
SAT Grammar Rules Every Student Should Know

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Group of students smiling at each other in the library.

SAT Grammar Rules Every Student Should Know

In the quest for success in the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), understanding the fundamentals of grammar is crucial for every student. This because a significant portion of the test is dedicated to assessing a student’s command of standard English conventions, which include grammar and punctuation. With the right knowledge of grammar, students can immensely improve their SAT score. However, dozens of grammar rules can seem intimidating. This article focuses on the ten essential SAT Grammar rules that every student should acquaint themselves with, for optimal performance.

Understanding the Importance of Grammar in SAT

The contribution of grammar to the SAT is indispensable, largely because it forms the foundation for two significant sections of the SAT: the Writing and Language Test, and the Reading Test.

a female high school student looking at the camera

Grammar plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication and understanding in written language. It provides the necessary structure and rules that enable clear and coherent expression of ideas. In the context of the SAT, a strong grasp of grammar is essential for achieving a high score and demonstrating proficiency in English language skills.

The Role of Grammar in SAT Writing and Language Test

The SAT Writing and Language Test is designed to assess a student’s understanding and application of standard English grammar. It evaluates the ability to identify errors in passages, improve sentences and paragraphs, and enhance the development of ideas within a given passage.

By testing grammar skills, this section aims to gauge a student’s command of language mechanics, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, pronoun usage, and parallel structure. It also evaluates the ability to recognize and correct common errors, such as misplaced modifiers, faulty comparisons, and punctuation mistakes.

Furthermore, the Writing and Language Test assesses a student’s understanding of rhetorical skills, including the ability to analyze the effectiveness of a passage’s structure and organization. This requires an understanding of how grammar choices can impact the overall clarity and coherence of a written piece.

How Grammar Affects Your SAT Score

A mastery of grammar rules and their correct application is a direct ticket to high SAT scores. This is because a good chunk of the SAT’s total score is derived from the Writing and Language test. A strong performance in this section demonstrates not only a solid understanding of grammar but also the ability to effectively communicate ideas.

Grammar proficiency is particularly crucial in the Writing and Language Test, where errors in grammar and usage can significantly impact the clarity and effectiveness of a written passage. By showcasing a strong command of grammar, students can enhance their chances of achieving a higher score in this section.

Moreover, grammar skills are not limited to the Writing and Language Test. They also play a vital role in the Reading Test. A solid understanding of grammar allows students to comprehend complex sentence structures, identify the relationships between different parts of a sentence, and extract the intended meaning from the text.

By recognizing grammatical patterns and structures, students can navigate through passages more efficiently, leading to a better understanding of the content and improved performance in the Reading Test.

Breaking Down the 10 Essential SAT Grammar Rules

Understanding and mastering the following essential grammar rules can significantly boost a student’s SAT scores. In this article, we will delve deeper into each of these rules to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of their importance and application.

Rule 1: Subject-Verb Agreement

This rule requires that the verb agrees with its subject in number. If the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and vice versa. It is essential to grasp this rule as it forms the foundation of grammatically correct sentences. By understanding subject-verb agreement, you will be able to construct coherent and precise statements that effectively convey your intended meaning.

For example, consider the sentence: “The dog run in the park.” In this case, the subject “dog” is singular, but the verb “run” is plural. To correct this, we need to change the verb to its singular form, resulting in the sentence: “The dog runs in the park.”

Rule 2: Proper Use of Pronouns

This rule involves using the correct pronouns in sentences, especially in antecedent-pronoun relationships. It also touches on vague and unclear pronoun references. Pronouns play a crucial role in sentence construction as they replace nouns and help avoid repetition. However, using pronouns incorrectly can lead to confusion and ambiguity.

a high school student studying

Consider the sentence: “John gave her a gift.” In this case, the pronoun “her” lacks clarity as it does not specify who it refers to. To improve this sentence, we need to replace the pronoun with a specific noun, resulting in: “John gave Mary a gift.”

Rule 3: Correct Verb Tense Usage

This rule emphasizes using the correct verb tense in relation to the time an action occurs. It can be tricky because English has several verb tenses, but careful reading will help identify the right one. Understanding verb tenses is essential for effective communication and ensuring that your statements accurately reflect the intended timeframe.

For example, consider the sentence: “She go to the store yesterday.” In this case, the verb “go” is in the present tense, while the context suggests a past event. To correct this, we need to change the verb to its past tense form, resulting in: “She went to the store yesterday.”

Rule 4: Sentence Structure and Clarity

Clear sentence structure is crucial in conveying the meaning of a statement. SAT tends to test on run-on sentences, sentence fragments, and proper ways to combine sentences. By understanding sentence structure and clarity, you will be able to construct well-organized and coherent paragraphs that effectively communicate your ideas.

Consider the sentence: “Walking in the park, enjoying the sunshine.” This sentence is a fragment as it lacks a subject and a main verb. To correct this, we can rephrase it as: “While walking in the park, I enjoyed the sunshine.”

Rule 5: Punctuation and Capitalization

Proper punctuation and capitalization are key in bringing out sentence structures and meaning. Common punctuation marks on SAT include commas, periods, colons, and semicolons. By mastering punctuation and capitalization, you will be able to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

For example, consider the sentence: “i went to the store and bought some groceries.” In this case, the sentence lacks proper capitalization and a period at the end. To correct this, we can rewrite it as: “I went to the store and bought some groceries.”

Rule 6: Parallel Construction

Involves balancing sentence elements of the same function. For instance, verbs in a list should all be in the same form. By understanding parallel construction, you will be able to create sentences that are grammatically correct and aesthetically pleasing.

Consider the sentence: “I like swimming, to run, and playing tennis.” In this case, the verbs “swimming,” “to run,” and “playing” are not in the same form. To correct this, we need to ensure consistency by rephrasing it as: “I like swimming, running, and playing tennis.”

Rule 7: Modifier Placement

Modifiers are supposed to be placed near the words they modify to avoid confusion on what the sentence is trying to communicate. By understanding proper modifier placement, you will be able to convey your intended meaning clearly and avoid potential misunderstandings.

Consider the sentence: “He only ate the cake.” In this case, the placement of the modifier “only” is unclear. To improve clarity, we can rephrase it as: “He ate only the cake.”

Rule 8: Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs

This rule demands the correct usage of comparative forms (comparing two things) and superlative forms (comparing more than two things). By understanding comparative and superlative forms, you will be able to express comparisons accurately and effectively.

For example, consider the sentence: “She is the most beautiful than her sisters.” In this case, the comparative form “most beautiful” is incorrect. To correct this, we can rephrase it as: “She is more beautiful than her sisters.”

Rule 9: Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic expressions are phrases that have a meaning different from the literal interpretation of the words. Students are often required to recognize and correct inappropriate idiomatic expressions. By understanding idiomatic expressions, you will be able to use them appropriately and avoid common errors.

a female student thinking intently

Consider the sentence: “He is waiting for the bus in.” In this case, the preposition “in” is incorrect in the context of waiting for a bus. To correct this, we can rephrase it as: “He is waiting for the bus.”

Rule 10: Proper Use of Conjunctions

Conjunctions link words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Proper use of conjunctions ensures a smooth flow and coherence of sentences. By understanding conjunctions, you will be able to create well-structured sentences that effectively convey your ideas.

For example, consider the sentence: “I like swimming, but I don’t like running.” In this case, the conjunction “but” effectively connects the two contrasting activities. To demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship, we can rephrase it as: “I like swimming, so I don’t like running.”

Tips for Remembering and Applying Grammar Rules

Mastering grammar rules can be a challenging task, but with the right strategies, it becomes much more manageable. Here are some tips to help you remember and apply grammar rules effectively.

One of the most important strategies for mastering grammar rules is practice. Students should not shy away from practicing as much as possible. By utilizing various materials and resources, such as grammar exercise books, online quizzes, and interactive grammar websites, students can solidify their understanding and application of grammar rules. Practice exercises not only help students identify their weak areas but also provide an opportunity to reinforce their knowledge.

In addition to practice, utilizing SAT prep resources can be highly beneficial. The SAT is known for testing grammar rules extensively, and there are numerous resources available both online and offline that specifically target SAT grammar. These resources offer extensive grammar exercises and explanations, practice tests, and valuable tips on acing the SAT. By incorporating SAT prep resources into their study routine, students can gain a deeper understanding of grammar rules while simultaneously preparing for the exam.

Regular review and reinforcement are also crucial for remembering grammar rules. It’s not enough to simply learn the rules; students should make it a habit to regularly review what they’ve learned and reinforce their knowledge and skills. This can be done through activities such as revisiting grammar notes, solving grammar puzzles, or engaging in grammar discussions with peers. By consistently reviewing and reinforcing grammar rules, students can ensure that they’re not merely cramming but truly understanding and ingraining the rules into their minds.

Remember, mastering grammar rules takes time and effort. By implementing these strategies – practice, utilizing SAT prep resources, and regular review and reinforcement – students can enhance their understanding and application of grammar rules, ultimately improving their overall writing and communication skills.


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