
Haverford vs Colgate: A Comprehensive Overview

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Young woman holding her books while walking.

Haverford vs Colgate: A Comprehensive Overview

If you are a student who is weighing your college options, you may have come across Haverford College and Colgate University as possible choices. Both are highly-ranked private liberal arts colleges that provide a well-rounded education, excellent academic programs, and a vibrant campus life. In this article, we’ll compare Haverford vs Colgate in various categories so that you can decide which one is the best fit for you.

Introduction: Why Compare Haverford vs. Colgate

Before we start the comparison, let’s briefly explain why Haverford and Colgate are worthy of your attention. Haverford College is a small, selective liberal arts college located in Haverford, PA, just outside of Philadelphia. Established in 1833, it has a rich history and a strong commitment to academic excellence, social responsibility, and community engagement. Colgate University, on the other hand, is also a small, selective liberal arts college located in Hamilton, NY, in the upstate region. Founded in 1819, it is one of the oldest colleges in America and has a reputation for rigorous academic programs, outdoor recreation, and student life.

group of students studying outside

Both Haverford and Colgate offer unique opportunities for students to explore their academic interests and engage with their communities. Haverford’s Honor Code fosters a culture of trust and respect among students and faculty, while Colgate’s emphasis on outdoor education allows students to connect with nature and develop leadership skills. Additionally, both colleges have strong alumni networks and offer resources for career development and post-graduate success. By comparing these two institutions, prospective students can gain a better understanding of what each college has to offer and make an informed decision about their future education.

Location and Campus Size Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

One of the most significant differences between Haverford and Colgate is their location and campus size. Haverford’s campus is relatively small, spanning about 200 acres, and is located in a suburban environment. Colgate’s campus is much larger, covering over 553 acres, and is situated in a rural area with plenty of green space and natural beauty. Haverford’s location allows easy access to Philadelphia, which is home to several cultural attractions and diverse communities. Colgate’s location offers ample opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, skiing, and snowboarding, in the nearby Adirondack Mountains.

Additionally, Haverford’s campus is known for its beautiful arboretum, which features over 400 species of trees and plants. The arboretum provides a peaceful and serene environment for students to study and relax. Colgate’s campus, on the other hand, boasts a state-of-the-art athletic complex, which includes a field house, ice rink, and multiple sports fields. The complex offers students a wide range of athletic opportunities and facilities.

Academic Programs and Departments Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

Haverford and Colgate offer a broad range of academic programs and departments, although their areas of strength may differ. Haverford is known for its strong humanities and social sciences programs and its close-knit intellectual community where students and faculty engage in collaborative research. Colgate is revered for its rigorous sciences, mathematics, and economics programs, and its commitment to experiential learning through numerous off-campus study opportunities. Both schools have a low student-to-faculty ratio, ensuring personalized attention and mentorship.

a male student solving a math problem

Additionally, Haverford offers a unique Tri-College Consortium, allowing students to take courses and participate in activities at all three institutions. Colgate, on the other hand, has a strong emphasis on global education, with over 100 study-abroad programs in more than 50 countries. Both schools also have strong arts programs, with Haverford’s Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery showcasing contemporary art and Colgate’s Clifford Art Gallery featuring exhibitions of historical and contemporary art.

Student Body Demographics Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

The student body demographics at Haverford and Colgate are fairly similar in terms of gender distribution and racial/ethnic diversity. Haverford has a slightly larger female population (54% vs. 56%), while Colgate has a higher percentage of students of color (24%, compared to Haverford’s 21%). However, both schools are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community and offer various resources and programming to support students of different backgrounds

One notable difference between the two schools is the socioeconomic diversity of their student bodies. Haverford has a higher percentage of students from low-income backgrounds, with 20% of students receiving Pell Grants, compared to Colgate’s 13%. Haverford also has a need-blind admissions policy, meaning that a student’s ability to pay is not taken into consideration during the admissions process.

Another factor to consider is the geographic diversity of the student body. Colgate has a higher percentage of out-of-state students, with 80% of the student body coming from outside of New York State. In contrast, Haverford has a higher percentage of in-state students, with 60% of the student body coming from Pennsylvania.

Admission Requirements and Acceptance Rate Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

Both Haverford and Colgate have highly selective admission processes and require a rigorous application. Haverford’s acceptance rate is slightly higher than Colgate’s (14% vs. 12%), but both schools look for well-rounded students with strong academic records, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities that align with their respective missions. They also offer need-blind admissions and generous financial aid packages to ensure that students from varying socioeconomic backgrounds have access to their education.

Additionally, Haverford and Colgate both require standardized test scores as part of their application process. Haverford accepts both the SAT and ACT, while Colgate only accepts the SAT. However, both schools have adopted test-optional policies for the application cycle due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Haverford and Colgate have different approaches to the essay portion of the application. Haverford requires a Common Application essay and a Haverford-specific essay, while Colgate only requires the Common Application essay. Haverford’s essay prompts tend to focus on the school’s values of academic rigor, social responsibility, and community engagement, while Colgate’s essay prompts tend to be more open-ended and allow for more personal expression.

Campus Facilities and Resources Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

Haverford and Colgate have modern, well-maintained facilities and resources that enhance the academic and social experience of their students. Haverford has a state-of-the-art science center, an arts center, and numerous libraries, computer labs, and research centers. Colgate boasts an impressive athletic complex, an on-campus museum, and resources for entrepreneurship and innovation. Both schools also provide various opportunities for student involvement, such as clubs, organizations, volunteer groups, and internship programs.

applying for internship

Additionally, Haverford offers a unique resource in their Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, which provides students with opportunities to engage in social justice work and community-based learning both locally and globally. Colgate also has a strong commitment to sustainability, with initiatives such as a campus-wide composting program and a student-run organic farm. These resources allow students to not only excel academically but also to make a positive impact on the world around them.

Athletics Programs and Achievements Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

Haverford and Colgate have strong athletics programs that compete in the Division III level of the NCAA. Haverford’s sports teams, known as the Fords, participate in the Centennial Conference and have had success in cross-country, track and field, and soccer. Colgate’s teams, known as the Raiders, compete in the Patriot League and have excelled in football, ice hockey, and lacrosse. Both schools prioritize the balance between academics and athletics and offer various opportunities for student-athletes to excel in their sport and beyond.

Additionally, Haverford has a strong ultimate frisbee team that has consistently ranked highly in national tournaments. The team, known as the Haverford Hucking Fords, has won multiple conference championships and has even made it to the national championship tournament. Colgate also has a successful equestrian team, which competes in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association. The team has had multiple riders qualify for the national championships and has won numerous regional championships. These unique sports teams add to the diverse and competitive athletics programs at both Haverford and Colgate.

Faculty Profiles and Research Opportunities Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

Haverford and Colgate have excellent and accomplished faculty who are dedicated to teaching and research. Haverford’s faculty is interdisciplinary, and many professors hold joint appointments in different departments. The student-faculty collaboration is an essential aspect of the curriculum, with many opportunities for research, independent study, and fieldwork. Colgate’s faculty is equally renowned, with many professors holding prestigious research grants and publishing original research. The university also has several research centers, such as the Center for Leadership Excellence, the Center for Women’s Studies, and the Upstate Institute.

interior design college

Furthermore, both Haverford and Colgate offer undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in research projects alongside faculty members. Haverford’s Office of Academic Resources and the KINSC (Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center) provide funding and support for student research in various fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology. Colgate’s Undergraduate Research Initiative offers similar opportunities for students to engage in research projects, with funding available for travel, equipment, and supplies. These research opportunities allow students to gain valuable hands-on experience and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Alumni Networks and Career Services Comparison: Haverford vs. Colgate

Haverford and Colgate have robust alumni networks and career services that provide useful resources and connections for graduates. Haverford alumni are well-known for their commitment to social justice, sustainability, and intellectual inquiry, and many hold leadership positions in various fields. The college has a dedicated career development office that offers counseling, networking, and job/internship opportunities for students and alumni. Colgate’s alumni are similarly distinguished and are known for their accomplishments in business, law, medicine, and the arts. The university has a career services office that provides comprehensive support for students and alumni, including resume reviews, mock interviews, and career fairs.

Additionally, both Haverford and Colgate offer mentorship programs that connect current students with alumni in their desired fields. These programs provide valuable guidance and advice for students as they navigate their career paths. Haverford’s mentorship program, called the Career Connections Network, has over 1,500 alumni volunteers who are eager to help students succeed. Colgate’s program, called the Alumni Network, offers similar opportunities for students to connect with alumni mentors and gain insights into various industries.

Student Life, Clubs, and Organizations Comparison

Haverford and Colgate have vibrant student life, with numerous clubs, organizations, events, and activities that cater to different interests and passions. Haverford has over 100 student-led clubs, including a student-run coffee shop, a Queer and Trans Alliance, a Capoeira club, and a Debate team. Colgate similarly has over 100 clubs, including a Hip-Hop dance team, an Outing Club, a Colgate chapter of Habitat for Humanity, and a Diversity and Inclusion Initiative. Both schools also offer ample opportunities for community service, sustainability, and leadership development.

a male and female adult dancing in an artistically lit studio

Additionally, Haverford has a strong focus on sustainability and environmentalism, with a student-led Environmental Action Group that organizes events and initiatives to promote eco-friendly practices on campus. The college also has a student-run organic farm that supplies produce to the dining hall and local community. Colgate, on the other hand, has a thriving arts scene, with a student-run theater group, a cappella group, and a student-run radio station that broadcasts music and talk shows.

Furthermore, both schools have active Greek life communities, with Haverford having six fraternities and sororities and Colgate having 13. Greek life at both schools is known for its philanthropic efforts and community service projects, as well as social events and networking opportunities. Overall, students at Haverford and Colgate have a wide range of options to get involved and make the most of their college experience.

Financial Aid Packages and Tuition Fees Comparison

Haverford and Colgate are committed to providing affordable education for all students, regardless of their financial background. Both schools offer need-blind admissions and meet the demonstrated need of their students with generous scholarships, grants, and work-study opportunities. Haverford’s tuition and fees for the academic year are $68,020, and the average need-based scholarship is $62,828. Colgate’s tuition and fees for the same year are $67,024, and the average need-based scholarship is $64,355. Both schools have relatively low student debt and high financial outcomes.

In addition to need-based financial aid, both Haverford and Colgate offer merit-based scholarships to exceptional students. These scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential, and other criteria. Haverford offers several merit-based scholarships, including the Presidential Scholarship, which covers full tuition and fees for four years. Colgate offers the Benton Scholars Program, which provides full tuition, room, and board for four years to a select group of students.

Furthermore, both schools have robust financial literacy programs to help students and families navigate the complex world of college financing. These programs offer resources and guidance on topics such as budgeting, managing student loans, and understanding financial aid packages. Haverford’s Office of Student Financial Services provides one-on-one counseling sessions and hosts workshops throughout the year. Colgate’s Office of Financial Aid offers online resources and financial literacy workshops for students and families.

Campus Safety Statistics Comparison

Finally, it is essential to consider the safety and security measures at Haverford and Colgate, especially given the recent concerns about campus violence and discrimination. Haverford and Colgate have both invested in campus security, including a police department, emergency alert systems, and community outreach. However, Haverford has a slightly lower crime rate than Colgate, according to the latest Campus Safety and Security data. The school has reported zero incidents of sexual assault, hate crimes, or arson, and minimal incidents of theft, burglary, and alcohol violations.

Campus Safety

It is worth noting that Haverford has implemented several innovative safety measures in recent years. For example, the school has a program called “Safe Walk,” which provides students with a security escort when walking on campus at night. Additionally, Haverford has installed security cameras in high-traffic areas to deter criminal activity and assist in investigations.

On the other hand, Colgate has taken steps to address issues of discrimination and bias on campus. The school has established a Bias Incident Response Team, which investigates incidents of hate speech and other forms of discrimination. Colgate also offers diversity and inclusion training for students, faculty, and staff to promote a more welcoming and inclusive campus environment.

Conclusion: Which College is Better for You?

After conducting a comprehensive comparison of Haverford and Colgate, the verdict is clear: it depends. Both schools have their strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for you depends on your individual preferences, goals, and needs. If you value a small, close-knit intellectual community, a vibrant urban location, and strong humanities and social sciences programs, Haverford may be the perfect fit for you. If you prefer a larger, more diverse campus, a scenic rural location, and rigorous science, math, and economics programs, Colgate may be the ideal choice. Ultimately, whichever college you choose, you will have access to an exceptional education, an engaged community, and an unforgettable experience.

It is important to note that both Haverford and Colgate offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, and organizations. Haverford has a strong tradition of athletics, with many students participating in varsity, club, and intramural sports. Colgate also has a thriving athletic program, with a focus on Division I sports such as football, basketball, and ice hockey. Additionally, both schools offer a variety of clubs and organizations, ranging from academic and professional groups to cultural and social clubs.

Another factor to consider when choosing between Haverford and Colgate is the availability of resources and support services. Haverford has a strong commitment to student wellness, with a range of resources available to support mental and physical health. Colgate also offers a variety of support services, including academic advising, career counseling, and health and wellness services. Ultimately, the decision between Haverford and Colgate will depend on your individual priorities and goals, and both schools offer a wealth of opportunities for personal and academic growth.


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