
A Comprehensive Guide to the We the Students Essay Contest for Aspiring College Students

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a female student thinking about how to withdraw a college application.

A Comprehensive Guide to the We the Students Essay Contest for Aspiring College Students

Hey, future college students! Are you eager to make a name for yourself and showcase your writing talents? Well, you’re in luck! The We the Students Essay Contest is your chance to shine and potentially win big. With scholarships and recognition up for grabs, it’s time to put your best foot forward and let your voice be heard. So, let’s dive right into everything you need to know about this fantastic opportunity

What is the We the Students Essay Contest?

What does the We the Students Essay Contest entails? The We the Students Essay Contest is a prestigious annual writing competition that encourages high school students in the United States to explore and reflect on the U.S. Constitution, its principles, and how they apply to current issues. Organized by the Bill of Rights Institute, the contest aims to promote constitutional awareness, critical thinking, and civic engagement among the younger generation.

Each year, the contest provides participants with a thought-provoking essay prompt that is typically centered around a contemporary issue or challenge that can be examined through the lens of constitutional principles. Students are expected to conduct thorough research, develop a well-structured argument, and express their ideas eloquently in their essays.

Eligibility for the contest is open to students currently enrolled in grades 9-12 in public, private, and homeschool settings within the United States. The competition is also open to non-U.S. citizens, as long as they attend a high school in the country.

Proofreading a paper in a table.

The We the Students Essay Contest is judged by a panel of experts, including educators and constitutional scholars, who evaluate the essays based on criteria such as understanding of the prompt, originality, organization, writing quality, and depth of analysis.

Winning the contest comes with substantial rewards, including scholarships for college education, national recognition, and networking opportunities with like-minded individuals and professionals. The first-place winner typically receives a $7,500 scholarship, while runners-up and honorable mentions also receive scholarships and other awards.

By participating in the contest, students not only stand a chance to win these prizes, but they also gain invaluable experience in research, critical thinking, and writing, which can benefit them throughout their academic and professional careers.

Why should you join the We the Students Essay Contest?

What are the benefits of participating in the We the Students Essay Contest? Joining the We the Students Essay Contest can provide numerous benefits and opportunities for personal, academic, and professional growth. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider participating in this prestigious competition:

Scholarships and Recognition

The contest offers substantial scholarships to the winners, which can help fund your college education. Additionally, the national recognition you receive as a winner can enhance your academic and professional profile.

Scholarship application form with keyboard and pen

Develop critical thinking and writing skills

Participating in the contest encourages you to explore complex ideas, analyze contemporary issues through the lens of the Constitution, and express your thoughts eloquently. These critical thinking and writing skills are essential for success in college and beyond.

Personal and intellectual growth

Delving into the contest’s thought-provoking prompt challenges you to deepen your understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its principles. This intellectual exercise fosters personal growth and a more profound appreciation for the importance of constitutional awareness in modern society.

Strengthen your college application

A strong performance in the We the Students Essay Contest can help set you apart from other applicants when applying to college. It demonstrates your intellectual curiosity, writing prowess, and commitment to civic engagement, all of which are attractive qualities to college admissions officers.

Networking opportunities

Winning the contest can open doors to networking with like-minded individuals, educators, and professionals who share your passion for the U.S. Constitution and its principles. These connections can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and support in your academic and professional endeavors.

Female student holding a folder in a room with her classmates.

Boost self-confidence

Crafting a well-researched and persuasive essay and potentially winning the contest can significantly boost your self-confidence. It validates your hard work, dedication, and ability to tackle challenging topics.

Enhance your resume or portfolio

Participating in the contest and potentially winning an award provides a valuable addition to your resume or writing portfolio, showcasing your skills and commitment to civic engagement.

Joining the We the Students Essay Contest offers numerous benefits. Participating in the contest can help you stand out in the competitive world of college admissions and provide you with valuable experiences that will serve you well throughout your academic and professional journey.

How to Join the We the Students Essay Contest?

How to participate in the We the Students Essay Contest? By following these steps and putting in the effort to craft a well-researched, thought-provoking essay, you can successfully join the We the Students Essay Contest:

Check the contest website

Keep an eye on the Bill of Rights Institute’s contest website for updates on the contest, including the essay prompt, submission deadline, and any specific rules or guidelines.

Familiarize yourself with the essay prompt

Once the essay prompt is released, read it carefully and ensure you understand what is being asked. Break down the prompt into smaller components to address each aspect of your essay.

Conduct thorough research

Investigate the topic using reliable sources such as scholarly articles, books, government publications, and primary sources. Gather sufficient evidence to support your argument and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter.

Create an outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay using an outline. An outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This will help ensure a logical flow of ideas and make the writing process smoother.

Write your essay

Craft your essay using a clear, concise, and engaging writing style. Express your ideas with conviction and passion, ensuring that you address all aspects of the prompt.

Edit and proofread

Revise your essay to improve clarity, eliminate redundancies, and correct any grammatical or spelling errors. It’s essential to submit a polished, error-free essay.

Seek feedback

Share your essay with teachers, family members, or friends for feedback. Be open to constructive criticism and make revisions as needed.

Prepare for submission

Ensure that your essay adheres to the contest’s formatting requirements, such as word count, font size, and margins. Double-check that all personal information and contact details are correct.

Submit your essay

Follow the submission instructions provided on the contest website. Typically, you will need to fill out an online submission form and upload your essay. Make sure to submit your entry before the deadline to avoid disqualification.

Await the results

After submitting your essay, keep an eye on the contest website for announcements regarding the winners and any updates on the contest.

How to Win the We the Students Essay Contest?

So, how can you win the We the Students Essay Contest? Winning the We the Students Essay Contest requires dedication, research, and strong writing skills. Here are some tips to increase your chances of success:

Understand the prompt

Thoroughly read and analyze the essay prompt to ensure you address all its aspects. Break down the prompt into smaller components and make sure your essay covers each element.

Conduct extensive research

Utilize reliable sources such as scholarly articles, books, government publications, and primary sources to gather evidence and support your argument. Demonstrating a deep understanding of the subject matter is crucial for a winning essay.

Create an outline

Organize your thoughts and ideas using an outline. This helps ensure a logical flow of information and makes the writing process more efficient. Include an attention-grabbing introduction, well-structured body paragraphs, and a powerful conclusion.

Write with passion and conviction

A winning essay stands out due to its clear voice and the author’s genuine passion for the topic. Share your unique perspective and write with conviction, ensuring your essay is engaging and persuasive.

Adhere to formatting requirements

Ensure your essay follows the contest’s formatting guidelines, such as word count, font size, and margins. A well-presented essay demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

Submit early

Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your essay. Submitting early helps you avoid technical issues and gives you peace of mind.

Stay positive and persistent

Maintain a positive attitude throughout the process and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Even if you don’t win, participating in the contest provides valuable experience and helps you grow as a writer and critical thinker.

In conclusion, the We the Students Essay Contest offers a unique opportunity for you to challenge yourself intellectually, gain valuable writing experience, and potentially secure scholarships and recognition that can propel you forward in your academic journey.

At AdmissionSight, we understand the importance of such competitions in shaping a strong college application, and we’re committed to helping students like you unlock their full potential. By combining your passion with our expertise in college admissions, together, we can pave the way to your bright academic future. Contact us to book your initial appointment.


College Admissions

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