
Top 10 Clubs at Harvard University You Should Consider Joining

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Top 10 Clubs at Harvard University You Should Consider Joining

When you are starting out at Harvard University as an undergraduate student, there is a pretty high likelihood that you are going to first feel overwhelmed and excited by all of the options that are available to you. Whether you are talking about academic options, extracurricular options, or simply ways to spend your time, it can be easy to not know exactly where to turn because there is simply so much right at your fingertips! Beyond that, the undergraduate years are – for the vast majority of students – the first time in which they will be living outside of their parents’ home(s). That can make the decision-making process even harder, as you no longer have that daily guidance from your parents. For that reason, one of the best places to start when it comes to meeting new people at Harvard and pursuing your interests in the community is to join school clubs.

But what are the best Harvard clubs?

At AdmissionSight, our top priorities have to do with helping high school and transfer students get into some of the best colleges and universities in the United States, such as Harvard. However, getting into a top school like Harvard, Stanford or Yale is only going to be worth all the time and energy that you put into it if you make sure to take full advantage of the opportunity once you get to campus. And that means a whole lot more than simply diving deeply into your academics.

Of course, your academic commitments are going to have to be taken very seriously when you are at Harvard, but if you only focus on that, you are really just getting a portion of all of the benefits of attending such a prestigious school. After all, the community on campus, as well as the community that is created by Harvard alumni all over the world, is a major reason why the school is so incredibly desirable for young men and women who hope to achieve incredible things in their futures.

For that reason, we wanted to spend some time going over the opportunities that are available to undergraduate students at Harvard. Since there are a seemingly endless list of groups and clubs that any student at Harvard can pursue, we thought that breaking down some of the most popular, beloved and historical ones would be a great way to help you get the ball rolling!

So, how many Harvard clubs are there? Is it easy to join Harvard clubs? And can you start your own club at Harvard? If you have found yourself asking these questions as you prepare to apply to or attend Harvard, then you have come to the right place! Let’s start breaking down some of the most important information regarding undergraduate clubs in general as well as going into what are the best Harvard clubs for you to look into once you get to campus!

The importance of college clubs

The truth is that there are a lot of different reasons why getting involved in clubs on campus is so important, and can be so beneficial to students no matter what their interests are. Getting involved on your college campus – whether that campus is in Cambridge, Princeton or Palo Alto – comes with its own set of major perks that every student about to start their undergraduate education should be fully aware of.

It is just not just about meeting other students (though that is absolutely a major appeal), there are many other ways in which it opens other doors both during your education and many years later.

In order to simply break down the most important aspects of joining college clubs, we have decided just to list the top things that you should keep in mind when you are searching for the right clubs for you! Here are the most important bits of information to keep in mind.

You get to build your skillset

Any student’s undergraduate education is an incredibly important opportunity to continue your education and learn, but it is also a major opportunity to start preparing for the future. Whether you plan to pursue further education after your undergraduate years or enter the workforce immediately, you will greatly benefit by expanding and improving your skill set and level of expertise during your undergraduate years.

View of a female students holding her book.

Joining in groups during undergrad will allow you to work on and improve professional skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication and prioritization. These skills are key to landing internships during the summer and a job after you graduate. These soft skills are starting to become key areas of interest for hiring professionals across all industries.

Moreover, clubs offer the chance to develop and improve hard skills, such as managing money, creating relationships with vendors, and putting on high-profile events, as well.

You can perfect your time management skills

Taking part in college clubs and organizations along with taking your undergraduate academics is an incredible way to continue to fine-tune and perfect your time management skills. Of course, students who get into schools like Harvard typically have fairly effective time management skills. However, the need for that is taken to another level once your undergraduate education begins.

This is because you will have more freedom than ever before! Once you get to Harvard, finding out what are the best Harvard clubs and joining the ones that are the most enticing to you is going to help you explore new ways to spend, and manage your time effectively.

Young woman typing in his laptop while sitting in the sofa.


Taking part in college clubs and organizations alongside your academic responsibilities allows you to practice not only discipline, but also time management. This is a handy skill to have in your personal life, and it’s one that future employers will be looking for after you graduate. Recruiters and hiring managers like to know that applicants will be able to juggle tasks and handle all the demands of the job.

You’ll become more collaborative

Such a huge part of being successful in your undergraduate education and beyond is about being able to work collaboratively with all different types of people. No one gains success or notoriety on their own, and being able to both lead groups and be part of groups is a major skill that joining clubs can help build.

Joining a club, by definition, will force you to work with others. And that will, in turn, prepare you for what is to come in your post-grad life and beyond.

You can network and build strong friendships

We would be lying to you if we didn’t admit that one of the major draws that Harvard has for students all over the world is the network that comes along with it. People who graduate from Harvard often go on to find crucial personal and professional doors open thanks to a fellow Harvard alumnus who is willing to vouch for them because of their shared history.

Two students talking in a library.

But you shouldn’t simply depend on your diploma to be the only icebreaker to get you started. You should do as much as you can during your undergraduate years to form close and committed friendships and professional relationships with your fellow students. You never know who you’ll meet in a Harvard club, and you never know what they will end up going on to pursue or accomplish.

You can build self-confidence

You can be the smartest person in the room, but if you lack self-confidence and the ability to promote yourself in the right way, the hard truth is that you’re never going to be as successful as you truly could be. If you can successfully balance your academic responsibilities as well as your extracurricular activities, you will come away from the experience with a stronger understanding of your true capabilities. This can help you build up the self-assurance needed to take on more challenges.

You’ll make the most out of your college experience

While the primary goal of attending Harvard or any college or university should, of course, be getting the best education possible. However, that is far from the only thing you should be worried about when you are a student at Harvard. You should make the most out of the whole experience. Joining clubs, becoming part of the community and really expanding your community are great ways to do just that.

Clubs offer you the chance to put yourself out there, try new things and have a fantastic time doing it! They can give you something to look forward to, people to spend time with, and memories that will – truly – last a lifetime.

You can increase your marketability

The whole point of attending an incredibly elite school like Harvard is that it can help you improve your marketability and competitiveness in the job market. The skills you develop and the experience you acquire add up to an enticing combination for hiring managers once you begin your job search. Your community participation in college can set you apart from the pack when you’re vying for your dream job.

What are the best Harvard clubs?

Now that we have covered the reasons why joining college clubs is so beneficial to any college student, it’s time to start going through some of the most popular clubs on Harvard’s campus. When you are going through this list, it is important to keep in mind that the question, “What are the best Harvard clubs?” is a fairly relative one.

After all, a fantastic club for you might not be interesting at all to a different student that does not share your interests. Similarly, a club that is highly attractive to a different student might not interest you at all.

Young woman looking happy for getting a scholarship.

Just like when you were in high school, the most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to college extracurriculars is to pursue your true passions and interests. That is the best way for you to guarantee that you are going to remain committed and actually gain something positive from the experience.

But before we go into those clubs, let’s quickly answer some of the most common questions that students have about student clubs and groups at Harvard.

How many Harvard clubs are there? There are over 500 official student groups and clubs that students can take part in during their Harvard education.

Is it easy to join Harvard clubs? The truth is that this answer varies depending on what the club is. Some clubs are as easy to join as simply joining an email chain and showing up to in-person meetings. Other groups have more competitive application and entry processes.

Finally, can you start your own club at Harvard? Absolutely, yes. Here is what the school itself has to say about that:

“If a student organization does not already exist, you can apply for recognition as a new group. The application is available at the start of each fall semester for the subsequent academic year.”

With those important questions answered and out of the way, let’s finally start answering the important question, “What are the best Harvard clubs?” Some of the answers may surprise you!

Act on a Dream

This student group is aimed to motivate Harvard students to become invested and involved in immigration reform in this country. The groups’ primary goals are aimed at helping immigrant students reach their goals at Harvard as well as giving immigrant students equal educational opportunities.


There is not much more to this group than the name! Beekeepers give Harvard students the chance to raise, care for and harvest bees. But beneath the surface, there is so much more to it. First off, Beekeepers is aimed at educating students about the importance of bees in our environment as well as the importance of caring for the environment in general. It also promotes teamwork and spending time in the great outdoors.


This is a group of students that get together to learn the many different kinds of popular street dance. Students involved in this group have regular practices where they learn from one another as well as local street dancers. Students even put on public dance performances. This is a great way to learn a new skill, make some new friends, and stay active all in the process!

View of female student dancing.

Children’s Stories

This is a really popular student group for writers and non-writers alike. Children’s Stories utilizes students’ creative writing, drawing and foreign languages with the goals of creating entertaining material for children abroad as well as students who are dealing with chronic health issues in the greater Boston community.

Circle of Women

This student run organization is all about increasing awareness and creating solutions to the issues related to girls’ secondary education across the world.

Data Ventures

The primary goal of Data Ventures is to educate undergraduate students at Harvard about the information age as it currently stands and where it could be headed in the near and distant futures. The group trains students in different aspects of computational and analytical methods that are needed to make sense of both numerical and qualitative data in meaningful and actionable ways.


While this may seem like a group that is solely interested in fashion and apparel, its primary goal is actually far more interesting. Eleganza is primarily focused on diversity and charity. Each year, Eleganza puts on a fashion show that is meant to highlight student creations as well as diversity within the Harvard community. Moreover, the group supports Boston’s Center for Teen Empowerment through mentorships and ample donations.


The main purpose of Ecdysis is to allow students to publish an undergraduate student journal. Two journals come out each academic year, and they offer students the chance to submit their writing, visual art and auditory art. While submissions are somewhat flexible, the primary goal is to focus on and promote art that is related to scientific subjects.

Fed Challenge

The Fed Challenge at Harvard has the goal of promoting and improving economic knowledge, primarily as it relates to the United States Federal Reserve. Members of the Fed Challenge at Harvard participate in the College Fed Challenge competition and work with local Boston students to teach them about economics and economic policy.

Fallen Angels

Coming in at the final spot is the Harvard Fall Angels, an all-female acapella group. This group is 100 percent student run and holds regular practices. They put on two performances a year and also take part in joint concerts with other acapella groups at Harvard.

Find the right Harvard groups for you

Whether you have already gotten into Harvard or have not even yet applied, it is never too soon to start learning about the many incredible student groups at Harvard. If you started this blog post with the question, “What are the best Harvard clubs?” We really hope that we have helped answer it.

The truth is that the main goal for every AdmissionSight blog is to simply scratch the service for you and get your rolling on your own search. So start looking and learning about many of the other clubs and groups that you can get involved in at Harvard.

If you are interested in learning more about what AdmissionSight can do to help you get into Harvard, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.


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