
The Best Creative Writing Schools in the World

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Writing in a notebook with a pen on a table.

The Best Creative Writing Schools in the World

In a world where communication has taken various forms, the art of creative writing remains an essential skill. There are several institutions globally renowned for their commitment to fostering talents and helping individuals sharpen this skill. This article seeks to guide aspiring writers through discovering the best creative writing schools worldwide.

Understanding the Importance of Creative Writing

Creative writing plays a pivotal role in modern society. It fosters mental growth, provides a platform for expression, and aids the development of critical thinking skills. Creative writers can shape social narratives, entertain and educate audiences, and contribute to the culture and histories of their societies. At a personal level, creative writing can be therapeutic, providing an outlet for emotions and thoughts.

Moreover, creative writing has the power to transport readers to different worlds, immersing them in vivid descriptions and captivating storylines. It allows individuals to explore their imagination and escape from the constraints of reality, even if just for a moment. Through the written word, readers can experience the joy of adventure, the depths of human emotion, and the wonders of the unknown.

Writing an essay under a tree.

Now more than ever, creative writing is being utilized as a powerful tool for social change. Thought-provoking narratives challenge societal norms and stimulate dialogues around critical issues like mental health, politics, and racial injustice, to mention a few. By shedding light on these topics, creative writers have the ability to inspire empathy, encourage reflection, and ignite a desire for positive change.

The Role of Creative Writing in Today’s Society

With the advent of technology and the rise of social media, creative writing has found new avenues for expression and engagement. Online platforms provide writers with the opportunity to reach a global audience, fostering connections and conversations that transcend geographical boundaries. Through blogs, social media posts, and online publications, creative writers can share their perspectives, spark discussions, and build communities of like-minded individuals.

Furthermore, creative writing serves as a means of preserving cultural heritage and history. By documenting stories, traditions, and experiences, writers ensure that the richness and diversity of different cultures are not forgotten. They capture the essence of a time and place, allowing future generations to gain insight into the past and learn from the triumphs and mistakes of those who came before them.

In addition, creative writing has the power to inspire and motivate individuals. Through stories of resilience, triumph over adversity, and personal growth, writers can instill hope and encourage readers to pursue their dreams. By sharing their own journeys and experiences, writers can serve as role models, showing others that they too can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

Skills Acquired from Studying Creative Writing

Investing in a creative writing education goes beyond honing the craft of writing. Students acquire a range of transferable skills applicable to various professions. Analytical skill, empathy, adaptability, discipline, and resilience are some of these skills.

Analytical skills are achieved through studying literature, interpreting texts, and appreciating the nuances of language and writing styles. By critically analyzing different works, students develop the ability to dissect complex ideas, identify underlying themes, and make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

Empathy develops from character creation and exploring diverse perspectives. Through the process of developing characters with unique backgrounds, motivations, and experiences, students learn to understand and empathize with people who may be different from themselves. This skill is invaluable in fostering understanding and building bridges between individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Discipline and resilience are cultivated through the process of drafting, revising, and receiving critique. Writing is not always easy, and creative writers often face challenges such as writer’s block, self-doubt, and rejection. However, through perseverance and a commitment to their craft, writers learn to overcome these obstacles and continue to improve their writing skills.

Furthermore, studying creative writing encourages adaptability. Writers must be open to exploring different genres, styles, and techniques. They must be willing to experiment, take risks, and step outside of their comfort zones. This flexibility allows writers to adapt to different writing projects and audiences, expanding their creative repertoire and increasing their chances of success.

In conclusion, creative writing is not just about putting words on a page. It is a powerful tool that shapes societies, inspires change, and cultivates essential skills. Whether it is through captivating narratives, thought-provoking discussions, or personal reflections, creative writing has the ability to captivate, educate, and transform both individuals and communities.

a student writing in her notes on a table with a white laptop

Criteria for Choosing a Creative Writing School

Faculty Expertise and Reputation

When considering which school to attend, prospective students should consider the expertise and reputation of the faculty. Professors who are accomplished writers themselves can provide valuable insights and mentorship to students.

Imagine having the opportunity to learn from a Pulitzer Prize-winning author or a renowned poet who has published multiple collections. The knowledge and experience these faculty members bring to the classroom can be truly transformative. They can guide students through the intricacies of storytelling, help them refine their writing style, and provide constructive feedback that will push their creative boundaries.

The reputation of the faculty may also be a sign of the school’s commitment to fostering creativity and talent. Excellent faculty roles add considerable credibility to a school’s program and immensely benefit the student’s learning experience. A faculty known for producing successful writers can open doors to publishing opportunities, literary agents, and writing residencies.

Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mainstream creative writing programs offer a mix of workshop-style classes, literature courses, and genre-specific options. The diversity and richness of a program’s curriculum significantly impact a student’s growth as a writer. Prospective students should look for a curriculum that aligns with their specific creative writing goals.

Imagine being able to explore the depths of your imagination through courses that delve into magical realism, speculative fiction, or experimental poetry. A well-rounded curriculum allows students to experiment with different writing styles and genres, helping them discover their unique voice and artistic vision.

Furthermore, strong programs often include courses on the business side of writing, such as publishing and marketing, which can be beneficial for students intending to pursue writing as a career. Learning how to navigate the publishing industry, build an author platform, and effectively market one’s work are essential skills for aspiring writers in today’s competitive literary landscape.

Opportunities for Publication and Networking

The best creative writing schools often have established relationships with publishers and literary magazines, offering students opportunities for publication. Imagine seeing your short story or poem published in a prestigious literary journal while still a student. It not only validates your talent but also provides a significant boost to your writing career.

Furthermore, schools can provide networking opportunities through workshops, guest speakers, and internships. Imagine attending a writing conference where you have the chance to meet and learn from your favorite authors, literary agents, and editors. These connections can lead to valuable mentorship, job opportunities, and collaborations in the future.

Networking is an essential aspect of the writing industry, as it allows writers to expand their professional circles, gain exposure to different perspectives, and stay updated on the latest trends and opportunities. A creative writing school that actively facilitates networking can give students a head start in building their writing community and establishing meaningful connections within the literary world.

a male student studying intently

Top 10 Best Creative Writing Schools in the World

Creative writing is an art that allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and stories in a structured and imaginative manner. For those who are passionate about this craft, enrolling in a top-notch creative writing school can make all the difference. Here are the top 10 creative writing schools in the world:

  1. University of Iowa: The Writers’ Workshop program at the University of Iowa is one of the oldest and most prestigious MFA creative writing programs in the US. The program is known for its alumni, including many Pulitzer Prize winners. The faculty comprises esteemed writers and the city itself is known for its literary history and vibrant writing community.
  2. Stanford University: Stanford’s Wallace Stegner Fellowship offers 10 two-year professional fellowships annually: 5 in fiction and 5 in poetry. This provides writers with a chance to develop their craft without the pressures of degree requirements.
  3. University of East Anglia: Established in 1970 by Malcolm Bradbury and Angus Wilson, UEA’s MA in Creative Writing is one of the most famous and long-standing programs, with Ian McEwan being one of its first graduates. The program stresses the importance of peer feedback and critical reading.
  4. University of Edinburgh: This Scottish institution offers a range of programs, including an online distance learning MSc. Their programs are known for a rich combination of traditional and contemporary writing practice, often culminating in a major writing project.
  5. University of Michigan: The Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan is a two-year, fully-funded graduate program. Students here get the chance to work closely with award-winning faculty members and are exposed to a broad range of writing styles.
  6. Harvard University: Although Harvard is not traditionally known for its MFA in Creative Writing, the institution does offer an array of writing courses under its Extension School. It is well-regarded for its rigorous curriculum and emphasis on the integration of writing and critical analysis.
  7. University of Texas at Austin: The Michener Center for Writers hosts an MFA program that is extremely selective. Students here gain the advantage of a multi-genre approach, allowing them to explore various avenues of writing.
  8. Columbia University: Located in the heart of New York City, Columbia’s MFA program benefits from its connections to the publishing world and boasts a faculty of acclaimed writers. The program’s seminars and workshops focus on craft, but there is also significant emphasis on the realities of the publishing industry.
  9. University of California, Irvine: UC Irvine’s MFA program is known for its selective and intimate nature, allowing for personalized attention. Alumni from this program have gone on to receive numerous accolades and fellowships.
  10. Goldsmiths, University of London: Goldsmiths takes a multidisciplinary approach to creative writing, allowing students to collaborate with other departments like theatre, media, and art. The MA in Creative Writing program at Goldsmiths is known for its focus on experimentation and innovation.

To summarize, the best creative writing schools offer a combination of rigorous training in the craft, mentorship from accomplished writers, opportunities for real-world publishing experience, and a rich literary culture. However, the best fit for any aspiring writer will also depend on individual preferences, including location, faculty, alumni network, and specific course offerings.


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