
Boston University vs Harvard: Which is the Better Choice?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male student thinking about "What are the Most Selective Colleges?" while looking at his laptop

Boston University vs Harvard: Which is the Better Choice?

If you are looking to attend a prestigious university in the Boston area, you may be considering both Boston University and Harvard University. Both are excellent schools, but which is the better choice for you? In this article, let’s take an in-depth look at Boston University vs Harvard and compare them in various categories, from admissions requirements to community engagement efforts.

Introduction: Boston University vs Harvard

Choosing between Boston University and Harvard University can be a difficult decision. Both are highly regarded in the academic world and have a lot to offer. However, the process of deciding between the two schools can be made easier by comparing various factors that will impact your academic journey.

History of Boston University and Harvard University

Boston University was founded in 1839 and is one of the oldest private universities in the United States. Harvard University, on the other hand, has a history that dates back to 1636 and is the oldest higher education institution in the country. Both universities have evolved over the years to become the highly respected institutions they are today.

Despite their different histories, Boston University and Harvard University share a strong commitment to academic excellence and innovation. Boston University has a reputation for its cutting-edge research in fields such as medicine, engineering, and social sciences. Harvard University, on the other hand, is known for its rigorous undergraduate program and its world-renowned graduate schools in law, business, and public policy. Both universities continue to attract top students and faculty from around the world, and their contributions to the advancement of knowledge and society are immeasurable.

Admissions Requirements for Boston University and Harvard University

Admission to Boston University and Harvard University is highly competitive, and both schools have high standards for their applicants. To gain admission into Boston University, you will need to have a strong academic record and submit a well-crafted application. Harvard University has similarly high standards for its applicants and requires standardized test scores, academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and a personal statement.

Two female student walking in the school hallway.

Additionally, both Boston University and Harvard University value extracurricular activities and community involvement. They want to see that applicants have made a positive impact in their communities and have pursued their passions outside of the classroom. It is important to showcase your involvement in clubs, sports, volunteer work, or any other activities that demonstrate your leadership skills and commitment to making a difference.

Tuition and Financial Aid at Boston University vs Harvard

Both Boston University and Harvard University are private universities, and as such, tuition costs can be quite steep. Boston University’s tuition for undergraduate students is $62,360 per year, while Harvard University’s undergraduate tuition is $57,261 per year. However, both schools offer generous financial aid packages and scholarships to help students cover the costs of attendance.

It is important to note that the financial aid packages offered by Boston University and Harvard University differ in their requirements and eligibility criteria. Boston University offers need-based aid, which means that financial aid is awarded based on a student’s financial need. On the other hand, Harvard University offers need-blind admissions, which means that a student’s financial need is not taken into consideration during the admissions process. However, Harvard University does offer need-based financial aid to students who demonstrate financial need.

Additionally, both Boston University and Harvard University offer work-study programs to help students earn money to cover their expenses. These programs provide students with part-time jobs on campus, allowing them to earn money while gaining valuable work experience. Boston University’s work-study program offers a variety of job opportunities, including positions in research, community service, and administrative roles. Similarly, Harvard University’s work-study program offers a range of job opportunities, including positions in libraries, museums, and research centers.

Campus Life at Boston University vs Harvard

Both Boston University and Harvard University offer a rich campus life experience, with various opportunities for students to get involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations. Boston University has a thriving student life that includes over 500 student organizations, intramural sports programs, and cultural events. Harvard University has a similarly vibrant campus life with over 400 student organizations, numerous cultural centers, and a sizable athletic program.

Additionally, both universities have a strong commitment to community service and offer numerous volunteer opportunities for students to give back to the local community. Boston University has a Community Service Center that connects students with local organizations and provides resources for community service projects. Harvard University has a Public Service Network that offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities, including tutoring, mentoring, and community outreach programs. These programs not only benefit the local community but also provide students with valuable leadership and teamwork skills.

Academic Programs Offered by Boston University vs Harvard

Boston University and Harvard University are both renowned for their academic excellence, but they each offer a different set of academic programs. Boston University has a larger number of undergraduate majors to choose from, including programs in business, communication, engineering, education, and more. Harvard University, on the other hand, has a stronger focus on research and offers a wide range of graduate-level programs, including law, medicine, and business.

Three students talking while holding their bags.

Despite their differences, both universities offer unique opportunities for students to pursue their academic interests. Boston University has a strong emphasis on experiential learning, with many programs offering internships and hands-on experiences. Harvard University, on the other hand, has a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, with many programs allowing students to explore multiple fields of study.

Additionally, both universities have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. Boston University has a variety of programs and initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and creating an inclusive campus community. Harvard University has a similar commitment to diversity, with a focus on recruiting and supporting students from underrepresented backgrounds.

Faculty at Boston University vs Harvard

Faculty quality is an essential factor in evaluating a college or university. Both Boston University and Harvard University have top-notch faculties comprised of world-renowned experts and scholars in their respective fields. Harvard University’s faculty includes numerous Nobel laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners, while Boston University’s faculty comprises award-winning researchers and educators.

However, there are some differences in the faculty composition between the two universities. Harvard University has a higher percentage of tenured faculty members, which means that they have a more stable and experienced teaching staff. On the other hand, Boston University has a higher percentage of adjunct faculty members, who are often professionals in their fields and bring real-world experience to the classroom.

Another difference is the student-to-faculty ratio. Harvard University has a lower ratio of 7:1, which means that students have more opportunities for one-on-one interactions with their professors. Boston University, on the other hand, has a higher ratio of 11:1, which means that students may have larger class sizes but also have access to a wider range of courses and professors.

Student Body Diversity at Boston University vs Harvard

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical aspects of any college or university’s mission. Both Boston University and Harvard University have diverse student bodies, with students from different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, Harvard University has a slightly more diverse student body, with slightly higher percentages of minority and international students.

It is important to note that both universities have made efforts to increase diversity and promote inclusivity on their campuses. Boston University has implemented programs such as the Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council and the Center for Gender, Sexuality & Activism, while Harvard University has established the Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging and the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations. These initiatives aim to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all students, regardless of their background.

Campus Resources Available to Students at Boston University vs Harvard

Both Boston University and Harvard University offer numerous resources to their students, including libraries, research centers, and student support services. Boston University’s campus boasts 17 libraries and numerous research centers, while Harvard University’s campus has over 20 libraries and research centers, including its iconic Harvard Law School Library.

Book in library with old open textbook, stack piles of literature text archive on reading desk, and aisle of bookshelves in school study class room background for academic education learning concept

In addition to these resources, both universities also offer a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs for students to get involved in. Boston University has over 450 student organizations, ranging from academic clubs to cultural groups, while Harvard University has over 400 student organizations, including a student-run radio station and a debate team that competes nationally. These activities provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, meet new people, and develop leadership skills outside of the classroom.

Career Opportunities for Graduates of Boston University vs Harvard

Both Boston University and Harvard University have fantastic career services offices that help students navigate the job market and secure internships and job opportunities after graduation. Graduates of both schools are often highly sought after by employers, with starting salaries that are well above the national average. However, Harvard graduates tend to have higher average salaries and may have an easier time getting into top-tier graduate programs.

It’s important to note that while Harvard may have an edge in terms of average salaries and graduate program admissions, BU graduates have their unique advantages. BU has a strong focus on experiential learning, with many programs offering hands-on opportunities for students to gain real-world experience in their field of study. This can give BU graduates an edge in the job market, as they have practical skills and experience that employers value. Additionally, BU has a large and active alumni network, which can provide valuable networking opportunities for graduates as they navigate their careers.

Alumni Networks of Boston University and Harvard University

Both Boston University and Harvard University have extensive alumni networks that offer numerous benefits to their graduates. Boston University’s alumni network includes over 300,000 members worldwide, while Harvard University’s alumni network comprises over 380,000 members. Both networks offer opportunities for graduates to network with fellow alumni, attend events, and receive career support.

In addition to networking and career support, Boston University’s alumni network also provides opportunities for alumni to give back to their alma mater through volunteering and philanthropy. The university’s alumni association organizes various volunteer programs, such as mentoring current students, serving as guest speakers, and participating in community service projects. Alumni can also contribute to the university’s fundraising efforts by making donations to support scholarships, research, and other initiatives.

Similarly, Harvard University’s alumni network offers a wide range of resources and programs to help graduates stay connected and engaged with the university community. One notable program is the Harvard Alumni Association’s Global Networking Night, which takes place in over 100 cities worldwide and allows alumni to connect and expand their professional networks. The university also offers online resources, such as alumni directories and career services, to help graduates navigate their post-graduation paths.

Research Opportunities Available at Boston University vs Harvard

Research is an essential component of the academic experience, and both Boston University and Harvard University offer numerous research opportunities for their students. Boston University has a wealth of research facilities, including its National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, while Harvard University has numerous research centers and institutes, including the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

two chemists working inside the laboratory

Additionally, Boston University has a strong focus on interdisciplinary research, with opportunities for students to collaborate across departments and schools. This allows for a more comprehensive research approach, as students can draw on a variety of perspectives and expertise.

On the other hand, Harvard University has a long history of groundbreaking research, with numerous Nobel laureates among its faculty and alumni. This legacy of excellence in research provides students with unparalleled opportunities to work alongside some of the most influential figures in their fields.

Athletics Programs Offered by Boston University vs Harvard

Both Boston University and Harvard University have strong athletic programs that allow students to participate in a wide variety of sports. Boston University’s athletics program participates in the NCAA’s Division I, and its teams have won numerous championships over the years. Harvard University’s athletics program also participates in the NCAA’s Division I and has had successful teams in numerous sports, including football, basketball, and ice hockey.

However, there are some differences between the two universities’ athletics programs. Boston University has a larger athletics program with more sports offered, including lacrosse, rowing, and field hockey. Harvard, on the other hand, has a more selective athletics program, with a focus on recruiting top athletes in a few key sports.

Another difference is the level of support and resources provided to student-athletes. Boston University has a dedicated athletics facility, the Agganis Arena, which includes a state-of-the-art gym, training rooms, and locker rooms. Harvard also has impressive athletics facilities, including the Bright-Landry Hockey Center and the Lavietes Pavilion, but they are shared with other university programs and may not be as accessible to student-athletes.

Community Engagement Efforts of Boston University vs Harvard

Both Boston University and Harvard University are committed to making a positive impact on their surrounding communities through various community engagement initiatives. Boston University’s community engagement efforts include partnerships with local schools and non-profit organizations, while Harvard University’s community engagement efforts include programs in public service and philanthropy.

However, there are some differences in the approach of these two universities towards community engagement. Boston University focuses more on direct engagement with the community through volunteer work and community service projects. On the other hand, Harvard University’s approach is more focused on research and policy initiatives that can have a long-term impact on the community. Despite these differences, both universities are making significant contributions to their communities and are setting an example for other institutions to follow.

Conclusion: Which is the Better Choice for You?

Choosing between Boston University and Harvard University can be a difficult decision, but hopefully, this comparison has helped make the choice a bit clearer for you. Ultimately, the answer to this question will vary depending on your circumstances, academic goals, and personal preferences. We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your academic future.


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