
American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA)

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of students talking in a table.

American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA)

The American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA) is a non-profit organization that recognizes and supports student journalism and writing in schools across the United States.

Founded in 1980, the ASPA provides a forum for student journalists to showcase their talents and share their ideas, while also promoting the values of ethical journalism and academic excellence.

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the American Scholastic Press Association, including its history, mission, and programs.

What is the history of the American Scholastic Press Association?

What is the background of the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA)? The American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA) was founded in 1980 by Joseph F. Bernt and his wife, Eileen.

Bernt was a former journalist and high school English teacher who had a passion for supporting and recognizing student journalism and writing in schools across the United States.

Before founding the ASPA, Bernt worked as a newspaper editor, reporter, and high school English teacher.

Through his experiences in both fields, he saw the need for an organization that would provide a forum for student journalists to showcase their talents and share their ideas, while also promoting the values of ethical journalism and academic excellence.

Bernt and his wife, Eileen, founded the American Scholastic Press Association to promote excellence in student journalism and writing by providing recognition, feedback, and support to student journalists and their advisers.

The ASPA sought to encourage and reward high standards of journalistic ethics and scholarship, as well as to promote the free exchange of ideas and opinions.

Over the years, the ASPA has grown to become one of the most respected and prestigious organizations supporting student journalism and writing in the United States.

Throughout its history, the ASPA has remained committed to its mission of promoting excellence in student journalism and writing.

The organization’s dedication to supporting and recognizing the achievements of student journalists and their advisers has helped to foster a lifelong love of writing and journalism among young people, as well as to prepare them for careers in the field.

Today, the American Scholastic Press Association continues to play an important role in the world of student journalism and writing, providing valuable resources, recognition, and support to help students and their advisers succeed in their endeavors.

What is the purpose of the American Scholastic Press Association?

What is supposed to be accomplished by taking part in American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA)? The ASPA’s mission is to encourage and reward high standards of journalistic ethics and scholarship, as well as to promote the free exchange of ideas and opinions.

The organization does this by offering a range of resources and support to student journalists and their advisers.

A woman with her fellow students working on a project.

The ASPA’s commitment to promoting excellence in student journalism and writing has helped to foster a lifelong love of writing and journalism among young people.

The organization’s programs and resources have helped countless student journalists and their advisers develop their skills, gain recognition for their work, and prepare for careers in the field.

In addition to its support for student journalists, the ASPA is also committed to promoting ethical journalism and upholding the values of academic excellence.

The organization encourages students to follow the highest standards of journalistic ethics and integrity and to maintain the highest standards of academic scholarship in their work.

What is journalistic ethics?

Journalistic ethics are a set of guidelines and principles that guide journalists in their work.

These ethics are designed to ensure that journalists maintain a high level of professionalism and integrity in their reporting and that they uphold the trust and respect of their readers and viewers.

Some of the key principles of journalistic ethics include accuracy, fairness, objectivity, transparency, and accountability.


Accuracy is perhaps the most fundamental principle of journalistic ethics. Journalists have a responsibility to report the facts accurately and without bias, and to verify the information they receive before publishing or broadcasting it. Inaccurate reporting can damage reputations and undermine public trust in the media.


Fairness is another important principle of journalistic ethics. Journalists are expected to present all sides of a story fairly and impartially, without taking sides or promoting a particular agenda.

This requires journalists to seek out multiple sources of information and to give equal weight to all viewpoints.


Objectivity is closely related to fairness. Journalists must strive to report the facts objectively, without allowing their own personal biases or opinions to influence their reporting. This can be challenging, as all journalists bring their own backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to their work.


Transparency is also an important principle of journalistic ethics. Journalists must be open and honest about their sources of information, their methods of reporting, and their potential conflicts of interest. This helps to build trust and credibility with readers and viewers.


Accountability is another key principle of journalistic ethics. Journalists must be willing to take responsibility for their reporting and to correct any errors or inaccuracies that are discovered. This helps to maintain the integrity of the media and to protect the public’s trust in the press.

What are the events that ASPA organizes?

What kinds of events does the American Scholastic Press Association often put on? The organization offers a range of programs and resources to student journalists and their advisers, including recognition programs, competitions, workshops, conferences, and online resources.

In the lines that follow, we will explore the different events that the ASPA organizes.

Annual Scholastic Newspaper Awards

The Annual Scholastic Newspaper Awards are one of the most prestigious programs offered by the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA).

The awards recognize excellence in journalism and design among high school and middle school newspapers in the United States.

The ASPA evaluates newspapers based on a number of criteria, including content, layout, photography, and overall design.

There are several categories within the Scholastic Newspaper Awards, including Best Overall Newspaper, Most Outstanding School Newspaper, and Most Improved School Newspaper.

In addition, the ASPA also recognizes excellence in specific areas such as writing, editing, layout and design, photography, graphics, and online content.

Winning a Scholastic Newspaper Award is a significant achievement that can help student journalists and their advisers gain recognition for their hard work and dedication.

The awards are not just a recognition of excellence but also a valuable learning experience for student journalists.

The feedback and suggestions provided by the judges can help students improve their skills and refine their approach to journalism and design.

Annual Yearbook and Magazines Awards

The Annual Yearbook and Magazines Awards is another program offered by the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA).

The Annual Yearbook and Magazines Awards are divided into several categories, including overall excellence, design, writing, photography, and special awards.

One of the unique features of the Annual Yearbook and Magazines Awards is the feedback that participants receive from the ASPA judges.

The Annual Yearbook and Magazines Awards also serve as a platform for promoting the importance of student journalism.

By recognizing excellence in student journalism, the ASPA helps to highlight the vital role that student journalists play in documenting school and community events, capturing memories, and showcasing the talents and achievements of their peers.

Student Journalism and Writing Workshops

The ASPA hosts a variety of student journalism and writing workshops throughout the year to help students develop their skills and stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques in the field.

Close up of a woman writing in a notebook.

The workshops are designed to provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills that they can use in their own work.

The workshops cover a wide range of topics, including writing, reporting, editing, design, and photography.

Adviser Workshops and Conferences

The ASPA also offers workshops and conferences specifically for advisers. These events are designed to help advisers develop their skills and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in the field.

The conferences provide an opportunity for advisers to network with other professionals in the industry and share their ideas and experiences.

Online Resources

The ASPA provides a range of online resources for student journalists and their advisers. The organization’s website features articles, tips, and guides on a variety of topics related to journalism and writing.

View of a student writing an essay.

The website also includes an online forum where students can connect with each other and share their ideas and experiences.

Writing and Photography Competitions

The American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA) believes in recognizing. To celebrate the exceptional work of student writers and photographers, ASPA organizes annual writing and photography competitions that are open to students at all levels, from middle school to college.

ASPA’s writing competitions cover a wide range of categories, including news writing, feature writing, opinion writing, and poetry.

These categories are designed to showcase the diverse talents of student writers and to provide them with the opportunity to experiment with different forms of writing.

In addition to writing competitions, ASPA also organizes photography competitions that are open to students of all levels.

The photography competitions hosted by ASPA are open to entries in a diverse variety of categories, some of which include photo essays, photo features, and news photography.

Students are encouraged to submit their best work in each category, with the aim of showcasing their unique perspectives and creative talents.

One of the key benefits of participating in ASPA’s writing and photography competitions is the opportunity to receive feedback and recognition from experienced professionals.

Judges for the competitions are typically experts in their respective fields, and their feedback can provide students with valuable insights and guidance on how to improve their work.

How does one become a part of ASPA?

How does one sign up to become a member of the ASPA? If you are interested in becoming a part of the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA), there are several steps that you can take to get involved.

Whether you are a student, teacher, adviser, or administrator, the ASPA offers a range of programs and resources designed to support and promote student journalism. Here are some steps you can take to become a part of ASPA:

Explore the ASPA website

The first step to becoming involved with ASPA is to explore its website. The website provides information about the organization’s mission, programs, and resources. It also includes details about membership, events, and awards.

Unidentified person using a laptop.


If you are interested in becoming a member of the ASPA, you can sign up on their website. Membership is open to middle and high school newspapers, yearbooks, and literary magazines. By becoming a member, you gain access to a range of resources, including workshops, critiques, and awards.

Attend ASPA events

The ASPA organizes a variety of events throughout the year, including conferences, workshops, and awards ceremonies.

These events are a great way to learn more about student journalism, network with other student journalists and advisers, and gain recognition for your work.

Participate in ASPA programs

The ASPA offers a range of programs designed to support and promote student journalism. These programs include writing and photography workshops, critiques, and awards.

Participating in these programs can help you to improve your skills, gain recognition for your work, and build your portfolio.

Submit your work for review

One of the key ways to get involved with the American Scholastic Press Association is to submit your work for review. The ASPA offers a range of awards and critiques for newspapers, yearbooks, and literary magazines.

Submitting your work for review can help you to gain valuable feedback on your writing, design, and photography, as well as recognition for your work.

Volunteer with ASPA

ASPA relies on volunteers to help with events, workshops, and other programs. If you are interested in getting more involved with the organization, consider volunteering your time and skills.

Why is journalism still relevant among the youth?

Why does journalism still have a place among today’s young people? Journalism is a field that has been around for centuries, and its relevance has only increased with time.

While some may think that journalism is a dying profession, especially among the younger generation, the truth is that it is more important than ever. There are several reasons why journalism remains relevant among the youth.

Critical role in informing people

Firstly, journalism plays a critical role in informing people about important events and issues. With the rise of fake news and misinformation, it is more important than ever to have reliable sources of information.

view of students talking to each other.

Journalism provides an objective, factual, and balanced perspective on news events, helping people to understand what is happening in the world around them.

This is particularly important for young people, who may be just beginning to develop their own opinions and perspectives on the world.

Essential tool for accountability

Secondly, journalism is an essential tool for holding those in power accountable. The press serves as a watchdog, keeping a close eye on politicians, corporations, and other influential figures to ensure that they are acting in the best interests of the public.

This is particularly important for young people, who may feel disenfranchised or powerless in the face of entrenched systems of power.

Platform for expression

Thirdly, journalism provides a platform for young people to express themselves and make their voices heard.

Student journalism programs in schools and universities give young people the opportunity to practice their writing and reporting skills, learn about important issues affecting their communities, and advocate for change.

This can help young people develop confidence and a sense of agency and provide valuable skills that can be applied to a wide range of careers.

Avenue to explore the wider world

Fourthly, journalism provides an avenue for young people to explore and understand the wider world.

Through journalism, they can learn about other cultures, societies, and ways of life, gaining a broader perspective on the world around them.

This is particularly important in a globalized world, where understanding and empathy for others are essential.

Sense of community

Finally, journalism provides a sense of community and connection. Journalism can provide a sense of purpose and belonging in an era where many young people may feel isolated or disconnected.

By joining a student newspaper or participating in other journalistic activities, young people can connect with others who share their interests, passions, and goals.

Segue to AdmissionSight

The American Scholastic Press Association is a valuable resource for student journalists and their advisers, providing recognition, feedback, and support to help them succeed in their endeavors.

Whether through its awards and recognition programs, workshops and conferences, online resources, or consultation services, the ASPA is dedicated to promoting excellence

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