
How Hard Is AP World History? A Comprehensive Guide

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

Asian students taking an exam

How Hard Is AP World History? A Comprehensive Guide

AP World History is a rigorous course that challenges students to understand the complexities of global history.

It is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college-level coursework. While many students find AP World History to be difficult, it is a valuable experience that can lead to great academic success.

What is AP World History and Why is it Important?

Advanced Placement (AP) World History is a college-level course that covers significant events, movements, and themes in world history from approximately 8000 BCE to the present day. The course is designed to challenge students to think critically and make connections between historical events and contemporary issues.

AP World History is important because it provides students with the opportunity to gain college-level experience while still in high school. This experience can help prepare students for the academic rigors of college and assist them in achieving their future academic goals.

Moreover, AP World History also helps students develop important skills such as critical thinking, research, and analysis. These skills are not only valuable in academic settings but also in various career paths.

Additionally, studying world history can broaden students’ perspectives and understanding of different cultures, societies, and global issues, which is crucial in today’s interconnected world.

Understanding the AP World History Exam Format

The AP World History Exam consists of two sections: Section I, which includes 55 multiple-choice questions, and Section II, which includes three essay questions. The multiple-choice questions comprise 40% of the exam score, while the essay questions comprise 60%. The exam lasts for three hours and 15 minutes.

It is important to know the exam format before taking the exam. Becoming familiar with the exam format can help students better manage their time and prepare more effectively.

Additionally, the AP World History Exam covers six different historical periods, from prehistory to the present day. These periods include the foundations of human civilization, the classical period, the post-classical period, the early modern period, the modern period, and the contemporary period.

Each period covers a different set of historical events, developments, and themes, and it is important for students to have a strong understanding of each period in order to do well on the exam.unidentified student taking a test

Preparing for the AP World History Exam: Tips and Strategies

Preparing for the AP World History Exam can be a daunting task, but there are several tips and strategies that can help students succeed. One important strategy is to develop a study plan that includes reviewing notes, practicing with past exam questions, and utilizing study materials such as review books and online resources.

Another important strategy is to take advantage of opportunities to discuss course material with peers and teachers. This can provide valuable insights and help students better understand complex topics.

Additionally, it is important for students to familiarize themselves with the exam format and structure. This includes understanding the types of questions that will be asked, the time limits for each section, and the scoring rubric. By knowing what to expect on exam day, students can feel more confident and prepared.

Finally, it is crucial for students to take care of their physical and mental health during the exam preparation process. This includes getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking breaks to avoid burnout. By prioritizing self-care, students can ensure that they are in the best possible state to tackle the exam and perform to the best of their abilities.

AP World History Study Resources: What to Use and How to Utilize Them

There are many study resources available for students preparing for the AP World History Exam. Some popular resources include the official AP World History course and exam description, review books such as the Princeton Review and Barron’s, and online resources such as Khan Academy and Quizlet.

It is important to use study resources effectively by creating a study plan and utilizing resources that align with individual learning needs and preferences.

Additionally, students can also benefit from forming study groups with classmates or seeking help from teachers and tutors. Collaborating with others can provide a different perspective and help reinforce understanding of key concepts. It is also important to take practice exams and review past exams to identify areas of weakness and focus on improving those areas.

By utilizing a variety of study resources and strategies, students can feel confident and prepared for the AP World History Exam.

Common Challenges Faced by AP World History Students and How to Overcome Them

AP World History can present several challenges for students, including the volume of material, the level of detail required, and the complexity of the exam format.

To overcome these challenges, students should focus on developing effective study habits, seeking support from teachers and peers, and utilizing study resources that align with individual learning needs.

Another challenge that AP World History students may face is the difficulty in understanding and analyzing primary sources. This can be especially challenging for students who are not familiar with the historical context or language used in the sources.

To overcome this challenge, students should practice analyzing primary sources regularly and seek guidance from their teachers or peers when needed.

In addition, time management can also be a challenge for AP World History students, as there is a lot of material to cover and the exam format requires quick thinking and writing skills.

To overcome this challenge, students should create a study schedule that allows them to cover all the material in a timely manner, practice timed writing exercises, and prioritize their study time based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.Female student writing in a desk.

The Role of Time Management in AP World History Success

Effective time management is essential for success in AP World History. Students should create a study schedule that balances academic work with other commitments, prioritize studying for the exam, and utilize time management strategies such as setting goals and breaking down material into manageable tasks.

One important aspect of time management in AP World History is staying organized. Students should keep track of assignments, due dates, and exam dates in a planner or digital calendar. This will help them stay on top of their workload and avoid last-minute cramming.

Another key factor in time management is taking breaks. While it may seem counterintuitive, taking short breaks during study sessions can actually improve productivity and retention of information. Students should aim to take a 5-10 minute break every hour or so to recharge and refocus.

Practice Makes Perfect: How to Practice Effectively for the AP World History Exam

Practicing with past exam questions and writing essays can be a valuable tool for success on the AP World History Exam. By practicing these skills, students can become more comfortable with the exam format and develop the skills necessary to succeed on the essay questions.

Another effective way to practice for the AP World History Exam is to create study groups with classmates. By discussing and debating historical events and concepts, students can gain a deeper understanding of the material and learn from each other’s perspectives.

Additionally, teaching the material to others can also help solidify knowledge and improve retention. Study groups can also provide a supportive environment for students to ask questions and receive feedback on their understanding of the material.

Essential Concepts and Themes in AP World History: A Review Guide

There are several essential concepts and themes in AP World History, including the rise and fall of empires, the impact of technology, and the importance of cultural exchange. A review guide can help students better understand these concepts and themes and prepare effectively for the exam.

Another important concept in AP World History is the role of religion in shaping societies and cultures. Throughout history, religion has played a significant role in shaping political, social, and economic systems. From the spread of Christianity in Europe to the influence of Islam in the Middle East, religion has had a profound impact on the development of civilizations.

Understanding the role of religion in history is crucial for students studying AP World History, and a review guide can provide valuable insights into this topic.

Analyzing Historical Sources on the AP World History Exam: What You Need to Know

A student taking an examThe AP World History Exam includes questions that require students to analyze historical sources. To succeed on these questions, students should be familiar with primary and secondary sources, understand how to analyze and evaluate sources, and develop critical thinking skills.

Primary sources are firsthand accounts of historical events, while secondary sources are interpretations or analyses of those events.

It is important for students to be able to distinguish between the two and understand the strengths and limitations of each type of source. For example, primary sources may provide more accurate information about the time period being studied, but they may also be biased or incomplete.

Secondary sources, on the other hand, may provide a broader perspective on the historical event, but they may also be influenced by the author’s own biases or interpretations.

In addition to understanding the different types of sources, students should also be able to analyze and evaluate them. This includes considering the author’s perspective, purpose, and intended audience, as well as the historical context in which the source was created.

By doing so, students can better understand the significance of the source and its relevance to the historical event being studied.

Key Historical Figures and Events to Know for the AP World History Exam

There are several important historical figures and events that students should be familiar with for the AP World History Exam. These include figures such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon, as well as events such as the Industrial Revolution and World War II.

Another important figure to know for the AP World History Exam is Mansa Musa, the 14th century emperor of the Mali Empire. He is known for his immense wealth and his famous hajj to Mecca, during which he distributed so much gold that it caused inflation in the regions he passed through.

Additionally, the Silk Road was a significant trade route that connected China to the Mediterranean world, and played a crucial role in the exchange of goods, ideas, and culture between the East and West.

The Importance of Writing Skills in AP World History: Tips for Writing Strong Essays

Strong writing skills are essential for success on the essay questions of the AP World History Exam. To write strong essays, students should develop a clear thesis statement, provide evidence to support their arguments, and organize their thoughts in a logical manner.

Additionally, it is important for students to understand the historical context of the topic they are writing about. This means researching the time period, events, and people involved in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Furthermore, students should also be aware of the different types of essay prompts that may appear on the exam, such as comparative, causation, and continuity and change over time. By understanding these different types of prompts, students can tailor their writing approach to effectively address the specific prompt given.Portrait of young nerdy student studying with textbooks and write quotations on a book

How Grading Works on the AP World History Exam

The AP World History Exam is graded on a scale of 1-5, with a score of 5 being the highest possible score. Raw scores are converted to scaled scores using a scoring rubric that takes into account the difficulty of the exam questions.

It is important to note that the AP World History Exam is not curved, meaning that a student’s score is not affected by the performance of other students taking the exam. Instead, the exam is graded based on a set standard, with specific criteria for each score level.

In addition, the AP World History Exam includes both multiple-choice and free-response questions. The multiple-choice section accounts for 40% of the total score, while the free-response section accounts for the remaining 60%.

The free-response section includes a document-based question, a continuity and change-over-time essay, and a comparative essay.

What if You Don’t Pass the AP World History Exam? Your Options Explained

If a student does not pass the AP World History Exam, they may have the option to retake the exam the following year or take another AP course instead. It is important to discuss options with a guidance counselor or teacher and determine the best course of action.

Additionally, some colleges and universities may still accept students who did not pass the AP World History Exam, but it may affect their ability to receive college credit or advanced placement. It is important to research the policies of the specific institution and program before making a decision.

Real Student Experiences with Taking and Passing the AP World History Exam

While AP World History is a challenging course, many students have successfully passed the exam and gained valuable experience and knowledge. Real student experiences can provide valuable insights into the exam process and tips for success.

In conclusion, AP World History is a challenging but rewarding course that can provide valuable experience and prepare students for future academic success. By utilizing effective study strategies, developing strong writing skills, and utilizing valuable study resources, students can succeed on the AP World History Exam and achieve their academic goals.

One student who successfully passed the AP World History Exam shared that they found it helpful to create study groups with classmates. They found that discussing the material with others helped them to better understand and retain the information. Additionally, they recommended utilizing practice exams and review books to prepare for the exam.

Another student shared that they struggled with time management during the exam. They recommended practicing timed writing exercises and creating a schedule for the exam day to ensure they had enough time to complete each section. They also emphasized the importance of staying calm and focused during the exam.Group of students smiling at the camera.

AdmissionSight is Here to Help You!

To maximize your chances of success in college applications, consider seeking expert guidance. AdmissionSight offers invaluable assistance to students like you, providing personalized consultations to help you navigate the complex college admissions process.

Booking an initial consultation with us can help you gain insights into crafting a compelling application, highlighting your achievements in AP World History and other areas, and showcasing your unique strengths and experiences.

Remember, your journey to college is an exciting and transformative one, and we are here to support you every step of the way. So don’t hesitate! Book your initial consultation with us today and take the first step towards achieving your college goals.


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