
Georgia Tech Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Georgia Tech Acceptance Rate: Admissions Statistics

In Atlanta, Georgia Tech is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. Students worldwide aspire to be a part of this renowned institution, but getting accepted into Georgia Tech is no easy feat. With Georgia Tech’s acceptance rate of just 16%, the competition is fierce, and applicants must possess exceptional academic credentials and a strong passion for their chosen field of study.

Signage of Georgia Tech's name and logo at the entrance of the campus.

What is Georgia Tech’s Acceptance Rate?

Georgia Tech’s acceptance rate is a mere 16%, making it a highly competitive institution. Thousands of students apply to Georgia Tech annually, but only a tiny percentage are offered admission. The university takes pride in selecting students who excel academically and demonstrate a genuine passion for their desired study area.

When it comes to the admissions process at Georgia Tech, several factors are taken into consideration. While academic performance is undoubtedly important, the university values extracurricular involvement, leadership potential, and unique talents or experiences that an applicant may bring to the campus community.

One of the reasons why Georgia Tech’s acceptance rate is so low is its reputation as a leading institution in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). As a result, many students with a strong interest in these areas choose to apply to Georgia Tech, making the applicant pool highly competitive.

Furthermore, Georgia Tech’s commitment to research and innovation attracts students who are not only academically driven but also eager to make a meaningful impact in their respective fields. The university provides numerous opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge research projects, collaborate with faculty members, and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries.

Another aspect contributing to Georgia Tech’s low acceptance rate is its dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus community. The university actively seeks to enroll students from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, as it believes that a diverse student body enhances the overall educational experience for everyone.

Georgia Tech also takes pride in its strong alumni network, which spans globally. Graduates from the university have gone on to achieve great success in their careers, making significant contributions to industries ranging from engineering and technology to business and healthcare. This network of accomplished alumni is a testament to the quality of education at Georgia Tech and provides current students with valuable connections and opportunities.

Overall, Georgia Tech’s acceptance rate of 16% reflects the university’s commitment to selecting students with exceptional academic abilities and a genuine passion for learning and making a difference in the world. The rigorous admissions process ensures that those admitted to Georgia Tech are well-prepared to thrive in their chosen fields and contribute to the university’s legacy of excellence.

Georgia Tech Early Action and Early Decision Acceptance Rates

Georgia Tech offers both Early Action (EA) and Early Action 2 programs. Early Action 1 is specifically reserved for Georgia students, including Georgia residents attending high school out of state. Early Action 2 is for non-Georgia students and includes both international and out-of-state students.

For the Class of 2027, Georgia Tech’s Early Action 1 (EA 1) program, which is reserved specifically for Georgia residents, had an acceptance rate of 40%. This program admitted 2,577 applicants from a total of nearly 6,437 applications. The Early Action 2 (EA 2) program, open to non-Georgia residents, had an acceptance rate of 10%.

The Early Action (EA) acceptance rates for Georgia Tech for the last five years are as follows:

Class EA 1 EA2
2027 40% 10%%
2026 no data 10%
2025 no data 10%
2024 39.6% no data
2023 40% 10%

Trends in Georgia Tech’s Acceptance Rates

Georgia Tech is known for its vital programs in engineering, computer science, and other STEM fields. Over the years, Georgia Tech’s acceptance rates have experienced fluctuations, reflecting the university’s evolving landscape.

Georgia Tech’s acceptance rate currently stands at 16%, making it a highly competitive institution. This low acceptance rate is a testament to the university’s rigorous academic standards and the exceptional quality of its applicant pool. As the number of applicants has steadily increased, the competition for admission has become even more intense.

Year Applicants Admittees Acceptance Rate
2022-2023 52,354 8,376 16.00%
2021-2022 50,601 8,602 17.00%
2020-2021 36,936 6,720 18%
2019-2020 not mentioned not mentioned 20.00%
2018-2019 not mentioned not mentioned 18%

One of the factors contributing to the rise in applications and the competitive acceptance rate is Georgia Tech’s growing reputation. The university has consistently ranked among the top engineering schools in the United States, attracting students nationwide and worldwide. Its cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art facilities, and renowned faculty members contributed to its appeal.

Furthermore, Georgia Tech’s strong ties to industry and its emphasis on experiential learning have made it an attractive choice for aspiring engineers and scientists. The university’s proximity to numerous tech companies and startups in Atlanta provides students with unique opportunities for internships, co-op programs, and hands-on learning experiences.

Another factor contributing to Georgia Tech’s popularity is its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The university actively seeks to enroll students from various backgrounds, fostering a vibrant and inclusive academic community. This commitment is reflected in the university’s holistic admissions process, which considers academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, leadership potential, and personal experiences.

Despite the competitive nature of Georgia Tech’s acceptance rates, the university remains dedicated to providing a high-quality education to all its students. It offers various academic programs, including undergraduate majors, graduate degrees, and research opportunities. Students at Georgia Tech have access to world-class faculty, cutting-edge research facilities, and a supportive network of peers.

SAT/ACT Scores for Georgia Tech Admits

The average ACT score for admitted students at Georgia Tech is 33, and the average SAT score is 1465. The 25th percentile ACT score is 31, and the 75th percentile is 35. For the SAT, the 25th percentile score is 1390, and the 75th percentile is 1540. The university also considers the high school GPA of applicants, with the average GPA for admitted students being 4.07.

What is Georgia Tech looking for?

When it comes to admissions, Georgia Tech takes a holistic approach. The university understands that high test scores and impressive grades are not the sole indicators of a student’s potential for success. While academic achievements are significant, Georgia Tech also values other qualities that make a well-rounded individual.

  1. Holistic Admissions Philosophy:
    • Georgia Tech adopts a holistic approach to admissions, recognizing that test scores and grades are not the sole indicators of a student’s potential. The university values a comprehensive set of qualities contribute to a well-rounded individual.
  2. Passion for Chosen Field:
    • Georgia Tech seeks applicants with a genuine passion for their chosen field. Whether in computer science, engineering, or any discipline, the university values individuals with enthusiasm and a burning desire to engage deeply with their subject matter, aiming to make a meaningful impact.
  3. Emphasis on Innovation:
    • Known for emphasizing innovation, Georgia Tech looks for students who demonstrate a drive to push boundaries and think creatively. The university values individuals who are unafraid to challenge the status quo, fostering an environment where groundbreaking technologies and creative solutions are actively pursued.
  4. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:
    • Georgia Tech places importance on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The university seeks students capable of analyzing complex issues, breaking them down, and proposing practical solutions. Recognizing the significance of these skills across disciplines, Georgia Tech actively seeks individuals with strong analytical abilities.
  5. Extracurricular Involvement:
    • Beyond academic accomplishments, Georgia Tech values extracurricular involvement. The university looks for students who actively pursue their interests outside the classroom, contributing positively to their communities. Whether through sports, community service, research, or the arts, Georgia Tech encourages applicants to showcase their unique experiences and achievements.
  6. Life Skills Development:
    • Involvement in extracurricular activities is seen as instrumental in developing essential life skills such as teamwork and leadership. Georgia Tech believes these experiences contribute to personal growth and add depth and diversity to the university’s vibrant campus community.
  7. Beyond High Achievers:
    • Georgia Tech goes beyond looking for high achievers on paper in the admissions process. The university seeks individuals who excel academically and bring a genuine passion for learning, innovative thinking, critical problem-solving abilities, and a demonstrated commitment to extracurricular engagement. Georgia Tech aims to build a dynamic community where each student contributes to the university’s unique and special character.

In admissions, Georgia Tech is not just looking for high achievers on paper; Georgia Tech’s acceptance rates are a clear sign. The university seeks individuals with a genuine passion for their chosen field, a drive for innovation, the ability to think critically and solve complex problems, and a track record of extracurricular involvement. Georgia Tech wants students who excel academically and contribute to the vibrant and dynamic community that makes the university unique.

Where are Georgia Tech applicants from?

Georgia Tech applicants come from diverse geographic backgrounds. For instance, in the 2022 admission cycle, 50,601 students applied to Georgia Tech’s first-year class, with admitted students hailing from 102 nations, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. 

In the 2023 admission cycle, 52,354 students applied to become part of the first-year class at Georgia Tech. The admitted students came from 103 countries, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Additionally, in the 2023 admission cycle, 67% of Georgia students were admitted to the summer or fall term or allowed to earn a Tech degree through a transfer pathway after attending another school. The university’s commitment to expanding access to students from various backgrounds is evident in its efforts to enroll a first-year class of approximately 3,750 students, representing a record high for the Institute.

Concentrated african american woman doing paperwork, sitting in modern office on conference.

How hard is it to get into Georgia Tech?

Given the competitive nature of Georgia Tech’s competitive acceptance rates and admissions process, it is undeniably challenging to gain acceptance. The university receives applications from highly qualified students worldwide, making the selection process extremely rigorous.

However, prospective students should not be discouraged by the difficulty. Georgia Tech values passion, innovation, and a commitment to academic excellence. By presenting a well-rounded application that highlights personal achievements, skills, and ambitions, applicants can enhance their chances of being accepted into this prestigious institution.

While the acceptance rate may seem daunting, it is essential to remember that Georgia Tech seeks individuals who can contribute to the university’s vibrant community and make a positive impact in their respective fields. So, don’t be deterred by the numbers; let your achievements and passion shine brightly in your application to Georgia Tech.

Georgia Tech’s reputation as a leading technological institute attracts students from various backgrounds and disciplines. The university offers various programs and majors, including engineering, computer science, business, and the sciences. This diversity fosters a dynamic learning environment where students can collaborate and explore interdisciplinary opportunities.

Moreover, Georgia Tech’s faculty comprises renowned experts and researchers at the forefront of their fields. The university’s commitment to cutting-edge research and innovation provides students with unique opportunities to engage in groundbreaking projects and contribute to advancements in their respective disciplines.

Georgia Tech offers a vibrant campus life outside of academics with numerous extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations. From sports teams to cultural clubs, there is something for everyone to get involved in and pursue their passions beyond the classroom. These experiences not only enrich students’ personal lives but also develop valuable leadership and teamwork skills.

Regarding resources, Georgia Tech provides state-of-the-art facilities, including research labs, libraries, and collaborative spaces. Students can access advanced technology, equipment, and resources that support their academic pursuits and facilitate hands-on learning experiences.

Furthermore, Georgia Tech’s location in Atlanta, a thriving metropolitan city, offers students many opportunities for internships, networking, and cultural experiences. The city’s vibrant tech industry, diverse arts scene, and rich history provide a stimulating backdrop for students to explore and grow.

Georgia Tech Popular Programs

Georgia Tech offers a diverse range of programs that cater to various academic interests and career aspirations. Some of the most popular programs at Georgia Tech include:

  1. Computer Science:
    • With a strong emphasis on technology and innovation, Georgia Tech’s Computer Science program attracts students interested in programming, artificial intelligence, and software development.
  2. Mechanical Engineering:
    • The Mechanical Engineering program is famous for students fascinated by the design and analysis of mechanical systems, including machinery, robotics, and thermal systems.
  3. Electrical Engineering:
    • Georgia Tech’s Electrical Engineering program is renowned for its focus on electrical systems, electronics, and telecommunications, attracting students interested in cutting-edge technologies.
  4. Civil Engineering:
    • The Civil Engineering program addresses the design and construction of infrastructure, such as buildings, bridges, and transportation systems, making it a popular choice for aspiring civil engineers.
  5. Industrial Engineering:
    • Georgia Tech’s Industrial Engineering program is popular among students interested in optimizing complex systems and processes to improve efficiency and productivity.
  6. Business Administration:
    • The Business Administration program at the Scheller College of Business is a popular choice for students pursuing careers in business, finance, and management.
  7. Computer Engineering:
    • Combining computer science and electrical engineering aspects, the Computer Engineering program attracts students interested in hardware and software integration.
  8. Biomedical Engineering:
    • Georgia Tech’s Biomedical Engineering program is popular for those passionate about applying engineering principles to medicine and healthcare.
  9. Aerospace Engineering:
    • Students interested in the design and development of aircraft and spacecraft often choose the Aerospace Engineering program for its cutting-edge curriculum.
  10. Chemical Engineering:
    • The Chemical Engineering program at Georgia Tech is popular among students interested in the processes involved in chemical manufacturing and the development of new materials.
  11. Materials Science and Engineering:
    • This program focuses on the study and development of materials, attracting students interested in the properties and applications of various materials.
  12. Environmental Engineering:
    • The Environmental Engineering program addresses environmental sustainability challenges and attracts students who are passionate about creating solutions for a greener future.

These programs showcase Georgia Tech’s commitment to providing students with a comprehensive science, engineering, business, and technology education, preparing them for successful careers in their chosen fields.

How to know which major is for you

Choosing a major can be a significant decision that impacts your academic and career path. Here are some steps to help you determine which major is the right fit for you:

  1. Self-Reflection:
    • Reflect on your interests, passions, and hobbies. Consider what subjects you enjoy studying and find intellectually stimulating. Think about activities that make you lose track of time or topics you enjoy discussing with others.
  2. Strengths and Skills:
    • Identify your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? Your strengths and skills can guide you toward majors that align with your abilities and talents.
  3. Career Exploration:
    • Explore potential careers associated with different majors. Research job prospects, industries, and the skills required for various professions. Consider talking to professionals in fields you find interesting.
  4. Take Introductory Courses:
    • Enroll in introductory courses in different disciplines. Many universities allow students to explore a variety of subjects before declaring a major. Intro courses can provide a taste of what each major entails.
  5. Talk to Academic Advisors:
    • Schedule meetings with academic advisors or career counselors. They can provide guidance, discuss your academic interests, and help you explore majors that align with your goals.
  6. Networking and Informational Interviews:
    • Connect with professionals in different fields through networking events or informational interviews. Gain insights into their career paths, daily responsibilities, and the educational background required for their roles.
  7. Internships and Volunteering:
    • Participate in internships or volunteer opportunities related to different fields. Practical experience can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day aspects of various professions.
  8. Consider Interdisciplinary Options:
    • Explore interdisciplinary majors that combine multiple fields of study. These programs may allow you to integrate your interests and pursue a unique academic path.
  9. Evaluate Coursework and Requirements:
    • Review the coursework and requirements for potential majors. Consider whether the classes are engaging and whether the major aligns with your long-term goals.
  10. Seek Guidance from Mentors:
    • Seek advice from mentors, teachers, or professionals in your network. They may share their experiences, offer insights, and provide valuable advice on choosing a major.
  11. Personal Values and Goals:
    • Consider your values and long-term goals. What kind of impact do you want to make in your career? Choose a major that aligns with your values and contributes to your life goals.
  12. Be Open to Change:
    • Keep in mind that it’s okay to change majors. Your interests and goals may evolve as you gain exposure to different subjects and experiences.

It’s essential for prospective students to explore the complete list of majors offered at Georgia Tech and consider their personal interests and career goals when choosing a major. Additionally, students often have the flexibility to pursue interdisciplinary studies and customize their academic paths.

Female student eating in front of a laptop.

How will I know if Georgia Tech is for me?

Determining if Georgia Tech is the right fit for you involves considering various factors related to your academic and personal preferences. Here are some key aspects to help you assess if Georgia Tech aligns with your goals and interests:

  1. Academic Programs:
    • Evaluate the academic programs offered at Georgia Tech. It could be a good fit if the university provides programs aligned with your career goals and academic interests.
  2. Research Opportunities:
    • If you are interested in cutting-edge research, Georgia Tech’s emphasis on innovation and research-oriented programs might be appealing.
  3. Technology and Innovation:
    • Consider if you are drawn to a campus culture prioritizing technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Georgia Tech’s focus on these areas may be a good fit if you are passionate about driving technological advancements.
  4. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Explore the extracurricular activities available, including clubs, sports, and organizations. If there are opportunities aligned with your interests, it can enhance your overall college experience.
  5. Community and Diversity:
    • Assess the campus community and diversity. If you value a diverse and inclusive environment, Georgia Tech’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community may align with your preferences.
  6. Location:
    • Consider the location of the campus. Georgia Tech’s Atlanta location may be suitable if you appreciate being in an urban environment with access to industry connections and cultural opportunities.
  7. Career Services:
    • Explore the career services and internship opportunities provided by Georgia Tech. If the university has strong connections with industry partners and offers robust career support, it can enhance your professional development.
  8. Facilities and Resources:
    • Evaluate the campus facilities and resources. If Georgia Tech provides state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and other resources necessary for your studies, it may align with your academic expectations.
  9. Class Size and Teaching Approach:
    • Consider your preference for class sizes and teaching styles. Georgia Tech’s model may be suitable if you thrive in a large university setting with a research-oriented approach to teaching.
  10. Admissions Criteria:
    • Review the admissions criteria to understand if your academic achievements and personal qualities align with the university’s expectations.
  11. Alumni Success:
    • Look into the success stories of Georgia Tech alumni. If graduates’ achievements resonate with your aspirations, it could indicate the university’s ability to prepare students for successful careers.
  12. Financial Considerations:
    • Assess the financial aspects, including tuition, scholarships, and available financial aid. Ensure that the financial aspects align with your budget and expectations.

Visiting the campus, attending information sessions, and speaking with current students or alumni can also provide valuable insights into whether Georgia Tech fits you.

Georgia Tech Admission Requirements

Georgia Tech’s admission requirements vary based on the program and degree level. However, here are some general guidelines for undergraduate admission:

  1. Academic Criteria:
    • Strong academic performance is crucial. Georgia Tech seeks applicants with a challenging high school curriculum, including honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or dual enrollment courses.
  2. GPA:
    • A competitive high school GPA is typically required. The average admitted student often has a GPA above 4.0 on an unweighted scale.
  3. Standardized Tests:
    • While Georgia Tech considers applications holistically, standardized test scores, such as SAT or ACT, are part of the evaluation process. Strong scores in the math and science sections are particularly important for STEM programs.
  4. Recommendation Letters:
    • Submit letters of recommendation from teachers who can speak to your academic abilities, character, and potential for success.
  5. Extracurricular Activities:
    • Showcase your involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, and any unique experiences. Georgia Tech values well-rounded individuals.
  6. Essays:
    • Craft compelling essays that provide insights into your character, experiences, and aspirations. The essays are an opportunity to showcase your writing skills and personality.
  7. Portfolio (if applicable):
    • Some programs, particularly in the arts and design, may require a portfolio showcasing your work.

It’s essential to check the specific admission requirements for the program you are interested in, as certain programs may have additional criteria or specific prerequisites. Admissions decisions at Georgia Tech are competitive, and the university considers a holistic view of each applicant, taking into account academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal qualities. Always refer to the official Georgia Tech admissions website or contact the admissions office for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Georgia Tech’s Interview Process

Georgia Tech’s interview process for college admissions is typically conducted remotely and is described as exceptionally informal and relaxed. The interview is scheduled with an admissions officer based on character, personality, and career path questions.

The university aims to provide a fair and consistent interview experience, and the process is part of Georgia Tech’s holistic approach to evaluating applicants, which also considers factors such as academic performance, extracurricular activities, and test scores.

Key Application Deadlines for Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech has several application deadlines for different admission plans and programs. The Regular Decision application deadline for first-year students is January 4th, 2024. Georgia Tech also offers Early Action, with an application deadline of October 16th for Georgia students and November 1st for non-Georgia students.

The university admits students for both the Summer and Fall Academic Terms, and all applicants are considered for both terms. For transfer students, the application deadline for the Fall Semester is March 1st, while the deadline for the Spring Semester is September 15th. The application deadline for the OMSCS program is August 15th for Spring matriculation and March 15th for Fall enrollment. It is important to note that all deadlines are at 11:59 p.m. local time.

Young man using a laptop in a table.

Tuition Costs at Georgia Tech for 2023-2024

The tuition costs at Georgia Tech for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

  • In-state tuition and fees: $11,764
  • Out-of-state tuition and fees: $32,876

The net price, which includes the average cost of the university after aid and scholarship funds are discounted, is as follows:

  • In-state students: $15,454
  • Out-of-state students: $35,578

Please note that these figures are subject to change, and it is essential to consider the total cost, including room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses when comparing the costs of different institutions.

Several factors come into play when considering tuition costs at Georgia Tech. Here are key considerations:

  1. Residency Status:
    • In-state residents typically pay lower tuition than out-of-state or international students. Your residency status can significantly impact your tuition costs.
  2. Degree Level:
    • Tuition varies based on the degree level (undergraduate, graduate, professional). Different programs may have different tuition structures.
  3. Program of Study:
    • Some programs, especially those in specialized fields or professional schools, may have different tuition rates. Consider the specific program you are interested in.
  4. Credit Hours:
    • Tuition is often calculated on a per-credit-hour basis. The number of credit hours you take in a semester affects your overall tuition costs.
  5. Additional Fees:
    • Beyond tuition, consider additional fees such as technology fees, student activity fees, and health insurance. These fees can contribute to the overall cost of attendance.
  6. Housing and Meal Plans:
    • If you plan to live on campus, housing and meal plan costs are additional factors. These expenses can vary based on your housing choice and dining preferences.
  7. Financial Aid and Scholarships:
    • Explore available financial aid options, including grants, scholarships, and work-study opportunities. Georgia Tech offers various financial aid programs to assist students.
  8. Graduate Assistantships:
    • Graduate students may be able to offset tuition costs through research or teaching assistantships. These positions often include a stipend and tuition waiver.
  9. Cooperative Education (Co-op) Programs:
    • Georgia Tech offers co-op programs that allow students to gain work experience while earning a salary. Co-op students often alternate between semesters of work and study, which can impact tuition costs.
  10. Study Abroad Programs:
    • If you participate in study abroad programs, be aware of any additional costs associated with international experiences.
  11. Financial Planning:
    • Consider creating a financial plan that includes tuition, fees, and living expenses. Understanding the overall cost of attendance will help you budget effectively.
  12. Payment Plans:
    • Georgia Tech may offer payment plans that allow you to spread tuition payments throughout the academic year, easing the financial burden.

It’s essential to thoroughly research and understand the specific costs of your academic program and personal circumstances. Contact the Georgia Tech Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for personalized assistance and the most accurate tuition and financial support information.

Georgia Tech Scholarships

Georgia Tech offers a range of scholarships to help students fund their education. These scholarships are awarded based on various criteria, including academic achievement, leadership, and financial need. Here are some key types of scholarships available at Georgia Tech:

  1. President’s Scholarship Program:
    • This highly competitive program awards scholarships to Georgia residents with exceptional academic achievement, leadership, and community involvement.
  2. Provost Scholarship Program:
    • Like the President’s Scholarship, the Provost Scholarship is awarded to non-Georgia residents with outstanding academic records and demonstrated leadership and community engagement.
  3. Dean’s Scholarship Program:
    • This program recognizes students with exceptional academic achievements and provides scholarships to Georgia and non-Georgia residents.
  4. Georgia Tech Promise Program:
    • The Georgia Tech Promise Program ensures that all eligible Georgia residents can afford to attend Georgia Tech without taking out loans. It covers the full cost of attendance, including tuition, fees, and room and board, for students with family incomes up to a certain threshold.
  5. Scheller College of Business Scholarships:
    • The Scheller College of Business offers various scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing business-related degrees. These scholarships may be based on academic merit, leadership, or other criteria.
  6. College of Engineering Scholarships:
    • The College of Engineering provides scholarships for students pursuing engineering degrees. These scholarships may be awarded based on academic achievement, leadership, and contributions to the engineering community.
  7. Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Scholarships:
    • The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts offers scholarships for students majoring in liberal arts disciplines. These scholarships may support students with strong academic records and a commitment to the liberal arts.
  8. Georgia Tech Athletic Scholarships:
    • Student-athletes may be eligible for athletic scholarships based on their performance in sports. These scholarships help support students both academically and athletically.
  9. Georgia Tech Graduate Fellowships:
    • Graduate students may access various fellowships and assistantships that financially support their studies and research.
  10. External Scholarships and Grants:
    • Georgia Tech encourages students to explore external scholarships offered by private organizations, foundations, and government agencies.

It’s essential for prospective students to check the specific eligibility criteria and application processes for each scholarship. The Georgia Tech Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid provides detailed information and assistance regarding available scholarships and financial aid programs.

Student Life at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech offers a vibrant student life with various opportunities for engagement and personal development. The university has a supportive and collaborative community, with over 400 student organizations and a thriving alumni network, providing numerous ways for students to build lifelong friendships and pursue their interests. The university is committed to student well-being and success, offering resources and support to help students navigate their academic and personal journeys.

Georgia Tech’s diverse student body, with students from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and over 100 countries, contributes to a prosperous and inclusive campus environment. Admitted students can access the Georgia Tech Admitted site, which provides information on the following steps to enroll: financial aid, housing, and student life, helping them prepare to transition to the university.

a group of public relations students gathered in one table

Academics at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech is renowned for its strong emphasis on academics. Here are vital aspects of academics at Georgia Tech:

  1. STEM Focus:
    • Georgia Tech is known for its leadership in STEM disciplines, including engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, and more. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in these areas.
  2. Undergraduate Programs:
    • The university offers a wide range of undergraduate programs across multiple disciplines. Popular undergraduate majors include computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and business administration.
  3. Graduate Programs:
    • Georgia Tech offers a comprehensive array of graduate programs, including master’s and doctoral degrees. Graduate students engage in advanced research and contribute to cutting-edge developments in their respective fields.
  4. Research Opportunities:
    • The university strongly emphasizes research, and students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, have access to extensive research opportunities. Georgia Tech is a leader in innovation and technological advancements.
  5. Cooperative Education (Co-op) Programs:
    • Georgia Tech’s co-op programs allow students to gain practical work experience while pursuing their degrees. Co-op students alternate between academic semesters and work terms, allowing them to apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings.
  6. Interdisciplinary Approach:
    • Georgia Tech encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, recognizing that many challenges and opportunities require expertise from multiple fields. Students can explore courses outside their major and engage in cross-disciplinary projects.
  7. Global Perspective:
    • The university promotes a global perspective in education. Students have opportunities to participate in international programs, study abroad, and collaborate with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  8. Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
    • Georgia Tech fosters an entrepreneurial spirit, supporting students in translating their ideas into real-world applications. The Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship provides resources for students interested in startups and innovation.
  9. Faculty Excellence:
    • Georgia Tech’s faculty members are leaders in their respective fields, contributing to groundbreaking research and academic advancements. Students benefit from learning from top-tier professors actively engaged in their disciplines.
  10. Advanced Facilities:
    • The campus has state-of-the-art laboratories, research centers, and facilities supporting academic and research endeavors. Students have access to resources that enhance their learning experience.
  11. Honors Program:
    • Georgia Tech offers an Honors Program for academically talented students. The program provides a more challenging and enriching academic experience, including smaller classes and specialized courses.
  12. Online Learning:
    • Georgia Tech offers online and distance learning options, providing flexibility for students who cannot attend classes on campus.

Whether pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies, students at Georgia Tech benefit from a rigorous academic environment, hands-on experiences, and the opportunity to contribute to advancements in science and technology.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Georgia Tech offers a vibrant array of clubs and extracurricular activities catering to diverse interests. Here are specific examples of clubs and activities at Georgia Tech:

  1. Robotics Club:
    • The Robotics Club at Georgia Tech provides a platform for students interested in building and programming robots. Members often participate in competitions and projects that showcase their technical skills.
  2. HackGT:
    • HackGT is an annual hackathon organized by Georgia Tech students. It brings together students from various disciplines to collaborate on innovative projects, create software solutions, and network with industry professionals.
  3. Student Government Association (SGA):
    • The SGA represents the student body and works on initiatives to enhance campus life. Students can participate in SGA committees, advocacy, and events that address student needs and concerns.
  4. Solar Racing Team:
    • The Solar Racing Team designs and builds solar-powered vehicles to participate in competitions. This hands-on experience allows students to apply engineering principles in a real-world context.
  5. Cultural and Diversity Organizations:
    • Georgia Tech hosts a variety of cultural and diversity organizations that celebrate and promote different cultural backgrounds. Examples include the African Student Association, Indian Cultural Exchange, and Hispanic Student Association.
  6. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs:
    • Georgia Tech encourages entrepreneurship, and students can engage in programs like CREATE-X, which provides resources and mentorship for turning ideas into startups. The Startup Exchange is a student-led organization fostering an entrepreneurial community.
  7. Ramblin’ Wreck Club:
    • This club celebrates Georgia Tech’s iconic mascot, the Ramblin’ Wreck. Members are involved in maintaining and showcasing the vintage car at events, embodying school spirit.
  8. GT Motorsports:
    • GT Motorsports is a student-led organization that designs, builds, and races formula-style race cars. It provides engineering students with hands-on experience in automotive design and manufacturing.
  9. The Technique (Student Newspaper):
    • The Technique is Georgia Tech’s student newspaper, providing a platform for students to share news, opinions, and features about campus life, events, and achievements.
  10. WREK Radio:
    • WREK Radio is the student-run radio station at Georgia Tech. Students can get involved in broadcasting, music selection, and other aspects of radio production.
  11. Georgia Tech Model United Nations (GTMUN):
    • GTMUN is a student-led organization that allows members to participate in Model United Nations conferences, engaging in diplomacy, debate, and international affairs simulations.
  12. Outdoor Recreation Club:
    • This club caters to outdoor enthusiasts, organizing hiking, camping, and climbing trips. It provides students with opportunities to explore Georgia’s natural surroundings.

These examples represent just a fraction of the numerous clubs and activities available at Georgia Tech. With over 400 student organizations, students can pursue their passions, develop leadership skills, and form lasting connections with their peers.

a sociologist interviewing a couple

Notable Georgia Tech alumni

Georgia Tech boasts a distinguished list of alumni who have made significant contributions in various fields, including technology, business, science, and academia. Here are some notable Georgia Tech alumni:

  1. Jimmy Carter (B.S. Industrial Engineering, 1947):
    • Carter, the 39th President of the United States, studied industrial engineering at Georgia Tech. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his humanitarian work.
  2. Satya Nadella (M.S. Computer Science, 1990):
    • Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, earned his master’s degree in computer science from Georgia Tech. Under his leadership, Microsoft has seen substantial growth and innovation.
  3. Chris Klaus (B.S. Computer Science, 1993):
    • An entrepreneur and technology innovator, Klaus co-founded Internet Security Systems (ISS) and later established cybersecurity firm Kaneva.
  4. André Borschberg (M.S. Aerospace Engineering, 1994):
    • A Swiss entrepreneur and pilot, Borschberg co-piloted the Solar Impulse, the first solar-powered aircraft to circumnavigate the globe.
  5. Dean DuPont (B.S. Industrial Engineering, 1973):
    • An accomplished business executive, DuPont has held leadership positions at major corporations, including serving as the CFO of Coca-Cola Enterprises.
  6. Mary Lou Jepsen (B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1987):
    • Jepsen, a leading technologist and entrepreneur, co-founded One Laptop per Child and later worked on cutting-edge display technologies at companies like Google and Facebook.
  7. G. Wayne Clough (B.S. Civil Engineering, 1964):
    • An engineer and academic administrator, Clough served as the President of Georgia Tech and later as the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
  8. Brenda Berkman (B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1974):
    • A retired firefighter, Berkman became one of the first female firefighters in the New York City Fire Department. She has been an advocate for women’s rights and gender equality.
  9. Gary May (Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, 1991):
    • The Chancellor of the University of California, Davis, May is a respected scholar and academic leader in electrical engineering.
  10. Charles “Wes” Moak (B.S. Industrial Engineering, 1969):
    • A retired U.S. Army lieutenant general, Moak served as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics and Operations for the Department of the Army.
  11. A.G. Lafley (B.S. Industrial Engineering, 1977):
    • The former CEO and Chairman of Procter & Gamble, Lafley is known for his strategic leadership and innovation in the consumer goods industry.
  12. G.P. “Bud” Peterson (Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, 1975):
    • The former President of Georgia Tech, Peterson is an engineer and academic administrator who has contributed to advancing engineering education.

These alumni showcase the diverse accomplishments and impact that graduates of Georgia Tech have had on the world. From technology and business to public service and academia, Georgia Tech alumni continue to excel in their respective fields.


Georgia Tech’s acceptance rate of 16% reflects the university’s commitment to selecting exceptional students who are not only academically bright but also passionate about their chosen field. As the competition intensifies, prospective students must present a well-rounded application showcasing their achievements, leadership skills, and commitment to making a difference. Despite the challenges, Georgia Tech offers an incredible opportunity for students to learn, innovate, and contribute to society.

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