
Global Game Jam

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

A woman talking to a man with a VR in an office.

Global Game Jam

Global Game Jam is an annual event that brings together game developers from all over the world to create new games within a 48-hour time limit. The event is open to anyone who is interested in game development, whether they are professional developers, students, or hobbyists.

We will provide you with all the information on Global Game Jam that you require in this post.

What is the history of Global Game Jam?

What is the background of the Global Game Jam? Global Game Jam is an annual event that has been taking place since 2009.

It was first organized by Susan Gold, Ian Schreiber, and Gorm Lai, who wanted to create an event that would bring together game developers from around the world to work on new games within a set time limit.

The first Global Game Jam took place in January 2009, and it was held in 23 locations around the world.

The event was an instant success, and it attracted a wide range of participants, including professional game developers, students, and hobbyists.

By 2010, Global Game Jam had grown to include 48 locations in 23 countries. In 2011, the event expanded further, with 169 locations in 44 countries participating.

The event reached a new milestone, with over 850 locations in 113 countries in 2019.

Today, Global Game Jam continues to grow and evolve. Each year, new locations join the event, and new participants bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table.

The event remains an important fixture in the game development community, and it continues to inspire, challenge, and unite game developers from around the world.

What is the purpose of Global Game Jam?

What is supposed to be accomplished by taking part in the Global Game Jam? The event is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to anyone who is interested in game development, regardless of their experience level, background, or geographic location.

3 male standing adjacent to each other while the person in the middle is writing on the glass board while the rest of them pays attention

In the lines that follow, we will explore the purpose of Global Game Jam, and why it is such an important event in the game development community.

A platform for game developers

At its core, the purpose of Global Game Jam is to provide a platform for game developers to showcase their skills, share their knowledge, and collaborate with others.

The event challenges participants to create a new game from scratch within a set time limit of 48 hours.

This creates a high-pressure environment that encourages participants to experiment, take risks, and think outside the box.

Promotes rapid prototyping

The event also promotes the idea of rapid prototyping, which is a key aspect of game development.

Rapid prototyping involves quickly creating and testing ideas in order to determine their feasibility and potential.

This approach is essential in an industry where new technologies and trends are constantly emerging, and where time and resources are often limited.

Encourages participants to embrace new technologies

In addition to promoting rapid prototyping, Global Game Jam also encourages participants to embrace new technologies and platforms.

This includes everything from virtual reality and augmented reality to mobile devices and consoles.

Students talking in a desk.

By pushing the boundaries of what is possible in game development, participants are able to gain valuable experience and knowledge that can be applied to future projects.

Foster a sense of community

Another key aspect of the purpose of Global Game Jam is to foster a sense of community within the game development industry.

The event provides a forum for developers to meet new people, share their experiences, and learn from one another.

This sense of community is essential in an industry that can often feel isolating, and it helps to build connections and relationships that can lead to future collaborations and projects.

Encourages creativity and innovation

Global Game Jam is also designed to be a fun and engaging event that encourages creativity and innovation.

By bringing together people from different backgrounds and cultures, the event creates a diverse and dynamic environment that is rich with ideas and possibilities.

Group of students talking in a table with a laptop.

Participants are encouraged to take risks, try new things, and think creatively in order to come up with something truly unique and exciting.

Tool for Education

Finally, the purpose of Global Game Jam is to promote the idea of games as a tool for education, entertainment, and social change.

The event highlights the potential of games to engage and inspire people, and to tackle important issues such as social justice, environmentalism, and mental health.

By showcasing the diversity and impact of games, Global Game Jam helps to raise awareness about the power of this medium and its potential for positive change.

How to join Global Game Jam?

How to become a participant in the Global Game Jam? Participating in the event can be a great way to showcase your skills, learn from others, and build connections within the game development community.

Two women talking in front of a laptop.

In the following sections, we will discuss how you may participate in the Global Game Jam as well as what you can anticipate from the event.

Step 1: Find a location

The first step to joining Global Game Jam is to find a location near you. The event takes place in hundreds of locations around the world, so there is likely to be one in your area.

You can visit the Global Game Jam website to see a list of participating locations and register for the event.

Step 2: Register

Once you have found a location, you will need to register for the event. Registration typically opens several months in advance of the event and can be done online through the Global Game Jam website.

You will need to provide some basic information, such as your name, email address, and location, as well as any special requirements or accommodation you may need.

The 2023 edition was graced by roughly 40,000 people (about twice the seating capacity of Madison Square Garden) in both online and hybrid events at various locations. The annual event will return on January 22, 2024.

Step 3: Pay the registration fee

There is a registration fee for participating in Global Game Jam, which helps to cover the cost of organizing the event.

The fee varies depending on your location and can range from $5 to $50. You will need to pay the fee at the time of registration, and some locations may also require a deposit to secure your spot.

Step 4: Prepare for the event

Once you have registered for Global Game Jam, it’s time to start preparing for the event (tips on how to prepare and how to stand out are in the next paragraph).

Step 5: Attend the event

On the day of the event, you will need to arrive at your location and check in with the organizers. You will be assigned to a team and given a theme, which will serve as the inspiration for your game.

You will then have 48 hours to create a new game from scratch, using your skills, creativity, and teamwork to bring your idea to life.

During the event, you will have access to mentors and other resources to help you with your development.

You will also have the opportunity to network with other game developers, attend workshops and presentations, and showcase your game to the community.

What to prepare for when Joining Global Game Jam?

How should one get ready for the Global Game Jam?  Participating in the event can be a great way to showcase your skills, learn from others, and build connections within the game development community.

Two students talking in front of a laptop.

However, joining Global Game Jam also requires some preparation. In this article, we will explore what you need to prepare for when joining Global Game Jam.

Gather the necessary equipment

To participate in Global Game Jam, you will need to bring your own equipment, such as a laptop, keyboard, mouse, and headphones.

Make sure that all of your equipment is in good working order and that you have any necessary software or tools installed.

Familiarize yourself with the event rules

Global Game Jam has some rules and guidelines that participants must follow. These rules are designed to ensure a fair and safe environment for all participants. Some of the key rules include:

  • You must create a game within the designated time limit (48 hours).
  • You must use the theme provided by Global Game Jam organizers as inspiration for your game.
  • You cannot use any pre-existing code or assets (everything must be created during the event).
  • You must credit all contributors to your game.

Make sure to read and understand the rules before the event begins to avoid any confusion or disqualification.

Connect with other participants

Global Game Jam is a team-based event, so it’s important to connect with other participants before the event.

Many locations have online forums or social media groups where you can connect with other participants, discuss potential game ideas, and form teams. This can be a great way to get to know your team members and start brainstorming game ideas.

Plan your game idea

Global Game Jam is all about rapid prototyping, so you will need to come up with a game idea that can be developed within 48 hours.

This means keeping your idea simple and focusing on the core mechanics and gameplay. You should also consider the skills of your team members and how you can leverage their strengths to create a successful game.

Stay hydrated and well-rested

Global Game Jam can be a physically and mentally demanding event, so it’s important to stay hydrated and well-rested.

Bring snacks and drinks to keep yourself fueled throughout the event, and take breaks as needed to rest and recharge.

Attend workshops and presentations

Global Game Jam often features workshops and presentations on various game development topics.

These sessions can be a great way to learn new skills, get inspiration for your game, and connect with other participants.

Make sure to attend as many workshops and presentations as possible to get the most out of the event.

How to stand out in Global Game Jam?

How can one differentiate themselves at the Global Game Jam? With so many talented developers participating, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.

Below are some tips and strategies for standing out in Global Game Jam.

Be a team player

Global Game Jam is a team-based event, so it’s important to be a good team player. This means communicating effectively with your team members, listening to their ideas, and being open to feedback. By working well with your team, you can create a cohesive and successful game.

Showcase your skills

Global Game Jam is a great opportunity to showcase your skills as a game developer. Consider taking on a leadership role within your team or showcasing your programming, art, or audio skills.

Make sure to communicate your strengths to your team members and be willing to take on new challenges.

Be creative

Global Game Jam provides a theme that all games must follow, but there is still plenty of room for creativity.

Think outside the box and come up with a game idea that is unique and innovative. Consider incorporating unusual mechanics, interesting art styles, or non-traditional gameplay elements.

Focus on the core mechanics

Global Game Jam is all about rapid prototyping, so it’s important to focus on the core mechanics and gameplay of your game.

Avoid getting bogged down in details or adding too many features. Instead, focus on creating a simple and engaging game that can be completed within the time limit.

Playtest and iterate

Once you have a working prototype of your game, it’s important to playtest and iterate. Gather feedback from your team members and other participants, and use that feedback to improve your game.

Consider making changes to the gameplay, mechanics, or art to create a more polished and engaging experience.

Stay organized

Global Game Jam can be a hectic and fast-paced event, so it’s important to stay organized. Keep track of deadlines, milestones, and tasks using a project management tool or a simple to-do list.

Make sure that all team members are on the same page when it comes to time management and have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Network with other participants

Global Game Jam is a great opportunity to network with other game developers and industry professionals.

Attend workshops and presentations, participate in group discussions, and connect with other participants online.

By building connections within the game development community, you can open up new opportunities for collaboration and career growth.

What makes game development an interesting topic among the youth?

What aspects of game design attract young people’s attention? Game development has become an increasingly popular topic among the youth (as seen in the rise of Global Game Jam).

From the rise of indie game development to the explosion of esports, the gaming industry has captured the attention of young people around the world.

Below are some of the reasons why game development is such an interesting topic among the youth.

Creative outlet

Game development is a highly creative field, and young people are drawn to it as a way to express themselves.

Whether designing characters, writing stories, or creating art and music, game development allows young people to explore their creativity and develop their artistic skills.

Chance to make something of their own

Game development is also appealing to young people because it provides an opportunity to make something of their own.

With the rise of indie game development, it has become easier than ever for anyone with a computer and an idea to create and publish their own games.

This gives young people a sense of ownership and accomplishment that is hard to find in other fields.

It’s a way to connect with others

Gaming has always been a social activity, and game development is no exception. Young people are drawn to game development as a way to connect with others who share their passion for games.

Whether it’s working on a game development team, attending gaming conventions, or participating in online communities, game development provides a way for young people to connect with others and form meaningful relationships.

It’s a growing industry

Game development is also a growing industry, which means that there are plenty of career opportunities available for young people who are interested in pursuing a career in game development.

The gaming industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, with revenues expected to reach $200 billion by 2023. This growth has led to an increased demand for game developers, which makes game development an appealing career choice for young people.

It’s a way to make a difference

Finally, game development is interesting to young people because it provides an opportunity to make a difference in the world.

Games have the power to educate, inspire, and entertain, and young people are drawn to game development as a way to create games that have a positive impact on others.

Whether it’s creating educational games, games that promote social justice, or games that raise awareness about important issues, game development provides a way for young people to make a difference in the world.

AdmissionSight is willing to help

Global Game Jam is an exciting and challenging event that brings together game developers from around the world.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner, there is something for everyone at Global Game Jam.

By participating in this event, you can improve your game development skills, meet new people in the industry, and challenge yourself to create something unique and innovative. So why not give it a try and see what you can create in just 48 hours

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