
Dartmouth Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of a student writing in a table.

Dartmouth Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

This article will delve into the nuances of the Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024, offering insights and guidance. As applicants approach these essays, it’s crucial to understand that each word counts, mainly due to the stringent word limits imposed.

The prompts challenge students to be concise yet powerful in their storytelling, ensuring that each applicant’s voice is heard clearly and distinctly.

How Many Supplemental Essays Does Dartmouth Have?

Dartmouth College requires a series of three supplemental essays from all applicants, a clear indication of the school’s dedication to a holistic review process. The first essay is concise, challenging students to be as impactful as possible in no more than 100 words.

View of Dartmouth campus at day time.

This stringent limit forces applicants to distill their message to its essence, a skill that reflects Dartmouth’s value of clear and effective communication. The second and third essays, each capped at 250 words, offer a broader canvas for students to paint a more detailed picture of their intellectual curiosity, community involvement, and personal growth.

With two prompts to choose from for the second essay and six for the third, Dartmouth ensures that every student can find a question that speaks to their unique experiences and aspirations. This structured yet flexible approach to the Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024 allows the admissions committee to gain a multifaceted understanding of each applicant.

What Are the Dartmouth Supplemental Essays 2023-2024?

The Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024 are thoughtfully crafted to elicit responses that reveal the applicant’s individuality, intellectual vitality, and potential contribution to the Dartmouth community. The first essay is a mandatory prompt that asks applicants to reflect on Dartmouth’s unique sense of place and how it informs their sense of purpose.

Dartmouth celebrates the ways in which its profound sense of place informs its profound sense of purpose. As you seek admission to Dartmouth’s Class of 2028, what aspects of the College’s academic program, community, and/or campus environment attract your interest? In short, why Dartmouth?

This prompt is not merely about geographical location; it’s an invitation to explore the alignment between the applicant’s personal goals and Dartmouth’s academic, community, and environmental offerings. Why Dartmouth, indeed?

The second essay offers a choice between two prompts, each allowing for a deeper dive into the applicant’s background or personal philosophy. The two prompts for the second essay are:

  1. There is a Quaker saying: Let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and the impact it has had on the person you are today.
  2. “Be yourself,” Oscar Wilde advised. “Everyone else is taken.” Introduce yourself.

Whether sharing the environment that shaped them or an introduction that captures their essence, these options encourage introspection and authenticity.

The third essay expands the choice to six diverse prompts, ranging from expressions of passion and purpose to reflections on identity and potential. The six prompts for the third essay are:

  1. What excites you?
  2. Labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta recommended a life of purpose. “We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things,” she said. “That is what we are put on the earth for.” In what ways do you hope to make—or are you already making—an impact? Why? How?
  3. Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Geisel of Dartmouth’s Class of 1925, wrote, “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” As you wonder and think, what’s on your mind?
  4. Celebrate your nerdy side.
  5. “It’s not easy being green…” was the frequent refrain of Kermit the Frog. How has difference been a part of your life, and how have you embraced it as part of your identity and outlook?
  6. As noted in the College’s mission statement, “Dartmouth educates the most promising students and prepares them for a lifetime of learning and of responsible leadership…” Promise and potential are important aspects of the assessment of any college application, but they can be elusive qualities to capture. Highlight your potential and promise for us; what would you like us to know about you?

These prompts are designed to give applicants the latitude to share what truly excites them, how they intend to impact the world, their musings and intellectual curiosities, unique characteristics, experiences with diversity, and an introspective look at their promise and potential.

These prompts are questions to be answered and conversations with the admissions committee, offering a multidimensional view of the applicants and their aspirations.

Breaking Down Each Prompt: Themes and Expectations

The Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024 are carefully constructed to uncover different facets of the applicant’s persona and intellect.

With its tight word limit, the first prompt expects conciseness and the ability to distill one’s passion for Dartmouth into a potent mini-essay. It’s a challenge to articulate a clear and compelling reason for choosing Dartmouth, linking personal academic and extracurricular interests to the unique attributes of the college.

The second set of prompts delves into the applicant’s upbringing or self-concept. These essays should weave narratives that display character development and personal insights. The environment in which one is raised can profoundly impact one’s worldview, and this essay should illuminate that connection. Alternatively, the prompt inviting applicants to introduce themselves is an open canvas for creativity and self-expression, urging them to present an authentic and engaging portrait of themselves.

The third set of prompts is a set of opportunities to showcase intellectual excitement, societal contributions, ethical convictions, whimsical ponderings, the embrace of uniqueness, and the potential for future growth.

How to Write the Dartmouth Supplemental Essays 2023-2024?

Approaching the Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024 requires a blend of introspection, strategy, and creativity. These essays are not just writing exercises but a platform for you to communicate directly with the admissions committee. The writing supplement is not something to be rushed; it’s a critical component of your application and deserves your best effort.

Dartmouth Prompt 1

Dartmouth College’s first essay prompt for the 2023-2024 application cycle invites applicants to reflect on the unique aspects of the college that resonate with their personal goals and interests.

Dartmouth celebrates the ways in which its profound sense of place informs its profound sense of purpose. As you seek admission to Dartmouth’s Class of 2028, what aspects of the College’s academic program, community, and/or campus environment attract your interest? In short, why Dartmouth?

This prompt allows applicants to demonstrate their understanding of Dartmouth’s distinctive character and how it aligns with their aspirations. Dartmouth’s emphasis on the “profound sense of place” and its influence on the “profound sense of purpose” suggests that the college values not just academic excellence but also how its environment shapes the ambitions and identities of its students.

Group of students smiling and talking to each other.

Applicants are encouraged to delve into specific elements of Dartmouth’s educational programs, community ethos, or campus environment that appeal to them. This question is not just about why you want to attend an Ivy League college; it’s about why Dartmouth, with its unique offerings and culture, is the ideal place.

Understanding Prompt 1

Understanding Dartmouth’s first prompt requires appreciating how the college’s environment and ethos contribute to its educational philosophy. Dartmouth prides itself on a learning environment that is both intellectually rigorous and deeply connected to its community and setting.

When considering this prompt, it’s essential to research thoroughly and identify particular aspects of Dartmouth that align with your interests and values. This could be specific academic programs unique to Dartmouth, opportunities for undergraduate research, the college’s approach to liberal arts education, or aspects of student life and campus traditions. The prompt asks for more than a general admiration for the college; it seeks to understand how Dartmouth’s specific characteristics resonate with your academic journey and future goals.

Brainstorming Your Response: Prompt 1

To develop a compelling response to Dartmouth’s first prompt, start by brainstorming aspects of the college that genuinely excite you. Consider the following ideas:

  • Academic Programs: Does a particular major or interdisciplinary program at Dartmouth align with your academic interests? Perhaps the college offers unique courses, special majors, or research opportunities that aren’t widely available elsewhere.
  • Community and Culture: Dartmouth’s close-knit community and campus traditions might be appealing. Reflect on how aspects like the D-Plan, house communities, or specific student organizations align with your personality or goals.
  • Location and Environment: Dartmouth’s setting in Hanover, New Hampshire, offers unique opportunities for outdoor activities and a solid connection to nature. How might this setting enhance your college experience?
  • Resources and Opportunities: Consider Dartmouth’s resources, such as the alum network, career services, or global learning opportunities, and how they could affect your education and future aspirations.
  • Personal Connections: Have you had any personal experiences with Dartmouth or its community, such as visiting the campus, attending college fairs, or speaking with alums, that influenced your decision to apply?

Structuring Your Answer for Prompt 1

When structuring your answer to Dartmouth’s first prompt, start with an engaging introduction that clearly states the specific aspects of Dartmouth that attract you.

Use the body of your essay to delve deeper into these aspects, providing details and personal reflections. For each point you make, connect it back to your own experiences, interests, or goals. For instance, if you’re drawn to a particular academic program, discuss how your past experiences or academic pursuits have led you to this interest and how Dartmouth’s program will help you further these interests. If the community and culture attract you, explain how you see yourself fitting into and contributing to this environment.

Conclude your essay by summarizing how Dartmouth’s unique offerings align with your aspirations and how being a part of Dartmouth’s Class of 2028 will facilitate your academic and personal growth. Remember, the key is to be specific and unique in your response, demonstrating a clear and thoughtful connection between what Dartmouth offers and what you seek in your college experience.

Dartmouth Second Set of Prompts

The second set of prompts for the Dartmouth College supplemental essays 2023-2024 offers applicants a choice between two reflective questions.

There is a Quaker saying: Let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and the impact it has had on the person you are today.

The first prompt draws on a Quaker saying, “Let your life speak,” and asks applicants to describe the environment in which they were raised and its impact on their current self. This prompt seeks insight into the applicant’s background, values, and the influences that have shaped their character.

“Be yourself,” Oscar Wilde advised. “Everyone else is taken.” Introduce yourself.

The second prompt, quoting Oscar Wilde, invites applicants to “introduce yourself” in a manner that captures their unique identity. This is an open-ended prompt that encourages creativity and personal expression. Both prompts are designed to give the admissions committee a deeper understanding of the applicant beyond academic achievements, focusing on personal growth, self-awareness, and individuality.

Understanding the Second Set of Prompts

Understanding these prompts requires a deep dive into personal introspection and self-awareness. The first prompt is about reflecting on your upbringing and environment. It asks you to consider how your family, community, culture, or any other background aspect has contributed to who you are today. This reflection should reveal your values, beliefs, and the pivotal experiences that have influenced your life.

Student sitting with her laptop while thinking.

The second prompt is more open-ended and offers a platform to present yourself uniquely and authentically. This could be an exploration of your passions, quirks, dreams, or even challenges you’ve faced. It’s an invitation to share your story in a way that truly represents who you are. Both prompts require sincerity and a willingness to share personal narratives that provide insight into your character.

Brainstorming Your Response: Second Set of Prompts

For the first prompt, consider these ideas:

  • Family Traditions and Values: How have these shaped your outlook on life?
  • Community Influence: Has your community (neighborhood, town, religious, cultural) played a role in shaping your perspectives or ambitions?
  • Significant Life Events: Were any pivotal moments in your upbringing significantly influenced your development?
  • Challenges Overcome: Have you faced any challenges or obstacles shaping your character?

For the second prompt, think about:

  • Personal Anecdotes: Share a story that captures an essential aspect of yourself.
  • Passions and Interests: What drives you, and why?
  • Life Philosophy: Do you have a personal mantra or philosophy that guides you?
  • Unique Perspectives: What are some perspectives or experiences that you believe set you apart?

Structuring Your Answer for the Second Set of Prompts

For the first prompt, start with a vivid description of your upbringing or a particular aspect of your background. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate how this environment has shaped you. Discuss the values, lessons, or insights gained from your upbringing and how they have influenced your aspirations, beliefs, or actions. Conclude by connecting these elements to the person you are today, emphasizing personal growth and self-awareness.

For the second prompt, begin with an engaging introduction that offers a glimpse into your personality or life story. Develop the body of your essay around critical themes or stories that represent who you are. This could be a narrative of a significant experience, a description of your passions, or an insight into your philosophy. Be creative and authentic, ensuring your essay reflects your unique voice and perspective. Conclude by tying these elements together, presenting a cohesive and compelling introduction to yourself.

In both cases, the structure of your response should create a narrative flow that is engaging and reflective, providing the admissions committee with a clear and insightful view of your journey and individuality.

Dartmouth Third Set of Prompts

The third set of prompts for the Dartmouth College supplemental essays 2023-2024 offers diverse topics, each inviting applicants to share different facets of their personality, aspirations, and thought processes.

  1. What excites you?
  2. Labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta recommended a life of purpose. “We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things,” she said. “That is what we are put on the earth for.” In what ways do you hope to make—or are you already making—an impact? Why? How?
  3. Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Geisel of Dartmouth’s Class of 1925, wrote, “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” As you wonder and think, what’s on your mind?
  4. Celebrate your nerdy side.
  5. “It’s not easy being green…” was the frequent refrain of Kermit the Frog. How has difference been a part of your life, and how have you embraced it as part of your identity and outlook?
  6. As noted in the College’s mission statement, “Dartmouth educates the most promising students and prepares them for a lifetime of learning and of responsible leadership…” Promise and potential are important aspects of the assessment of any college application, but they can be elusive qualities to capture. Highlight your potential and promise for us; what would you like us to know about you?

This set of prompts allows for a great deal of creativity and introspection, encouraging applicants to delve into their personal experiences, beliefs, and aspirations to present a multidimensional portrait of themselves to the admissions committee.

Understanding the Third Set of Prompts

Understanding these prompts requires applicants to self-reflect and express their thoughts and experiences meaningfully and personally. Each prompt opens a window into different aspects of the applicant’s life and mindset:

  • “What excites you?” asks for a glimpse into your passions and interests.
  • Dolores Huerta’s quote prompts a discussion of your vision for making a positive impact.
  • The Dr. Seuss prompt invites you to share your thoughts, dreams, or intellectual curiosities.
  • “Celebrate your nerdy side” encourages you to embrace and discuss your unique interests or quirks.
  • The Kermit the Frog reference is an opportunity to talk about embracing and valuing differences.
  • The final prompt about promise and potential asks you to reflect on your strengths and future aspirations.

Brainstorming Your Response: Third Set of Prompts

For brainstorming, consider the following ideas for each prompt:

  • What excites you: Think about hobbies, academic subjects, or future aspirations that genuinely excite you.
  • Making an impact: Reflect on any volunteer work, advocacy, or projects where you’ve contributed to the community or plan to make a difference.
  • Dr. Seuss’s quote: Ponder over the ideas, questions, or dreams that occupy your thoughts.
  • Celebrating nerdiness: Share an interest or hobby you’re deeply passionate about, even if it’s considered unconventional or “nerdy.”
  • Embracing difference: Reflect on how being different or encountering diversity has shaped your perspective and identity.
  • Promise and potential: Consider your achievements, skills, and qualities that showcase your potential for future success and contributions.

Structuring Your Answer for the Third Set of Prompts

When structuring your response, start with a clear, engaging introduction that addresses the chosen prompt. For each prompt, use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.

Smiling african-american student girl sitting on stairs working on laptop

For instance, if discussing what excites you, narrate an experience or moment that captures this passion. If reflecting on making an impact, describe specific cases in which you’ve made a difference and the lessons learned. In discussing your thoughts or nerdiness, paint a vivid picture of your interests or intellectual pursuits. When discussing embracing differences, share personal stories highlighting your experiences and growth. For the final prompt on potential and promise, focus on experiences that showcase your strengths and aspirations, tying them to how you envision your future at Dartmouth.

Conclude each essay by tying back to the central theme, leaving a lasting impression that underscores your unique perspective and suitability for Dartmouth College.

What Are the Next Steps After Submitting Your Dartmouth Supplemental Essays?

Once you have submitted your Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024, the following steps involve a patient wait and proactive preparation for potential future stages of the application process. It’s essential to ensure all other application components are complete and submitted by the deadlines, including test scores, letters of recommendation, and transcripts.

After submission, please keep a copy of your essays and review them periodically. This can be beneficial if you are invited for an interview or need to reference them in future communications with the college.

By staying organized and engaged, you can ensure you’re prepared for additional steps while demonstrating your genuine interest in becoming part of the Dartmouth community.

Staying Informed: Following Up with Dartmouth Admissions

Staying informed and proactive after submitting your Dartmouth supplemental essays for 2023-2024 is essential. Monitor your email and the application portal for updates or requests for additional information.

Male Student Working At Laptop In College Library

If there are significant developments in your academic or extracurricular profile after you’ve submitted your application, such as new awards or accomplishments, inform the admissions office. This can be done through a formal update letter or email, which should be concise, factual, and reflective of your continued interest in Dartmouth.

Throughout this period, it’s also beneficial to connect with the Dartmouth community by reaching out to faculty in your areas of interest or connecting with Dartmouth clubs and organizations. This shows initiative and helps you stay engaged with the school while you await a decision.

Elevate Your Dartmouth Application with AdmissionSight

Ready to make your Dartmouth dream a reality? At AdmissionSight, we specialize in guiding students through the intricate college admissions process with personalized strategies and expert advice. Our seasoned consultants are dedicated to helping you craft Dartmouth supplemental essays 2023-2024 that resonate with authenticity and impact.

A man is looking for his university.

We understand the nuances of Ivy League admissions and are committed to highlighting your unique strengths to set you apart in the competitive applicant pool. Don’t leave your Dartmouth application to chance.

Contact AdmissionSight today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a standout application that captures the essence of who you are and what you aspire to achieve at Dartmouth College.


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