
Exploring the Computer Engineering Program at Harvard University

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

a male student sitting at a computer chair and looking at the camera

Exploring the Computer Engineering Program at Harvard University

Harvard University’s Computer Engineering program is one of the most prestigious and competitive programs in the country, attracting top students from around the world. The program prepares students for careers in a variety of fields, including software development, hardware design, cybersecurity, and robotics. In this article, we will explore the history, curriculum, faculty, and student life of the Computer Engineering program at Harvard, as well as its research opportunities, job placement, and campus resources.

A Brief History of Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

The Computer Engineering program at Harvard University has a rich history that dates back to the 1940s when the university’s Aiken Computation Laboratory was established. This laboratory was named after its founder, Howard Aiken, who was a pioneer in computer engineering and played a crucial role in the development of the Harvard Mark I computer, one of the first programmable electronic computers. Since then, Harvard has continued to be at the forefront of computer engineering research and education.

Cropped picture of students using computers in a classroom

In the 1960s, Harvard University’s Computer Science Department was established, which further expanded the university’s focus on computer engineering. The department has since grown to become one of the largest and most prestigious computer science programs in the world, with a faculty that includes numerous Turing Award winners and other distinguished researchers. Today, Harvard’s Computer Engineering program offers a wide range of courses and research opportunities, covering topics such as artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and computer systems engineering.

What to Expect from Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

Students who enroll in Harvard’s Computer Engineering program can expect a challenging and rigorous curriculum that covers a broad range of topics in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics. The program focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of computer engineering, with an emphasis on problem-solving and innovation. Students are expected to have a strong foundation in mathematics and computer science before entering the program. They can also expect to work on individual and group projects, participate in research, and have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

In addition to the academic rigor, students in Harvard’s Computer Engineering program can also expect to have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities and resources. The program has a strong community of students and faculty who are passionate about technology and innovation. Students can join clubs and organizations such as the Harvard Computer Society, which hosts events and workshops on topics such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and software development. The program also has partnerships with industry leaders, providing students with opportunities for internships and networking. Overall, students can expect to be part of a dynamic and supportive community that fosters creativity and intellectual growth.

The Curriculum of Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

The Computer Engineering program at Harvard consists of a core curriculum that covers fundamental topics in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics. Courses include programming, algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, circuits, signals and systems, and software engineering. In addition, students can choose from a variety of elective courses in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, computer networks, security, and databases. The program also requires a senior thesis, where students conduct independent research in a chosen area of computer engineering.

Harvard’s Computer Engineering program also offers students the opportunity to participate in research projects with faculty members. These projects cover a wide range of topics, from developing new algorithms for machine learning to designing more efficient computer architectures. Students can gain valuable experience working on cutting-edge research and may even have the opportunity to publish their findings in academic journals.

Furthermore, the program encourages students to participate in internships and co-op programs to gain real-world experience in the field. Harvard has partnerships with a variety of companies and organizations, providing students with opportunities to work on projects in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis. These experiences can help students build their resumes and make valuable connections in the industry.

The Faculty and Professors of Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

The Computer Engineering program at Harvard boasts a world-class faculty that includes experts in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, and other related fields. The faculty is highly involved in research and innovation, and many are renowned scholars and leaders in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom, providing students with a well-rounded education that incorporates current and cutting-edge research.

In addition to their academic achievements, many of the faculty members in Harvard’s Computer Engineering program have also made significant contributions to the industry. They have worked with major tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple, and have been involved in the development of groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and cybersecurity. This real-world experience allows them to bring practical insights and perspectives to their teaching, preparing students for successful careers in the tech industry.

Student Life in the Computer Engineering Program at Harvard University

Students in Harvard’s Computer Engineering program enjoy a vibrant and diverse community, with opportunities to participate in clubs, organizations, and events related to computer engineering and technology. The program also provides support and resources for academic and professional development, including mentoring, advising, and networking opportunities. Students can also take advantage of the many social and cultural events on campus, including concerts, lectures, and sporting events.

a male intern being supported by a female employee

Additionally, the Computer Engineering program at Harvard University offers students access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, including cutting-edge software and hardware. This allows students to gain hands-on experience and develop practical skills that are highly valued in the industry. The program also encourages collaboration and teamwork, with many projects and assignments requiring students to work together to solve complex problems. Overall, the Computer Engineering program at Harvard University provides students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for successful careers in the field.

Research Opportunities in Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

Research is a crucial aspect of the Computer Engineering program at Harvard, and students have access to a wide range of research opportunities both on and off campus. Faculty members are actively involved in cutting-edge research in areas such as machine learning, computer vision, robotics, and cybersecurity, among others. Students can participate in research projects alongside faculty members or as part of research teams. The program also offers funding and support for independent research and summer internships.

One unique aspect of the research opportunities in Harvard’s Computer Engineering program is the chance to collaborate with other departments and schools within the university. For example, students can work with researchers in the Harvard Medical School to develop new technologies for healthcare, or with the Harvard Business School to explore the intersection of technology and entrepreneurship. These interdisciplinary collaborations allow students to gain a broader perspective on the role of computer engineering in various fields and industries.

Internship and Job Placement for Graduates of Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

Graduates of Harvard’s Computer Engineering program are highly sought after by employers in a variety of fields, including technology, finance, healthcare, and government. The program provides students with a strong foundation in computer engineering and problem-solving skills, as well as opportunities to gain practical experience through internships and research projects. Alumni of the program have gone on to work for top companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Goldman Sachs.

Additionally, the program offers a comprehensive internship and job placement service to help graduates find employment opportunities that match their skills and interests. The service includes resume and cover letter reviews, interview preparation, and networking events with potential employers. Many graduates have found success through this service, securing positions at top companies and startups in the tech industry.

Campus Resources and Facilities Available to Computer Engineering Students at Harvard University

Harvard provides a vast array of resources and facilities for its Computer Engineering students, including state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, specialized software, and access to a vast network of libraries and databases. The program also offers access to advising and mentoring services, career services, and academic support services, such as tutoring and study groups.

Additionally, Computer Engineering students at Harvard have the opportunity to participate in research projects and internships, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in their field of study. The program also hosts various events and workshops throughout the year, providing students with opportunities to network with professionals and learn about the latest advancements in the industry.

Furthermore, the program has a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, allowing students to work with peers and faculty from other departments, such as mathematics, physics, and biology. This interdisciplinary approach provides students with a well-rounded education and prepares them for a wide range of career paths in the field of engineering.

Admission Requirements and Application Process for Harvard University’s Computer Engineering Program

Admission to Harvard’s Computer Engineering program is highly competitive and selective. Applicants are required to have a strong foundation in math, physics, and computer science, as well as demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential. The application process requires applicants to submit their academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, and a personal statement. Students can also submit supplementary materials such as portfolios and research papers to strengthen their application.


Beautiful woman reading a letter.

In addition to the academic requirements, the program also values diversity and encourages applicants from underrepresented backgrounds to apply. The program offers various resources and support systems to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Once admitted, students in the program have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, as well as opportunities to participate in research projects and internships with leading tech companies. The program also offers a wide range of courses, allowing students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals.

How the computer engineering program at Harvard has changed over the years.

The Computer Engineering program at Harvard has evolved and expanded over the years, adapting to changing technologies and research interests. The program has incorporated new areas of study, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and data science, and has responded to the growing demand for computer engineers in industry and academia. The program continues to prioritize innovation and problem-solving, while also preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing field.

One notable change in the program has been the increased emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Today’s computer engineers are expected to work closely with experts in fields such as biology, medicine, and environmental science to develop innovative solutions to complex problems. To prepare students for this reality, the program has introduced new courses and research opportunities that encourage collaboration across disciplines. This approach has not only enriched the educational experience for students but has also led to groundbreaking research and real-world applications of computer engineering.

The Role of computer engineering in shaping the Future of technology at Harvard.

Computer Engineering is a critical field for shaping the future of technology at the university. The program plays a crucial role in research and innovation across disciplines, from medical imaging to machine learning. Computer engineers are involved in developing new technologies that have the potential to transform industries and improve people’s lives. Harvard’s Computer Engineering program is at the forefront of this innovation, producing talented graduates who are equipped to tackle the challenges of the future.

One of the key areas where computer engineering is making a significant impact at Harvard is the field of artificial intelligence (AI). With the explosion of data and the need for intelligent systems to process and analyze it, AI has become a critical area of research. Harvard’s Computer Engineering program is actively involved in developing new algorithms and techniques for machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation, and Harvard’s computer engineers are at the forefront of this exciting field.

Pros and cons of studying computer engineering at Harvard.

There are many advantages to studying Computer Engineering at Harvard, including a world-class faculty, excellent facilities and resources, and a challenging and rigorous curriculum. However, the program is highly competitive and demanding, and students are expected to have a strong foundation in math and computer science before entering the program. The program also requires a significant time commitment and may not be suitable for students who are looking for a less intense college experience.

A woman writing an essay on a table.

Another advantage of studying Computer Engineering in the university is the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects and collaborate with leading industry professionals. The program also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including hackathons, coding competitions, and networking events, which can help students build valuable skills and connections in the tech industry. On the downside, the cost of attending Harvard can be prohibitive for some students, and the program’s emphasis on theory and research may not appeal to those who are more interested in practical, hands-on experience.

Alumni success stories from the computer engineering program at Harvard.

The Computer Engineering program at Harvard has produced many successful alumni who have gone on to careers in technology, finance, healthcare, and government. These alumni include entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders who have made significant contributions to their fields. Some notable alumni of the program include former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Microsoft President Brad Smith, and Facebook Vice President of Product Management Sam Lessin.

How to maximize your opportunities while studying computer engineering at Harvard.

If you are considering studying Computer Engineering at Harvard, there are many ways to maximize your opportunities and make the most of your experience. These include taking advantage of research opportunities, participating in clubs and organizations related to technology and computer engineering, networking with alumni and industry professionals, and seeking out mentoring and advising services. It is also important to maintain a strong academic record and take advantage of resources such as tutoring and study groups.

The impact of research done by faculty and students in the computer engineering program at Harvard.

The research conducted by faculty and students in the Computer Engineering program at Harvard has had a significant impact across many fields, ranging from healthcare to finance to environmental science. This research has led to new technologies and innovations that have the potential to improve people’s lives and solve complex problems. Some recent examples of research conducted by the program include the development of machine learning algorithms for analyzing medical images, the creation of new algorithms for cybersecurity, and the development of new materials for nanoscale devices.

Unique features that set the computer engineering program at Harvard apart from other universities.

Harvard’s Computer Engineering program has many unique features that distinguish it from other programs in the country. These include a diverse and talented faculty, a rigorous and challenging curriculum, cutting-edge research opportunities, and access to world-class facilities and resources. The program is also closely integrated with other departments and programs at Harvard, providing students with opportunities to study and collaborate across disciplines. The program’s emphasis on innovation and problem-solving also sets it apart from other programs and prepares students for success in a rapidly changing field.

A student writing in a room in front of her laptop.

Comparing the computer engineering programs at Ivy League universities, with a focus on Harvard.

Harvard is one of several Ivy League universities that offer Computer Engineering programs. Other Ivy League universities with similar programs include Princeton, Columbia, and Cornell. While these programs share many similarities, there are also some differences in curriculum, faculty, and research areas. Harvard’s program is known for its emphasis on innovation and problem-solving, while Cornell’s program is known for its strong focus on computer hardware and design. Princeton’s program emphasizes the theoretical and mathematical foundations of computer engineering, while Columbia’s program focuses on software engineering and security.

Expert opinions on what makes the computer engineering program at Harvard stand out.

Experts in the field of computer engineering recognize Harvard’s program as one of the best in the country. They cite the program’s emphasis on innovation and problem-solving, its talented and diverse faculty, and its cutting-edge research opportunities as key factors that set it apart from other programs. They also recognize the program’s close integration with other departments and programs at Harvard, which provides unique opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and study.

Frequently asked questions about studying computer engineering at Harvard, answered by current students or professors in the program.

Some frequently asked questions about studying Computer Engineering at Harvard include the following:

What kind of jobs can I get with a degree in Computer Engineering from Harvard?

Graduates of Harvard’s Computer Engineering program can pursue careers in a variety of fields, including software development, hardware design, cybersecurity, and robotics. They can also pursue careers in academia and research.

What kind of research can I do as a student in the Computer Engineering program at Harvard?

Students in the program can work on a wide range of research projects, including machine learning, computer vision, robotics, cybersecurity, and data science, among others. They can work alongside faculty members on research projects or as part of research teams.

What kind of resources and facilities are available to Computer Engineering students at Harvard?

Harvard provides a vast array of resources and facilities for its Computer Engineering students, including state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, specialized software, and access to a vast network of libraries and databases. The program also offers access to advising and mentoring services, career services, and academic support services, such as tutoring and study groups.

How competitive is admission to Harvard’s Computer Engineering program?

Admission to the program is highly competitive and selective. Applicants are required to have a strong foundation in math, physics, and computer science, as well as demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential.

What kind of curriculum can I expect in Harvard’s Computer Engineering program?

The program consists of a core curriculum that covers fundamental topics in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics. Courses include programming, algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, circuits, signals and systems, and software engineering. In addition, students can choose from a variety of elective courses in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, computer networks, security, and databases. The program also requires a senior thesis, where students conduct independent research in a chosen area of computer engineering.

Students working with their teacher in the classroom.

What kind of opportunities are available for internships and job placement?

Graduates of the program are highly sought after by employers in a variety of fields, including technology, finance, healthcare, and government. The program provides students with a strong foundation in computer engineering and problem-solving skills, as well as opportunities to gain practical experience through internships and research projects.

Overall, Harvard’s Computer Engineering program is a top-tier program that provides students with a challenging and rigorous education in a rapidly changing field. The program’s emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and research prepares students for success in a variety of careers and sets them on a path to making significant contributions to their fields.

Now that you have an idea about applying for Harvard’s Computer Engineering program, your admissions to that university should be next on your mind. To ensure that you get into Harvard, you can get help with AdmissionSight. With ten years of experience with college admission experts, AdmissionSight can help you get into Harvard. You can talk to our experts today to get an initial consultation.


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