
Exploring The World of Harvard Internship

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

harvard street sign

Exploring The World of Harvard Internship

The Harvard Internship Program, hosted by the world-renowned Harvard University, is a structured, often credit-bearing, opportunity that provides students, graduates, and early-career professionals with a platform to gain practical, hands-on experience in various fields and industries.

Akin to a bridge connecting academic learning and real-world professional experience, the program aims to equip participants with valuable skills, an in-depth understanding of their chosen fields, and experiences that contribute to their personal and career development.

It is designed with several key objectives:

  • To provide a learning environment where interns can apply the theoretical knowledge gained from their studies into practice;
  • To offer interns a chance to gain a deeper understanding of their chosen industry, the professional landscape, and its potential challenges;
  • To allow participants to build a network of professional contacts, thereby opening avenues for future employment opportunities; and
  • To foster personal growth and development, the program emphasizes teamwork, leadership, and effective communication, instilling confidence, independence, and adaptability among its interns.

Types of Harvard Internships

Academic internships

Academic internships at Harvard University are an integral part of the educational experience, allowing students to delve deeper into their chosen fields outside the traditional classroom setting. These internships are typically aligned with a student’s major or field of interest, offering real-world exposure and practical application of academic theory.

Harvard University

Students are placed within organizations – from non-profits to businesses to government agencies – working on projects or tasks that complement their academic learning. These hands-on experiences allow students to better understand their academic field, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Furthermore, academic internships often carry course credit, making them a valuable component of a student’s academic progression. They encourage critical thinking, innovation, and problem-solving, skills that are essential for future career success.

Research internships

Research internships at Harvard University serve as a conduit for students to engage deeply in exploring and investigating a specific subject area under the mentorship of experienced scholars and professionals.

This kind of Harvard Internship allows students to contribute to ongoing research projects or initiate their studies, across a wide array of disciplines such as natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, medical sciences, and humanities, among others.

These opportunities foster critical thinking and analytic skills as interns are actively involved in problem-solving, data analysis, and interpretation of research results. It also allows students to gain firsthand experience in scientific methodology, research design, and academic writing – skills indispensable in their academic and professional journeys.

Moreover, these internships often pave the way for publication opportunities, significantly boosting the academic profiles of the students involved.

Business and Entrepreneurship internships

Business and Entrepreneurship internships at Harvard University are designed to immerse students in the dynamic world of business operations, strategy, and innovation. These internships offer students the chance to work within various organizations, from established multinational corporations to early-stage startups, allowing them to comprehensively understand various aspects of a business.

Interns from this Harvard Internship program might be involved in market research, financial analysis, product development, strategic planning, and more tasks. For those interested in entrepreneurship, internships can provide valuable insight into the intricacies of starting and managing a business, including product ideation, business plan development, fundraising, and scaling operations.

These experiences help students cultivate essential skills such as leadership, strategic thinking, financial acumen, and resilience. Importantly, they also provide a platform for students to apply theoretical business concepts learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios, enriching their academic and professional journeys.

Health-related internships

Health-related internships at Harvard University provide a robust platform for students interested in the broad and multifaceted healthcare field. These internships span various subfields, including clinical practice, public health, healthcare administration, biomedical research, mental health, and more.

Interns may work in various settings, such as hospitals, clinics, research laboratories, public health agencies, or non-profit organizations, in tasks like patient care, medical research, health policy analysis, community health projects, and administrative duties. These internships offer valuable insights into the complexities of healthcare systems and equip students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a successful career in the health sector.

two female students in a research convention

They also instill a sense of empathy, ethics, and professionalism, integral to any healthcare profession, while helping students make informed decisions about their career paths in this vital and rewarding field.

Law and Public Policy internships

Law and Public Policy internships at Harvard University provide students with a platform to delve into the intricate systems of legal and policy-making structures. This kind of Harvard Internship often places students in legal firms, government agencies, non-profit organizations, or think tanks where they assist with legal research, drafting policy papers, legislative analysis, or public advocacy tasks.

Such experiences enable students to understand the practical application of legal principles and public policy theories they have learned in the classroom. They can witness firsthand the implications of laws and policies on society, enhancing their critical thinking, negotiation, and communication skills.

Furthermore, these internships expose students to the professional legal and policy environment, helping them to establish a network of professionals, which can be instrumental in their future career development.

Media and Communication internships

Media and Communication internships at Harvard University allow students to immerse themselves in the fast-paced, dynamic world of media, journalism, public relations, and digital communications. These internships can place students in diverse settings, including newsrooms, broadcasting companies, advertising agencies, digital media firms, or public relations departments of organizations.

Interns may engage in content creation, news reporting, social media management, marketing campaign development, or corporate communication strategies. These experiences allow students to apply theoretical concepts learned in classrooms to real-world situations, sharpening their written and verbal communication skills, creativity, and adaptability.

Interns also get a unique perspective on the ever-evolving media landscape, the power of effective storytelling, and the impact of media on society. These internships not only refine interns’ professional skills but also broaden their understanding of potential career paths in the media and communication industry.

International internships

International internships at Harvard University allow students to gain global exposure and engage with diverse cultures, practices, and perspectives. These programs place students in organizations worldwide across various fields such as business, healthcare, research, public policy, arts, and more.

Through such immersive experiences, students gain practical professional skills and develop cultural competence, global awareness, and adaptability – highly sought-after attributes in today’s interconnected world. Interns may work on projects that address global challenges or contribute to international business strategies, providing them with a broader worldview and enriching their academic and personal growth.

These international experiences often lead to significant personal development, fostering independence, resilience, and a more nuanced understanding of global affairs. By stepping out of their comfort zones, students can explore new environments, build an international network, and gain a competitive edge in the global job market.

Harvard Internship Application Process

Eligibility requirements

The eligibility requirements for the Harvard Internship Program vary depending on the type of internship and the specific department offering it. Generally, the program is open to Harvard University students, both undergraduates, and graduates, with good academic standing.

students wearing their graduation and throwing their graduation cap unto the air

Some internships may require students to be in a certain year of study or pursue a specific major. Previous experience or coursework in the relevant field may be required for research internships. Language proficiency in the host country’s language might be a prerequisite for international internships.

All applicants typically need to demonstrate a genuine interest in the field of the internship, possess good communication and interpersonal skills, and have the ability to work effectively in a professional setting. It’s important for prospective applicants to thoroughly review the specific requirements for each internship to ensure they meet all the eligibility criteria.

Application deadlines

The application deadlines for the program are typically staggered throughout the academic year and depend on the specific internship and department. For most summer internships, application deadlines generally fall in the late winter or early spring, usually between January and March. For semester-long internships, applications might be due several months before the start of the respective semester.

Certain high-demand or competitive internships may have earlier deadlines. Some programs may also offer rolling admissions, reviewing Harvard internship applications as they arrive until all spots are filled. Prospective applicants must check the specific deadlines for each internship they are interested in to ensure they submit their applications on time. It’s also a good practice to apply as early as possible, given the competitive nature of these internships.

Documents required for application

The application for the Harvard Internship Program typically requires several key documents to evaluate a candidate’s suitability for the internship. These usually include a resume or CV outlining the applicant’s educational background, work experience, skills, and accomplishments. An application form may also need to be filled out, providing details such as personal information, academic performance, and the specific internship being applied for.

Often, a cover letter is required, allowing applicants to express their interest in the internship, explain why they are a good fit, and discuss what they hope to gain from the experience. Letters of recommendation from professors or previous employers can also be part of the application, providing a third-party assessment of the applicant’s capabilities and potential.

A writing sample or portfolio may be requested for some internships, especially those in research or specific technical fields. Lastly, official or unofficial transcripts are commonly required to verify academic standing and coursework. Students need to check the specific document requirements for each internship, which can vary.

Interview process

The interview process for the program serves as an opportunity for the program coordinators to assess a candidate’s suitability for the role and for applicants to express their interest and gain a better understanding of the internship.

Once the application documents have been reviewed, selected candidates are typically invited for one or more interviews, which could be conducted in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing, depending on the nature of the internship and the applicant’s location. The interview often encompasses questions about the applicant’s educational background, experiences, skills, and career aspirations, as well as their understanding of the internship role and how they intend to benefit from it.

In some cases, especially for research or technical internships, questions or tasks may be related to the specific field of work. It’s also an opportunity for applicants to ask their own questions about the program. Following the interview, candidates are usually notified of the outcome within a specified timeframe.

Harvard Internship Structure and Duration

Timeline of internships (summer, semester, year-long)

The Harvard Internship Program offers internships with various durations to accommodate different academic schedules and internship objectives. Summer internships are the most common, typically taking place over 8-12 weeks during the summer break between late May and early August. These full-time internships allow students to dedicate themselves fully to the internship experience without academic distractions.

a male computer science intern working on a computer

On the other hand, semester-long internships usually occur in the fall (September-December) or spring (January-May) semesters. These internships might be part-time, allowing students to balance their academic coursework and internship commitments. Some internships may extend an entire academic year, providing a more in-depth experience.

These year-long internships may be part-time during the academic year and full-time during the summer. Regardless of the timeline, each internship aims to provide students with substantial exposure to their field of interest and ample opportunities for learning and development.

Full-time vs part-time internships

The Harvard Internship Structure offers both full-time and part-time internships designed to fit students’ varying schedules and commitments. Full-time internships typically require students to work approximately 35-40 hours per week, resembling a traditional work week. These internships are usually offered during the summer break or other university vacation periods, allowing students to fully immerse themselves in the internship experience without competing coursework demands.

Part-time internships, on the other hand, involve fewer hours per week, often ranging between 10-20 hours. These internships are commonly offered during the academic semester, enabling students to balance their internship commitments and academic responsibilities.

Both types of internships offer valuable professional exposure and learning experiences, with the choice between full-time and part-time depending largely on the student’s academic schedule, the requirements of the internship, and the student’s individual preferences and capacity.

Remote vs on-campus internships

The Harvard Internship Program offers remote and on-campus internships, catering to different learning environments and student needs. On-campus internships allow students to work in a physical setting, often in Harvard’s facilities or with organizations in the local community. These internships offer a traditional experience, where interns can interact directly with their colleagues and supervisors, attend in-person meetings and events, and gain hands-on experience.

On the other hand, remote internships allow students to work from anywhere, offering flexibility regarding location. These internships have become more prevalent due to advancements in digital technology and work trends, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remote internships rely heavily on virtual communication tools and can provide opportunities with organizations beyond geographical boundaries. Both remote and on-campus internships provide valuable experience and skill development, with the choice between them depending on factors such as the nature of the work, the location of the student, and personal preferences.

Harvard Intern Funding and Support

Scholarship and grants available

Various scholarships and grants are available to students participating in the Harvard Internship Program to help offset the costs associated with internships, particularly those that are unpaid or low-paid. These financial supports can help cover travel, accommodation, and living costs. For example, the Office of Career Services at Harvard University offers various funding opportunities for summer internships.

Similarly, some individual departments or centers at Harvard may have their funding available for students undertaking internships in specific fields. There are also external scholarships and grants that students can apply for.

Students need to research these opportunities well before their internships, as application deadlines can often be several months before the start of the internship. Moreover, students should be aware that receiving such funding often comes with additional responsibilities, such as reporting requirements or presentations upon completion of the internship.

Financial Aid

Financial aid at Harvard University can play a crucial role in supporting students who wish to participate in the Internship Program but are financially constrained. In some cases, financial aid packages can be adjusted to accommodate the costs associated with an internship, particularly for unpaid internships or providing a low stipend. This aid can help cover travel, accommodation, or living expenses.

male student in library posing for the camera

Students may also be eligible for work-study awards, where a portion of their internship earnings are subsidized through financial aid. Additionally, specific financial aid programs are designed to support students undertaking internships, such as the Harvard Financial Aid Initiative.

Students need to discuss their plans with the Financial Aid Office to understand how participating in an internship may affect their financial aid status and to explore their options. As with scholarships and grants, applying for these financial aid opportunities requires careful planning and adherence to specific deadlines.

Stipends and compensation

Stipends and compensation for internships through the Harvard Internship Program can vary widely depending on the nature of the internship, the host organization, and the internship duration. Some internships are paid, offering regular wages or a lump sum stipend to Harvard Interns for the duration of their work. The amount can depend on the industry standard, the nature and complexity of the work, and the organization’s resources.

On the other hand, some internships, particularly those in the non-profit sector or research, might be unpaid due to budget constraints of the host organization. In these cases, students may be eligible for scholarships, grants, or financial aid to support their participation in the internship.

Regardless of the pay, all internships aim to provide valuable work experience, skills development, and professional networking opportunities. Students must clarify the stipend or compensation details before accepting an internship offer to ensure it meets their expectations and needs.

Housing and accommodation support

Housing and accommodation support for students participating in the program depends on the nature and location of the internship. For on-campus or local internships, students often stay in their existing housing arrangements, whether on-campus dormitories or off-campus housing.

View of a woman using a laptop.

For internships away from the university or in another city or country, the host organization or Harvard University may assist with housing or offer resources to help students find suitable accommodation. This can range from providing university-owned housing, arranging homestays, giving access to a network of past interns or other contacts for housing advice, or offering financial assistance to offset accommodation costs.

Some Harvard Internship programs may collaborate with other universities or organizations to provide affordable housing options. Students need to research their housing options thoroughly, considering factors such as cost, location, and living conditions, and to arrange their accommodations well before the start of their internship.

Now that you have an idea about Harvard University, your college admissions into that university should be next in your mind. To ensure that you get in Harvard, you can get help with AdmissionSight. With ten years of experience with college admission experts, AdmissionSight can help you get into Harvard University. You can talk to our experts today to get an initial consultation.


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