
Writing a Letter of Continued Interest for College Admission

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female student writing letter

Writing a Letter of Continued Interest for College Admission

When it comes to college admissions, students often find themselves wondering how they can increase their chances of acceptance, especially if they have been deferred or waitlisted. One effective strategy for expressing a sustained interest in a college could be through a letter of continued interest. This piece of communication serves as a crucial link between the applicant and the admissions committee.

Understanding the Purpose of a Letter of Continued Interest

A letter of continued interest is a crucial component of the college admission process. When a college is uncertain about accepting an applicant, they may place them in a deferral or waitlist status. During this period, a well-written letter can play a significant role in demonstrating the applicant’s sustained interest in the college.

However, the impact of a letter goes beyond merely expressing interest. It has the potential to directly influence your candidacy for admission. By providing an opportunity to reassert your interest in the college, update the admissions committee about any new developments since your initial application, and remind them why you would be an asset to their institution, a letter of continued interest can make a lasting impression.

The Role of a Letter of Continued Interest in College Admissions

When an applicant receives a deferral or waitlist status, it can be disheartening. However, this is not the end of the road. In fact, it presents an opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate their commitment and dedication to the college.

Close up view of a woman writing a recommendation letter

A well-crafted letter can showcase your continued interest in the college by highlighting specific aspects that resonate with you. Whether it’s the unique academic programs, renowned faculty, or vibrant campus community, expressing your genuine enthusiasm can make a strong case for your admission.

Furthermore, a letter of continued interest allows you to provide updates on any significant achievements or experiences that have occurred since submitting your initial application. Whether it’s winning a prestigious award, participating in a meaningful community service project, or excelling in a challenging academic course, sharing these accomplishments can demonstrate your growth and commitment to personal and academic development.

Additionally, it provides an opportunity to address any concerns or weaknesses that may have been present in your initial application. By acknowledging and explaining these areas, you can show the admissions committee that you are proactive, self-aware, and committed to personal growth.

The Impact of a Letter of Continued Interest on Your Application

A well-written letter of continued interest can have a significant impact on your application. It allows you to present new information that was not available at the time of your initial application, giving the admissions committee a more comprehensive understanding of your qualifications and potential contributions to the college community.

Moreover, it serves as a reminder to the admissions committee of your genuine interest and passion for the college. It reinforces the notion that you are not just another applicant but someone who truly values the college’s mission, values, and educational opportunities.

Furthermore, it can help you stand out from other applicants who may not have taken the time and effort to express their continued interest. It shows your commitment and dedication, which can make a positive impression on the admissions committee.

It is important to note that while a letter of continued interest can have a positive impact on your application, it is not a guarantee of admission. Each college has its own unique admission process, and the weight given to it may vary. However, by carefully crafting a compelling and sincere letter, you can maximize your chances of being considered for admission.

Essential Components of a Letter of Continued Interest

A letter of continued interest is a valuable tool for students who have been deferred or waitlisted by a college. It allows you to update the admissions committee on any new achievements or experiences since your initial application and reaffirm your interest in the institution. Crafting an effective letter requires finesse and careful consideration of its components.

How to Start Your Letter of Continued Interest

Starting your letter of continued interest effectively requires finesse. You should begin by acknowledging the earlier notification from the college, be it a deferral or waitlist status.

a male student studying intently

For instance, if you were deferred, you could express your appreciation for the admissions committee’s initial review of your application and their decision to give it further consideration. Alternatively, if you were waitlisted, you can acknowledge the committee’s interest in your candidacy and express your gratitude for the opportunity to provide additional information.

Follow this by expressing your gratitude for their decision to continue considering your application and stress your ongoing interest in that specific institution. This shows the admissions committee that you are genuinely interested in attending their college and are willing to put in the effort to stay engaged throughout the admissions process.

What to Include in the Body of Your Letter

The body of your letter should include updates on any new achievements or experiences since your initial application. This could be anything from a significant improvement in your academic performance to noteworthy extracurricular activities.

For example, if you have received any academic awards or honors, it is important to mention them in your letter of continued interest. This demonstrates your commitment to academic excellence and shows the admissions committee that you have continued to excel in your studies.

In addition to academic achievements, you should also highlight any significant extracurricular activities or leadership roles you have taken on since submitting your application. This could include participation in community service projects, involvement in clubs or organizations, or even holding a part-time job.

You should also reinforce the reasons behind your interest in the college, reminding the admissions committee why you remain enthusiastic about the prospect of joining their community. This can be done by discussing specific programs, courses, or opportunities that align with your academic and personal goals.

Concluding Your Letter of Continued Interest Effectively

Concluding your letter effectively involves restating your sincere interest in the college and how you could contribute to their campus. Ensure to express your anticipation for their positive response while thanking them for their continued consideration of your application.


It is important to maintain a positive and optimistic tone throughout your letter, as this will leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee. By expressing your genuine enthusiasm for the college and your desire to make a meaningful impact, you can leave a strong impression that may increase your chances of being admitted.

In conclusion, a well-crafted Letter of Continued Interest can be a powerful tool in the college admissions process. By following these guidelines and including relevant updates and details, you can effectively communicate your ongoing interest in the college and demonstrate why you would be a valuable addition to their campus community.

Crafting a Persuasive Letter of Continued Interest

Highlighting Your Genuine Interest in the College

A persuasive letter of continued interest is a powerful tool that can convince the admissions committee of your genuine interest in their institution. It allows you to go beyond your initial application and express why this college is the perfect fit for you. To create an effective letter, it is important to highlight specific aspects of the college that align with your academic and personal goals.

For example, you can mention the college’s renowned faculty members who specialize in your intended major. Discuss how their expertise and research align with your academic interests and how you aspire to learn from them. Additionally, you can talk about the college’s unique programs or extracurricular activities that resonate with your personal passions.

By showcasing your knowledge of the college and its offerings, you demonstrate that you have done your research and are genuinely excited about the opportunities it provides.

Demonstrating Your Continued Commitment

Another crucial element of a persuasive letter is demonstrating your continued commitment to the college. Admissions committees want to see that you have actively engaged with the college since submitting your initial application. This can be done in various ways.

One way to demonstrate commitment is by attending virtual tours or information sessions offered by the college. By participating in these events, you not only gain a deeper understanding of the college’s culture and values, but you also show your dedication to learning more about the institution.

a female learner working in front of her laptop

Engaging with current students or alumni of the college is another effective way to demonstrate your commitment. Reach out to them through social media platforms or college forums and ask insightful questions about their experiences. This not only helps you gather valuable information, but it also shows the admissions committee that you are proactive and genuinely interested in connecting with the college community.

Furthermore, exploring academic resources related to your planned major at the institution can further strengthen your commitment. Mention any books, research papers, or online courses you have studied that are directly relevant to your field of interest. This demonstrates your eagerness to immerse yourself in the academic environment of the college and contribute to its intellectual community.

Showcasing Your Recent Achievements

In addition to highlighting your genuine interest and continued commitment, it is essential to showcase any recent achievements that reaffirm your potential as a successful student at your college. The goal is to convince the admissions committee that you have grown as an individual and student since your initial application.

You can discuss any academic awards or honors you have received, highlighting how these accomplishments reflect your dedication and hard work. Additionally, if you have participated in any meaningful extracurricular activities or community service projects, emphasize how these experiences have shaped your character and prepared you for the challenges of college life.

Moreover, if you have taken on leadership roles within your school or community, mention these positions and the impact you have made. Admissions committees value students who can contribute to the college community and make a positive difference.

Lastly, if you have pursued any independent research or completed notable projects, share the details with the admissions committee. This demonstrates your intellectual curiosity and ability to take initiative, qualities that colleges often seek in their students.

By showcasing your recent achievements, you provide evidence of your growth and potential, reinforcing the admissions committee’s confidence in your ability to thrive at your college.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Letter of Continued Interest

A letter of continued interest is an important tool for students who have been waitlisted or deferred from their desired college. It allows you to provide additional information to the admissions committee, highlighting your continued interest in the school and demonstrating why you are a strong candidate.

Close up of a student taking an exam.

However, there are several common mistakes that students make when writing their letters that can undermine their chances of being admitted. In this article, we will explore these mistakes in detail and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Avoiding Overly Generic Statements

One of the most common mistakes students make in their letter of continued interest is using generic statements that lack specificity. For example, stating that “I will excel at your college” does not provide any concrete evidence of your abilities or how you will contribute to the college community. Instead, it is important to use specific details and examples to showcase your unique qualities and explain how they align with the college’s values and mission.

For instance, instead of making a generic statement, you could mention specific projects or initiatives that you would like to be involved in at the college. This shows that you have done your research and have a genuine interest in contributing to the college community in a meaningful way.

Steering Clear of Negative Language

Another mistake to avoid in your letter of continued interest is using negative language or expressing resentment for being waitlisted or deferred. It is understandable to feel disappointed or frustrated, but it is important to maintain a positive tone in your letter. Express gratitude for the extended consideration and focus on the positive aspects of your application.

Instead of dwelling on the negative, use your letter as an opportunity to highlight any recent achievements or experiences that have strengthened your candidacy. This could include academic accomplishments, leadership roles, community service, or any other relevant activities that demonstrate your growth and commitment to personal and academic development.

Not Overloading Your Letter with Information

While it is important to provide additional information in your letter, it is equally important to avoid overloading it with unnecessary details. Admissions committees are busy and have limited time to review each application, so it is crucial to keep your letter concise and focused.

Instead of trying to include every minor update since your initial application, prioritize significant achievements and contributions that can positively impact your application. This could include new awards or honors, leadership positions, research projects, or any other noteworthy accomplishments that demonstrate your continued growth and potential.

By keeping your letter of continued interest focused and highlighting the most relevant information, you can ensure that the admissions committee sees the value you can bring to their college.

Tips for Submitting Your Letter of Continued Interest

When you find yourself on the waitlist or deferred from your dream college, it can be disheartening. However, there is still hope! One way to potentially improve your chances of acceptance is by submitting a letter of continued interest.

This letter allows you to update the admissions committee on any new achievements, experiences, or information that may strengthen your application. But how do you go about submitting a letter effectively? Here are some tips to help you navigate this process.

Timing Your Letter Submission Correctly

Timing is crucial when sending a letter of continued interest. It is best to send your letter a few weeks after you’ve been waitlisted or deferred, giving the college time to review other applications. This way, you can ensure that your letter doesn’t get lost in the shuffle and has a better chance of making an impact. However, be mindful of any deadlines or specific instructions provided by the college regarding letter submissions.

When deciding on the timing, consider any significant updates or achievements that you can include in your letter. For example, if you recently won an award or completed a noteworthy project, it might be beneficial to wait until you have this information to include in your letter. This way, you can provide the admissions committee with the most up-to-date and impressive accomplishments.

Choosing the Right Mode of Submission

The college’s communication preferences should guide your mode of submission. Some colleges prefer email, while others might want a mailed letter. Make sure to adhere to their preferred mode of communication to ensure that your letter of continued interest reaches the right people in a timely manner.

If the college accepts email submissions, it is essential to follow proper email etiquette. Craft a professional and concise email subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your message. In the body of the email, address the admissions committee respectfully and concisely summarize the content of your attached letter. Make sure to attach your letter in a compatible file format, such as PDF, to ensure that it can be easily opened and read.

If the college requires a physical letter, take the time to print your letter on high-quality paper and use a professional font. Sign the letter by hand to add a personal touch. Consider sending your letter via certified mail or with a tracking number to ensure that it reaches its destination safely.

Following Up After Sending Your Letter

Once you’ve submitted your letter, give the college some time to respond. Admissions committees receive numerous letters and applications, so it may take some time for them to review your submission. Patience is key during this waiting period.

If you haven’t heard back after a reasonable period, it might be appropriate to send a polite follow-up email enquiring about your status. Keep the tone of your email respectful, and avoid sounding pushy or entitled. Express your continued interest in the college and politely ask if there is any additional information they may need from you.

Remember, the admissions committee is busy reviewing applications and making difficult decisions. By following up, you are showing your commitment and enthusiasm for the college, which may leave a positive impression.

A woman taking an exam.

In conclusion, a letter of continued interest is a strategic tool that can potentially help in increasing the chances of your college acceptance. By understanding its purpose, essential components, do’s and don’ts, and submission process, you can craft a compelling and impactful letter that stands out. Take the time to carefully plan and execute your letter, ensuring that it reflects your genuine interest and dedication to the college. Good luck!

Having all the necessary information is important before choosing any course of action. AdmissionSight is always here to assist you with any questions or concerns. We have more than ten years of expertise assisting students in successfully navigating the challenging admissions process.

Consult with AdmissionSight and find out what we can do to help you get into the school of your choice by ensuring that you are sufficiently aware and well-prepared for the application process.


College Admissions

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