
How Hard Is AP Comparative Government & Politics?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Group of students taking an exam for college admission

How Hard Is AP Comparative Government & Politics?

AP Comparative Government & Politics is a challenging course that requires a deep understanding of the political systems and structures of different countries.

In this article, we will explore the various aspects of this course to help you gauge its difficulty level and prepare for the exam. So, let’s dive in!

The Importance of AP Comparative Government & Politics

AP Comparative Government & Politics is a college-level course designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the political systems, institutions, and processes of different countries. This course is highly important for students who wish to pursue careers in law, politics, or international relations.

It provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to critically analyze and compare political systems across countries and continents.

The course covers a wide range of topics, including political ideologies, democracies, authoritarian regimes, globalization, and human rights, among others. It requires students to conduct research, analyze data, and evaluate arguments. Students will also be required to write essays, participate in debates, and present findings.

Moreover, AP Comparative Government & Politics is not only important for students who wish to pursue careers in law, politics, or international relations, but it is also beneficial for students who want to develop critical thinking skills and broaden their knowledge of the world.

By studying different political systems, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of global politics and the challenges facing different societies. This course can also help students become more informed and engaged citizens, who are better equipped to participate in democratic processes and make informed decisions.

Understanding the Basics of AP Comparative Government & Politics

To succeed in AP Comparative Government & Politics, students must have a strong understanding of the basics of political science. This includes knowledge of different political systems, institutions, and processes, as well as the ability to critically evaluate political arguments and theories.

Students must also be able to analyze and interpret data, as well as use evidence to support their arguments. This requires strong research and analytical skills, as well as the ability to communicate complex concepts effectively.

Furthermore, students must also be aware of the cultural and historical context in which political systems operate. This includes understanding the impact of colonialism, imperialism, and globalization on political structures and processes.

It is important for students to recognize the diversity of political systems and the unique challenges they face, as well as the similarities and connections between them.Group of students studying together in the library.

The Difficulty Level of AP Comparative Government & Politics: A Comprehensive Analysis

AP Comparative Government & Politics is considered to be a challenging course due to its comprehensive nature and rigorous requirements. Students must be able to apply critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate complex concepts, as well as interpret and analyze data from a variety of sources.

Additionally, students must be able to communicate their ideas effectively, both in written and oral form. Essays, debates, and presentations all require a high level of communication skills and the ability to clearly articulate complex ideas.

Moreover, students must be able to work independently and manage their time effectively, as the course requires significant research and analysis outside of class time.

Furthermore, the course also requires a strong understanding of global politics and the ability to compare and contrast different political systems and ideologies. This requires students to have a broad knowledge base and stay up-to-date with current events and political developments around the world.

Tips to Score High in AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

To score high in the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam, students should follow these tips:

  • Read the assigned texts and take notes regularly.
  • Participate actively in class discussions and debates.
  • Create study groups with classmates to discuss and review course materials.
  • Review past exam questions and practice writing essays and other assignments.
  • Use various resources such as textbooks, online resources, and study guides to help you prepare for the exam.

Additionally, it is important for students to familiarize themselves with the exam format and structure. The AP Comparative Government & Politics exam consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section.

The multiple-choice section tests students’ knowledge of concepts and theories, while the free-response section requires students to analyze and apply their knowledge to specific case studies. By understanding the exam format and practicing with sample questions, students can feel more confident and prepared on exam day.

How to Prepare for AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam: A Step-by-Step Guide

To prepare for the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam, students should follow these steps:

  1. Attend all classes and complete all assignments in a timely manner.
  2. Create a study schedule that allows you to review course materials regularly.
  3. Take detailed notes while reading and reviewing course materials.
  4. Review past exam questions and practice writing essays and other assignments.
  5. Use online resources such as study guides, podcasts, and video lectures to supplement your learning.
  6. Form study groups with classmates to review and discuss course materials.
  7. Seek help from teachers or tutors if you are struggling with any topics or concepts.

Additionally, it is important to stay up-to-date with current events and news related to the countries and governments studied in the course. This can help provide context and real-world examples for the concepts and theories learned in class.

Furthermore, practicing time management skills is crucial for success on the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam. Students should prioritize their studying and allocate enough time for each topic, while also balancing their other responsibilities and commitments.Male student using a laptop in a coffee shop.

Top Resources to Ace Your AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

There are several resources available that can help students prepare for the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam. These include:

  • AP Comparative Government & Politics textbooks, such as Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction by Rod Hague and Martin Harrop.
  • Online resources, such as Khan Academy’s AP Comparative Government & Politics Course.
  • Study guides, such as Barron’s AP Comparative Government & Politics Study Guide.
  • Practice exams, such as those available on the College Board website.

Another helpful resource for preparing for the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam is joining a study group. Collaborating with peers can provide a supportive environment for discussing difficult concepts and practicing exam questions.

Additionally, study groups can offer different perspectives and insights on the course material. Consider forming a study group with classmates or joining an existing one to enhance your exam preparation.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

Some common mistakes to avoid during the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam include:

  • Not reading the instructions carefully.
  • Not answering all parts of a question.
  • Not providing evidence to support your arguments.
  • Not citing or properly referencing sources.
  • Not managing your time effectively.

Another common mistake to avoid during the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam is not understanding the key concepts and theories. It is important to have a strong grasp of the material and be able to apply it to different scenarios.

Additionally, not practicing enough with past exams and sample questions can also be detrimental to your performance on the actual exam. Make sure to allocate enough time to practice and review your answers to identify areas for improvement.Male student using a laptop while sitting on a table.

What to Expect from the AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

The AP Comparative Government & Politics exam consists of two sections:

  • Section I: Multiple Choice Questions (55 questions, 45% of the exam score).
  • Section II: Free Response Questions (4 questions, 55% of the exam score).

The exam covers six countries and their political systems: China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Students should be familiar with the political, economic, and social characteristics of each country, as well as their political institutions and processes.

It is important to note that the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam also assesses students’ ability to compare and contrast the political systems of the six countries.

This means that students should be able to identify similarities and differences between the countries’ political institutions, processes, and policies. Additionally, students should be able to analyze the impact of historical events, cultural factors, and global trends on each country’s political system.

Pros and Cons of Taking AP Comparative Government & Politics

Some of the pros of taking AP Comparative Government & Politics include:

  • Preparation for college-level coursework and future careers in law, politics, or international affairs.
  • Development of critical thinking and analytical skills.
  • Increased knowledge and understanding of different political systems, institutions, and processes.

Some of the cons of taking AP Comparative Government & Politics include:

  • High level of difficulty and workload.
  • Significant time commitment required outside of class.
  • May not be useful for students who do not plan to pursue careers in law, politics, or international affairs.

However, there are additional benefits to taking AP Comparative Government & Politics that are not immediately apparent. For example, students who take this course may develop a greater appreciation for the complexities of political systems and the challenges of governing diverse populations.

Additionally, students who take this course may be better equipped to engage in political discourse and to make informed decisions about political issues that affect their communities.

On the other hand, there are also some potential drawbacks to taking AP Comparative Government & Politics that are not mentioned in the original text. For instance, some students may find the course content to be biased or one-sided, depending on the instructor’s political views or the materials used in the course.

Additionally, students who struggle with reading comprehension or writing may find the course to be particularly challenging, as it requires a high level of reading and writing proficiency.

The Future Benefits of Taking AP Comparative Government & Politics

Studying AP Comparative Government & Politics can have several future benefits, including:

  • Preparation for college-level coursework in political science, international relations, or related fields.
  • Increased competitiveness for college admissions and scholarships.
  • Increase in critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills.
  • Preparation for future careers in law, politics, or international affairs.

Additionally, taking AP Comparative Government & Politics can also provide students with a deeper understanding of the political systems and structures of different countries around the world. This knowledge can be valuable in a variety of settings, such as working for international organizations or businesses that operate globally.

Furthermore, studying comparative politics can also help students develop a more nuanced perspective on current events and global issues, which can be useful in both personal and professional contexts.

How to Choose the Right Study Materials for AP Comparative Government & Politics

To choose the right study materials for AP Comparative Government & Politics, students should consider the following:

  • The reputation and quality of the study materials.
  • Recommendations from teachers and other students who have taken the course.
  • Your preferred learning style and format (e.g., textbooks, online resources, study groups).
  • The comprehensiveness and relevance of the study materials to the exam.

Another important factor to consider when choosing study materials for AP Comparative Government & Politics is the level of difficulty. It is important to choose materials that challenge you, but not to the point where you become overwhelmed and discouraged. Look for materials that provide a balance of challenging content and clear explanations.

Additionally, consider the cost of the study materials and whether they fit within your budget. Some materials may be more expensive than others, but that does not necessarily mean they are better. It is important to find a balance between quality and affordability.Young woman using a laptop on a table.

Success Stories and Tips from Students Who Scored High in AP Comparative Government & Politics

Here are some tips from students who scored high in AP Comparative Government & Politics:

  • Take detailed notes and review them regularly.
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Join or form study groups to review and discuss course materials.
  • Practice writing essays and other assignments.
  • Review past exam questions to identify areas that need improvement.
  • Use different resources such as textbooks, online resources, and study guides to supplement learning.
  • Seek help from teachers or tutors if you are struggling with any topics or concepts.

Aside from these tips, it is also important to stay updated with current events and news related to the course. This will help you understand the concepts better and apply them to real-life situations. You can subscribe to news outlets or follow social media accounts that cover politics and government.

Furthermore, it is essential to have a good understanding of the different political systems and structures of various countries. This will help you compare and contrast them, which is a crucial aspect of the course. You can use visual aids such as charts and diagrams to help you remember the different systems and structures.

Differences Between Regular and Honors/AP Comparative Government and politics

The main differences between regular and honors/AP Comparative Government and politics are the level of difficulty and workload. Honors/AP courses are designed to be more comprehensive and rigorous than regular courses, and are often geared toward preparing students for college-level coursework.

Additionally, honors/AP courses may cover more advanced topics or require more research, analysis, and writing than regular courses. Honors/AP courses may also be weighted more heavily in a student’s GPA calculation, which can affect college admissions decisions.

The Role of Comparative Government and Politics in Shaping Global Policies

Comparative government and politics play a critical role in shaping global policies by providing policymakers with a comprehensive understanding of different political systems, institutions, and processes around the world.

This allows policymakers to identify and analyze potential areas of conflict or cooperation between countries, as well as evaluate the impact of their policies on other countries and regions.

Additionally, comparative government and politics provide a framework for understanding global issues such as democracy, human rights, economic development, and environmental protection. This allows policymakers to develop more effective policies that take into account the diversity of political systems and cultural contexts around the world.

How does comparative government and politics differ from other political studies?

Comparative government and politics differ from other political studies in several ways. It focuses on the study and comparison of political systems, institutions, and processes across different countries and regions.

This allows students to develop a broad understanding of the diversity of political systems around the world and the implications of this diversity for global politics.

Additionally, comparative government and politics often take a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on theories, concepts, and methods from various fields such as history, sociology, economics, and anthropology.

This allows students to take a holistic approach to the study of political systems and processes, and to evaluate the impact of political decisions on a wide range of social, economic, and cultural factors.

The Importance of Comparative Government and Politics in the Current Political Climate

Comparative government and politics are particularly important in the current political climate, which is characterized by increasing political polarization, globalization, and technological disruptions.

Understanding the political systems, institutions, and processes of different countries is critical for developing effective policies and strategies that address these challenges.

Moreover, the comparative approach allows students to analyze and evaluate political arguments and theories from a variety of perspectives, thereby contributing to more constructive and informed political discourse.

It also fosters greater cross-cultural understanding and empathy, which is essential for building more peaceful and prosperous societies.A woman writing an essay on a table.

How difficult is it to study comparative government and politics at a college level?

Studying comparative government and politics at a college level can be challenging due to its comprehensive nature and rigorous requirements. It requires a deep understanding of the political systems, institutions, and processes of different countries, as well as the ability to critically analyze and compare these systems across different regions and continents.

Additionally, students must have strong research, analytical, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work independently and manage their time effectively. College-level courses in comparative government and politics often require extensive reading, research, and analysis outside of class time, as well as participation in debates and presentations.

Understanding the Practical Applications of Comparative Government and Politics Beyond Academic Settings

Comparative government and politics have practical applications beyond academic settings, particularly in careers related to law, politics, international relations, diplomacy, non-profit organizations, and journalism.

For example, an understanding of comparative government and politics is critical for developing effective policies and strategies that address global issues such as climate change, poverty, and human rights abuses.

It is also essential for negotiating and implementing international treaties and agreements, as well as for building and maintaining relationships with other countries and regions.

Moreover, comparative government and politics are important for understanding the political, social, and cultural contexts of different regions, which is essential for effective communication and collaboration in multicultural and multinational settings.


AP Comparative Government & Politics is a challenging course that requires a deep understanding of the political systems and structures of different countries. However, with dedication and hard work, students can succeed in the course and reap the many benefits it offers for their future academic and career pursuits.

Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in law, politics, or international relations, or simply want to develop critical thinking and analytical skills, AP Comparative Government & Politics is an excellent choice of course. With the right study materials, resources, and preparation, you can excel in this course and prepare for a successful future.


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