
15 Extracurriculars That Showcase Cultural Engagement

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a group of foreign students carrying the flag of the country they are from

15 Extracurriculars That Showcase Cultural Engagement

Students must embrace cultural engagement to stand out and thrive in today’s globalized world. Engaging in extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement can broaden understanding and foster inclusivity.

For prospective college students, participating in these activities can enhance college applications and develop essential skills for future careers. By diving into culturally focused extracurriculars, students gain a competitive edge and prepare to navigate and contribute to a diverse global landscape.

Extracurriculars That Showcase Cultural Engagement

Participating in extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement offers students a unique lens to understand and appreciate the diverse world around them. From cultural exchange programs to international culinary clubs, these activities provide pathways to explore global traditions, languages, and perspectives.

Here are some activities that help students learn about different cultures and prepare them for a globalized society.

1. Cultural Exchange Programs

Cultural exchange programs are an excellent opportunity for high school students to broaden their global perspective by immersing themselves in different cultures. Programs like AFS Intercultural Programs and Rotary Youth Exchange offer students the chance to study or volunteer abroad, live with local host families, attend school, and participate in community events. 

Study abroad program

This direct exposure to diverse ways of life encourages students to develop a nuanced understanding of global cultures, enhancing their adaptability, empathy, and communication skills across cultural boundaries. These programs can be life-changing, providing students with valuable skills and experiences to help them succeed in their post-secondary journey.

2. Language Clubs

Language clubs serve as vital platforms for students interested in expanding their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge. Clubs focusing on popular languages such as Spanish, French, and Mandarin offer more than just language learning; they provide a comprehensive cultural education through activities like international film screenings, cooking traditional dishes, and celebrating cultural festivals. 

These clubs are crucial in enhancing students’ understanding of linguistic diversity and the cultural contexts that shape language use. Participation in language clubs prepares students for global communication and instills a deep appreciation for cultural nuances, setting a foundation for lifelong intercultural competence.

3. International Relations Clubs

Participating in international relations clubs include activities focused on global politics, economics, and cultural exchanges. Through discussions, realistic simulations, and interactive events, members develop a profound understanding of how nations interact on the world stage, the complexities of economic policies across borders, and the significance of cultural diplomacy.

One prominent example is the Model United Nations (MUN), where participants simulate UN conferences, addressing global issues through debate and diplomacy. This hands-on experience enhances their comprehension of international governance and improves their negotiation, public speaking, and critical analysis skills.

4. Folk Dance Groups

One of the creative extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement is taking part in folk dance groups. These groups specialize in performing traditional dances from various cultures, allowing students to express and celebrate the world’s rich cultural heritage through movement. 

Whether it’s the graceful gestures of Japanese Kabuki dance, the lively steps of Irish jig, or the rhythmic moves of African dance, students can explore and embody the traditions of various cultures. Schools, cultural centers, and community organizations often offer folk dance programs, inviting students of all backgrounds to participate, learn about the cultural contexts behind each dance, and develop a deeper appreciation for the art form.

5. World Music Ensemble

Participating in a world music ensemble helps students learn about and appreciate different music styles from around the world. These ensembles explore a range of musical styles, from the sitar-driven melodies of Indian classical music to the polyrhythms of West African drumming and the soulful harmonies of Eastern European folk. 

As students collaborate to create music that crosses cultural boundaries, they refine their musical abilities and gain invaluable insights into how music reflects and shapes cultural identities. This immersive experience fosters respect for cultural diversity and encourages students to become ambassadors of cross-cultural understanding through the universal language of music.

6. Cultural Festivals Organizer

Organizing cultural festivals provides students with a dynamic platform to showcase the richness of diverse cultures through music, dance, food, and educational workshops. This multifaceted process involves curating performances, selecting food vendors, and coordinating educational activities, fostering creativity, organizational skills, and meaningful dialogues with people from diverse backgrounds.

By successfully bringing these events to life, students not only contribute to fostering a more inclusive society but also prepare themselves for future leadership roles. Participating in organizing cultural festivals also offers students the opportunity to develop practical skills in event planning, intercultural communication, and leadership, which college admissions officers and future employers highly value.

7. Ethnic Student Organizations

Students involved in ethnic student organizations play a vital role in celebrating and sharing their unique cultural backgrounds while learning about their peers’ heritage. These organizations create an environment of cultural awareness and inclusivity on campus. They often organize a wide range of cultural events, educational workshops, and social gatherings that showcase various ethnic traditions and promote dialogue and understanding among the student body.

Participation in these groups empowers students to take pride in their own cultures while developing a deep respect for the diversity around them. Involvement in ethnic student organizations can be a valuable addition to a student’s college experience, providing opportunities to celebrate and share their cultural heritage while fostering a sense of belonging and community on campus.

8. Cultural Heritage Clubs

Students involved in extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement, such as cultural heritage clubs, have the opportunity to explore the history, traditions, and arts of specific cultures or regions, spanning from ancient civilizations to modern cultural practices. These clubs, which may focus on various topics such as Greek mythology, the Renaissance period, East Asian calligraphy, or Indigenous art forms, offer diverse activities, including thematic study sessions, museum visits, and cultural craft workshops.

Cultural heritage clubs offer students a rich and immersive experience, allowing them to explore and celebrate the diverse cultures of the world. Through their involvement in these clubs, students gain valuable insights and experiences that contribute to their personal growth and their ability to engage as global citizens in an increasingly interconnected world.

9. International Culinary Clubs

International culinary clubs are an exciting way for students to explore global cuisines firsthand. In these clubs, you’ll have the chance to cook, taste, and learn about various foods from different cultures. Whether learning to make Italian pasta, discovering the spices in Indian curries, or practicing Japanese sushi techniques, these clubs provide practical cooking lessons that expand your knowledge of other cultures.

Young blonde woman cooking in the kitchen.


They frequently organize events like food fairs, cooking contests, and dinners focusing on cultural exchange, offering a fun and educational way to experience global culinary traditions. Students enhance their cooking abilities by participating and gaining a deeper respect for the stories and customs that influence international dishes.

10. Global Issues Discussion Groups

In global issues discussion groups, students come together to discuss and analyze worldwide challenges such as climate change, human rights, and global health crises. These groups encourage the exploration of various cultural viewpoints and potential solutions, fostering a global mindset among participants.

Through these discussions, students develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of global issues and the importance of cross-cultural cooperation in addressing them. These conversations are about preparing young people to think critically about the world’s challenges and consider how they can contribute to making a difference.

11. Study Abroad Ambassador

Becoming a study abroad ambassador is a unique opportunity for students who have returned from studying in another country to share their experiences and insights with their peers. These ambassadors play a vital role in demystifying the study abroad experience, offering practical advice on navigating the complexities of applying for study abroad programs and adjusting to life in a new cultural setting. 

The role of a study abroad ambassador is not only personally enriching but also contributes to the internationalization of the campus community. By sharing their transformative experiences, they motivate more students to seize the opportunity to enhance their learning with new global insights and direct experiences from different cultures.

12. International Film Society

Joining an international film society in high school offers more than just a typical movie club experience. It serves as a gateway to the world, allowing students to explore life in different countries through the lens of international cinema. Each film screening enables students to discover and discuss the cultural background, historical context, and key themes of the films.

These discussions deepen students’ understanding of the world, encouraging them to think critically about global issues and the power of storytelling. Engaging in a film society broadens students’ cultural horizons, fosters empathy for people from different backgrounds, and cultivates a greater appreciation for cinema as an art form that connects people across borders.

13. Volunteering for Immigrant and Refugee Support Organizations

Volunteering with organizations that aid immigrants and refugees is a unique opportunity for high school students to help individuals and families navigate the challenges of adjusting to a new country. By participating in programs offered by local non-profits, students can engage in various activities, from teaching English to assisting with job searches or providing companionship to those feeling isolated in their new community.

Young diverse friendly girls handshaking

This form of volunteering has a profound impact on the lives of immigrants and refugees and allows students to learn about diverse cultures and life stories directly from those they assist. The experience is deeply enriching, broadening students’ perspectives, enhancing their understanding of global issues, and fostering a sense of empathy and global citizenship.

14. Cultural Research Projects

Extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement include participating in cultural research projects. This allows students to explore different cultures, including their art, traditions, history, and societal norms, through detailed investigation and analysis. With the guidance of mentors or educators, students can share their findings in dynamic ways, such as presenting at school conferences, writing papers for school projects or competitions, or creating digital or physical exhibitions for the school community.

These projects enrich students’ academic experience by honing their research, analytical, and presentation skills and contribute to fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity among their peers. Researching, creating, and sharing their work encourages a dialogue about cultural differences and similarities, promoting an inclusive environment that values and celebrates global cultures.

15. Cultural Craft Workshops

Engaging in cultural craft workshops provides students with a hands-on opportunity to learn traditional crafts from various cultures, such as pottery, weaving, and calligraphy. These workshops impart the techniques and skills necessary to create culturally significant items and explore the history and narratives behind these art forms. 

By participating in these activities, students develop a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship and cultural heritage that these crafts represent. This fosters a connection to different cultures, promoting respect and appreciation for global traditions. Through creating tangible items, students experience a unique blend of artistic expression and cultural education, fostering a deeper understanding of and respect for diverse cultures.

What is the Impact of Cultural Engagement on Students?

What is the impact of cultural engagement on students? The impact of cultural engagement on students reveals a multifaceted influence on personal development, academic achievement, and global awareness. Through extracurriculars showcasing cultural engagement, students hone essential soft skills and prepare themselves for a competitive global job market.

Development of Soft Skills

Participating in cultural engagement activities, such as language clubs, international film societies, and cultural festivals, significantly fosters the development of essential soft skills. Communication improves when students learn new languages and understand different cultures, increasing their confidence and ability to express ideas clearly. Empathy is deepened by understanding and sharing experiences with people from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of global kinship.

Moreover, taking initiative in multicultural settings helps develop leadership skills among students, which are invaluable in personal relationships and professional environments where teamwork and cross-cultural communication are essential. These skills are honed through community engagement, cultural centers, and participation in student organizations.

Enhanced Academic Performance

Research has consistently shown a strong connection between cultural engagement and enhanced cognitive abilities. Engaging with diverse cultures and perspectives encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Activities like debating on worldwide topics or exploring world literature push students to look at issues from different angles and build strong, comprehensive arguments. This improvement in cognitive abilities leads to better academic performance in various subjects as students become adept at analyzing information, crafting solutions, and presenting their ideas effectively.

Broadened Worldviews and Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural engagement activities are crucial in expanding students’ understanding of global cultures and issues. These extracurriculars reduce biases and promote inclusivity by exposing them to the complexities and beauties of different societies.

Students learn to appreciate the value of diversity, recognizing that being different does not mean being inferior. This broadened worldview fosters a sense of global citizenship, inspiring students to contribute positively to a more understanding and equitable world.

Career Opportunities

In the global job market, cultural engagement offers a competitive edge. Employers increasingly value candidates with cross-cultural competencies and international experience. By participating in extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement, students can enhance their resumes with skills that are highly sought after in today’s workforce, such as adaptability, global thinking, and intercultural communication.

Whether through study abroad programs, international internships, or participation in cultural clubs, these experiences pave the way for careers worldwide and professional development in a global setting.

Cultural engagement enriches students’ personal lives and prepares them for success in a globally interconnected world. By developing soft skills, enhancing academic performance, broadening worldviews, and opening career opportunities, cultural engagement activities offer a comprehensive approach to personal growth and global awareness.

Common Barriers to Participation in Cultural Engagement Extracurriculars

Extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement offer invaluable experiences, exposing students to new perspectives and fostering a sense of global community. However, several barriers often prevent students from taking advantage of these opportunities.

Let’s examine the common barriers to participation in cultural engagement extracurriculars and explore some corresponding potential solutions.

Financial Constraints

One of the most significant barriers is the cost associated with many cultural engagement activities, such as international travel for study abroad programs or fees for special cultural events.

Implementing scholarships and establishing a fund to support participation in cultural activities can alleviate this issue. Schools and organizations could partner with local businesses and cultural institutions to sponsor events or provide group discounts.

scholarship for students

Limited Accessibility

Not every student has easy access to cultural engagement opportunities, whether due to geographic location, lack of transportation, or information.

However, digital platforms and virtual exchanges can bridge the gap, allowing students to experience other cultures from their classrooms or homes. Promoting these programs through school announcements and social media can raise awareness among students and their families.

Language Barriers

For students who are non-native speakers, language can be a daunting barrier to participating fully in cultural activities. Offering language support and incorporating multilingual resources in these programs can create a more inclusive environment. Peer mentorship programs can also support language learning and cultural exchange.

Lack of Awareness

A lack of awareness about the existence of these programs or their benefits can also deter participation. Schools need to actively promote cultural engagement opportunities through various channels, ensuring students and parents are informed about what’s available. Highlighting the personal and academic benefits of participation can also motivate students to get involved.

By addressing these common barriers with thoughtful and inclusive solutions, educational institutions can improve access to cultural engagement for all students. This enhances students’ educational experiences and prepares them for a globalized society, equipping them with empathy, understanding, and a broader perspective

Leveraging Cultural Engagement Extracurriculars in College Admissions

In the competitive landscape of college admissions, students seek unique ways to stand out. One effective strategy is highlighting extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement in applications. Such involvement not only showcases a commitment to cultural understanding and diversity but also enriches personal statements, making applications more compelling to admissions officers.

Let’s explore how leveraging cultural engagement extracurriculars in college admissions can benefit prospective college students.

Showcasing Commitment and Diversity

Participating in activities related to different cultures shows a student’s dedication to learning about and valuing diverse viewpoints. When listing these activities on college applications, it’s crucial to detail your role and the impact of your participation. 

Whether you organized a cultural festival, joined an international exchange program, or helped at organizations for immigrants, highlight how these experiences demonstrate your interest in and respect for cultural diversity.

Personal Statements and Essays

When writing your personal statement for college admissions, it’s important to incorporate stories of cultural engagement to demonstrate your personal growth, global awareness, and essential soft skills. You should highlight specific experiences that have shaped your understanding of different cultures and reflect on what these experiences have taught you about the world and yourself.

Colleges are looking for students who have achieved academically and cultivated a rich, empathetic understanding of global cultures.

View of a woman using a laptop.

The Admissions Perspective

Admissions officers appreciate applicants who bring many experiences and perspectives to their campus communities. Extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement are particularly valued because they demonstrate a student’s ability to navigate and contribute to a diverse academic environment.

Moreover, colleges value skills such as cross-cultural communication, adaptability, and global-mindedness, which are increasingly important today.

Participation in cultural engagement extracurriculars can give applicants a competitive edge, especially at institutions that prioritize global awareness and diversity. These activities signal to the admissions officers that you’re prepared to succeed in diverse settings, dedicated to learning about different cultures, and can contribute meaningfully to the campus community.

Extracurriculars that showcase cultural engagement emphasize the value of diversity for personal growth and global harmony and play a significant role in college admissions.  By valuing and participating in these activities, students equip themselves with the tools needed for a more inclusive and globalized community.


College Admissions

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