
What Are Online Extracurricular Activities?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female student having an online class at home

What Are Online Extracurricular Activities?

What are online extracurricular activities? Online extracurricular activities are activities that take place outside of the regular school day and are participated in by students of all ages virtually. Extracurricular activities are available at many schools and can include things like sports, student government, arts and music, community service, working at a job, and various types of clubs. Because they are something you get to choose based on your interests and passions, extracurricular activities are something that can be both fun and exciting.

Young woman looking at a laptop while smiling.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of students took part in extracurricular activities either in person at their schools or in their local communities. Since the pandemic, a large number of schools, organizations, and clubs have modified their extracurricular activities so that students can participate virtually using the Internet and a digital device. This change was made in response to the pandemic.

Naturally, everyone can benefit greatly from following this trend. Students who might not have access to extracurricular activities for other reasons, such as their location, their health, or any number of other factors, are allowed to discover and participate in activities that they enjoy, thanks to this program.

Students of all ages can gain something from taking part in extracurricular activities, whether they take place in person or online. According to several studies, participation in extracurricular activities can help students improve their academic performance, increase their sense of self-confidence, and foster a feeling that they belong at their school.

Why are online extracurricular activities important?

Students who are not only academically qualified but also have great extracurricular interests are sought after by nearly all of the world’s top colleges and universities. This is true no matter where you go in the world. They differentiate themselves from other applicants through their participation in these extracurricular activities. Because of this, extracurricular activities, including online extracurricular activities, are important for admission to the most highly competitive colleges and universities.

The majority of students, after attending selective schools, apply to either large public schools or state universities. These, too, receive a lot of applications, just like the previous ones did. The cumulative grade point average may be the primary focus of these, but that does not mean that extracurricular activities are completely ignored. Even though they concentrate primarily on numerical data, including extracurricular activities on your resume can help you stand out from the competition.

The reason for this is that in addition to your grade point average and test scores, these provide the admissions officer with a more comprehensive picture of the kind of person you are. It will demonstrate that you have a diverse profile and that you are passionate about the things that interest you. Therefore, extracurricular activities, in addition to showcasing your interests, demonstrate your dedication to a subject matter or major.

Great ideas for online extracurricular activities

There is a vast variety of extracurricular activities available online for students, ranging from book clubs to exercise classes. Below, you’ll find a discussion of eight distinct categories of online clubs that offer extracurricular activities.

1. Online arts and literature clubs

Online arts and literature clubs are excellent choices if you are looking for ideas for clubs that people of all ages can participate in virtually. This category includes activities such as book clubs, theater clubs, dance classes, and various types of classes that focus on the physical arts, such as painting and graphic design. If you enjoy being creative, discovering new points of view, and conversing with others about your findings, you might find that participating in online art and literature club is the perfect fit for you!

Male student writing in his notebook while looking at the laptop.

Online arts and literature clubs offer younger students excellent opportunities for cultural enrichment as well as critical thinking that will benefit students while they are enrolled in traditional educational settings. Students in elementary school who need some additional practice with school-based language arts skills, such as phonics and comprehension, have the option to participate in online book clubs to work on developing these skills as well.

An arts-based spike strategy might be completed with the participation of high school students in online arts and literature clubs. And when it comes to the process of applying to colleges, participating in these kinds of online clubs for high school students will demonstrate that you are committed to developing a global awareness as well as learning about different cultures. These are two passions that are extremely appealing to academic institutions like colleges and universities.

2. Online volunteering and tutoring

This is one of the most fulfilling online extracurricular activities. There are a ton of opportunities to volunteer and perform community service online, which is probably something that comes to mind when you think of volunteering but volunteering likely makes you think about getting out in your community. Investigate opportunities for online volunteering if you’re interested in spending your spare time assisting other people and gaining a better understanding of the specific requirements of various age groups and communities.

Opportunities to volunteer online that put students in contact with their age group, such as tutoring, can be especially beneficial for younger students. There are also a lot of volunteer opportunities available online for entire families. These opportunities are meant to teach children the importance of giving back to the communities in which they live.

Students in high school now have even more opportunities to participate in online volunteer work. These opportunities include activities such as peer mentoring and tutoring, working with older adults who live in senior living homes, and providing medical assistance.

Online volunteering is a way to give back to others while also participating in an activity that will look good on college applications, as long as you choose an activity that is truly meaningful to you. If you choose an activity that is truly meaningful to you, then online volunteering is a great way to give back.

3. Academic competitions, camps, and classes

Online competitions, summer camps, and classes are all fantastic opportunities for students who are extra-committed to developing their academic and creative skills. Students of any age can participate in online academics offered by a variety of institutions in a wide variety of fields, including mathematics, science, music, and many other topics.

High school students who are working on their “spike” strategy for college applications might find that academic competitions and classes are particularly exciting for them. After you have selected the topic area that your spike strategy will concentrate on, you can then search for academic competitions that provide an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the selected topic area.

From that location, you will be able to look into how to register and the requirements that must be met. There are some competitions and camps that require a faculty sponsor; therefore, you should make sure that you have a reliable instructor in mind who can assist you in meeting all of the requirements for the activity that you have chosen.

4. Coding and tech camps

Students in elementary school and higher participate in a growing number of online extracurricular activities related to coding and other technological topics. Because these pursuits already involve the use of technology, there is an abundance of high-quality coding and technology education opportunities available online.

A female computer science student working in front of her laptop

Coding boot camps and classes teach students essential skills that are useful in any field, but they are an especially beneficial option for students who are considering a career in the technology industry. This type of extracurricular activity would be helpful for high school students who want to demonstrate their technical expertise when applying to colleges or who want to supplement the STEM education they receive in class.

5. Cooking and culinary classes

Consider taking some online cooking classes if you’re looking for an extracurricular activity that combines the elements of being fun, educational, and delectable all in one. Because cooking is something that everyone does at some point in their lives, taking online culinary classes is an excellent choice if you are looking for extracurricular activities that teach valuable skills that can be applied in real life.

Online cooking classes provide a plethora of opportunities for “hands-on,” “trial and error,” and “kinesthetic” learning for high school students who are particularly adept at learning through movement. And when it comes to applying to colleges, taking online culinary classes could be a great example of your dedication to learning about various cultures as well as your ability to persevere even when your souffle fails.

6. Crafting and do-it-yourself workshops

Online classes in do-it-yourself (DIY) and crafting can teach you lots of new skills for creating and designing crafts on your own, and they are a good option for students who like a challenge. These online extracurricular activities for children are a good choice if you are looking for something to keep your child busy outside of the classroom. Crafting and do-it-yourself projects require a lot of commitment and careful attention to detail.

Crafting and do-it-yourself (DIY) classes are not only fun extracurricular activities but also excellent ways to combine your extracurricular hobby with volunteering and community service. You could think about selling your handicrafts and donating the proceeds to a cause that’s near and dear to your heart, or you could give your handicrafts away as gifts to make someone else’s day more enjoyable.

Tips for getting the most out of online extracurricular activities

When searching for online clubs and extracurricular activities, it is essential for students to make decisions with careful consideration and deliberation. After all, you will be devoting a significant portion of your valuable spare time to the pursuits that you select.

We have compiled these five guidelines for making the most of your online extracurricular activities to assist you in selecting the best online extracurricular activities for you to participate in. Have a look at them down below.

First and foremost, keep an open mind.

Online clubs for high school students and extracurricular activities that take place online can feel a little strange at first if you’re used to participating in all of your activities in person and in real-time. However, if you maintain an open mind, you will be able to locate online extracurricular activities that are a good match for you!

A young female student engaged in an online extracurricular activity while in front of her laptop

Even though participating in extracurricular activities online is different from physically participating in activities, there are still many advantages to doing so. You may have the opportunity to participate in an activity not provided at your school, or you will meet students from all over the world who share your interests! You can select activities for which you will feel a sense of passion and excitement by first considering the positive aspects of the extracurriculars that you can participate in online.

Second, maintain a routine.

When taking part in extracurricular activities online, it is not uncommon to feel as though you are getting lost in the crowd. Numerous in-person extracurricular activities have accountability systems, such as demerits or tardies, that can serve as a source of motivation for you to attend and take part in the activities. Because many online extracurriculars may not have this kind of accountability, you will need to be extra committed to showing up and staying engaged to participate in them.

You’ll need to be consistent if you want to see any real gains from participating in online extracurricular activities. Attend every session that you possibly can, participate in all of the activities, and make it a point to also complete any additional practice tasks assigned outside of the classroom.

When you maintain a consistent level of participation, you’ll be able to witness real growth in both your skills and your knowledge, which, in turn, will make your involvement in online extracurricular activities more enjoyable and worthwhile.

Third, get creative with technology.

It can be challenging for some students to participate in activities in a virtual setting they were accustomed to doing in person. Searching for an online extracurricular activity that is completely foreign to you rather than one you are familiar with can be a good idea in certain circumstances.

For example, if there is a tech-related skill you’ve been hoping to learn but haven’t had the chance to yet, there are many extracurricular options available to you online that can help you get started. Or, if you’ve been hoping to meet students from other places who share your interests, the opportunity to connect with people you don’t know and build new relationships is provided by participating in extracurricular activities that take place online.

Also, remember that just because you’re participating in online activities does not mean you have to do them inside. Crafting, practicing mindfulness, and other types of extracurricular activities might be better suited for the great outdoors. You can use a digital device to attend classes, but going outside to do the activities will allow you to take advantage of many more excellent benefits.

Simply because you are participating online does not mean that you will automatically be able to make friends.

Fourth, connect outside of activity time.

Participating in extracurricular activities online is a fantastic way to broaden your social circle and make meaningful connections with other students who share your interests and values. If you put in the effort to get to know the people who participate in your online extracurriculars, even if it’s just over the direct message (DM), you’ll have more opportunities to learn more about your activities and make new friends.

Group of students walking in the school campus.

You could work on a project together with one of your other classmates, or you could practice with each other outside of the designated activity period. You may find the experience more enjoyable, exciting, and motivating for you if you connect with other students who are also participating in your online extracurricular activities.

Fifth, practice at home.

The most important thing you can do to improve your performance in any extracurricular activity is to practice at home. The time spent practicing a skill or ability outside of formal training settings, such as online classes or summer camps, will contribute to your ongoing progress toward mastery of that skill or ability.

You may find that you are more motivated to participate in extracurricular activities if you practice your skills outside the scheduled sessions. When we see improvement in a skill or activity that we are trying to master, it helps us feel confident and fulfilled, and it also helps us remain dedicated over time to our passions and interests. That’s why getting plenty of practice is so essential!

It is time to start thinking about how to highlight your participation in online extracurricular activities on your college applications. At AdmissionSight, we have over ten years of experience guiding students through the competitive admissions process.

AdmissionSight can help you put your best foot forward when applying to college. Contact us today for more information on our services.


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