
Harvey Mudd College Diversity Statistics: An Overview

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Four students holding their books while smiling at the camera.

Harvey Mudd College Diversity Statistics: An In-Depth Overview

Let us discover Harvey Mudd College’s diversity statistics! Harvey Mudd College, located in Claremont, California, is a private institution known for its strong emphasis on science, engineering, and mathematics. It’s part of the Claremont Colleges, a consortium of seven independent institutions that share resources and facilities, allowing students to benefit from the small-college environment while still accessing the resources of a larger university.

Founded in 1955, Harvey Mudd aims to educate engineers, scientists, and mathematicians who not only possess a deep understanding of their field but also have a broad education that incorporates the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. This interdisciplinary approach is designed to produce well-rounded graduates who are equipped to tackle complex, real-world problems with innovative and ethical solutions.

Admission to Harvey Mudd is highly competitive, reflecting the college’s reputation for excellence. Graduates of Harvey Mudd are highly sought after and go on to achieve success in various fields, including academia, industry, and entrepreneurship. Despite its relatively small size, Harvey Mudd College has a significant impact on the world of science and engineering, with alumni contributing to innovative research, development, and social change.

How many students attend Harvey Mudd College?

Harvey Mudd College, during the academic year of 2023–2024 diversity statistics, is home to 911 students in total.

The vast majority, with 902 students, are enrolled full-time, pursuing their studies on a regular schedule, while a small number, just 3 students, are part-time, meaning they take fewer courses and may have other commitments such as work.

Gaining admission into Harvey Mudd College is quite challenging, as the college accepts only 13% of those who apply. This selective admission process highlights the college’s commitment to maintaining a high standard of academic excellence and a close-knit community.

For students who are admitted, the average SAT score is notably high, at 1530 out of a possible 1600. This statistic reflects the strong academic capabilities of Harvey Mudd’s student body, indicating that those who attend are among the best and brightest in their fields.

Students talking in the corrigidor.

Harvey Mudd College Undergraduate Population

Harvey Mudd College has an undergraduate population of 893 students according to the recent diversity statistics report.

An overwhelming majority of these students, 99% to be exact, live on the college campus, creating a vibrant and closely connected community.

The college awards Bachelor of Science degrees across a range of scientific and technical fields. The majors available to students include Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. In addition to these, Harvey Mudd offers an Independent Study Program for students with unique academic interests that don’t fit into the traditional majors. There’s also an option for students to pursue off-campus majors, expanding their academic possibilities even further.

Furthermore, Harvey Mudd provides several joint programs designed to give students interdisciplinary skills and knowledge. These include a combination of Chemistry and Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics, Mathematical and Computational Biology, and Mathematics and Physics. These joint programs reflect the college’s commitment to a broad, interdisciplinary approach to education, preparing students for the complex challenges of the modern world.

Harvey Mudd College Graduate Population

Harvey Mudd College does not have any students enrolled in graduate programs, as it focuses exclusively on undergraduate education.

Harvey Mudd provides students with research opportunities often not available until graduate school, given its exclusive focus on undergraduate education. This means all the resources and attention are dedicated to undergraduates.

For the academic year 2022-2023, the paths chosen by graduates after leaving Harvey Mudd were quite varied. According to diversity statistics, about 23.7% of these graduates went on to pursue further education in graduate or professional schools, demonstrating a commitment to advancing their knowledge and expertise in their fields. A larger portion, 60.3%, entered the workforce directly after graduation, applying their skills and education in a variety of professional settings.

The starting salary for the Class of 2023 is notably high, with a median of $112,500. This figure reflects the strong demand for the skills and knowledge that Harvey Mudd graduates bring to their roles, as well as the college’s success in preparing students for lucrative careers.

As of now, Harvey Mudd College boasts 7,903 living alumni. This network of former students represents a wide range of professions and industries, illustrating the diverse paths Harvey Mudd graduates take and the broad impact they have in the world.

Two students talking in a library.

Harvey Mudd College International Student Population

The diversity of the student body at Harvey Mudd College has been growing, with the fall 2023 undergraduate enrollment reaching 915, an increase from previous years’ statistics.

Harvey Mudd College’s commitment to diversity is evident in its enrollment statistics, showcasing diverse backgrounds. In 2023, the college reported a varied mix among its students: 211 identifying as White, 48 as Black or African American, 204 as Asian, and 212 as Hispanic or Latino.

There were 2 American Indian or Alaska Native students, 1 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and 99 students who identify with two or more races, reflecting a significant intermingling of heritages.

International students, who comprise roughly 9% of the total enrollment of 95 individuals, add to the statistics of Harvey Mudd College’s global diversity. However, these international student figures are not further divided by race or ethnicity.

It’s important to note that since the fall of 2010, the classification of ethnic and racial data has evolved. New categories have been created to better represent the diverse identities of students, such as Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders being recognized separately from Asians and a new category for those who are multi-ethnic.

The college’s demographic data, which includes both full-time and part-time students, does not account for students who are concurrently enrolled in high school. This comprehensive portrayal of the student body not only underscores Harvey Mudd College’s diverse academic community but also mirrors the inclusive practices that are a hallmark of the institution.

Harvey Mudd College Gender Distribution

At Harvey Mudd College, the student body is notable for its gender balance. The total student enrollment stands at 905, with a nearly equal split between male and female students. Specifically, 50.28% of these students are male, amounting to 455 individuals, while 49.72%, which is 450 students, are female.

HMC Undergraduate Population

No. of Students



455 50.28%
Female 450


This gender distribution is consistent across the undergraduate population, which numbers 893 students, with an even 50-50 split between men and women. The gender ratio is similarly balanced in full-time enrollment figures, which include 902 students, comprising 454 males and 448 females. This parity demonstrates Harvey Mudd College’s commitment to providing an equitable educational environment where both men and women are represented in equal measure.

a female pre law student using her laptop inside the library

Harvey Mudd College Age Distribution

At Harvey Mudd College, the majority of students are within the traditional college age range of 18 to 21 years old, making up 90.94% of the student body. This is significantly higher than the national average of 60%, suggesting that Harvey Mudd primarily attracts younger students who are starting their higher education journey straight after high school.

Age Range


Under 18














Over 64


The age diversity at Harvey Mudd is considered to be below average, with a diversity score of 44.20 out of 100. This score reflects the concentration of students in the traditional age range and a lower representation of non-traditional or older students. In essence, while Harvey Mudd is effective in drawing students of the usual college-going age, there is less age variety compared to other institutions, which may have a broader age range among their students.

Harvey Mudd College Diversity Statistics and Racial/Ethnic Demographics

Harvey Mudd College is characterized by a diverse student population. Approximately 62% of the student body at Harvey Mudd College are members of minority or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities, reflecting a diverse and multifaceted array of racial and ethnic identities.

When it comes to the international community on campus, 6.9% of students have identified themselves as international, coming from various countries outside the United States. This is a slight decrease from 2017 when international students made up around 10% of the college’s student body.







Black or African-American


American Indian or Alaska Native

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


Two or more





The college also supports educational advancement for students who are trailblazers in their families. In recent years, 5.5% of students reported that they are the first in their families to attend college. This figure has been even higher in the past, with about 14% of students in the two preceding incoming classes being first-generation college students.

This snapshot of diversity statistics at Harvey Mudd College underscores the school’s commitment to fostering an inclusive environment that welcomes students from all walks of life, including those from underrepresented groups, different nations, and first-generation college backgrounds.

a male college student on a piggy back with his frat mate

Harvey Mudd College Racial/Ethnic Diversity Among Faculty

Harvey Mudd College takes active steps to nurture diversity among its staff, driven by a series of strategies and supportive measures that underscore its dedication to an inclusive educational setting. The college has put in place a Strategic Vision highlighting the goal of “unsurpassed excellence and diversity at all levels,” which is a testament to its firm intention to cultivate a diverse faculty body.

Faculty Race/Ethnicity






Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


To turn this vision into reality, the college established the Blueprint for Diversity back in 2000. This detailed plan is centered on creating and maintaining initiatives that improve the campus atmosphere for individuals from varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The Blueprint aims not just to attract but also to retain faculty and community members from diverse backgrounds, thus enriching the college’s inclusive culture.

Support extends to various campus groups that provide resources and advocacy for minority groups. Organizations such as the Society of Professional Latinos in STEM, Black Lives and Allies at Mudd, and the Society for Women Engineers, among others, play a crucial role in bolstering the diversity of the faculty. Additionally, the Office of Institutional Diversity plays a pivotal role in these efforts.

The college’s educational objectives are also tailored to make the campus a welcoming place for all students. By improving the overall campus climate, increasing participation from all quarters, stepping up recruitment drives, and incorporating essential pedagogies into the curriculum, Harvey Mudd attracts a broad spectrum of students.

This includes but is not limited to women, African Americans, Latino or Hispanic individuals, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, members of the LGBTQ community, and people with disabilities.

These thoughtful and comprehensive initiatives reflect Harvey Mudd College’s proactive approach to promoting faculty diversity, fostering a collegiate atmosphere that respects and values the wealth of differences that faculty members from diverse cultures and ethnicities bring to the academic community.

Harvey Mudd College Geographic Diversity

Harvey Mudd College showcases a geographically diverse student body. A significant portion, about 43%, of its students are California residents, with another 43% hailing from other states across the United States. International students, those coming from countries outside of the United States, represent 15% of the total enrollment.

When looking at the broader picture, 59.8% of the college’s students come from states other than California, highlighting a strong presence of out-of-state students. Additionally, 7.01% of the students have traveled from various countries around the globe to study at Harvey Mudd.

In terms of its rank for geographic diversity, Harvey Mudd College stands at number 213 out of 2,183 institutions. This ranking reflects the wide range of locations from which students come to Harvey Mudd, indicating the college’s appeal to a broad audience.

The diversity of student locations is scored at 90 out of 100, suggesting that the college excels in attracting students from varied geographical backgrounds. Among the top five states represented at Harvey Mudd besides California are Washington, New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado, with respective student counts of 20, 12, 8, and 8 from each state. This indicates that the college not only draws a large number of students from its home state but also appeals to students from across the country and beyond.

a female and two male mechanical engineering students gathered around and studying a tiny robotic vehicle

Harvey Mudd College Financial Diversity

Harvey Mudd College is dedicated to ensuring that students from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to attend and succeed. The college’s initiatives to support financial diversity are multi-faceted and include a range of programs:

  • A significant number of students, more than 70%, benefit from financial aid, which may include both need-based and merit-based awards. This demonstrates the college’s proactive stance in making education accessible to students with varying financial capacities.
  • The President’s Scholarship Program stands out for recognizing students with outstanding leadership qualities and academic prowess, regardless of their economic status. These scholarships cover full tuition for four years and are renewable, thus easing the financial burden for students with excellent potential.
  • The presence of Federal Pell Grant Aid recipients, who make up about 14% of the student body, indicates the inclusion of low-income students. These grants are pivotal in supporting students who may otherwise struggle to afford higher education.

On average, the financial aid provided to students at Harvey Mudd is substantial, with the average aid package amounting to $51,037 and the average for incoming freshmen being slightly higher. International students are also considered for financial aid, which is tailored to meet their specific requirements.

Harvey Mudd College also fosters an inclusive environment through support organizations and initiatives that cater to students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The college’s Strategic Vision for diversity and the Blueprint for Diversity outline the institution’s overarching goals to enhance the campus climate and promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse student population.

Furthermore, the college encourages participants in the FAST Program, which is designed to support high-achieving students, to apply for the President’s Scholarship Program, highlighting the institution’s effort to bridge the gap between merit and financial need.

Harvey Mudd College’s approach to financial diversity is comprehensive, offering robust support to ensure that students from all financial backgrounds have equal opportunities to thrive academically and personally.

How diverse and inclusive is Harvey Mudd College?

Harvey Mudd College is committed to diversity and inclusivity across various dimensions, including race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, and geographic origin. Harvey Mudd College has a significant percentage of students from minority or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) backgrounds, which comprises about 62% of the student population. This reflects the college’s commitment to racial and ethnic inclusivity.

The college boasts a nearly balanced gender distribution among its student body, with a close split between male and female students. This indicates Harvey Mudd’s success in promoting gender diversity, especially in STEM fields where gender imbalances are more pronounced.

With over 70% of students receiving some form of financial aid, whether need-based or merit-based, Harvey Mudd demonstrates its dedication to making education accessible to students from diverse economic backgrounds. Additionally, about 14% of students are Pell Grant recipients, indicating the presence of low-income students on campus.

Harvey Mudd attracts students from across the United States and around the world, with a significant number of out-of-state (approximately 59.8%) and international students (around 7.01%). The college ranks well in terms of geographic diversity, indicating its appeal to students from a variety of locations.

The college has established various programs and initiatives, such as the President’s Scholarship Program, to support students from diverse backgrounds. Campus organizations and resources, including those aimed at supporting underrepresented groups in STEM, further contribute to an inclusive community.

Harvey Mudd’s curriculum and educational goals emphasize inclusivity and diversity. The college aims to attract and support students from all backgrounds, including those traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields.

The strategic vision and policies of Harvey Mudd College underscore its commitment to diversity and inclusion at all levels. Initiatives like the Blueprint for Diversity reflect ongoing efforts to enhance the campus climate and foster a welcoming environment for all community members.

Harvey Mudd College’s multifaceted approach to diversity and inclusion, combined with its various support programs and initiatives, contributes to a diverse and welcoming environment. While no institution is without areas for improvement, Harvey Mudd’s efforts reflect a strong commitment to inclusivity and diversity within its community.

View of a woman talking to two people on a table.

Is diversity important at Harvey Mudd College?

Harvey Mudd College places a high priority on diversity, as evidenced by its strategic planning and various initiatives aimed at fostering an inclusive and equitable academic environment. The college’s commitment to diversity is integral to its mission, emphasizing excellence alongside diversity at all levels of the institution.

Harvey Mudd has a clear Strategic Vision that positions “Unsurpassed excellence and diversity at all levels” as a cornerstone of its identity. This vision is supported by the Blueprint for Diversity, crafted in 2000, which outlines a comprehensive approach to enhancing the campus climate for diverse populations. This blueprint aims to both attract and retain individuals from varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds, ensuring their representation and active participation in the college community.

The college has seen significant progress in diversifying its student body, particularly noted in the Class of 2019. Efforts to increase the visibility of Harvey Mudd in various communities have led to higher enrollment percentages of Latino/Latina students, African or African American students, multiracial students, women, and first-generation college students. Such initiatives not only enrich the student body’s diversity but also contribute to a more inclusive learning environment.

Harvey Mudd’s educational goals are aligned with its diversity objectives. The college endeavors to create a welcoming atmosphere for all students, particularly aiming to attract those from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields, including women, African Americans, Latinos or Hispanics, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, LGBTQ individuals, and people with disabilities. These efforts are vital for broadening participation and embedding critical, inclusive pedagogies into the curriculum.

The college actively supports campus organizations that cater to underrepresented groups, offering a network of resources and support. Additionally, financial aid plays a crucial role in promoting diversity, with over 70% of students receiving some form of need-based or merit-based aid. The President’s Scholarship Program, in particular, underscores Harvey Mudd’s investment in attracting and supporting students of diverse backgrounds through significant financial awards.

Faculty members at Harvey Mudd take a personalized approach to recruiting underrepresented students, which has contributed to the growing diversity of the student population. These efforts, combined with financial aid support and various campus organizations, reflect a comprehensive strategy to enhance diversity and inclusion within the college.

The diversity initiatives at Harvey Mudd College have yielded measurable improvements in student demographics, notably increasing the representation of underrepresented groups. These achievements highlight the effectiveness of the college’s commitment to diversity, furthering its mission to foster an inclusive and dynamic academic community.

Harvey Mudd College’s strategic vision, educational goals, and dedicated initiatives collectively demonstrate its strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. Through concerted efforts in recruitment, financial aid, campus organizations, and curriculum development, the college continues to make significant strides in creating an equitable and diverse learning environment.

A group of students from a marketing school working on a project

Clubs at Harvey Mudd College that promote diversity

At Harvey Mudd College, student organizations are crucial in fostering diversity within the student body. Among these groups are:

API-SPAM (Asian Pacific Islander Sponsor Program at Mudd)

The Asian Pacific Islander Sponsor Program at Mudd (API-SPAM) is a notable initiative at Harvey Mudd College, celebrated for its commitment to enhancing student leadership. This mentorship scheme is designed to assist new students by offering them comprehensive support that spans social, political, and emotional aspects, with a particular emphasis on those who identify as Asian Pacific Islanders (API).

API-SPAM is instrumental in building a community among API students, offering guidance, and aiding in both their academic and personal development. Through fostering connections and providing a supportive network, the program significantly contributes to the overall well-being and success of Asian Pacific Islander students at the college.

BLAM (Black Lives at Mudd)

Black Lives at Mudd (BLAM), founded in 2015 at Harvey Mudd College, plays a pivotal role in enriching the campus culture for African American students. This organization is dedicated to building a supportive community for these students, facilitating their engagement with the wider black community across the Claremont Colleges.

BLAM is centered on nurturing connections among black students, offering support networks, and initiating meaningful discussions on racial issues. These activities aim to improve the collegiate experience for African American students at Harvey Mudd.

By promoting diversity, supporting African descent students, and pushing for a campus that is both more inclusive and equitable, BLAM is instrumental in shaping a welcoming and diverse educational environment.

EPAIC (Exploring Pan-Asian Identity and Culture)

Exploring Pan-Asian Identity and Culture (EPAIC) is an active student group at Harvey Mudd College that focuses on raising awareness about the various challenges faced by the Pan-Asian community. This organization offers a valuable space for students to explore and discuss a broad range of topics that intersect with culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, public policy, and education, among others.

EPAIC’s mission is to establish a welcoming environment where the entire Harvey Mudd College community can engage in dialogues and participate in activities that enhance understanding and recognition of Pan-Asian identity and culture. By doing so, EPAIC significantly contributes to the promotion of diversity, the increase of cultural awareness, and the development of a supportive atmosphere for students within the college.

View of a computer science student using a laptop.

PRISM (People Respecting Identities and Sexualities at Mudd)

People Respecting Identities and Sexualities at Mudd (PRISM) serves as Harvey Mudd College’s inclusive queer-straight alliance, designed as a welcoming space for individuals across the spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender non-conforming, queer, questioning, and straight students, as well as faculty and staff.

The group facilitates meetings where participants can openly discuss issues related to the LGBT experience within the campus setting. PRISM’s gatherings are intended to be safe environments that encourage open dialogue on sexual orientation and gender identity, aiming to build understanding and mutual support among the college’s community.

The organization is key in advancing inclusivity, offering support to people of various sexual orientations and gender identities, and ensuring that Harvey Mudd College is a welcoming place for everyone.

SALSA-Mudd (Society of Professional Latinos in STEMs)

The Society of Professional Latinos in STEMs (SALSA-Mudd) is a vital student group at Harvey Mudd College that seeks to uplift and assist Latino students interested in STEM careers. SALSA-Mudd establishes a nurturing environment where Latino students can forge connections, engage in networking, and cultivate a sense of belonging within the college.

The organization is dedicated to enhancing diversity and fostering inclusivity in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It provides its members with valuable resources such as professional growth opportunities, mentorship programs, and academic support.

By creating a supportive atmosphere and championing the presence of Latinos in STEM, SALSA-Mudd significantly contributes to advancing diversity and equality in the Harvey Mudd College community.

These groups play a crucial role in fostering a campus environment that is both inclusive and diverse. They offer support, and networking opportunities, and cultivate a feeling of community for students of different backgrounds. Additionally, they act as key channels for increasing awareness about diversity challenges and advocating for social justice within the campus community.

A male Asian student weighing the factors to consider in choosing a college

Is Harvey Mudd College The Right Fit For You?

Deciding if Harvey Mudd College is the right fit for you involves considering various aspects of the college’s culture, academic environment, and community. Here are some points to help you assess if Harvey Mudd aligns with your educational and personal goals, supported by examples and facts about the institution:

Academic Excellence in STEM

Harvey Mudd College is renowned for its strong emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). If you have a passion for these areas and are looking for an intensive curriculum that challenges you to excel, Harvey Mudd might be a great choice. The college’s rigorous academic programs are designed to foster not only deep technical knowledge but also a broad understanding of the humanities and social sciences, reflecting its commitment to producing well-rounded graduates.

Collaborative and Supportive Environment

The college culture is heavily centered around collaboration rather than competition. For example, students often engage in group projects and study sessions, creating a supportive academic atmosphere. If you thrive in environments where teamwork and peer support are valued, Harvey Mudd’s collaborative culture could be a good fit.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Harvey Mudd College actively promotes diversity and inclusivity within its community. This is evident in its various student organizations, such as the Society of Professional Latinos in STEM (SALSA-Mudd), Black Lives at Mudd (BLAM), and People Respecting Identities and Sexualities at Mudd (PRISM), which support underrepresented groups and foster a sense of belonging. If you value a diverse learning environment where social justice and inclusivity are prioritized, Harvey Mudd aligns with these values.

Hands-On Learning and Research Opportunities

Harvey Mudd offers numerous opportunities for hands-on learning and research, often at levels typically reserved for graduate students in other institutions. Whether through the Clinic Program, where students solve real-world problems for industry clients, or through summer research opportunities with faculty, Harvey Mudd students actively apply their knowledge in practical settings. If you’re seeking a college experience that emphasizes practical, hands-on learning, Harvey Mudd could be an excellent choice.

two electrical engineers working together

Small College Benefits within a Larger Consortium

As part of the Claremont Colleges consortium, Harvey Mudd students enjoy the intimate setting of a small college while benefiting from the resources and social opportunities of a larger university environment. This unique setup allows students to take courses at neighboring colleges, participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, and interact with a diverse group of students. If you’re looking for a small college feel with the advantages of a larger community, Harvey Mudd offers the best of both worlds.

Harvey Mudd College might be the right fit for you if you’re passionate about STEM, value a collaborative and inclusive community, seek hands-on learning experiences, and appreciate the benefits of a small college within a larger academic community. Consider these aspects carefully to determine if Harvey Mudd aligns with your academic aspirations and personal values.

Final Thoughts

Harvey Mudd College’s dedication to diversity goes beyond statistics, shaping a dynamic and welcoming community that embraces inclusivity. The college’s dedication to creating an environment where students from various backgrounds can thrive is evident through its diverse student body, supportive organizations, and initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity and equity.

With a significant representation of minority, international, and first-generation students, Harvey Mudd stands as a beacon of diversity in the STEM field. The college’s efforts to maintain a balanced gender ratio, alongside its emphasis on socioeconomic diversity through financial aid and scholarships, further underscore its commitment to accessibility and representation.

As Harvey Mudd College continues to evolve, its focus on diversity and inclusion remains a key aspect of its mission, preparing students not only for academic excellence but also for global citizenship in an increasingly interconnected world.


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