
Emory University vs Haverford: Which University is Right for You?

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male student smiling to the camera

Emory University vs Haverford: Which University is Right for You?

Choosing the right university to attend can be a daunting decision. You need to consider various factors such as location, academic programs, extracurricular activities, cost of attendance, and more. In this article, we will compare Emory University vs Haverford College, two highly-rated universities, and help you determine which one might be the perfect fit for you.

Location and Campus Features

Emory University is located in Atlanta, Georgia, while Haverford College is located in Haverford, Pennsylvania. Emory’s campus spans over 630 acres and includes beautiful gardens, forests, and a lake. Haverford’s campus, on the other hand, covers 216 acres and features various academic buildings, sports facilities, and dorms.

If you prefer a bustling, urban environment, Emory might be a better fit. However, if you enjoy a quieter, more suburban setting, Haverford might be just what you seek.

Emory University is home to several notable landmarks, including the Michael C. Carlos Museum, which houses over 17,000 works of art and artifacts from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Near East. Additionally, Emory’s Robert W. Woodruff Library is one of the largest private research libraries in the United States, with over 4.5 million volumes.

Haverford College is known for its commitment to sustainability and environmentalism. The college has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, including a solar panel array that provides 12% of the campus’s electricity needs. Haverford also has a student-run organic farm that supplies produce to the campus dining hall and local farmers’ markets.

Emory University vs Haverford: Admissions Criteria

Both Emory University and Haverford College are highly selective. Emory’s acceptance rate is 13%, while Haverford’s acceptance rate is 18%. Both universities accept students from various backgrounds and prioritize diversity in their student body.

Female student smiling at the camera.

However, the admissions criteria for each school differ slightly. Emory University places a strong emphasis on academic achievement, with a median SAT score of 1460 and a median ACT score of 33 for the class of 2023. Haverford College, on the other hand, values a student’s character and personal qualities just as much as their academic record. The college’s Honor Code, which emphasizes trust, concern, and respect, is a central part of campus life and is taken very seriously by students and faculty alike.

Emory University vs Haverford: Academic Programs

Emory University offers over 70 different undergraduate majors and minors, including popular options such as Business, Biology, Psychology, and English. Haverford College, on the other hand, offers fewer majors but places a great emphasis on interdisciplinary studies and research, with a focus on critical thinking and analysis.

If you’re looking for a more traditional, extensive selection of majors and minors, Emory might be a better fit. However, if you’re interested in pursuing a more in-depth, research-oriented education, Haverford could be an excellent choice.

Group of students studying together in the library.

Emory University also offers a variety of joint degree programs, allowing students to earn degrees in two different fields.

On the other hand, Haverford College has a strong commitment to experiential learning. The college offers numerous opportunities for students to engage in hands-on research, internships, and community service projects. These experiences not only enhance students’ academic learning but also prepare them for real-world challenges and opportunities.

Emory University vs Haverford: Student Life

Both Emory University and Haverford College offer various extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations. Emory has over 480 student organizations, including cultural groups, academic clubs, and sports teams. Haverford offers dozens of clubs and organizations, including those focused on social justice, environmental sustainability, and arts.

The social scene at Emory is known to be vibrant and diverse, with a wide range of parties, events, and activities. Haverford, on the other hand, has a more laid-back, intellectual social scene, with many opportunities for discussions and debates.

Group of students looking at their gadgets while sitting on the stairs.

Additionally, Emory University has a strong Greek life presence, with over 30 fraternities and sororities on campus. These organizations offer social events, community service opportunities, and leadership development programs. Haverford, on the other hand, does not have any Greek life organizations, but instead has a strong emphasis on community service and civic engagement.

Furthermore, both schools offer unique opportunities for students to engage in research and academic pursuits outside of the classroom. Emory has several research centers and institutes, including the Emory Vaccine Center and the Center for Ethics. Haverford has a strong tradition of undergraduate research, with many students collaborating with faculty members on research projects and presenting their findings at conferences.

Emory University vs Haverford: Housing Options and Costs

Both Emory and Haverford offer various housing options for their students, including dorms, apartments, and theme houses. The cost of housing at Emory varies depending on the type of accommodation, ranging from around $6,000 to $15,000 per year. At Haverford, the cost of housing is around $9,300 per year, and students are required to live on campus for three years.

Additionally, both Emory and Haverford offer housing accommodations for students with disabilities. Emory has a Disability Services Office that works with students to provide accessible housing options, such as wheelchair-accessible rooms and rooms with visual fire alarms. Haverford also has a Disability Services Office that works with students to provide accommodations, including accessible housing options and support for students with chronic illnesses or mental health conditions.

Emory University vs Haverford: Faculty Profiles

Both Emory University and Haverford College are known for having high-quality, dedicated faculty members. At Emory, over 98% of the faculty members hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, and the faculty-student ratio is 1:9. At Haverford, the faculty-student ratio is 1:9, and the college boasts a 92% retention rate for faculty members.

Additionally, both universities have faculty members who are actively engaged in research and scholarship. Emory University has over 2,000 faculty members, and many of them are leading experts in their respective fields. Haverford College has a smaller faculty, but they are equally dedicated to research and scholarship, with many faculty members publishing articles and books in prestigious academic journals.

Emory University vs Haverford: Research Opportunities and Resources

Emory University is renowned for its research opportunities, with numerous research centers and institutes such as the Emory Vaccine Center, the Center for the Study of Human Health, and the Winship Cancer Institute.

Haverford, too, places a strong emphasis on research, offering various resources and opportunities such as the KINSC (Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center) and the Haverford Innovations Program.

Group of students walking in the stairs.

In addition to the research centers and institutes at Emory University, students also have access to the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library, which provides extensive resources for health sciences research. Emory also offers a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program, which allows students to work on research projects with faculty members during the summer months.

At Haverford, students can take advantage of the Bi-Co Environmental Studies Program, which offers interdisciplinary research opportunities in environmental science and sustainability.

The college also has a dedicated Office of Academic Resources, which provides support and resources for students conducting research, including funding opportunities and guidance on research ethics.

Internship and Career Development Programs: Which School Offers Better Opportunities?

Both Emory and Haverford offer various internship and career development programs, including career centers that provide assistance with job searching, resume writing, and interview preparation. Emory’s career center offers a “Career Network” program that provides students with mentorship and networking opportunities with alumni. Haverford, too, has a robust internship program, with opportunities to complete internships across the globe.

However, Emory’s internship program is more focused on providing students with hands-on experience in their field of study. They have partnerships with various companies and organizations, allowing students to work on real-world projects and gain practical skills. On the other hand, Haverford’s internship program is more diverse, offering opportunities in a wide range of industries and fields.

A female student smiling at the camera.

In addition to internship and career development programs, both schools also offer various extracurricular activities that can enhance students’ resumes and skill sets. Emory has a strong entrepreneurship program, with resources and support for students interested in starting their own businesses. Haverford, on the other hand, has a thriving community service program, with opportunities for students to volunteer and make a positive impact in their local community.

Emory University vs Haverford: Cost of Attendance

The cost of attendance is an essential factor to consider when choosing a university. Emory University’s tuition and fees are $57,948, while Haverford College’s tuition and fees are $63,348. However, both universities offer various merit-based and need-based scholarships and financial aid options to assist students in paying for their education.

Emory University offers several merit-based scholarships, including the Emory Scholars Program, which covers full tuition, fees, and room and board for four years. Additionally, the university offers need-based financial aid, including grants, loans, and work-study programs, to help students cover the cost of attendance.

Haverford College also offers a range of scholarships and financial aid options, including the Haverford Grant, which is awarded based on financial need and covers up to the full cost of attendance. The college also offers work-study programs and low-interest loans to help students finance their education.

Emory University vs Haverford: Alumni Network

Both Emory and Haverford have extensive alumni networks, with graduates working in various fields such as business, academia, government, and more.

Despite the differences in the notable individuals in their alumni networks, both Emory and Haverford have strong and active alumni associations that offer various benefits to their graduates.

Emory’s alumni association provides career services, networking events, and volunteer opportunities, while Haverford’s alumni association offers mentorship programs, regional events, and opportunities to connect with current students.

These alumni associations serve as valuable resources for graduates to stay connected with their alma mater and fellow alumni, and to continue to grow both personally and professionally.

Student Body Diversity and Inclusiveness Compared

Diversity and inclusiveness are essential values for both Emory and Haverford. At Emory, around 26% of the undergraduate student body are international students, and the university has a strong commitment to creating an inclusive environment. Haverford, too, places a great emphasis on diversity, with various student-led initiatives and programs to promote inclusiveness.

One notable difference between the two universities is the racial and ethnic diversity of their student bodies. At Emory, approximately 44% of undergraduate students identify as a race or ethnicity other than white, while at Haverford, this number is around 32%. Both universities have made efforts to increase diversity and inclusiveness, but Emory’s higher percentage of non-white students may indicate a more diverse student body overall.

Emory University vs Haverford: Campus Safety Measures

Both Emory and Haverford prioritize campus safety and have various measures in place to ensure the well-being of their students. Emory has its own university police department, while Haverford has a dedicated team of public safety officers. Both universities also offer various safety resources and programs to inform and educate their students about safety measures.

Emory’s police department is composed of highly trained officers who are equipped to handle a variety of situations. They work closely with other departments on campus to ensure a coordinated response to any safety concerns. Additionally, Emory has implemented a system of emergency blue light phones throughout the campus, which students can use to quickly call for help in case of an emergency.

Haverford’s public safety officers are also highly trained and work closely with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of the campus community. In addition to offering safety resources and programs, Haverford has implemented a system of safety escorts, where students can request an officer to accompany them when walking on campus at night.

Emory University vs Haverford: Athletics Programs

Both Emory and Haverford offer various sports programs and teams for their students. Emory has over 18 varsity teams, including basketball, soccer, swimming, and tennis. Haverford has 23 varsity teams, including cross country, basketball, and lacrosse.

However, Emory also offers a wide range of club sports, such as ultimate frisbee, rugby, and equestrian. These clubs provide opportunities for students who may not have the skill level or time commitment for varsity sports, but still want to participate in a competitive and organized athletic activity.

On the other hand, Haverford has a unique tradition of self-scheduled sports, where students can create their own teams and schedules for sports like soccer, basketball, and volleyball. This allows for a more flexible and student-led approach to athletics, and encourages a sense of community and collaboration among the student body.

Community Service Opportunities at Emory and Haverford

Both Emory and Haverford place a strong emphasis on community service and offer various service opportunities for their students. Emory’s signature program, Volunteer Emory, partners with various Atlanta-based organizations to provide students with meaningful volunteering experiences. Haverford offers various community service programs, including a service trip program, a community service fellowship, and a community action team.

Choosing the right university can have a significant impact on your life and your future career prospects. Hopefully, this article has provided you with in-depth insights into the similarities and differences between Emory University and Haverford College and helped you determine which one might be the perfect fit for you.

At Emory, students can also participate in the Community Building and Social Change Fellowship, which provides funding for students to work on community-based projects during the summer. Additionally, Emory’s Office of Sustainability Initiatives offers service opportunities related to environmental sustainability, such as community gardening and recycling initiatives.

Haverford’s Center for Peace and Global Citizenship offers various service opportunities for students interested in social justice and global issues. Students can participate in the Border Studies Program, which explores issues related to immigration and border policies, or the Haverford House Fellowship, which provides students with a year-long service opportunity in Philadelphia.


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