
Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Students cleaning up the beach, volunteers collecting the waste on the coast line

Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

In today’s increasingly digital age, opportunities for volunteer work have expanded beyond physical boundaries. Virtual volunteer opportunities are now accessible, flexible, and as impactful as traditional in-person volunteering.

For high school students, these opportunities not only offer a chance to make a difference but also help in skill-building, networking, and preparing for the future. Let’s dive into the realm of virtual volunteering and explore opportunities tailored for high school students.

Volunteering, whether done in-person or virtually, stands as a testament to the human capacity for altruism and community-building. The decision to give one’s time and skills without expecting monetary compensation goes beyond personal growth—it ripples outwards, fostering a stronger, more empathetic society. Here’s why you should consider volunteering:

Every volunteering opportunity provides a chance to acquire new skills or hone existing ones. Whether it’s mastering digital tools, learning about event organization, or gaining firsthand experience in fields like healthcare, education, or environment conservation, these experiences can enrich your personal and professional journey. For students and early career professionals, volunteering can be an invaluable addition to resumes, showcasing initiative, dedication, and a range of soft and hard skills.

Students volunteering in a public place.

Volunteering often brings together people from diverse backgrounds, bound by a shared purpose. These interactions offer fresh perspectives, expand one’s worldview, and often lead to lifelong friendships. Furthermore, networking in such positive environments can open doors to job opportunities and collaborations in the future.

Numerous studies have shown that volunteering can lead to increased happiness and satisfaction. The act of helping others releases endorphins, similar to the “runner’s high” experienced by athletes. Moreover, having a sense of purpose and being part of a larger cause can counter feelings of isolation, depression, and aimlessness.

Every hour you spend volunteering contributes to making the world a better place. Even seemingly small acts, when accumulated, can drive significant societal change. You’re not just giving back to the community but also laying the foundation for a more compassionate world for future generations.

Engaging with communities, especially those different from your own, fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of global and local issues. It’s one thing to read about challenges in a book or watch a documentary, but direct involvement provides nuanced insights that can challenge preconceptions and spark personal growth.

Why Virtual Volunteering?

Virtual volunteering has emerged as a powerful and relevant mode of service in our increasingly connected digital age. Opting for virtual volunteering eliminates geographical boundaries, allowing individuals to contribute to causes they’re passionate about from anywhere in the world. It offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling volunteers to choose roles that fit their schedules and skill sets, making it easier to balance with other commitments.

In a world grappling with challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual volunteering ensures that the spirit of service remains undeterred, offering safe avenues to give back without risking one’s health. Additionally, it provides opportunities for skill development in digital realms, fostering global collaboration, cross-cultural understanding, and a broader perspective on worldwide issues.

Whether you’re aiming to make a difference, seeking personal growth, or looking to engage with global communities, virtual volunteering offers a versatile and impactful platform to do so.

Accessibility: Virtual volunteering doesn’t require physical presence, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Flexibility: With no need for commutes or fixed schedules, students can often volunteer at times that suit their study schedules.

Skill Development: Many virtual roles require technical skills or allow students to develop them. This can prove beneficial for future job prospects.

Global Exposure: Digital volunteering can connect students to causes and communities from around the world, giving them a more global perspective.

a male student doing community work

Specific Virtual Volunteer Opportunities for High School Students:

When considering virtual volunteer opportunities, ensure you understand the commitment, responsibilities, and any required training. Volunteering not only benefits the community but also helps in personal growth, skill development, and building a strong foundation for college applications or future job prospects. Here’s a list of specific virtual volunteering opportunities for high school students:

  1. UN Online Volunteering: This platform provides numerous online volunteering opportunities, ranging from writing and translation to art and design, depending on the needs of various global projects.
  2. Tutoring with School on Wheels: This program focuses on providing educational assistance to homeless children. As a virtual tutor, you can help these kids with their schoolwork.
  3. Translators Without Borders: If you’re bilingual or multilingual, you can help translate vital information for various non-profit initiatives around the world.
  4. Crisis Text Line: After undergoing training, you can become a crisis counselor and provide emotional support to individuals in distress, all through text messaging.
  5. Zooniverse: Get involved in real-world research projects, ranging from analyzing data to classifying photos for a variety of fields including astronomy, zoology, and more.
  6. Smithsonian Digital Volunteers: Help the Smithsonian Institution by transcribing historical documents, ensuring they’re accessible for future generations.
  7. Project Gutenberg: Contribute by proofreading e-books, ensuring that this vast collection of free eBooks remains high quality and error-free.
  8. Code for Social Good: If you’re into coding or web development, this platform connects you with non-profits in need of tech assistance.
  9. Amnesty Decoders: Become part of Amnesty International’s network of digital volunteers helping to research and expose human rights violations.
  10. DoSomething.org: Engage in various campaigns to drive social change. Some campaigns involve using social media, creating digital content, or even coding.
  11. Letters Against Isolation: Write letters or create cards for seniors in care facilities who might be feeling isolated, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  12. Bookshare: Help digitize books or proofread them to make them accessible to individuals with disabilities.
  13. 7 Cups: Become a trained active listener and provide emotional support to individuals worldwide through text chat.
  14. Catchafire: This platform matches professionals with non-profits in need of their skills. As a high school student, you can offer skills in areas such as social media, graphic design, or writing.
  15. STEM-Away: For students interested in STEM, this platform provides opportunities to work on real-life projects, gain mentorship, and develop their skills.

Group of people working in charitable foundation.

Different Types of Virtual Volunteering Opportunities Tailored for High School Students:

The digital landscape has broadened the horizons of volunteering. There are a plethora of tasks that volunteers can undertake online. Here’s a comprehensive list of different types of virtual volunteer opportunities:

Tutoring: Organizations like Khan Academy or Coursera sometimes require volunteers to assist in creating content, tutoring, or mentoring. Students can help peers or younger children in subjects they excel in.

Translation Services: If students are bilingual, platforms like Translators without Borders seek volunteers to translate texts for non-profit organizations.

Crisis Text Line: Organizations offer support to individuals in distress through text. Students can be trained to provide emotional support, especially pertinent given the increasing awareness of mental health issues among teens.

Digital Graphics & Design: Non-profits often need help with graphic design for their campaigns. Students proficient in tools like Photoshop or Illustrator can lend their skills.

Coding & Website Development: With the rise of digital platforms, coding skills are in demand. Students can help NGOs set up or maintain their websites or even develop apps to drive their mission.

Writing & Blogging: Sites like DoSomething.org sometimes need young voices to write about causes, share stories, or even manage social media campaigns.

Research Assistance: Contribute to academic, scientific, or social research projects by analyzing data, conducting surveys, or literature reviews.

Graphic Design and Multimedia: Design infographics, brochures, videos, or other promotional materials for non-profits or community initiatives.

Writing and Blogging: Create content for websites, blogs, and newsletters or write grant proposals and press releases.

Social Media Management: Manage and promote the online presence of NGOs and charitable organizations on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Website Development and IT Support: Design, develop, or maintain websites. Provide tech support or cybersecurity advice.

Data Entry: Help organizations manage their databases, input information, and organize digital records.

Peer Support and Online Communities: Engage in forums or groups tailored to provide support for specific issues, such as health concerns, personal struggles, or educational challenges.

Virtual Companionship: Engage with isolated individuals, especially the elderly or those with disabilities, via regular video or voice calls.

Campaigns and Advocacy: Join online campaigns to raise awareness on various issues, from environmental concerns to social justice topics.

Crowdsourced Projects: Participate in platforms like Zooniverse where volunteers contribute to scientific research and discoveries through tasks like image classification or data tagging.

Mentoring: Provide guidance and support to younger individuals or professionals in your field of expertise.

Admin Support: Offer administrative support, including scheduling, email management, or virtual event planning.

Fundraising: Organize or assist with online fundraisers using platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter to support charitable causes.

Proofreading and Editing: Assist with proofreading e-books for platforms like Project Gutenberg or review and edit content for non-profit organizations.

Legal and Financial Consulting: If you have expertise in these areas, provide pro bono advice or services to organizations or individuals in need.

Skill-based Workshops: Offer webinars or online classes in areas you’re skilled in, such as arts and crafts, music, photography, or coding.

Environmental Initiatives: Participate in digital climate activism, contribute to online environmental research, or help with digital mapping for conservation projects.

The virtual realm has truly democratized the act of giving back, ensuring that regardless of physical location, anyone with a skill and a will to help can make a difference. Before committing, ensure that you thoroughly understand the responsibilities associated with any online volunteer role and that it aligns with your skills and passions.

two female students holding a garbage bag while picking up garbage

Tips to Start Virtual Volunteering:

  1. Research: Begin with a cause you’re passionate about and look for organizations that resonate with your interests.
  2. Start Small: Commit to a few hours a week to ensure you can manage your schoolwork alongside volunteering.
  3. Be Professional: Virtual or not, treat the opportunity as you would a job. Be punctual, meet deadlines, and communicate effectively.
  4. Network: Engage with other volunteers, attend virtual meetings, and be an active part of the community. This can open doors for future opportunities.
  5. Reflect & Document: Keep a journal of your experiences, challenges faced, and skills learned. This will be invaluable for college applications or job interviews.

Is Virtual Volunteering Worth It?

Virtual volunteering, like traditional in-person volunteering, offers numerous benefits and challenges. Whether it’s “worth it” or not often depends on individual goals, the specific opportunity, and personal circumstances. Let’s explore the pros and cons to provide a clearer picture:

Pros of Virtual Volunteering:

Flexibility: Virtual opportunities often allow volunteers to choose their hours and set their own pace, making it easier to fit volunteering around other commitments.

Accessibility: No matter where you are in the world, you can contribute to causes you’re passionate about. This is particularly useful for those who might have mobility issues, lack transportation, or live in remote areas.

Skill Development: Virtual volunteering often involves tasks like content creation, coding, digital marketing, graphic design, and more. This can be a great way to hone existing skills or develop new ones in a real-world setting.

Broaden Horizons: Working with international organizations or causes can give you a more global perspective and understanding of diverse cultures and issues.

Environmental Impact: Virtual volunteering reduces the need for transportation, thus decreasing one’s carbon footprint.

Cons of Virtual Volunteering:

Lack of Physical Interaction: Some people thrive on direct, in-person interaction which virtual volunteering doesn’t provide. This can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation.

Requires Self-Motivation: Without the structure of a physical location and direct oversight, it can sometimes be challenging to stay motivated and disciplined in a virtual environment.

Technical Issues: Reliable internet and functional devices are prerequisites. Technical glitches, software issues, or connectivity problems can sometimes impede the volunteering process.

Not Suitable for All Tasks: While many tasks can be adapted to a virtual format, some volunteer roles, especially those requiring hands-on work, can’t be done online.

Potential for Miscommunication: Without face-to-face interactions, there might be a higher chance of misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

Whether virtual volunteering is worth it depends on what you hope to achieve. If you’re looking to develop specific skills, contribute to causes without geographical restrictions, and prefer flexible schedules, then virtual volunteering is an excellent choice. However, if you thrive on direct human connection and hands-on work, traditional volunteering might be more fulfilling.

Like any other commitment, it’s essential to research opportunities thoroughly, understand the requirements, and reflect on your personal and professional goals before diving in. Regardless of the format, volunteering remains a commendable and fulfilling endeavor that benefits both the individual and the broader community.

Team of young volunteers in red shirts


Where can I find virtual volunteer opportunities?

Finding virtual volunteer opportunities has become much easier thanks to a range of online platforms and websites dedicated to connecting volunteers with organizations in need. Here are some places you can start your search:

  1. VolunteerMatch: This platform allows you to filter your search for virtual opportunities, connecting volunteers with nonprofits based on interest and skill sets.
  2. Idealist: Known for its job listings in the nonprofit sector, Idealist also offers volunteer positions, including remote and virtual ones.
  3. United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Online: The UNV program offers online volunteering opportunities where you can assist NGOs and government organizations globally from the comfort of your home.
  4. Catchafire: Focused on skills-based volunteering, Catchafire connects professionals with nonprofits that need specific expertise, many of which are virtual opportunities.
  5. Points of Light: Their “All For Good” platform aggregates volunteer opportunities, including virtual ones, from various sources.
  6. DoSomething.org: Targeted toward young people, this organization provides a variety of campaigns and activities that can be done online to drive social change.
  7. Translators Without Borders: If you’re proficient in more than one language, you can volunteer to translate documents for NGOs across the globe.
  8. Smithsonian Digital Volunteers: Join the Smithsonian Institution’s digital volunteer team to help with tasks such as transcription.
  9. Zooniverse: Engage in citizen science projects where you can help researchers analyze data, classify images, and more.
  10. TechSoup’s NetSquared: This platform connects tech-savvy individuals with local nonprofits seeking technical help.
  11. Crisis Text Line: After completing their training, you can volunteer to provide text-based support to individuals in crisis.
  12. 7 Cups: Become a trained active listener and support people going through tough times through chat.
  13. Project Gutenberg: Help proofread e-books to make literature more accessible to the public.
  14. Tara’s Children: An initiative where you can virtually mentor or tutor children in orphanages around the world.
  15. GlobalGiving: This platform occasionally lists virtual volunteering tasks for various international projects.
  16. LinkedIn’s Volunteer Marketplace: Just as you can search for jobs on LinkedIn, you can also search for volunteer opportunities, many of which are virtual.
  17. Local NGOs and Nonprofits: Many organizations have shifted some of their operations online due to the pandemic and other reasons. Reach out to local nonprofits or charities you’re interested in to inquire about virtual volunteer roles.
  18. Local Libraries and Schools: With many institutions offering online programs, there might be opportunities to help with online tutoring, reading programs, or other virtual events.
  19. Remember to do thorough research to ensure the organization and the role you’re interested in are legitimate and align with your skills and interests. Also, consider the time commitment and any training that might be required before signing up. Virtual volunteering is a wonderful way to contribute to global causes without geographical boundaries.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, volunteering is not just an act of charity—it’s an investment in yourself and the world around you. The amount of impact that you can have through virtual volunteer opportunities is truly limitless.

The time and effort you dedicate can transform lives, including your own, offering a sense of purpose, building bridges across communities, and ushering in positive change in myriad ways. If you’re on the fence about volunteering, remember that every big difference starts with one small step.

Virtual volunteering offers an unparalleled combination of convenience and impact. For high school students, it’s a chance to step into the global arena, make a tangible difference, and prepare for the future. In today’s interconnected world, the potential to contribute and learn knows no boundaries!


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