
Journey Through Words: The OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Two students studying in a desk.

Embark on a literary adventure with the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest and unleash your creativity by telling a story that will leave readers captivated!

Writing contests can be an excellent way for aspiring writers to gain recognition for their work, receive feedback from professionals, and potentially win prizes.

Whether you are just starting on your writing journey or have been honing your craft for years, participating in writing contests can be a valuable experience. Before we dig deep, let’s first explore the importance of participating in writing contests and the benefits they offer.

Exposure and Recognition

One of the primary benefits of participating in writing contests is the exposure and recognition that can come with it. Many writing contests have a large audience of readers, and winning or being a finalist can bring your work to a wider audience.

Female student smiling at the camera.

Additionally, many writing contests are judged by professionals in the industry, such as editors, publishers, and established writers. Receiving recognition from these individuals can be a significant boost to your writing career.

Feedback and Critique

Another benefit of participating in writing contests is the feedback and critique that you can receive from judges or other writers. Many writing contests offer feedback or critiques as part of the submission process, which can be incredibly valuable for improving your writing skills.

Even if you don’t win or receive a critique, the act of submitting your work can be an opportunity to receive feedback from peers or editors.

Motivation and Inspiration

The deadlines and guidelines provided by writing contests can provide structure and focus for your writing, which can be especially helpful if you’re struggling to find motivation or direction.

View of a woman smiling while her classmates are talking at the back.

Additionally, reading the work of other writers and engaging with the contest theme can inspire new ideas and approaches to your writing.

In this blog, we’ll shine a spotlight on the esteemed OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest, an annual event that brings together talented writers from all walks of life to showcase their flair for brevity and lyrical expression.

So grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and join us as we embark on this creative odyssey!

What is the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest?

What is the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest? This is a writing competition that challenges participants to craft a compelling piece of flash fiction or prose poetry.

Before we talk about the competition further, let us first differentiate the terms “flash fiction” and “prose poetry.”

  • Flash fiction is a form of short fiction that typically consists of 1,000 words or fewer. It is known for its brevity and its ability to pack a powerful punch in a short amount of space. Flash fiction often focuses on a single moment or idea and can be a challenge to write because every word counts. Flash fiction can take many forms, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and more.
  • Prose poetry, on the other hand, is a hybrid form of poetry that combines the elements of poetry and prose. Prose poetry does not follow traditional poetic structures like meter and rhyme but instead uses prose-like language to create a poetic effect. Prose poetry can take many forms, including lyric essays, vignettes, and short stories, and often focuses on evoking emotions and sensory experiences.


The theme of a writing contest can be both exciting and intimidating for writers. It provides a framework for creativity but also poses a challenge to craft a story that fits within the theme while remaining original and compelling.

Each year, the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest announces a specific theme that writers must address in their submissions. The theme can be broad or narrow, allowing for a wide range of interpretations and creativity.

So, why is the theme of the contest so important? Firstly, it provides a unifying thread for all submissions. Every submission will be judged based on how effectively it addresses the theme.

This ensures a level playing field for all participants and helps judges evaluate each piece on its own merits. Additionally, the theme helps create a cohesive collection of winning pieces that reflect the spirit of the contest.

Furthermore, the theme of the contest can serve as a source of inspiration for writers. It can spark new ideas and challenge writers to think outside the box. By providing a framework for creativity, the theme can guide writers toward new and exciting directions in their writing.

For writers who struggle with writer’s block, the theme can also provide a helpful starting point. Rather than staring at a blank page, the theme offers a jumping-off point for brainstorming and outlining a new piece.

This can be especially helpful for writers who may feel overwhelmed by the blank page and need some structure to get started.

What are the rules and guidelines for participating in OdysseyCon’s Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest?

What are the rules and guidelines for participating in OdysseyCon’s Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest? This is a highly sought-after writing competition that attracts writers from around the world.

It offers emerging and established writers the chance to showcase their talent, creativity, and passion for writing. To participate in the contest, writers must meet certain eligibility criteria, which we will discuss in detail in this blog.


Participants must be 18 years of age or younger to be eligible for the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest.


The contest is open to all genres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, and romance. This allows writers to submit their work without restrictions and also allows judges to evaluate entries based on their unique qualities rather than fitting them into a specific genre.

A student taking an exam


All submissions must be in English. This ensures that judges can evaluate entries effectively without having to worry about translation issues or language barriers.

Previous Publication

Submissions must not have been previously published, including online publication and self-publication. This rule ensures that all entries are original and have not been seen or read by anyone before the contest.


The contest is open to writers from all countries. This promotes diversity and allows writers from different parts of the world to showcase their work and connect with other writers.

Word Count Limit

For the flash fiction category, the word count limit is 750 words. Flash fiction is a style of fiction writing that involves telling a complete story in a small number of words. The challenge in flash fiction is to create a story that is powerful and meaningful despite the brevity of the format.

a male student writing something into his notebook

For the prose poetry category, the word count limit is 500 words. Prose poetry is a hybrid form of poetry that combines the elements of prose and poetry. In prose poetry, the line breaks and stanzas are not as important as in traditional poetry, and the focus is on creating a prose-like narrative that is lyrical and poetic.

Submission Process

To submit an entry to the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest, participants will need to follow specific guidelines outlined by the organizers. The submission process typically involves the following steps:

  • Write your piece: Before submitting an entry, participants will need to write a flash fiction or prose poetry piece, keeping in mind the contest’s theme and word count limit.
  • Review and edit the work: Once the participants have written their works, it is important to review and edit them to ensure that it meets the contest’s criteria and is free of errors.
  • Submit the entry: Once the piece is ready and formatted correctly, participants can submit their entry via the online submission portal or email, as specified in the guidelines. They need to be sure to include any required information, such as their name, contact information, and a brief bio.


The deadline for the OdysseyCon typically varies from year to year but is usually several months before the actual event. This allows the organizers to review all submissions and select the winners in advance of the event.

Be sure to check the contest’s website or social media pages for the exact deadline and any updates or changes.

Young man using a laptop in a table.

It is important to note that late entries are typically not accepted, so be sure to submit your entry before the deadline. It is also a good idea to submit your entry well before the deadline to allow time for any technical issues or unforeseen circumstances.

Criteria for Judging the Entries

If you are planning to participate in this writing contest, it is essential to understand the criteria for judging the entries.

By understanding the judging criteria, you can better tailor your submission to meet the expectations of the judges and increase your chances of winning.

  • Adherence to the theme: The contest organizers will typically select a theme for the contest, and entries will be judged based on how well they adhere to that theme. The theme for the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest is usually related to the event’s overall theme, and entries should demonstrate a clear connection to the theme.
  • Originality and creativity: Judges will look for entries that are original and demonstrate creativity. They will consider whether the entry offers a unique take on the theme and whether it stands out from other entries in terms of its creativity.
  • Writing style and technique: Judges will evaluate the writing style and technique of each entry, including the use of language, grammar, and punctuation. They will consider whether the writing is clear, concise, and easy to read, as well as whether it effectively conveys the author’s message.
  • Structure and pacing: Entries will be evaluated based on their structure and pacing. Judges will consider whether the entry is well-structured and organized and whether it has a strong beginning, middle, and end. They will also evaluate the pacing of the entry, including whether it moves at an appropriate pace and holds the reader’s interest throughout.
  • Emotional impact: Judges will consider the emotional impact of each entry, including whether it evokes a strong emotional response from the reader. They will evaluate whether the entry effectively communicates the author’s message and whether it is likely to resonate with readers.
  • Overall impression: Finally, judges will consider their overall impression of each entry, taking into account all of the above criteria. They will consider whether the entry stands out from other submissions and whether it has the potential to win the contest.


When participating in a writing contest, it is essential to adhere to the rules and guidelines established by the contest organizers. Failure to do so can result in disqualification or other consequences.

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in the OdysseyCon. Any entry found to contain plagiarized content will be immediately disqualified.
  • Offensive content: Entries containing offensive or discriminatory content will not be accepted.
  • Multiple entries: Participants are usually prohibited from submitting multiple entries to the contest.
  • Simultaneous submissions: Participants are usually prohibited from submitting their entries to other contests or publications simultaneously.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when submitting an entry to the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest?

What are some common mistakes to avoid when submitting an entry to the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest? Submitting an entry to a writing contest can be a nerve-wracking experience, and it’s essential to put your best foot forward.

However, even the most experienced writers can make mistakes that can result in disqualification or prevent them from winning the prize. Here, we will discuss the most common mistakes to avoid when submitting an entry to the OdysseyCon.

Ignoring the contest theme

Failing to adhere to the theme can result in disqualification, regardless of how good the writing is. Take the time to understand the theme and incorporate it into your piece creatively. Don’t just mention the theme; ensure that it is a central part of your story.

Failing to follow the submission guidelines

Each writing contest has specific guidelines, such as word count, font size, formatting, and submission method. Ignoring these guidelines could result in disqualification or rejection. Take the time to read and understand the guidelines, and ensure that your submission meets all requirements.

Poor proofreading and editing

Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be a major turn-off for contest judges. Always proofread your submission multiple times, and consider enlisting the help of a friend or professional editor. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and error-free.

Submitting previously published works

Submitting a previously published work is a common mistake that can result in disqualification. Most contests require original, unpublished work. Ensure that your submission is entirely new and has not been previously published in any form.

Disregarding the judging criteria

Each writing contest has specific judging criteria, such as originality, creativity, and adherence to the theme. Disregarding these criteria can significantly hurt your chances of winning. Ensure that your submission is creative, original, and adheres to the theme of the contest.

What are some tips for crafting a winning piece for the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest?

What are some tips for crafting a winning piece for the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest? Participating in a writing contest can be a rewarding experience for writers, especially when they win.

However, crafting a winning piece requires skill, creativity, and dedication. Read on as we discuss some tips for crafting a winning piece for this prestigious writing contest.

Understand the contest theme

The theme of the contest is the central idea around which your story revolves. It is essential to incorporate the theme creatively and make it a fundamental aspect of your story. Spend some time thinking about how the theme can inform the characters, plot, setting, and tone of your work.

Use vivid imagery and sensory details

Vivid imagery and sensory details can bring your story to life and make it memorable. Incorporate sensory details, such as sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste, to help readers immerse themselves in your story.

Use descriptive or even literary language to paint a vivid picture of the world you are creating and engage the reader’s senses.

Focus on character and plot development

A well-crafted story requires well-developed characters and a compelling plot. Spend time developing your characters by giving them distinct personalities, backgrounds, and motivations.

Ensure that the plot is engaging, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Focus on creating tension, conflict, and resolution to keep the reader engaged and invested in the story.

Maintain a consistent tone and style

Maintaining a consistent tone and style is essential to creating a cohesive and engaging story. Consider the mood and atmosphere you want to create and use language, sentence structure, and dialogue that reflect that tone.

Ensure that the style of your writing is consistent throughout the piece and complements the story you are telling.

Revise and edit your work multiple times

No piece of writing is perfect on the first draft, so it’s essential to revise and edit your work multiple times. Take a break from your piece and come back to it with fresh eyes. Read your work aloud, and consider enlisting the help of a friend or professional editor to help you spot errors and improve your writing.

With these tips in mind, you can create a compelling and memorable piece of writing that stands out from the rest.

Participating in writing contests like the OdysseyCon Flash Fiction/Prose Poetry Contest can also provide a valuable edge in college applications.

Demonstrating a passion and skill for writing can set applicants apart from others and highlight their unique strengths and talents. Winning a writing competition can also be an impressive achievement to include on a college application or resume.

At AdmissionSight, we believe in helping students showcase their unique talents and strengths to stand out in the college admissions process. Our team of experienced admissions consultants can guide students through the process of crafting impressive essays and building a strong application package.

Don’t hesitate to book an initial consultation with us today to see how we can help you succeed in the college admissions process. With our guidance and support, you can maximize your potential and achieve your academic and career goals.


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