
Canada/USA Mathcamp: Everything You Need to Know

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male student solving a math problem

What is the Canada/USA Mathcamp?

The Canada/USA Mathcamp is a highly selective summer program that provides an enriching and challenging experience for students with a passion for mathematics. With a comprehensive curriculum, exceptional learning outcomes, and a vibrant community, Mathcamp is the perfect platform for young mathematical minds to nurture their skills and explore new horizons.

In this article, we will delve deep into the various aspects of Mathcamp, from its origin and purpose to the eligibility criteria, application process, curriculum, and life on campus. Understanding the concept of Mathcamp is essential for students looking to fully engage in the program’s stimulating environment and enrich their mathematical knowledge and skills.

The Origin and Purpose of Mathcamp

It all started in Vancouver, BC, Canada, with just two students. The founders of Mathcamp had a vision: to create an environment where students who are exceptionally good at math could meet, learn, and grow. They wanted a place that wasn’t just about learning math but experiencing it in a dynamic and engaging way.

Math test

Mathcamp’s goal is to deepen students’ understanding and appreciation of mathematics. It’s more than just solving problems; it’s about developing critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. This isn’t your typical classroom experience. Here, students are encouraged to dive deep into the world of mathematics, exploring concepts that are often reserved for college or graduate-level studies.

The Structure of Mathcamp

Canada/USA Mathcamp is like a summer camp but all about math. It runs for five weeks, and every summer, around 120 students come to learn and have fun with math. This includes about 65 new students and 55 returning alumni. Some students like it so much that they return as staff members later on!

Students from all over, including places like Australia, China, and Spain, join the camp, making up about 15% of the campers. This means you get to meet people from different countries who all love math.

The camp is filled with different math sessions, workshops, and lectures taught by experts. These aren’t regular school classes; they’re exciting and make you think about math in new ways. Each week, you can choose from over 20 math courses. Some last a few weeks and others are just for one week. There are no exams or heavy textbooks; the teachers give you all the materials you need.

You’ll learn all kinds of math, like algebra, geometry, and calculus, at Mathcamp. The camp lets you explore math areas you might be curious about.

Working together is a big part of Mathcamp. You get to solve problems in groups, share your ideas, and listen to others. This teamwork is really fun and helps you learn better.

A Vibrant and Stimulating Environment

Mathcamp is a melting pot of talented high school students from the USA, Canada, and various other countries. This diverse mix of students creates a vibrant community where everyone shares a passion for math. In this community, you’re not just a student; you’re an active participant in your own learning journey. Mathcamp provides the tools and resources to help you explore and understand mathematical concepts in depth.

Activities and Learning Opportunities

At Mathcamp, the learning process is as unique as the students who attend. Mathcamp also has guest speakers who are experts in math. They talk about new discoveries and what’s happening in the world of math.

You’ll experience a mix of lectures, workshops, and hands-on activities. These aren’t ordinary lectures, though. They’re designed to challenge and inspire you, to push the boundaries of what you know about math. But it’s not just studying. Mathcamp has lots of fun activities, like math games and puzzles. These help everyone relax and show that math can be enjoyable. The workshops and activities are all about applying what you’ve learned, solving real problems, and thinking critically about complex mathematical questions.

View of students smiling at the camera.

In its 32nd year now, Mathcamp continues to be a place where mathematical talent is nurtured and celebrated. It’s more than just a summer program; it’s a journey of discovery, a place where young mathematicians can push the limits of their abilities and explore the vast world of mathematics in a supportive and stimulating environment. Whether you’re an aspiring mathematician or just someone who loves a good math challenge, Mathcamp is a place where your passion for numbers and problem-solving can truly flourish.

Where is the Canada/USA Mathcamp Held?

In 2024, the Canada/USA Mathcamp will be held at the University of Puget Sound (UPS) in Tacoma, Washington. This location isn’t just a backdrop for the camp; it plays a crucial role in enhancing the entire Mathcamp experience. Let’s explore what makes this location so special for a math-focused summer program.

About the University of Puget Sound

The University of Puget Sound is a liberal arts college nestled in the Pacific Northwest, known for its academic excellence and beautiful campus. Located in the residential North End neighborhood of Tacoma, UPS is surrounded by independent bookstores, restaurants, and coffee shops, giving students a taste of college life in a vibrant community. It’s conveniently situated about 35 miles south of Seattle and 25 miles from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, making it accessible for students traveling from different parts of the country or the world.

A Math-Friendly Campus

UPS is more than just a picturesque location; it’s a haven for math enthusiasts. Following a mathematically inclined renovation, the science center, where Mathcamp classes are held, boasts features like a sundial, Foucault Pendulum, and Penrose Tiling. You’ll find mathematical elements everywhere, from Sierpinski carpets to 500 digits of pi written in binary on wall tiles. These unique features create an environment where math is literally part of the surroundings, inspiring students to immerse themselves fully in their mathematical explorations.

Facilities and Amenities

The campus is equipped with comprehensive wireless connectivity, ensuring that students can stay connected and access online resources easily. UPS also boasts modern athletic facilities, including a climbing wall, track, swimming pool, and a fully renovated weight room from 2016, providing plenty of options for physical activities and relaxation after intense math sessions. The popular dining hall is a place where students can enjoy meals and socialize, fostering a sense of community.

hands being held out on top of each other, symbolizing teamwork and collaboration

For everyday needs, the UPS Campus Bookstore is handy for picking up essentials like notebooks and personal care items. Plus, there are several 24-hour supermarkets within a short distance of the campus.

Accommodation at Mathcamp

Mathcamp 2024 will be accommodating its participants in adjacent Smith and Oppenheimer halls, ensuring a comfortable and convenient living experience for everyone.

About Tacoma

Tacoma itself adds to the charm of Mathcamp. This small city, with about 220,000 residents, has a vibrant downtown and is known for attractions like the Museum of Glass. Its mild climate, with warm days and cool evenings, makes it an ideal location for summer learning and exploration. The city’s history, including the mathematically fascinating collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940, adds an extra layer of intrigue for math enthusiasts.

In all, the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA, offers the perfect setting for Mathcamp 2024 – a blend of mathematical inspiration, modern facilities, and a vibrant local environment, all contributing to an unforgettable summer experience for math-loving high school students.

Why Should You Join the Canada/USA Mathcamp?

Joining the Canada/USA Mathcamp isn’t just about learning more math; it’s about growing in ways that can shape your future. Here’s why it’s a brilliant idea to consider being part of this unique experience.

Academic Benefits

At Mathcamp, you dive into advanced math topics that you might not see in your regular school curriculum. This isn’t just about memorizing formulas; it’s about really understanding the why and how of math. You’ll tackle complex problems that challenge you to think differently and more deeply. This kind of advanced learning boosts your problem-solving skills, not just in math but in real-life situations too.

Imagine being able to approach any problem, academic or otherwise, with a cool head and a toolbox of strategies to solve it. That’s what Mathcamp equips you with. Plus, the unique, collaborative approach to learning ensures that you’re not just learning from teachers, but also from your peers. This dynamic environment helps you become a well-rounded thinker, something that’s super valuable in any field of study.

Social and Networking Opportunities

Mathcamp is not just a camp; it’s a community. Here, you’ll meet other students who are as enthusiastic about math as you are. Imagine being surrounded by people who get excited about the same tricky problems and concepts that fascinate you. These are friendships that can last a lifetime.

But it’s not just about making friends. Mathcamp is also about connecting with mentors – people who are already doing what you dream of doing. These mentors can provide guidance, advice, and inspiration. They are living examples of where your passion for math can take you. Networking with these professionals opens doors to opportunities and ideas about what you can do in the future.

Future Opportunities

Being a part of Mathcamp looks really good when you apply to colleges. Colleges and universities aren’t just looking for good grades; they want students who show passion and initiative. Mathcamp shows that you’re someone who seeks out challenges and loves to learn beyond the classroom.

But it’s not just about getting into a good college. The skills you gain at Mathcamp – like problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork – are exactly what you need in the real world, no matter what career you choose. Whether you want to go into science, engineering, finance, or even fields like law or medicine, these skills will give you an edge.

In short, joining the Canada/USA Mathcamp is about so much more than just improving your math skills. It’s about challenging yourself, meeting people who share your interests, and preparing for a successful future. It’s an experience that can shape who you become, both academically and personally. If you love math and are ready to dive deep into it, Mathcamp is the place for you.

How to Get Into the Canada/USA Mathcamp

Interested in joining the Canada/USA Mathcamp? Here’s a simple guide on who can apply, what the selection process looks like, and some helpful tips.

Who Can Apply?

  • Age: You should be between 13 and 18 years old. For Mathcamp 2024, this means being born between August 4, 2005, and June 30, 2011.
  • Math Skills: You need to be good at high school math, like algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and should have finished Precalculus. Knowing calculus is a plus but not necessary.
  • Extra Learning: It helps if you like learning about math outside of school, like watching math videos or reading math books.
  • International Students: Yes, you can apply! Mathcamp has students from all over the world.
  • Early College Students: If you’re younger than 18 and already in college, you can apply too.
  • English Skills: Since the camp is in English, you should be comfortable with both studying and talking in English.

Selection Process:

  • Application Quiz: You’ll need to solve some math problems in the application. They’re looking for creative thinking, not just the right answers.
  • Vaccination: You must be vaccinated against Covid-19 to join.

Mathcamp is a place where young math enthusiasts aged 13 to 18 come together to explore advanced mathematics. However, the camp also recognizes that exceptional math talent doesn’t always fit neatly within this age range, so they’re open to making exceptions.

For those who are 19 years old, you’re still in the running as long as you’re in high school or have just graduated. The key point here is that you shouldn’t be turning 20 before the camp ends. On the other side, it’s pretty rare for 12-year-olds to be admitted – in fact, it’s only happened once. But, if you’re slightly younger than 13 and have some serious math skills coupled with maturity, there might be a chance for you.

Mathcamp is aware that incredible math abilities can show up at any age. That’s why they have this flexible approach to age – to make sure that if you’re young but already tackling complex math problems, you get to be part of this exciting learning journey.

For younger kids who are into math, there are other programs like MathPath or CTY, designed specifically for younger age groups. These can be great options to explore while gearing up for Mathcamp in the future.

Necessary Mathematical Skills

To make the most of their Mathcamp experience, it’s good to have a strong base in math. This means being really comfortable with algebra, geometry, and precalculus. You don’t need to be a math genius or have taken super-advanced classes, but knowing these subjects well will help you a lot.

Being familiar with how to write proofs and think mathematically is also helpful. This is about how you approach and solve math problems and how you explain your thinking. These skills are important because they help you understand more complex math topics and share your ideas with others at camp.

View of a person looking at Math equations

Mathcamp is all about diving deep into math, so they really value students who have a good grasp of these basic math subjects. With this knowledge, you’ll be ready to take on the challenging stuff they teach at Mathcamp. It’s not just about solving problems; it’s about understanding and enjoying math at a higher level.

Ultimately, Mathcamp ensures that all its participants, regardless of age, are ready for and can handle the advanced level of math taught there. Even though you don’t need to have taken specific advanced courses to join Mathcamp, they do look for students who love math and are excited about learning more. This way, everyone at camp is eager to learn, explore, and work together, making it a great place for everyone who’s passionate about math.

How to Apply to the Canada/USA Mathcamp

Applying to Mathcamp is an exciting step towards a summer filled with mathematical challenges and learning. Here’s a simple guide on how to apply, what you’ll need, and what the selection committee is looking for.

What to Include in Your Application

  • Personal Info
  • Math Background
  • “About You” Writing Piece
  • Qualifying Quiz Solutions
  • Reference Contact Info
  • (Optional) Scholarship Application

When applying for Mathcamp, students are required to submit an online application form. This form will include personal information such as name, contact details, and academic background. It is important for applicants to provide accurate and up-to-date information to ensure a smooth application process.

In addition to the application form, students are also required to submit a personal essay (400–1000 words). This essay should highlight the applicant’s passion for mathematics, their motivation for attending Mathcamp, and any relevant experiences or achievements that demonstrate their commitment to the subject.

Applicants usually respond in a few paragraphs for their personal statement. There are no specific word count limits – express your thoughts naturally. You can use various formats, such as short answers, a single narrative, or even creative expressions like lists, poems, or stories to introduce yourself.

Furthermore, applicants must provide two recommendation letters: one academic and one personal. The academic letter should come from a teacher who knows you personally, preferably in mathematics, and should discuss your creativity, initiative, teamwork, and academic achievements.

Close up view of a woman writing a recommendation letter

Suitable sources for this letter could include instructors from math enrichment programs, current math teachers, university course professors or TAs, math team coaches, Math Circle instructors, or research mentors. If you’ve recently attended another non-competition math-focused summer program, it is highly recommended to have an instructor from that program write your academic recommendation letter.

For the personal letter, choose an adult who knows you personally but isn’t a relative. Personal recommenders are typically not teachers unless you’ve interacted with them in a different capacity.

Options for personal recommendation sources include employers or volunteer supervisors, sports coaches, mentors from outdoor activities or scouting, music directors, club faculty supervisors, faith community leaders, camp counselors from other summer programs, or even a family friend who knows you well. This letter should focus on your maturity, independence, and your social and personal qualities.

Lastly, to apply to Mathcamp, you’ll need to submit your solutions to the 2024 Qualifying Quiz, which consists of engaging and thought-provoking mathematical problems.

This quiz serves as the centerpiece of your application, designed to both captivate your mathematical curiosity and allow the admissions committee to assess your mathematical writing, prioritizing it over test scores as a means of getting to know the applicants.

There is no application fee for Canada/USA Mathcamp. Transcripts and standardized test scores are not required; instead, applicants are asked to provide details about their mathematical experience, encompassing both academic and extracurricular involvement.

Successful applicants typically have completed Precalculus, either through formal coursework or independent study.

How Hard is It to Get Into the Canada/USA Mathcamp?

If you’re setting your sights on the Canada/USA Mathcamp, you’re aiming high – and that’s great! This program is one of the most prestigious math camps for high school students, known for its enriching pre-college mathematics curriculum.

The acceptance rate is less than 5%, which means out of every 100 students who apply, fewer than 5 get in. Each year, the camp only accepts about 120 students from all over the world. The camp has been around since 1993 and has seen more than 1500 students participate in it.

Side view at multi-ethnic group of students using laptop while studying in college

The application process is competitive, to say the least. Applicants come from a wide range of backgrounds but share a common thread: a strong passion and proficiency in mathematics. Given the limited number of spots available and the high volume of applications, the selection committee looks for candidates who stand out not just in their mathematical ability but also in their enthusiasm and potential for growth.

Tips for Applying to Mathcamp

Applying to Mathcamp is your chance to show how much you love math and what makes you a great fit for this exciting summer program. Here are some detailed tips to help you create a standout application:

1. Show Your Love for Math:

  • Your application is the perfect place to let your passion for math shine. Share stories or experiences that highlight your interest in math. Maybe you love solving puzzles, enjoy math competitions, or simply get excited about learning new math concepts. This is about more than just good grades; it’s about showing that math is a big part of your life.

2. Be Creative in the Quiz:

  • The Qualifying Quiz is not just about right answers; it’s about how you approach the problems. Try to think of different, creative ways to solve them. Show the selection committee that you can think outside the box. This could mean applying a concept in a new way or combining different ideas to find a solution.

3. Keep Trying, No Matter What:

  • Some questions in the quiz might be tough, but don’t let that discourage you. Keep working on them, and try different approaches if you’re stuck. This shows your determination and willingness to tackle challenging problems, which is exactly what Mathcamp is looking for.

4. Get Guidance When You Need It:

  • It’s okay to ask for help if you find yourself struggling with a problem. Maybe talk to a teacher, a friend who loves math, or look up resources that can give you a new perspective. Just remember that the final work you submit should be your own. The committee wants to see how you think and solve problems, not someone else’s work.

5. Be Yourself in Your Application:

  • Don’t worry about trying to impress with stories of fancy math programs or achievements. What Mathcamp really wants to see is your genuine interest and love for math. Talk about what math means to you personally, why you enjoy it, and what you’re excited to learn and explore at Mathcamp. Your unique perspective and personal experiences are what make you stand out.

Remember, Mathcamp is a place for students who are enthusiastic about math and eager to learn. By showing your passion, creativity, and who you truly are, you’ll give yourself the best chance of being part of this amazing mathematical journey.

Key Dates and Deadlines for Mathcamp 2024

If you’re planning to apply to the Canada/USA Mathcamp for the summer of 2024, it’s important to keep track of some key dates and deadlines. These are crucial to ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this exciting math adventure.

When Does Mathcamp Take Place?

The 2024 Mathcamp, marking the 32nd summer of this program, is scheduled to be held from June 30 to August 4, 2024, at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. That’s over five weeks of immersive math learning and fun and a great opportunity to not only dive deep into math but also to experience life on a college campus.

When is the Deadline to Apply to the Canada/USA Mathcamp?

The deadline to submit your application is March 6, 2024. It’s important to note that all applications submitted by this date are given equal consideration. This means you don’t have to rush to submit your application on January 10; you have until March 6 to make sure everything is just right.

Remember, applications received after this deadline might not get the same consideration, so it’s crucial to be on time. After the application deadline, the Mathcamp team will review all the applications they’ve received. They take their time to carefully assess each application, looking at your math skills, your passion for the subject, and your overall fit for the camp. Keep an eye on your email and the Mathcamp website for updates on when they will announce the results.

How Long is the Canada/USA Mathcamp?

The Canada/USA Mathcamp is a 35-day program. That means if you go, you’ll be spending a little over a month diving into math, meeting new friends, and taking part in lots of math-related activities.

View of a students writing in the board.

Sometimes, if you can’t stay for the whole 35 days, Mathcamp might let you arrive late or leave a bit early, but you have to ask for permission first. Just remember, you can’t miss more than one week of the camp.

Knowing these key dates is vital in planning your application process. Make sure to mark them on your calendar and start preparing your application well in advance. This way, you’ll have plenty of time to put together a strong application that showcases your passion and skills in mathematics.

Program Cost and Financial Aid at Canada/USA Mathcamp

Joining the Canada/USA Mathcamp is indeed an amazing opportunity, but before you decide, it’s important to understand the cost of the program and the financial aid options available.

Program Cost for Mathcamp 2024:

  • The base cost for attending Mathcamp in 2024 is set at $5,500 USD. This fee covers more than just the classes – it includes your stay (room), all your meals (board), a range of extracurricular activities, and local transportation to and from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA).
  • It’s great to know that there’s no fee just to apply to Mathcamp. The cost comes into play only once you’re accepted and decide to attend.

Financial Aid Opportunities:

  • Mathcamp is dedicated to making sure that students from various financial backgrounds can attend. They offer over $150,000 per year in scholarships based on need.
  • If your family’s household income is under $100,000 (with typical assets) and you’re from the US or Canada, Mathcamp could be free for you. This is a significant commitment from the program to support students who might otherwise not be able to afford this opportunity.
  • Middle-income families, as well as international students, can also access need-based financial aid. This includes full scholarships and travel grants, making the program accessible to a broader range of students.
  • The exact amount you’ll pay after financial aid is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on your family’s circumstances. So, the final camp fee could be anywhere between $0 and $5,500.

Registration and Deposit:

  • When you register for Mathcamp, you’ll be asked to pay a deposit. This is 25% of the expected camp fee, considering any scholarships you might receive.
  • The remaining 75% of the fee is due on or before the first day of camp.

Withdrawal Policy:

  • If, for some reason, you need to withdraw from Mathcamp after registering, there’s a process in place. If you give sufficient notice, the camp will return your deposit, minus a $100 administrative fee.
  • However, after May 23, refunds are only available if you can’t attend due to illness. In such cases, you’re reimbursed for the time you missed at camp, less the $100 administrative fee.

Joining Mathcamp is a big decision, not just academically but also financially. The good news is that Mathcamp is committed to financial accessibility. They offer substantial financial aid to ensure that students who are passionate about mathematics have the opportunity to attend, regardless of their financial background. If you’re considering applying, don’t let the cost deter you. Look into the financial aid options and see how they can help make this experience possible for you.

Preparing for the Canada/USA Mathcamp

Here’s a guide on what to pack, some advice from alumni, and a few other essentials to keep in mind.

Academic and Social Preparation:

Academically, refresh your knowledge in key math areas like algebra, geometry, and precalculus. Being familiar with basic math concepts will help you dive right into the camp’s advanced topics.

Socially, be ready to meet lots of new people who share your love for math. Be open to making new friends and participating in various group activities and discussions.

Packing List and Essential Items:

  • Clothing: Pack enough for the duration, including socks, underwear, pajamas, T-shirts, shorts, a jacket, and at least one dress-up outfit for special occasions like the dance party.
  • Laundry and Linens: Bring bags for laundry, bed sheets, pillowcases, and towels. Although Mathcamp provides pillows and blankets, you’ll need your own sheets and towels.
  • Personal Items: Don’t forget toiletries, a backpack, a small desk lamp, and other personal items that make you feel at home. Think about what you enjoy having around, like your favorite stuffed animal or book.
  • Technology: Bring your cell phone and charger. You’ll also need an alarm to wake up in the morning. If you have a laptop, it’s a good idea to bring it along.
  • School Supplies: Bring a notebook, pens, pencils, and a binder for handouts. You can always buy more supplies at the campus bookstore if needed.
  • Recreation: Pack things like a water bottle, sunblock, hat, sunglasses, a swimsuit, and personal sports equipment. If you plan to go hiking, sturdy shoes are a must.
  • Spending Money: Around $100-$150 USD should be enough for extra field trips and other incidental expenses.

Advice from Alumni:

  • Stay Organized: Keep your belongings and schedule organized. It helps you stay on top of your activities and classes.
  • Be Open to New Experiences: Try new activities, even if they’re outside your comfort zone. This is a great time to explore new interests.
  • Balance Your Time: Make sure to balance your academic and social activities. While learning is key, socializing and making friends are also important parts of the camp experience.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Remember to rest and take breaks. It’s important to stay healthy and energized throughout the camp.

Make sure you have all the necessary travel documents, like your ticket, passport, or birth certificate. You won’t need a calculator for classes, and it’s best not to bring too many valuables or expensive electronics. If you do bring important items, like your passport or spending money, you can choose to store them safely in the Mathcamp office.

Students packing their things to their dorm

The camp will provide essentials like pillows, blankets, fans for the dorm rooms, laundry detergent, a clothes iron, sewing kit, first aid supplies, and basic over-the-counter medications. They also provide recreational equipment like soccer balls and basketballs, so you don’t need to bring these unless you have personal gear you prefer.

Remember, being prepared is key to enjoying your Mathcamp experience to the fullest. Make a checklist of everything you need to bring, and start packing a few days in advance to avoid last-minute stress.


Q: What kind of math will I learn at Mathcamp?

Answer: At Mathcamp, you’ll explore a wide range of mathematical topics, some of which are usually taught at college or even graduate level. This includes, but isn’t limited to, algebra, geometry, number theory, combinatorics, and calculus. The program is designed to challenge and expand your mathematical knowledge, no matter your current level.

Q: Can I choose the classes I want to attend?

Answer: Yes, you have the flexibility to choose classes that interest you. Every week, Mathcamp offers a variety of courses, and you can pick the ones you find most appealing. This way, you can tailor your learning experience to your own interests and goals.

Q: Are there any extracurricular activities at Mathcamp?

Answer: Absolutely! Mathcamp isn’t just about math classes. There are plenty of fun activities and opportunities to socialize. From sports and hikes to games and an annual dance party, there’s something for everyone. These activities are a great way to relax and make new friends.

Q: Do I need to bring my own computer?

Answer: While it’s useful to have a laptop, it’s not mandatory. Mathcamp has a small computer lab, and there are public computer labs on campus too. If you have a laptop, bringing it can be convenient for checking emails or working on projects.

Q: What if I have dietary restrictions?

Answer: Mathcamp caters to various dietary needs. When you apply, make sure to mention any dietary restrictions you have, and the camp will do its best to accommodate them.

Q: Is there support for international students?

Answer: Yes, Mathcamp welcomes students from all over the world and offers support for international students, including need-based financial aid and advice on travel and visa requirements.

Q: What should I do if I have more questions?

Answer: If you have more questions about Mathcamp, the best thing to do is reach out directly to the Mathcamp staff. They are always ready to help and provide any information you need. You can find contact details on the Mathcamp website.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the Canada/USA Mathcamp is an amazing place for high school students who love math. It’s not just about learning new math topics; it’s also about meeting others who share your interests and having a lot of fun.

Remember, Mathcamp covers all sorts of math, from the basics to really advanced stuff. You’ll get to choose the classes you’re interested in, and there are lots of activities outside of class too. No matter what your math level is, there’s something at Mathcamp for you.

Diverse group of young people chatting in college library

If you’re worried about the cost, don’t worry. Mathcamp has lots of financial help available, so everyone who loves math can have a chance to go. It’s a place where everyone is welcome and supported.

So, if you’re into math and looking for something exciting to do this summer, think about applying to Mathcamp. It’s a chance to learn a lot, make new friends, and be part of a really cool community. Go for it – it might just be the start of an amazing math journey!

AdmissionSight can help students get into Canada/USA Mathcamp by providing expert guidance on the application process. Our team offers support in creating a strong personal essay, securing excellent recommendation letters, and building a compelling academic profile.

AdmissionSight’s expertise can significantly increase an applicant’s chances of standing out and earning a coveted spot at Mathcamp, ensuring they have the opportunity to flourish in this exceptional mathematical learning environment.


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