
Duke Freshman Dorms

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

A group friends in the middle of a pathway looking at each other's notebooks looking happy

Duke Freshman Dorms

Every year, Duke University welcomes a new cohort of students into its freshman class, who are provided with a variety of housing options on campus. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about Duke freshman dorms, including the housing options, amenities, and the residence halls’ social life.

In addition, we will be discussing two bonus topics about freshman dorms: usual maintenance of communal spaces in freshman dorms; and typical methods of handling issues related to health and safety.

What are on-campus residence halls available for Duke freshman students?

What on-campus residential halls are there for Duke freshman students? Duke University is a top-tier institution that attracts a diverse group of students from around the world.

a group of college students walking side by side in a hall way

Every student’s first year at Duke begins on East Campus, where they have multiple opportunities to proactively create new connections and friends, develop into a leader within their residential community, and get assistance from a large number of university staff members as they begin their college careers.

East Campus Residence Halls

The goal of the East Campus experience for first-year students is to familiarize students with Duke life, encourage student participation in Duke activities, and provide each student with a strong basis for a successful experience during their time in college.

Academic deans and advisers have offices that are attached to certain houses on East Campus. These offices allow them to collaborate with students in a variety of settings.

In addition, there is a linked Faculty-in-Residence (FiR) in each house. These Faculty-in-Residence are professors who live in the resident halls alongside the students.

Below are some of the halls in East Campus that offer a traditional dormitory experience:


Around the time that Trinity College was transitioning into Duke University, Alspaugh opened for business. When construction of the structure was finally finished in the fall of 1926, it was given the designation of “Dormitory No. 2.”

The building was given its current name in honor of John Wesley Alspaugh (1831-1912), who graduated with a degree from Trinity College in 1855. At the time, the college was situated in Randolph County.


Considered to be one of the oldest Duke freshman dorms on the East campus, Bassett was built in 1925 and inaugurated in 1926, shortly after Trinity College was renamed Duke University. During a time of racial tensions in the South, Professor John Spencer Bassett fought for educational opportunities for Black Americans.

Professor Bassett is finally being recognized for his dedication to academic freedom, even at the expense of his own career. Bassett is one of the “red bricks” found on East Campus’ main quad.


Brown was founded in 1925 and first opened its doors the following year, 1926, not long after Trinity College transformed into Duke University. The original name for this place was “Dormitory No. 5.”

Joseph G. Brown, who earned his degree from Trinity College in 1875 and went on to serve as head of the Board of Trustees for a number of years, is honored with the naming of this structure. In the central quad of East Campus, Brown is one of the “red bricks”.


Giles was founded in 1928, shortly after Trinity College became Duke University. The structure is named after three sisters: Mary, Theresa, and Persis Giles.

The Giles sisters were not permitted to attend Trinity College, but they did participate in the curriculum through private tutoring with Trinity academics. The Board of Trustees eventually decided to award both degrees.

The Giles sisters were Trinity College’s first female undergraduate and graduate students. Giles is one of the “red bricks” that can be seen on East Campus’s main quad.


Pegram was built in 1925 and inaugurated in 1926, shortly after Trinity College was renamed Duke University.

The building is named for Professor William Pegram, a Trinity College graduate who taught a variety of science classes at Duke for 46 years. Pegram is one of the “red bricks” found on East Campus’s main quad.

Pegram has recently undergone renovations. The renovation comprised a whole reconstruction of the restrooms and public spaces, as well as some modest bedroom upgrades.


In 1921, while Duke University was still known as Trinity College, Southgate Hall began operating as a student housing. James H. Southgate, a former member of the Board of Trustees, is honored with the naming of this structure.

In the past, Southgate has served both as an all-identifying women’s building and an all-identifying men’s building at various points in its history. Recently, during the 2018-2019 school year, Southgate had a complete renovation.


Also considered one of the oldest Duke Freshman dorms on the East Campus, Wilson was built in 1925 and first opened its doors in 1927, not long after Trinity College transitioned into what is now known as Duke University.

Mary Grace Wilson, who held a variety of positions at Duke University, including social director, dean of residence, and dean of undergraduate women, is being honored with the naming of this structure.

The building is unique in that it is the only one on East Campus that has suites. One bathroom services a number of bedrooms that are connected to one another via a hallway.

The many suites in this building come in a range of different sizes. In the central quad of the East Campus, where the “red bricks” are placed, Wilson is one of the buildings.

Bonus topic: How are communal spaces in freshman dorms usually maintained?

What kind of upkeep is typically required for the communal areas in freshman dorms like that of Duke freshman dorms? Communal spaces in freshman dorms, such as lounges, kitchens, and bathrooms, are an important aspect of college life. These spaces are where students gather, socialize, and create lasting friendships.

two students moving in to their new dorm room

However, with so many people using these areas, it is important to have proper maintenance and cleaning procedures in place to ensure they remain clean and functional. We will explore how communal spaces in freshman dorms are usually maintained.

Cleaning Services

Most colleges and universities have cleaning services that are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the dorms. These services typically clean the common areas on a regular basis, such as once a week or more often if necessary. They will typically empty trash cans, mop floors, clean bathrooms, and wipe down surfaces in common areas.

However, it is important to note that students are also responsible for keeping these spaces clean on a daily basis. This means that students should clean up after themselves and help keep the communal areas tidy.

Student Assistants

Many dorms also have student assistants, or “RAs” (Resident Assistants), who are responsible for overseeing the maintenance and cleaning of communal spaces. RAs are typically upperclassmen who live in the dorms and are chosen by the university to help new students adjust to college life.

RAs will often organize cleaning schedules and make sure that communal spaces are properly maintained. They may also provide cleaning supplies to students and encourage them to clean up after themselves.

Community Standards

Each dorm will typically have a set of community standards that all residents are expected to follow. These standards usually include guidelines for maintaining the cleanliness of communal spaces.

For example, students may be required to clean up after themselves in the kitchen, dispose of trash properly, and report any maintenance issues to the appropriate staff member.

Community standards also help to foster a sense of responsibility among students. When everyone in the dorm is expected to contribute to the maintenance of communal spaces, it creates a sense of community and helps to build a positive living environment.


Finally, communication is an essential aspect of maintaining communal spaces in freshman dorms. Students, RAs, and cleaning staff must all communicate effectively to ensure that the common areas are properly maintained.

For example, if a bathroom is out of toilet paper, students should inform an RA or cleaning staff member so that the issue can be addressed.

Bonus topic: How do freshman dorms typically handle issues related to health and safety?

How do freshman dorms (e.g., Duke freshman dorms) deal with concerns about students’ health and safety? The safety and health of students are always a top priority for colleges and universities, especially when it comes to housing.

View of a woman talking to a student during an interview.

Freshman dorms typically have policies and procedures in place to handle various health and safety issues that may arise. We will explore how freshman dorms typically handle issues related to health and safety.

Emergency Services

Emergency services are an essential component of any freshman dorm. In case of an emergency, such as a fire or a medical issue, there should be clear protocols in place to ensure that students can quickly and safely evacuate the building.

Most freshman dorms will have regular fire drills to ensure that all students are familiar with emergency procedures.

Additionally, there should be clear instructions on how to contact emergency services such as 911, campus security, or the residence hall staff. Students should also have easy access to first aid kits and defibrillators in case of medical emergencies.

Security Measures

Freshman dorms typically have security measures in place to protect students from potential threats.

These measures may include keycard access to the building and individual rooms, security cameras, and on-site security personnel. Visitors may also be required to check in with the front desk or sign in at the entrance.

It is important for students to be aware of these security measures and to report any suspicious activity to the appropriate staff member. Many dorms also offer safety escorts for students who need to walk across campus late at night.

Health Services

Freshman dorms may also have health services available to students. It may include a health center on-site, mental health counseling services, and resources for students with disabilities. The health center may offer basic medical services such as first aid, vaccinations, and flu shots.

Students should be familiar with the health services available in their dorm and know how to access them if needed.

It is also important for students to inform the residence hall staff if they are experiencing any health issues or concerns.

Cleaning and Sanitation

Cleanliness and sanitation are important for maintaining a healthy living environment in freshman dorms. Many dorms have cleaning services that are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the common areas, such as lounges, kitchens, and bathrooms.

However, it is important for students to clean up after themselves and help keep the communal areas tidy.

AdmissionSight is ready to provide a hand

Duke University offers a variety of housing options for its freshman students, including on-campus residence halls. Duke freshman dorms/residence halls provide students with a supportive and comfortable living environment, where they can focus on their studies and build meaningful relationships with their peers.

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