
Northeastern University Diversity Statistics: An Overview

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Art director checking the photos on a monitor

Northeastern University Diversity Statistics: An In-Depth Overview

Northeastern University, often mentioned in discussions alongside Northeastern University Diversity Statistics, is a prominent private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. Established in 1898, it is known for its strong emphasis on experiential learning, notably through its cooperative education program. This program integrates classroom studies with professional experience, allowing students to gain significant work experience before graduation.

The university offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, spanning various fields such as engineering, business, health sciences, and the humanities. With a diverse and vibrant student body, Northeastern prides itself on an inclusive environment where students from different backgrounds can thrive and learn from each other. This commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected in its various initiatives and programs aimed at enhancing the academic and social experiences of its students.

Northeastern’s campus in Boston is urban and modern, featuring state-of-the-art facilities and resources that support both academic and extracurricular activities. Additionally, the university has a global network of campuses and partnerships, allowing students to engage in learning and research on a worldwide scale.

How many students attend Northeastern University?

During the 2022-2023 academic year, Northeastern University had an enrollment of 30,013 students. 

This figure includes 28,848 students who were enrolled full-time and 1,165 who were part-time. The university maintains a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1, which supports a more personalized and engaging learning environment. On average, class sizes at Northeastern are about 20 students, allowing for more interactive and focused classroom discussions.

When it comes to admissions, Northeastern University presents a competitive landscape, evidenced by the average SAT score of admitted students, which is around 1465. This score typically falls within a range of 1440 to 1550 for the middle 50% of accepted applicants. Furthermore, the average GPA of students admitted to Northeastern is 4.04, showcasing the academic excellence of its student body.

This emphasis on high academic standards and a comprehensive educational experience aligns with discussions on diversity and inclusion, such as those highlighted in Northeastern University diversity statistics, showing Northeastern’s commitment to creating a diverse and enriching environment for all its students.


Northeastern University Undergraduate Population

For the academic year 2022-2023, Northeastern University boasted an undergraduate enrollment of 16,302 students. 

This figure represents a diverse group of individuals from various backgrounds, which is a point of interest in discussions related to diversity, such as those found in Northeastern University diversity statistics.

At Northeastern University, the undergraduate programs are diverse and cater to a wide range of interests. Some of the most favored undergraduate majors include Business/Commerce, Psychology, Communication and Media Studies, Computer and Information Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Economics, and Healthcare Management.

These programs highlight the university’s strong focus on providing comprehensive education in both traditional and emerging fields, preparing students for the complexities of the modern workforce, and aligning with the broader educational trends and diversity goals similar to those discussed in the context of Northeastern University diversity statistics.

Northeastern University Graduate Population

Northeastern University had 13,711 graduate students for the academic year 2022-2023, comprising about 45.65% of the total student body. 

This marks a noteworthy trend when compared to previous years; in 2013-14, graduate students constituted 32.15% of the population, increasing to 30.65% by 2021-22. Over the last decade, there has been a significant rise in the number of graduate students, growing from 6,427 in 2013-14 to 8,526 by 2021-22. The acceptance rate for graduate programs at Northeastern is around 27%.

Northeastern offers a wide array of popular graduate programs, including Analytics, Applied Logistics, Applied Machine Intelligence, Commerce and Economic Development, Corporate & Organizational Communication, Digital Media, 3-D Animation, Agile Project Management, and more.

These programs span a diverse range of disciplines, aligning with the university’s commitment to offering varied academic paths akin to the inclusive and wide-ranging approach seen in Northeastern University diversity statistics. This diversity in programs reflects Northeastern’s dedication to preparing students for a multitude of careers in the global marketplace.

Young woman sitting on a dorm room full of things.

Northeastern University International Student Population

Northeastern University stands out for its large international student community, with over 20,000 students and scholars from 147 countries, enriching the university’s cultural diversity and academic environment. This global presence makes up approximately 20.5% of the graduate student body, underscoring Northeastern’s appeal as a global education hub.

Northeastern’s popularity among international students is significant, with the university ranking fourth among U.S. colleges and universities for international student enrollment. In 2020, Northeastern hosted around 6,687 international students, reflecting its strong international reputation. The campus has seen an average annual growth rate of 10.3% in its international student population, with India being the largest contributor.

The preferred fields of study among international students at Northeastern include Computer Information Systems, Business Administration & Management, and Computer Engineering. These programs, especially popular among the international cohort, highlight Northeastern’s strength in providing education that aligns with global market demands and industry trends.

This commitment to a diverse and inclusive academic environment echoes the values seen in Northeastern University diversity statistics, emphasizing the importance of cross-cultural understanding and global engagement in higher education.

Northeastern University Gender Distribution

At Northeastern University, the gender distribution across the student body shows a close balance, with 11,737 male students (51%) and 11,168 female students (approximately 48.76%), indicating a slight male majority overall.

However, this balance shifts when looking at specific academic levels. In the undergraduate program, female students constitute a majority, representing 56% of the population, compared to 44% of male students. Conversely, in the graduate program, male students hold a slight majority, with 52% compared to 48% female students.

Northeastern Student Population

No. of Students Percentage


11,737 51%
Female 11,168


This nuanced gender distribution at Northeastern reflects a broader commitment to diversity and inclusion, similar to the principles observed in Northeastern University diversity statistics. By maintaining a balanced gender representation, Northeastern University provides an inclusive educational environment that promotes equal opportunities for all students, irrespective of gender, and prepares them for the diverse global workforce.

Group of students writing on their desks.

Northeastern University Age Distribution

At Northeastern University, the age distribution of students is varied, reflecting a campus community that is both diverse and dynamic. The largest age group is the 18-19 range, making up 28.91% of the student population, which indicates a strong presence of traditional college-aged students. The next significant age groups are 22-24 and 20-21 years old, with 27.54% and 19.38% respectively, showing a healthy representation of early to mid-twenties individuals.

Age Range


Under 18













Over 64


While the younger age groups dominate, there is also a notable percentage of students aged 25-29, accounting for 17.20%, illustrating the university’s appeal to slightly older undergraduates or those pursuing graduate studies. The proportions of students decrease with age, from 4.17% in the 30-34 bracket to a mere 0.02% for those over 64.

This diverse age distribution underscores Northeastern University’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment, akin to the diversity goals discussed in Northeastern University diversity statistics. With students under 18 and over 64 also part of the community, Northeastern showcases its broad appeal and dedication to educational opportunities for a wide range of ages, contributing to a rich, varied campus life. The average age of full-time students being 21 years old further highlights the youthful yet mature character of the student body.

View of a man writing in front of his laptop.

Northeastern University Statistics and Racial/Ethnic Demographics

Northeastern University is recognized for having a considerably high level of diversity when compared to other institutions in the Boston area. With over half of the student population (52%) identifying as minorities or people of color (BIPOC), Northeastern’s community is vibrant and inclusive, resonating with the varied demographics one might find in Northeastern University diversity statistics.










Two or more




To ensure this diversity is more than just numbers, Northeastern has launched several initiatives aimed at creating an environment of inclusion and equity. These initiatives range from student-focused programming and professional development to global initiatives and social justice endeavors, all designed to enhance the university experience for all members of its community.

Such dedicated efforts position Northeastern University as a place where individuals from all walks of life can come together to learn, grow, and succeed amidst a culture that celebrates each person’s unique identity and background.

a female intern talking to a male employee

Northeastern University Racial/Ethnic Diversity Among Faculty

At Northeastern University, the composition of the faculty underscores the institution’s commitment to creating an educational landscape that is reflective of the diverse world outside its campus. The racial and ethnic makeup of the faculty is predominantly White at 71.28%, which is relatively common in higher education.

Faculty Race/Ethnicity



Black or African American



Two or more


Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander


In the academic year 2022-2023, there were 59 full-time faculty members, and of these, 35.6% were faculty of color, which includes all faculty who are not White. When it comes to gender diversity, 66.1% of the faculty are women, indicating a strong representation of female faculty members at Northeastern University.

This gender and racial distribution among faculty is significant because it aligns with broader goals for diversity and inclusion in academia, similar to the aims captured by Northeastern University diversity statistics.

Having a faculty body with diverse backgrounds enriches the academic environment and provides a wide array of perspectives and expertise, thus enhancing the educational experience for all students.

It’s also noteworthy that the percentage of faculty of color and women at Northeastern reflects the institution’s dedication to a supportive and inclusive atmosphere for educators from various backgrounds.

View of students answering in their desks.

Northeastern University Geographic Diversity

Northeastern University is known for its high geographic diversity, attracting students from a multitude of locations. A significant portion of the student body, 71.13%, hails from states other than Massachusetts, and 15.65% of students come from countries outside of the United States.

This level of diversity puts Northeastern in a similar conversation with institutions like Northeastern University, which ranks 122 out of 2,183 for geographic diversity, indicating a substantial mix of students from different regions.

The top five states represented at Northeastern, aside from Massachusetts, are New York with 17.70%, New Jersey at 12.49%, California contributing 7.82%, Connecticut at 5.99%, and Pennsylvania at 3.20%. Other states, including Florida, New Hampshire, Illinois, Maryland, and several others, also contribute to the mosaic of student origins, rounding out a student body that spans across the country and globe.

Northeastern University’s commitment to bringing together students from different geographies parallels goals seen in Northeastern University diversity statistics, enhancing the educational experience through a wealth of perspectives and cultural backgrounds. This geographic diversity is celebrated as an essential component of the university’s dynamic and inclusive community, where every student’s unique background contributes to the richness of campus life.

Northeastern University Financial Diversity

Northeastern University’s commitment to economic diversity is integral to its mission, ensuring students from varied financial backgrounds can access the exceptional educational opportunities it offers. This initiative aligns with broader diversity goals, akin to those captured by Northeastern University diversity statistics, aiming to cultivate a community that’s representative of society at large.

To support this goal, Northeastern offers a robust financial aid program. An impressive 82% of undergraduate students receive some kind of financial aid—this includes grants, which don’t have to be repaid, and scholarships, which are merit-based. In addition, students can avail themselves of loans and work awards to help manage the costs associated with their education.

For the academic year 2023-2024, the tuition fee at Northeastern stands at $60,566, with an annual increase trend of 3.62% over the past five years. The cost of living in Boston, where the university is located, is around $22,900 per year. Despite these costs, the university helps mitigate the financial burden for the majority of its students, with only 3.4% paying the full price of tuition.

Delving into the specifics, a 50th percentile tuition discount, which amounts to $32,000, indicates that half of the full-time students with a discount—which constitutes a whopping 96.6% of full-time students—pay significantly less than the full price. Discounts for the 96.6% of students who receive them vary widely, with the 25th percentile getting $15,000 off, the median receiving a $32,000 reduction, and the 75th percentile enjoying up to $50,700 in discounts.

These figures suggest that while the sticker price of tuition may be high, the actual cost to most students is considerably less, thanks to the university’s financial aid policies. The average amount of institutional grants awarded to first-year students stands at $34,116, with 79% of first-year students benefitting from this support.

Northeastern’s commitment to financial diversity ensures that its educational offerings are not limited to those with ample resources, but are extended to students who demonstrate potential and drive, regardless of their socioeconomic status. This approach to inclusivity in education is reflective of Northeastern’s broader values around diversity and equity.

a smiling college student holding her phone and credit card

How diverse and inclusive is Northeastern University?

Northeastern University is distinguished for its strong commitment to developing a culture of diversity and inclusion. The university’s approach to diversity is holistic, considering not just racial and ethnic backgrounds, but also socio-economic, geographic, and other aspects of identity.

Northeastern’s comprehensive strategy for diversity includes creating affinity groups, offering community-based programming, spearheading global initiatives, advancing social justice, and developing student-focused programs. These efforts are designed to create a supportive environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued and have the opportunity to succeed.

The institution’s commitment to diversity goes beyond student demographics to also focus on the faculty and staff, implementing strategic plans to enhance the representation of diverse groups. This commitment reflects an understanding that diversity and inclusion are integral to academic excellence and student success, resonating with values shared by Northeastern University diversity statistics.

Northeastern University’s long-term dedication to these initiatives is evident in its 2025 Academic Plan, which underscores the importance of diversity and inclusion as core values of the university’s culture and operations.

By maintaining a strong infrastructure of support and continuous engagement in these areas, Northeastern ensures that its diversity and inclusion programs not only have a lasting impact but also contribute to building a rich, inclusive, and equitable academic community.

Is diversity important at Northeastern University?

Diversity is a cornerstone of the community at Northeastern University. The institution values and actively pursues a variety of perspectives and backgrounds within its student body, faculty, and staff. The Northeastern University diversity statistics underscore the fact that the university is not just about numbers; it’s about nurturing an environment where a spectrum of experiences and viewpoints can contribute to a robust learning experience.

The facts speak for themselves: Northeastern’s student population includes individuals from all 50 states and over 140 countries, and the faculty is composed of leading professionals and scholars from various backgrounds. Moreover, Northeastern University has been recognized for its commitment to diversity in several rankings, which consider factors such as the representation of minorities, international students, and the overall mix of geographical origins.

At Northeastern, diversity extends beyond just ethnic and racial lines—it encompasses an array of religions, genders, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic backgrounds. The university’s numerous initiatives aimed at inclusion range from scholarship programs for underrepresented groups to a host of student organizations that celebrate cultural diversity.

Northeastern’s focus on creating a diverse campus reflects the global community’s interconnectedness and interdependence. By welcoming students and faculty from a plethora of backgrounds, Northeastern University commits itself to preparing graduates for the culturally complex and diverse world they will enter after their studies, a goal that is as noble as it is necessary in today’s interconnected world.

Two students talking in their dorm room.

Clubs at Northeastern University that promote diversity

At Northeastern University, diversity is an integral part of the campus culture. Student-led clubs and organizations at Northeastern play a pivotal role in this inclusive environment. They serve as vibrant hubs where students from various backgrounds come together to celebrate their uniqueness, learn from each other, and advocate for a multicultural community.

These groups cover a broad spectrum of interests and identities, providing a platform for dialogue, cultural exchange, and shared experiences. By engaging with these organizations, students contribute to and enrich the Northeastern University diversity statistics, furthering the university’s mission of creating a community that is diverse in every sense of the word. Here are a few examples:

Asian Student Alliance

The Asian Student Alliance at Northeastern University is a dynamic student group that extends a warm welcome to all students interested in exploring and celebrating Korean American culture. Open to people from all backgrounds, not just Korean-Americans, this organization is dedicated to sharing and educating others about the cultural, social, and political dimensions of Korean American life.

Through a variety of events ranging from movie screenings and panel discussions to social dinners and cooperative events with other groups associated with the Asian American Center, the Asian Student Alliance cultivates a sense of unity and belonging. It’s a place where the entire Northeastern community can engage with and appreciate the rich diversity found on campus.

Black Student Collective

The Black Student Collective at Northeastern University, known as the Graduate Students of Color Collective (GSCC), prides itself in uniting graduate students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). This organization is deeply invested in cultivating a nurturing and affirmative space that recognizes and addresses the unique needs and aspirations of its members.

The GSCC’s mission extends beyond mere social connections; it provides essential resources, sparks meaningful conversations, and encourages collaboration among graduate students of color. These efforts are critical in establishing a strong sense of community and belonging, which is vital for the personal and academic success of its members at Northeastern University. Through these endeavors, the GSCC contributes significantly to student life and supports the overall goal of inclusivity on campus.

Group of students standing on a room.

Latinx Student Collective (LSC)

The Latinx Student Collective (LSC) at Northeastern University stands as a pivotal cultural and support organization for Latinx students, acting as a vibrant hub that celebrates and honors Latinx heritage and culture. The LSC is committed to providing a nurturing space where Latinx students can access resources, partake in cultural events, and engage in programming that highlights their rich traditions and contributions.

By initiating affinity groups, engaging in community-focused programming, and partnering with other student entities, the LSC endeavors to a warm and inclusive atmosphere. This environment enables Latinx students to forge connections, participate actively, and flourish within the university setting.

The Latinx Student Collective’s efforts are crucial in championing diversity, encouraging inclusivity, and enhancing cultural understanding across Northeastern University’s campus, thus enriching the collegiate experience for all its members.

Women in Finance (WIF)

Women in Finance (WIF) at Northeastern University is a dynamic student organization focused on empowering women who aspire to excel in the finance industry. WIF offers a supportive network where female students can connect, share knowledge, and access vital resources to advance in the finance sector.

The organization hosts various activities, such as workshops, mentorship programs, and networking events, all designed to enhance the professional development of women in finance.

Women in Finance at Northeastern University is instrumental in encouraging gender diversity and inclusion, providing women with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed and achieve their professional aspirations in the finance field.

Two women are talking while walking in the hallway.

Student Diversity and Access Fellows

At Northeastern University, the Student Diversity and Access Fellows program is an initiative where student leaders are at the forefront of advocating for inclusivity and accessibility in higher education. These fellows are committed to assisting students from underrepresented and historically marginalized backgrounds, ensuring that they have the support and resources needed to navigate and excel in the university setting.

The program is instrumental in building a nurturing and supportive campus atmosphere, where outreach efforts are specifically designed to eliminate obstacles that students might encounter in their educational journey.

The fellows are pivotal in advancing Northeastern University’s mission of diversity and inclusion, actively contributing to the creation of a campus environment where every student, irrespective of their background, has the opportunity to achieve success in their academic, professional, and personal lives.

The Student Diversity and Access Fellows help to weave a fabric of diversity and inclusiveness throughout the university community, making Northeastern a place where diversity is not only acknowledged but celebrated and actively promoted.

Center for Intercultural Engagement

Located in the Curry Student Center, the Center for Intercultural Engagement (CIE) at Northeastern University is committed to cultivating a community where every student feels a sense of belonging, with a particular focus on supporting historically underrepresented groups. The CIE offers a range of programs, training, and initiatives aimed at encouraging the development of intersectional identities within a social justice framework. This center serves as a hub for dynamic programming, discussions, and affinity groups, all designed to enhance the exploration and celebration of diversity among students. CIE significantly contributes to having a nurturing and inclusive campus atmosphere, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to connect, grow, and feel valued.

two college freshmen holding their stuff as they move in to their new dorm room

Asian American Center

The Asian American Center at Northeastern University is an essential hub, primarily focusing on supporting and enhancing the experiences of Asian American students. The center is dedicated to amplifying the presence of the Asian American community within the university, enlightening others about their experiences and issues, and encouraging students to take an active role in shaping their journey at Northeastern. The center organizes a variety of events and provides a welcoming space for students to gather and for student organizations to host their activities.

Beyond event hosting, the Asian American Center is instrumental in nurturing social identity development among Asian American students. It offers a supportive community and runs programs like the Pan Asian American Council and AASIA (Asian American Students in Action), which are pivotal in encouraging connections and a sense of belonging within the Asian American student population.

These initiatives reflect the center’s commitment to creating an environment where Asian American students can thrive, connect, and contribute to the vibrant diversity of Northeastern University.

Catholic Center

The Catholic Center at Northeastern University is a focal point for students seeking to enrich their faith and engage in spiritual and social activities. The center offers a wide array of programs and services designed to nurture students’ spiritual lives and cultivate a sense of belonging.

It provides a platform for faith-building activities, social events, and opportunities for personal spiritual growth. Through these offerings, the Catholic Center encourages students to explore and deepen their connection with Jesus and the Catholic faith, while also having a supportive community where students can meet and bond with others who share similar spiritual values.

View of a law student standing near a building while reading.

Is Northeastern University The Right Fit For You?

Deciding if Northeastern University is the right fit for you involves considering various aspects of the university’s culture, academic offerings, and campus life. Here are some points to consider:

Academic Excellence and Innovation

Northeastern University is renowned for its strong emphasis on experiential learning, notably through its cooperative education (co-op) program. This program integrates classroom study with professional experience, allowing students to gain up to 18 months of work experience before graduation. For example, engineering students at Northeastern might work at leading tech firms, while business students gain experience in top financial institutions.

Diverse and Inclusive Community

Northeastern values diversity, as evidenced by its wide-ranging student body from over 147 countries and numerous student-led organizations like the Latinx Student Collective and the Asian American Center. The university’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment is aligned with its various initiatives promoting racial, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity.

Group of people sitting on the floor while talking.

Global Opportunities

With campuses in Boston, Charlotte, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Toronto, Vancouver, and London, Northeastern offers a global university system. Students can take advantage of international co-op placements, study abroad programs, and global research opportunities, which are designed to prepare them for a globalized workforce.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Urban Campus

Northeastern’s urban campus in Boston is equipped with cutting-edge facilities, including modern research labs, art studios, and the Snell Library, which provide an enriched learning and living environment. The campus’s integration with the city offers a vibrant cultural experience and ample professional opportunities.

Group of students talking on a large table about the best extracurricular activities.

Entrepreneurship and Research

For those interested in research and entrepreneurship, Northeastern provides ample support through its research institutes and innovation hubs, like the Roux Institute and IDEA, a student-led venture accelerator. These platforms offer resources and mentorship to students pursuing research projects or starting their businesses.


Strong Alumni Network

Northeastern boasts a robust global network of over 275,000 alumni, which can be invaluable for career networking, mentorship, and job opportunities post-graduation. This network exemplifies the lasting connections students can make, extending beyond their time at the university.

Northeastern University could be the right choice for students who value experiential learning, diversity, global exposure, and innovative opportunities. Prospective students should consider these aspects in light of their academic interests, career goals, and personal values to determine if Northeastern aligns with their aspirations.

Group of students talking while smiling at each other.

Final Thoughts

Northeastern University diversity statistics reveal a campus committed to inclusivity and multicultural representation. With a student body and faculty that encompass a range of racial, ethnic, geographical, and socioeconomic backgrounds, Northeastern creates an environment where diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated.

Through various student organizations, initiatives, and programs, the university ensures that every member of its community feels valued and supported. This dedication to diversity not only enriches the educational experience at Northeastern but also prepares students to thrive in a global and interconnected world. Therefore, these statistics reflect Northeastern University’s ongoing commitment to creating a vibrant and inclusive academic community.


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