
Exploring the World of Harvard Economics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

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Exploring the World of Harvard Economics

As one of the most prominent and prestigious economics programs in the world, the Harvard Economics Program has long been recognized as a leader in economic thought and public policy. In this article, we aim to provide an in-depth exploration of the world of Economics at Harvard University. Covering everything from the program’s history to its current position as a leading think tank for economic thought and practice, you will gain valuable insights into this fascinating academic community.

The History of Harvard Economics: An Overview

The history of Economics at Harvard dates back to the 1800s when the first economics class was taught by Professor Francis Bowen in 1852. However, the department as it is known today was not established until the early 20th century when it officially became a separate discipline from political science. Notable economists such as Joseph Schumpeter, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Amartya Sen have all taught at Harvard over the years, making significant contributions to the discipline through their research.

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In recent years, the Harvard Economics program has focused on expanding its research in areas such as behavioral economics, development economics, and environmental economics. The department has also been at the forefront of promoting diversity and inclusion in the field, with initiatives such as the Women in Economics program and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Today, Harvard Economics continues to be a leading institution in the field, attracting top scholars and producing groundbreaking research.

The Role of Harvard Economics in Today’s World

Today, Harvard Economics plays a key role in shaping economic policy both in the United States and around the world. The department’s research informs policymakers on topics such as inequality, taxation, and financial regulation, providing crucial insights into how economic policy should be shaped. Moreover, Harvard Economics graduates hold influential positions in government, international organizations, and the private sector, positioning the department as a driving force behind many critical policy decisions.

One of the ways in which Harvard has been able to maintain its position as a leader in the field is through its commitment to interdisciplinary research. The department collaborates with other departments within Harvard, as well as with other universities and research institutions, to explore the intersection of economics with other fields such as psychology, sociology, and political science. This approach has led to groundbreaking research on topics such as behavioral economics and the economics of climate change.

Another important aspect of Harvard Economics is its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The department actively recruits and supports students and faculty from underrepresented groups, recognizing that a diversity of perspectives is essential for producing innovative and impactful research.

This commitment to diversity is reflected in the department’s curriculum, which includes courses on topics such as race and gender in the economy, and in its outreach efforts, which aim to make economics accessible to a wider range of students and communities.

Top Professors in the Harvard Economics Department

One of the main strengths of the Harvard Economics program is the caliber of its faculty. Distinguished professors such as Harvard University Professor Greg Mankiw, recipient of the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clark medal, are just one example of the high-quality scholars that call the department home. Other notable faculty members include Nobel Prize winner Oliver Hart and renowned economist and author Edward Glaeser.

In addition to these esteemed professors, the program also boasts a number of rising stars in the field. Assistant Professor Melissa Dell, for example, has already made significant contributions to the study of economic development and political economy, earning her a MacArthur Fellowship in 2017.

Assistant Professor Stefanie Stantcheva is another up-and-coming scholar, known for her research on taxation and inequality. With such a diverse and accomplished faculty, it’s no wonder that the Harvard Economics Department is consistently ranked among the top programs in the world.

The Nobel Laureates of Harvard Economics

Since the establishment of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969, thirteen Harvard alumni and faculty have received the prize, making the department one of the most distinguished in the world. From the pioneering work of Paul Samuelson to the groundbreaking research of Oliver Williamson, the contributions of Harvard economists have significantly impacted economic thought and have shaped policy decisions across the globe.

One of the most recent Harvard Nobel laureates in economics is Michael Kremer, who was awarded the prize in 2019 for his work on global poverty alleviation. Kremer’s research focused on the effectiveness of interventions such as school-based deworming programs and the use of incentives to encourage the development of new vaccines. His work has had a significant impact on policy decisions aimed at reducing poverty and improving health outcomes in developing countries.

Research Areas in Harvard Economics: What They Are and Why They Matter

Harvard Economics is involved in research across a wide range of fields, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, development economics, and international economics. Research topics are varied and include everything from inequality and economic growth to the economics of climate change and the economic implications of globalization. The department’s research has a significant impact on the world, providing policymakers with valuable insights into critical economic issues and challenging our understanding of economics.

two computer scientists working in front of their computer


One of the key research areas in Harvard Economics is behavioral economics, which explores how people make decisions and how their behavior affects economic outcomes. This field has gained increasing attention in recent years, as policymakers seek to understand how to design policies that encourage people to make better decisions and improve their economic well-being.

Another important area of research in Harvard Economics is finance, which examines the workings of financial markets and the behavior of investors. This research is critical for understanding the causes and consequences of financial crises, as well as for developing policies that promote financial stability and growth.

How Harvard Economics Shapes Public Policy

Harvard Economics shapes public policy in many ways. Its research significantly impacts government policies and decisions across a wide range of fields, from taxation and public finance to environmental policy and international trade. The department also plays a significant role in educating and shaping the opinions of future policymakers, journalists, and business leaders, helping them to develop an evidence-based understanding of economic issues.

One of the ways in which Harvard Economics shapes public policy is through its collaborations with other institutions and organizations. The department frequently partners with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies to conduct research and provide expert analysis on economic issues. These collaborations allow Harvard Economics to have a direct impact on policy decisions and to ensure that its research is relevant and applicable to real-world problems.

The Future of Harvard Economics: Trends and Predictions

As economic challenges continue to evolve, so too will the priorities and research of Harvard Economics. Trends that are likely to shape the department’s future research agenda include the increasing role of technology in the global economy, changing demographics, and the ongoing impact of globalization.

With its focus on rigorous research and innovative thinking, the department is well-positioned to continue influencing economic policymaking in the United States and around the world.

One area of research that is likely to gain more attention in the future is the intersection of economics and environmental sustainability. As climate change becomes an increasingly urgent issue, economists will play a crucial role in developing policies and strategies to mitigate its effects. Harvard Economics is already home to several faculty members who specialize in environmental economics, and it is likely that this area of research will continue to grow in importance in the coming years.

Insights from the Most Influential Papers in Harvard Economics

The most influential Harvard Economics papers cover a wide range of topics. Examples include Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky’s groundbreaking work on behavioral economics, which challenged traditional economic thinking about decision-making, and Gary Becker’s seminal work on human capital, which helped to reshape our understanding of how education and training impact the labor market.

Another influential paper in Harvard Economics is Michael Porter’s “The Competitive Advantage of Nations,” which introduced the concept of national competitive advantage and argued that a country’s economic success is determined by its ability to innovate and create unique products and services. This paper has had a significant impact on economic policy and strategy, as governments and businesses around the world have sought to understand and replicate the conditions that lead to national competitiveness.

The Impact of Harvard Economics on Global Economic Thought and Practice

The impact of Harvard Economics on global economic thought and practice is difficult to overstate. From Schumpeter’s theory of creative destruction to Sen’s theories on social choice, the ideas developed at Harvard Economics have had a significant impact on modern economic thought.

Furthermore, many Harvard Economics graduates hold influential positions in government, international organizations, and the private sector, ensuring that the ideas and policies developed at the university continue to have an impact on the world.

One notable example of Harvard Economics’ impact on global economic practice is the development of the concept of “market design.” This field, pioneered by Harvard professor Alvin Roth, focuses on designing markets that are efficient, fair, and transparent.

Roth’s work has been applied to a wide range of markets, from kidney exchanges to school choice programs, and has led to significant improvements in the allocation of resources. The success of market design has led to its adoption by governments and organizations around the world, demonstrating the continued relevance and influence of Harvard Economics on global economic practice.

Inside the Classroom: A Day in the Life of a Harvard Economics Student

Harvard Economics students are exposed to a rich and diverse curriculum that provides them with a strong foundation in economic theory and challenges them to think critically about economic issues. A typical day for a Harvard Economics student might include attending lectures, participating in small group discussions, and engaging in independent research projects.

The department also encourages students to pursue internships and research opportunities, enabling them to gain real-world experience applying economic theory in practice.

Additionally, Harvard Economics students have access to a wide range of resources and support services to help them succeed academically and professionally. These include academic advisors, career services, and networking events with alumni and industry professionals.

The department also offers opportunities for students to present their research at conferences and publish their work in academic journals, further enhancing their credentials and preparing them for careers in academia, government, or the private sector.

The Most Popular Courses in the Harvard Economics Department

Harvard Economics offers a wide range of courses, but some of the most popular include Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Econometrics. These courses provide students with a strong foundation in economic theory while also challenging them to think critically about the practical applications of economics. Other popular courses include Public Finance, International Trade and Investment, and Labor Economics, all of which explore topical issues in the global economy.

In addition to these popular courses, Harvard Economics also offers specialized courses for students interested in specific areas of economics. For example, students interested in environmental economics can take courses such as Environmental Economics and Policy or Climate Change Economics. Similarly, students interested in development economics can take courses such as Economic Development and Growth or Poverty and Inequality.

Harvard Economics also offers opportunities for students to engage in research and gain hands-on experience in the field. Students can participate in research projects with faculty members or work as research assistants on ongoing projects. Additionally, the department offers internship opportunities with organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

How to Prepare for a Career in Economics with a Degree from Harvard

Graduates from Harvard Economics are well-equipped to pursue rewarding careers across a wide range of fields, including government, international organizations, academia, and the private sector.

Students interested in pursuing a career in economics should focus on building a strong foundation in economic theory and developing their quantitative skills through coursework in mathematics and statistics. It is also important for students to engage in internships and research opportunities to gain real-world experience applying economic theory.

Additionally, networking is a crucial aspect of preparing for a career in economics. Students should attend career fairs, join relevant student organizations, and connect with alumni to gain insights into different career paths and potential job opportunities. It is also important for students to stay up-to-date with current events and trends in the field of economics by reading industry publications and attending conferences and seminars.

A Comparison Between the Economics Curriculum at Harvard and Other Ivy League Schools

As one of the premier economics departments in the Ivy League, Harvard Economics is often compared to its peer institutions, including Yale, Princeton, and Columbia. While there are many similarities between the economics curricula at these schools, there are also important differences. For example, Columbia University’s economics department has a particular emphasis on international economics, while Yale’s department focuses on economic history and economic development.

On the other hand, Princeton’s economics department places a strong emphasis on mathematical modeling and econometrics, while Harvard’s department has a more diverse range of courses, including behavioral economics and public policy. Despite these differences, all of these Ivy League schools offer rigorous and challenging economics programs that prepare students for successful careers in academia, government, and the private sector.

Internship Opportunities for Economics Students at Harvard

Harvard Economics students have access to a wide range of internship opportunities in fields such as finance, consulting, government, and non-profit organizations. These internships provide students with the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience applying economic theory in practice, as well as the chance to network with industry professionals and potentially secure internships or job offers after graduation.

A building in Harvard University

Overall, Harvard Economics is a fascinating and influential academic community that has long been at the forefront of cutting-edge economic research. Whether you are a current or prospective student, policymaker, or simply interested in economics, there is much to learn from exploring the world of Harvard Economics.

One unique aspect of the internship opportunities available to Harvard Economics students is the chance to work with the Harvard Business School. This collaboration allows students to gain exposure to the business world and learn from some of the top minds in the field. Additionally, the Harvard Economics program offers resources and support to help students secure internships, including resume and cover letter workshops, networking events, and access to job boards and databases.

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