
Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University: A Comprehensive Look

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of a woman using a laptop.

Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University: A Comprehensive Look

Are you trying to decide between Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University? Both are prestigious and offer fantastic opportunities. But they differ in many aspects. Let’s break it down and compare the two schools.

History and Legacy: How Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University Were Founded

Dartmouth College was founded in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock, a Congregational minister who envisioned an institution that would train Native American youth for Christian ministry. Today, Dartmouth is a prestigious Ivy League school that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields.

Washington and Lee University, on the other hand, was established in 1749 as Augusta Academy, a small school in Virginia. In 1796, General George Washington gave a substantial donation to the school, which was renamed in his honor. In 1865, after the Civil War, the school was renamed Washington and Lee University to honor Robert E. Lee, who served as the school’s president until 1870.

Both Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University have left a significant impact on American education. Dartmouth was the first institution to offer a Native American Studies program, and it has a long history of promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Close up of students smiling at the camera.

Washington and Lee University, on the other hand, has produced many notable alumni, including two U.S. Supreme Court justices and several Pulitzer Prize winners. Today, both schools continue to uphold their legacies and provide students with a top-notch education.

Student Life: Differences in Extracurricular Activities, Sports, and Social Scene

One of the main differences between these two schools is the student life. Dartmouth is known for its vibrant social scene, with Greek life playing a significant role on campus. There are over 30 Greek organizations, and many students participate in these groups.

Washington and Lee, on the other hand, has no Greek life on campus. However, student organizations still thrive, and the university offers plenty of extracurricular activities for students to engage in. Sports are also an essential part of life at Washington and Lee, with a strong emphasis on athletics.

Another significant difference between the two schools is the type of extracurricular activities offered. Dartmouth has a wide range of clubs and organizations, including a strong focus on the arts.

Students can participate in acapella groups, theater productions, and dance troupes. In contrast, Washington and Lee has a more traditional approach to extracurricular activities, with a focus on community service and leadership development.

Admission Requirements and Acceptance Rates: Which School is More Selective?

Both Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University are highly selective schools. However, Dartmouth has a slightly lower acceptance rate, with just over a 7% acceptance rate. Washington and Lee, on the other hand, has an acceptance rate of around 21%. The average SAT score for admitted students at Washington and Lee is around 1420, while the average ACT score is around 32.

In addition to test scores, both schools also consider extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation in their admissions process. Dartmouth places a strong emphasis on community involvement and leadership, while Washington and Lee values a well-rounded student with a diverse range of interests.

Once accepted, both schools have rigorous academic programs and a strong sense of community. Dartmouth is known for its liberal arts curriculum and its emphasis on undergraduate research opportunities. Washington and Lee, on the other hand, has a strong focus on experiential learning and offers a variety of study abroad programs.

Academics Comparison: Curriculum, Majors Offered, Faculty, and Class Sizes

Both schools offer an excellent academic experience, but the specifics differ. Dartmouth is an Ivy League school that offers a liberal arts education. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, discussion, and writing skills. The school is particularly well-known for its programs in economics, engineering, and computer science.

College students walking in the campus.

Washington and Lee, on the other hand, offers a liberal arts education with a professional focus. The university has a strong business program and is known for its law school. The class sizes at Washington and Lee are generally smaller than those at Dartmouth, with an average class size of around 16 students.

Despite the smaller class sizes, Dartmouth boasts a student-to-faculty ratio of 7:1, which allows for more personalized attention from professors. The faculty at Dartmouth is highly respected in their fields and many are actively engaged in research and scholarship.

Washington and Lee also has a dedicated and accomplished faculty, with a student-to-faculty ratio of 8:1. The university places a strong emphasis on experiential learning, with opportunities for internships, research, and community service.

Campus Facilities: Dormitories, Libraries, Dining Halls, and Recreational Centers

Both schools have excellent campus facilities. Dartmouth has a range of state-of-the-art dormitories, libraries, and dining halls. The school also has several recreational centers, including an ice rink and a gym. The athletic facilities at Dartmouth are top-notch, with a strong focus on outdoor activities.

Washington and Lee also has excellent facilities, with beautiful dormitories, libraries, and dining halls. The university has a focus on wellness, with a range of fitness programs and recreational facilities.

Additionally, both schools have extensive academic facilities. Dartmouth has numerous research centers and labs, including the Thayer School of Engineering and the Tuck School of Business. The school also has a state-of-the-art computer center and a variety of multimedia classrooms.

Washington and Lee has a strong emphasis on the liberal arts, with a range of academic departments and programs. The university also has a number of research centers and institutes, including the Center for International Education and the Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability.

Alumni Network: Which School Has a Stronger Alumni Association?

Both schools have a strong alumni network. Dartmouth has a particularly active alumni network, with over 70 regional clubs around the world. The school is known for its alumni in politics, business, and entertainment.

Business people discussing documents and ideas at meeting

Washington and Lee also has a strong alumni network, with many graduates holding prestigious positions in law, politics, and business. However, one area where Dartmouth’s alumni network stands out is in its commitment to community service.

Many Dartmouth alumni are involved in philanthropic efforts, and the school has a strong tradition of encouraging its graduates to give back to their communities. Washington and Lee also has a strong commitment to community service, but it is not as central to the school’s identity as it is at Dartmouth.

Career Opportunities: Job Placement Rates and Internship Programs

Both schools are known for their excellent career opportunities. Dartmouth has a robust Career Services department that helps students secure internships and employment after graduation. The school’s job placement rate is high, with many graduates going on to successful careers in various fields.

Washington and Lee also has a strong Career Services program, with an impressive job placement rate. The university offers a range of internships and experiential learning opportunities to prepare students for the workforce.

Additionally, both schools have partnerships with various companies and organizations, providing students with even more opportunities for internships and job placements. Dartmouth has partnerships with companies such as Google, Goldman Sachs, and Teach for America, while Washington and Lee has partnerships with organizations like the National Institutes of Health and the Smithsonian Institution. These partnerships not only provide students with valuable experience, but also help to establish connections and networks within their desired industries.

Tuition Fees and Financial Aid: Cost of Attendance for Both Institutions

Both schools have a high tuition rate, but also offer financial aid. Dartmouth’s tuition fee for the 2020-2021 academic year is around $58,000. However, around 50% of students receive some form of financial aid, and the school offers need-based scholarships and grants.

Group of students walking in the campus.

Washington and Lee’s tuition fee for the 2020-2021 academic year is around $56,000. Like Dartmouth, the university offers financial aid to students. It is important to note that the cost of attendance for both institutions goes beyond just tuition fees.

Students must also consider the cost of room and board, textbooks, and other expenses. At Dartmouth, the estimated cost of attendance for the 2020-2021 academic year is around $78,000, while at Washington and Lee, it is around $72,000.

Both schools have resources available to help students manage the cost of attendance. Dartmouth offers a work-study program, which allows students to work part-time on campus to earn money towards their expenses. Washington and Lee offers a payment plan option, which allows students to pay their tuition and fees in installments throughout the semester.

Diversity on Campus: Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Diversity in Both Schools

Both schools have made strides to promote diversity on campus, but there is always room for improvement. Dartmouth has a relatively diverse student body, with around 47% of students identifying as people of color. The school has also implemented several initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion on campus.

Washington and Lee has a less diverse student body, with around 77% of students identifying as white. However, the university has several programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusivity on campus.

One of the initiatives implemented by Dartmouth is the Office of Pluralism and Leadership, which provides resources and support for students from underrepresented backgrounds. The school also offers a variety of courses and programs that focus on diversity and social justice issues.

Washington and Lee has a program called the Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability, which aims to address issues of poverty and inequality through education and community service. The university also has a Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which works to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff.

Research Opportunities: Availability of Research Grants for Students at Both Institutions

Both schools offer excellent research opportunities for students. Dartmouth is known for its strong research programs, with a focus on interdisciplinary work. The school offers several research grants and initiatives to support student research.

Close-up of serious student holding ampoule in front of eyes and examines contents.

Washington and Lee also has a strong research culture, with several research centers and labs. The university offers a range of research grants and fellowships to support student research projects.

Additionally, both institutions encourage students to collaborate with faculty members on research projects. This provides students with valuable hands-on experience and the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in their field of study. Students can also present their research findings at conferences and symposiums, further enhancing their academic and professional development.

Campus Culture Comparison: Student Traditions, Events, and Clubs at Dartmouth vs Washington and Lee University

Both schools have a unique campus culture. Dartmouth is known for its strong sense of community and student traditions. The school’s winter carnival, for example, is a beloved tradition that involves winter sports, ice sculptures, and other festivities. The school also has several student-run clubs and organizations, including a popular Outing Club.

Washington and Lee also has a strong campus culture, with several student traditions and events. The university’s Mock Convention, which predicts the outcome of presidential elections, is a highly anticipated event every four years. The school also has several student clubs and organizations, including a renowned acapella group.

However, there are some notable differences between the two schools’ campus cultures. Dartmouth’s focus on community is reflected in its residential life, with students living in close-knit dorms and participating in house events.

In contrast, Washington and Lee’s campus culture is more focused on individual achievement, with a strong emphasis on academic excellence and leadership development. The school’s Honor System, which emphasizes personal responsibility and integrity, is a central part of campus life.

Study Abroad Programs Comparison: International Study Opportunities Available at Both Schools

Both schools offer fantastic study abroad programs. Dartmouth offers a range of study abroad programs in over 20 countries. The school has its own study abroad office, which helps students find suitable programs and offers financial assistance.

Washington and Lee also offers several study abroad programs, with a focus on creating immersive experiences. The university partners with several schools and organizations around the world to offer a range of study-abroad opportunities.


Both Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University are prestigious institutions with excellent academic and campus cultures. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preferences and priorities. Consider the information above and think carefully about what matters most to you when making your decision.

It is important to note that both Dartmouth and Washington and Lee University have unique features that set them apart from each other. For example, Dartmouth is known for its strong focus on undergraduate education and its location in a rural setting, while Washington and Lee University has a strong emphasis on honor and integrity and is located in a historic town. These factors may also play a role in your decision-making process.

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