
UIUC Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

UIUC Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

What is UIUC’s Acceptance Rate?

The acceptance rate for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for the class of 2027 is 43.7%. This means that out of all the applicants, around 45% were offered admission to UIUC. The university has different acceptance rates for various colleges and programs.

  • College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences: 56.5%
  • College of Applied Health Sciences: 35.8%
  • College of Education: 46.8%
  • College of Fine & Applied Arts: 49.3%
  • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: 45.5%
  • College of Media: 43.7%
  • Division of General Studies: 53.2%
  • Gies College of Business: 24.2%
  • Grainger College of Engineering: 22.3%
  • School of Information Sciences: 21.6%
  • School of Social Work: 37.4%

These rates can vary based on the competitiveness of the program and the applicant pool.

Early Action and Early Decision

UIUC offers Early Action; however, it does not offer Early Decision. The Early Action deadline is November 1. The regular admissions application deadline for UIUC is January 5.

Trends in UIUC’s Acceptance Rates

Over the years, UIUC has experienced fluctuations in its acceptance rates due to various factors, including changes in application volume and the competitiveness of the applicant pool. It is important to note that acceptance rates alone should not be the sole determining factor in selecting a university. Other considerations, such as personal fit, academic programs, and campus culture, are crucial in finding the right institution.

Year Applicants Admittees Acceptance Rates
2022-2023 unspecified 8,325 43.70%
2021-2022 unspecified unspecified 43.70%
2020-2021 43,473 27,520 unspecified
2019-2020 unspecified unspecified 45%
2018-2019 47,593 8,303 60%

UIUC’s acceptance rate of 43.7% demonstrates that while the university seeks to maintain a selective admissions process, it also aims to provide opportunities for a diverse range of qualified students. As UIUC continues to attract top-tier applicants, it is no surprise that securing admission can be competitive.

The best way to increase your chances of being admitted to UIUC is to demonstrate academic excellence, pursue extracurricular activities, and submit a compelling application.

Furthermore, UIUC’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community is reflected in its holistic approach to admissions. The university values academic achievements and considers applicants’ unique backgrounds, experiences, and potential contributions to the campus community. This emphasis on diversity enriches the learning environment and ensures students are exposed to various perspectives and ideas.

As a renowned research institution, UIUC offers students unparalleled opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research across various disciplines. From engineering to liberal arts, students have access to state-of-the-art facilities and renowned faculty members at the forefront of their fields. This hands-on research experience allows students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world problems and prepares them for successful careers in their chosen fields.

UIUC Admissions Statistics

In recent years, UIUC has received many applications from prospective students. The university received over 43,000 applications for the incoming class while accepting around 18,000 students. This competitive applicant pool demonstrates the desirability of a UIUC education.

Each year, the university carefully reviews applications and considers various factors, such as GPA, standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. Applicants need to showcase their unique qualities and accomplishments to stand out among their peers.

UIUC’s admissions process is known for its holistic approach, which considers academic achievements and personal characteristics that indicate a student’s potential for success. The university values diversity and seeks candidates who contribute to the vibrant campus community through unique perspectives and experiences.

Furthermore, UIUC offers a range of resources to support prospective students throughout the application process. From informational sessions and campus tours to virtual webinars and one-on-one counselling, the university strives to provide guidance and assistance to help applicants present their best selves in their applications.

Young diverse friendly girls handshaking

SAT/ACT Scores for UIUC Admits

UIUC takes a holistic approach to the admissions process and considers GPA and standardized test scores. For the mid-50% range of admitted students, the SAT scores typically fall between 1220 and 1480, while the ACT scores range from 27 to 33.

However, it is essential to remember that test scores are just one application component. UIUC values the student experience and looks for well-rounded individuals who can contribute to the university community.

In addition to academic achievements, UIUC values extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, and unique life experiences. Admitted students often showcase diverse talents and interests beyond the classroom.

Furthermore, UIUC encourages applicants to submit strong letters of recommendation and compelling personal statements highlighting their passions, goals, and potential contributions to the campus community. These qualitative aspects of the application provide admissions officers with a deeper understanding of each applicant’s character and potential fit for the university.

An Overview of UIUC

UIUC is a comprehensive research institution that offers over 150 undergraduate majors in various fields of study, ranging from engineering and business to the humanities and social sciences. The university’s commitment to academic excellence is reflected in its top-ranked programs, renowned faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities.

UIUC enrols around 35,000 undergraduate students, making it one of the largest public universities in the United States. The campus is located in the vibrant college town of Urbana-Champaign, providing students with a rich cultural and social environment.

Not only does UIUC offer a rigorous academic experience, but it also provides numerous extracurricular activities and organizations to foster student involvement and personal growth.

One of the standout features of UIUC is its strong emphasis on research. The university has multiple research centres and institutes where students can work alongside faculty on groundbreaking projects. UIUC is at the forefront of discovery and innovation, from cutting-edge scientific research to innovative social science studies.

Furthermore, UIUC boasts a diverse and inclusive community, with students from all 50 states and over 100 countries. This rich tapestry of backgrounds and perspectives enhances the learning environment inside and outside the classroom. Students at UIUC can engage with different cultures, traditions, and ideas, broadening their horizons and preparing them for success in an interconnected world.

What is UIUC Looking For?

In addition to academic qualifications, UIUC seeks students with intellectual curiosity, a strong work ethic, leadership potential, and a commitment to community service. The university values diversity and encourages students from all backgrounds to apply.

Furthermore, UIUC seeks individuals who demonstrate a passion for their chosen field of study and an eagerness to engage in the learning process actively. The university’s commitment to research and innovation is evident throughout its campus, providing students with countless opportunities to excel in their respective disciplines.

UIUC’s dedication to fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus community extends beyond the classroom. Students can access extracurricular activities, including over 1,600 student organizations, intramural sports, and cultural events. These opportunities allow students to develop leadership skills, build lasting friendships, and explore their interests outside of academics.

Moreover, UIUC prides itself on its strong alumni network, which provides current students with mentorship, internship opportunities, and career guidance. The university’s graduates can be found in top companies and organizations worldwide, serving as a testament to the quality of education and professional development offered at UIUC.

UIUC typically consider the following when evaluating applicants:

  1. Academic Excellence:
    • Strong academic performance is a key factor. This includes high school GPA for undergraduate admissions and undergraduate GPA, standardized test scores (like the SAT or ACT), and academic achievements for graduate admissions.
  2. Standardized Test Scores:
    • UIUC may require standardized tests like the SAT or ACT for undergraduate admissions and GRE/GMAT scores for certain graduate programs. Check the specific requirements for your intended program.
  3. Relevant Coursework:
    • Completing coursework relevant to the chosen major or field of study is important. UIUC may look for a strong foundation in subjects related to the program you are applying to.
  4. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, and other non-academic pursuits can demonstrate a well-rounded applicant who will contribute positively to campus life.
  5. Letters of Recommendation:
    • UIUC may require letters of recommendation, especially for graduate programs. Strong letters from teachers, professors, or professionals who can speak to your abilities and potential can enhance your application.
  6. Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement:
    • Graduate programs often require a statement of purpose outlining your academic and career goals. This provides an opportunity to explain why you are a good fit for the program.
  7. Research Experience (Graduate Programs):
    • For graduate programs, particularly in research-focused fields, having research experience or a clear interest in research can be a significant asset.
  8. Work Experience (Graduate Programs):
    • Some graduate programs may value relevant work experience. This is particularly true for professional master’s programs where practical experience is beneficial.
  9. Diversity and Inclusion:
    • Universities like UIUC are often committed to diversity and inclusion. Your background, experiences, and how you contribute to a diverse and inclusive community may be considered.
  10. Writing Skills:
    • Clear and effective communication is essential. Essays, personal statements, or writing samples are opportunities to demonstrate your writing skills.

It’s crucial to note that requirements and criteria vary by program and may change over time. Therefore, it’s important to refer to the official UIUC admissions website and specific program pages for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Additionally, contacting the admissions office for guidance is recommended if you have specific questions about your application.

How Hard is it to Get into UIUC?

The difficulty of gaining admission to UIUC can vary depending on the academic program and the competitiveness of the applicant pool. While the overall acceptance rate stands at 43.7%, acceptance rates for specific programs can be more or less competitive.

It is essential to approach the admissions process with diligence and careful preparation. By focusing on strong academic performance, active involvement in extracurricular activities, and a well-crafted application, prospective students can enhance their chances of being admitted to UIUC. However, it is essential to remember that admission decisions are ultimately based on a holistic evaluation of an applicant’s credentials.

As the university continues to attract a diverse and talented pool of applicants, the competition for admission remains fierce. Nevertheless, UIUC’s commitment to providing opportunities and fostering academic excellence ensures qualified students can thrive at this prestigious institution.

Furthermore, UIUC values diversity and seeks to create a vibrant and inclusive community. The university considers race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and geographic location factors in its admissions process. This commitment to diversity ensures that students from all walks of life can contribute to the rich tapestry of experiences at UIUC.

Male And Female Secondary Or High School Students Outdoors At School Looking At Mobile Phone

UIUC Popular Programs

UIUC offers a wide range of programs across various disciplines. Here are some of the famous and well-regarded programs at UIUC:

  1. Engineering Programs:
    1. UIUC is renowned for its engineering programs, including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Computer Science.
  2. Business Programs:
    • The Gies College of Business at UIUC offers vital undergraduate and graduate business programs. The MBA program, in particular, is well-regarded.
  3. Computer Science:
    • UIUC is known for its robust Computer Science program, housed in the College of Engineering. The Department of Computer Science is recognized for its research contributions and academic excellence.
  4. Agricultural and Consumer Economics:
    • UIUC’s College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) offers programs in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, addressing issues related to agribusiness and economics.
  5. Liberal Arts and Sciences:
    • The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) provides diverse programs in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
  6. Psychology:
    • UIUC’s Department of Psychology is well-regarded, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various areas of psychology.
  7. Physics:
    • The Department of Physics at UIUC is known for its contributions to physics research and offers programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  8. Accountancy:
    • UIUC’s Accountancy programs, offered by the Gies College of Business, are recognized for their quality and prepare students for careers in accounting and finance.
  9. Chemical Engineering:
    • The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering offers vital programs in Chemical Engineering, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
  10. Architecture:
    • UIUC’s School of Architecture is known for its comprehensive architecture programs, including undergraduate and graduate degrees.
  11. Education:
    • The College of Education at UIUC offers programs in various fields, preparing students for careers as educators, administrators, and researchers.
  12. Political Science:
    • UIUC’s Department of Political Science is recognized for its research and offers programs in political science and related fields.
  13. Materials Science and Engineering:
    • The Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering provides programs in materials science, a field at the intersection of physics, chemistry, and engineering.
  14. Biological Sciences:
    • The School of Integrative Biology offers programs in biological sciences that focus on research and the exploration of life sciences.
  15. Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability:
    • UIUC’s programs related to Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability address issues of global importance, emphasizing sustainable practices.

How to know which major is for you

Choosing a major can be a significant decision that impacts your academic and career path. Here are some steps to help you determine which major is the right fit for you:

  1. Self-Reflection:
    • Reflect on your interests, passions, and hobbies. Consider what subjects you enjoy studying and find intellectually stimulating. Think about activities that make you lose track of time or topics you enjoy discussing with others.
  2. Strengths and Skills:
    • Identify your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? Your strengths and skills can guide you toward majors that align with your abilities and talents.
  3. Career Exploration:
    • Explore potential careers associated with different majors. Research job prospects, industries, and the skills required for various professions. Consider talking to professionals in fields you find interesting.
  4. Take Introductory Courses:
    • Enroll in introductory courses in different disciplines. Many universities allow students to explore a variety of subjects before declaring a major. Intro courses can provide a taste of what each major entails.
  5. Talk to Academic Advisors:
    • Schedule meetings with academic advisors or career counsellors. They can provide guidance, discuss your academic interests, and help you explore majors that align with your goals.
  6. Networking and Informational Interviews:
    • Connect with professionals in different fields through networking events or informational interviews. Gain insights into their career paths, daily responsibilities, and the educational background required for their roles.
  7. Internships and Volunteering:
    • Participate in internships or volunteer opportunities related to different fields. Practical experience can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day aspects of various professions.
  8. Consider Interdisciplinary Options:
    • Explore interdisciplinary majors that combine multiple fields of study. These programs may allow you to integrate your interests and pursue a unique academic path.
  9. Evaluate Coursework and Requirements:
    • Review the coursework and requirements for potential majors. Consider whether the classes are engaging and whether the major aligns with your long-term goals.
  10. Seek Guidance from Mentors:
    • Seek advice from mentors, teachers, or professionals in your network. They may share their experiences, offer insights, and provide valuable advice on choosing a major.
  11. Personal Values and Goals:
    • Consider your values and long-term goals. What kind of impact do you want to make in your career? Choose a major that aligns with your values and contributes to your life goals.
  12. Be Open to Change:
    • Keep in mind that it’s okay to change majors. Your interests and goals may evolve as you gain exposure to different subjects and experiences.

Prospective students must explore the complete list of majors offered at UIUC and consider their interests and career goals when choosing a major. Additionally, students often have the flexibility to pursue interdisciplinary studies and customize their academic paths.

UIUC Admission Requirements

UIUC can vary by program and level of study. Below are general guidelines, but it’s crucial to check the specific requirements for the program you are interested in, as they may have additional criteria or variations:

Undergraduate Admission Requirements:

  1. High School Diploma or Equivalent:
    • Completion of a recognized high school program or an equivalent education.
  2. Academic Transcripts:
    • Submission of official high school transcripts showcasing a strong academic record.
  3. Standardized Test Scores:
    • UIUC typically requires either SAT or ACT scores. Check the specific requirements for the program and department.
  4. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Some programs may require letters of recommendation from teachers or others who can speak to your academic abilities.
  5. Personal Statement or Essay:
    • A personal statement or essay may be required to assess your motivations, goals, and suitability for the chosen program.
  6. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Information about your involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, and leadership roles may be considered.
  7. Application Fee:
    • Payment of the application fee is typically required. Fee waivers may be available for eligible students.
  8. Interview (if required):
    • Specific programs or scholarships may require an interview as part of the application process.

Graduate Admission Requirements:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree:
    • Completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.
  2. Academic Transcripts:
    • Submission of official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.
  3. Standardized Test Scores:
    • Some programs may require GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) scores. Check the specific requirements for your program.
  4. Letters of Recommendation:
    • Typically, three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with your academic or professional background.
  5. Statement of Purpose:
    • A statement of purpose outlining your academic and career goals, research interests, and reasons for pursuing graduate study.
  6. Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV):
    • A detailed resume or CV highlighting academic achievements, work experience, and relevant skills.
  7. Portfolio (if applicable):
    • A portfolio of work may be required for arts, design, or architecture programs.
  8. English Proficiency Test:
    • International applicants may need to provide TOEFL or IELTS scores to demonstrate English proficiency.
  9. Application Fee:
    • Payment of the application fee is typically required. Fee waivers may be available for eligible students.
  10. Interview (if required):
    • Specific programs or departments may require an interview during the selection process.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines, and specific requirements can vary by program. Additionally, admission criteria may change, so it’s recommended to check the official UIUC admissions website and the website of the specific program you are interested in for the most up-to-date information. If you have specific questions, contacting the admissions office or department can provide personalized assistance.

Key Application Deadlines for UIUC

UIUC has specific application deadlines for first-year applicants for fall 2024 admission:

  • September 1: The application opens on this date.
  • November 1: Early Action deadline. To be eligible for early action admission, applicants must submit their application by 11:59 p.m. CT on November 1, with all required items received by November 7. Early action may provide a better chance of admission to selective programs, honours programs, and merit awards. Early action is non-binding.
  • January 5: Regular admissions application deadline. Applicants must submit their application by 11:59 p.m. CT on January 5, with all required items received by January 11.
  • January 26: The status update will be available on this date for those who meet the early action deadline of November 1. Final decisions may not be provided at this time based on program competitiveness.
  • March 1: Applicants who apply after the early action deadline or do not receive a final decision in January will receive their decision by March 1.
  • April 1: Notification for honours programs or scholarships will be sent after the offer of admission but no later than April 1.
  • May 1: National College Decision Day, the deadline for students to commit to a college.

Tuition Costs at UIUC for 2023-2024

UIUC charges tuition and fees for its students. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition and fees for in-state freshmen are $17,704 to $22,968, depending on the major chosen. The tuition and fees for out-of-state freshmen are $35,926 to $41,190. Room and board costs are $14,522, books and supplies are $1,200, and other expenses are $2,500. The total cost for in-state freshmen is $35,326 to $44,468; for out-of-state freshmen, it is $47,626 to $53,690. These figures do not include financial aid, which can significantly reduce the actual cost of attendance for students. It is important to note that these costs can vary based on individual circumstances and the specific program a student chooses to study.

Students walking on the lawn in front of a building on UIUC campus grounds.

When evaluating tuition costs at UIUC, prospective students and their families should consider several key factors:

  1. Residency Status:
    • In-state tuition rates are typically lower than out-of-state rates. Prospective students should determine their residency status and understand the associated tuition costs.
  2. Undergraduate vs. Graduate Tuition:
    • Tuition costs can vary between undergraduate and graduate programs. Prospective students should be aware of the specific tuition rates for their intended level of study.
  3. College or Program Differences:
    • Different colleges and programs within UIUC may have varying tuition costs. Students should check the tuition rates specific to the college or program they plan to enrol in.
  4. Credit Hours and Enrollment Status:
    • Tuition is often assessed on a per-credit-hour basis. Full-time and part-time enrollment status can impact total tuition costs. Prospective students should understand how their chosen credit load affects tuition.
  5. Additional Fees:
    • In addition to tuition, there may be additional fees, such as technology, facility, or specific program fees. Prospective students should factor in all potential fees associated with their chosen program.
  6. Financial Aid and Scholarships:
    • Explore available financial aid options, scholarships, and grants. UIUC offers various financial assistance programs that can help offset tuition costs. Prospective students should research and apply for relevant financial aid opportunities.
  7. Cost of Living:
    • Consider the cost of living in the area where UIUC is located. Housing, meals, transportation, and other living expenses can impact the university’s overall cost.
  8. Payment Plans and Deadlines:
    • UIUC may offer payment plans that allow students to pay tuition in instalments. Prospective students should be aware of payment deadlines and explore available payment options.
  9. Inflation and Future Tuition Increases:
    • Remember that tuition costs may increase over time due to inflation or changes in university policies. Prospective students should factor in potential tuition increases during their years of study.
  10. Internship and Work Opportunities:
    • Explore opportunities for internships, co-op programs, or work-study positions that may provide financial support while gaining valuable experience.
  11. Comparison with Other Institutions:
    • Compare UIUC’s tuition costs with those of other institutions offering similar programs. Consider the overall value, reputation, and resources provided by each institution.
  12. Graduation Timelines:
    • The time it takes to complete a degree can impact total tuition costs. Students should consider their expected graduation timeline when estimating the overall expense of their education.
  13. Return on Investment (ROI):
    • Consider the potential return on investment regarding future career opportunities and earning potential associated with the chosen program of study.

By carefully evaluating these factors, prospective students and their families can make well-informed decisions regarding tuition costs at UIUC and plan for a financially manageable education. It’s advisable to regularly check the official UIUC website and contact the admissions or financial aid office for the most current and accurate information on tuition and associated expenses.

UIUC Scholarships

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a variety of scholarships to support students in their academic pursuits. These scholarships are typically awarded based on various criteria, including academic achievement, leadership, community involvement, and financial need:

  1. Illinois Commitment:
    • Description: The Illinois Commitment program covers tuition and fees for in-state students from families with an income of $67,100 or less. It aims to make education more affordable for Illinois residents.
    • Eligibility: In-state students from families with an income of $67,100 or less.
  2. Illinois Commitment Plus:
    • Description: An expansion of the Illinois Commitment program, Illinois Commitment Plus covers tuition and fees for in-state students from families with an income of $67,101 to $100,000.
    • Eligibility: In-state students from families with incomes between $67,101 and $100,000.
  3. Automatic Freshman Scholarships:
    • Description: UIUC offers automatic merit-based scholarships for incoming freshmen based on their academic achievements, including high school GPA and standardized test scores.
    • Eligibility: Varies based on academic achievements.
  4. Departmental Scholarships:
    • Description: Many academic departments within UIUC offer scholarships to students majoring in specific fields. These scholarships may be based on academic performance, leadership, or other criteria.
    • Eligibility: Varies by department and scholarship.
  5. Transfer Student Scholarships:
    • Description: UIUC provides scholarships for transfer students based on their academic achievements at their previous institutions.
    • Eligibility: Transfer students with a strong academic record.
  6. International Student Scholarships:
    • Description: UIUC offers scholarships for international students to help support their education in the United States.
    • Eligibility: Varies by scholarship, typically for international students.
  7. College of Engineering Scholarships:
    • Description: The College of Engineering at UIUC provides various scholarships to engineering students based on academic achievement, leadership, and other criteria.
    • Eligibility: Engineering students at UIUC.
  8. College of ACES Scholarships:
    • Description: The College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) offers scholarships to students pursuing degrees within the college.
    • Eligibility: Students in ACES programs.
  9. Underrepresented Student Scholarships:
    • Description: UIUC may offer scholarships to support underrepresented students, including those from minority backgrounds.
    • Eligibility: Underrepresented students based on specific criteria.
  10. Graduate College Fellowships:
    • Description: UIUC’s Graduate College offers fellowships to support graduate students in various disciplines. These fellowships may cover tuition, stipends, and other expenses.
    • Eligibility: Graduate students in specific programs.

When exploring scholarship opportunities at UIUC, it’s important to carefully review each scholarship’s eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and application processes. Additionally, prospective and current students are encouraged to contact the UIUC financial aid office for personalized guidance on available scholarships and financial aid options.

a college debate team talking

Student Life at UIUC

UIUC offers a vibrant and diverse experience beyond the classroom. Here are some key aspects of student life at UIUC based on the provided search results:

  • Diversity & Inclusion: UIUC strives to foster an environment of diversity, inclusion, and openness, creating a welcoming space for all students.
  • Student Support: The university provides various forms of support tailored to individual needs during the college experience.
  • Activities and Organizations: With over 1,000 student groups to choose from, there is a community for everyone at UIUC. Students can explore different interests and passions through these organizations, from academic to recreational pursuits.
  • Campus Culture: UIUC has a rich tradition dating back to 1867, creating a sense of community and pride among students and alumni.
  • Recreation and Wellness: The university offers extensive indoor and outdoor recreational spaces totalling approximately 500,000 square feet and 75 acres outdoors for students to engage in various activities promoting wellness and recreation.

Overall, the campus life at UIUC provides a dynamic environment where students can engage in various activities, find support, and immerse themselves in a diverse and inclusive community.

Academics at UIUC

UIUC offers a diverse range of academic programs across 16 colleges and instructional units, providing over 150 undergraduate programs and over 100 graduate and professional fields of study. Here are some key points regarding academics at UIUC based on the provided search results:

  • Program Variety: UIUC offers various academic disciplines, allowing students to pursue their interests and career goals through various undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Faculty Expertise: Students can learn from accomplished faculty members, including Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, and other distinguished professionals.
  • Selective Admissions: UIUC has become more selective in its admissions process, with an overall acceptance rate of 45% during the 2021-2022 admissions cycle. Acceptance rates vary across different colleges within the university, with some programs being more competitive than others.
  • Test-Optional Policy: UIUC has adopted a test-optional policy for admissions, allowing applicants to choose whether or not to submit standardized test scores like the SAT or ACT. The university reviews applications holistically, considering various aspects of an applicant’s academic profile.
  • Student Population: As of the fall of 2021, UIUC had approximately 33,500 undergraduate students and 17,800 graduate students enrolled. The university boasts a diverse student body engaged in over 1,000 student organizations and various academic pursuits.

UIUC’s commitment to academic excellence, diverse program offerings, and renowned faculty members contribute to a rich learning environment for students pursuing their educational goals.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

A football player making a tackle against two opposing players during a game.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign boasts a vibrant campus life with many clubs and extracurricular activities:

  1. Illini Esports:
    • A student organization dedicated to competitive gaming, organizing events, and fostering a community for esports enthusiasts.
  2. Engineering Council:
    • An organization that represents and serves the interests of engineering students. It often hosts networking events, career fairs, and activities related to the field.
  3. Illini Union Board:
    • Responsible for planning and organizing various events on campus, including concerts, movie nights, and cultural events.
  4. Dance2XS UIUC:
    • A dance organization that provides opportunities for students to learn and perform various dance styles, from hip-hop to contemporary.
  5. Illini Solar Car:
    • A student-led team is working on designing, building, and racing solar-powered cars in national competitions.
  6. Illini Photography Club:
    • A club for photography enthusiasts to share skills, organize photo walks, and engage in creative projects.
  7. Illinois Student Government (ISG):
    • The elected student government represents the student body, advocating for student interests and organizing events.
  8. Illini Swing Society:
    • A club dedicated to swing dancing, offering lessons and hosting dance events for students interested in this style.
  9. Illini Aerial:
    • A student organization focused on aerial arts, providing opportunities to learn and practice skills like aerial silks and hoops.
  10. Illini Hillel:
    • A Jewish student organization promotes campus cultural, religious, and social activities.
  11. National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE):
    • A student chapter of NSBE is working to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
  12. Illinois Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA):
    • An organization that connects Chinese students, scholars, and other individuals interested in Chinese culture through various events and activities.
  13. Society of Women Engineers (SWE):
    • A student organization focused on supporting and empowering women in engineering through networking, professional development, and outreach.
  14. Illini Emergency Medical Services (IEMS):
    • A student-run emergency medical services organization that provides medical care at events on campus.
  15. Illini Wildlife and Conservation Club:
    • A club for students interested in wildlife conservation, providing educational opportunities, field trips, and conservation projects.

Notable UIUC Alumni

UIUC has a rich history of producing successful and accomplished alumni across various fields. Here are some notable UIUC alumni:

  1. Yuri Kochiyama (B.A., 1943):
    • A civil rights activist known for her work in the Japanese American community and involvement in the Black Liberation Movement.
  2. Nick Holonyak Jr. (M.S., 1954; Ph.D., 1954):
    • Inventor of the LED (light-emitting diode), a breakthrough in technology with applications in lighting and electronic displays.
  3. Roger Ebert (B.S., 1964; M.S., 1966):
    • He is a renowned film critic and journalist known for his work with the Chicago Sun-Times and as the co-host of the television show “Siskel & Ebert.”
  4. Angela Ahrendts (B.S., 1981):
    • Former Senior Vice President of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Burberry, a leading luxury fashion brand.
  5. Max Levchin (B.S., 1997):
    • Co-founder of PayPal and a successful entrepreneur, investor, and computer scientist.
  6. Marc Andreessen (B.S., 1993):
    • Co-founder of Netscape, a pioneer in developing the modern web browser, and a prominent venture capitalist.
  7. Jeff Bezos (B.S., 1986):
    • Founder of Amazon.com, one of the world’s largest and most successful online retailers, and the founder of Blue Origin, a private aerospace manufacturer.
  8. Larry Gies (B.S., 1988):
    • Founder of Madison Industries and a philanthropist known for his contributions to education and business.
  9. Milo Aukerman (Ph.D., 2003):
    • Lead singer of the punk rock band Descendents and a biochemist.
  10. Marcia Fudge (J.D., 1983):
    • U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 11th congressional district.
  11. Vikram Pandit (M.S., 1977; Ph.D., 1986):
    • Former CEO of Citigroup, one of the largest financial services organizations in the world.
  12. Eileen Collins (M.S., 1989):
    • A retired NASA astronaut and the first female Space Shuttle pilot and commander.
  13. Lynn Conway (Ph.D., 1969):
    • Computer scientist and electrical engineer known for her contributions to microelectronics and her advocacy for transgender rights.
  14. Scott Altman (B.S., 1981):
    • Retired U.S. Navy captain and NASA astronaut who piloted two space shuttle missions and commanded two others.
  15. Tom Siebel (B.A., 1975):
    • Founder of Siebel Systems, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) software company.

These notable alumni represent diverse accomplishments, spanning technology, business, entertainment, science, and public service. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign continues producing graduates who significantly contribute to their respective fields.

Ultimately, UIUC’s acceptance rate of 43.7% reflects both the university’s selectivity and commitment to admitting a diverse range of talented individuals. Prospective students should consider their own academic achievements, personal qualities, and overall fit with the university’s values and programs when deciding whether to pursue admission to UIUC.

For those passionate about their chosen field of study and eager to contribute to a vibrant academic community, UIUC offers an exceptional educational experience that prepares students for career success and beyond. The university’s renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and robust research opportunities give students the tools they need to excel in their chosen fields.


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