
Hamilton College vs Scripps: A Comprehensive Guide

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Young woman leaning on the shelf.

Hamilton College vs Scripps: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re trying to decide between Hamilton College and Scripps, you’re not alone. Both are highly respected liberal arts colleges with excellent academic programs, outstanding faculty members, and strong alumni networks. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that compares Hamilton College vs Scripps in all key areas, from location and campus life to academic programs and career opportunities. So if you’re considering Hamilton College or Scripps, read on to discover what sets them apart.

Introduction: Why Compare Hamilton College and Scripps?

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s take a moment to discuss why you might be comparing Hamilton College and Scripps. Perhaps you’re considering different schools for your college degree and want to understand what each has to offer. Alternatively, you may be weighing up transfer options or are contemplating attending one of these institutions for graduate school. Whatever your motivation, we hope to guide you in making an informed choice.

It’s important to note that while Hamilton College and Scripps share some similarities, they also have distinct differences that may appeal to different individuals. For example, Hamilton College is located in a small town in upstate New York, while Scripps is situated in the bustling city of Claremont, California. Additionally, Hamilton College has a strong emphasis on the liberal arts, while Scripps is a women’s college with a focus on empowering women in leadership roles. By comparing and contrasting these institutions, you can gain a better understanding of which school aligns with your personal and academic goals.

Location and Campus: Hamilton College vs. Scripps

Hamilton College is located in Clinton, New York, a charming historic town in the northeastern United States. The 1,300-acre campus is known for its stunning scenery, with rolling hills, lush greenery, and lovely architecture. Scripps College, on the other hand, is situated in Claremont, California, a sunny, suburban city in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The campus spans 32 acres and boasts Mediterranean-style architecture, lush gardens, and stunning views of the San Gabriel Mountains. Both locations are beautiful, but you’ll have to decide whether you prefer the cozy, rural atmosphere of Clinton or the warmer, urban feel of Claremont.

The sign welcoming visitors to Scripps College

Aside from their location and campus, Hamilton College and Scripps College also differ in terms of their academic programs. Hamilton College is known for its strong liberal arts curriculum, with a focus on critical thinking and writing skills. The college offers majors in a wide range of fields, including literature, history, economics, and neuroscience. Scripps College, on the other hand, is a women’s college that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies and encourages students to explore their interests across multiple fields. The college offers majors in areas such as environmental analysis, media studies, and gender and women’s studies. Both colleges provide excellent academic opportunities, but their approaches to education may appeal to different types of students.

History and Legacy: Hamilton College vs. Scripps

Hamilton College was founded in 1812 as a non-denominational, coeducational institution. Over the years, it has developed a reputation for academic excellence and rigorous intellectual inquiry. Its alumni include famous politicians, writers, and entrepreneurs, such as former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Jane Smiley, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. Scripps College, founded in 1926, is a women’s college that is part of the Claremont Colleges consortium. It has a strong emphasis on the arts and humanities, and its distinguished graduates include feminist icon Gloria Steinem, artist Ruth Asawa, and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

Hamilton College has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion. In recent years, it has implemented a number of initiatives to promote diversity on campus, including the creation of a multicultural center and the establishment of a diversity and social justice requirement for all students. Scripps College also places a strong emphasis on social justice and activism. Its students are involved in a variety of social justice organizations and initiatives, and the college hosts a number of events and speakers focused on issues of social justice and equity.

The scales of justice with hands supporting the balance

Both Hamilton College and Scripps College have a strong tradition of community engagement and service. Hamilton College’s Community Outreach and Opportunity Project (COOP) provides students with opportunities to engage in community service and social justice work in the local community. Scripps College’s Community Engagement Center offers a variety of programs and initiatives focused on community service and social justice, including a community garden and a program that connects students with local non-profit organizations.

Academic Programs: Comparing the Curriculum

Both Hamilton College and Scripps College offer a broad range of academic programs in the liberal arts and sciences. Hamilton College features 57 majors and 43 concentrations across 25 academic departments. Its most popular majors include economics, mathematics, music, and psychology. Scripps College, meanwhile, offers 50 majors in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Its most popular majors include biology, psychology, politics and international relations, and studio art. No matter which institution you choose, you’ll have ample opportunity to explore your interests and develop your intellectual curiosity.

However, there are some differences in the academic programs offered by Hamilton College and Scripps College. Hamilton College has a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, with many of its majors requiring students to take courses in multiple departments. In contrast, Scripps College has a strong focus on the arts and humanities, with a wide range of majors in these fields. Additionally, Scripps College has a unique program called the Core Curriculum, which requires students to take courses in a variety of disciplines, including science, social science, and the arts. This program is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education and to encourage them to think critically about the world around them.

Admissions Process: How to Apply to Hamilton College or Scripps

Both Hamilton College and Scripps College have highly selective admissions processes, with acceptance rates of 12% and 28%, respectively. To apply to Hamilton College, you’ll need to submit the Common Application, along with your transcript, test scores, recommendations, and essays. Scripps College also accepts the Common Application, but you’ll need to submit an additional supplement that includes a personal statement, academic writing sample, and activity/interest section. Keep in mind that both schools look favorably upon applicants who demonstrate academic achievement, leadership potential, and a passion for learning.

Test score sheet with answers

It’s important to note that both Hamilton College and Scripps College offer need-blind admissions, meaning that they do not consider an applicant’s financial need when making admissions decisions. However, they do require applicants to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and/or the CSS Profile to be considered for need-based financial aid.

Additionally, both schools offer a variety of resources to help students navigate the admissions process. Hamilton College has a dedicated admissions team that is available to answer any questions and provide guidance throughout the application process. Scripps College offers information sessions, campus tours, and interviews with admissions counselors to help prospective students learn more about the college and its admissions process.

Student Life: Hamilton College vs. Scripps

Student life at Hamilton College and Scripps College is vibrant and diverse. Hamilton College has over 200 student organizations, ranging from Capella groups and athletic teams to dance troupes and environmental clubs. It also hosts regular cultural events, guest speakers, and performances. Scripps College, meanwhile, is known for its strong sense of community and supportive environment. Students often gather in the campus’ central hub, the Scripps College Motley Coffeehouse, to share ideas and build friendships. Whether you prefer a bustling social scene or a more laid-back, intimate atmosphere, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to connect with your peers at either school.

Additionally, both Hamilton College and Scripps College offer a wide range of academic resources to support student success. Hamilton College has a Writing Center, a Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning Center, and a Center for Teaching and Learning, among other resources. Scripps College has a Writing Center, a Quantitative Skills Center, and a Career Planning and Resources Center, among others. These resources provide students with the tools and support they need to excel academically and achieve their goals.

Housing Options: Hamilton College vs. Scripps

Both Hamilton College and Scripps College have excellent housing options for their students. Hamilton College offers a variety of living arrangements, from traditional residence halls to program houses that focus on specific themes, such as environmentalism or multiculturalism. Scripps College also has several residence halls, as well as the Campus House system, which pairs small groups of students with faculty mentors to create a supportive living and learning environment. No matter where you choose to live, you’ll have access to amenities like laundry facilities, common areas, and study spaces.

View of a woman holding her things.

One unique aspect of Hamilton College’s housing options is its affinity housing program. This program allows students with shared interests or identities to live together in a designated residence hall. For example, there is an affinity house for LGBTQ+ students and allies, as well as one for students interested in social justice and activism. This program fosters a sense of community and belonging among students who may not have otherwise found each other.

Scripps College also offers unique housing options, such as the New Hall building, which is LEED-certified and features sustainable design elements. Additionally, Scripps has a partnership with the nearby Claremont Colleges, which allows Scripps students to live in housing at any of the other colleges if they choose. This provides students with even more options and opportunities to connect with peers from different schools.

Extracurricular Activities: Hamilton College vs. Scripps

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the college experience, and Hamilton College and Scripps College have a wealth of options to choose from. Hamilton College has over 30 varsity sports teams, as well as a wide range of club sports. It also has a robust arts scene, with opportunities to perform in orchestra, theater, and dance productions. Scripps College, meanwhile, is known for its strong emphasis on social justice and activism. It offers several community service projects, as well as a wide range of clubs and organizations focused on issues such as gender equality, race relations, and environmentalism. No matter what your interests are, you’ll be able to find a club or group that resonates with you.

In addition to the many clubs and organizations available at Hamilton College and Scripps College, both schools offer unique opportunities for students to engage in research and academic pursuits outside of the classroom. Hamilton College has a robust undergraduate research program, which allows students to work closely with faculty members on research projects in a variety of fields. Scripps College, on the other hand, offers a number of interdisciplinary programs, such as the Environmental Analysis Program and the Humanities Institute, which allow students to explore complex issues from multiple perspectives.

Furthermore, both Hamilton College and Scripps College have strong traditions of community engagement and service. Hamilton College’s Community Outreach and Opportunity Project (COOP) provides students with opportunities to work with local organizations and community members on a variety of projects, from tutoring and mentoring to environmental conservation. Scripps College’s Community Engagement Center offers similar opportunities, as well as a number of programs focused on social justice and advocacy.

Faculty and Staff: Hamilton College vs. Scripps

At both Hamilton College and Scripps College, you’ll be taught by accomplished and dedicated faculty members who are committed to excellence in teaching and research. Hamilton College has over 200 full-time faculty members, 96% of whom hold a doctorate or the highest degree in their field. Similarly, Scripps College has over 100 full-time faculty members, over 90% of whom hold terminal degrees in their field. Both schools offer personalized attention from professors, small class sizes, and ample opportunities to conduct independent research and study abroad. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in academia or a related field, you’ll receive excellent guidance and mentorship from your professors.

A teacher helping her students in the library

In addition to their impressive academic credentials, the faculty and staff at both Hamilton College and Scripps College are actively engaged in their respective fields and communities. Many professors at Hamilton College have published books, articles, and research papers in their areas of expertise, and have received numerous awards and grants for their work. Similarly, faculty members at Scripps College are involved in a wide range of research projects, community outreach programs, and professional organizations. This level of engagement and commitment to their fields translates into a dynamic and intellectually stimulating learning environment for students.

Career Opportunities: Post-Graduation Prospects for Students

Both Hamilton College and Scripps College have excellent career services offices that offer guidance and support to students as they prepare to enter the workforce. Hamilton College graduates enter a wide range of fields, including finance, academia, law, and the arts. Similarly, Scripps College graduates go on to pursue successful careers in areas such as business, government, education, and the non-profit sector. Both schools have strong alumni networks that can provide valuable networking opportunities and career advice. Ultimately, your career prospects will depend on your skills, interests, and experience. But by attending Hamilton College or Scripps College, you’ll be well-positioned to pursue your passions and achieve your goals.

In addition to the career services offices, both Hamilton College and Scripps College offer a variety of resources to help students explore potential career paths. These resources include career fairs, job shadowing programs, and internships. By taking advantage of these opportunities, students can gain valuable experience and make connections in their desired fields.

Furthermore, both schools have strong partnerships with local and national employers, providing students with access to job and internship opportunities that may not be available elsewhere. These partnerships also allow students to learn about industry trends and gain insights into the job market.

Campus Culture: What Sets Hamilton College and Scripps Apart from Other Colleges?

One of the key factors that set Hamilton College and Scripps College apart from other colleges is their strong sense of community and vibrant campus culture. Both schools are known for their close-knit, supportive environments and their commitment to fostering intellectual curiosity, creativity, and social responsibility. Whether you’re attending Hamilton College or Scripps College, you’ll be part of a diverse and inclusive community that values critical thinking, open-mindedness, and a thirst for knowledge. You’ll be surrounded by peers and faculty members who are passionate about making a difference in the world and who are eager to help you achieve your own goals and aspirations.

Another aspect that distinguishes Hamilton College and Scripps College from other colleges is their emphasis on experiential learning. Both schools offer a wide range of opportunities for students to engage in hands-on learning experiences, such as internships, research projects, and community service programs. These experiences not only enhance students’ academic learning but also help them develop important skills such as leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Furthermore, Hamilton College and Scripps College are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion on their campuses. Both schools have dedicated resources and programs to support students from underrepresented backgrounds and to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. This commitment to diversity and inclusion not only enriches the educational experience for all students but also prepares them to be responsible and engaged global citizens.

Alumni Networks: The Power of the Alumni Community

Finally, one of the most important benefits of attending Hamilton College or Scripps College is the strength of their alumni networks. Both schools have passionate and active alumni communities who are dedicated to supporting current students and recent graduates. Hamilton College’s alumni network includes over 26,000 members worldwide, who provide mentorship, internships, and job opportunities to current students. Scripps College’s alumni community is similarly engaged, offering career support, cultural events, and networking opportunities to students and graduates. By attending Hamilton College or Scripps College, you’ll not only gain a top-notch education but also a lifelong network of supporters and advocates.

the words 'interns wanted' written on a clipboard

Moreover, the alumni networks of Hamilton College and Scripps College are not limited to just career and academic support. They also offer a sense of community and belonging to their members. Alumni often organize social events, reunions, and volunteer opportunities, allowing graduates to stay connected with their alma mater and each other. These networks provide a platform for alumni to give back to their schools and make a positive impact on the lives of current students. By being a part of these alumni communities, students and graduates can build lasting relationships and create meaningful connections that extend beyond their college years.

Conclusion: Which is Better?

So, which is better – Hamilton College or Scripps? The answer depends on your individual needs, preferences, and goals. Both schools offer a rigorous academic program, a supportive campus community, and ample opportunities for personal and professional growth. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which factors – whether location, curriculum, extracurricular activities, or career prospects – are most important to you. But by attending either Hamilton College or Scripps College, you’ll be joining a community of talented, motivated, and passionate individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on the world.

One factor to consider when choosing between Hamilton College and Scripps College is the size of the student body. Hamilton College has a larger student population, with around 2,000 undergraduate students, while Scripps College has a smaller student population of around 1,000 undergraduate students. This may impact your experience on campus, as smaller schools often offer a more intimate and personalized learning environment, while larger schools may offer more diverse extracurricular activities and resources.

Another factor to consider is the location of the schools. Hamilton College is located in Clinton, New York, a small town in upstate New York, while Scripps College is located in Claremont, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. The location of the school may impact your access to internships, job opportunities, and cultural experiences. It’s important to consider which location aligns with your personal and professional goals.


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