
University of Michigan Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

University of Michigan logo at college campus

University of Michigan Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

The University of Michigan’s supplemental essays for the academic year 2023-2024 present a unique opportunity for applicants to showcase their personalities, experiences, and aspirations. These essays are designed to complement the Common Application or Coalition Application, providing a more complete picture of the student to the admissions committee.

The University of Michigan is renowned for its diverse and vibrant academic community. The supplemental essays are a critical part of the application process, offering a chance for students to demonstrate how they would contribute to this community.

The essays are structured in a way that allows students to progressively expand on different aspects of their identity and interests, similar to an upside-down pyramid. This structure signifies the increasing breadth and depth of topics that students can explore in their responses​.

As we delve into these essays, we’ll explore each prompt in detail, providing tips and strategies for crafting compelling responses that resonate with the admissions committee. This guide aims to assist applicants in navigating the complexities of the essay prompts and articulating their unique stories in a way that aligns with the values and expectations of the University of Michigan.

How Many Supplemental Essays Does the University of Michigan Have?

The University of Michigan requires applicants to write two supplemental essays as part of their application. These essays are designed to provide the admissions committee with a deeper understanding of the applicant’s background, interests, and aspirations, and how they align with what the University of Michigan offers. Each essay prompt focuses on different aspects, allowing students to showcase various facets of their personality and experiences.

What are the University of Michigan Supplemental Essays?

These are the University of Michigan supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-2024 application cycle. These prompts are designed to give applicants the opportunity to discuss their personal background and community involvement, as well as their specific academic interests and how they align with what the university offers.

Prompt #1

Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (300 words)

Prompt #2

Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (550 words)

front view of University of Michigan

How to Write the University of Michigan Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

Prompt #1

Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (300 words)

This University of Michigan supplemental essay prompt is about exploring the concept of community and identity. It’s designed to help the admissions committee understand more about the applicant’s background, values, and how they engage with the world around them. Here are four key points for students to consider when brainstorming and answering this prompt:

1. Selecting the Right Community: The student should choose a community that has significantly shaped their identity or values. This could be a cultural group, a local community, a religious organization, a school club, or any group where they have a meaningful connection. It’s important to pick a community where the student has had active involvement or a strong emotional attachment, as this will make their response more genuine and insightful.

The key criterion for selecting the community is the depth of its influence on the student. It should be a group where the student has actively participated, contributed, or developed a strong emotional attachment. This ensures that their response is not only genuine but also offers valuable insights into the student’s character, values, and personal growth.

For example, if a student is part of a cultural group, they might discuss how this community has played a pivotal role in shaping their cultural identity and fostering a sense of belonging. Alternatively, if the student is involved in a school club, they could elaborate on the specific contributions they’ve made to the group and the impact it has had on their personal and intellectual development.

2. Describing the Community’s Influence: Once the community is selected, the student should describe how being a part of this community has impacted them. This might include lessons learned, values adopted, or challenges faced. They should delve into specifics – like a particular event, tradition, or person in the community that profoundly influenced their perspective or behavior.

This involves going beyond a surface-level overview and delving into the intricacies of the influence. Students are encouraged to provide specific details about the lessons they have learned, the values they have adopted, or the challenges they have faced within the community. This specificity adds depth and authenticity to their response.

For instance, if the chosen community is a cultural group, the student might discuss how participating in cultural events or traditions has enhanced their understanding of diversity and fostered a sense of pride in their heritage. If it’s a school club, they could delve into the specific projects or activities that have honed their leadership skills or passion for a particular subject.

To enhance the narrative, students can pinpoint particular events, traditions, or influential individuals within the community that have profoundly impacted their perspective or behavior. This level of detail not only makes the response more vivid but also allows the admissions committee to gain a nuanced understanding of the student’s growth and development within the chosen community.

3. Reflecting on Personal Contribution: The prompt also asks about the student’s place within the community. This is an opportunity to reflect on how they have contributed to the community or made a difference within it. This could include leadership roles, volunteer work, or any initiatives they have led or participated in. It’s important to articulate how their actions have had a positive impact on the community.

4. Linking to Broader Goals and Aspirations: Lastly, the student should tie their experience in this community to their broader goals, aspirations, or the kind of campus citizen they will be at the University of Michigan. This could be in terms of continuing certain types of community involvement, bringing diverse perspectives to campus discussions, or how their community experience has shaped their academic and career aspirations.

This step involves articulating how the lessons learned, values embraced, or challenges faced within the community have equipped them with the tools to contribute meaningfully to the university community. Students should reflect on how their community experience aligns with their future endeavors and personal growth.

For instance, if the community involvement has strengthened their leadership skills, they might express a commitment to continue taking on leadership roles in campus organizations. If their community experience has fostered an appreciation for diversity, they could highlight their intention to bring diverse perspectives to campus discussions and contribute to an inclusive campus environment.

Additionally, students can elucidate how their community experience has influenced their academic and career aspirations. If, for example, their involvement in a STEM-focused community has ignited a passion for research, they could express a desire to pursue research opportunities at the University of Michigan and contribute to advancements in their chosen field.

Each of these points requires introspection and specificity. The more detailed and personal the essay is, the more it will stand out to the admissions committee. The goal is to paint a vivid picture of the student’s life and how their experiences within a community have prepared them for the next step in their academic journey.

Prompt #2

Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (550 words)

This prompt is focused on understanding a student’s specific interest in the particular College or School they are applying to within the university. It seeks to explore not just the attraction to the university as a whole, but to a specific department or program. The prompt also inquires about how the program’s curriculum aligns with the student’s interests and future goals. Here are four key points for brainstorming ideas, along with detailed explanations:

1. Research and Specificity: Students should begin by thoroughly researching the College or School they are applying to, including its curriculum, faculty, resources, and unique opportunities. This research should inform their essay, allowing them to mention specific courses, professors, research opportunities, or clubs that align with their interests. For example, if a student is interested in environmental science, they could talk about specific sustainability initiatives or research projects at the University of Michigan that excite them.

2. Personal Interests and Goals: The essay should clearly articulate the student’s own interests and long-term goals. This could involve discussing past experiences or achievements that have shaped their interests. For instance, a student interested in engineering might talk about a specific project or competition they participated in and how it solidified their desire to pursue this field. The key is to connect these interests and experiences to the offerings of the specific College or School.

For example, a student aspiring to pursue engineering might delve into a specific project or competition they participated in. This personal experience becomes a narrative anchor, illustrating how it not only sparked their initial interest in engineering but also solidified their determination to pursue this field as a long-term goal. The goal is to create a compelling connection between the student’s individual journey and their academic and career aspirations.

Crucially, the essay should go beyond a mere enumeration of interests and goals. It should weave a cohesive narrative that illustrates the evolution of these interests over time and underscores their significance. This could involve reflecting on how specific experiences, challenges, or successes have contributed to the development of the student’s aspirations.

Additionally, the essay must establish a clear link between the student’s personal interests and the unique offerings of the specific College or School they are applying to. Whether it’s discussing renowned faculty members, cutting-edge research opportunities, or distinctive programs, the essay should showcase a well-researched understanding of why the chosen institution is the ideal place for the student to pursue their academic and professional endeavors.

3. Alignment with Curriculum: Students should discuss how the curriculum of the chosen College or School supports their academic and professional aspirations. This involves not just stating an interest in certain classes, but explaining how these classes fit into their broader academic journey and future plans. For example, a student interested in public policy might explain how the combination of theoretical and practical courses offered will equip them with the necessary skills to pursue a career in policy analysis.

4. Contribution to the University Community: In addition to discussing what the student hopes to gain from the program, it’s beneficial to touch on what they can contribute to the university community. This could be in the form of leadership, diversity of perspective, or a unique set of skills and experiences. In this section, it is advantageous for the student to not only express what they hope to gain from the program but also to articulate the unique contributions they can offer.

For instance, a student with a background in community service might discuss how they plan to leverage this experience to engage with local community projects in Ann Arbor. By doing so, they express a commitment to not only bringing their skills and passion for community service to the university but also contributing to the broader culture of social responsibility.

Leadership, diversity of perspective, and a unique set of skills and experiences are all valuable contributions that students can emphasize. If the student has a track record of leadership roles in extracurricular activities, they might discuss how they plan to extend this leadership within the university community, perhaps by initiating or participating in student organizations, clubs, or community projects.

Moreover, the student can emphasize how their unique background or perspective will contribute to the diversity of the university community. Whether it’s cultural, academic, or experiential diversity, the essay should convey how the student’s presence will enhance the overall fabric of the campus.

These brainstorming points encourage students to present a well-rounded, thoughtful, and personalized response that demonstrates their genuine interest in the University of Michigan and how it aligns with their academic and career aspirations. The key is to be specific, reflective, and forward-thinking.

View of UMichigan building.

How to Structure Your Supplemental Essays

The structure of supplemental essays, particularly for the 2023-2024 University of Michigan supplemental essays, is crucial as it not only conveys the content but also reflects the applicant’s organizational and analytical skills. A well-structured essay helps in presenting ideas coherently, making a compelling case for the applicant’s candidacy. Here are three key points on how an applicant can effectively structure their University of Michigan supplemental essays:

1. Introduction with a Personal Hook: Start with an engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention. This could be a brief anecdote, a unique insight, or a question that sets the tone for the essay. For instance, an applicant might begin by describing a pivotal moment or experience that sparked their interest in the field they wish to study at the University of Michigan. The introduction should also include a thesis statement that clearly outlines the essay’s focus, tying it to the specific College or School the applicant is interested in.

2. Body Paragraphs with Specific Details and Examples: Divide the body of the essay into several paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect of the prompt. In each paragraph, use specific examples and details to support the main ideas. For instance, one paragraph could focus on the unique qualities of the University of Michigan’s program and how they align with the applicant’s interests and goals. Another could delve into the applicant’s background and experiences, demonstrating how they have prepared them for this particular program. Ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next, maintaining a clear and cohesive narrative.

3. Conclusion that Reaffirms and Projects Forward: End with a strong conclusion that ties back to the introduction and reaffirms the main points of the essay. This is a chance to reflect on how the University of Michigan will help the applicant achieve their academic and career objectives. It’s also an opportunity to express enthusiasm about the prospect of joining the University community. The conclusion can project forward, imagining how the applicant will contribute to the University of Michigan during their studies and how the experience will shape their future.

Throughout the essay, it’s important to maintain a balance between personal reflection and specific details about the University of Michigan. The structure should facilitate a clear narrative that showcases the applicant’s passion, preparedness, and suitability for the chosen program, all while directly addressing the specifics of the essay prompt. Being creative with the structure, such as starting with a compelling story or using a thematic approach, can make the essay stand out, but the primary focus should always be on clarity and relevance to the prompt.

How to Effectively Revise and Proofread

Effectively revising and proofreading essays, particularly for the 2023-2024 University of Michigan supplemental essays, is essential to ensure clarity, coherence, and impact. Here are four key points on how applicants can approach this crucial stage:

1. Step Away, Then Revisit: After the initial draft of the supplemental essay is complete, it’s beneficial for applicants to take a short break before revising. This gap, whether a few hours or a day, provides fresh perspective when they return to their writing. When they revisit their essay, they should read it aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or inconsistencies in flow. This strategy is particularly effective for the University of Michigan essays, as it helps ensure that the narrative is engaging and the connection to the university’s unique offerings is clearly articulated.

2. Focus on Structure and Content: In the first round of revisions, applicants should focus on the overall structure and content of their essays. This involves ensuring that each paragraph serves a clear purpose and contributes to the overall narrative. For the University of Michigan supplemental essays, it’s crucial to verify that the essay addresses all aspects of the prompt and that the examples and reasons for choosing the University are specific and compelling. Applicants should check for any redundancies or off-topic content and ensure that their essay has a logical flow from introduction to conclusion.

3. Seek External Feedback: Getting feedback from others is an invaluable part of the revision process. Applicants can turn to teachers, mentors, or peers who understand the process and can provide constructive criticism. For the University of Michigan supplemental essays, it’s particularly helpful to have someone familiar with the university or with experience in college admissions review the essay. This external perspective can identify areas that need more clarity or expansion, especially regarding how well the essay showcases the applicant’s fit with the University of Michigan.

4. Final Proofreading for Grammar and Style: The final step should be a thorough proofreading focusing on grammar, punctuation, and stylistic consistency. Applicants should look for common errors like subject-verb agreement, incorrect use of tenses, and misplaced commas. Tools like grammar checkers can be helpful, but they should not replace a careful manual review. For the University of Michigan supplemental essays, maintaining a formal yet personal tone is crucial, and attention to detail in proofreading reflects the applicant’s dedication and professionalism.

Overall, revising and proofreading the University of Michigan supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 cycle is a multi-step process that involves stepping away for perspective, focusing on structure and content, seeking external feedback, and conducting a final, meticulous proofreading. This thorough approach ensures that the essay is not only free of errors but also compellingly presents the applicant as an ideal candidate for the University of Michigan.

Michigan Stadium ("The Big House") at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

What to Expect From the University of Michigan

The University of Michigan (U-M) offers a multitude of compelling reasons to choose it as a place of study, underscored by its outstanding academic reputation and global rankings. As per the 2023 edition of the ARWU Academic Ranking of World Universities – ShanghaiRanking, U-M is impressively ranked #26.

Furthermore, in the 2023 QS World University Rankings, it holds a prominent position, being ranked #25 out of 1,422 institutions. Notably, U-M is also ranked #19 in the World University Ranking and #21 out of 439 National Universities, according to the U.S. News & World Report. These rankings highlight the university’s commitment to academic excellence and its esteemed position in the realm of higher education globally.

Additionally, the QS World University Rankings of 2023 edition recognized the University of Michigan as the top public university in the United States, a remarkable achievement it has maintained for seven consecutive years.

This accolade reflects the university’s status as a leader among public higher education institutions, further emphasizing the quality of education it offers.

In terms of undergraduate education, the 2024 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges list ranks U-M as the No. 3 public university in the country. This prestigious ranking underscores the university’s focus on providing a rich and comprehensive undergraduate experience, making it an ideal destination for students seeking a strong foundational education.

Apart from these impressive rankings, the University of Michigan is known for its diverse and inclusive community, creating an environment where students from a variety of backgrounds can thrive and find their place. The university offers a wide range of academic programs across numerous fields, allowing students to explore and pursue their academic interests deeply.

As a leading research university, U-M provides ample opportunities for students to engage in innovative and groundbreaking research, significantly enhancing their academic and professional development. Graduates from the University of Michigan also become part of a vast, global alumni network, which opens doors to myriad professional connections and opportunities.

Moreover, the vibrant campus life at U-M, filled with numerous clubs, organizations, and activities, contributes to a holistic and dynamic university experience. This combination of high-quality education, diverse opportunities, and a lively campus life makes the University of Michigan an exceptional choice for students looking to enrich their academic and personal growth.

How Important are Supplemental Essays?

Supplemental essays play a pivotal role in the college admissions process. These essays serve as a platform for students to express their specific interest in the university. By addressing prompts that focus on the unique qualities of the University or a particular program, students can demonstrate their thorough research and genuine enthusiasm. This depth of interest is crucial for admissions officers, who are looking for applicants that not only align with the university academically but are also likely to become engaged, committed members of the campus community.

Furthermore, the University of Michigan supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle offer students a unique opportunity to showcase personal qualities, experiences, and perspectives that go beyond their academic records. These narratives allow the admissions committee to see applicants as whole individuals, enhancing the understanding of their personality and background. This personal touch is vital in identifying students who will contribute to the university’s diversity and dynamism, beyond just academic excellence.

In these essays, applicants also have the chance to clearly articulate their academic interests and career aspirations, and how they align with what the University of Michigan offers. Discussing specific courses, faculty, research opportunities, or extracurricular activities demonstrates that the student has a clear and realistic understanding of how the university can facilitate their goals. This level of detail and purpose is highly persuasive to admissions committees, as it suggests the student is likely to make the most of the opportunities at the university and achieve success.

Additionally, the University of Michigan supplemental essays provide a crucial space for students to add context to their application. This can include explaining any discrepancies in their academic record or changes in academic interests. Such explanations offer the admissions committee a more nuanced understanding of the applicant’s journey, potentially impacting the overall evaluation of their application.

In summary, supplemental essays are a critical element of the admissions process. They allow students to highlight their unique attributes, align their ambitions with the university’s offerings, and provide additional context to their application. For competitive institutions like the University of Michigan, these essays often play a decisive role in admissions decisions, making them an invaluable tool for applicants to distinguish themselves.

Student writing college or university application.

Bringing Your Essays Together

In conclusion, the University of Michigan’s supplemental essays provide a platform for applicants to illustrate their unique identities, passions, and aspirations. These essays are not just about showcasing qualifications, but also about revealing personal stories, experiences, and the potential contributions one can make to the university’s dynamic community.

Through thoughtful reflection, detailed storytelling, and a genuine voice, each essay should weave together the strands of your individual experiences, showcasing how they align with the values and opportunities at the University of Michigan.

Remember, these essays are your opportunity to stand out, to share your story in a way that resonates with the admissions committee, and to demonstrate why you are an ideal candidate for this prestigious institution. With careful preparation, introspection, and attention to detail, your essays can become compelling narratives that leave a lasting impression and pave the way for your academic journey at the University of Michigan.

It is important to have all the necessary information before making any decision. AdmissionSight is always here to help you with any questions or concerns. We have over ten years of experience helping students successfully navigate the challenging admissions process.

Consult with AdmissionSight and find out how we can help you get into the school of your choice by ensuring that you are fully informed and prepared for the application process. We will work with you to develop a personalized plan that meets your specific needs and goals. We will also provide you with access to our team of experts who can help you with everything from choosing the right schools to writing your essays.

Don’t let the admissions process overwhelm you. Contact AdmissionSight today and let us help you achieve your dreams.


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