving skills.

52. Study the evolution and spread of constructed languages like Esperanto and Klingon.

Constructed languages offer unique insights into linguistics. By examining their development and community, you can explore the potential of language to create global or niche connections.

53. Analyze the role of language in shaping cultural identity and heritage preservation.

Language is key to culture. Researching how it influences cultural identity can highlight the importance of preserving endangered languages for heritage and diversity.

54. Explore the linguistic diversity and endangerment of indigenous languages around the world.

Indigenous languages are at risk. Your study can document their diversity, assess threats to their survival, and discuss strategies for revitalization, emphasizing the value of linguistic diversity.

55. Study the syntax and semantics of computer programming languages and their applications.

Programming languages are the backbone of technology. Investigating their structure and use can bridge linguistics and computer science, revealing how language shapes software development and human-computer interaction.


Anthropology examines the breadth of human culture and social structures, offering invaluable perspectives on how societies evolve and interact.

If you’re planning to major in anthropology or related fields, research in this area enables you to delve deep into the diversity of human experiences, enhancing your understanding of cultural practices, social norms, and the impact of globalization. This prepares you for careers in cultural preservation, international development, and social research, where you can apply insights to promote understanding and respect among diverse communities.

Here are five specific high school anthropology research topics and how you can approach them:

56. Analyze the impacts of globalization on traditional cultural practices and identities.

Globalization reshapes cultures. You can explore how it influences traditional practices and identities, highlighting the tensions between globalization and cultural preservation.

57. Explore the social significance and symbolism of body modification practices across cultures.

Body modification is deeply cultural. By examining its meanings and roles in various societies, you can uncover insights into identity, status, and beauty standards.

58. Study the cultural dynamics and rituals associated with food consumption and preparation.

Food is central to culture. Investigating food rituals can reveal how societies express values, relationships, and social hierarchies through culinary practices.

59. Investigate the role of storytelling and oral traditions in preserving cultural heritage.

Stories carry culture. By studying oral traditions, you can understand their importance in maintaining cultural knowledge and identity across generations.

60. Analyze the impacts of tourism on indigenous communities and cultural commodification.

Tourism affects indigenous cultures. Researching its impacts can shed light on the challenges of cultural commodification and strategies for sustainable, respectful tourism practices.


Sociology provides a lens through which we can examine the complex interactions within societies and the structures that shape human behavior.

social science

Pursuing sociological research offers profound insights into how social forces influence individual lives and community dynamics. This exploration not only enhances your understanding of social phenomena but also prepares you to contribute meaningfully to discussions on social policy, equity, and change.

Here are five specific high school sociology research topics and how you can approach them:

61. Investigate the impact of social media algorithms on echo chambers and polarization in online communities.

Social media shapes public discourse. You can study how algorithms create echo chambers, influencing polarization and social cohesion, to understand the digital landscape’s impact on society.

62. Study the dynamics of interracial relationships and social acceptance in diverse societies.

Interracial relationships offer insights into societal attitudes toward race. Your research could explore factors that influence acceptance and the experiences of couples, contributing to broader discussions on diversity and inclusion.

63. Analyze the influence of cultural norms on gender identity and expression among adolescents.

Gender identity is deeply influenced by societal norms. By examining how culture affects gender expression, you can shed light on the challenges and opportunities for supporting youth in their identity exploration.

64. Explore the effects of gentrification on urban communities and displacement of marginalized groups.

Gentrification transforms cities and affects residents. Your study can assess its impact on communities, focusing on displacement and changes in social fabric, offering insights into urban development and policy.

65. Study the role of social networks and support systems in mental health outcomes among college students.

Social connections are crucial for mental health. Investigating the relationship between social networks and mental well-being can provide valuable data on how to support students through challenges, emphasizing the importance of community and connection.


Psychology delves into the complexities of human behavior and mental processes, offering insights that are crucial for personal development, societal improvement, and addressing mental health issues.

Conducting research in psychology can provide a deeper understanding of the influences behind human actions and thought processes. This experience is invaluable, not only in preparing you for a career in psychology but also in equipping you with the empathy and analytical skills needed to make a positive impact on others’ lives.

Here are five specific high school psychology research topics and how you can approach them:

66. Study the effects of social media usage on mental health outcomes among adolescents.

Social media significantly impacts youth mental health. You can explore how different levels of usage correlate with mental health outcomes, providing insights into safe social media practices.

67. Investigate the psychological impacts of prolonged exposure to virtual environments and digital media.

Virtual spaces are becoming more common in our lives. Your research can examine the long-term effects of these environments on mental health and social behavior, contributing to digital wellness guidelines.

68. Analyze the relationship between personality traits and academic performance in high school students.

Personality can influence learning and success. By studying this relationship, you can identify which traits benefit academic performance, offering strategies for educators to support diverse learners.

69. Explore the psychology of decision-making in the context of environmental conservation behaviors.

Understanding what drives conservation actions is key to promoting sustainable practices. Your research could focus on the psychological factors that encourage or deter individuals from adopting eco-friendly behaviors.

70. Study the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on stress reduction and well-being in college students.

Mindfulness has been shown to improve mental health. Investigating its impact on college students can provide valuable data on its effectiveness in reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being.


History provides a window into the past, offering insights into the social, political, and cultural forces that have shaped our world.

Academic Literature

Researching historical events and their impacts equips you with a deeper understanding of the complexities of human societies and the ability to analyze current events in a broader context. This knowledge is not only fundamental for academic success but also fosters a critical perspective on societal development and decision-making processes.

Here are five specific high school history research topics and how you can approach them:

71. Investigate the social and political impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global economies and societies.

The pandemic has left a significant mark on the world. You can explore its multifaceted effects on societies and economies, providing insights into contemporary global challenges.

72. Study the history and legacy of civil rights movements in the United States and their relevance today.

Civil rights movements have profoundly influenced American society. Your research can delve into their history, achievements, and ongoing impact, highlighting the importance of social justice movements.

73. Analyze the causes and consequences of major historical conflicts, such as World War II.

Understanding conflicts sheds light on their lasting effects. You can examine the complex causes and far-reaching consequences of World War II, contributing to a deeper understanding of global history.

74. Explore the role of women in shaping historical events and narratives throughout history.

Women have played crucial but often underrecognized roles in history. Your study can highlight their contributions, challenging traditional narratives and promoting a more inclusive historical perspective.

75. Study the history of technological advancements and their effects on human societies and cultures.

Technology has driven societal change. By researching technological milestones, you can analyze how innovations have influenced human life and culture, offering perspectives on the relationship between technology and society.

Political Science

Political science is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of governance and the impact of policies on societies worldwide.

Engaging in research within political science equips you with the analytical skills needed to dissect complex political dynamics and their consequences. This preparation is vital for a future role in shaping public policy, advocacy, or governance, offering a path to make significant contributions to societal well-being and democratic processes.

Here are five specific high school political science research topics and how you can approach them:

76. Analyze the implications of populism and nationalism on democratic governance and institutions.

Populism and nationalism are reshaping politics globally. You can examine their effects on democratic norms and institutions, providing insight into current political trends and their impacts on governance.

77. Investigate the role of social media platforms in shaping political discourse and electoral outcomes.

Social media has become a pivotal arena for political engagement. Your research could focus on how these platforms influence public opinion and elections, highlighting the interplay between digital media and democracy.

78. Study the effectiveness of international treaties and agreements in addressing global environmental challenges.

International cooperation is essential for environmental sustainability. You can analyze the success of treaties in mitigating issues like climate change, offering perspectives on global governance and environmental policy.

79. Explore the impacts of immigration policies on migrant communities and national economies.

Immigration policies have far-reaching consequences. By examining their effects on both migrants and host countries, you can contribute to the dialogue on humane and economically beneficial immigration practices.

80. Analyze the influence of lobbying and special interest groups on public policy decision-making processes.

Lobbying plays a significant role in shaping policy. Investigating this influence can uncover the dynamics between interest groups and policymakers, shedding light on the complexities of policy formation and advocacy.


Economics plays a crucial role in shaping societal structures and influencing global policy decisions.


Research on economic systems and their impacts provides essential insights into how resources are allocated and the effects of these decisions on communities and countries. This foundational knowledge not only prepares you for a career in economics but also equips you with the analytical skills needed to address complex financial challenges and contribute to sustainable economic policies.

Here are five specific high school economics research topics and how you can approach them:

81. Investigate the economic impacts of global supply chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supply chain disruptions have far-reaching economic effects. You can analyze the pandemic’s impact on global trade, production, and economic stability, offering insights into resilience and recovery strategies.

82. Study the effects of automation and artificial intelligence on labor markets and job displacement.

Automation is transforming the workforce. Your research could explore how AI and automation affect employment across different sectors, providing a basis for discussing adaptation and policy responses.

83. Analyze the economic consequences of income inequality and potential policy interventions.

Income inequality poses significant challenges to economic stability and social cohesion. You can examine its root causes and evaluate the effectiveness of various policy interventions in reducing disparities.

84. Explore the role of digital currencies like Bitcoin in the future of finance and monetary systems.

Digital currencies are reshaping financial landscapes. By studying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, you can assess their potential to influence traditional banking and monetary policies.

85. Study the economic viability of renewable energy investment and transition strategies.

The shift to renewable energy is essential for sustainable development. Your research can investigate the economic aspects of transitioning to renewable energy sources, including costs, benefits, and investment strategies.


Literature serves as a mirror to society, reflecting cultural norms, societal issues, and human emotions.

For students interested in majoring in literature or related fields, conducting literary analysis offers profound insights into how literature shapes and is shaped by societal contexts. This scholarly pursuit not only enhances your critical thinking and interpretive skills but also prepares you to contribute to cultural discussions and understandings in a nuanced manner.

Here are five specific high school literature research topics and how you can approach them:

86. Analyze the portrayal of mental illness and stigma in contemporary literature.

Literature often reflects societal attitudes towards mental health. You can analyze how contemporary works address mental illness and stigma, shedding light on cultural perceptions and fostering empathy.

87. Explore the themes of identity and belonging in immigrant literature.

Immigrant literature provides perspectives on identity and assimilation. By examining these themes, you can explore the complex experiences of immigrants, contributing to a broader understanding of multicultural societies.

88. Study the representation of environmental themes and activism in modern literature.

Environmental concerns are increasingly prominent in literature. Your research can investigate how modern authors incorporate ecological themes, potentially influencing readers’ views on environmental issues.

89. Investigate the use of magical realism as a narrative technique in contemporary fiction.

Magical realism blends the real with the fantastical, offering unique insights into human experiences. You can study its use in contemporary fiction to understand how it challenges conventional narrative boundaries and explores complex themes.

90. Analyze the influence of dystopian literature on popular culture and societal perceptions.

Dystopian literature has a significant impact on popular culture and societal fears. By analyzing dystopian works, you can discuss how they reflect contemporary anxieties and influence perceptions of future societal directions.


Art is a powerful medium that reflects and shapes societal values, challenges norms, and fosters cultural understanding.

A woman visiting art gallery.

Research on artistic expression offers unique insights into the role of art in social activism, technology, and mental health. This exploration not only enhances your appreciation and understanding of art’s impact but also prepares you to contribute to the art world in meaningful ways, whether through creation, critique, or curation.

Here are five specific high school art research topics and how you can approach them:

91. Analyze the portrayal of social justice issues in contemporary art and activism.

Art can drive social change. You can examine how artists address social justice themes, contributing to awareness and dialogue on pressing societal issues.

92. Explore the intersection of technology and art in immersive and interactive installations.

Technology expands art’s boundaries. By studying tech-infused art, you can explore new forms of engagement and expression, highlighting the evolving relationship between art and innovation.

93. Study the role of public art in urban revitalization and community engagement.

Public art transforms spaces and communities. Your research could focus on its impact on urban areas and how it fosters community identity and engagement.

94. Investigate the use of art therapy interventions in addressing trauma and mental health disorders.

Art therapy offers healing pathways. By exploring its effectiveness, you can contribute to understanding how creative expression aids in mental health treatment and recovery.

95. Analyze the representation of marginalized voices and identities in contemporary visual arts.

Art gives a voice to the voiceless. Investigating how marginalized perspectives are represented in art can shed light on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the art world and society at large.


Philosophy engages with fundamental questions about existence, ethics, and knowledge, providing frameworks to navigate the complex moral landscapes of modern society.

Delving into contemporary ethical dilemmas equips you with critical thinking and analytical skills essential for dissecting arguments and making reasoned decisions. This scholarly pursuit is not only academically enriching but also highly relevant, preparing you to address ethical issues in technology, healthcare, environmental policy, and beyond.

Here are five specific high school philosophy research topics and how you can approach them:

96. Investigate the ethical implications of genetic engineering and designer babies.

Genetic engineering raises profound ethical questions. You can explore the moral considerations of designing babies, focusing on implications for society and individual rights.

97. Study the philosophical underpinnings of artificial intelligence and machine consciousness.

AI challenges our understanding of consciousness. By examining philosophical debates on AI and consciousness, you can contribute to discussions on the ethical treatment and rights of AI entities.

98. Analyze the moral complexities of euthanasia and end-of-life care decisions.

Euthanasia is a contentious issue. Investigating its ethical dimensions can provide insights into autonomy, compassion, and the value of life, informing healthcare policies and practices.

99. Explore the ethics of animal rights and welfare in the context of industrial agriculture.

The treatment of animals in agriculture prompts ethical scrutiny. Your research could assess animal rights and welfare issues, proposing ethical guidelines for food production systems.

100. Study the philosophical foundations of environmental ethics and sustainable development.

Environmental challenges require ethical solutions. By exploring the philosophical basis of environmental ethics, you can discuss principles guiding sustainable development and conservation efforts.

How can I choose the right high school research topic?

When selecting a research topic, consider your passions and how they intersect with current global challenges or academic questions. For instance, if you’re fascinated by environmental science and technology, you might explore the efficacy of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions.

By aligning your interests with significant issues, you ensure that your research is both personally fulfilling and contributes valuable insights to your chosen field.

reviewing write ups

How can I develop effective high school research questions?

Developing effective research questions requires identifying a specific, manageable scope within your broader area of interest. For example, instead of tackling the vast topic of climate change, narrow your focus to the impact of renewable energy policies in a specific region over the last decade.

Start with broad reading on your subject, then pinpoint a gap or an area ripe for further exploration. Workshops or seminars on research methodologies, offered by many schools or local universities, can also provide practical tips and frameworks for refining your questions.

What resources are available for high school research projects?

Numerous resources can support your high school research projects, from online databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar to local libraries and university archives. For instance, a project on the ecological impact of local water pollution could benefit from both scientific journals and regional environmental studies.

Additionally, reaching out to experts or professors who specialize in your topic of interest can provide valuable insights and potentially mentorship.

How can I publish or present my high school research?

High school students have several avenues to publish or present their research, including local science fairs, school newsletters, or youth academic conferences. For example, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is a prestigious platform where students can showcase their work.

Additionally, some academic journals dedicated to high school research like The Concord Review accept submissions across various disciplines, offering a broader audience for your findings.

How do high school research projects enhance college applications?

A well-executed research project, such as an in-depth analysis of historical events’ impact on modern political systems, can significantly bolster your college application. It demonstrates your ability to undertake complex tasks, manage time effectively, and produce work that contributes to academic discussions.

Mentioning such projects in your application shows colleges your readiness for undergraduate research, setting you apart from other applicants.


Conducting high school research projects is a path to learning and discovery. By diving into various topics, you prepare for college and add to important conversations. Each challenge is a chance to learn more, and every question you explore helps build knowledge. Follow your curiosity, and who knows? It could lead to research that makes a real difference.


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