
Haverford vs. Tulane Universities: Which Is Right for You?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female student thinking how to colleges

Haverford vs. Tulane Universities: Which Is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing a university, there are numerous factors to consider. From the quality of academics to campus life and extracurricular activities, each institution offers its own unique set of pros and cons. In this article, we’ll be comparing Haverford vs Tulane Universities to help you make the best decision for your future.


Let’s start by taking a closer look at Tulane University. This private research university is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, and boasts a strong academic reputation, particularly in fields such as business, law, and medicine. Tulane is also known for its commitment to community service, with a number of outreach programs and volunteer opportunities available to students.

a male law student studying

Additionally, Tulane University has a vibrant campus life with over 200 student organizations, including clubs for sports, arts, and cultural interests. The university also hosts a number of events throughout the year, such as the Crawfest music festival and the Wave Goodbye graduation celebration.

Furthermore, Tulane has a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The university has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, including a bike share program, a campus garden, and LEED-certified buildings.

Campus Life: Haverford vs. Tulane

When it comes to campus life, both Haverford and Tulane offer a vibrant and engaging environment for students. Tulane’s campus is known for its beautiful architecture and outdoor spaces, which provide plenty of opportunities for relaxation and socializing. Haverford, on the other hand, is located just outside of Philadelphia and offers easy access to all that the city has to offer, as well as a tight-knit community feel on campus.

One major difference between the two campuses is the size. Tulane has a larger student body, which can make it easier to meet new people and find a diverse range of activities to participate in. Haverford, on the other hand, has a smaller student body, which can create a more intimate and personalized experience for students.

Another aspect to consider is the climate. Tulane is located in New Orleans, which can be hot and humid for much of the year. Haverford, on the other hand, experiences all four seasons and can offer a variety of outdoor activities throughout the year, such as skiing and hiking in the nearby mountains.

Admissions Process: Haverford vs. Tulane

If you’re considering applying to either Haverford or Tulane, it’s important to understand the admissions process for each. Both institutions are highly selective, with acceptance rates hovering around 14-11%. That being said, Haverford has a slightly lower acceptance rate, so be sure to bring your best game during the application process.

One major difference between the admissions processes at Haverford and Tulane is the use of standardized test scores. While both schools require either the SAT or ACT, Haverford has adopted a test-optional policy, meaning that applicants can choose not to submit their scores. Tulane, on the other hand, still requires test scores as part of its application process. Keep this in mind when deciding which school to apply to and whether or not to take the standardized tests.

Academics: Haverford vs. Tulane

When it comes to academics, both Haverford and Tulane are highly respected institutions with excellent faculty and resources. Haverford is known for its intimate classroom settings, with a low student-to-faculty ratio and an emphasis on undergraduate research opportunities. Tulane, on the other hand, offers a wide range of academic programs for both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as numerous research centers and institutes for students to get involved in.

Additionally, Haverford has a strong focus on interdisciplinary studies, encouraging students to explore multiple fields of study and connect them in meaningful ways. This approach allows students to develop a well-rounded understanding of complex issues and prepares them for a variety of career paths.

Meanwhile, Tulane has a unique emphasis on community engagement and service learning. Students are encouraged to get involved in local and global communities through service projects and internships, providing them with valuable hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of social issues.

Majors and Programs Offered: Haverford vs. Tulane

Both Haverford and Tulane offer a diverse range of majors and programs for students to choose from. Haverford’s curriculum is rooted in the liberal arts, with a strong emphasis on critical thinking, writing, and problem-solving skills. Tulane, on the other hand, offers a wider range of majors, including many STEM-focused programs in fields such as engineering and computer science.

Man offer stem word sign on virtual screen.

In addition to their core curriculum, Haverford also offers a number of interdisciplinary programs that allow students to explore topics across multiple fields of study. These programs include Environmental Studies, Health Studies, and Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. Students can also design their own majors through the Independent College Programs.

At Tulane, students have the opportunity to participate in a number of experiential learning programs, including internships, research projects, and study abroad programs. The university also offers a number of unique programs, such as the Altman Program in International Studies and Business, which combines coursework in international business with language study and study abroad experiences.

Faculty and Student Ratio: Haverford vs. Tulane

As mentioned earlier, Haverford has a low student-to-faculty ratio, with just 8 students for every 1 faculty member. This means that students are able to form close relationships with their professors and receive personalized attention and support. Tulane’s student-to-faculty ratio is slightly higher, at 8:1, but still reflects a commitment to small class sizes and individualized attention.

It’s worth noting that while Haverford’s student-to-faculty ratio is lower, Tulane has a larger number of faculty members overall. This means that while individual class sizes may be slightly larger at Tulane, there are still plenty of opportunities for students to receive one-on-one attention from professors outside of class. Additionally, Tulane’s faculty includes experts in a wide range of fields, providing students with diverse perspectives and opportunities for interdisciplinary study.

Facilities and Resources: Haverford vs. Tulane

When it comes to facilities and resources, both Haverford and Tulane offer top-notch amenities for their students. Haverford’s campus features state-of-the-art laboratories, a state-of-the-art athletic center, and a range of cultural and arts centers. Tulane offers numerous libraries and research centers, as well as a newly renovated student center and a range of athletic facilities.

View of a shelves placed next to each other.

Additionally, Haverford has a well-equipped health center that provides medical and mental health services to students. The center has a team of experienced healthcare professionals who offer a range of services, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, and counseling services. Tulane, on the other hand, has a robust career services center that helps students with job search, resume building, and interview preparation. The center also hosts career fairs and networking events to connect students with potential employers.

Furthermore, Haverford has a sustainable campus initiative that focuses on reducing the environmental impact of the campus. The initiative includes a range of programs, such as composting, recycling, and energy conservation. Tulane also has a similar initiative called the Green Wave, which aims to promote sustainability and environmental awareness on campus. The initiative includes a community garden, a bike share program, and a sustainability minor for students interested in environmental studies.

Student Organizations and Activities: Haverford vs. Tulane

Both Haverford and Tulane offer a diverse range of student organizations and activities for students to get involved in. Haverford students can choose from a range of clubs and organizations, including a thriving music and performing arts scene. Tulane students can explore a range of extracurriculars, including sports teams, volunteer groups, and cultural organizations.

At Haverford, students can also participate in a variety of community service initiatives, such as tutoring programs and environmental sustainability projects. The college also hosts regular events and lectures on social justice issues, providing students with opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions and activism.

Meanwhile, Tulane offers unique opportunities for students to engage with the local New Orleans community, such as through service-learning courses and partnerships with local organizations. The university also has a strong focus on entrepreneurship, with resources and programs available for students interested in starting their own businesses or social ventures.

Athletics and Sports Opportunities: Haverford vs. Tulane

If you’re interested in athletics, both Haverford and Tulane offer a range of sports teams and opportunities for students. Haverford is known for its strong cross-country and track and field programs, while Tulane has a strong football team and a range of other sports, including baseball, basketball, and tennis.

In addition to these sports, Haverford also has a strong ultimate frisbee team and a popular intramural program. Students can participate in a variety of sports, including soccer, volleyball, and basketball, through the intramural program.

At Tulane, students can also participate in a variety of outdoor activities, such as kayaking and paddleboarding, through the Outdoor Adventures program. The university also has a strong club sports program, with options such as rugby, ultimate frisbee, and lacrosse.

Housing Options: Haverford vs. Tulane

When it comes to housing, both Haverford and Tulane offer comfortable and convenient options for students. Haverford’s residential life program is designed to create a sense of community and belonging among students, with a range of on-campus housing options available. Tulane also offers a range of on-campus housing options, including traditional dormitories, apartment-style living, and fraternity and sorority housing.

Students laughing together in their apartments

However, there are some differences between the two schools’ housing options. Haverford’s on-campus housing is guaranteed for all four years, while Tulane only guarantees housing for the first two years. After that, students must find off-campus housing or apply for limited on-campus housing options. Additionally, Haverford’s housing is mostly comprised of traditional dormitories, while Tulane offers a wider variety of housing styles.

Another factor to consider is the cost of housing. Haverford’s on-campus housing is generally more expensive than Tulane’s, with some of the newer dormitories costing upwards of $18,520 per year. Tulane’s housing options are generally more affordable, with some dormitories costing as little as $18,088 per year. However, it’s important to note that the cost of living in New Orleans, where Tulane is located, may be higher than in Haverford’s suburban Philadelphia location.

Tuition and Financial Aid: Haverford vs. Tulane

Of course, one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a university is the cost of tuition and available financial aid. Haverford is a private institution with a relatively high tuition cost, but it also offers a range of financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and student loans. Tulane also has a high tuition cost but offers generous financial aid packages to eligible students.

It’s important to note that the cost of tuition is not the only factor to consider when evaluating the financial impact of attending a university. Other expenses, such as room and board, textbooks, and transportation, can also add up quickly. Haverford and Tulane both offer resources to help students manage these costs, such as work-study programs and budgeting workshops.

Additionally, it’s worth researching the long-term financial benefits of attending each university. Haverford has a strong reputation for producing successful graduates who go on to earn high salaries in a variety of fields. Tulane also has a strong alumni network and a reputation for preparing students for successful careers. Considering these factors can help you make an informed decision about which university will provide the best return on your investment.

Career Services and Job Placement: Haverford vs.Tulane

When it comes to career services and job placement, both Haverford and Tulane offer a range of resources and support for students. Haverford’s career development program includes personalized counseling, skill-building workshops, and networking opportunities. Tulane’s career center offers similar services, as well as connections with a range of employer partners and alumni networks.

However, there are some differences between the two schools’ approaches to career services. Haverford places a strong emphasis on helping students explore their interests and passions, and tailoring career advice to each individual’s unique goals. Tulane, on the other hand, focuses more on providing students with practical skills and experiences that will make them competitive in the job market. Both approaches have their benefits, and ultimately it’s up to each student to decide which approach aligns best with their own career aspirations.

Alumni Network and Support for Both Universities

Finally, it’s worth considering the alumni networks and support systems available at both Haverford and Tulane. Both institutions have strong networks of alumni who are involved in a range of industries and fields, as well as numerous alumni events and opportunities for connection and networking.

However, there are some differences in the types of support offered by each institution. Haverford has a strong emphasis on mentorship, with alumni often serving as mentors to current students and recent graduates. Tulane, on the other hand, has a robust career services center that offers resources such as resume reviews, job search assistance, and networking events specifically for alumni. Additionally, Tulane has a larger alumni network due to its larger student body and longer history as an institution.

Overall Pros and Cons of Each University

Overall, there are numerous pros and cons to consider when choosing between Haverford and Tulane Universities. Haverford may be the better choice for students seeking an intimate community and a strong emphasis on the liberal arts, while Tulane may be a better fit for those seeking a wider range of academic programs and opportunities. It’s important to weigh all of these factors carefully and decide what matters most to you.

A student talking to a teacher about pros and cons of gap year

One of the major pros of attending Haverford is its small class sizes, which allow for more personalized attention from professors and a closer-knit community among students. Additionally, Haverford’s location in a suburban area provides a peaceful and safe environment for students to focus on their studies.

On the other hand, Tulane’s location in New Orleans offers students a unique cultural experience and access to a vibrant city with a rich history and diverse population. Tulane also has a strong emphasis on community service and social justice, providing students with opportunities to make a positive impact on the world beyond the classroom.

Conclusion – Which University Is Right for You?

In the end, the decision of which university to attend is a personal one that will depend on your individual needs, interests, and goals. By considering all of the factors we’ve discussed – from academics and campus life to housing and financial aid – you can make an informed decision that will set you on the path to success and fulfillment. Whether you choose Haverford or Tulane, we wish you the best of luck on your academic journey!

It’s important to remember that attending university is not just about getting a degree, but also about personal growth and development. Consider the extracurricular activities and clubs offered at each university, as well as the opportunities for community service and internships. These experiences can help you develop important skills and make valuable connections for your future career.

Lastly, don’t forget to trust your gut instinct. After visiting each university and speaking with current students and faculty, you may have a feeling about which one is the right fit for you. Trust that feeling and have confidence in your decision. Remember, the university you choose will be your home for the next four years, so make sure it’s a place where you feel comfortable and supported.


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